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Ary the Grey

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As The Black Heart exited hyperspace and drifted momentarily in he deep of space Lucifer contemplated his two objectives.


Many would be risky, but in the end the cost was worth it. Going over the final detaisl of his plan the kiffar input several co-ordinates and began the first of several micro jumps to avoid detection as he headed to Outer Heaven...it would be the one place in the galaxy where his presence would likely go un-noticed and he could easily replace his ship's transponder number and name with a falsified or 'borrowed' name and number...albiet temporarily for the task at hand at a reasonable price, it also helped that at least one of his apprentices (Calmin Ayion) owned the place so eh could conduct his business without interference being a 'friend' so to speak to the CEO of the vast structure.


Inputting the final checks and co-ordinates he hit the dial sending the ship hurtling into the dark of space again as stars began just beams and streaks of light.




 "Only in my pain, did I find my will. Only in my chaos, did I learn to be still. Only in my fear, did I find my might. Only in my darkness, did I see my light." - Darth Akheron


I survived the Great JNet Outage of 2012

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"The Force was clearly drawing me to you and you to me in that cantina."


Well, this was just what he needed. A Force-User on his ship. At this, it didn't wholly bother him, as he had even gone so far in the past as to aid in certain scenarios Force-Users of various...factions. But he had been quite careful about it. Now he was suddenly worried that his entire willingness to take her on may have come from her. But in only a moment, he dismissed this notion. He had been a target of the strategies of Force-Users before, and his will had proven difficult to seduce then, and it would have been no different now.


..."to complete my Sith training."


Dar'jetii. He turned his head to look at her, and how she was purposefully turned forward. She was young, and while he knew that jetii of any sort were capable of illusion, he had seen and heard nothing from her that would suggest corruption. Even if she was a Sith, she had just admitted she was not fully trained. This rang true with Archer, because if she had been fully trained she would likely not have been enslaved on Tatooine in the first place, or she would never have risked traveling with a Mando'ad, considering the riskiness of trusting a Mandalorian's perspective to align with one's own.


He turned his head back, watching the blurred lines of hyperspace travel. Archer realized, with a silent laugh, that he was facilitating the training of someone who could easily become another mass-murdering Sith Lord. Well, that was fine, for now. She had told him what he had asked from her as requirement for his services, so this new knowledge did not violate that. And Archer had never liked the kind of person who could moralize a preemptive strike. No, there was no reason to do anything other than get her to Coruscant.


It went as an unspoken reality for him that he might kill this young woman in the future. But, generally, the same could be said for anyone he knew.


"You are not what I have come to expect from the Sith."


"Whenever you meet difficult situations dash forward bravely and joyfully." 
- Tsunetomo Yamamoto, Hagakure

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Archer's response was so honest that Emily couldn't help but give a dry chuckle. "No, I'm not. I'm not what many people expect from a Sith. Certainly not my masters."


She absently twisted a strand of hair around her fingers as she continued to gaze into hyperspace. "I..." she paused. "I don't see eye to eye with many Sith." She finally looked at him. "My training is a means to an end; little more."


What he'd make of that she didn't know, but it felt good to say it aloud. She turned her gaze away, realized she was playing with her hair, and immediately stopped. This was one reason why she rarely wore it like this. She hated her habit of playing with it when it was down.


Suddenly she felt the need to explain herself. "These attacks and massacres," she said, speaking slowly, testing each word before she spoke it, "they serve no purpose. The Sith that commit them are...simple-minded. They're like animals; slaves to their passions." She shook her head. "But they do have power. Power to shape events as they desire. That is a worthy thing. But they have lost themselves to it."


Emily suddenly chuckled again. "I don't know why I'm telling you this. I'm sure you don't care." She leaned forward and glanced at the controls of the ship. "How soon will we arrive? We have to be getting close."



"Days in the sun...what I'd give to relive just one. Undo what's done, and bring back the light."

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"You're sure I don't care?" he said.


