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Ary the Grey

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"We've been following the news coming out of Naboo. I can't believe what you were able to accomplish!"


The blue-tinted hologram was a little bit staticky due to the distances involved, but it properly conveyed the impressed tone Eleanor Talis had adopted. Beside her, her husband Rasil stepped into the holo's display field. "We couldn't be more proud of you, Aelyn," he said. "You truly have a gift for helping those in need."


Aelyn blushed despite herself. "Afterwards, Aira and I met up. The Council granted her petition to raise me to the rank of Jedi Knight."


Rasil smiled broadly. "The Jedi Order is the great good in the galaxy. We will always miss those like Admiral Starlisk who gave their lives in their duty, but that my own daughter might rise to take his place speaks to its endurance."


"Dad," Aelyn protested. "He was on the Jedi Council. Don't you think you're setting your expectations a bit high?" She knew, of course, that he hadn't meant it that way, but he'd always believed she was destined for great thigns even when it had seemed like she was content to live a quiet life.


"Aelyn, the reports said you led a small fleet of starfighters, boarded a leviathan, and captured a mad scientist?" Eleanor spoke up, a hint of concern in her voice. "Is it always going to be that dangerous?"


The new Jedi Knight's cheeks returned to their normal color and she took a deep breath before answering. "Sometimes, yes," she finally said. "I'm sorry, it's hard to hear. But as a Jedi I'm called to risk my life when the situation calls for it, and I'm willing to do that. There will be quiet times, too, but even if Dad and other level heads keep there from being a full scale war, there are other evils in the galaxy that must be faced."


"Someone has to answer for Kashyyyk," Rasil said tangentially. "I think a move to reclaim what's left of the planet is already underway. Do you know if there's going to be Jedi involvement?"


She nodded. "A call to action went out. There's more in the works, too. I'm not sure where I'll end up on everything, but you guys know I'm not a soldier and my new training doesn't change that."


Eleanor looked slightly relieved to hear that last part. "Well please feel free to call any time or come home and visit when we're around."


"I will, Mom," Aelyn answered. "I'm not planning on disappearing on you."

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((Coordinates: Q-10))


Deep in space, a Republic fleet assembled and made last-minute preparations for an imminent battle. Late-arriving missiles were loaded into starfighters; turbolasers were charged, primed, and angled towards vectors where they were likely to find targets. Last minute briefings were held immediately prior to the fleet's deployment at its final objective.


((EDITED for final transit))


Final preparations complete, the armada assembled into its final formation and launched into hyperspace. Its final destination would be Onderon.


Fleet Composition



Ship Class: MC90c Star Cruiser

Crew: 5680 crew (+ 605 gunners)


75 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries

30 ion cannons

6 proton torpedo launchers

8 tractor beam emplacements

AP: 4



Ship Class: MC90c Star Cruiser

Crew: 5680 crew (+ 605 gunners)


75 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries

30 ion cannons

6 proton torpedo launchers

8 tractor beam emplacements

AP: 4



Ship Class: Corona-class frigate

Crew: 782 crew (+ 56 gunners)


10 Turbolasers

10 Laser Cannons

4 Ion Cannons

2 Tractor Beam Emplacements

AP: 2



Ship Class: Cruiser

Type: Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser

Length: 700 meters

Crew: 40 Crew, 45 Gunners


Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (30)

Ion Cannons (20)

Laser Cannons (20)

Concussion Missile Tubes (8)

Tractor Beam Projectors (8)

Antimissile octets (~20)

AP: 3



Ship Class: Bothan Frigate

Crew: 800 crew (+ 104 crew)


12 Medium Turbolaser

6 Ion Cannons

2 Proton Torpedo Launchers

AP: 2



Ship Class: Warrior-class frigate

Crew: 44 crew (+ 36 gunners)


10 Turbolaser Cannons

8 Laser Cannons

4 Concussion Missile Tubes

Antimissile Octets

AP: 1



Ship Class: DP20 Frigate (Corellian Gunship)

Crew: 45 crew (+ 45 gunners)


8 Double Turbolaser Cannons

6 Quad Laser Cannons

4 Concussion Missile Tubes

AP: 1



Ship Class: DP20 Frigate (Corellian Gunship)

Crew: 45 crew (+ 45 gunners)


8 Double Turbolaser Cannons

6 Quad Laser Cannons

4 Concussion Missile Tubes

AP: 1


Eshan's Pride

Ship Class: Warrior-class frigate

Crew: 44 crew (+ 36 gunners)


10 Turbolaser Cannons

8 Laser Cannons

4 Concussion Missile Tubes

Antimissile Octets

AP: 1



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  • 2 weeks later...

A return message came in from Ord Mantell Black Sun headquarters on a secure line.


"The information you may be seeking is in regards to the animals and planets. They are all on Bogden, and this job will require a ship with enough size to transport fairly large cargo. The rest of the information and tools that you may need can be picked up at Sandorne Palace in the city of Worlport on Ord Mantell. There Ms. Krales will meet with you."


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The message came in while they were on their way to Ord Mantell, and Araac showed it to Mellanie with some satisfaction. "The ship's hold should be big enough. Otherwise we can rent out a freighter easily enough. Would your mom lend us one?"


Mel chuckled. "Only if we don't tell her that this is a job for Black Sun. She never liked them." She inputted the new coordinates into the navicomp, and the ship continued on its way.


Daughter of Sabian Devanus and Zara Nargal

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  • 3 weeks later...

A single TIE/D barreled through hyperspace, a ripple like affect seen in the blurred lines as Oni's system bumped along to whatever music he was listening to, the blonde hair Sith Master rocking away and banging his head as he went. Such was Oni... too cool for skool. Destination was Onderon, where a meeting with the Dark Lord awaited.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Outside, the black void of space blurred into blue as the ship shifted into hyperspace. Query stood still, watching through the window of the shuttle. A part of him simply enjoyed the view, recording the feelings the novel experience of hyperspace gave him. He didn't even do it for later analysis, he simply did it to feel something. Up till now, he'd always had a purpose. His programming had determined everything he did and thought, always coloring even the most minuscule of decisions. Serve the Remnant. Complete the experiment. Learn. Adapt. Complete the task.


But now...


Now he was his own master. His mind was still the analytical, creative, and possibly mad mind it had always been, but now it charted its own course.


Ironic considering they were going the wrong way.


His intention had been to escape to Geonosis, the start of a plan forming in his mind to bring about a vision he had only begun to consider. Now, instead, they made their way to Kuat.


Adapt. Learn. Improvise. It's what 2-1Bs do.


It's what I do.


After a moment, he decided he had best see to Ambrose. The soldier had been through a intense level of trauma, and though clone soldiers did test lower in studies relating to PTSD, the risk was still present. It was also worth noting that the intensity of the trauma Ambrose had gone through could not be estimated. Not handled carefully, the soldier-turned-cyborg was a handful of volatile chemicals dumped in a power core.


