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Skye Organa

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Everything posted by Skye Organa

  1. It had been quite some time since Skye had brought Jackson to Corellia and since the destruction of Coruscant. It had knocked both Master and Padawan for a six and it seemed like they had just been treading water and Skye was only just coming out from the fog it had left them in. Her Padawan had gone off on a personal discovery mission and only the Force knew when he would return. The sound of the forest first thing in the morning was calming, though the air was already warming up towards a hot summers day. Skye paused for a moment to wipe her brow before she took off running once more, following the track through the forest and around part of the teardrop lake. She stopped just before the Organa boundary line and took to the water, feeling the cooling water envelope her as she dove beneath the crystal clear surface. She remained underwater several meters before coming up for air and swimming back across the lake to where I-Nine waited on the jetty. The silver and green protocol droid handed her a towel as she emerged from the water. "Master Skye, you have messages from Morgana and Krishna." The Jedi Master smiled at this piece of news, "Thank you I-Nine, I'll listen to them now." Skye was always happy to hear from her children and would reply to them both and send one to Amon while she was at it. After she had done this, the Healer readied herself to go to the local hospital for her shift.
  2. I-Nine left the living area, returning after a few minutes with a green tea for Skye and a glass of water for Jackson. The droid also placed a water jug and second glass on a small table off to the side of the lounge chairs. Flitter hovered between the two Jedi, running the scans on each of them and bringing up the results on a smaller monitor. When Skye glanced at it she noticed that while their life signals were showing alright, some of the other results from the brain scans were showing signs of the stress both had undergone. "I recommend not doing anything Force related tonight. In the morning you can attempt a light meditation though only do what feels right. What we will do tomorrow is some old fashioned hunting. There are some game animals in this forest that we can go after. This exercise will give you something new to experience. I'll show you how to prepare meat from it's source, then how to cook it. Skills that you will find helpful if you ever get stranded somewhere where you might need to hunt for food. I'll also teach you how to fish. I'll give you a choice of which we can do first - fishing or hunting. I'll also teach you how to test your 'catch' to make sure it is edible." The Jedi Master paused. What she hoped would happen during this 'exercise' - besides teaching him how to hunt for food - is that being surrounded by nature he might reconnect with the Force in a more natural environment. "Any questions?"
  3. "Hwhath... hmmh, what do we do now?" Skye was in a state of shock herself, her eyes attempting to focus on the screens in front of them, trying to take it all in but the scale of destruction of not only Coruscant but the Alliance base that was on the moon as well. So many lives just blown out of existence by that madman. The backlash through the Force was just as devastating as if they were there. A numbing sensation wanted to cloud her mind though she knew she had to concentrate for a while longer before she could rest. Jackson's voice brought her attention back to him. "First off... we recover. Neither of us would do any good with not being able to function at our best. Then we find out where we can assist. Make yourself comfortable." The Jedi Master indicated to the various lounges around the room. She was still feeling unbalanced and could see that her Padawan was having difficulties as well. "Flitter... run full spectrum scans and monitor both of us for the next few hours. I-Nine, could you bring in some hot drinks. I'll have green tea... Jackson?" She turned to the young man, "What would you prefer? Caffa, tea, cocoa? We both need to relax and let the Force soothe our minds after that onslaught. I know I'm feeling numb right now and I'm assuming you might feel the same, like the Force has attempted to cushion us from the worst of it. If we had been any closer to Coruscant than being here on Corellia this would have been a lot worse." Observing her Padawan for a moment she made a suggestion, "If you like I can give you a sedative to help you relax. You can decide if you want to stay in here or go to your room... wherever you will feel the most comfortable." Picking up the remote for the holoscreens, Skye flicked the news channels off. In their place was now a live view of their surroundings, showing the lake and forest. Soothing sounds of nature filled the room. She couldn't take in any information right now. Nothing had sunk in other than knowing that Faust had done it again. The Jedi Healer sat on one of the lounges, tucking her feet up under her, making herself comfortable while waiting for I-Nine to return with their beverages.