He had been content with silence during her admission as to her perspective. He took what she said for what it was, how she saw what she chose to do, how she saw what others chose to do. This was her mindset. By choosing to listen, one learned how to see. All this talk of what was power, and the real power between two people could be had by simply listening, by waiting, like the animals she chose to disparage. He chose that last moment to speak, for now ignoring her final question.


"They seem to have given you their judgment. You jetii, whether you are Light or Dark, you always see with the Force. Everything you do is about the Force. There are more people that don't know the Force than those that do. And they are considered automatically inferior to you, whether you admit it or not, because it's in your speech. Because you speak from a perspective bonded to hierarchy, it's as simple as calling the act of terrorism simple-minded, and then relating that to the passions of animals.


Yet I have hunted no creature that many would deem not-sentient, that has ever reached out its power to take a life it does not intend to feed on. These creatures have the power to shape events as they desire, within their sphere of Life." He looked at her through the black screen of his helmet, staring at this young Sith woman who he somewhere hoped would turn out to be smart in life. "As do I, and I have never used the Force to shape my life. Am I not worthy, because I do not have the power to blow up a building with my great Force?"


He chose that moment to answer her question, by pulling out of hyperspace without so much as touching the control panel, all the controls being accessed through his helmet as he watched her. "Maybe they lose themselves to their so-called power, but I have seen men just as bad any Sith have none of this 'power' you speak of. I say, they lose themselves to their perspectives, which would have them believe they are masters of things which no one can be master of. I have spoken with too many of those lightside jetii to think anything other than that when they say a man becomes bad because of the Dark, they are spouting nonsense from a clouded mind. I say, a man or woman is good or bad as a man or woman, with or without the Force."


He turned to the viewport as space normalized around them, and controlled their descent to Coruscant. As they entered the atmosphere of the planet, Archer was exasperated with himself. He had never allowed himself to say so much in so little time.


"Whenever you meet difficult situations dash forward bravely and joyfully." 
- Tsunetomo Yamamoto, Hagakure

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She was surprised when he addressed her comments. For some reason, she hadn't expected him to. Perhaps it was the reputation of his people that was influencing her, or perhaps he was right and that it was her prejudice against non-Force sensitives. She honestly didn't know.


But she listened as he spoke, and turned the words over in her mind as was her habit. She had learned critical thinking at an early age, and she wasn't afraid of what she might discover. His points had merit. He spoke from his experience of life, from his travels around the galaxy. Emily knew that she had had an extremely sheltered upbringing, hidden away on Raxus Prime away from the rest of the galaxy, served hand and foot by the Nohgri slaves. She had not yet seen much of the galaxy or it's people, and her contact with non-Force-users had been even more limited. And that made Archer's perspective more valuable, for it came from a man who had experienced a vastly different life than she had.


His point about animals not taking life they didn't intend to feed on resonated with her. That was where these Sith she had met had what she believed was their greatest failing. In a way, they were worse than these animals, for Archer was right that animals always have a purpose for their killing.


As they entered the atmopshere of the city-planet, Emily finally spoke. "I think you must be right, Mandalorian." He had at least given her much to think of.


But for now, she turned her mind away from philosophy and onto business. As soon as they landed, she would get him a credit transfer to pay for his services, and then they would part, most likely to never meet again.



"Days in the sun...what I'd give to relive just one. Undo what's done, and bring back the light."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lallu was a little glad for the warm reception, but to be completely honest, she wasn't expecting it. She had exiled herself from the Sith for so long, following the coattails of her master's legacy, that her own presence in the Sith was contested. Still, when the slug offered her a position at his side in the war to come she figured a path was better than no path.


She crept from her hiding place, took her hood down and unbound her lekku so they could get some air. Then she took her knives from her hands and holstered them at her hips, adjacent to a rather long leather whip, which was also at Lallu's hip.


