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Darth Heretic

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As Azrael kneeled down next to his former mentor, he placed his hand across his forhead. His master was cold and hot at the same time. The vacume of space had taken its toll on the Jedi Master. But there was something else. Something evil still lingered inside the older man. Reaching deep down inside himself, Azrael drew upon the Force and withdraw the evil from within K'munee.


In a flash The evil was swept from within K'munee. As he rose from his masters side, he turned towards Anorus and his eyes semed aglow. The evil had been absorbed into Azrael. The virus that had slowly been killing him had merged with the Space Wraiths. The virus had taken on a life of its own and taken control of Azrael.


"Yours orders are to fly Master K'munee back to the Jedi Temple and have Master Organa look at him. He wil need medical attention. I am heading down to the planet to fight. NOW GO!!!"


With a quick turn the dark entity made nhis way into the back of the ship and entered an escape pod. Seating himself in the metalic chair he slid his fingers across the controls and the doors before him closed, and the pod was jettisoned towards the planet.


Evil is done without effort, naturally, it is the working of fate; good is always the product of an art.

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*Kirlocca acknowldged his orders.*


"Alright sqaudron, give me some cover as I land on that stardestroyer."


*Kirlocca turned his fighter towards a star destroyer to his left.*


"Don't get yourselves killed just for me. Don't be hero's today!"


*Kirlocca pushed his ARC170 in full throttle towards the star destroyer.*


Here goes nothing.

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K'munee witnessed the transfer of the lingering wraith into Azrael. His own body still weaken from his exposure to the vacuum of space, DJK watched helplessly as his student became a puppet for the wraith.


Azrael left the cargo hold, heading for the section of the shuttle where the escape pods were housed. A few moments later, the sound of one of the pods being launched was heard throughout the ship. K'munee willed himself to his feet, moving slower than usual, he entered the cockpit and settled into his chair. The escape pod's tracking beacon was the first order of business for the older Jedi. The pod had made its' way down to the surface, about three clicks from the Sith temple.


K'munee switched to his tactical display, which showed all registered friendlies in the general vicinity. Master Kirlocca had joined the fight with his attack squadron. A new battle group had emerged from hyperspace to aid in the campaign against the Sith, under the leadership of Fynn Relmis, an accomplished Jedi Knight. The Jedi presence above Cardia had grown considerably.


DJK opened all Alliance and Jedi channels on a secure frequency and transmits his message:


-Alliance Fleet Command. I am requesting that we commence orbital bombardment of the surface area around the Sith's temple immediately, so that I may begin the ground assault. Also, any available Jedi knights or masters would be appreciated.-


K'munee turns in his chair toward master Anorus, giving a gesture that suggested he was unsure of the situation, while they wait for confirmation of the message received and the Alliance Fleet's plan of action. He shakes his head, while squinting with one eye as a severe migraine overtakes him. He focuses the force on his pain, causing it to subside. The sudden onset of the pain reminded him that he was not yet at 100%, so he relaxed his body in his chair and focused all his energy on healing. A reply would be coming shortly, so the seasoned warrior wanted to be ready.



"I am the punishment of God...if you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."

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Aware of the conext in the box, having used projectiles to his aid against another Force user before and had the same result of said object being redirected at him, the heel of his foot matched against the undercarriage of the supply cargo box. The exact angle of this kick allowed him to upturn the box, spraying out the various wires, plugs, and heavy equipment away from him and his long time comrade and former Master, Onderin Starlisk. The trick was more of a ploy then anything, testing how far Lotus had becomed consumed by the wraith and the amount of power it possessed within him.


This is unreal... Surely, he doesn't expect to face the likes of a Jedi Knight and Master working in league... Thankfully, I'm sure we'll have the combined strength necessary to subdue him until he regains consciousness...


Suddenly, the ante was upped; two lightsabers being drawn in spectacular display as he tumbled away from both their efforts. Continually, Sabian acted with his defensive form to hold and subdue, only countering when the oppertunity presented itself which seemed reduced as Lotus became enraged, giving everything he had into the Dark Side. While he did not personally know the man well as some, his status and position in the Alliance held him in regard in the truly pacifist's own heart; every swing, deflection, and parry made came with a heavy toll emotionally as well as physically.


Despite this, the Force sought his attention through and through, his mind and body operating as one. The connection he shared with Onderin played a vital role, their familiar presences acting as one instead of two people. It was in this manner they could relate lightning quick messages, messages received visually more then by word of mouth or the Force. The slightest bob of his head in one direction indicated which way he'd move, the very pivot of his ankle and footing showing to Onderin where best to approach from the opposite angle.


Temporarily, the focus seemed to be withheld against himself alone, leaving his comrade playing catch up more and more as the battle waged on. The scenary was playing more and more of a factor in his decisions throughout the battle, doing everything from leaping over heaps of wide gashes made from the detonation devices to adjusting his footing to step over a few rocks. Steady balance and a flat terrain, matched with a strong framework and form, honed his unique take on the defensive Form III.


Sweat began to accumulate along his forehead, already the taxing effort to defend making its affects known on that steady framework that became more uneasy to keep in the enduring battle. At one point, both tips of Lotus' sabers came dangerously close to his chest, only to be swept away by the gentle flick of his wrists to cast them aside once again. In this manner, he bought enough time for Onderin to resume taking a stance from other end, opening up their deep link forged within one another to command through the Force...