  4. Once she had finally gotten her breath back, Skye slowly got to her feet. It took a bit to keep steady at first as she still felt unbalanced. Whatever had happened it was on a large scale and it was devastating. She closed the gap between herself and her Padawan, resting her hand upon his shoulder to help ground him. "That had to be tough on you. It's hard enough on a seasoned Jedi Master, but you're still beginning." Her voice was gentle, soothing. It would take time to get over this. "I think we better head back inside, Jackson. We'll check the holonet for what has happened." Once he was ready, she led the way back inside, leading her Padawan to the living room where she turned on the large holonet screen. As they had walked in she had signalled for Flitter and I-Nine to join them there. Every channel showed the destruction of Coruscant and the subsequent attacks by the Mandalorian's. The images were just as devastating as Skye had surmised. She was shocked that it was Coruscant. The Healer wondered how in the galaxy had it happened. It was at that moment that I-Nine spoke up as if answering her unasked question. "Master Skye. The reports are all saying that it was Faust." The droid's words were followed by reporters on the holonet stating the diabolical mastermind behind this atrocity was indeed Vladmir Faust. There seemed to be no end to his scheming and lust for destruction.
  5. Skye quietly observed her Padawan as he marvelled at his surroundings. The Jedi Master's voice was soft, gentle as she spoke, "You don't have to stand on ceremony with me when it is just the two of us." She smiled then continued, "There is so much life here. You will have noticed the difference between here and Coruscant. Here you will feel the Living Force easier, feel the energy field that is the Force, feel it surrounding you, flowing around and through you. Feel it in the life forms, between them, you and I. The Living Force teaches us to focus on the now, to focus on your surroundings. I brought you here for training because it will broaden your senses. Sometimes on Coruscant you can feel stifled. It can be and often is chaotic with so many different emotions flowing through all manner of beings. You already know to trust your feelings, your instincts. I would like you to open yourself up to the Living Force. Let it guide you." She fell silent for a moment, letting her Padawan absorb what she had said. "When you are ready, close your eyes and open your senses. Tell me what you feel." It was only moments after she had given Jackson his task when it hit her. She swayed a moment before her knees gave way, the Jedi Healer finding herself on the ground. Waves of pain, a horrible sense of death and destruction on a major scale. A trillion voices crying out before being silenced. Skye gasped in breaths as if she was having trouble breathing. Once the initial horror had passed and she was able to come back to herself, the Healer looked at her Padawan, hoping that he didn't feel as big of a backlash as she had since she'd asked him to open himself up to the Force. "I fear something dreadful has happened."
  6. As they began their approach Skye pointed out a teardrop shaped lake. “That’s our destination. There’s a log cabin on the tip of the teardrop. That is where we’re going.” She glanced at Jackson before sending off a coded message. As she circled Serenity around the lake, he would see that there were only a couple of dwellings around the lake, though the cabin she had spoken of was quite isolated compared to the others. Her Padawan would get a surprise when it came to the cabin. It looked only to be a small dwelling although beneath the ground was where the rest of the complex was built. After several attacks from various crime organisations and Sith Masters - Faust and Geki to name but two - the Organa’s had decided that they would extend underground. The code she had sent off had opened the underground hanger to which she now headed. Once Serenity touched down and she’d gone through all the post flight checks, Skye led the way out. At this moment in time her’s was the only ship there. There was room for two other ships of similar size. She figured that her Mother must have gone to the KNM Resort again. Turning to her Padawan she added, “While we’re here make yourself at home. I’ll show you to your room and then we can go above ground to the lake. It’s great for meditating.” She gave Jackson a quick tour, showing him to his room, the living area, the interactive training room and gym (which consisted of a full level) and a medical and hydroponics room. “We built this underground complex because of the attacks Corellia survived. I’ve done a lot of training here. Make yourself comfortable and when you’re ready meet me out at the lake. If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask one of the droids or myself.”
