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Dark Sun Station

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Pale hands freckled with bright crimson blood closed tightly against their restraints. The pain that ricochet through her legs from the skinning pulsed with every beat of her heart.  Her amethyst eyes looked up to meet the pale blue eyes of the once Jedi Grandmaster. She moved her head to meet his touch, imagining for a moment the comfort that touch would have brought. Tears came then again, leaving crimson stains in their wake.

“I have lost everything. Everyone. I can't even use the damn force, I failed there too.”

Her voice was a sob, wracked by every breath she tried to take. Her eyes were wide.

“I want to die. Why can’t I die?”

Her eyes stared back at his.


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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Her words would have brought him to tears had he still held the ability cry. So instead, he leaned down going to both knees and embraced her within his presence. 

<< Why do you want to die? Do you really think that you have nothing left to offer? >>

Kirlocca quickly pointed at himself. 

<< I can tell you that death, while not the end, is a journey that upon embarking on it... leaves you far more detached then you ever would have been. To remain behind is to help guide the galaxy to its next turn. >>

Placing both of his paws within his lap, he tilted his slightly to the left and stared into her eyes. 

<< Do you remember my parting words to you on Carida? >>

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  • 3 weeks later...

"I can fight the Sith, I can do it, but I am so lonely, Everyone I cared for is with you now. In that space beyond us." 

Her voice faltered as she choked back a vicious sob, every breath a spawning a violent coughing spree that misted pink blood onto her already blood covered bare knees. 

"You said I should wait for you. And I did..." 

She sobbed again, whatever shields had kept her regal appearance in check for the interrogation fully broken now as her heart searched the force that spun around her in a cyclone of anger, remorse, and sorrow. 

"I know I need to press on, but I-

-I am afraid to Kirlocca." 


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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  • 1 month later...

Kirlocca sat down upon the floor in a way that he would be able to look directly into her eyes without having either strain to look upon each other. His eyes became soft and warm, his posture welcomed her to cry. 

<< I did tell you to wait for me, and here you sit, waiting for me. But I also told you that you were starting something that would draw the eyes of others to you. That has not changed. You set a ripple effect within the Force. It has inspired others and motivated others to move towards you. >>

Kirlocca now moved in and gave her a hug. While her bondage would not allow for her to hug back, and him not actually having a physical body to embrace her made the hug slightly awkward at best. But he knew that his presence filled her up in the attempt. A she finished, he stood back up and gave her a soft smile, knowing that his next words may be his last. 

<< Now, hold on to hope. This is not your end. >>

With that, Kirlocca slowly vanished back into the Force. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

A light hour away from where Dark Sun Station was hovering, a series of flashes interrupted the blackness of space. A half dozen or so Jedi ships emerged from hyperspace and reoriented themselves around the large MC90 cruiser. Adenna was on the bridge with Admiral Antilles as the streaks of hyperspace coalesced into small points of light. As soon as the fleet reverted, the bridge erupted into a dull roar as various officers began coordinating among each other with short range comms. The officers were nervous, excited, and full of anticipation mixed with a bit of dread that Adenna had become very accustomed to being around in all of the ships and squads facing apparent combat. It was a sense that she had grown to appreciate and enjoy because it kept her on edge and finely honed.

Scouts in stealth ships were deployed and made a micro-jump to get a closer look at the station before the rest of the fleet went in. It didn't take long for them to realize that their hopes for catching the station unguarded were wistful. As soon as word reached the fleet that a large Black Sun force was there, the mood on the bridge began to change to one of apprehension. Even if their Imperial Remnant allies were able to arrive in sizable numbers, this would still be a large battle and many would inevitably die.

It did't take long for Adenna to realize that they would have to bring even more ships than expected. She had hoped to catch the station without defenses, but that clearly wasn't going to happen. Now, instead of having a second fleet to enact the second part of the grand strategy she and the other officers had formulated, she would need to summon those ships as well to join the fight here.

"Contact Commodore Neldis," she said. "Inform him that he is to bring his entire task force to join us here. We will need far more ships than originally planned. Perhaps, if the Force wills it, we will be able to trap and crush the Black Sun's forces before their Sith masters can rescue them."

Adenna Sig


Send PM's to Travis.

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First on sensors would be the St Cathryne, the old warhorse of the Black Sun, dating back some twenty years to the rule of Smash Daisaku, the sleek curves of Mon Calamari design showing stark contrast to its sisters as the flashed out of hyperspace around the Citadel. Beside it was the twin sister Star Destroyers, Mephistopheles and Holofernes, the wicked edges of their borrowed Sith design bristling with turbolasers and cannonade. The corvette Marie stood at the leading edge of the flotilla its heavily modified sensors laying down a wide field jamming layer as its fast engines propelled it in evasive maneuvers around the leading edge of the mighty fleet. Laid down during the reign of the ‘Old Pretender’ Ronin Wartide at the Red Dawn shipyards on Outremer, the Marie was the ship with the longest history in the Black Sun fleet. It had taken part in the massacre at Naboo, Cloud City, and Gala.

The rest of the fleet also was there, in their stark magnificence. Deployed En mass around the Citadel. 


The Black Sun Armada
AP: 26
12 TIE Defender Squadrons
8 XJ Squadrons
18 K-Wing Squadrons
12 A-Wing Squadrons
2 Uriel ARC Squadrons

Ship Class: Star Destroyer
Type: Sith Kyber
Crew: 40,000 crew
50 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
75 Turbolaser Batteries
20 Heavy Ion Cannons
8 Octuple barbette turbolaser
4 Concussion Missile Launchers
10 Heavy Tractor Beam Projectors
Complement: 4,000 Troops, 4 TIE Defender squadrons, 2 K-Wing Squadrons, 2 XJ Squadrons
AP: 4

Ship Class: Star Destroyer
Type: Sith Kyber
Crew: 40,000 crew
50 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
75 Turbolaser Batteries
20 Heavy Ion Cannons
8 Octuple barbette turbolaser
4 Concussion Missile Launchers
10 Heavy Tractor Beam Projectors
Complement: 4,000 Troops, 4 TIE Defender squadrons, 2 K-Wing Squadrons, 2 XJ Squadrons
AP: 4

Sariel's Judgement
Ship Class: Cruiser
Type: Victory II-class Star Destroyer
Crew: 6,000 crew
10 quad turbolaser batteries
20 turbolaser batteries
20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
10 Heavy Ion Cannons
Complement: 3,000 Troops, 3 K-wing squadrons, 3 RZ-1 A-wing interceptor Squadrons
AP: 3

Red Hussar
Ship Class: Cruiser
Type: Victory II-class Star Destroyer
Crew: 6,000 crew
10 quad turbolaser batteries
20 turbolaser batteries
20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
10 Heavy Ion Cannons
Complement: 3,000 Troops, 3 K-wing squadrons, 3 RZ-1 A-wing interceptor Squadrons
AP: 3

Silent Spring
Ship Class: Cruiser
Type: Victory II-class Star Destroyer
Crew: 6,000 crew
10 quad turbolaser batteries
20 turbolaser batteries
20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
10 Heavy Ion Cannons
Complement: 3,000 Troops, 3 K-wing squadrons, 3 RZ-1 A-wing interceptor Squadrons
AP: 3