She could see Emily out of her peripherals and wondered what she would do now that they weren't bound by the same tether. She kept a mental guard up just in case, but it was Sheog that held the bulk of her attention as the Twi'lek followed him into his ship.





It was a fairly quiet ride for Lallu, but the twi didn't mind. For all the down time she had, she took time to practice.


She would set up dummies in any open hold she could find and riddle them with knife holes, or slash them with the edges of her barbed whip.


She didn't really have too many people to talk to and although the people she was flying with were fellow Sith, she only really felt mild kinship to them. Still, the silence was fine. She didn't really like to talk.



Keenava Two Suns.png

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The young alien excused herself for a good duration of time from the company of her pilot. The girl had alot of time on her hands, and alot to make up for. During her sickness, she felt she had disconnected with her roots. It was sad to feel this way, she was going to try and fix it. Meditation.


It didn't come as easy as it used to but the girl powered through it. There was no failure. There was no excuses. There were results. There were answers. Trushaun was so close to finding peace with nature and the Force around her, she felt as if she could become one with the Force at anytime. Ascending, if that was the right word, into a higher understanding of the Force. That way she could fix her world on a whim. But there was still so much to do.


Kneeling in the common room of the small shuttle, Trushaun sat in stone cold silence, except for the hyperdrive of course, but silent. She hovered in the air. Her mind was still, thinking on one thing at a time, and thinking it through. Her connection to the Force was repairing itself. Feeling relaxed, Trushaun came out of the meditation. Returning to the floor, she wasted no time in getting to her feet, this time to stretch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looming out the darkness in a system with no sun sat the destination of a delivery ship. Geryon was the name and the large world seemed to almost to gush with evil. Every soul aboard that ship felt a chill run down their spine as their viewport filled with the lost souls that had gathered and created a world.



The darkness of space settle perpetual on the planet leaving it in everlasting night. A fact that took their breath away as their made their way to the northern region, by passing numerous examples of life that should not have come to pass. Settling in a a crystalline marvel the team pilled out and left the package in front of what looked like a palace carved out of the natural formation of the region. With due haste they quickly left and departed, thankful to escape with their lives, and unaware of why they were so grateful.


As the ship departed from the sky, a lone figure stepped out from the shadows. This man was formerly known as the bounty hunter Slicer. He was now the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Asperser.


He knew it would be to his benefit to keep the two separate and so, the man whose face was a mystery began to take on a new appearance. Feelings from the years that came with battling in the same armor were pushed aside. Instead with care he removed from him his second skin.


Then with practiced skill he assembled his new ensemble. With a fastening of his cape, he wad complete and the Dark Lord found himself in awe of his new style. Yet he was not here for a simple wardrobe change. This was perhaps one of the most dangerous worlds in the galaxy. He would stay here for a time, while his force built up in preparation for the Gala attack.


He had to stay here after all the system was new, the weight distribution different and he could not afford to be clumsy in battle. With a single minded focus, he began.

Slicer.jpgMy sig is my profile...


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  • 4 weeks later...

Sitting in the deep of space Gren considered his next move. Seasoned fighter that he was he didn't feel he had a place with CoreSec or anywhere in the Galactic Alliance. Plagued by terrorists as they were the destruction of his team and resultant events had left him disillusioned with the Republic. Sighing he turned to look in to the hold, he'd arrayed the charred ruins of Mother and had been spending time going through his old companion, sorting out the components that weren't completely fried from those that were written off. Mia was on board her own ship. Waiting for his signal.


Bringing his mind back to bear on the problem presented in front of him he debated where to go next. He needed a mission, a job. Something. Something to keep him going beyond this fruitless waiting and searching. His target was gone. Disappeared from the Galaxy. Revenge thwarted by timing. His only other options were going solo or going back to his roots with the force and joining the Jedi again. Not the Sith though, never the Sith. Not after Corellia, not after the Alliance.


That only really left him one real option. The Jedi. Sending a message to Mia alerting her of his movements he sent a holo-message to some of his old Alliance contacts. Requesting any information they had on the whereabouts of the Jedi Temple. For now he would go to Gala his birthplace and the site of the old Jedi Temple.


