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DarkJedi K'munee

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Everything posted by DarkJedi K'munee

  1. *Standing in the main entranceway of the temple, K'munee bathed in the sunlight. The morning air was refreshing. The sounds of wildlife, flooded his ears, reminding him of just how close to the jungle they actually were. He enetered the courtyard dressed in his traditional Jedi tunic. The recently installed generator and small shield emmitter were working perfectly. With the temple at full power, he was able to restore the hyper sonic deterants that kept the jungle wildlife at bay. While the shield was there to offer shelter from the acid rain that was slowly being resolved by the Jedi master's meditations, communing with the planet itself. Dahar was present in the training area of the courtyard. He could sense Marius in the temple. DJK sent him a message through the force beckoning him to come out and join the training. His senses also picked up on the presence of someone new, although somewhat familiar. He gave this person, this Jedi no further thought, as he was training in plain sight where all were welcome to join in or watch.* "I have opened your mind to a broader, new way of thinking. I cannot teach you how to wield the force as I do, because we all have different feats we are skilled in. What I can do however is help you think outside of the box." He said focusing on Dahar. "I have sent a droid out into the jungle carrying something you will need to complete your training. The droid has been programmed with defensive tactics only. You must track it and obtain your prize." DJK said smiling. "Oh, I almost forgot. No weapons allowed. You are allowed nothing more than your wits and the force. Remember your influence and manipulation of the force will be unique to you, although you will share common abilities such as push and pull. There are abilities that even I don't possess. Now go out there and surprise yourself." DJK said reaching into his pocket and tossing a small device to Dahar. "Just in case you get lost!" ((OOC: I want two creative posts describing your search for the droid and what special powers that you have in mind for your character. The droid cannot kill you, but it can stun you. Also be mindful of the wildlife out there. I will break up your posts with commentary to move the task along, if need be. Marius, you are included too. Have fun!))
  2. *Time. Or the idea of time, had become nothing more than a word. The healing of the temple's grounds, had become a labor importance. The soil that had been destroyed by frequent downpours of acid rain, now showed signs of new growth. Dry, arid dirt that lost all life supporting nutrients, had become dark and rich. With the returning fertile grounds, came the wildlife that helped support the life cycle of nature. Small mammals scurry around the budding underbrush hunting for nuts and berries. The sounds of the airborne predators, circling above, watching the return of long sought after prey. As powerful as K'munee was, he couldn't have achieved such a feet on his own. The presence of other warriors of light in the temple, gave him will and fortitude to channel such intense energies from the force. A similar technique was used by the Agriculture Corps during the republic era. There was something troubling him, though. His students were absent from the courtyard. He had intended to teach then to commune with nature, with life itself. The exercise was meant to open them up to their enviroment and teach them how to adapt, regardless of their location. His thoughts were sporadic, bouncing from the temple's repairs to the training of his eager padawans. There was something else though. Something darker. Visions. Past, present or future was unclear to him.* Faces, someone familiar, but most were not. The banner of the Republic was visible in the background. A man is greated and embraced as one of their own, among the other beings. Scorch marks on the walls......a man is cut down in an office. A duel is taking place. Bodies are littered on the floors. The smell of residual blaster fire and burning flesh is thick. The final vision shows someone being cut down by a lightsaber. *K'munee awakens from his meditation, eyes wide open, falling from his levitated position onto the new growth. He lay there for moment shaking his head, gathering his thoughts. The sky had become redish-orange with the coming of sunset. Dusting the moisture enriched soil off his legs and arms as he stood up, he took a moment to take in his accomplishment. The grounds were alive again. The temple, loomed in the background as a reminder of how much work was yet to be done. He walked across the courtyard and up the stairs into the main entrance. The security systems were still off line, but he had repaired most of the locking mechanisms. The corridors were quiet. No one was visible, though he could sense others inside the walls. Inside his room, he removed his clothing, wasting no time getting into the refresher. Feeling cleaner, DJK sat on his bed and began modifications on his lightsaber. He worked until he passed out, slumped against the wall.*
  3. DarkJedi K'munee____'S CHARACTER SHEET identity [!ident] Real Name: K'munee Jamaru A.K.A: DJK Homeworld: Unknown Species: Human Physical Description [!dscrp] Age: 32 Height: 270 lbs. Weight: 6 ft, 3 inches Hair: Bald Eyes: Brown Sex: Male Equipment [!equip] Clothing or Armor: Traditional Jedi Attire(tunic, robes). Armored flight suit, lined with thin durasteel plates. Weapon: A celestum. A long handle, dual-phase lightsaber, with special modifications(Hilt is reinforced with a triple insulation and a back up power relay composed of four power cells). The hilt is made from Mandalorian ore and durasteel. Common Inventory: Standard Jedi issued equipment(Re-Breather, food capsules, purchase card, and holo-display). Faction Information [!factn] Force User Alignment: Neutral, Good Current Faction Affiliation: Jedi Current Faction Rank: Master History: [!hstry] Force Side: Light Side Trained by: Jidai Geki and Krissi Kenobi Trained who: Adiwan, Toster, and Azrael. Currently training Dahar and Marius. Known Skills: A Blademaster, Par'sa master. A master of the lost art of Trakata. He is a skilled telekinetic and has mastered foresight(able to read and anticipate anything within his force sphere). Background: K'munee started his life running from his past. His brother slaughtered their father, then demanded that he join him in his quest to gain power. Leaving his brother behind, he later discovered he could tap into the force. Seeking refuge and training he was turned away by the Jedi. He found his calling among a rogue group of force practitioners called the Knights of Balance, headed by Jidai Geki. Geki grew displeased with the order and destroyed it. K'munee briefly tried to rebuild it, but was unsuccessful. His journeys led him to a man named Valeran, who taught him the mystical discipline of the Blademaster arts. He became a Par'sa warrior and master, taking on a young student of his own named Viano Migueles. The two lost contact with each other during the first Arach'tar invasion. He was later accepted as a Jedi knight and reluctantly took on a man who would become his best friend and brother, Adiwan. He fought against the Sith, countless times, demonstrating his keen battle skills. He was kidnapped by the Black Sun and used as a test dummy for what would become the Prometheus virus. Seeming to die from the tests, his body was discarde, but later recovered by the Dark Jedi order. His resurrection came as a biproduct of dark side sorcery. He was rescued and returned to active duty with the new Jedi order as the head of their Internal Affairs deptartment. He left the order a short time later, for unknown reasons, but has recently resurfaced on Haruun Kal. Ship Registration [!ship] Name: Avenger Class: Starfighter Model: Svelte-class Imperial Shuttle Manufacturer: Silviut Corporation Length: 17 meters Armaments: Double Blaster canons and Double Laser canons Armor: Unknown Anti-Personnel Defenses: Automated countermeasures. A DNA reader, that only reacts to K'munee's bio-signature. A shock-field that surrounds the ship, when activated. A self-destruct mechanism that activates after flight if DNA code is not registered. Appearance: Gray and Black. Beetle shaped. Nick named the Vador class shuttle. Modifications: Listed above.