  7. The Jedi Master got to her feet, observing her Padawan as she moved over to the control panel on the wall of the hold. “It takes time and practice to master some actions through the Force. You will get used to it. Look on the bright side,” Skye gave Jackson a gentle and reassuring smile, “It did do what you wanted it to… just with a little too much oomph. You just have to work out how much “force” to use to get the right balance.” “Master Skye, we are about to arrive at Corelia.” I-Nine’s voice came over the intercom. Skye looked towards Jackson, “You’ll get to see my homeworld now.” She led the way out of the hold and towards the cockpit. “I grew up in the city of Tyrena and we will be going to my families Forest Retreat a short flight from there. That’s where we will continue your training.” As they entered the cockpit, I-Nine moved back so that Jackson could take the co-pilot’s seat. Skye slipped into her seat and clipped her safety harness in place, waiting for her Padawan to follow suit before she reached for the lever that would bring them out of hyperspace. White streaks reverted to black with white pinpoints, with the exception of the jewel of a planet in front of them… and the ship building platforms and stations above the planet and of course all the ships themselves. Serenity continued passed them towards the planet itself, soon entering the atmosphere. [to Corellia]
  8. Skye held her amusement in as Jackson patted himself down. She could see he was thinking of what to do next and observed as he took in a slow breath. The Healer readied herself for his next attack and though she was prepared, she wasn’t for what actually happened. He grabbed her with the Force and pulled. It was like he didn’t know his own strength as she was unexpectedly propelled towards him. With a flick of her thumb she disengaged her saber for safety and reached for the Force to cushion the blow before she collided with him. Even with her quick thinking precautions the collision still happened as there hadn’t been time to do anything to prevent it. The two hit and tumbled to the ground in a tangled heap of limbs. She couldn’t help but be thankful he was using a training saber and not a fully operational one as she felt the sting on her arm… Skye couldn’t help but laugh at how they had ended up. “Impressive Padawan… I wasn’t expecting that…”
  9. As Jackson took up his stance, Skye observed silently. He was looking a little more comfortable now as he held the saber but she could see how he was still over compensating on the weight of the weapon compared to his stun baton. She met his attack defensively, hearing the crackling and seeing the sparks of the energy blades clashing. The Jedi Master met each of his attacks, letting him get used to the much lighter weapon and feeling the power he was putting behind each strike. If he were to look at her eyes, Jackson would notice the mischief shining in them as she brought her hand up and ‘pushed’ him backwards. She followed this with a flurry of strikes before going back on the defensive. Skye was hoping that he would attempt to use the Force to assist with his movements. “Just like with the credit chip, you can use the Force to pull or push your opponent. Don’t think about it, just let it happen,” the Healer advised.
  10. Skye observed silently as Jackson practiced. She knew he’d get the hang of it in his own time. What she saw here showed his potential. When he said he’d work on it later, the Healer gave a nod of her head in assent. “You will get better with time and practice.” Giving her Padawan a smile she followed suit, standing and moving towards a cabinet to get two of the simulation headsets, before moving to the centre of the hold. She handed Jackson one of the headsets and placed hers on, the pads going just behind the ears. As if on queue, Flitter entered the hold and floated over to a panel, ready to activate the simulator when Skye indicated for it. “For starters I’d like you to run through the basics, then I’ll add in elements to make our sparring session a little more interesting.” Her eyes sparkled with anticipation. She would be curious to see how he would handle some of the sim elements thrown in. She had used the holo-simulator numerous times for training, though the simulator she had on Corellia was more elaborate than the one in her ship. It did, after all, have more space to use. Skye took her saber from her hip and dialed down the setting to match the training saber Jackson had. She ignited the amethyst blade with it’s customary *snap-hiss* and stood, holding it loosely waiting for her Padawan to ready himself. She would let him make the first move.
  11. It was a challenge to keep a straight face though Skye kept a serene expression on her face when she was inwardly amused at where Jackson had sent the chip. Still she couldn't help but say, "Just as well we started with something small. I was tempted to get you to start with the lightsaber." She allowed a slight smile to grace her face before the expression smoothed out once more. It had been interesting back when she had been learning to use the Force so many years before. There had been so many amusing things she had done when learning from Master Tares Vortex. She would let Jackson practice a little more with this exercise before sparring with him. While she observed her Padawan her mind wandered a little, wondering how Darla was getting on. Skye would also have to check in with Darex again and see what was happening. She had the impression that something big had happened since they had left Coruscant. She wondered if they had closed in on Faust yet or if he'd pulled another of his stunts. With that in mind she used her implant to contact i-Nine and Flitter, instructing them to check the news to do with Coruscant since that was where he had been when she'd left to go to Onderon. With the message sent to the droids she turned her attention back to Jackson...