St. Cathryne
Ship Class: Cruiser
Type: MC30c
Crew: 900 crew
Starfighter/Troop Complement: 3,000 Troops 4 TIE Defender Squadrons, 2 K-Wing Squadrons
2 Heavy Assault MG1-A proton torpedo launchers
16 Medium Turbolaser batteries
16 Twin laser cannon batteries
6 cluster bomb launchers
AP: 3

Canto Bight Fiasco
Ship Class: Frigate
Type: EF76-3 Nebulon-B2 escort frigate
Crew: 900 crew
12 Taim & Bak XI7 turbolasers
12 Borstel RH8 laser cannons
2 Heavy Torpedo Launchers
Complement: 2,000 troops, 2 K-Wing Squadrons, 2 XJ Squadrons
AP: 2

Totenkopf II
Ship Class: Corvette
Type: Agave-class picket ship
Crew: 60 crew
4 turbolaser cannons
4 Point defense laser batteries
Gravity Well projector.
Starfighter/Troop Complement: 1,000 troops, 2 RZ-1 A-wing interceptor squadrons
AP: 1


Ship Class: Corvette
Type: CR-90 Modified 
Crew: 95 crew
Deep range sensor package
Upgraded thruster package
10 Point Defense Guns
Complement: 1,000 troops, 2 Uriel class modified ARC170Es Squadrons
AP: 1

The Marie
Ship Class: Corvette
Type: Corellian CR-90E Heavily Modified
Crew: 130 crew
Complement: 1,000 troops 2 2 XJ Squadrons
5 turbolaser turrets
4 point defense guns
Advanced sensor/jamming package

AP: 1


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The voyage to Dark Sun was not easy. Located deep in the sectors previously controlled by the Corporate Sector Authority, the star charts that the Galactic Alliance possessed for this region had not been updated for some time. It was an already difficult transition through a region of space so dense with stars that some of the fleet’s older tenders could not even properly plot out routes through the quagmire of competing gravity wells.


What made it an arduous journey, however, was the unnerving sensation that the fleet must have tripped a proximity sensor or a surveillance probe or some other early-warning system that Black Sun had left to alert them to unwanted visitors. With the crime syndicate having found themselves in possession of the single most valuable head in the galaxy, they must have anticipated a rescue attempt and laid a trap. But as the armada popped in and out of hyperspace to confirm their position and reroute around stellar hazards, no fleet was lying in ambush. No battery of orbital turbolasers opened fire upon the fleet. None of their re-entry points were even mined.


“Andromina, you’re first out the hangar.” Slaughter had briefed the commando just prior to the last jump. The Admiral had considered leaving her TIE Defenders in reserve as a surprise for the Black Sunners, but the possibility that the fleet was about to revert into a free-fire zone could not be discounted.


Finally, the jump to the rendezvous point. The veteran soldier remained on the bridge during this final hour, waiting for a barrage of turbolaser fire to greet their re-entry from hyperspace… but instead the formation found itself in the middle of a formation of allied vessels from the Jedi Order. About them was an unexceptional star orbited by unexceptional planets and unexceptional moons--many light-years from civilization, this system would have held little value to any but a mining corporation or a criminal gang.


The moment fleet arrived out of hyperspace, its recon A-Wings were dispersed throughout the fleet in search of any emplacements that might await their approach on Dark Sun Station. Speedy little interceptors equipped with sensor jammers, they would be well-equipped to flee if any opposition was encountered. At the nucleus of this squadron was the Steadfast and Fidelity, two MC90 Star Cruisers that had so recently been battle-damaged by the disaster at Coruscant that the repair crews hadn’t even had the opportunity to paint over the repaired armor plating. The Phalanx, a worn Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser held one flank, and the Kalidor, a more modern Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser at the other. Within this formation prowled and twisted a trio of corvettes, ready to break off to support a starfighter attack.


On the bridge of the Steadfast, Slaughter regarded the incoming sensor data from the coalition’s scouts with apprehension. In a star system like this, there would be little opportunity for clever maneuvers or gambits--it was going to be a slugging match, each side dealing out tremendous blows and suffering tremendous casualties. He hailed the flagship of the Jedi formation in a text communique, confirming their position and transmitting planned maneuvers. They were not subtle.


Jedi fleet, Steadfast Actual. Good to see you. Will focus efforts on enemy Star Destroyers and Golan. Surviving forces will blockade and demand release of target.



Galactic Alliance Fleet:

Total AP: 17

Fighter Squadrons:

16 XJ Squadrons

11 K-Wing Squadrons

6 A-Wing Squadrons

1 TIE Defender Squadron



MC90 Cruiser


75 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries

30 ion cannons

6 proton torpedo launchers

8 tractor beam emplacements



MC90 Cruiser


75 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries

30 ion cannons

6 proton torpedo launchers

8 tractor beam emplacements



Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser


Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (30)

Ion Cannons (20)

Laser Cannons (20)

Concussion Missile Tubes (8)

Tractor Beam Projectors (8)

Antimissile octets (~20)



Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser


20 Quad Laser Cannons

15 Turbolasers

15 Laser Cannons

4 Ion Cannons

1 Warhead Launcher with 25 Concussion Missiles



DP20 Frigate (Corellian Gunship)


8 Double Turbolaser Cannons

6 Quad Laser Cannons

4 Concussion Missile Tubes



DP20 Frigate (Corellian Gunship)


8 Double Turbolaser Cannons

6 Quad Laser Cannons

4 Concussion Missile Tubes



Warrior-class Frigate


10 Turbolaser Cannons

8 Laser Cannons

4 Concussion Missile Tubes

Antimissile Octets



Edited by ObliviousKnight



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Beth cocked her head to the side and triggered the line cable comm to Slaughter’s console. Being piped along the fuel lines from the communications and munitions hookup at the bottom of the TIE Defender,  it could not be intercepted. At least until the fighter broke from its docking location and ejected the fuel and power transmission line.


“Acknowledged Steadfast Actual. Templars beginning flight pattern.”


She flipped the communications to shortband with a flick of a switch and nodded to the flight deck controller who waved his glowrod. Deck crew got behind cover stations, and the TIE fighter squadron shot from the hanger into the cold depths of space. They would be flying recon until the engagement. Beth smiled as she watched the black painted Star Destroyer Misericordia emerge from hyperspace alongside the Galactic Alliance fleet. Standing in stark contrast to the rest of the fleet. The last imperial capital ship that had survived Kuat. This would be a fight to remember.




Ship Class: Star Destroyer

Type: ISD-II

Crew: 10,000, 400 gunners


50 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (20 Forward, 15 Left, 15 Right)

50 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (20 Forward, 10 Left, 10 Right, 10 Aft)

20 Ion Cannons (10 Forward, 5 Left, 5 Right)

8 Octuple barbette turbolaser

10 Tractor Beam Projectors (6 Forward, 2 Left, 2 Right)

Complement: 4,000 Assault Troops, 4 TIE Defenderr Squadrons, 4 Scimitar Assault Bomber Squadrons

AP: 4




Rebel Alliance Fleet Command - Lieutenant

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A second Jedi fleet that was previously from Borelias reverted from hyperspace and began to align itself with the growing formation. The Jedi forces had but two heavy capital ships, but did also offer a larger mix of smaller, more diverse craft. Coupled with the Imperial Remnant and the Galactic Alliance forces, it was a powerful fleet nonetheless. Another, smaller Jedi task force was also set to join them from Nar Shaddaa. When all had arrived and all plans were set, the fleet would make a microjump and launch their attack and rescue mission.