  4. *K'munee sat in his quarters, attempting to wind down from the days events. This was one of the first nights that he could hear other voices coming through the walls, as opposed the sounds of mechanical breakdowns and the failings of the main generator, that he had managed to hardwire to get working. He made a mental note to himself to make sure that the requisition he sent out for a new power and shield generators had been procesed and were in route. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he pushed around the remnants of his meal on his plate. The sounds of footsteps, movng up and down the corridors outside of his room reminded him of the new comers that had arrived whiile he was conducting his training. Maybe with more people the base would come online sooner than he expected. The workload was overwhelming at times, but he pushed on due to the importance of having the base fully operational. Sith were rarely idle for long. He laid back on the soft mattress, with his fingers interlocked behind his head. The ICC(Internal climate compensator) hummed as the cool air was being pumped the the vents in the cieling. DJK closed his eyes, concentrating on clearing his mind of all thoughts. After a few moments, he felt himself slip into unconsciousness. He felt weightless. There were no images, no glimpses into the future. Just the peace that came with the exquisite emptiness of a dreamless sleep. Time slipped away.* "I see you have returned." A voice whispered. "Have you ever wondered why you are so at peace in the embrace of darkness?" The question hung in the air as K'munee struggled to reply but was unable to speak. "Remember me. And remember who and what you are.........Dark Jedi." *K'munee awoke, springing up from his bed into a stting position. His eyes searched the room, bouncing from corner to corner. Paying special attention to the shadows. Wiping his face with his hands, he stood up, stretching his muscles. Leaning over his sink he washed his face and brushed his teeth. Finding a fresh enviro-suit, he put it on, adjusting the belt with his lightsaber dangling from his side. Standing in his doorway, he allowed the warm morining sunlight to wash over him, warming the chill from last nights dream that seemed to hang over his body. The courtyard was vacant. He assumed all the other Jedi were busy elsewhere. A confirmation code was sent to comm unit concerning the status of his generators, which were en route to the planet. K'munee sat down with his legs crossed(Indian or Native American style). His mind transitioned into his daily meditation. He began to levitate a few inches from the ground. His mind was in tune with every living thing in close proximity of the courtyard. With his mind focused on healing and rejuvenation, he began bringing life back to the grounds surrounding the temple. Where ever there was a baren plot of land, the ground now sprouted new growth. The dirt was once again fertile. Life would return, at least until the next acid rain or the arrival of the generators, which ever happened first.* "My students, I am ready to continue your training. I would like to extend an invitation to any visiting master or knight to join us, if you so desire?"
  5. * From the outside looking in, you would not believe that DJK was moving so effortlessly through the dust cloud, with his eyes shut. The old Jedi mastered this technique many years ago after being temporarily blinded in an ambush set by Black Sun agents.Seeing.....without seeing. It was not hard to see, if you knew what to look for. "Luminous beings we are", Grand master Yoda was quoted to have said. Luminous or light, which was a representation of the force within you. K'munee continued withhis exercise feeling his two students in the force. Dahar seemed to be tuned in to his presence, as he would turn in his general direction whenever he was in close proximity, but he could not pinpoint DJK precisely. Marius, as expected was different with his approach to facing the challenge. K'munee was able to come within inches of his student, tap his shoulder and move away before he could react. He was aware of the conditions that plagued his student and offered advice on how to focus and overcome the outside stimulus. DJK repeated his taps on the shoulder, at the same spot each time, trying to bring about reaction through repetition. During the last approach, Marius had begun to turn his head a second after he pulled away from him. He is catching on. Time to change up. DJK moved toward Dahar, reducing his own force aura to almost nothing. This made him invisible and undetectable, allowing him to hide behind his other student, Dahar. Projecting his aura on Dahar, he knew Marius would see him and focus on his position. K'munee's movements were precise and measured. He had to maintain concentration on both feats through the force he was controlling. He had made it within a foot away from Marius, standing on his left side, opposite the shoulder he tapped on previous encounters. He threw a punch that was never meant to connect, but give the sensation of almost being struck and to his surprise, Marius caught it. A momentary feeling of happines swept over him as the student had succeeded in his task, though short lived. Marius had countered, sending a punch of his own at his unseen attacker. Reacting from years of training, DJK's focus shifted to the iminent threat of the punch. With force aided reflexes, his hand shot out, with his palm facing outward, delivering a small force push meant to remove the threat from his personal space. Marius flew backwards a few feet, unharmed. The sudden attack and his manipulations of the force, overwhelmed the Jedi master. The dust cloud that hung over the courtyard, settled into the ground, leaving no trace that it ever existed. The sunlight returned, bringing with it heat and humidity. Sweat ran down DJK's brow. His dust covered face showed the trails of moisture left by his sweat.* "Very, very good. Marius, that was an impressive display of your talents." K'munee said clapping his gloved hands. "Dahar, you did well also. You two have earned some rest." K'munee placed his fingers to his temple as though he were reading thoughts and said, " I foresee showers in your future!" The Jedi master laughed thinking that a shower couldn't hurt him either. "Meet me out here, tomorrow morning for more drills. You are dismissed."