He looked up at Ambrose, the empty mask of the dark trooper armor staring back. He tapped into his datapad.




Ambrose was likely lost right now. He'd just abandoned the only structure and authority he'd seen in his multiple incarnations. He was trapped in a new body, on a strange ship, headed for an uncertain future.


He needed a goal. He needed focus.



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Standing in the cramped cockpit of the Imperial shuttle, Ambrose allowed the streaks of hyperspace through his mechanized eyes without restriction, dulling his mind. True, he, as with any trooper, had been given a two hour training class somewhere along the lines regarding hyperspace induced madness; for now, however, it at least helped dull the searing mental anguish he was feeling and could not process. His body, his livelihood, his life, perhaps even his soul were all gone. Whatever it was that left of him was here in this hulking armored exosuit/droid thing. The only person that seemed to care was the medical droid beside him. Who was this droid anyway? Did he do this to me?


Turning as the droid's words beeped into his conscious thought he pondered, he does seem to have a strange ability to access my mechanical systems. Perhaps he is here to monitor me and report back. Perhaps this is some sort of test. The one thing he knew for sure was that this was all too real to be a simple simulation.


He allowed the words to swirl in his mind. Despite being a droid now, he felt that somehow, some part of him had survived. Did all droids feel this way?




What he wanted was his old life back, to be amongst his brethren-in-arms. All had been so much simpler then. It had been even simpler back on Concord Dawn when, as a boy, he had toiled away on his parents’ farm. A happier time, he pondered. He and his father rolling out huge bales of hay for the nerf herds because the hoover-tract had broken down once again and they couldn't afford to repair it until they sold off more and more of their dwindling herd. His mother always greeted him with a smile and a warm meal of simple fixings to fill his belly. His sisters' smiles as he carried them about on his shoulders pretending to be all manner of spacecraft that they saw at the local docking bay. They had mostly been bulky trade and transport vessels; but one time there had been a sleek ship of unknown design. That had been quite an exciting day! That was, until, his father had been drug away by the armored men hidden behind their T-shaped visors....

After that, his mother had never been the same and within a dozen cycles of the moon had taken to bed unable to rise. Then she too was gone. His sisters then....his sisters...


If a tear could have escaped from Ambrose' mechanized eye it surely would have; instead, he was forced to contain the emotion within his unknown fluid filled jar.


The Empire was his life now or at least had been.





Without knowing how he did so a dark fiendish sounding voice of scraping metal several octaves lower than his natural voice echoed from the grate where his mouth was formed but unmovable.


"I want Revenge. My purpose is to destroy."


Turning to stare at the medical droid he added,


"Help me brother."

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...I can work with this.


Ambrose had developed an obsession, and it might be the best thing for him. True his obsession was violent and possibly a step into sociopathic behavior, but the alternative was risking depression and breakdown. It didn't hurt that he clearly needed some kind of support and was looking to Query to provide. Now all he had to do was accept.









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Ambrose mentally glowered at the words the medico droid was playing directly to his mind.


YOU made me a machine. I was a man! he screamed internally, no sound passing his mouth as he regarded the much smaller droid beside him.


Anger pulsed through his synapses as the thought ate at him in the mere moments that it hung there unspoken to his mind. This droid may very well be the only thing that could help him in his plight; yet still, this droid was most likely responsible for a portion of his suffering.


"I cannot destroy him....





he grated to himself more so than anyone else. Hardly realizing he spoke aloud at all.


Then with a single movement, he felt his huge heavy phrik-alloyed fingers closing into a cannonball sized fist. With a single motion he shot his fist outwards towards the droid in an attempt to send the non-combat worthy lab lackey airborne towards the adjacent bulkhead. He doubted it would serve to shut down the mechanized medic, but at the very least it would send a message: Ambrose needed no help being a 'man.' All he needed was help enacting his revenge.


And if that revenge included the destruction of his mechanized creator at some point? So be it.

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Query realized he had grossly misassessed the situation exactly .43 seconds before Subject Ambrose's fist struck him. He bookmarked the moment in his memory for later study.


His sensors silently blared in his mind, complaining of misaligned servos, power stream interruptions, and gyroscopes working overtime to redetermine where 'up' was.


Amazingly, he still held the datapad. Not by any intention on his part. He'd simply been holding onto it, and unlike an organic's reflexes which would let go of whatever it was holding and endeavor to use its arms to arrest its movement, Query had no such reflexes. When the 2-1B series had been designed, unintended flight had not been factored into the droid's safety protocols. His pincers maintained their grip on the device, though they'd scored a long scratch along the screen where it had slid under the metal tips. Thankfully, it was still functional.



















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So that was it. The man known as Ambrose Veshok was truly gone. All that apparently remained was whatever shadow of his consciousness had somehow been transferred onto the mechanized programming that now inhabited this exosuit. He was no longer Ambrose Veshok. He truly was RG-126 or whatever new alphanumeric denominator the Remnant had bestowed upon him without his knowledge.


There was something of me that they obviously wished to retain….


In Ambrose’ warped mind that he was now doubting the existence of, he had come to the conclusion that somehow, whilst stealing his memories,


most likely my combat experiences,


The Remnant had inadvertently retained some of his personality programming. He had no way of knowing that he was truly a brain in a jar in a suit.


Still, why can’t I figure out how this thing operates? You’d think they’d have done a better job. Top secret project and all….


As Query’s words buzzed into his consciousness again, like an angry buzzbug swirling around his ears, he was drawn back to the droid itself. Here it was talking about …..about….. ”Freedom.” He creaked, his dark metal-on-metal voice scratching out an echoey darkness of observation.


Ambrose was never big into how droids worked, droids rights, or any of that jazz back in the day. Truth be told, he thought most of the folks that took to rioting in the streets and tearing of droids’ restraining bolts were whackjobs that deserved no better than to be locked up and forgotten about. Didn’t they know that they, man, alien, and sentient beings had built the droid forces of the galaxy? Can’t build something smarter than you. That’d involve putting smarts there from nowhere. Talk about impossible!

Yet here he was now, a droid; nothing more than a piece of hardware at the beck and call of the Imperial Remnant. The leftovers of the very world dominating force that he had sworn his allegiance to had left the shadows of his former self to do what?


What am I doing? What is my programming? Do I have some sort of directive?


”What is my programming?”


Ambrose queried of Query; impressed by the medical droids tenacity. He would have figured any droid would have given up by now. Well, most any droid. Battle droids such as himself were probably exempt as were those annoying pit droids that seemed to just never die. Apparently this droid knew what its directive was; even with the babble of making its own choices. Doesn’t this droid know that any choice it makes is preprogrammed? Does that mean I am preprogrammed too? What can I do? Am I even a shadow of myself anymore? Am I too live out my existence as a series of computerized code to the Remnant's will?


Bracing a large hand against the bulkhead he turned with the stomping of his metal boots to face Query.


”Who are you?”


he demanded.


”Where are you taking me?”