Jedi Forces:

Jedi Order Asset Google Docs (all Jedi fleet elements will be involved)



Total AP 29 pts

2 capital ships

8 frigates

5 corvettes


50 squads of fighters/interceptors of various models though some have heavier weapons, 8 squadrons of bombers mix of B-wings and refurbished Y-wings. Details on Google Doc

Various Jedi ships are using older fighters/bombers or less lethal technology, though some have been upgraded with modern military capacities. Details are in the "Fleet" tab of the Google Docs.


Total Allied forces: 50 AP

5 Capital ships

2 Cruisers

8 frigates

8 corvettes

Adenna Sig


Send PM's to Travis.

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The Jedi Relief Flotilla under Sandy Sarna arrived at the rear of the combined forces. Sandy herself would stay aboard the Corona class frigate Ara-Lai with its dedicated medical facilities and assist with pilot/casualty recovery. The rest of her flotilla sped ahead to assist with the attack.


Calix Meus Inebrians

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Commander Sanderson looked at the now piling up Jedi recruits for his boarding operations. His glare came to focus on the Kel-Dor and he rolled his eyes. But there was no time to pedantics, or even time to troll the poor little jedi that were about to be fed into the all consuming maw of battle. So he raised his voice so that the bridge crew and the rest of his officers could hear him.


“We will be going in the second wave, after the initial starfighter clash we will be boarding Gamma Class assault shuttles in the shuttle bay. We will then go en masse to the Imperial Star Destroyers owned by the damned Black Sun, board them. Then seize or destroy the ships. Is that clear little Jedi? All of you will be with me in shuttle 349. You are not to disobey my orders or run off ‘cause the force told me so!’ Do I make myself clear? ”





The Templars began their slow burn towards the Enemy ships as every ship in the fleet began to disgorge their fighter wings with gusto


Rebel Alliance Fleet Command - Lieutenant

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Mythos remained in silence for most of the arduous journey, his gaze fixated upon the panel before him as he watched and overheard Slaughter holding the fleet together as best he could. But Mythos had never been much of a tactician. Still, he held a certain respect for this human Coruscanti before him. He witnessed the death of his homeworld, and without flinching, had already turned his attention elsewhere. Truly, he understood the rules of war, always forward and never behind.


Mythos shifted his gaze about as they exited hyperspace just before the last jump, the Shistavanen licking at his chops out of habit as he gauged the current atmosphere. Fear was adrift, but so was anger, lingering sadness, and a sliver of hope. Emotions were so thick, he doubted that even a Jedi's lightsaber could cut it. But it was an understandable mixture. After Coruscant, morale was down, but their hearts remained within the fight, just as any true warrior should. Feeling the final jump shift his weight as he leaned against a nearby railing, Mythos empathized. They were at the doorstep of another battle, and there was no certain outcome.


Emerging, Mythos stepped forward toward the view port as comms came alive, contacts being made both to the ship's barrage of fighters including Andromina's Templars and Slaughter's announcement to the Jedi Fleet. It amazed him to see the Jedi's fleet size, so much having changed since he left behind the Galaxy he once served. But now was not the time for gawking, and Mythos slid his mask over his face as he turned back toward the Admiral, handing over the plans he was supposed to use to infiltrate. 


"Let's not let these plans fall into the hands of the Black Sun" He spoke in jest, his voice gargled not only by the permanently scarred vocal cords that were hidden behind the scar that adorned his throat, but also by the metallic mask he hid his face behind. As he dropped the plans in Slaughter's hand, he poised an important question. "Where do you need an old Shistavanen like myself Admiral?"

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Once the Justice's Mandate entered hyperspace, Mjan left behind the Duros and started wandering about the ship. It was a strange feeling to say the least, as for the first time since starting his training as Jedi that the young Tsis had found himself not knowing what to do. So he walked aimlessly about, the clank of his saber like against the durasteel flooring of the ship drowned out by the hustle and bustle of the life that swarmed around him. Soldiers were preparing weapons checks for boarding parties, pilots running preflight scans on the fighters, and Jedi preparing themselves for the stance they knew they had to take. 


But Mjan was aimless, unsure what to do. So the young Tsis thought back to his time under Aira, remembering his training and the trials he had faced as he walked the halls and the hangar. Aira had been a guiding light, a hand to grasp when he was unsure. But when she wasnt around, he had always reacted upon instinct and the Force's will. He had always known what he was meant to do. But these Black Sunners were nothing in the grand scheme of things, at least in his mind, and this battle was nothing more than what he originally felt was a political ploy for the Jedi's behalf. Yet, as Aira had pointed out, a life saved was another blade of grass to settle the ripples of the darkness that threatened the serenity of the pond known as the Galaxy.


But where was his place here? What was it that the Force had willed him here for? Mjan stopped, closing his eyes and stretching his mind about as he let the Force flow around him, feeling its intertwine with the nature of man and machine, searching for its reason. And that was when he heard it, felt it even. Opening his eyes, Mjan followed his flow, turning down hall after hall until he found himself back inside the hanger, a fighter before him.


"Can we help you?" A feminine voice poised from beside him, a young Twilek girl gazing upon him with a rather confused look.


"Who's ship is this?" Mjan questioned baxk, placing a hand upon the blackened X-Wing as he marveled at it before shifting his gaze toward her. "Is it yours?"


Mjan noticed a look of sadness encompass her face as she turned back toward her three companions. "No. It was our Captain's. We... we lost him during the battle at Onderon."


Mjan lowered his gaze in embarrassment, feeling as if he had overstepped a boundary by poising such a question. "Forgive me. I didnt mean to impose. I've recently finished my training and came here after my Master made my Knighting official and was lost about where I should be...."


"So you're a Jedi?" Mjan heard her question, a sense of her mood perking up as she made the realization. Mjan smiled briefly, but only due to her excitement as he realized this couldn't have been where the Force had led him. "Only recently. That's why I feel so lost. So I searched the Force for my purpose in the upcoming battle and it led me here, or so I thought. But I can see your pain and I wouldn't impose..."


As the girl heard Mjan and realized what he was meaning, her gaze shifted toward her companions, and Mjan turned to walk away, oblivious as to their shared nods and what would happen next. "Wait... are you a good pilot?"


"I can fly, but I've never fought anything more than a couple encounters with pirates near my homeworld." Mjan spoke honestly, his face puzzled by her question. "Why do you ask?


"Good enough for us Jedi." She spoke with a chuckle as she approached the young Tsis and wrapped her arm around his neck. "We're the X-Caliber Squadron.... cheesy name I know.... but I'm sure the Captain would be honored if you flew in his place."