"Brother... I need you to play alittle catch, just like old times. Once I begin to counter, be prepared with weapon at the ready to come in low..."


The concentration needed to send the message caught himself off balance, coming back around again, just barely, to be saved by the throwing motion of his legs back a few feet. A saber block occured once more, the gold blade hissing against the two oncoming blades which steadily were forced lower and lower to his body. Letting go with one hand, he pivoted around on his heel, lowering onto his haunches and angled an open palmed hand to protrude out from the sleeves of his uniform, calling forth..




Closing his eyes temporarily to center himself, the Jedi Knight sent a wave of the Force to propel Lotus up off from the ground in a more levitating motion then for devistating purposes. In this way, he was sent airborne for a few seconds, out far away enough to fall into the trap Onderin laid for the possessed assailant.

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The dark sophisticated vessel cut without a sound through the dark voids of space. Within the cockpit of the sinister ship, Master Exodus calculated the Infiltrators radar monitor intently. His prey was most definitely close; he could almost touch it with his presence. That inherent forewarning that, through disciplined training, he had learned to recognize and heed confirmed his target was precise. The Warlord allowed a brief grin to cross his supple features.


Exodus' vivid venomous eyes continued to warily scan the screen in front of him, constantly keeping his senses alert for any change in the display. His face, obscured by the cliché foreboding blackened hood, revealed but a fraction of the violent emotions the roiled within him. Only those sickly-colored eyes occasionally betrayed the full malevolence that lurked beneath the surface. His black robes stirred softly as he moved an armor-clad gauntlet to adjust the pitch of the engines. An assassin did not make noise when he was in the vicinity of his prey.


As Exodus continued to guide the infiltrator, using his instinct more than the technical displays, which surrounded him, he allowed his mind to briefly replay the instructions that he had received before departing from his meditations earlier. The voice had been quite adamant and unspecific in his instructions, as usual when it came to Exodus' skill ”“ There was little needed to say.


The War would be somewhat of a challenge, Exodus had no doubt about that fact, but it was a challenge that he would relish; for he also had no doubt that he would be successful in his endeavor.


More than anything else, the Sith Master yearned for the time when Jedi would quake and tremble at the very mention of his name, even though he undeniably knew that quite a few did. He impatiently dreamed of the day when the energy blade of his Lightsaber would carve Jedi flesh and taste Jedi blood once again.


Exodus looked up suddenly, his force-honed instincts telling him that his enemies now lay before him. He could feel the certainty ringing undeniably within his being. A few moments later, the radar display confirmed what he had already known. Directly before him, about thirty clicks in the distance, was another prying Rebel who would be consumed utterly without even knowing it.


He quickly transferred more power to the engines to close the distance between him and the opposing craft. The power of the dark side of the force coursed though his veins like an unquenchable fire. He allowed his mind to become completely focused on the moment, attaining a level of concentration and awareness impossible to any but the Jedi trained. He felt the slow melding as his senses became one with the infiltrator, the emotion, and the void of space around them.


As his infiltrator continued to approach, Exodus flipped a switch that activated a triggered mechanism which released multitudes of explosive ammunition in various directions, pinning other craft to their deaths and plaguing his presence in the wake of smoldering flames. Accuracy wasn't the factor as he approached the infamous Dauntless, for it seemed its own priorities were scattered and the onslaught that ensued kept their commanding staff busy. It all proved quite challenging nonetheless, swiftly cutting the vessel through the dark void in perfect unison with the endangering counters that besieged him.


The Sith Master deftly guided his craft along side the larger Republic vessel, guided by his intuition now, rather than the ship's equipment. Hypersensitive of his instincts, Exodus allowed his senses to probe the cruiser, searching for the one section that would more easily allow his covert entrance onto the vessel. After a few moments of careful searching, he found what he was looking for, a small section in the armor plating that was considerably thinner than the rest of the ship's bulkhead. The Assassin carefully brought his ship to hover over thinner plating.


He felt the gentle thump as his craft gradually settled on the metal exterior, then attached itself securely to the hull using its magnetic claws. Once he was certain that he was firmly attached to the Republic ship Exodus extended the linking hatch with the flip of a switch. The hatch connected to the hull with a smack, and from that point it only took a few moments to achieve a magnetic seal.


Once the tunnel within the hatch had been pressurized to, Exodus extended a small tendril of the force to open the sealed door leading from his cockpit into the tunnel. After the door had slid open with a slight hiss, he strode slowly down the tight and constricted corridor until he reached the armored bulkhead of the Dauntless. The Dark warrior examined the metal surface closely for a split second, before drawing out the inspired handle of his Lightsaber from where it hung beneath his dark robes.


The blade ignited with an idiosyncratic scorching hiss and extended it into absolution. Satisfied, he took a short-lived moment to center his resentment and temper and ride the rush of power that they both produced, before stabbing the crimson black blade of his Lightsaber up to its hilt into the wall before him.


Sparks and shreds of superheated metal flew as the Lightsaber slowly carved through the thick wall. Exodus smiled in satisfaction as he finally felt the section of hull give under wedge of the force that he been directing at it. The severed circle of metal fell back and inwards into the craft, allowing him undetected, unnoticeable entrance onboard, the way he preferred.


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Abaddon, Guardian of Darkness, Lord of Malice and true hatred....had returned. He had felt a call...deep within the place where his soul should have been. From his apprentice...or former...he had kinda cheated...what was his name now?.... Dagon thats it...Dagon.