  6. *There was some hesitation from Marius. The few times he made an attempt to find hs master, he focused more on using his sight than letting the force guide him. K'munee moved through the cloud, a silohette in the dust that appeared and disappeared at the same time. He would come close enough to his student to pull one of the sdjustments straps on his enviro-suit, then before Marius could react, he was gone.* Marius...focus. Block out everything except the inner voice that guides you. Ignore the dust in your nostrils and the dirt in your throat. These conditions are meant to distract you. Dahar, you can join in if you like?
  7. "Marius!! Your turn." K'munee said as he watched Dahar exit their make-shift sparring ring. *As Marius stepped forward, there was a wierd energy pulsating through the force. The older Jedi knew that it was radiating from Marius because the difference between him and Dahar was comparable to night and day. In his mind, there was a presence. Actually...a few presences had began to manifest on Haruun Kal. He could sense no bad intent from these beings, though he did detect that some had a strong presence in the force. DJK had not given them much thought due to his focus on Dahar's training exercise, but now that he was fully aware, he would keep a mental tab on them. K'munee refocused his attention on Marius, who stood with his hands at his sides, waiting for what would come next. The mud on the ground was completely dry now. DJK tested it by stamping his foot. Each thud from his foot brought up small clouds of brown dust. Satisfied with his findings, he allowed the dust to settle. In what appeared to be a blurr, the jedi master disappeared from the courtyard, as he force jumped into the air. At the peak of his jump he took a moment to observe the landscape, getting a full view of the Jedi temple from above. His descent, gave him that weightless feeling in his stomach as he fell toward the surface. Ten feet above the ground, DJK used a powerful force push that slowed his fall, allowing him to land effortlessly. The fall, combined with the blowback from the close proximity of the force push to the ground caused a cloud of dust, that was large enough to cover the entire courtyard. With a slight touch of the force he held the dust in the air indefinitely.* Marius your exercise will teach you to use the force to see, when your vision has been hindered. I am going to try to strike you through the dust and your task is to try to avoid me. "Shall we begin?" He said, as he tapped Marius on the shoulder from behind, then disappeared into the dust cloud.
  8. *Dahar executed the attack just as K'munee predicted. He briefly remembered that his student told him about his history and skill in the dueling arts. This was the same type of attack he, himself had used when he was a padawan during a sparring session. Dahar's attack had the potential to be a killing strike, but his execution lacked focus. DJK watched the way he moved as the attack began. K'munee focused on his counter attack, letting the force guide him, instead of his instincts. Leaning back a few inches and stepping back slightly on his pivot foot, removed him from the tip of the lightsaber's blade. The stick, he held firmly in his left hand, swung up from his side pushing the silver up and to the left. Moving with force aided speed, he took two steps to close the distance between, slamming his shoulder into Dahar. The Jedi hopeful stumbled backwards, recovering quickly from his master's counter in a defensive stance. Looking down at his stick, K'munee noticed the scorched mark across what would be the blade if it were an actual sword. The fact that it was a stick that deflected the lightsaber attack had not escaped Dahar' s attention either. Grasping the section of the stick that had come in contact with the lightsaber, he checked the stick to make sure it was still usable. He applied just enough pressure to verify that the stick was still useful. The stick left a black stain on his palm, that he wiped off on the pants leg of his enviro-suit. Two test swings and a forward stab with stick through the air confirmed its' combat effectiveness.* "You can relax, Dahar." He said lowering his stick. "This was an exercise in misdirection. I wanted to show you how the force can aid you in self defense. Whether you have a lightsaber or not." With a slight tug from the force, K'munee summoned the lightsaber from his student's hand, surprising Dahar in the process. The hilt flew through the air and came to rest in the waiting hand of its' creator. "Remember what I told you about the force. It is created by life. The force surrounds us and binds us. I tapped into the aura of the force that surrounds the stick, applying that same principle. Since the stick was a branch that was no longer a part of a tree, I had to combine some of my own lifeforce into the stick, to strengthen it's force capabilities." DJK threw the stick above his head, watching it twirl in the air. Igniting his lightsaber, he sliced the stick in half as came tumbling back toward the ground. "See, without my added force influence, the stick doesn't have an aura strong enough use against an energy blade. Understand?" The silver glow from the blade faded away, followed by the trademark sound of a lightsaber powering down.
  9. *DJK's request seemed to catch Dahar of guard. Through the force he could sense some hesitation. It was an odd revelation to stand on the business end of his trusted weapon. He could feel every component of his lightsaber. With his connection to his lightsaber, he could have easily ignited the silver blade through force manipulation, but decided against it. K'munee noticed Marius was taking interest in the event that was about to take place. The Jedi hopeful seemed eager for his turn to take the next step. He thought back on his days of training. All of that pain and frustration, only to find himself standing on the path of discovery with two of his own students.* Marius I will need you for phase two of this exercise. Be ready.