Hitting a few switches he locked in the co-ordinates for his old home. Pulling a lever the Ranger Twin Blade flickered with the pseudo-motion of entering hyperspace.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ads blasts off from Coruscant in his ship, which may or may not be an I-Wing...he got in without looking, so he'll need to check his ship registration.


Anyway, he breaks out of the Coruscanti atmosphere and into space.


"Droid, whose name I seem to have forgotten, what just happened?!"


Text scrolls across Ads' display, informing him that they just flew through an atmospheric anomaly: a point at which they went from clearly being within the atmosphere to space. The atmosphere just suddenly gave way to outer space, enabling them to actually be able to say they broke out of the atmosphere.


Never heard of that before, weird.


"Droid, plot a course on a hyperspace route at random...we'll end up where the force leads us. But you probably think it's where you lead us. But you're incapable of free will, you're a droid. Either I'm controlling you or the force is, so just do it."


Not long after that, they entered hyperspace, bound for...somewhere...


Generally, hitting someone in the head with your weapon kills them regardless of whether they're wearing a life-sustaining mask. I'm pretty sure this is general combat strategy whether your target is Darth Vader or some thug on the street.
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As the Rangir sped through hyperspace toward the core from Naboo, ShadowFett nodded to Mirdala, looking into her eyes now that she had removed her buy'ce and detecting her earnest desire to bury what had happened and move forward with the strength he knew she had. It was enough to make a lifetime of hardship and combat dissolve into something very much fundamental, peeling back the Mandalorian and leaving the human man that resided underneath. It was a dichotomy that Fett found himself willing to embrace and one that had defined the Mando'ade in many ways.


"Then stay close," he said in agreement. "I wouldn't have it any other way. And keep me informed. It'll be difficult for me to help if I don't know what you're experiencing." Although Fett had endured quite a number of things in his lifetime, including many traumatic injuries from losing hands and limbs to bones being forcibly removed from his body, experiencing torture as Marc Spector was forced to give up a set of coordinates to Jidai Geki, brushing the dark side as Vegeta Isolder and putting up with the loss of a loved one as Yuusuke Hakusho, he'd never had to fight off a spice addiction. And indeed, though injuries could be severe, the arts of cloning and healing these days made them all but transient compared to the long battle of going through withdrawal and cravings. Those shabuire certainly did a number on her... he thought, thanking the Force that he'd had the strength to avenge her and get her out of that place.


Now the proximity alert was signaling that Coruscant was near, and Fett soon reverted the Rangir to realspace as the city-planet loomed.

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When Serenity arrived at the coordinates, they docked with the frigate that had issued the distress call. While Skye rushed in to do her work, Darex spoke with the captain of the vessel, who was more than willing to repay them for their help by providing a spare nanny droid.


Darex returned over to the Serenity a few moments later, with the droid in tow.


"Greetings," the droid told Darla in a pleasant alto female voice. "I am nanny droid TY-K0. I am at your service."


Darex couldn't keep the smirk off his face. He was glad they finally had the droid they needed. He picked up Jax and juggled him as Darla got the droid settled.


As soon as Skye was back, they would head off for the EV.


((Next post can be us arriving at the EV, if you'd like))


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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((In synchronized orbit above the Gala Jedi Temple.))





Printing out the last of the papers, Tobias put them on the table in the common room. The Holocron data was sifting out itself in the databanks.


He looked over the Fuel logs, maintenance reports, cargo logs and other logs. It made a pretty clear timeline of construction materials and personnel being transferred to the Haruun Kal area, then transports- would fuel up there, disappear then come back to fuel up.


This disappated over time, but it was still curious because the shuttles would have need a full tank. Where were they going?