He pulled his truly loyal ship "When Darkness falls" out of hyperspace. The streaking light lines turning to points many distances away. The black red trimmed gunship was almost invisible against the sky the light of the sun glistening across the bloodstyled wings. His syndicate ship had reached awarness in his departure now worked like no other machine matching his mind faster than the force ever could.


"Time to Die!" The Sith Master, former Emporer, Wielder of War... Screamed.


His throttled maxed he slammed up against wookied jedis ship with such force as to send it into the star Destroyer disabling its systems.


The Dark Master slid through a hole in the ship that wasnt there before, and slashed with his lightsaber deep into the metal of his opponents ship.


Jumping down he ripped his lightsaber through superheated air at the chair the wookie was sitting in. It shorted right in the middle of slash sparing the wookie.


"Damn loaners" He said pulling out his tainted ghurka. Though not the massive one his apprentice now possessed it would do to destroy this worm.


"How many times do I have to kill you???!!!" His voice filled the room his pressence and dark ora overcoming the jedi's light. He was almost extinguished and darklightning sizzled through his fur.


The Dark knight slashed down at the wookie tearing his arm from its socket. The ghurkas poisons already slowing the wookie....



Father Bad Touch, Dark Priest of the Lords of Hate since Sept. 2003.

Chacter Sheet

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OOC: K'munee--unfortunately, I'm not allowed to begin orbital bombardment until the Imperial Fleet is destroyed or routed.



Onderin fought alongside his apprentice with the grace and skill that came with many years of experience. He was truly one with the Force and with Sabian, who he could read more easily than any book and therefore interact and correspond with as quickly as his enhanced reflexes would allow. It made the situation quite difficult for Lotus, who had been fighting an uphill battle since lightsabers had been drawn.


Most importantly, however, Onderin was truly connected with his lightsaber. The crystal that glowed within its hilt was no ordinary crystal, but a diamond that had once been part of a Baffor tree on Ithor--a type of tree that was sentient. This crystal had such a signature in the Force that it glowed with it, making it more an extension of Onderin's will than even moving his arm was.


After a few complicated parries and sweeping attacks, the Jedi Master heard Sabian's suggestion. He puzzled for a split second over the "just like old times" part...he didn't remember taking Sabian through any exercises like this. As a result, when Sabian shoved Lotus through the air, Onderin wasn't entirely sure what he was supposed to do. As was common for him, he simply improvised something.


The truth of the matter was that he needed to find some way to disable Lotus and force the wraith out of him. He was loathe to injure the man, but he also couldn't expect to get him to sit down and accept a talking-to. As Lotus reached the top of his arc, Onderin leapt, calling on the Force to aid him. His leap took him on an intercept course with the possessed Alliance officer, who was attempting to regain concentration.


The Corellian's lightsaber swung once and severed both of Lotus' hands with a perfectly clean swing. Both combatants hit the ground hard, but Onderin landed on his feet, lowering his blade to Lotus' neck. "Leave him!" he cried out at the wraith, projecting through the Force an aura of light that he hoped no evil creature could resist.




The Alliance communications officer reported two things to the Dauntless' captain: "Sir, the reinforcements from Helix have arrived, as have a few more Jedi. We now have seven cruisers, this ship, and one of the frigates from Kuat," the officer began. "Also, Master K'munee wishes us to proceed with the orbital bombardment as soon as possible."


"You're going to have to tell him that we cannot risk beginning orbital bombardment until the Imperial fleet has been neutralized," the captiain responded. He then turned to another officer. "Is General Powell with the Helix ships?" he asked.


"Yes, sir," came the reply.


"Tell him he has command until the Admiral become available."




General Powell looked at Jedi Relmis. "Sir, orders from the flagship grant me control until the Admiral is again available. It seems he is engaging with an Imperial agent," he said. "I respect your ability to lead us, sir, but we need all the help we can get outside against the Imperial fleet."




I didn't take long for Exodus' arrival to be detected. Hull breaches were uncommon in still-shielded areas of the ship ((sorry to ruin your effect)). A security camera picked up the hull breach and the entry of a shadowy character immediately labeled a Sith threat.


Aboard happened to be the latest batch of specially-trained anti-Sith troopers, who had been aboard in preparation for the landing on Carida--they were to aid the Jedi in the attack on the Sith temple. Therefore, as the Admiral and other Jedi aboard were unable to respond to communications, they were the ones that were notified of the breach.


And they were well-prepared for this. They had three vornskrs, captured from Myrkr, as well as a few Ysalamiri from the same planet. Their armor was of cortosis, secured through the Black Sun in return for the Alliance's participation in the diplomacy between the Black Sun and the Link organization.


Most importantly, their tactics had been fine-tuned in live-fire practice against Jedi Master Onderin Starlisk--their leader and Admiral. They had been painstakingly prepared for events such as this, and now they were being called to take on a Sith Master.


Immediately they marched towards the breach, intent on proving their capabilities.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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Lei's hyperspace journey had not gone nearly as smoothly as planned. Her Nav computer had been off by three klicks on the first jump, landing her in the wrong system for the second, forcing her to manually recalculate her course. She'd been quick about it, but she still arrived several moments after the rest of the Helix forces had departed.