  10. *K'munee paced around the peimeter of the courtyard, kicking rocks of the walkway. A small creature scuried across the path into a thick patch of withered underbrush. Finding a branch on the path, he examined it. Except for a couple of odd bends and a handful of miniture branches protruding from the main body of the branch, it could serve as a proper walking stick. In his mind, he pictured another use for the branch, as he began snapping off the mini-branches. Swinging the stick horizontaly from left to right, the courtyard's silence was broken by the sound of it cutting throught the wind. He held the stick out in front of him in a defense stance similar to a high guard. He closed hs eyes and exhaled deeply, as his body began to go through the motions of his kata. DJK's body moved as though he were in a trance or under a spell. His movement was effortless as his body reponded to years of training and muscle memory. While performing his exercises, he could sense the budding connections to the force of his two padawans. To achieve a greater understanding of their progress, he expanded the circumference of his awareness sphere to cover the entire courtyard. Through the sphere he was in tune with every living thing within it. A stong sense of discovery washed over him. The feeling was strongest coming from Dahar. Marius appeared to be a little harder to read, but the connection was there. He was impressed with how quickly they found their connections to the force. In that moment in time, they were all as one. Their thoughts were now completely open to him. Using the sphere, K'munee gave them a wider glimpse of what the force was. An image began to form of a lush, green environment. A large waterfall filled the background. At the base of it, was a busy fishing town. A child could been seen running and playing with friends. The scene flashes forward to the child standing at the edge of a cliff seperated by a broken bridge. The child leaps from one side of the cliff, landing safely on the other side, leaving his friends in awe. That scene dissolved into an image of the galaxy. In the vision, a massive shadow began to stretch from one side of the galaxy to the other. The temperature inside the sphere had drastically changed. Although their eyes were closed, DJK knew that if he could see that puffs of expelled breath from his body would be visible. He could sense that his students felt the cold, as his own body began to shiver. The vision began to fade, but before it had completely dissloved, he could faintly hear the sound of someone chanting. K'munee opened his eyes, as he had just completed a diagonal slice, ending in a defensive posture. His awareness sphere had been dropped by the break in his concentration. Over his shoulder he could see his two padawan's awaking from their meditations. Tucking the stick under his arm, he walked over to them, helping each of them up from the ground.* "Congradulations!" He said smiling, while patting each of them on the shoulder. "Your first lesson was very successful. Now that you can sense the force, I will now teach you how to use/manipulate the force." "Take this." He said as he gave Dahar his lightsaber. He positioned his baffled student about two feet away from himself and made sure they were far enough to not injure Marius who stood on the side to observe. "When you are ready, activate the silver emmiter switch by your thumb and attack me." K'munee retrieved the stick he had been practicing with earlier and assume a defensive stance across from Dahar.
  11. It was a couple of hours after noon and the bugs native to the planet were out in full force. The bugs were not blood thirsty. They just had a habit of flying in close proximity to his eys and mouth. DJK had read in some data file that the bugs were attracted to the carbon dioxide that humans exhaled. The insects were more of a distraction, than a problem. He knelt down, scooping a hand full of dirt with his gloved hand. Behind him was the sounds of his two padawans approaching from the hanger.Turning to face them, he held out his hand. "There is an unseen energy in our universe. This energy, which we refer to as the force, is created by life." Moving closer to the two young men, he made sure that they could see the contents of his hand. Three small worm crawled through the dirt entering and exiting holes. "The force surrounds us and binds the galaxy together. Those who are able to hear and understand the will of the force, are able to become conduits to it." "The force is said to have two sides, a light and dark side. The Jedi are practitioners with the use of the light side of the force because they use the power of the force for the greater good of the galaxy. In contrast, the Sith are wielders of the dark side. This means they use the force for selfish or destructive gains." He paused briefly to make sure that both Dahar and Marius understood. He dropped the dirt back into the hole from where he previously dug it up and summoned a baseball size rock from the ground using the force. The rock hovered inches above the palm of his hand, rotating slowly. The rock hovered above DJK's head and shattered into a thousand smaller pieces. The fragments fell at his feet. He waved the two padawans over so that they could observe what he had done. The small rock fragment were moving around on the ground, bumping into each other and trying to form a pile. Everytime they seemed to form a mound they would collapse and disperse on the ground. K'munee repeated the exercise three times for the padawans to witness. "What I have shown you is an example of easy it is to destroy something. At the same time, I showed how hard it is to create or recreate what has been destroyed. The essence of the dark side is the easy way. For a greater understanding and mastery over the force, you have to learn to oreserve life." The two young men nodded in unison. "I want you to sit down or kneel, which ever is more comfortable. Then I want you to close your eyes and focus on the force. Feel the lifeforms around you in the trees and the animals. Try to bond with aura of the force that surrounds this planet." ((OOC: In your posts, describe what you sense and feel as you learn to read and interpret the force.))
  12. "I am the only master currently residing at this post." K'munee said. *Looking over his shoulder, behind him, Dahar stood as though he were ready to respond to any threat that may have emerged from the X-Wing. He could tell the young was no stranger to fighting. * DJK considered turning this new padawan away. In the old days, it was forbidden to take on more than one padawan. He was alone out here. The council was on the other side of the galaxy. Ultimately, he decided he would face them when the time came about his decision. "If you wish to train here, I suggest you find a spare enviro-suit and meet me in the courtyard." DJK began walking toward the hangar entrance, with Dahar not far behind him. "By the way, I am Jedi Master K'munee. I hope you are ready."
  13. *DJK stood in the doorway of the temple's main entrance, wearing his enviro-suit. The air was thick. A breeze of hot air dried the beads of sweat that had recently formed on his brow. The rain had finally ceased, but the ground was a dark muddy mess. Walking out into the courtyard, his boots sank deeper in the ground with every step. The heat had turned the damp ground into a dirt pie with a mud topped upper crust. His eager, new padawan ran over to him. Dahar seemed anxious to get started.* "When do we begin?" Dahar asked the Jedi master. *In the distance there was a faint sound. K'munee looked around, searching for the source. The sound grew louder and then it's origin was clear. The sound was from the engines of a X-Wing fighter in the skies above. The ship circled the perimeter as it descended. The X-Wing entered the hangar and landed. DJK motioned for his new padawan to follow him as he jogged over to the area where the starfighter now rested. There was a hooded figure seated in the cockpit, though K'munee could not see his face. Expanding his influence of the force, he searched the ship and pilot for signs of anything that could be a threat. Unable to find any signs of a threat, he stood at a distance that would give him prope reaction time and an overall veiw of the area.* "Can I help you?" DJK asked.