  12. Skye listened to Jackson as he mentioned not being able to feel the ship while in the sims. "Yes, it certainly sounds like you have an affinity for machines. I can surmise that you subconsciously tap into the force when you pilot a speeder or when you work on machines. When we get to Corellia we will test that theory out with the speeder first, then with Serenity later.” The Healer finished her dinner and gathered up the empty plates, placing them in the dishwasher. She then placed what remained of the stew into the chiller. “If you’re hungry at any time feel free to grab something to eat.” One thing her Padawan would discover is that he’d never have to go hungry. There was always food in the pantry - and the hydroponics unit too. She would teach him how to prepare and cook the different foods. “How are you going with your mental exercises and meditation?” Skye motioned for him to come with her as she led the way to the hold and took out the training saber, handing it too him. “Once you are proficient with Form 1 we will move onto another of the Forms. I use a combination of Forms III and IV. Before we begin though I want you to try something.” She indicated for him to sit on the floor facing her, as she gracefully sat down herself. She took out a credit chip and placed it on the floor between them. “This is an exercise that my Master got me to do back when I was first starting out. Once you are confident with this we shall move onto larger objects.” Skye pointed to the chip. “I want you to open your mind to mine and follow what I am about to do.” She waited for her Padawan to do so before she “showed” him how to lift the credit chip. It rose from the floor and floated between them for a moment before sinking back to the floor. “Now you try. Take your time.”
  13. Skye looked up as Jackson came into the galley, a smile upon her face as she placed bowls and utensils on the table, then the buns and stew pot, indicating for him to serve himself how much he'd like. "Enough for now," she answered his question regarding getting enough rest, as she served hers up. "Feel free to have seconds if you like. It's there to have." For a while the only sounds was that of the pair eating. "It'll take 3 days to get to Corellia. One protocol I always use is to make several random hyperspace jumps so that it makes it more difficult to track where we've come from. It is a lesson I learned back when the Sith were actively hunting Jedi. You will notice a huge difference from Coruscant when we get to Corellia. The Forest Retreat is on the point of a teardrop shaped lake. All you will see above ground is a log cabin, everything else is underground, including the hanger. We took a lot of precautions and so far we've been lucky to keep it secluded and private." The Healer gathered up the empty plates and put them in the dishwasher. "So how are you going with the piloting? Once you're feeling confident with the sim's, we'll take Serenity for a spin so you can get some practice."
  14. A few hours later, Skye woke up much refreshed to what she'd been when her head had hit the pillow. It wasn't nearly enough though it would do for now. She had a report to make to Darex and one to Andon. To that end, she began formulating her messages reporting on what had happened at Onderon. Once she had them recorded, she sent them off. She could only hope that they had heard something regarding Jaina by the time they got her report. She also mentioned to Darex that she was taking Jackson to Corellia to train him. The message to Andon was more somber, just mentioning that she had not heard what had happened to his wife, nor if she were still with them or if she'd become one with the Force. Messages sent she headed down to the Galley to make dinner. She enjoyed cooking, especially when it was for someone other than just herself. It wasn't long before she had a hearty stew simmering away, as well as some fresh crusty buns cooking in the oven. The aroma of the meal wafted through the ship, the Jedi Master knowing that she wouldn't have to call her Padawan to come and eat - he'd be drawn to the galley by the mouth watering smell of the stew and bread. Once it was ready she began serving up, hoping that Jackson had a good appetite. Comm. to Grandmaster Darex Trevelian from Master Skye Organa Comm to Andon Colos from Skye Organa