No records of the construction equipment going to Naboo or deposited on Kal. The shuttles always came back empty. A little trip to space over Kal wouldn't require every shuttle to get a full tank. The shuttles would be going places, but where would they off load construction equipment and need a full tank when they got back. Where were they unloading the people? Why were there so many electronic problems when they got back?


Questions Vos intended to find out. He rummaged through the paperwork further.

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Nimbus raced through space after leaving the Golden Link. Onboard the ship, her captain took a long moment before making all the needed calculations for a hyperspace jump to really think about what exactly he was doing now. Zalis had started off his adulthood years smuggling for anyone who would offer him up a job. But ever since he fell in with the Hutts on Nar Shaddaa, his life has taken one turn for another. But he wouldn't complain, because his charm, and while he knew that Zeltron's produced pheromones, he believed it was apart of his own personality that drew Kaldena in, as it seems that no matter where she goes, she had a job for him to do. Although the circumstances of the job changed, as with the Hutts is was dangerous and risky crime every time, and now with the Link is was honest and safe, it was a job that paid no matter what.


But his hesitation wasn't even on Kaldena or his work, but rather his ship. Nimbus had been a long time smuggling ship, and even held many crews over the past years. Only one captain during her time in service as a smuggling vessel. But now it seemed that she was to be used for the service of the Link, which did pay well, he just felt like he betrayed himself or her through this change of occupation. But it didn't matter. He still had a job that he had to do, and Zalis made it a pride of his to be the best at whatever he did, even if it is an honest job. So with that thought, he made the final calculation and pulled the lever. SHortly after that, Nimbus threw itself forward as the stars streaked into a giant tunnel of light that all came to know as hyperspace travel.


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Kain's shuttle plopped out of hyperspace like a piece of semisolid fecal matter out of the anus of a really fat man. Dangling in open space like the dingleberry that the metaphorical piece of semisolid fecal matter was likely to leave in the hairs surrounding the anus of that really fat man, Kain waited at the rendezvous point for any sign of Zadkiel. He wanted to bring this one in personally. While he waited, he fingered the controls, shooting encrypted comms all over space.


Like my posts? Google "zalgo font."

If you meet me, have some courtesy, have some sympathy, have some taste.
Use all your well-learned politics, or I'll lay your soul to waste.



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"Is this it?"


"Yeah. Should be."


"What now?"


"We wait, get some sleep while you can."


The cold silence of space is too unsettling for those used to the noise of a more populated planet; somewhere onboard the ship, a sink is left on to produce white noise.

It takes two sides to make war. It only takes one side to make a massacre.

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OOC:This is a Character recovery scenario between myself and Raven, plus the New Republic as NPC’s. Takes place on a bombed out Star Destroyer left over from the Final Battle.


Setting: Death Star Exterior.



Hundreds of destroyed ships floating around, including one Venator Class Star Destroyer- the Strider. Over one thousand meters long, and over five hundred meters wide this ship was feared and intimidating. The battleship is a shell of its former self. It is bombed out, minimal life support, very low power. No engines, no weapons, no shields. Just enough power to sustain 20 odd cloning pods. In recent months the power supply has been cut, leading to the pods failing. Of the original squad only six remain. The 115th Drop Squad’s faithful AI, Lisa, has been in one of the Strider’s hanger bays. Waiting for her squad to come back alive. She launched a two messenger pods months ago to search for any Imperial personnel to come back and assist her in reviving what was left of the crew.


The rubble from all ships still floated around, no one had done triage. There were various other ships that held power, but nothing to move. It was as if it were a sea battle, everything was still there as it was the day the crews of these ships were still fighting. Bodies and ordinance still floated around, sometimes bouncing off the hulls of the ships, everything was scattered more so. The Rebels had ultimately destroyed the Imperial fleet, and they left it behind, along with their own crippled ships. Heartless.


The AI Lisa took it upon herself to get her boys off that ship, but there was only so much she could do. She just hoped that her message reached the Fleet Commander before anymore pods failed. But that is what she kept wishing 18 pods ago.