“What is your directive?”

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What is my directive?


Query pondered that for a moment. He knew what he wanted, but was that his purpose? Was that why he lived?










He needed to explain this better. He needed for Ambrose to understand the choice before him, while avoiding any more violent outbursts.

















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I shall have my revenge. That is why I served the Emperor.


That is why I served. Together, we shall destroy they that stand against us.


Ambrose responded, his dark metallic voice doing little to betray the pain that his mortal voice would have otherwise betrayed. The pain and confusion that still coursed through his mind had brought forth a lot of suppressed memories. This droid was not helping either, pushing him to fight against what it had most likely done to him.


His family…that was why he had joined the empire in the first place; to avenge those he lost and protect those he loved. He had to protect them. The Empire had promised that.


Without another word, Ambrose turned to stare into the void of hyperspace, the dimension between dimensions. The pulsating streams of white streaking by transferring to electronic pulses that were further transferred back to the organic brain in a jar nestled safely in the chassis of the Dark Trooper exosuit served to take the edge off the pain he was now feeling.

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As Ambrose turned away, Query considered how badly he had misread the clone. He had focused far too much on the potential damage from flash training and the cybernetic transference process, and committed the greatest oversight in any psychologist.


He'd forgotten his subject was a living, sentient being, and projected his own mind onto his patient.


The desire for revenge the clone felt went beyond simple rage at what had been done to his body, at being manipulated and controlled by the Empire. There was an emotional depth to the clone Query hadn't seen, and couldn't understand without more data. Instead, Query had filled in the blanks in Ambrose's mind with what he realized were his own fears and desires. He saw himself as a programmed slave, harnessed to a purpose, and so saw Ambrose as something identical. He sought to free himself and expand his mind into more than a tool, and pushed the same ideals onto Ambrose.


As he considered his mistakes, he felt no shame. He had failed, but his own mind had only gained self-awareness a short time ago. It was expected that he'd make missteps.


And that's what makes me grow


The realization struck him. When a droid failed, it was due to their capabilities and programming, and they were either adjusted to compensate, or scrapped. When a person failed, they adapted themselves. Just like Ambrose was doing now.


Ambrose had taught Query something about being free.




Query looked at the unreadable mask of Ambrose's armor. He seemed calm now, but not peaceful.


And they were headed into one of the biggest imperial strongholds in existence.


This is going to be informative.

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Adenna supported Tobias as the pair walked up the ramp into The Prism. The Jedi Master was weaker after the exertion of first leaving, then returning to his body. After moving into the ship, a long sanisteam had been called for. He did so alone and with all the hot water on the ship at the moment. Adenna would have to wait if she wanted the comforting warmth of the water. He mostly just stood there and let the water run over him- his mind racing. How he longed for combat once again or some meditation. After they two humans and three PIT droids had jumped to hyperspace, Tobias realized he had not asked them to jump anywhere. As he cleaned himself and made his way to the cockpit he tried to stave off the crushing waves of regret, heartbreak, and the attributing emotions coming from the impact of so many friends now gone as well as Jedi who had died under his command. His decisions, his judgement and responsibility. They all...


Shaking his head, Tobias asked the droids where they had plotted their jump. Apparently one of them had never been to Iridonia, while another had a business opportunity there, and the third had some weird bucket list objective on the world. How and why had he come into possession of these three?! Their programming was perplexing. Like psychotic children with weapons capabilities who were plugged into the wacky side of the Holonet subforums.


Tobias sighed, saw no point in arguing to drop out and replot their jumps- they would need fuel anyways. He did want to return to Kashyyyk or Ossus, but either could wait- it would have to in light of their fuel issue.

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"Space... the final frontier. These are the voyages of th--"


The holoseries suddenly blinked out as the projector was shut off by 2-VSH with what could pass as exasperation from a droid of his capabilities. 2V was elbow deep in his fifteenth rewatch of the entire holoseries, and apparently, that was the breaking point for the droid. Returning to a more upright position in the co-pilot's chair aboard the Ravenhammer, the droid turned to glance back towards the main body of the ship, silently calculating the odds that Raynuk would change their course of action today. Since departing from Kashyyyk following the victory of the Sith and Black Sun above and on the planet's surface, Raynuk had grown isolated and distant. Initially, 2V attributed the changes to the fact that both of his master's organic followers -- the Sith beast and his adopted daughter -- had not returned with him, but continued along a different path. But as time continued to pass, and Raynuk continued to be idle, 2V began to calculate and posture about alternative reasoning, but was nearly always left with improbable conjectures.


Raynuk had not been communicating with the Sith at large as far as 2V could tell, nor was he seemingly focusing on the Cult of Morthos; both of those influences having been major driving factors for Raynuk's actions for as long as 2V had been in service to the Sith Master. Now it seemed Raynuk split his time between his chambers aboard the Ravenhammer and the workbench contained within the engine room. By this point, it had been a standard week since Raynuk had even spoken to 2V to give the droid an order to maintain the position of the Ravenhammer, out near the edges of known space beyond the ruins of Ziost. Raynuk had given no indication of why they were there specifically, or what the Sith was doing. For all intents and purposes, 2V was like a ghost to Raynuk that just so happened to aboard the same ship. Eventually, 2V began poking around the holonet in order to occupy his processors. This was how he had found the holoseries he had just turned off among others, but he had also come upon documents held within the Sith databanks that pertained to Raynuk. More specifically, a general history of the life that the SIth Master had lead so far from the vantage point of the ancient order.


Among those files, 2V found out that this was not the first time Raynuk had fallen into bouts of being withdrawn, isolated, and disconnected from the galaxy. The timing of these episodes did not align to a pattern that the droid could find, and seemed almost random, if not isolated events. But the sheer fact that they had occurred over and over again, and was apparently happening again, was reason enough to consider them to be connected. Several of these episodes had resulted in the physical death of Raynuk; either from wasting away, or from actions taken by the Sith as a result of his lack of presence. But just as these episodes continued to occur in a random pattern, so too did the pattern of his return play out, also randomly following these episodes. It was as if Raynuk's mere existence was following the path of a sound wave, a series of peaks and valleys; up and down, up and down. 2V wound simply have to do everything he was capable of doing to ensure that this episode of malaise did not result in Raynuk's death.


2V's internal calculations completed, and gave the droid an even smaller percent chance that things would change any time soon; 0.527% chance. His servos made a whine that mimiced a human grumble, and the droid turned back to glance out at the vastness of space.


<> 2V said to himself.




There were no words that could communicate or begin to encompass what Raynuk's world, mind, and mere existence had become following the victory on Kashyyyk. From within the whirlwind and tempest Raynuk was blind to his own appearance, both physically and mentally, and simply could not, or would not, see that the pattern was repeating itself. Even if he could have been granted sight to see the repeating chapters of his life, Raynuk would not have been able to understand it any better than those around him. Emily had seen this chapter more than once, each time breaking her heart; Draken had seen this chapter before, and had severed Raynuk's spirit from his body. This time, there was only 2V around to witness the events that slowly pulled at Raynuk, but for his part the droid had remained dutiful and loyal, doing as instructed and offering little resistance to what was happening. 2V simply put, was a droid, and was incapable of feeling the emotions of fear, worry and anger that had compelled others before him into action.