  14. "Dahar, please stand up. I do not wish for you to bow to me." He said. *K'munee place a hand on Dahar's shoulder after he stood and led him down the hallway.* "I have not trained a padawan for a long time. My methods and ideology are unorthodox, but effective." "The galaxy we reside in is a harsh one." DJK said, as he looked at the diagnal scorch marks on the walls of the hallway, where ome great lightsaber duel had taken place. *Stopping in front on Dahar, he made direct eye contact with him* "I will train you in the ways of the force, and I will train you in the art of combat. Go find a functional room and store your things. There is an extra enviro-suit in the hangar. Put it on, then meet me in the courtyard." *DJK gave Dahar a reassuring smile and walked away. He peered out of one of the temple's transparisteel windows, into the jungle. The bushes stirred and a flash of fur could be seen. Some unlucky animal had just become prey for a predator. The Jedi master thought it was odd sight to witness after taking on a new padawan. Maybe it was an omen. Maybe that explains the lingering presence of darkness he sinced a while ago?*
  15. *There was something odd about the young man that stood before the aging Jedi. K'munee relaxed the hand that gripped the hilt of is lightsaber and stod up slowly. The coveralls he wore, were covered in dirt stains, smudges, and a fine layer of dust from his duties. Dusting his hands off as he walked toward the entrance of the dimly lit room where he had been working. DJK sized the young man up. There was some uncertainty in his voice as he asked his questions. But he could hardly blame him. From the outside looking in, he would have mistaken him him from a maintinance man or janitor. The current envirorment of the temple was not one that was very user friendly with traditional Jedi attire. Crossing his arms in front of his chest, a half smile began to manifest on his face. The last thing the young said stuck in his mind: I don't know how, but I can feel the Force in you stronger than anything I've ever encountered. Are you a Jedi? "Yes, I am a Jedi. But only when it suits my purposes." DJK said, narrowing his eyes to apply emphasis. "However, there are times when the tides of darkness overflow the mental flood gates we use to suppress them and give us a glimpse of the shadows we would become if we allowed it to consume us." He said. *He extend his right hand, with the palm facing up and leveled it were the Jedi hopeful would be able to see. The center of his hand began to glow. Small currents of blue electricity surged from the middle of his hands, radiating out to each of his individual finger tips. He slowly closed his hand, as the light was extinguished with a faint glow visible between the creases of his fingers.* Looking at the young man with a raised eyebrow, he said, "Do you still wish to be trained?"
  16. "Ouch!" DJK said out loud. *The circuit board from the climate control device he was repairing sparked again, then fizzled into a thin stream of white smoke. This was the second time the system had seemingly lashed out against him. The old Jedi instinctively put his shocked finger tips in his mouth, trying to dampen the pain. Shaking his head, he looked at the blackened tips of his fingers, wondering what compelled him the return to this temple. In that same instant, he seemed to have given an answer. Underneath the console where he was working, his eyes locked on to a frayed series of wires, leading to an input coupling. He would have to switch of the main power to the device in order to repair it or risk increasingly more painful shocks. No sooner had he finished his thoughts, had he became aware of another presence. A presence that was not native to these surroundings. Reaching out with his mind, he searched for feelings of ill intent or malice. Luckily he found none. There was, however, a strong sense of doubt. DJK looked over his shoulder just in time to see a figure standing in the outside corridor. His left hand, had instinctively gone to hilt of his lightsaber. When the figure spoke, K'munee was given a clearer picture of the bings state of mind and relaxed his guard, slightly.* "Yeah. Something I can do for you?" he said, trying to seem casual.
  17. The Avenger exited hyperspace, then proceeded toward Haruun Kal. The ship began to jerk and shutter as the atmospheric pressure began super heating the outer hull of the shuttle. A slight course correction to the navi-comp, alleviated this problem, giving the ship a smoother descent to the planet's surface below. DJK leaned forward in his pilot's chair, looking at the barely recognizable surface. The planet had gone through some significant changes during his absence. The shutte's sensor array, displayed high levels of an acidic compound in the air. A thick orange smog was present, seeming to roll around the landscape, engulfing all of the native plantlife. The grounds around the Jedi temple were covered with a layer of black ash, that has been carried over from a nearby volcanic erruption. The temple itself, looked as though it had recently seen a battle. The walls displayed scorch marks and some of the pillars supporting the temple's entry way, were scarred with multiple fracture lines. Even the statue of Jedi Master Mace Windu in the visitor's courtyard out front, had been destroyed leaving only the weathered foundation on which it stood. DJK landed his ship in the courtyard. The landing ramp lowered and settled onto the black, muddy surface. He walked down the ramp, inhaling a lung full of the hot, muggy air. The rain was begining to subside. He peered down into a pudle of acid rain that steamed, as it devoured whatever life had been growing there prior to the downpour. The enviromental suit he put on gave him some protection, although prolonged periods in a heavy downpour would definitely result in a suit breach. His walk to the temple's doors was slow as he tried to gage the amount of lifeforms in the immediate area. There was a lingering presence of something dark and sinister in the air. He walked the halls, accompanied by nothing more than the sounds of his footsteps, echoing around him. The central control room for the temple was intact, but running on reserve power. The door to the armory was jammed and the supply room door would open enough to get a hand inside. The basement was not illuminated and had become flooded. DJK reactivated three maintenance droids he found in his watery walk through the basement, to help with restoring full power to the base primary systems. Now the temple's hanger doors could be opened. Once his ship was secured in the hanger, he began making random repairs to the temple to make the temple a solid structure.* There is still much to be done......