Taken aback, Mjan stood there in silence, unsure of what to say, but the girl drug him over to her companions and began introductions right away. "I'm Rose Vao..." She began, pointing toward her self before shifting toward a tall scruffy human. "This is Oden Sun, named after some silly God that his people worship...". Then she shifted her gaze and finger toward two male Cathars. " And these are the twins, Zac and Jax. Zac is the runt by the way." She laughed before turning toward Mjan. "And you are?"


"Mjan....Mjan Sadow." Mjan spoke with a grin, nodding his head toward each of them. "Pleased to meet you."


Just as Mjan spoke, the ship shifted beneath them as the klaxons began to blare with anticipation. Rose, Oden, and the twins began gathering their things as Rose slapped Mjan's shoulder with a smile. "Welcome to the X-Caliber Squadron, Mjan. Let's see what your made of. Lift off is in five."


As the four departed, Mjan was left alone staring at the scarred blackened X-Wing, his gaze sincere and slightly saddened that he was taking the place of their fallen comrade. But a smile graced his face once again as he realized why the Force led him here. Five more blades of grass to deter the ripples of darkness set forth by those claiming the name of his kin. His mission of redemption was beginning.

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The alarm bell rang sharply over the general chatter that had filled the bridge of the Holofernes. Forty five mouths snapped shut as the bell rang twice, its sharp clear tone cascading through the bridge with thunderous force. Triggered from proximity alarms and long range sensor sweeps, Ca’Aran glanced down at his command console and his mouth went very dry. The TAC officer reported to the bridge what the scanners were telling him. Her voice was stiff but her wide eyes told Ca’Aran that the report was as bad as he feared.


“Commander. Report.”


“Sound off.” Ca’Aran growled at the young officer, flash trained from the slave stock that populated most positions on Black Sun ships. Fiercely loyal, and trained since wipe to be everything needed aboard ships. Most command officers in the fleet were picking from the slaves captured at Onderon and Bespin a year before. Young and extremely talented. But the edge of fear made it’s way into her young voice.


“Five capital ships sir sighted beyond marker thirty eight, a smattering of smaller ships and cruisers. A significant force with IFF transponders showing a mix of ships.” Her bright purple eyes glanced down to her console where the report was dutifully scrolling along. “It looks like one IFF comes back as an imperial star destroyer with a weird name seen at Kuat, Several Jedi Ships seen at the abortive attack over Onderon, including the Adi-Wan.” She gulped again. “And the entire remaining Galactic Alliance fleet.”


“Thank you. Command. Battle Stations.”


Another young officer slapped her control panel and the bright white lighting of the bridge went a ghostly red. A general tone playing over the intercomm to all parts of the ship.This was repeated throughout the fleet and the battlestation golan.


“Navigator, take us inside the Golan’s defensive perimeter and arrange the fleet for combat. Comms officer, open message to the Sith high command and Vigo Zalis.”


This would be a fight to remember. 



The fleet began to maneuver into position, The three Victories  coming close to the two star destroyers while the cruisers and frigates/corvettes began to set up a screen in front of them. Fighters and bombers idled in position beside the fleet. 




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Those first few minutes of an engagement were delicious.


Tens of thousands of sapients, hundreds of vehicles, and millions of tons of steel stood ready on both side, prepared for the order that would hurtle them into the fires of battle. After the disasters of Onderon and Coruscant, there were few green soldiers in this fleet; most were veterans who knew the bitterness of defeat and would give anything to taste victory. Each sapient had learned to steel themselves against the cold pricklings of fear in their own way, whether through improbable boasting or superstition or quiet preparation of their gear. Slaughter had learned to embrace it.


The muscles around his ruddy face twitched as he fought the urge to smile. Eventually mastering his face into a mask of grim officership, the Admiral turned towards the Shistavenan Marshall and answered, his face cast in a sickly green glow from the bridge’s tactical pit.


“Report to the hangar and join our boarding crews. We need to take that Golan before we can make a move on Dark Sun. Force be with you, Marshall.”


Slaughter turned back towards the tactical pit and fought the urge to pace. On the left of the Galactic Alliance fleet, the main body of the Jedi force was arrayed in a crescent formation that would soon envelop the Black Sun fleet in overlapping fields of fire. The Steadfast, near the center of the task force, stood at the joint with the Jedi fleet and her sister ship Fidelity on the far right flank. In that gap approached the heavy cruisers of the Galactic Alliance and a trio of prowling corvettes, constantly on the move and ready to rush out of the formation to support a starfighter attack. By this point, the majority of the fleet’s fighter squadrons had been launched, with only two squadrons of K-Wings and two squadrons of XJ X-Wings held in reserve.


Slaughter felt a faint rumble under his feet as the Steadfast’s turbolasers rotated to bear upon the Mephistopheles, and he thought he heard the faintest of whines as his flagship’s shields were reinforced towards her bow. “Comms, let’s give them the good news.”


Slaughter coughed and retrieved a comlink from the tactical pit. His voice an unwavering growl, Slaughter’s communication went out into the open space around Dark Sun Station, unencrypted and open to be repeated by any civilian or military comlink tuned to a wide spectrum of commonly-used frequencies.


“Inhabitants of Dark Sun, this is Admiral Slaughter. In case you have been informed otherwise, the Galactic Alliance lives. Her government functions. Her armies fight on. She cares for her citizens. Black Sun is a criminal organization. It has no law, no government, no values but the greed and sadism of its leaders. It has taken hostage the Imperial Head of State, and we will have her back.


“Black Sun will deliver to us the Imperial Head of State in her present status. If any harm comes to her, its forces will be considered war-criminals and will be prosecuted to the furthest extent of martial law.” Slaughter paused. “There will be no negotiation.”


Slaughter slammed home the commlink receiver. It slipped out of his grip and fell to the deck, dangling from its perch by a steel-reinforced cord. He knew that his communique would have no effect--no doubt half the point of Black Sun taking Zinthos hostage, rather than simply executing her on live Holonet, was to lure the fleets of its enemies into a trap. But it would give the civilians aboard the asteroid base something to think about, rather than to simply watch the fireworks show around them.



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As soon as the order was given, fighters and capital ships of the Jedi Order's fleet got into position and joined the rest of their allies in the microjump that took them to just outside the enemy's position. Fleet Group One and the Reserve Flotilla were arrayed along their allies and the main attack force with the Golan between them and the Dark Sun Station. Their objective would be to destroy the Golan and the majority of the Black Sun fleet.


Jedi Fleet Group Two didn't join the rest of the force, but rather made a small detour, realigned themselves, and jumped in at another angle on the opposite side of Dark Sun Station. Their purpose was twofold: provide a potential second front while dividing the enemy's attention and to serve as the second point for the next part of their goal. As soon as all allied forces were in position, the two CC-7700 interdictor frigates powered up their gravity wells preventing the Black Sun's forces from escaping or any outside enemy forces from jumping directly on top of the allies. 


Jedi fighters, namely X and E-wing varieties, began to form up as a screen for the larger ships. Two squadrons of X-wings were sent to the Galactic Alliance to offer additional cover for their bombers. The Jedi bombers stayed in reserve behind the fleet, waiting for the fighter opposition to thin out before engaging. Admiral Antilles did not want to risk heavy focus fire on them that would result from an early charge and instead, waited until the larger ships were engaged and distracted before committing them in for bombing runs.