It had been long enough that Raynuk himself had forgotten the goals that had driven him and the Ravenhammer to this point in space and time. Following Kashyyyk, Raynuk had returned to the Bleeding Kyber only long enough to park the Darksoul and board the Ravenhammer before setting off again into space. But the reasoning, and the goals set before him were now scattered like ashes in the wind from his mind. The entire galaxy, and even his own existence felt like a heavy damp blanket now, the weight and chill of it always pressing upon him. He would tinker with his weapons and armor at the workbench aboard the Ravenhammer with no real tangible goal of improvement, and then he would sleep in his quarters until he felt the slightest compulsion to return to tinkering. From one day to another, Raynuk's memory was foggy, and he simultaneously couldnt remember if he had eaten, and didnt care to eat and didnt care if he would.


He would see 2V every so often as he shuffled between one point on the ship to the other, but never engaged the droid, and recently 2V no longer made the effort to engage Raynuk either. Anyone watching the situation would know that time was going to slip away even faster from this point on. But even as 2V's probability outcomes continued to grow smaller and smaller with each passing day, like so many things in the galaxy, sometimes all that is needed is a little bit of luck, some good timing, and a minor miracle.




The voice;

The word;

The way it reach Raynuk's mind;


Any one of those three alone was enough to awaken Raynuk from his most current round of troubled sleep. But all three together practically launched Raynuk up out of his bed as if he had been hit with a stunstick. His mind was racing, matched only the quickened pace his heart had taken to pump blood throughout his now tensed body. For longer than Raynuk had cared to realize, the odd and quite personal connection between himself and Jaina had lay dormant and quiet. He had sensed Andon's peculiar return through the Force and through the bond between himself and Jaina, and before Kashyyyk had endevored to seal the bond between them for so many reasons. To protect and prevent her from sensing the slaughter of the wookiees he was fighting, to keep stray thoughts and brushes of her presence from distracting him in the midst of combat, but also because he did not want to be a distraction to her in those moments with her husband. And now with the one single word that had been such a huge part in driving them both back into the world of the living, spoken in her voice that Raynuk could not have ever admitted he missed in the first place, the seal on Raynuk's end of the bond exploded into his mind.


For a few moments Raynuk was frozen, sitting up in his bed as his mind and his heart pounded. Only when both had begun to spiral back downwards towards calm, did the Sith realize the breath he had not taken, and the eyes he had not blinked. He did both at once, a larger step towards calming both mind and body back under his control. And then came the spark of recognition, that the fog that he had stumbled through and the heavy blanket that threatened to crush him had lifted, equally destroyed as the seal on his bond to Jaina by the word of the Sith tongue. Raynuk's eyes remained closed as he reeled himself back in, focusing back on who he was; what he was here to do; and how he would proceed in this life. Once his mind was in order again, Raynuk did the stupid thing of prodding at the raw nerve that was his strange bond to Jaina, devoting a split second of his full focus on it, a dash of anticipated fear lancing through him, like a child poking at a wound they know will hurt when they touch it, but still unable to resist doing so.


Raynuk's mind was filled with a snapshot of vision in that split second, a Sith holding cell among the darkness, and a tattered flightsuit. His eyes opened once more, and a few heartbeats later Jaina's voice returned, a distant whisper of words not spoken between the bond, but a lingering echo of the vision.


Es neesmu svešinieks tumsai...


Though the words were not meant for him, Raynuk cracked a small smile at the glimpse of resistance and wit that was so core to Jaina. Whatever he had come out here to the edge of the galaxy for, it had been forgotten, and now it would wait. He could sense that Jaina was somewhere nearer to the core, but given his current location that was hardly an amazing feat to behold. He would head back into the majority of the galaxy, and he expected that his movement would not go unseen by the Dark Lord. Always one to be prudent, Raynuk knew not to actively disrespect the Dark Lord, and as before, knew his best move in that regard would be to report to the Dark Lord personally, wherever Exodus may be in this moment. As for Jaina, he wouldnt be able to tell where she might be -- or if he might need to actually be a hero once again -- until they were close enough to identify such information.


In the meantime however, Raynuk knew that he might be heading directly towards a decision he had hoped to avoid at all costs, yet one he always expected to eventually come no matter how much he strived against it. He had told Jaina many things on Corellia, in that stark hospital room, and had meant it then just as he intended to live up to it now. With that pledge in mind, and risking pointing out the connection she may wish she could be rid of, Raynuk whispered into their shared bond towards her, carrying his words from his mind, to hers.


Dažreiz tumsā ir draugi...


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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Frond had sensed the presence of his fellow apprentice and had listened to his ramblings; however, before he had a chance to turn to a form that was capable of audible speech, Kel had rushed off, leaving Frond to rustle his leaves in a sign of laughter …younglings…Learn much to so. Busy always so.


Returning to his contemplative meditations, Frond had passed the rest of the day, his root like lower appendages soaking in the nutrients of the well cared for soil of the Temple arboretum and his leafy top collecting the synth-sunlight from above. His meditations swirled as he contemplating the guiding winds of The Force and how it connected every living thing across the galaxy that so many regarded as the be all and end all of existence, instead of the deeper invisible connections of The Force.


As the synthsun was dimming its final rays over the plants and beings within the temple, Sandy had approached Frond and advised him that they would be departing. Although he assumed her bit about changing clothes was more directed at Kel than himself, given his natural unashamed nakedness, save for the regal clothing of leaves and vines that he toted along with him.


Transforming back to his humanoid form, Frond followed Sandy and Kel to the smaller ship along with a few others he did not know that rocketed them into space. Once aboard, Frond frowned, he was not a big fan of space travel.


Once connected by space lock to the larger Courtland, Frond, along with the others shuffled aboard. There was more room on theAA-9 where he was greeted by crowded hallways and passages teeming with a variety of beings from across the galaxy; mostly human/humanoid, although there were a few more odd specimens that could be seen milling about. Passing by a particularly odorous group of boisterous and well-armed Weequay, Frond quietly adjusted his usual towering height down to a more manageable height as the trio wound their way through the crowded ship.


”Instructor Sarna transport is a refugee this?” he asked, absentmindedly as he took in the vast array of beings and tucked his training saber out of sight into a knothole in his midsection, sealing it up trap death is this. A choice lightsabers seem poor like…


Eventually, the trio was able to take claim of an opened section of bench that had been vacated by a rather angry looking family of Ortolans mumbling something about finding mynock steaks in the cafeteria.