  15. Skye turned back to I-Nine, briefly giving instruction for the droid to begin showing Jackson how to fly the ship. Her eyes sparkled at his use of her title as she turned back to her Padawan adding, "We're heading to Corellia. I have a forest retreat there. We could have gone down to the surface of Felucia to train though with the ships still here in orbit we will be better off away from them." As she spoke, the silver and green Protocol droid had lifted the ship and left the hanger, gliding out away from the Ara-Lai. It took only a short amount of time before I-Nine pulled back on the lever sending them into hyperspace. The Jedi Healer watched as the view changed to streaks of swirling light before she again turned back to Jackson, "We'll stop in Tyrena to get a few supplies and you can pick up some other clothing. I suggest you get some that you are comfortable in so you can move freely for training. I'll get you a set of Jedi Robes that will fit you properly as well." Where he had made the comment about not being able to sleep properly, the routine she will put him into would soon correct that. She intended to build his fitness as well as give him the mental training he would need to become a Jedi. "I'll leave you here with I-Nine - he'll take you through what you need to know for how to fly this ship. You can then use the simulator in the hold as often as you wish. It's got a lot of scenarios programmed in of how to pilot through an asteroid field, how to fly in combat and your regular run of the mill piloting. I'll see you in a couple of hours." With that, Skye headed back out of the cockpit towards her quarters. She took a quick sonic shower and got into fresh robes before she lay down to get a bit of much needed sleep. [To Space thread]
  16. Skye met her Padawan’s eyes with a tired smile and nodded her head as Jackson told her how uncomfortable he felt being on the Ara-Lai. “What you’re feeling is through the Force. It is your new awareness of those surrounding us - how stressed they are all feeling - emotions and trauma. I’m not surprised that it has given you a headache. It can be overwhelming for those new to the ways of the Force.” Skye leaned against the door frame as she looked at her Padawan, “Your headache will ease once we get far enough away.” Where she was going to rest before heading back to her ship, the Healer now changed her mind, “Gather your things, we’ll head back over now.” She pushed herself away from the door frame and stepped back, heading to the room next door. It didn’t take her long to gather up her belongings and meet her Padawan in the corridor. As they made their way to the hanger Skye answered Jackson’s question about flying. “Yes, I can teach you how to fly. We can set up the simulator so you can begin there.” By the time they entered the hanger bay, I-Nine had docked. She led the way over to the embarkation ramp and boarded Serenity. “It’s good to be back,” the Healer murmured softly as she crossed the threshold. She would still need to rest before she reported to Darex and Andon regarding Jaina. Skye very much hoped that Jaina would turn up soon. Making her way to the cockpit she instructed I-Nine to take them out and head towards Corellia. She would rest during the trip. Skye would take Jackson to the Forest Retreat and begin his training in earnest. Turning to Jackson she spoke, “Unless you wish to rest also, I-Nine can give you a rundown on piloting. Once I’ve rested I’ll cook dinner. Any questions we can go over then.”
  17. By the time they had gotten back to Felucia the Master Healer was exhausted. She had been running on very little rest as she tended to the injured from the disastrous battle for Onderon. Skye had taken short meditative breaks but would need a proper rest to recover. There had been so many wounded to work on, so many that hadn’t made it, killed in the space battle. The Healer would have to check in with Darex as Jaina was MIA. What she couldn’t tell was if her fellow Councilwoman had survived or if she had perished. With all the deaths that occurred in that dreadful fight there was no way any of the Jedi there - even those most familiar with her - could isolate a single presence amongst the many tortured souls whose lives had ended or those that lived on though were horribly wounded and still cried out their pain. By the time Skye had been told Jaina was missing they had already left the system. “Master Organa. We’ll take over here now. Go and rest, you look exhausted.” The Healer looked up from the chart she had been attempting to read through blurry eyes. “Yes… you’re right. I’ll leave my patients in you’re capable hands… and yes, I’ll rest. I need to report to Master Trevelian. There’s been no word regarding Master Skywalker?” Skye asked, knowing the answer by the expression on her fellow Jedi Healer’s face. “No Master Organa. No one can confirm if she’s alive, taken prisoner or if she has become one with the Force.” Skye closed her eyes and sadly shook her head, “We can only trust in the Force.” With that, she handed over the chart and took her leave, intending on getting a little rest before she composed messages for the Grandmaster… and for Andon and Emily. The least she could do was to report that Jaina was missing. As she walked past the room allotted to her Padawan, she tapped on the door, waiting for him to answer. “How are you holding up Jackson? We’ll head over to Serenity after I’ve had some rest.”