And of course, she'd landed smack in the middle of utter chaos. "Dammit..." she juked about to avoid getting hit by random fire, searching her nav computer for the green blips that designated Jedi forces. "This is Lei Kim Ness from the Helix back-up, what the hell am I shooting at?" she queried over the comm, pulling hard to port to avoid a turbolazer blast nearly as big around her her shi's cockpit. Son of a Sith! Flipping upside down so fast her gravitational compensator almost shorted, she suddenly caught sight of an entire squad of familiar starfighters swarming the bottom of a destroyer.


"Nevermind," she commed in again, feeling somewhat guilty for clogging the airwaves. She switched channels, steering her craft towards Kirlocca's squadron.


"Old friend... need any help?"


((OOC: Sorry for posting brevity and infrequency, I'm halfway through final exams.))

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(OOC: Touché, Starlisk - But this'll have to wait.)


He deactivated the blade with a hiss and ducked to enter the smoldering opening. After taking a brief look around, Exodus was able to determine that he was in some type of cargo or storage quarter. Experience and common sense told him that the core reactor would be located more towards the center of the ship, where it could be more heavily protected from enemy fire. Exodus would have to make a little visit to that section of the ship once more pressing matters had been dealt with.


Exodus allowed his gaze to travel to the twin doors that sealed him off from the rest of the ship. The Dark Sith Master brought forth one of his hands to send a flow of energy at the sealed entrance. He felt the door's locking mechanisms resisting him and increased the flow's power. Drawing on a malevolent pool, he pushed hard at the sealed doors until he heard the protesting screech of the latches giving away, and eventually shattering.


Exodus nearly smiled in satisfaction as the stubborn doors fell beneath his wrath. It never ceased to please him, the power that the dark side of the force could grant him. He never had understood how the Jedi could have been as foolish and ignorant as to have banned its use.


An energetic pounding of rhythm throbbed its way onto Exodus no sooner; this was of course an important ship to the Rebellion forces and would be heavily defended in every which turn. However, Exodus was never to be underestimated and those that knew should be wary of this. His mind found itself calculating every movement with the indefinite aid of the Force. Of course, he still considered himself a ghost within these halls due to the fact that his knowledge of the ship's systems was definitely untold.


Just another obstacle.


His continuation nevertheless would discontinue at this point. Unlike other dull-witted Sith, marching into a Rebel Flagship alone would lead to a most dishonorable capture, or more likely death. Exodus easily penetrated what he'd assume to be a much more difficult task, and targeted an area less defended within the overwhelming Star Destroyer.

Steps were heard.


Awareness struck him like a swift brick to the face, the temptation of laying waste to multitudes of undeserving Rebels brought a thrill to the already ecstatic bloodlust he suppressed, no doubt he would return and plunge this ship into darkness with his brethren at his side.


Even if unnecessary, Exodus placed an intricate tracer in a well-hidden stationary compartment to better predict his return with a specialized task force that would surely wreak havoc upon the better part of this plagued ship, but for now, he would trace his way back to where he started on Carida.


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When Nokrt arrived at the Imperial Academy he noticed their relief in an Additional Garrison. It was good for their morale and should the Empire lose the Battle overhead it would be a useful tool against the Enemy. But for now Nokrt had other worries. Rushing into the hangar bay Nokrt grabbed a TIE Defender and rushed off into the Battle overhead.


Once past the sheild Nokrt saw the mass of ships, lasers ablaze with an enticing glow that made Nokrt bloodthirsty. He wanted to kill, he wanted death by his hands. He wanted to slice the throat of their commander and watch his blood pour into Nokrt's hands as he drank it in testimony to his achievements.


But for now he must stop these fools who attempt to make a mockery of the Empire. Moving his ship towards the nearest Star Destroyer Nokrt made his Comm transmission to all the Imperial forces over Carida.




"This is Imperial Commander Nokrt, I request to know who is the Commander of our fleet so I know who to take my orders from."


-----END COMM-----


Nokrt broke off his concentration as an X-Wing formed up on his tail. In a scramble to avoid being shot Nokrt took out his engines for a half a second allowing the X-Wing to pass him by. With ease Nokrt shot the Rebel Starship satisfying the initial bloodlust for the enemy only to endure a desire for more.


Nokrt took his ship toward the Mon Cal Cruiser and began to engage enemy fighters at will.


Resident Tech and Video Game Geek


Well, crap, Sasori is correct.
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As Achzet's Interceptor flew towards the atmosphere, he saw the blazing lasers, the countless ships who were fighting for their lives. He knew he had to kill some of them.


Achzet flew towards the battle at full speed. He dodged laser fire and the squadrons of ships that flew towards him. He dove in at a freighter, but then backed off as the turbo batteries began to concentrate their fire on other targets.


He suddenly was jerked around and sirens went off within his ship.


"Damnit! I'm hit!"


The shot went through the side of his ship and took out one quarter of one of his wings off. He saw a squadron of X-Wings fly above him at the same speed as his ship. They were only about three feet above him. Achzet activated his helmet's air backup and opened the cockpit. He jumped out and grabbed on the bottom of the ship. He slowly climbed towards the front and once the pilot saw him he pulled out his blaster, but it was too late. Achzet forced open the cockpit and grabbed the man by the neck and flung him out into space. He watched the man slowly die as he closed the cockpit and took the controls.


"Squadron this way. Get in front of me."


The men obeyed and sped up to get in front of him. As they did Achzet shot the proton torpedoes which started a chain reaction that destroyed all but two ships. Achzet flew towards the first ship and quickly shot through one of it's engines. He did the same to the other, watching the two balls of flames plummet to the surface in a fire of chaos.