Though not all of the Jedi ships, especially the smaller corvettes, were heavy on firepower, they still served a purpose. Their role was to provide anti-fighter assistance and to withdraw if engaged by larger enemy ships. The four combat frigates in the main force and the Adi-Wan would focus their fire against either a Victory or one of the Kyber ISD's, whichever gave a best target. Antilles' hope was that, through dedicated and focused fire, they could quickly begin eliminating enemy ships entirely from play rather than going to a ship on ship approach that would see damage to all enemy ships, but not result in compete destruction as quickly.


Behind the main fleet was a small flotilla of boarding shuttles. The Jedi brought only around five thousand total troops to the battle. All but around three hundred were dispersed among the various Jedi ships to protect against boarding. Despite the low numbers of troops, there were several Jedi who were eager to rescue the Empress and deal out some justice upon her captors.


For now, Fleet Group Two in the opposite side would not actively engage. Their fighters and bombers were kept in defensive screens. Should an opportunity arise, they could move to directly engage Dark Sun Station. Just in case there was an easy opportunity, assault shuttles and an additional two hundred troops were among them waiting to strike at the station. Should the enemy fleet break off a group large enough to threaten that smaller force, the entire formation would begin a steady retreat, drawing the enemy farther and farther away from the main battle in hopes that the larger fleets could make much quicker work of what was left and assault Dark Sun Station.


Admiral Antilles was commanding the overall Jedi forces from the bridge of the Adi-Wan. Beside him, Grandmaster Alluyen stood calmly, trusting in the experience of her admiral rather than taking direct control. Instead, she was overseeing the Jedi themselves as well as keeping attuned to the Force and its various waves and patterns. She wasn't very well versed in Battle Meditation and wouldn't try to engage in that, but she could read the Force and get a sense of the sentients around her. She also served as a reassuring presence on the bridge of the main command ship. Plus, if any of their allies needed coordinating with, having her available and not focused on command would be a benefit. She didn't send any messages to their enemy: she didn't feel any were needed. This was war, negotiation was futile at this point until the situation here changed.

Adenna Sig


Send PM's to Travis.

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Much to her surprise, while in transit, Draygo was guided not to the bridge of the Star Destroyer for a personal meeting with the commander of the flotilla , but to one of the numerous briefing rooms on the Justice's Mandate. Nonplussed by the announcement that the commander was simply too busy to meet with a single individual, the former Grandmaster had stammered incoherently for a few seconds before following the Ensign to their destination.


"I... sorry... I didn't realize... beg pardon? Oh, yes, of course." Had been her discombobulated response to being shepherded into a briefing with the line troops of the Jedi fleet. There had been a time Draygo wouldn't have bothered asking--the former Grandmaster would have simply marched into Starlisk's office and bullied him into a personal briefing. With the rank came significant privileges, she mused while standing in the back of a crowded amphitheater, sandwiched between a Mon Calamarian marine and a Quarren medic. Then again, Draygo probably would have been at the bottom of the pit, briefing the fleet on the upcoming battle and trying not to wonder how many of the sapients looking down towards her would be dead within a few days.


Lack of rank had its benefits.



The next day, Draygo shivered in the chill of one of the hangars aboard the Justice’s Mandate, a new Nebula-class Star Destroyer. She sat cross-legged on the wing of an unfamiliar B-Wing fighter--really, the entire fighter-bomber appeared to be a long wing--with an array of weapons and armor laid out around her.


Armiena surveyed a thermal detonator, observing the munition in a manner not entirely unlike a massive bird-of-prey. Extending her senses into the weapon, she pried apart its seams with the Force, eventually removing the grenade’s priming charge from its cylindrical baradium core. What to do with the weapon? she asked herself. Without that priming charge, the grenade was little more than a baradium paperweight and a few blinking diodes. The powder within the priming charge was nontoxic and even used in some backwater planets as medicine against hypertension. She shrugged, plucked the pouch from its housing, and ate it.


The cellulose pouch was flavorless and tough, but otherwise not unpleasant.


She passed a blaster pistol to her apprentice, taking a few minutes to familiarize him with the vital functions of the weapon--safety, power and stun settings, and the magazine ejector and charging switch. “Stun settings mean that you get to say that you’re sorry afterwards. Direct hit’ll incap a hostile for at least five minutes, probably closer to ten. That’s a long time in a battle. Even a graze will numb them for a little while.”


The blue-white streaks of hyperspace receded to the blackness of hyperspace, and the hangar immediately filled with frenzied activity. Dozens of pilots raced to their ships and the air above their heads was soon occupied by snubfighters racing towards the void.


Draygo waited and extended her senses out into the void. There were innumerable pinpricks of awareness out there, along with the iridescent flares of presence of Jedi and other Force-Sensitives. One, in particular, was hauntingly familiar--for a moment, the Jedi veteran could have sworn that she had perceived a ghost. She started to probe into its general direction, only to withdraw when she realized the reason for its familiarity. Armiena couldn’t afford to distract her son in the middle of a battle.


She continued on her lecture. “Remember, we’re Jedi, not soldiers. Our job isn’t to kill people or destroy materiel, it’s to complete our objective and rescue the Imp Head of State. When we have an opening, we’ll move in fast, hit as hard as we can, and get her out of harm’s way.”


Armiena couldn’t push away the mixture of apprehension and excitement that welled within her. She needed to voice her concerns; Genesis deserved to know the cause of her distraction. “My son is out there.”


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As soon as Mjan climb aboard the blackened X-Wing, Rose' voice came across the comm, Mjan unsurprised by the gargled static that echoed through with her voice. His hands gripped tightly upon the fighter's controls as he gained a feel for it as he listened to her words. 


"Alright Mjan, our formation and maneuvers are simple. I'll take the head, you will take my left with Oden on my right and the twins will take up the rear." Her voice was sweet, and yet stern, but he understood the necessity for it. This was war, and everyone wanted to make it home. "Orders from the top are that we are to remain on a defensive standby until we are needed or engaged. Otherwise, let's enjoy the view as we kick some Sunner arse. Are ya with me boys?"


The comms filled with a mixture of roars and screams as their excitement reached maximum, but Mjan remained silent as they began to lift off and set out into space, Mjan's control on the X-Wing a bit questionable until he exited Justice's Mandate and the ship leveled out in the vastness void of space. It was slightly different from his own, but the general concept was the same, albeit with it being slightly more touchy. Still, it didnt take long for Mjan to get a subtle feel for it and settle into formation.


"It is an honor... Mjan finally spoke as they watched the distant expansion unfold. "I thank you for allowing me to accompany you in your Captain's fighter." The comms were silent for a moment before Jax spoke up, his tone more of a growl than a voice. "Dont mention it. Just survive."

Edited by MSA
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"There's an old saying that predates the Republic, one that many have used to justify whatever action they take. This battle was no different. And in the midst of this 'No deed goes unpunished' conflict, I found myself quite open and vulnerable to its logic, despite my own personal beliefs." - Genesis Stormhelm


As our journey began, I was quite surprised and confused at the way Armiena was being treated. She was a Master of the Order, and Adenna had sought out her council before when we first arrived at Borleias. Surely she would have sought her out again, as rumors of the Jedi's dwindling numbers had began to circulate. But this wasnt the case as Armiena and I were escorted to a small briefing room resembling a lecturing hall. 