  18. Once they had entered hyperspace enroute to the Jedi Fleet, Skye left the cockpit giving Flitter instructions to monitor their course. She joined Jackson, leading him to the Meditation room and indicating for him to take a seat. “Now, one thing I would like to do with you is to make a connection through the Force with our minds. It will make it easier if comms go down for us to communicate telepathically. The more familiar you are with my Force presence, the easier it will be.” She met his gaze, her mind open for him to attempt a connection. “Reach out to me with your mind.” Soon, the Padawan’s eyelids flickered and his pupils dilated. It took some serious effort and willpower to force his instinctual concealment to relax. To allow himself to unwind, close his eyes, stretch out his feelers, and really see. It was a similar sense as earlier, when he had lost focus and turned his attention inwards. The only difference now was that he was taking a more active role, deliberately searching for a connection to his mentor. Looking for one of the few other presences on board the ship. Of the smattering of dim lights nearby, Jackson noted that the small sun in the room with him was most likely to be Skye. The kiddos and other Jedi had already left, after all, so there were few other possibilities. Jackson carefully wrapped his coils around that brighter presence, feeling it, even wincing and drawing back a few times before adjusting to the comparative intensity, like stepping out of a cold pool and into a scalding tub of water. And then it happened. Mostly on accident, Jackson linked his sense to Skye’s, opening himself up and freely, almost forcefully, sharing all that he was. But all too quickly, it was gone. That brief contact and full, undisclosed sharing of information ending just as soon and as abruptly as it had started, more akin to an accident caused by a twitching muscle than any real desire to open up. Slowly, almost groggily, the Padawan picked himself up from the floor and rubbed the side of his head. His eyes wandered through the room for a brief moment before settling on Skye, then closing for a few moments. The overstimulation of the brief contact had shaken him a bit, but in an alien and unfamiliar way rather than an uncomfortable one. “How did I do?” He asked quietly, after gathering his bearings. A smile crossed her features as she felt her Padawan taking his first steps to using the Force. The Healer followed his progress though did not interfere. When Jackson opened his mind to her, Skye caught the brief contact before he shut down once more. Regardless of it only being a very brief touch she was proud of his accomplishment. Opening her own eyes, Skye smiled at him, “You did very well, Jackson. The more you practice the more you become familiar with my Force Presence.” A thoughtful expression crossed the Healer’s face, “We will soon be arriving at the marshalling point. Get some rest while you can. I have a feeling that we’ll end up very busy all too soon.” Skye knew she’d have to follow her own advice as well. If this upcoming battle went the way of a lot of the other previous battles she would have her hands full in the Medbay… [to Onderon battle]
  19. Ship Registration Name: Serenity Class: Modified Freighter Model: YT-2000 Manufacturer: Modified by CEC Length: 29 m Armaments: Heavy Lasers: 2 Torpedo Launchers: 2 Ion Cannons: 2 Armor: Standard Anti-Personnel Defenses: Appearance: Standared YT-2000 appearance with healer insignia painted on the dark grey hull. Modifications: Small cargo hold converted to hydroponics’ station, large cargo hold converted to a fully equipped med bay with laboratory station.
  20. Update Rank: Jedi Master Healer - Jedi Council firstly under Grandmaster Kirlocca and then under Grandmaster Darex Trevelian Trained by: Tares Vortex Trained: Darex Trevelian, Ish Ka Bibl, Raziel Shardik, Fynn Relmis & partially trained Kajai Jakara, Ana Tryell and Lucious Qel-Droma (each of who stopped posting for one reason or another.) New Padawan: Jackson Bloom == While I have always mentioned I-Nine and Flitter I have not previously described them other than I-Nine being a protocol droid (something like C3PO) and Flitter a hover droid (something like an Imperial interrogation droid from A New Hope). Both droids are mostly silver with green markings. Skye's mother, Talia Organa is still alive and living on Corellia at their Forest Retreat which was on the outskirts of Tyrena. The Organa’s had only what appeared to be a log cabin above ground but had expanded below ground. They had several levels below ground now, especially after the many attacks that had taken place when Kakuto Ryu, Faust, Geki and Ar-Pharazon were in power, just to name a few. It was in one of these attacks that Talia Organa had been lucky to be on the Golden Link Casino as it orbited Corellia. The Golden Link Casino had taken as many as they could evacuate within the short time window they had before they had to leave or be caught up in the attack themselves. They had been so lucky that their cabin had remained untouched, probably because of its isolated location. They weren’t the only ones that lived on the teardrop lake now though their closest neighbour was on the other side of the lake, far enough away so that they could only see their lights at night, otherwise it still appeared that they had the lake to themselves. === Copied from the OOC Character Expansion discussion. Here's an expansion about Skye... from years ago. I will do an updated expansion shortly. Growing up, Skye Organa was a rather rebellious young girl who got in with the wrong crowd for a while before settling down to a steady job on a trade route. She'd saved hard and had bought the˜Star Dancer' from a family friend who had taken a keen interest in her welfare, often getting her back on the straight and narrow. She was brought up by her single