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((Just a note, this will chronologically take place after his transmission to Oovo IV, but for convenience and to get characters moving I am posting it now. Honestly, there is maybe a few minutes time lapse between the posts, of minimal concern.))


As Kain shut off the comm, he noticed one of the lights on the console blinking, something had shown up on the long-range sensors. Close enough, he mused, though the fact that the man couldn't follow simple spacial coordinates let him know that this obviously wasn't going to be his pilot. Still, with all the rumors and half-assed news reports regarding the lower slums of Coruscant, the man was something of an unsung legend, which officials had failed to notice at all. A perfect asset, one that Kain needed to secure before the man was otherwise obligated.


Booting the comm back up again, he sent out a standard hail, piloting the shuttle over to the other craft, and signaling the intent to dock with the other craft.


Like my posts? Google "zalgo font."

If you meet me, have some courtesy, have some sympathy, have some taste.
Use all your well-learned politics, or I'll lay your soul to waste.



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His companion has retreated to find a bit of rest. Most of the trip through space had been dominated by rigorous training that had left marks on both of their bodies, but it was nothing new. He remains at the pilots seat, permitting the shop to dock with his before he moves deeper into the sheep to greet whomever invited him here.

It takes two sides to make war. It only takes one side to make a massacre.

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Good. People are so trusting these days...


Kain mused idly to himself as he finished the docking procedures. To be fair, the probability that this particular person would take the bait Kain had left for him was lower than his usual calculations tended to be, though again this 'Zadkiel' person wasn't exactly the typical fleshbag in actions and social interactions, according to his track history through the patchy information Kain had managed to track down.


Yet as he neared the airlock, Kain's internal sensors picked up something highly interesting...strange wireless signals. If the man was an android or otherwise mechanically enhanced, it would be incredibly difficult to hide the truth from him, despite it being only icing on Kain's cake of real motives. And as nanoseconds ticked by, Kain made another set of calculations, only to find the probability was once again low. But if he could get this man to join his cause...


And so, as the airlocks between ships opened, Kain again did something he rarely did, and it was the first time he had done it twice for the same person: he gambled on them. As eyes met for the first time, Kain took the initiative with words. As he spoke, he continued to scan the man visually and through the minimal sensors built into this chassis, sensors meant to hack hardware, not scope out a living being.


"I'm going to be straightforward. The man you see before you is the visage of a particular Admiral Adam Jensen. I am not he. He was labeled as missing in action and hasn't been heard from in years. But...I still represent the Empire. I yearn to control it, to elevate it, to make it rise from the grave it dug itself at the Death Star. To attain these goals, it is important I maintain this guise until the time is right. Now, unless I'm mistaken, you have certain...interfaces that I'm detecting. It would be easier and far more secure to discuss business server-side. My ship has already established the proxy server, we have but to connect. Is this acceptable?"


Kain hoped that being straightforward would intrigue the man, pique his interests further than just the simple promise of bloodshed and violence noted in the message he had sent the man while he was still in the bowels of Coruscant.


Like my posts? Google "zalgo font."

If you meet me, have some courtesy, have some sympathy, have some taste.
Use all your well-learned politics, or I'll lay your soul to waste.



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Vibrant blue eyes look the man over in a casually judgmental manner. He is not a particularly impressive specimen, however it is just an outfit that another wears at this point. Is the man a shapechanger, or is there something much more nefarious at work?


He remains quiet, listening.


'Jensen' is straight to the point, as is preferable. It's infinitely frustrating to deal with those who can't say what they mean, to mean what they say. Running around in endless loops as you try to drag the information out of them despite their resistance. Often times its not even resistance due to the information being sensitive...It's just them being 'shy' or idiots.


His interest in the Empire is stunted, at least in it's previous incarnation.


Rather than reply, he simply makes the connection to the server with his wireless signal, waiting expectantly for the individual to continue.

It takes two sides to make war. It only takes one side to make a massacre.