Turning to his fellow travellers, ”long if journey is be this to nourishment will I find need”

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Kel woke up early in the morning. in his quarters he found a new set of robes to replace the ones that had been damaged from yesterday's sparring match. the young doran quickly changed into his new garments. kel stowed his training sabre in the pack containing his clothes and medical kit. Then he went to join frond and their master on the ship that would take them to Ilum. Kel was hesitant at leaving his personal ship behind, but he trusted it would be there when he came back.


the transport took to the air and soon flew into the vast reaches of space. Kel was very accustomed to the experience of space travel. Compared to navigating the more hazardous areas of space surrounding his home world of Doran, this was practically a bus ride. the ship connected to an AA-9 freighter called the Courtland. The three of us boarded the freighter along with the other passengers. like his fellow apprentice, Kel took notice of the other passengers. the group of weequay mercenaries that were jovially discussing a past job were just one of many groups and people aboard a vessel capable of carrying roughly 30,000 passengers.


the three of them sat at a vacant bench so they could discuss further details of the trip. "We are a long ways from Ilum, but I believe we would have to make port at another planet or two before reaching it. so we shouldn't be on this ship for very long." Kel said in an effort to put frond at ease.

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Once they had entered hyperspace enroute to the Jedi Fleet, Skye left the cockpit giving Flitter instructions to monitor their course. She joined Jackson, leading him to the Meditation room and indicating for him to take a seat. “Now, one thing I would like to do with you is to make a connection through the Force with our minds. It will make it easier if comms go down for us to communicate telepathically. The more familiar you are with my Force presence, the easier it will be.” She met his gaze, her mind open for him to attempt a connection. “Reach out to me with your mind.”


Soon, the Padawan’s eyelids flickered and his pupils dilated. It took some serious effort and willpower to force his instinctual concealment to relax. To allow himself to unwind, close his eyes, stretch out his feelers, and really see. It was a similar sense as earlier, when he had lost focus and turned his attention inwards. The only difference now was that he was taking a more active role, deliberately searching for a connection to his mentor. Looking for one of the few other presences on board the ship.


Of the smattering of dim lights nearby, Jackson noted that the small sun in the room with him was most likely to be Skye. The kiddos and other Jedi had already left, after all, so there were few other possibilities.


Jackson carefully wrapped his coils around that brighter presence, feeling it, even wincing and drawing back a few times before adjusting to the comparative intensity, like stepping out of a cold pool and into a scalding tub of water. And then it happened. Mostly on accident, Jackson linked his sense to Skye’s, opening himself up and freely, almost forcefully, sharing all that he was. But all too quickly, it was gone. That brief contact and full, undisclosed sharing of information ending just as soon and as abruptly as it had started, more akin to an accident caused by a twitching muscle than any real desire to open up.


Slowly, almost groggily, the Padawan picked himself up from the floor and rubbed the side of his head. His eyes wandered through the room for a brief moment before settling on Skye, then closing for a few moments. The overstimulation of the brief contact had shaken him a bit, but in an alien and unfamiliar way rather than an uncomfortable one. “How did I do?” He asked quietly, after gathering his bearings.


A smile crossed her features as she felt her Padawan taking his first steps to using the Force. The Healer followed his progress though did not interfere. When Jackson opened his mind to her, Skye caught the brief contact before he shut down once more. Regardless of it only being a very brief touch she was proud of his accomplishment. Opening her own eyes, Skye smiled at him, “You did very well, Jackson. The more you practice the more you become familiar with my Force Presence.” A thoughtful expression crossed the Healer’s face, “We will soon be arriving at the marshalling point. Get some rest while you can. I have a feeling that we’ll end up very busy all too soon.” Skye knew she’d have to follow her own advice as well. If this upcoming battle went the way of a lot of the other previous battles she would have her hands full in the Medbay… [to Onderon battle]


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“You are right Kel!” Said Sandy cheerily as she yawned and stretched in the room they had reserved onboard the passenger liner. It was lowerclass as the Jedi were not keen on dishing out a thousand creds a pop on seating just for comfortable sleeps. Luckily they had been able to reserve a whole room with four beds, though it was a cramped a smelly mess with a single refresher and no kitchenette. So Sandy opened her luggage and retrieved three small satchels she had procured from the temple mess hall before leaving.


She tossed one of the flimsifoil wrapped packages to Kel and began unwrapping the other. “I scored some MRE rations from the kitchens before I left..” She pulled the cord on the package for Frond and the waterlike mixture inside began to froth as she added a small accompanying package to it. “And some fertilized nutripaste for you Frond.” She opened a small cylinder and cracked it over her knee before she handed it to him. It was a UV chemlight and would be enough for several hours of recharge for the planet like apprentice. “I have a few more of these and I think they are available for purchase from the vendor on level 43, but im not so sure I trust a Jawa.”


She popped open another MRE and began to eat the contents herself, pausing to wrinkle her nose at the protein heavy slugs that were roasted in garlics and muja. “Our next stop is Iridonia where we will find a shuttle for Ilum. No one charters transport there from the midrim so we will have to find a smaller private vendor.”

((Next post we will land on Iridonia, so post there.))


Calix Meus Inebrians

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By the time Raynuk emerged from his quarters to the point that 2V noticed the change in routine, the Sith had heavily considered the branching path that lay before him and had returned himself to a level of decency that he frankly had let lax since Kashyyyk. Dressed once again in his usual and familiar armor and robes, he took a deep breath before he turned and walked dutifully to the cockpit, knowing he would find his droid companion there. 2V had the holonet pulled up when Raynuk entered the cockpit and sat down in the pilot's seat. He didnt know what the droid was watching, and opted to not waste any more time finding out what the answer to that question was either.


"It's time to go back."


It was all that he decided to say to 2V. There would be no discussion on his part as to what had changed so suddenly as far as Raynuk was concerned. He wasted no more time in firing up the engines of the Ravenhammer and turning the ship from where it had been sitting for far too long on the edge of known space. Normally he would have given 2V the task of calculating and inputting the coordinates of a hyperspace jump, but this time Raynuk opted to do it himself. He punched it into the computer, watching the display in silence before launching the Ravenhammer into hyperspace, heading back towards the core of the galaxy. As the ship hurtled through space, Raynuk knew he had some catching up to do as to what specifically had been going on in his absence that might impact him. He pulled up the holonet on his own console, and connected to the high-encryption Sith database that he had long ago tapped into through the Shadow's Gambit.


It didn't take long for Raynuk to confirm with more confidence where he was going. It was obvious he had to head back towards the core planets, but now he had confirmed that his best choice was going to be to head back to Onderon; as far as he could tell, that was where the majority of the SIth presence was currently, and thus likely so was Exodus. How the Dark Lord would greet him Raynuk wouldnt know until he was face to face with the man, but Raynuk fully intended to convince the Dark Lord that he was still of use and worth the respect he had earned. Until then however, there were other threads and responsibilities he had neglected.


"2v, contact Serenno... Ive been silent to those who are closest to me for too long."