While I wondered about this, I stayed silent and attentive toward the Officer below as he displayed and call off our objectives and placements, my mind mostly paying attention to the forefront that what was going on with the Jedi Order as a whole. After affirming my stance to Armiena recently, I knew I needed whatever aid I could get if I was going to survive it, and the information given gave me quite the arsenal to ponder. Especially as I had chosen a non-lethal path to walk. I knew I had the Force to rely on, but the Force could only do so much.


As the briefing was let out, I dismissed myself from Armiena's presence and went to my assigned quarters. This mission was going to be hard, as even I knew it, but I could not bring myself to ever take another life, even in defense of my own. So i needed to think, and afterwards, rest and relax.




The next day, i woke up and grabbed a few nutrient bars per my usual before heading out to catch up with Armiena. I had spent alot of time in thought last night, both planning a strategy for myself and remembering Coruscant. My best bet would be an unorthodox one, using a blaster with stunning capabilities should i need to defend myself. But Armiena seemed to have came to the same conclusion, as when i found her, she had an array of weapons and armor surrounding her. Climbing up next to her, i spoke. "Morning Master."


That was all i managed to get out as she handed a blaster my way and started describing its features to me. I kinda smiled at this, the elder Jedi's memory likely on the fritz as i used a similar weapon on Coruscant. But then again, that was a most strenuous day for all of us, so there was a chance she likely didnt see. Just as i was about to speak this to her, klaxons began to blare as we all felt the shift of exiting hyperspace reveal its self and the hangar bloomed with frantic life.


This was when I noticed the change in Armiena's demeanor, even her gaze shifted about with worry. In truth, this was the first time I had ever seen Armiena react in such a way, and it only made me worry more. What did she sense? Was it a trap? Was there an unexpected surprise looming out of view? My mind ran with questions as i grew alert, only half hearing what she spoke in continuing her lecture. I had already responded to her own display of emotions. It wasnt until she revealed the cause that I snapped back to reality and my face turned to hers, ghost white in comparison. "Your...your son?"

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Oh the anger in the Galactic Alliance’s brave last admiral’s voice was something to behold. Turbolasers were swiveling, shields were getting put on double front and range bearings calculated. It could only really end in one way. A violent death for the Black Sun. And though most of the slaves that made up the combined forces were just fine with dying by the truckload, Delta believed that there could be a better fight tomorrow. He pointed to his comm officer.


“Give me a holonet broadcast on Guard frequencies. Prepare to cut in footage file thirty four alpha from Dark Sun as well.”


The comm officer clicked several buttons on her console and held up a three count which she ticked off until she pointed at Ca’Aran. Who stood in his black Katarn class armour with red cloak. On which was embroidered the Black Sun Symbol, interposed with both the crooked black legs of Exodus’s spider and a dripping dagger. Marking him as the overall commander of the Axis fleets and the famed blood prince. He grinned coyly and looked into the holofield projector. Talking to Slaughter and the combined forces of the Jedi, Remnant, and Galactic Alliance. On open holonet frequencies.


“If your voice was any more shrill I could have sworn you were Cadio Sikot.” He left out the brag that he had killed him over Csilla. Delta was a known quantity. The hundreds of thousands  dead from just the Csilla campaign and the Galan first strike was enough to cover him in New Republic blood for an eternity.


“Of course we will let you have your Empress, though she is a little worse for wear." He held up his hands apologetically. "Not me, I'd hate to ruin such a thing as her, and really I’d hate for anyone else to die for that useless bitch. Take her and leave.” The Holonet transmission turned to where Raven was sitting in her cell, barely clothed. Staring definitely at the camera. Blood leaking from her flayed arms. Surrounded by blasters pointing at her head. The holonet transmission cut back to Delta. “Do we have terms? Or will you sacrifice ten thousand more lives for this fight?”


If he was honest about the whole thing, Black Sun had been caught. They did not expect the Combined allies to even have a fleet after their pitiful attempts over Onderon. But surely in the time it took to secure terms and deliver the useless Empress the Sith would come. They had to come. And if it turned out the Sith were cowards and didn't show? Then least no one dies. 




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Mythos' teeth flared behind the mask, the closest thing his kind could come to smile.. albeit it looked more like a snarl than that of a smile, as Slaughter spoke. The Shistavanen was ready for a good fight, and it seemed it had been served to him on a silver plate. The rise of the Mandalorians may have been what brought him out retirement, but his duty was to that of the Alliance and her people, including that of the Imperial Empress. As he turned to walk away, he uttered only a few words, words he felt that Slaughter would find consoling. "The Force wont have anything to do with our win today."


And with that, Mythos departed, never truly believing the Jedi mysticism. As far as he was concerned, it was no more than ideology. As he headed to the hangar, he listened to Slaughter's comm to the enemy echo across the Steadfast's internal speakers, his words not only mimicking his own feelings toward the current state of the GA, but as he looked out across the hanger bay, it reflected nearly everyone's as life sprung forth in waves and everyone reported in for duty as engines were filled and ships began lift off. It was truly a sight to behold, a splintered body of government coming together with its allies in a swift motion to return old wounds to those that inflicted them.


Even as the towering Shistavanen walked across its bay and climbed aboard the transport he had been assigned to, the men within held no faces of fear or despair. No, they held faces of vengeance and firm convictions, ready to lay their lives down in the line of duty just get a swing at the enemy. These were men and women whom had been backed into a corner and were ready to fight back. And for Mythos, there was no greater gratification than to know he found himself surrounded by beings of the same mentality. And it showed when the Black Sunner made his own retort to Slaughter, the men listening closely growing fired up as his words merely spat in their faces. Mythos could smell the hate in the air like that of a strong cologne. And it smelled delicious.

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The hint of a scowl tugged at the corners of Allie’s face. Her hard green eyes dug holes through the back of the calloused Commander’s face. And though he stood one inch taller than she did, Aleria felt an obelisk, towering over the man and his ignorance. But ultimately, she didn’t care. It wasn’t her place to put her values on someone else. And, disrespectful though he was, this was war. This was the time to put all else aside and sacrifice to protect and serve the people of the galaxy. Y’know, what Jedi are supposed to do… Right?


Aleria listened to the rest of the Commander’s orders with indifference. Her eyes wandered to the plates of the ship behind him and to the viewports beyond. Her hands idly grasped at the metal hilts at her hips and her feet tapped quietly on the durasteel deck-plating. Feverish thoughts buzzed in her ear like so many bugs. Her expression hadn’t changed, but her nerves were starting to rebel. Despite herself, Aleria took a moment to scan her surroundings, trying to imagine where she needed to go, trying to plan ahead.


It didn’t really help, but it gave her an excuse to dig herself out of her funk and motivated her to reacquaint herself with the joys of simple things. Like the fact that Commander Sanderson had a piece of toilet tissue stuck to the underside of his boot or that some of the recruits behind Sanderson were having a laugh. Aleria couldn’t tell what they were laughing at, but their joviality helped put her mind at ease.