  18. ((3)) A warrior must focus his attention on the link between himself and his death. Without remorse or sadness or worrying, he must focus his attention on the fact that he does not have time and let his acts flow accordingly. He must let each of his acts be his last battle on earth. Only under those conditions will his acts have their rightful power. Otherwise they will be, for as long as he lives, the acts of a fool. It happened so fast. The situation had gone from bad to worst. Although DJK was engaged in mortal combat with the other man, he hadn't excepted that he would have to kill him, to get by him. The force technique Malacia was used on Moric to disable him and to keep him at suppressed from a safe distance, so he wouldn't have to contend against the strange powers the young Sith seemed to possess. K'munee held the Malacia influence upon his enemy, marveling at his resilience. But then.....something unusual happened. The look in Moric's eyes changed, along with essence in the force. The fire weapon he manifested disappeared and his weapon hand released it's grip on his lightsaber, leaving it to roll freely into the moist dirt beside him. The man screamed out in rage and power at an almost deafening level, temporary breaking the Jedi's hold over him. Blue flames erupted from Moric's body, surrounding him in spiritual fire and spread out toward the nearby treeline. DJK split the flames with a force assisted hand gesture as it came directly for him, as it encircled the area where the battle was taking place. As the fire passed around him, he noted the absence of heat, though there was the lingering sting of extreme exposure to flames. There was a change to Moric's facial structure. He began to take on a feral look. His eyes showed no remnants of the humanity that he once embodied. Then without warning, Moric leaped at the Jedi, forcing him to the ground with the weight of his body. The next thing DJK felt was teeth pressed into the meaty area of his throat, followed by intense pain. He could feel the warm liquid that was his blood and the Sith's saliva trickle down his neck. K'munee pushed hard against Moric's chest, making him upright so he could get some leverage. He manages to get his hands around the other man's throat, who was eagerly trying to get another bite. Working his hands from the neck to the jawline, he found what he was looking for. DJK pushed his thumbs into the pressure points between the jaw and ear. Moric screamed in pain. His head was twisting and turning, as K'munee fought for the right grip on the other man. When he had finally found what he wanted, his left hand on Moric's forehead and the right hand on his gaping jaw. Risking the loss of a finger or two, K'munee grabbed the inside of Moric's mouth and in one sharp movement, dislocated his jaw. The lightsaber that Moric had discarded, slid across the ground into DJK's waiting hand. He place the emitter into the soft tissue area of the ball and socket part of the shoulder, then activating it briefly before turning it off. The silver blade burned a hole straight through his shoulder and exited from his shoulder blade. Moric made a odd sound, with his dislocated jaw swinging in the wind. K'munee, using his knees for leverage, caused the Sith to tumble off him. He rolled over onto his hands and knees, clutching the bloody wound on his neck, checking to see how bad it really was. He stood up slowly, swaying a little at first, but eventually steadied himself. In his right hand was the Sith's lightsaber and in his left, his own. DJK ignites the silver blade of a lightsaber and opens his hand, levitating it above the writhing form on the ground that is Moric. The trademark sound of the blade gets the Sith's attention, halting his movement as the blade was pointed at his torso, hovering inches from his sternum. K'munee held his own lightsaber firmly at the ready, in anticipation of any more trickery. This was the end, but mentally he struggled with the decision of whether or not to kill the Sith. ((Your welcome. I enjoyed it too!))
  19. ((2)) A warrior acknowledges his pain but he doesn't indulge in it. The mood of the warrior who enters into the unknown is not one of sadness; on the contrary, he's joyful because he feels humbled by his great fortune, confident that his spirit is impeccable, and above all, fully aware of his efficiency. A warrior's joyfulness comes from having accepted his fate, and from having truthfully assessed what lies ahead of him. Wrinkles formed on DJK's brow, along with multiple beads of sweat which leaked into his eyes, stinging them. He struggles against the manifestation of the flaming weapon used to block the blade of his lightsaber. The loosely hanging sleeves of his tunic, began to blacken as they caught fire. The fire began to spread up his forearm, inching its' way toward his biceps. K'munee winced at the pain from the heat of the fire that threatened to envelope his arms. Suddenly, a warning from the force screamed out at him, drawing his attention to an unseen threat. The flaming weapon used by Moric seemed to serve a dual purpose. The Jedi master was so consumed with the onset of this strange tactic used by the Sith that he allowed himself to loose sight of the primary threat....the Sith's lightsaber. The silver blade of a lightsaber connected first with the burning material on the sleeve of his tunic, then into the tender flesh that was skin and muscle. DJK changed his grip on his lightsaber, pushing the flaming weapon down and away from himself. He turned his body into the arc of the slash threatening to severe his arm from his torso and launched himself into a horizontal spin. Adding the force to that spin for speed and distance, the Jedi extinguishes the flames on his tunic and lands crouched with one knee on the ground. K'munee was holding his deactivated lightsaber in the hand of his injured arm, while instinctively clutching the wound to his bicep with his good hand. Steam and the smell of burnt clothing material, rose off the Jedi master. The pain he was feeling was intense, though he turned it inward. Rising to his feet, he tore the burned sleeve from his tunic over his injured arm and tied it over the wound. He tore the sleeve off the other arm, throwing it the ground. Both arms where exposed to the humid air on the battlefield, displaying the first and second degree burns he suffered from his cunning foe. DJK's eyes narrowed, as he concentrated on the man a short distance across from him. Moric had already steadied himself defensively, probably expecting another force push. The effects of what the Jedi was doing was unclear, so the Sith advanced on him. With every step he took, the effects of what was happening to him became evident. Moric took five more steps. His hand went to his head as an unseen pressure built up behind his skull, bringing him to his knees. Moric began to dry heave, then vomit uncontrollably. K'munee maintained a safe distance while holding his influence heavily on the Sith.