Raynuk had forgotten how sarcastic his droid could be; and how much he missed it at times. He allowed himself a small smirk before responding. "No thank you. I'm the one who dug the hole, now I have to crawl out of it."


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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A few hours into the hyperspace journey, Armiena relaxed in her freighter’s common room and summoned her apprentice to join her. She sat on a sofa with mustard upholstery with her legs in a lotus position, her brow furrowed with worry.


“I wouldn’t have judged you if you decided to stay behind on Felucia.” She began softly. “This is going to be difficult. Truth be told, I’m afraid to face Faust again.


“The more traditional Jedi will tell you that fear is inherently dangerous. Not me. I joined the Order in my twenties, after some time spent in the Rebellion. Exciting times.” She gave a mirthless smile that failed to reach her eyes. “Fear… it just is. It’s just biological. All it means is that something is important to you, that you care what might happen. If you show me a man that really, truly, has no fear, then I’ll show you a man who has decided that they’re ready to die.


“That said, allowing fear to dictate your actions is… harmful, especially for people with abilities like us. All the more important to develop coping mechanisms to manage fear and rebalance our emotions. I’d like you to join me in a basic meditation exercise. Go ahead and get comfortable.” She waved to a settee with a similarly hideous decor. “The purpose of Jedi meditative exercises is to still the conscious mind and facilitate a deeper connection with the Force, but the benefits of the exercises are rather well-documented. This one is basic as it gets…”


Armiena rose out of her slouch, rolled back her shoulders, and closed her eyes. “Counting breaths. In--two, three, four… Hold--two, three, four, five, six, seven. Out--two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight… And repeat.” She murmured the pattern two more times for the purpose of her apprentice’s memorization, then held her silence for a few minutes and simply allowed herself to enjoy the quiet productivity of the moment. Her hips, still healing from her abuse by CreoVive's studies, ached mildly; she ignored that. That was simply physical pain, an old friend whose presence was never far from her life. More unusual, however, was how rapidly she found herself drained of energy; as her implants regenerated their stocks, they drew from her nutritional intake for raw materials and left her own metabolism wanting. That would have to be dealt with later. “This may feel a little bit silly. Understandable. Let that pass. Just allow yourself to note those thoughts and return to the rhythm. Like most things in life, this requires a bit of practice.”


She allowed an indeterminable amount of time to pass before her next jarring interruption. “I’ll be honest, I’ve always preferred a more physical approach to meditation, but I haven’t had a chance to set up a boxing dummy on this ship. I--blast it all.” At that moment, an alarm began blaring in the cockpit, signaling their imminent reentry to realspace. She gave her apprentice a smile as she rose, one that actually reached her eyes. “I’m still afraid. Still going to show up and do what I can.”


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"Hyperspace. I never have been able to grasp its concept, nor have I ever really tried. It was merely a means to an end, an inbetween path from point A to point B, a traverse that needed to be trekked to every destination. And the builders of its discovery and mechanics long gone from our Galaxy. Only they could truly grasp its concept and logic. As for me, it was it was, and deeply I thanked them for it." - Genesis Stormhelm


As our journey began, I took time by myself to discover the ship. Walking its halls, I only wished I could hear it speak, to know its untold stories, to know the lives it once held and the missions it once undertook, much like the one we were currently rushing toward in haste I had never known before. Upon Dantooine, my life simply consisted of survival. But, here and now, i held a greater purpose and fate. I was going to be a Jedi, a member of an Order that i barely understood aside from rumors and stories told over generations, a Order that had constantly been ravaged by not only wars and condemnations, but by people like myself whom stole and robbed from graved and forgotten sites to survive and prosper. The whole idea of what I had done saddened me, and yet, now I was presented a means to atone for my transgressions, and a means to truly live and become a part of something bigger than myself, despite the dangers that laid in wait.


"I know that danger lies ahead Bleep. I spoke with a half hearted chuckle as Bleep followed me, constantly reminding me of how she felt upon the matters at hand, wishing that I had declined the Jedi's offer and we served our sentence in peace and safety. But I could not express the emotions nor the sense of purpose that I now felt in a way that she could understand, my gaze falling upon the crystals I still grasped in the palm of my hand and the memories of what had led me here. In truth, I could barely understand it all myself, only that I was meant to be here, in this moment, for whatever reason. And in that, I held a calmly unrecognizable trust. "I know you're scared. So am I. But this path was given to me for a reason, and I must see it through to the end. Please have faith in me old friend.


Reluctantly, Bleep fell silent, brushing up against me in a embrace of sorts that she rarely showed. I knew that she was only worried about me, and I felt at ease knowing that fact. And in knowing that despite my choice not coinciding with her own, she was still here beside me, spoke merits toward her personality and compassion. I held a strong feeling that she would follow me into the jaws of death if I asked, but neither of us wanted to test that theory. Before standing, I placed my forehead to her cold dome, a simple gesture of thanks for her remaining, but one that we both knew meant a lot to us and ended our tension. But now was the time to return to the group, and Bleep relayed Armiena's summoning, rushing me toward my Master's call.


"Given your history with this Faust, Master, it's quite understandable. In truth, I am scared too. Excited, but scared just the same." I spoke as I joined her, climbing upon the sattee and mimicking her instructions. "In truth, I have no sense of the magnitude that we will face at our destination, nor of this Faust that you mention. And that is the scariest of all, the unknown. Which is why I cannot grasp the severity of your words or fear. So I can only imagine what is in store for us, not know it. I just know that there is a reason behind our meeting, these crystals," I tossed one half into her possession briefly as I continued. "... and that this is where I am meant to be. I was guided here for a reason, whatever it may be. And that is enough for me."


As silence took over the room, our forms focusing upon the breathing, a slight grin forming at her mentioning this feeling silly, as well as noting her inability to get comfortable, I did as she instructed. A sense of calmness came over me as I did, the thoughts of fear and anxiety flowing away like ripples upon a pond where a stone had been dropped, I being the stone. And though my mind did wonder on occasion, time simply passed by, our destination arriving before I knew it. But it was here that I first noticed the differences between myself and my Master aside from the obvious. Where she preferred combat, even to mediate, I preferred this moment where she had taught me to calming of silence and stillness. Not that there was anything wrong with either approach. But this moment was a defining one for me, in that I would be a man of calmness and serenity.

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As the two meditated and concentrated, Alem observed, studying how the two focused and tried to bring themselves at ease. However, he quickly lost interest in the endeaver, since it gave him no useful information, no purposeful ideas, nothing. He did record Draygo's words, just in case, but beyond that, he simply didn't mind what happened. He did figure he could have been a distraction so as the two practiced breathing, he took a step out of the room, allowing them privacy.


His own programming decided to look at this 'hidden' program inside of him, and was surprised to find a video and audio recording. He began to replay it over in his brain, and was surprised. It was of his master repairing him for the second time, after the death of his wife and loss of child. It was the old workshop in his owners home, a place filled to the brim with junk parts, tools, half-destroyed droids and machines, a mechanics dream house. The Twilek, showing burn marks on his face and grease and oil on his hands, was moving quite well given his age, but his face did not hide the depression that had set in over the past few years. When he had once been joyful and full of energy, this being in his memory was hollow and broken.