Achzet flew towards the surface after them to land and get ready.


He arrived on the surface minutes later and hovered his ship to the ground. He climbed out and looked at all of the Imperial Troopers and Sith awaiting for their chance to fight.


Achzet joined them and waited for the fight to come to them now.

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Draken landed his ship outside of the Imperial academy. He quickly ran out and found a Turbolaser battery. He quickly took control of it and began to pour fire into the sky, targeting the ships in the air.


After a quick shot he hit two X-wings and destroyed them. He targeted a second squadron and began to fire upon them. He threw himself into the force and let it speed his movements. Bolts of red fire began to pierce the sky and find rebel ships.

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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The Wingless Seraph touched down at the Imperial Academy, Xelker rushing down the landing ramp and onto the surface. He'd done two quick things while he was flying here; first, he'd donned an old set of Stormtrooper armor he'd inherited from when his father died; second, he'd plugged Nurgle's data chip into a computer terminal on the Seraph. With any luck, he'd manage to get out of here alive with the chip intact. Even if it broke, though, it would probably have saved to the terminal by now.



He wondered if Yeroc and/or Lord Nurgle had gotten out of the blaze alive. Nurgle- whose name he now knew from the info on the chip- had probably escaped, but he wasn't sure about Yeroc. And yet... something in his gut told him that both entities were alive (for the moment). The Force? He had no idea; the training he'd recieved was, at this point, minimal. Hopefully he'd live to see the new Sith Academy...



Having swapped his blaster pistol for his Stormtrooper Rifle, Xelker hurried into a turbolaser battery and opened fire on the incoming fighters. The turrent nearest to him seemed to have much better accuracy; too perfect for any mortal man. Xelker, to his own confusion, found that he could feel the man's lifeforce inside his turret. Another trick of the Force? Looked like it.



He returned to shooting at Rebel ships, providing cover for any Imperial ships coming in.

All living things have minds for the Dark Archon to shape and mold...

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Nurgle's Miy'til fighter flew low landing at the same location Xelker had touched down upon. He sent a comm to the Nurgler ordering it to come to his location. The Sith Master moved behind Xelker, watching the man fire at the incoming ships.


"These people are trying to kill you. Can you feel the anger at their approach? Let the Force and the rage guide your fire."



"Darkness is a friend, an ally. Darkness allows us to understand others, to see what they value when they believe no one else is looking."

-Darth Rivan

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Xelker felt Nurgle move behind him, delighted his Master had made it.


"These people are trying to kill you. Can you feel the anger at their approach? Let the Force and the rage guide your fire."






Xelker's fingers tightened on their triggers, hands curling into fists. And it was then he realized that HE was the one wearing his father's battered, old armor. Not his father. Durok Xelker was a dead man... and the reason he was dead loomed overhead, preparing to raze the Imperial base like so many before. Elias Xelker clenched his teeth, letting hate for the Republic swoon throughout him. The only way to win was to kill- and it was time to kill!



As his hate sharpened and focused, Xelker felt the lives of the men and women inside their ships. He knew them. He knew just where they were- where they were moving, where they WOULD move. And with that, he knew exactly where to shoot.



And they started dying.

All living things have minds for the Dark Archon to shape and mold...

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The LAAT landed and Barrek quickly steeped out, the walkers were being out up around the academy along with other heavy artillery. Barrek then got off the gunship and took his palce among others preparing the acadmey for battle. They set up mines and begin to dig trenches and setting up anti-infantry laser batteries. Then all they had to do was wait until theRebel ships came down.

In Soviet Russia, God worship you!

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As the Defender soared through the battle Nokrt realized the Rebellion had won the Battle over Carida. The Imperials were simply outnumbered and keeping them here unneccesarily would only create more death. Nokrt began to move his Defender toward the remaining Imperial Starships opening his comm.




"The Battle over Carida is lost men, You are of no use here, jump to the nearest Imperial Base you can. All Sith in this battle begin planetward, we may be able to hold them off should a ground assault be made. MacLeod, you come too, were gonna need you down there."


-----END COMM-----


Nokrt then moved his ship planetward speeding off toward the planet below. Once through the Atmosphere Nokrt decreased his speed making an appropriate landing in the Hangar Bay of the Academy. After such he moved to the forward Bunker where he saw a Sith((Draken)) manning a turbolaser cannon.


As Nokrt continued inside the Command Post he saw his First Officer waiting to give his report.


It was as Nokrt had suspected. The shield would be down momentarily and the Rebels would begin to land their troops. Nokrt looked to the Sith once more and an idea came bursting into his mind.


"Master, Aim toward the Hangar Bays of those Mon Cal's, Try to knock out anything which should exit primarily troop transports."


Nokrt moved to his First Officer giving him further instructions to have the AA on stand by ready to knock out anything approaching the planet. He also gave instructions for the Troopers and Snipers to prepare themselves in the same order they had at the Sith Academy.


After such Nokrt went to his private room and Changed into his Battle Armor ((similar to that of General Veers had in ESB)). Brandishing his Charric Nokrt gazed through the Transperisteel waititng for the Rebellion to make a move...


Resident Tech and Video Game Geek


Well, crap, Sasori is correct.
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"Sir I suppose the speech didn't do all that much good." One of the younger crewman said. "Perhaps not, but it's only fair they be given a choice."