Aleria was as ready as she would ever be. And, as soon as the rest of the group began to move, she carried on toward the assault shuttles and prepped herself for what was to come. It was going to be a long ride.  

Edited by Aleria Thorne


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Trying to describe this feeling was best left to a metaphor; it was like being on a rough sea, and you know there is another ship out there but you can't spot it yet. Then- you identify one another and make a straight line to each other. That was how this was working out- Tobias in his ship was making a straight line to Adenna and her ship. Keeping his heart from leaping out of his chest, he tried to play it smooth and not get too excited. Playing the part of a Jedi Master, he needed to act like it too.


Standing there in the cockpit of his ship, he felt the hazy field of an interdiction gravity cone they were about to hit- and he slapped the controls. The PIT Droid, Ni, looked at him like the human was invading the droids personal space. Not the case, but still... he was overreaching. "We were about to be pulled out anyways..." Tobias shrugged at the droid. Ni apparently just shrugged it off.


And there the ship was- the guiding light of his existence held within. "Transmit our clearance codes to the Adi-Wan, then form up as best we can. Try to make speed to the Adi-Wan until we receive orders otherwise." The little droid nodded his head and the ship started to speed up- into the Jedi Forces.


Clearing his throat, he walked back to the common room where his apprentices were there- he was caught flatfooted, he didn't know what to do with the pair- they had only started to cover combat situations. Combat situations with pirates and smugglers- were not good for them to learn the first time around. Pirates could be treacherous... especially these ones- Sith allied ones.


After boarding the Adi-Wan, and seeing his love momentarily for just moment, Tobias was back aboard his YT-2000, contemplating his next move. Should he really go to the surface? Could he make a difference if he were to go out and command another ship? The CC-7700? The Lancers Frigates? There was very little time to meditate. The surface is where his apprentices were heading, he should look out for them. Adenna was in space though- and he could cover her from his ship, or a fighter.


No, he would do better to head dirtside, well, station-side. Silently, the YT slipped back into space and positioned itself to follow the others to the station. Where was Raven in all that? Where would they go? The three of them were combat vac suits, along with the other Jedi strike team members. Tom and Tut, for starters. Three Barabel Jedi Knights, a Noghri and another two human males. The Noghri was in the top quad cannon, the human on the bottom quad. A Barabel was also staffing the Cannons, from the cockpit. Knight and Ikky were in engineering, ready for something to go wrong. They were ready. They kinda had to be. There wasn’t any other options.


Forming up behind the Templar’s, the Corellian Freighter lagged just behind a touch- and Tobias felt the familiar touch of Adennas presence and welcomed it.


“Droids, Execute Programming Two-Two-One. Standby…download local packet DSS-Five-Tactical.” Vos gave the programmed call out order to his droids.


“WELL ITS ABOUT KRIFFING TIME! AND WERE IN A COMBAT FORMATION?! What are you trying to do to us?! This isn’t good for my health. Especially yours, for all of you meatbags.” A droid voice started over the ships comm.


Vos places his head in his palm, regretting he didn’t have time to tone the programming down on the Droids. Embarrassed, he called through the comm; “Ni, knock it off. We have company, time to be serious.”


There was another response but Vos ignored it and tried to settle back into a combat mindset. He felt Adennas presence once again, letting it flow through him. The road ahead was going to be long- and the Wookiee’s would be avenged- slavers would die. Jedi would die. Raven would be rescued, and Adenna would be there at the end of it all, one way or another. He promised himself that much.


Not unexpected, Tobias found his friend and confidant Jedi Master Tut Maris alone, near the loading ramp. Dressed in his combat Vac suit, he just stood there, waiting.


“Tut…” Tobias softly questioned.


The green nautolan just stood there, still looking out past the hull.


Tobias put a gentle hand on his friends shoulder, noting the new lightsaber hilt next to Tuts old one. “Tut, are you with us?”


He blinked, shaking his head clear. His head tails shifted subtly with the movement. The green alien still didn’t look at Vos, but answered the question with arms folded. “Last time we were on a space station, my best friend died- and I watched it happen…” His voice was barely above a whisper.


Tobias dug his fingers into the muscular shoulder, gently. It was a sign  that Tobias knew would convey his sympathy. “I carry his memory with me every day, along with all the others we lost on Kashyyyk. But the wookiees are free, my friend. Chal’lar gave his life to free them- and even to protect some Imperial Stormtroopers. You know I’d trade places with him if I could, I’m sorry my friend. I really am.”


Tut let his head roll for a moment, then nodded, his gaze still locked forward. “I carry more than memories now, but your condolences are appreciated, my friend.”


Tobias let his hand drop back to his side. “Yeah, I just noticed your new lightsaber. Very honorable of you. You brought him back from the Dark Side, bonded, fought together- and still fight together. We’ll continue on, and you and I both know he’s watching us now. Cheering us on. I’d say you can sit this one out, but thats not what you need is it? Of course not. Just… don’t get too lost in your emotions- we will have Sith to fight soon enough.”


Tut had shifted his gaze to look at Vos, who winked and they each nodded there affirmation at each other. Tobias left him there, knowing he’d be back in a moment. Welcoming Adenna’s presence once again and he started to see a little clearer. Time to go check on his apprentices...

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“I don’t get it. They’re just sitting there,” murmured a pair of mechanics somewhere below Draygo and Genesis, the two loaders having a rare moment of quiet after the launch of the Mandate’s fighters. The older Jedi ignored them. In any moment the hangar would be rushing with activity to secure excess munitions and fuel ports--and the deck crews would be grousing at the two Jedi who still hadn’t taken that great hulking snubfighter out of the hangar and allow them to do their jobs.


“Yes, he’s somewhere… out… there with the Imperial Knights. I never would have expected a child of mine would side with the blasted Empire,” that last word came out with a touch more venom than Armiena liked. Her eyes closed for a second and her chest rose and fell in a long, deep breath. “Not after what they did to our family, I mean. But I wasn’t much of a mother to him. I put out messages and feelers, but no luck. But if he was at Kashyyyk and Kuat, maybe…”


What possibility the veteran Jedi was considering was never voiced. Taking careful grip of her second thermal detonator, Draygo pried the grenade apart and plucked out the priming charge. “Indistinguishable from the real thing, save for a gram of high-ex and lack of, um,  boom. Sometimes all you need is a few seconds of the other side keeping their heads down.”


Draygo picked up a tunic of black armorweave and made an examining tug at the stitching. The garment, though not quite as protective as a plastoid carapace, offered much more range of motion and could be worn in a snubfighter cockpit.


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It didn't take empathic abilities to tell that the commander was perturbed with the increased amount of Jedi in his ranks if looks could kill, then Kel would be dead due to the metaphorical daggers that Commander Sanderson was likely imagining piercing his skull. After the commander gave his orders while letting loose his barbs at the Jedi, Kel walked towards the shuttle with Aleria and the rest of the troops. 

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Adenna had to admit, she had not thought that the Black Sun commander would be so quick to negotiate. Yes, they were outnumbered, but that had never stopped Black Sun from fighting to the end. Perhaps only their dupes were suicidally fanatic. It would make sense for the leadership of such criminal scum to put their own interests ahead of all else. She had hoped that they would be willing to negotiate rather than execute Empress Zinthos, but she had also planned on that happening after the enemy fleet was defeated and all hope of survival was gone.