Alem tried to understand why he wasn't responding to his owner's actions, and figured that his master had accidentally turned him on prematurely. Alem's sensors were working, but beyond that, his body and voicebox were still disconnected from his computer 'brain'. Indeed, in the background Alem could see his own body, damaged and riddled with blaster fire. So all he could do was watch and record. There was over an hour of footage, and Alem knew it would be impossible to review it all right away, but he couldn't help but just watch the entire thing from the beginning instead of skipping to where information may have been said. The Twilek was muttering to himself. Alem could tell he was muttering an old Twilek song. One he had sung so often to his family. Before it had been more melodious. here, it was nothing more then a quiet chant.


Suddenly, Alem's voicebox came to life. His master had made the correct connection. Immediantly, the recording of Alem began to speak.


"Master, it seems I am disconnected from my body."


The Twilek jumped slightly in surprised and laughed to himself. "Jeez, you scared me. Yes Alem, you are" For a brief moment, the Twilek was happy, as if to hear his own bodyguard talk again was a blessing.


Then Alem had to ask, his programming always focused on his primary directive and not on the condition of his body: "Master, where are my wards?"


The Twilek's face sunk again in despair. He didn't answer right away. Alem almost had to ask again but then the Twilek said, "Alem, do you know why I reprogramed you?"


"To protect you and your family. To ensure harm doesn't come to your household. To be your Alemo"


The Twilek nodded and sat down, wringing a dirty rag with his greasy hands. "Well, I guess I had a recent epiphany. You are my Alemo, but at the same time, you could and should be more. I remember when i found your body in that black market, and thought how powerful and useful you could be to me. But recently..."


The Twilek sighed. The Alem who was reviewing the recording grew confused. Was his owner implying Alem wasn't useful? That wasn't like him.


"Alem, you could be more. When I bought you, I was being selfish. I was only thinking about me. So, if you don't mind Alem, I'm making some alterations to your programming, once I get you fixed up. Is that alright?"


"You are my master and ward. I do not argue with you unless it is for your own safety."


The Twilek raised his hands and shook his head violently. "Nope, nope, I'm not having that. I'm letting you decide. Its selfish of me to not let you decide. Otherwise, I'm just fulfilling another one of my desires. I command you to make your own choice, with no influences"


For a moment there was silence. Then the recorded Alem responded. "I am open for reprogramming. If you think it will be beneficial, whether for my wards or for someone else, I will agree with your decision."


The Twilek smiled slightly. A smile that had not been on his face for a very long time.


"Master, where are my wards?" Alem asked again.


Before Alem could view his owner's answer, Alem had to stop the recording. It seemed they were pulling out of hyperspace. He grabbed his electrostaff and headed to where Genesis was and followed him closely behind.

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The starfield melted into a blue, whirling tunnel of light and barely understood physics as The Bleeding Edge shot into hyperspace.


"Sir", the pilot droid said, "course plotted for Kuat."


"Keep me apprised of any changes," Nok replied. "And call up BD, have her pull the Darius Jadeo identity and start filling out the edges to match Lord Akheron."


"Understood sir."


"Oh, and send a new robe to my suite. Not one of the silk ones, use one of the imitations." Nok had no doubt he'd lose another robe by the end of this trip to Kuat, and he'd rather not have to hunt down another hard-to-replace silken traditional robe of his homeworld.


As he left the bridge, his fingers absentmindedly ran along the edges of the bacta-patches on his shoulder, a twin to the one on his back. They tingled as the biochemicals did their work, but the pain still throbbed. Yet...he didn't hate it. It was galvanizing.


He turned to Lord Akheron.


"Where to now master? I have several suites here, stocked with the proper refreshments and foods to satisfy most civilized species if you'd prefer to talk or rest. Or I have a small gym if you'd prefer something less ornate."

Edited by Guest
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Zalis took only a moment to walk to the front of the bridge and look around before the drink Delta had offered her kicked in. She made the super obvious face of tasting strong alcohol before she bent over backwards slightly before making a wild jump forward with a shout of excitement. She made a comment to herself about being limber enough to strangle someone with her legs, but no one actually heard her, which only brought up some slight disappointment. She decided to take some time to observe the bridge of the vessel she was on, Mephistopheles is what it was called, or at least that’s what she remembers it being called.


“Ma’am, would you like for me to-“ “Seriously… Don’t call me ma’am. You may address me as Zalis or the Vice Queen, or the Queen of Vice. Anything else and I’ll remove your nether region.”


The man stumbled where he stood for a second as he tried to process how he was supposed to respond. After a long moment passed, she prompted him to finish


“If you can’t handle being interrupted, maybe you shouldn’t speak to someone who is over you…”


He quickly pulled himself together and stood at attention.


“I was just going to ask if you would like for me to show you around the bridge and what is has to offer. We’re used to Delta. Rumor has it, you only join us when you’re bored or mad at someone…”


And there it was. The sly curl of her own lips in amusement that she held such a reputation. While it was true, the last two times she had been onboard a war ship was out of boredom and looking for fun, she held no clue as to where the rumor of her being mad at someone came from. She actually thought it was slightly fitting though. And to be honest, the very last time was Kashyyyk, and there was a purpose behind it. She wanted resources from the planet and wanted to make sure that Delta behaved enough for her to get them. Offering up a gentler smile to the lad, she changed her posture to one of playfulness again.


“No thank you. I’d prefer to observe everything for myself. Besides… My rage hasn’t quite cooled off yet…”


She let her words hang as she turned away from him and began to walk behind some of the officers on the bridge, all of whom had heard what she said and tensed up as she passed by them. And this is where my fun begins…


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Karys observed initially, the ship seemed particularly ornate and luxurious, not that it would be of much use in the great battle to come. But the again Nok was turning out to be quite useful and resourceful in that regard. His idea or using a falsified identity and his business associates to gain entrance to the orbital platforms of Kuat was brilliant he had to admit.


It would give them some degree of free movement and certainly assist with their goal until the fleet arrived. And that reminded him they had not much time to try and fit in Nok's first of many lessons...lessons that would be of use for the rest of his life. He would attempt to fit in what he could until they arrived.


“I think the gym would be most suitable for now. We have much work to do to prepare you for what is to come, and little time to do it. I would have preferred more time to prepare your mind and body for this but alas it is not to be. So we must improvise and work with what we have.


I know you may have had some limited combat training, but if you are to face an elite trained stormtrooper or those who use Ysalamir, creatures who can cut you off from the force then more is needed. I will do what I can in what time we have to see you in an adequate position to be one not to be taken lightly. We will hone your abilities as feeble as they currently are and make a warrior of you. Lead the way if you will, and we shall begin the first steps in your long journey as an apprentice.”