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A silent cybernetic ping notified Kain that a connection had been made. Emotions were never Kain's strong point, but he couldn't help but feeling a tad smug over his gamble working. Instantly, he made his own connection, accessing the shuttle's subsystems and linking his AI consciousness directly to cyberspace, where information sharing would be infinitely easier.


>connecting...connection made
>accessing interface
>parameters defined
>rendering interface
>initiating datastream


For sheer convenience of Zadkiel, Kain chose a visual interface, and in the mind's eye of the other he would see simply a small room, semi-transparent and hanging in black nothingness. The only things in the room other than the two occupants was a table and chairs, both of which made from the transparent material the walls and ceiling were made from. When interacted with, small trails of coding were left running down the surfaces.


Kain was an apparition, as an AI he had no true body, though he chose to remain roughly humanoid in shape, if only as a convenience for his guest. The information transfer began quite quickly after Kain sat down, a myriad of pictures, videos and text files popped up in various windows for Zad to scan, explaining just exactly what Kain was: a tactical AI created under the penultimate project to produce perfect AIs capable of leading armies and fleets into battle to coordinate and secure the most efficient and effective means of victory possible. Kain however, was a mistake. Due a glitch in his programming or possibly the system when he was created he wasn't like the hand full of other AIs created, he'd never bothered to find out for certain what it was that made him different, but the point was that he'd malfunctioned and he was, in fact, different.


Though, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. All it allowed Kain to do was break the bounds of his initial programming and learn, make decisions for himself and most importantly, gave him the ability to willingly disregard orders from his superiors. But in the background of it all, Kain was a machine of war. The Battle of the Death Star had come and gone, and the Empire was betrayed by its own. There is no victory in a truce, a ceasefire, only pauses in the grander battle scheme. Until total victory was achieved and the Empire controlled the galaxy, it was a loss. And Kain considered the Galactic Alliance the greatest loss the Empire had suffered yet.


The files began to display less and less of Kain's personal history and more of the recent history of the Empire, how its units had fallen to disarray and disgrace, barely more than guards for the properties they could still claim as theirs. That despite its efforts to remain a significant player in the galactic scheme, it was little more than the death throes of a once great and powerful militarized government. There was a slight sadness to the tone of the datastream, as if Kain truly regretted sharing these particular files.


And then came Kain's vision for the future. The Empire, like a mighty phoenix of legend, would rise from its own ashes, reborn and restrengthened, solidifying its foothold among the galaxy once more and laying waste to its enemies. But instead of more files, Kain chose to speak in depth on his plans through instant communication provided by the link.


[Of course, there comes questions with all of this. Where does one start? That answer is simple. Unrest in the average populations. Removing the faith of the people in their government. If we rip the bedrock of the Galactic Alliance out from under them, then their government will tumble inwards on itself and collapse. And where do you fit in? Another simple answer. From the information I've gathered-]


More files popped up, displaying the entire collection of small reports, rumors and mentions Zadkiel had received for his actions in lower Coruscant.


[-it is readily apparent that you excel in the things I require. From the beginning, this will be a guerrilla war. I will attack their morale, I will attack their confidence and make use of their comfort and complacency, I will destroy the public notion of their 'innocent and pure government', and I will sow mistrust and hate among their ranks until they tear themselves apart looking for ghosts that were never there in the first place. And that is the first step. Should you choose to aid my endeavors, you will not go unrewarded for your crimes. You will have access to a steadily growing wealth of credits and equipment, and when the Empire rises you will be absolved of all wrongdoings. The new Empire will not forget its war heroes that helped hoist it to its lofty successes.]


Kain finally stopped for a moment, allowing Zad to process this information and calculate his own response. To be honest, the last statement sounded cheesily like the kind of promise that a politician might make. But Kain was no politician, he was an AI, cold and calculating. He never made a promise he couldn't fulfill unless it was an outright lie, and due to the information laid before Zadkiel, it would be readily apparent that this indeed was most certainly not an outright lie.