Fynn turned as the General approached him with orders from Starlisk. Fynn nodded to the General as heard the instructions "Very well, I'll prepare the ground forces as best I can from here."


Fynn took a step back as a squadrons of Imperial Fighters from Cardia began assualting the Alliance ships in earnest. The defensive batteries of the Cruisers of the combined fleet lashed out deadly force upon thier targets. As tie after tie was vaporized, Fynn recognized that the surving fighters were not simple pilots but were using the force to guide thier actions. However the rest of the Imperial Forces were recieving greivous blows.


"Sir!" said a young sensor technician.


"What is it..." Fynn turned to the young mans' station. "The Sith Temple...I can't be sure from this distance, but it looks like it just went up in flames."


"What...why would they burn thier own temple..." The general was puzzeled. "Surely they arent commiting suicide."


"It may be a way of 'firing up' the troops" Fynn said as he thought like a sith might. "If I were Ryu I'd want everyone fighting us, not hiding in an underground bunker waiting to be pummeled from orbit."


"Sir...I sensing reinforcements from the surface."


"Inform the Admiral...we may have a few more incoming then we expected." The general said with a worried face.


"Courage General, if they want a fight up here then that's just what they'll get..."



In the hangar, Fynn spoke to the Alliance troops, "Many of you are aware of the fight we have ahead of us. The sith will make us pay for every step, and we will have to pay dearly for this fight. Yet I know each of you is here because our cause is just and our need is dire. I serve the Jedi and I serve the Alliance because I know we are the thin line between the demise of freedom and equality for this galaxy. Either we sumbit to the Sith and live our lives as slaves and sentence our children to an eternity of slavery..., or we fight them and show that we will no longer wait for the nightmare to take us. We can...and will prevail. I'll see you down there." Fynn said as the group of alliance marines and soldiers cheered and whistled. Thier morale high, the time was fast approaching.


Three Simple Alliance troop transports exited the Vigilance bound for Cardia's surface, the first was heavily damaged by the barrage of turrets from the planet. As it took heavy damage it dropped away, and the second transport took up the same route. It closed and got out of range of the first turrets but then took more fire. The Imperial gunners, eager to blast at incoming targets poured fire on to the second transport and in moments it too was engulfed in flame in the atmosphere.


"Alright do we have it?" The General beside Fynn asked. "Aye sir, locations locked in...targets confirmed."




"Admiral targets confirmed, we have a tight lock. Awaiting your orders to proceed. Looks like the Imperials have taken a good lick." The general asked as Fynn took stock of the battles progress. The Imperial forces had been broken, it was now up to Admiral Starlisk to order the attack forward or to try to mop up the Imperial Forces left. Given the option Fynn preffered to finish those who remained in orbit, to prevent attacks from behind, but it wasn't his call.

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"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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Ignore that order, troops, Nokrt shall be punished for his cowardice.


In truth, Dagon couldn't figure out what had possessed the Chiss officer to give that order. He sent a comm to revoke the Chiss's command status until an afterbattle review could be done. The rebels were severely outnumbered, outgunned, and taking heavy damage. The forces that had landed were in enemy territory and whoever ordered only three landers was incompetent, they were leading their men into a slaughter. In space, Dagon felt an old presence, one that he had not felt for some time.




:: The combined might of artillery, armoured vehicles and legins of troops wipe out the rebels that landed on the surface.::


OOC((One lander would get devastated from basically the moment it landed. Any ground on Carida will have to be taken with a full scale assault given the amount of troops, vehicles, and defenses))


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((OOC: Hey genius did I mention any troop landing yet? Can someone say presumptious? I'm not ordering any landings until Starlisk gives the order, he is in charge here not me. So settle down and stop responding to actions that have yet to happen.))

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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Luke continued to fly in the atmosphere and pick off any low flying X-wings when his Comm system picked up a message that went out to all Imperial forces.


--"The Battle over Carida is lost men, You are of no use here, jump to the nearest Imperial Base you can. All Sith in this battle begin planetward, we may be able to hold them off should a ground assault be made. MacLeod, you come too, were gonna need you down there."


Luke cursed when he heard this. He quickly entered a comm code into his ships comm system. It gave him access to the entire comm system of the Imperial base on Carida. He opened his comm unit up and began to speak to all of the troops.


Comm-- "We are the best fighting forces in the Galaxy. We do not surrender, remember this. You heard the previous orders given by former Commander Nokrt. Those orders are false and as of this moment Commander Nokrt is relieved of Command. Your orders are to dig in and prepare for the assualt. This is not just some small training skirmish, this is the reall thing. This is for the Empire and its continuance. This is for your homes, your lives and the lives of your families.


You saw the attack on Kamino by the Rebel scum and the loatheful Jedi. You saw the slaughter of innocent civilians that took place there, this will happen here if they take this planet. They will kill your men and rape your women. This planet will be devastated. Remember this, your fighting for your planet and your families."-- End comm


Luke landed his ship outside of the Imperial base and proceeded to a man standing nearby that was emitting the sense of power form him. As he drew near, he could feel some sort of power coming from the man Nurgle. He bowed slightly to him. "Commander Macleod at your service, My Lord."