 "Only in my pain, did I find my will. Only in my chaos, did I learn to be still. Only in my fear, did I find my might. Only in my darkness, did I see my light." - Darth Akheron


I survived the Great JNet Outage of 2012

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A low hiss began to fill the laboratory as the Sith fleet lurched towards their destination, meeting up with their allies for another upcoming war. The fleet had no fear of another battle. Morale was high, every fight they had been to they had so far won decisively under the command of their gluttonous god. As for the Lord and Master of Gluttony and greed, the giant slug was sitting at his feasting table, brooding over the victory.


He was tired of war without end. He was hungry. Starving for the fulfillment that war was not satiating. Wiping out an enemy fleet was a delicious aperitif, but it had no sustaining power. Once the souls were consumed, they were gone. Such great Jedi had died in the battle, but their souls gave no sustenance. A low rumble echoed through the force as the great slug pined for more. He desired to tear a hole in the force itself and drink it all in.




The Great Hutt distracted himself with his apprentice. The man was a worthy follower, and Sheog desired to forge him into strength.




King Kheldar vos Correlli said:
Sheog, I have to ask, overkill much?
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Commenor, the trading post between the Colonies and the Core on the prestigious Trellen Trade Route, was only a distant blue speck amongst the huge expanse that was the galactic core. The vast cluster of stars formed a bright mist against the dark void of space which brought a smile to Delta’s face. Only a few hours of lightspeed away would be the largest battle in history since the battle of the death star. Which would definitely end in a complete and utter victory against the Imperial Remnant. He pulled up the sensor scans from the Marie and grinned wider under his helm. He turned to Zalis who seemed to be bothering some of the deck crew,


“We haven’t had this large of fleet under Black Sun command since Doordjuba was rushed on Tatooine. We have come a long way together deary. Now do you need a good kriffing to calm yourself, or do you want some more to drink you red haired vixen?”


He smiled, and watched the Sith fleet come out of hyperspace. It was smaller than his own, with the damage to the Scarab still outstanding, it would not be partaking in this battle. The thought made him sad at heart, but this would be their chance to show how powerful the Black Sun had become. He keyed up his comm for the general encrypted frequencies of the combined fleet.


“Welcome brothers, as soon as our agents make landfall, we will jump into the melee. Prepare yourselves, surrender to your lust...for battle, surrender to the rage.”


He turned tot he Trandoshan Bounty Hunter that had joined them before the battle of Onderon. "You look good in the armour, will you join us in this Melee? There is a bounty on the Empress, her head is worth twenty five million. Though I would prefer a pristine head and even a body. She's is rather attractive." He laughed and turned back to the holo display.


The Black Sun Armada

AP: 30

16 TIE Defender Squadrons

10 XJ Squadrons

20 K-Wing Squadrons

12 A-Wing Squadrons

2 Uriel ARC Squardons



Ship Class: Star Destroyer

Type: Sith Kyber

Crew: 40,000 crew


50 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries

75 Turbolaser Batteries

20 Heavy Ion Cannons

8 Octuple barbette turbolaser

4 Concussion Missile Launchers

10 Heavy Tractor Beam Projectors

Complement: 4,000 Troops, 4 TIE Defender squadrons, 2 K-Wing Squadrons, 2 XJ Squadrons

AP: 4



Ship Class: Star Destroyer

Type: Sith Kyber

Crew: 40,000 crew


50 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries

75 Turbolaser Batteries

20 Heavy Ion Cannons

8 Octuple barbette turbolaser

4 Concussion Missile Launchers

10 Heavy Tractor Beam Projectors

Complement: 4,000 Troops, 4 TIE Defender squadrons, 2 K-Wing Squadrons, 2 XJ Squadrons

AP: 4



Ship Class: Star Destroyer

Type: Sith Kyber

Crew: 40,000 crew


50 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries

75 Turbolaser Batteries

20 Heavy Ion Cannons

8 Octuple barbette turbolaser

4 Concussion Missile Launchers

10 Heavy Tractor Beam Projectors

Complement: 4,000 Troops, 4 TIE Defender squadrons, 2 K-Wing Squadrons, 2 XJ Squadrons

AP: 4


Sariel's Judgement

Ship Class: Cruiser

Type: Victory II-class Star Destroyer

Crew: 6,000 crew


10 quad turbolaser batteries

20 turbolaser batteries

20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries

10 Heavy Ion Cannons

Complement: 3,000 Troops, 3 K-wing squadrons, 3 RZ-1 A-wing interceptor Squadrons

AP: 3


Red Hussar

Ship Class: Cruiser

Type: Victory II-class Star Destroyer

Crew: 6,000 crew


10 quad turbolaser batteries

20 turbolaser batteries

20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries

10 Heavy Ion Cannons

Complement: 3,000 Troops, 3 K-wing squadrons, 3 RZ-1 A-wing interceptor Squadrons

AP: 3


Silent Spring

Ship Class: Cruiser

Type: Victory II-class Star Destroyer

Crew: 6,000 crew


10 quad turbolaser batteries

20 turbolaser batteries

20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries

10 Heavy Ion Cannons

Complement: 3,000 Troops, 3 K-wing squadrons, 3 RZ-1 A-wing interceptor Squadrons

AP: 3


St. Cathryne

Ship Class: Cruiser

Type: MC30c

Crew: 900 crew

Starfighter/Troop Complement: 3,000 Troops 4 TIE Defender Squadrons, 2 K-Wing Squadrons


2 Heavy Assault MG1-A proton torpedo launchers

16 Medium Turbolaser batteries

16 Twin laser cannon batteries

6 cluster bomb launchers

AP: 3


Canto Bight Fiasco

Ship Class: Frigate

Type: EF76-3 Nebulon-B2 escort frigate

Crew: 900 crew


12 Taim & Bak XI7 turbolasers

12 Borstel RH8 laser cannons

2 Heavy Torpedo Launchers

Complement: 2,000 troops, 2 K-Wing Squadrons, 2 XJ Squadrons

AP: 2


Totenkopf II

Ship Class: Corvette

Type: Agave-class picket ship

Crew: 60 crew


4 turbolaser cannons

4 Point defense laser batteries

Gravity Well projector.

Starfighter/Troop Complement: 1,000 troops, 2 RZ-1 A-wing interceptor squadrons

AP: 1



Ship Class: Corvette

Type: CR-90 Modified minelayer

Crew: 95 crew


Mine storage and deployment units

Deep range sensor package

Upgraded thruster package


Mines (Ion, Proximity, Proton, Baradium, Seeker)

10 Point Defense Guns

Complement: 1,000 troops, 2 Uriel class modified ARC170Es Squadrons

AP: 1


The Marie

Ship Class: Corvette

Type: Corellian CR-90E Heavily Modified

Crew: 130 crew

Complement: 1,000 troops 2 2 XJ Squadrons


5 turbolaser turrets

4 point defense guns

Advanced sensor/jamming package

AP: 1





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