mother and she never knew who her father was. Skye first stumbled across the Jedi when on Telos for business purposes. She somehow saved a canine without knowing quite how she did it. Very shocked after the experience she had gone into a cantina and was joined there by a Jedi who told her that she had a rare gift and that if she wanted training he would supply her with the co-ordinates of a training establishment. She agreed and was sent to Hoth. She arrived there just before the Battle of Hoth, meeting many of the other hopefuls and training with them. One man in particular caught her eye and she found it hard to deny the attraction she felt for him. Skye and Darex Trevelian would both seek the other out when asked to chose partners for sparring and would confide in each other from time to time as well. Now that she was training to be a Jedi, Skye was confused about the policies regarding relationships within the order, having read somewhere that love was forbidden in the old order. She didn't know if that was still current or not but didn't agree with it as she had previously been in a relationship and had only broken it off after she had caught her boyfriend cheating on her that had been 2 years previous and she had let her heart heal in the time since, finding that she was ready to let love into her heart once more. She also found out through contacting her mother on Corellia who her father was. That Nichos Katarn was a Jedi and that he was the one who had given her the amethyst pendant she wore constantly. It was also on Hoth that she first faced the Sith. She had never come in contact with them before and had great fear of them. On Hoth she was confronted three times by different sith lords, somehow managing to escape their clutches mostly due to other Jedi intervening. By her third encounter she had started to overcome her fear of them and was able to backchat when challenged. It was also during this encounter that she met the man who was later to become her Jedi Master, Tares Vortex. She also lost her ship during the battle. After arriving on the rebel transports, the one that she and Darex had entered was hit by enemy fire and the two were injured. Another hopeful Ish Ka Bibl helped them out of the burning transport and aboard another ship, finally reaching the rebels above. From there they were dropped off at Manaan. For some reason that Skye couldn't fathom, she found herself popular with most of the male jedi she came into contact with, but there was only one that she had mixed, yet confused feelings about. Sometime after her arrival on the Eternal Vigilance, Skye was approached by Master Tares Vortex to become his Padawan, an offer she was very pleased to accept. She was the first out of the group of three friends to be taken on for training. She was hesitant at first, but allowed her Master to create a Force Bond between them in which he used to implant knowledge in her mind, compacting months of training into a few moments. In getting to know each other, Skye threw in some rather difficult questions to her Master in regards to love, finding out that her Master had only limited experiences of love but had never been in love, only lust and also he passed the question on to Keiran Valoria when the opportunity arose, but not before answering her comment of not being able to live without love with a comment of "To live a life with out love is not life at all. Sadly, it's merely like an empty shell, nothing there but space, and pain. I would hate to condemn any padawan of mine to that fate. There is no reason to feel guilty about your feelings. The position you find yourself in isn't all that uncommon." Finding it difficult to get much training done due to interruptions, the two went to Master Vortex's villa on Naboo where they continued training, her focus being the healing arts. It was also here that Skye discovered that she had a half brother. After Jedi Knight Ben'a Solo collected Nahstaa, they joined Skye and Master Tares on Naboo and the siblings got to know each other, meeting for the first time finding that there were 10 years between them. It was also here that Ben'a was contacted by a sith, claiming to want the help of the Jedi to overcome a greater evil. Returning to the EV's council chambers, the four were included in a mission to Arbra that ended up with the group of eight Jedi captured and taken to Mimban. After having their shackles released by Tzeentch, the two Jedi Masters and Knight Keiran Valoria began an exorcism on the Sith Leader, Bishop of Battle. When he retaliated with Force Lightning, Skye found herself kidnapped by Raynuk Montar and dragged off, Keiran spotted this and came after her. She was released in time for her to see her Master collapse after the defeat of BoB and she raced back to his side, doing all she could to help him. During this mission, none escaped injury of some degree and three were killed ”“ her brother included. Devastated by the severed sibling's bond with her brother, Skye still managed to go around the remaining jedi to give first aid. Being rescued and returned to the EV it was found that her Master had lost most of his memory, retaining enough to remember that he was going to knight her ”“ which he did. Currently she is on Coruscant at the Last Call with Nahstaa and Nom. === viewtopic.php?f=23&t=17174&p=419584#p419584 - "Chances Are" is the fic I converted Skye's first adventures to which might expand her history further. ===
  21. --- A Comm to Jaina Jade Skywalker came in on the Jedi encrypted codes ---
  22. A comm comes in for Nath Corun from Skye Organa
  23. A plain text ad appears on the holonet Wanted Tech savvy person for special job. Applications to this address [enclosed]