  20. ((1)) Power always makes a cubic centimeter of chance available to a warrior. The warrior's art is to be perennially fluid in order to pluck it. K'munee spun around in one fluid movement, activating the yellow blade of his lightsaber, blocking Moric's attack and parrying the blade low then high left. This maneuver brought the other man's saber up into a high guard. The follow up to the counter move was the butt of the hilt on DJK's lightsaber, being slammed into the forehead of his unsuspecting opponent. The distinctive hum of DJK's lightsaber was suddenly silenced as Moric staggered backwards, his eyes squeezed shut as he winced at the pain of the blow to his skull. The Sith never dropped his guard. His silver blade sliced blindly through the air in an attempt to hold the Jedi master at bay. DJK kept his lightsaber at the ready, even though he had turned it off, as was the practice of a Trakata master. Using a moment of uncertainty between the two of them, K'munee went on the offensive, charging the other man who had just realized what was about to happen. Moric angled his blade defensively in anticipation of whatever attack the Jedi master had in store for him. K'munee allowed himself to come within killing distance of the lightsaber's blade, hoping that it wasn't dual-phased, his own saber still deactivated. The seasoned warrior was not reckless, though he was in full control of the situation, manipulating it to his will. Moric saw the seemingly defenseless Jedi closing the gap between them and brought his blade down, intending to slice open from left shoulder to right hip. Before the blade could meet the flesh it eagerly wished to cauterize, it flickered and dissolved into nothing. DJK was watching the Sith's movements as he prepared his attack, waiting for him to change his grip for a slashing motion, which caused his thumb to move away from the emitter switch on the hilt of his lightsaber. A minor manipulation of the force to that button, simply turned the energy blade off. The momentum of the attack, combined with the lack of a blade to strike with, left the Sith off balance. DJK using the speed of his charge, slammed his shoulder into Moric, knocking the air from his chest. K'munee summoned the force into him, then channeled it into the palm of his hand, manifesting a powerful force push that caught the stunned Sith off guard.
  21. The seasoned Jedi master stood on the battlefield, in two places at once. His physical form stood poised for action, among the chaos surrounding him. Though his mental form was half way across the field following the force signature of his former padawan learner, Azrael. The young Jedi had been tainted by a Wraith, which combined with the alien presence of the virus he contracted, leaving him vulnerable to its' influences. DJK feared the worst for Azrael, but he would not and will not, abandon him. DJK's mental voice spoke out against the Wraith that was manipulating his friend and simultaneously steering his soul down the dark path. Hear me Wraith! You would be wise to flee the body you now inhabit, because if you don't you will have made a powerful enemy this day, I promise you. K'munee blinked his eyes twice, remembering where he was. He was in a bad place populated with bad people. One of the people he was speaking of, was standing in front of him, issuing a challenge. He took three steps forward toward the person speaking to him, while he pressed a button on a small controller located on his belt. The ramp from his shuttle closed and the shields came on line immediately, distorting the view of the vessel behind him. Looking at the being across from him, DJK unbuckled his lightsaber from his belt, holding it firmly in his right hand and said, "I came her to kill Sith and save my friend. If I have to kill you first to accomplish that, then so be it." OOC:Moric if you still want it, a modded three posts (each) duel.
  22. Two standard hours had passed since the request for orbital bombardment and it's it's denial due to the increased Imperial and Sith presence above the planet Cardia. K'munee leaned his seat back forward from the reclined position, feeling refreshed from his previous ordeal with the Wraiths. He had put himself into a healing trance, repairing the tissue and organ damage caused by the exposure to space. The medical droid that administered the initial treatment aided in the process by providing medicine and a constant supply of bacta. While he was healing, master Anorus had control of the shuttle. The first thing that he noticed when looking out the view-port was their close proximity to the upper atmosphere of Cardia. K'munee grabbed the primary control stick, switching master Anorus to the gunner controls. He began taking the ship through a series of attack runs on nearby cruisers and smaller snub fighters. The two Jedi masters where a formidable team. DJK opened the secure comm channels, hearing jumbled transmissions and jargon, along with static. He continued to cycle through secure channels until he found one that was not being scrambled. -This is Jedi Master K'munee to Alliance Fleet Command. I am beginning my descent to the surface of Cardia. One of my crew took an escape pod to the surface. I will keep this channel open in case you wish to transmit any helpful intel or if you need my assistance. I say again, to all available Jedi, your assistance would be appreciated.- The channel remained active as he made course corrections. The shuttle shuttered as it hit the upper atmosphere. The belly of the ship glow red hot, as it pierced the atmosphere like a bullet traveling toward the vital organs of an enemy. Artillery fire exploded around them as land formations became visible as they passed through the cloud formations that hovered above. Master Anorus was very precise in his angling of the deflector shields in the direction of incoming fire. That left K'munee time to concentrate on maneuvering the shuttle in and out of harm's way. Master Anorus fired two proton torpedoes at the gun placements, destroying them and strafing the ground with steady fire to scatter the fleeing ground forces. K'munee made to more attack runs on the surface before finding a secure area to land his ship. A quick sensor sweep of the area showed no mines or defensive counter measures. He lands the Avenger in a clearing about two "clicks" from the area where the Sith temple stood. DJK quickly unbuckled his chairs restraints and hurried to the rear, where the loading ramp had been lowered. In the cargo hold, K'munee grabbed extra rations, grenades\thermal detonators, and a blaster pistol. The elder Jedi walked down the ramp, eyes searching for immediate danger as he stretched out with the force scanning for hidden dangers. Looking over his shoulder, he could see Master Anorus preparing himself for the battle ahead. Azrael...I will not abandon you to the darkness. OOC: If I am on the surface near the Sith temple, do I post in this thread or the actual academy thread?