She did want to negotiate the safe return of the Empress, but not at the expanse of the opportunity. Black Sun's fleet was trapped and they may never get an opportunity to strike such a potentially devastating blow against them again. To simply give up and walk away would be a terribly foolish mistake strategically. These were the same scum that fought to the end on Kashyyyk after slaughtering and enslaving millions. They had caused problems all over the Galaxy and it was high time they face justice. She wasn't quite sure how any of their Imperial allies would handle things, but she wanted to see their fleet in ruins and justice dealt to these criminal terrorists.


Still, she wasn't going to rush into a decision unless absolutely necessary, especially. "Admiral," she said, "signal our allies. I will be in the briefing room, we need to discuss this offer. Until then, respond telling their commander that we will consider their offer." She didn't quite want to reveal herself directly, not yet at least. Better to let the officers respond to the enemy.


Admiral Antilles nodded and, as Adenna left the bridge, sent out a response, "This is Admiral Antilles of the Jedi Order Combined Fleet, we will consider your offer and will hold position until we have a formal response. If your fleet attempts to maneuver in any way, we will consider that an act of aggression and will attack." He ended the public transmission and switched to an encrypted fleet channel. "All ships, hold combat formations. We will be considering this deal, but I want everyone in position and alert in case this is a trap or the enemy tries to attack."


Adenna summoned Armenia and the other Jedi on board the Adi-Wan to the briefing room, and sent out a message for any other Jedi who wished to join via an encrypted channel.

Adenna Sig


Send PM's to Travis.

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And in just a moment, the initiative was back in the hands of the enemy. The attack had to pause after a transmission like that--as satisfying as the destruction of the Black Sun fleet might be after the loss of Coruscant and the debacle at Onderon, it was only of secondary importance. The Imperial Head of State was only one person, but was the only objective in this encounter. If Slaughter had to sacrifice ten thousand fighting men, or his flagship, or his own pride to retrieve her, then they were acceptable casualties.


Slaughter felt plastic creak and twist as his hands clenched around the comlink. The Jedi fleet was now idling to port, its snubfighters now swarming in a screen between their motherships and Dark Sun Station. His own forces wouldn’t be able to complete this attack without their assistance. He lifted the comlink to his lips.


“Stand by,” the Admiral barely managed his guttural growl before he slammed the comlink home.


Matching pace with the Jedi to their left, the Galactic Alliance armada held their position and the myriad sublight engines dimmed as the capital ships slowed to an idle. The starfighters, however, continued to swarm and the corvettes concentrated near the Steadfast, still darting about in a ponderous imitation of the smaller vessels. Orders issued, the flagship then hailed the Adi-wan.


I don’t care where she is, get me the…!” Slaughter checked himself before shouting a curse on the bridge of his flagship. He wrestled his voice down to a lower register as the communications officer explained that he had just been patched through on a holographic channel to one of the Adi-wan’s briefing rooms. “Get me the Grandmaster.” The stocky man looked up from the crew pits, realizing that he had just been connected to the briefing room and now appeared in both holographic and audio.


“Delta has the most valuable head in the galaxy and he’s using it to buy himself time,” The Admiral began. “And yet… he has it. We need Zinthos, no matter what else happens here.”



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Captain Orian Wolf turned his head towards Sandy and arched an eyebrow. She let a wry half grin spread across her face before she walked beside him to the communications’ station. She could feel the real tension piquing in the entire combined fleet as pilots applied their stopjets and pulled their fighters back from the deadly game. The bridge crew behind her sighed audibly as they ignited the reverse thrusters, the fight had been so close at hand. It was the equivalent of calling a timeout right before a vital kick at a shockball tournament. So it brought some degree of stress to everyone in the fleet including Sandy. She fought that stress as she motioned to one of the officers to bring her the armour that was sitting beside her go bag.


She was working at her healing shoulder wound with her hand to loosen up the tight bunched muscles when she stepped onto the holopad that would transmit her image, in its blue holographic hue, to the grandmaster in the meeting room aboard the Ara-Lai. She sighed and snapped on her imperial issued chestpiece before she pointed to the comms officer.


She bowed deeply to the Grandmaster before glancing up with a cocky grin. She knew her place, and it was very suddenly clear it was not aboard the medical frigate. Her padawans and her friends would need her help.


“Master.” She said as she tucked her platinum blonde old padawan braid behind her ear. She knew her place, and would stick to her report. “The boarding craft are nearly all fully manned and prepared for a strike mission or negotiated transport, we are at your disposal.”



Calix Meus Inebrians

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Only a few seconds later, the holograph of Armiena Draygo appeared next to that of Sandy Sarna. Her face slightly distorted from speaking into a portable holocomm within the confines of a snubfighter cockpit, the veteran Jedi glanced about the room for a moment. She matched eye contact with Admiral Slaughter, and then she immediately looked at anyone other than the corpulent war criminal directly across from her.


“I just listened to the transmission. Grandmaster, there isn’t much I can say. If our objective is to retrieve Zinthos, then we’ll take the offer and have an Osk-Dorn team standing by when she arrives. If we’re here to hurt the Black Sun, then…” Her eyes flickered towards Slaughter and her lips thinned.


((Osk-Dorn: OD, Ordinance Disposal.))


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Adenna stood in the briefing room with her hands folded in front of her blue Jedi robes. She was only minorly amused at the display by her Galactic Alliance counterpart, mostly because she understood the desire to attack and strike out against such evil. She herself had held a similar position for quite a few years while purging slavers and pirates on the Rim. In truth, she hated the idea of taking the time to summon everyone to consider what to do, but she realized that as Grandmaster now, she had to pause and consider the much larger scope that her decisions now affected. No longer was it simply a slaver nest and a small platoon of soldiers at play, but rather whole fleets and hundreds of thousands of people, and that was just at this one situation.


"Yes," she said in response to both Slaughter and Draygo, "our objective is to save the Empress. However, we can't simply let the opportunity to deal a hard blow against Black Sun slip by simply for one life, especially with Delta actually here in person. As cold as it can be, we can't allow anyone to hold hostages over us like this. I have fought slavers and criminal scum before who attempted this and the government I worked with acquiesced to hostage demands in the beginning in the hopes of saving captive slaves. It was a disaster as the slavers simply escaped and captured more slaves. It only ended when I helped enact a more direct policy of refusing to negotiate with hostage takers before the practice slowed. It was a hard decision, but in the end, it saved far more lives than it cost."


As much as she hated this decision, she knew that being the leader sometimes meant making the very hard but practical decisions. Too often the Jedi and their allies had refused to see reality by placing well meaning virtue and principle over practicality. "I can't speak entirely for  the Empress, but from what l know about her, I don't believe she would want us to let all of this scum loose upon the Galaxy for her sake. I personally would rather my life be forfeit if it means destroying this much evil. I do believe that we should continue with the original plan: wipe out the Black Sun fleet while sending in the assault teams to at least attempt to free the Empress. We can't be sure if they will actually execute her or not, but if they do, we shall give her justice."

Adenna Sig


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