My life for the Empire

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Pain rushed through Lotus's nerve endings, it was unlike anything his body had ever experienced before. Yet, so was everything that had happened in the last twenty minutes. The evil being within had ripped control of his very own body away from Maroon and committed such horrors, all while he struggled and fought against it. He couldn't sit idly by while this being killed other Soldiers and attacked Jedi Knights. Though, try as he might he was unable to pull control back into himself. Now, hopefully, since he had lost his hands the thing would leave him.


A gentle tug upon the soft tendrils of the force was felt. At first, he didn't know what the dark entity was up too, and even as the pull began to constrict around his chest he was still unsure. Was this thing trying to crush him before leaving? Was it really so twisted and evil that it wouldn't be gone from his body until it was so utterly useless that his only hope, his only salvation would be at the hands of death and letting his spirit enter the force.


All at once Lotus's body began to spasm and twist uncontrollably, his neck moving dangerously close to Starlisk's blade. The heat that came off of the weapon was unbearable, but the gut wrenching pain that was filling the pit of his gut was worse. He knew what the thing was doing now, he also knew that there was no return from where he would be cast out too. A souless being could not enter the force, they could not return to a cloned body...Then the pure, dark power that came from one exchanging their most precious possession for power came. His soul gone, his power immense the wrath reached out and ripped both of the others into the air, a tidal wave of the force bringing everything in the hall way towards one point..







Through the force the trio would see the thing leaving Lotus at the last possible second, the last charge that had been under his robes set to blow. Lotus's eyes stared into Starlisk's, his sorrow was apparent. This, this destruction was all his fault...He should have been able to fight the thing back, force it out of his body, but he was unable too. In the second between the first beep and the second he closed his eyes and let go. It was all that was left to do as the fiery explosion overcame his body, ripping through the ships hallway and center.


((If you guys have a feasable way to get out of this, then post it by all means, if not...Then yeah...Also note, earlier I had posted heading towards the bridge, so this explosion will effect the actual bridge itself At least a little bit. I'll give you enough respect, Ian, to post the damage accordingly.))

"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."

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For some reason, time seemed to stop within the caverns that they fought. Flooded by the sights, sounds, and the tension caused by their battle, his eyes stared onwards, nearly completly in shock and awe. He could see the wraith emerging out from the very fleeting moment's of the possessed Jedi Knight's body. How agonizing it was to see him revel in pain, sorrow for his actions. Shivers ran down his spine, hair standing up on his neck as the last exhausted breathe left him, summoning a great pillar of explosion.


How slowly, in this moment, did the curling flames erupt. Through the piercing gaze of those crystalline blue eyes did he feel, antiticpate, and react within the first ignition. Every muscle tensed, the Force flowing through him as he leapt off to his side, dragging one arm around the chest of his former master, his comrade in arms, and above all, his brother. They had been through thick and thin and, so it was, in this moment he knew there was no turning back. He could tell from the size and density of the explosion would surely engluf themselves if he had not reacted in sync with the immediate gut reaction that caught him, to run paces back.


Within the framework of a mere couple seconds, he could feel the fiery blaze catch his back, shooting up across and scorching his body. Tumbling with one foot forward, being dragged down by the sheer power of the blast, Sabian's last conscious thought was to thrust both arms forward, pushing Ondering will all his might and strength down the hallway where the flames had licked around the walls. Sabian drew the flame away from him, giving himself up fully to the Force in that moment to hold back the last of the ship falling victim to the explosion; his very life energy, aura, surronding the remaining flame and distinguished it before it could kill the rest of the crewmen on the Dauntless.


Once the smoke had faded, the barely breathing form of the badly burnt Jedi Knight laid across the cold surface, clutching his lightsaber in one hand while the other had been scorched beyond recognition. The front of his blonde hair was only part that had resembled the least bit of his former appearance. The hand that had been left still intact, holding dear to the lightsaber's smooth plating inched forward in effort to get up, only to soon find out that he could not feel his legs either at all. The amount of energy sacrificed to commit such an act left him crippled, pain still consuming his body as he slowly began to lose focus.


Everyone... Everyone is...


His eyes were left barely open as he found no more energy left to continue, slowly beginning to close them as he laid face down across the ground, his fingers slowly beginning to unravel the weapon inside his palm...



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In space there are no sounds, as there is no atmosphere to carry the sound waves. Even the most momentous and epic of actions go off as completely silent, a sort of insult to the efforts of man.


Silent thunder crashed in the void of space.


In control room of the Dauntless, a horror most basic began to grow in the hearts of its crewmen. A monster had hitched a ride on their ship. Looking down from his perch atop the transparasteel dome that surrounded the Home One Clone's bridge was the armor clad specter that all had come to fear. His fingers fluttered for a polite wave, his lips parting for an invisible smile behind his skeletal white mask.


The hammer came down again, slamming silently into the same place he had been pounding on. The hairline fissures in the transparasteel shell grew, now encompassing the entire surface of their archaic shell. Kakuto looked down, streams of white vapor erupting from the sides of his mask before expanding limitlessly in the vacuum of space.


His arms drew up again, his hammer halting high above his head. He paused, briefly, as if tease the crewmembers as they suddenly jumped up to run towards the exits in a desperate attempt to escape his wrath. The sadistic maul came down on the ship's window one final time.


The silence broke as oxygen finally passed the Dark Lord's ears rushing out from the now shattered bridge. The Doors sealed slowly, while pieces of shattered transparasteel shot in every direction and the crew was thrown out into space where they were quickly annihilated by the lack of pressure. The fleeing crew members had only enough time to make it half way through and clog the doorway, stopping it from closing around a screaming mob of flesh. People from the next passage down saw horrendous fates as they were sucked into the now straining doorway, which only managed to close after crushing a torso and breaking off a number of limbs.