  23. K'munee witnessed the transfer of the lingering wraith into Azrael. His own body still weaken from his exposure to the vacuum of space, DJK watched helplessly as his student became a puppet for the wraith. Azrael left the cargo hold, heading for the section of the shuttle where the escape pods were housed. A few moments later, the sound of one of the pods being launched was heard throughout the ship. K'munee willed himself to his feet, moving slower than usual, he entered the cockpit and settled into his chair. The escape pod's tracking beacon was the first order of business for the older Jedi. The pod had made its' way down to the surface, about three clicks from the Sith temple. K'munee switched to his tactical display, which showed all registered friendlies in the general vicinity. Master Kirlocca had joined the fight with his attack squadron. A new battle group had emerged from hyperspace to aid in the campaign against the Sith, under the leadership of Fynn Relmis, an accomplished Jedi Knight. The Jedi presence above Cardia had grown considerably. DJK opened all Alliance and Jedi channels on a secure frequency and transmits his message: -Alliance Fleet Command. I am requesting that we commence orbital bombardment of the surface area around the Sith's temple immediately, so that I may begin the ground assault. Also, any available Jedi knights or masters would be appreciated.- K'munee turns in his chair toward master Anorus, giving a gesture that suggested he was unsure of the situation, while they wait for confirmation of the message received and the Alliance Fleet's plan of action. He shakes his head, while squinting with one eye as a severe migraine overtakes him. He focuses the force on his pain, causing it to subside. The sudden onset of the pain reminded him that he was not yet at 100%, so he relaxed his body in his chair and focused all his energy on healing. A reply would be coming shortly, so the seasoned warrior wanted to be ready.
  24. Azrael.....save me DJK's voice resonated through the force as a whisper, but the message found the ears of his former padawan. Although they had been apart for a few years, their student/teacher bond had not diminished. The bond was as strong as it had ever been. Azrael moved from the navigation chair to the pilot's seat, griping the controls firmly. He steered the ship using precise maneuvers coordinated through the force. The front of the Svelte class shuttle eased into position, while opening the outer airlock. The young Jedi nudged the throttle, pushing the ship forward slightly, allowing DJK's motionless form to enter the cargo hold after sealing and re-pressurizing the airlock. The temperature in the cargo hold began to rise, warming the cold area. Small ice crystals were visible on his skin, eyebrows, and mustache. K'munee lay on the floor, in the fetal position. A medical droid entered the area and began administering treatment, which consisted of a shot of adrenaline through his chest. He was unresponsive to the treatment. The droid attached small pads to his upper left chest and lower right torso, to deliver a series of shocks. DJK's body seized as the strong electrical current tried to regulate the beating of his heart, but his body remained still. Five minutes passed with no indication if he took to the procedures or not. Then when all seemed loss, K'munee slowly opened his eyes, looking up at the medical droid. Master Anorus and Azrael appeared beside the droid to check the status of the Jedi master. His lips were moving, though no sound was coming out. Azrael leaned closer and K'munee's words became clear. His voice was a whisper as he spoke. "I'm sorry to say that I can't recommend the space walk for recreational purposes."
  25. K'munee was in the rear cargo hold doing an inventory check of all weapons and other essential provisions, when he suddenly fell to his knees, with one hand held to his temple. The feeling was similar to what it felt like to be hit over the head with a blunt object. The mental pain made it hard for him to focus on the source, but it didn't take a genius to figure out what was coming. A powerful Sith has just joined the fight Red lights began to flash along with a warning alarm. DJK quickly rose from his knees, hurrying back to the cockpit where master Anorus and Azrael were already coordinating to lock down the source of the threat. A single ship had appeared out of hyperspace at the rear of the fleet. The ship had no identifiable marks, but K'munee knew through the force who was on board. A smaller support vessel managed to fire what could only be a net bomb at the Alliance fleet, while the larger ship carrying the Sith presence unloaded a salvo of unknown origins at the fleet. The unknown weapons that were deployed against the Alliance fleet, penetrated almost every ship in the fleet, showing no immediate damage. K'munee ran a sensor sweep of the area for casualties finding none. The unknown Sith vessel unleashed another salvo, this time the Avenger was in harm's way. Instinctively his crew switched all power to the rear deflectors and they braced for impact, yet nothing happened to the shuttle. A powerful force had taken hold of them. In K'munee's mind he could feel an unseen presence pulling at his spiritual self, trying to separate him from his body. Whatever these things were, they purpose was to possess and control their hosts. Sweat was in beads all over his forehead as he fought for the possession of his body. DJK had managed to hold off one by projecting himself on the wraith and radiating pulses of pure force energy from within. The other wraiths abandoned the other two Jedi and focused on the senior master. K'munee was the better target. He was a tainted soul teetering on the brink. To the wraiths, it was like blood in the water around sharks. They attacked him all at once. K'munee rose from his chair, stumbling toward the back. He passed through the galley, knocking over the food dispenser and various dishes as headed for the rear of the ship. When he reached the cargo hold, he sealed the door and then sealed the airlock. Blood leaked from his nose and ears as he fought against the forced who tried to inhabit and destroy his soul. Though his body showed minor injuries, if you could see his mental self, he would appear to be bloodied and broken form. The wraiths' combined assault was to much for him. Before they could succeed in taking him over, K'munee opened the outer airlock. His body was immediately pulled out into the vacuum of space. The cold of space enveloped him. It was the final gamble on his part. What good would his body be to the wraiths if were dead? Before he blacked out he triggered a small device on his belt that would signal the ship, giving his location so he could be retrieved later. With the last breath from his body, he entered a hibernation trance, preserving the oxygen in his body for a short time. The last thing he saw before his eyes closed was the Avenger firing it's steering jets, turning the ship to his location. The wraiths abandoned his useless form and dispersed toward other ships.
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