  24. After the first of a series of random hyperspace jumps Skye headed to the galley, popping her head in on the twins who were sitting with Tirzah's still form. "I'm just going to make us something to eat and then you two can get some rest." She received a chorus of 'Yes Grandma Skye' and the two reluctantly left their friend's side to follow the Healer. They settled themselves at the table, the Nanny droid entering and stating that their beds were ready when they were. Skye thanked the droid and got herself busy fixing an evening meal for the twins and herself. It wasn't long before she produced a casserole with rice and the three sat together to eat. The twins were already yawning when they rose from the table, Skye guiding them to their beds. Once they were showered, changed and in bed she gave each a kiss to their forehead and a hug, pulling up their blankets so they were snug. Two young voices murmured 'Goodnight Grandma Skye' to which she responded in kind, saying goodnight to each child before she turned the light off, letting the Nanny droid watch over them while they slept. The Healer checked on Tirzah, resting a hand upon the girls face soothingly, "You will be alright Tirzah. I have every confidence in your Mother. She will bring you back so you can be whole once more. Until then, know that I am here..." It didn't matter if her young charge could hear her or not, the sentiment was there. Skye watched her for a long moment before stirring herself to her next task. She had two vials of Sith Poisons to analyse and make antidotes for. She headed to the lab, Flitter floating along behind her. I-Nine met them there. The first vial she worked on was Faust's. The one that Tenebris had come in contact with. She knew the symptoms it had caused, the rage that had possessed the Coresec Officer. She knew it was a contact poison. She also knew that it would likely take her a long time to analyse it, not knowing if there was a way to create an antidote for it. Once she had prepared a sample of it - all done within a containment field - every precaution taken not to be affected by it, she set upon setting up the second sample. By the time she had set Kern’s poison in the analyse machine as well she was feeling very weary. All she had to do now was wait... While she worked on the samples she had Flitter and I-Nine both searching the holonet and the packets of information that had been sent to her for anything relevant to her search. Every time the droids had found something she had paused to watch - or read - the reports. She took the reports with her as she retired, reading a few more before placing them down to rest. The droids would alert her the moment the samples were analysed, or if anything else happened in the meantime. Four hours later the Healer rose, checked on the twins and her patient before she started reading more of the reports. She had the droids searching for anything that might pinpoint where this ‘safehouse’ was that the ‘Bhelliom’ backed up to but realised that she might have to find someone more tech savvy than she was. With that in mind she placed an ad on the holonet and went back to work…
  25. Skye Organa


    “Indeed. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about Onderon right now. We can only hope the Sith are as against Faust's return as we are." Skye sighed with regards to Onderon, “No. We can only hope that they are. I must admit that I’m not all that sure what went on while I was unconscious but something tells me this Dark Lord will bear watching carefully. Xae and I met him briefly and while Tenebris wasn’t too pleased, I was quick to take Lord Exodus up on his offer to let us go, otherwise I feel we would have become their ‘guests’. There is something different about him.” She listened as Darex continued and agreed, “Yes, I’ll begin the next leg of this search on Coruscant.” The Healer glanced at the files Darex sent onto her and shook her head, glancing up at Aelyn, “He’s been very busy. Coruscant, Corellia, Onderon. I wonder where else he has been and what he’s been up to.” Skye could feel the urgency in the Force and voiced her agreement before adding, “Yes I’ll let you know Darex. May the Force be with You too.” Aelyn’s comm beeping brought her gaze back to the young woman, an idea formulating as the Padawan spoke, "Sorry Master Skye, but Master Cadan says we need to go back to Coruscant. More politics no doubt. I hope we can still do those healing lessons next time we cross paths." Skye nodded her head, “We can meet on Coruscant as I’ll be heading there as well. I’d love to meet Master Cadan and you are welcome to access my holo library and have lessons whenever you like. What I might do is give you and your Master the information I have on Faust. Since you will be mediating between the GA and the Imperial Remnant, they should be informed of what Faust has been up to. I will speak with…” Glancing at another report her eyes widened slightly before she continued, “Supreme Commander Tenebris E’lann. I still have to speak with him regarding Onderon so I will fill him in on the rest as well. May the Force be with You Aelyn.” Skye signaled to I-Nine to forward the information to Aelyn and then rested a hand on the girl’s arm in farewell before following her back into the infirmary. As the young Padawan left the Healer watched as the Trevelian’s droid fussed over the twins. “We’re going to head to Coruscant now so once we’re underway I’ll make us all dinner.” Her gaze fell onto Tirzah, wondering what was happening with the girl’s mind and hoping that it wouldn't be too long before she was whole again. I-Nine was already running through the pre-flight checklist and was almost done when Skye reached the cockpit. Following protocol the Healer asked and was granted permission for departure Serenity soon lifting off and rising above the canopy, headed for space. Once they cleared the planet, she adjusted the navi computer, soon sending them shooting into hyperspace on their way to Coruscant.
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