The Dark Lord, who'd taken his time to hook a boot in one of the dome's braces, drifted in to the now emptied bridge, strolling casually in through the mess of severed limbs and depressurized blood clouds. Sitting calmly in the Captain's chair, Kakuto grabbed the ship's emergency comm and plugged it into his mask.


”œHello, everyone. This is your God speaking. Don't bother repenting; I care not for your sins. Don't bother screaming, I'll hear not your pathetic cries. Bow to me only if you wish for swift death, and stand against me only if you wish it to hurt...”

Edited by Guest


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A sudden chill washed over the private room of the Chiss Commander known as Nokrt. At first one would imagine it was just the cooling unit kicking in, but as the seconds ticked by the chill that had seemed to be all around him closed in, making it seem like his was suffocating. A fear that would catch even the most weathered of soldiers caught the alien. First he would get goose bumps, then his hands would begin to shake..And finally his knees would get weak. It was when he was not only at his most vulnerable, but his most fearful that he would realize that man standing just to his right side, looking over his shoulder.


"Aren't we the lovely tactician...The Empire might retreat, but the Sith do not...We are an unrelenting, unstoppable force. We have our share of Tacticians, one of which has taken over your command post. We also have our share of Perfected Warriors...It is your time..."


Darkness wrapped around the figures vision as all conscious thought halted. He would never know what exactly the Sith had used to put him down, but it did not matter. If his knew master saw fit to tell him, he would...But until then, the two would leave this planet. There was no need for either of them, this battle was won...This commander had obviously made a bad call and would need punishment for it. The Dark Seed that had yet to be fertilized within him was a temptation Zad could not resist, it was strong..He wanted to see it flourish.

It takes two sides to make war. It only takes one side to make a massacre.

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Just then Kojoka heard a noise from over a nearby hill. Kojoka still stood firm and awaited orders from Nurgle. Kojoka didn't want to mess this up because if he did his maybe only chance to become a sith would be gone.

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KR, Onderin wasn't on the bridge... sorry, but your effect is somewhat spoiled. If you want to duel me as is proper for the ship, I'm willing to accept your challenge.



Jedi Master Onderin Starlisk put himself at the Force's limitless mercy when Maroon Lotus'--no, the Space Wraith's--final card was played. But help came in a different form--his apprentice, Sabian. Fire erupted around him, but the explosion was stifled. Onderin stumbled a few steps, then righted himself to see Sabian's crumpled form, his life force flickering, a martyr for the Rebellion.


Onderin strode over to Sabian, knelt, and looked down into his eyes. "Brother," he said softly, "now I understand. Remember that day at Kuat...that day I was slain by fire as you now are? Now our positions are reversed. Now I understand how you felt...and no matter how much I have claimed to avoid attachment, I am attached to you.


"Brother, the difference here is that I died in an attempt to wrench a planet from the Empire...you're going to die a martyr, a savior of those under your charge, a savior of my own life," Onderin said. "You are the true Jedi here. Know that you have not sacrificed yourself for nothing. I will see this through unless death finds me yet.


"Chances are slim, but the Alliance and the Jedi may come out of this victorious. Rest in peace, my old apprentice," the Admiral finished, standing.


Turning his focus elsewhere, Onderin gasped as air was sucked through the hallway towards the bridge. Breach! he realized, fighting the air. Luckily, the bridge wasn't extremely close by, so the wind wasn't terribly strong, allowing the Jedi Master to hold his footing. The bridge door slammed shut and sealed, causing the hallway to return to normal. But Onderin felt a disturbance in the Force eminating from the bridge--a very powerful man was aboard it.


Before he could decide on what to do, he got a comm from Fynn Relmis concerning the attack. "I can't help you, Fynn," he said with a little regret. "My ship's communications are gone and I can no longer give orders. Seek council from General Powell. The Imperial Fleet's presence is too large for us to safely begin landing troops--only a small fraction of them would make it to the surface, and I'm sure the Empire has plentiful defenses.


"If you want to lead what Jedi are available down to the surface aboard personal ships suitable for evading orbital and planetary defenses, you have my permission to do so, and by all means may the Force be with you," the Admiral finished.


He shut off his comm and looked back towards the bridge. The Force then made it clear to him that waiting therein was the Dark Lord of the Sith himself. Onderin took a deep breath, relaxing himself. He called Sabian's lightsaber to him and hooked it on his belt, then strode towards the bridge doors, still sealed shut.


"Kakuto Ryu, emerge and fight me honorably, for it is my duty to the Jedi and the Alliance to challenge your power!" Onderin commanded through the Force.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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The words spoken from Onderin helped him come to rest with the pain that had befelled him. Although he had been scorched very badly and could not speak, unspoken words transferred to the mind of the man before the last breath escaped his lips...


"I will be with you always, fighting for you, looking after you as a brother would. Go now and fight. This time I lay my weapon down to rest..."


His head slowly drifted off to the side, eyes closing shut as an immediate relaxing sensation tingled throughout his entire body, his spirit uplifting and venturing out from his mortal body. Although he had died and given himself to sacrifice for him, Sabian would stay true to his words even in death. His spirit, energy, and unfailing passive personality would forever be with him, from this day out, in dire hopes that peace be made through his actions.

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