[So, what do you say? Want in?]


Like my posts? Google "zalgo font."

If you meet me, have some courtesy, have some sympathy, have some taste.
Use all your well-learned politics, or I'll lay your soul to waste.



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Emotions have a time and a place


There is strength in emotion, but there is also great weakness in them. It's a double sided blade that too many Sith end impaling themselves on. He stands in the same position with a stoic demeanor. There isn't a need for emotion here and now and with the connection forged it's made all the easier.


Behind blue eyes, he witnesses the new world. The fabricated, visual interface provided by Kain. He doesn't take advantage of the seating offered, it would be little more than an expression of creature comfort. Pointless, ultimately.


A first date; he has to swim through this sea of things about this creation that he is unconcerned with. It does nothing but create this disdain for Kain that will, with time, fester and intensify. He is a man that believes first and foremost in Human superiority,


Kain is a Mistake. The Galaxy has many of them and Zadkiel will only pause for rest once it is Purged entirely.


This is not something he would seek to obfuscate from Kain. It's something the A.I. could figure out on it's own undoubtedly, but it doesn't change the fact that in the here and now they could help each other to a degree.


The Galactic Alliance is a major hindrance. With their beliefs centered around Equality, of Alien rights, and many other things that leave a bitter taste in his mouth. He wants this Alliance decimated entirely, the Empire that rises in its place will have many of its own flaws but it would prove more favorable than what is in place now. A structure that would permit him to work more freely towards his own ultimate, personal goals.


But no, He won't do this for Kain. He won't even do this to destroy the Galactic Alliance; it will be done because this would be a major Catalyst in the Galaxy, forcibly shoving it in his preferred direction.


Do not hold me up as a hero of an organization with its own festering flaws, Just provide me with the tools I require for this job to be Done.

It takes two sides to make war. It only takes one side to make a massacre.

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Day 1: 04:00 hours

Location: Space, Unidentified Shuttle: En Route to Naboo


***** Mission Two: Cover of Dark *****


With the stars forming a massive tunnel of light around the imperial shuttle, which held no tags or registration to avoid registration, Silent Specter sat behind the controls of the vessel. It was now his third jump to make it towards his destination. All of which were random as per his orders. As the clone commando finished his check to make sure that he was indeed on course and that there was no trail for anyone to follow, he stood up, and for the since time in a long time, he took off his helmet. His operation called for him to avoid detection from others, or rather, lack of being caught. Generally, the best way to do so was to avoid being being seen by the general public. The trouble was, he also needed to get close to public areas to complete part of his mission. This required him to leave his armor behind. However, unlike any other commando, this worked towards Silent Specter's advantage, as his face was only seen by those who worked with the Rebirth Program. He also knew that his prints weren't registered anywhere, so he would be able to walk freely without anyone knowing who he was, or tagging him with the Imperial remnant.


Walking away from the control, he carried his helmet into a back quarters area made for the captain or pilot of the ship. As of now, that was Specter. Upon entering the room, he opened a door that he could only assume would carry some sort of clothing. With little surprise, he found that his instincts were correct and withdrew black pants, along with a white shirt. Carefully, he took off his armor and hide it away upon the ship as he then got dressed within the casual clothes. Finding a black jacket and boots, he put them on as well, and then proceeded to head back towards the cockpit of the shuttle. As he did, he checked the timer to see that he was now approaching the planet. With a flick of the controls, the shuttle withdrew from hyperspace above the planet. As he looked at his readout of the planet, he made a mental noted that it was midnight at Theed, a perfect time to land without drawing any attention. Once he figured out the angle which he would take down to the planet's surface without drawing attention to himself, and away from sensors, he began to take the shuttle down.


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Kain could tell the man was growing impatient, so he simply fed him files with information on bank accounts to access and contacts on Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa to speak with for anything he might need. It also included his target: Kamino.


In the interest of time, Kain disconnected from the server, boarded his ship, undocked, and left. Wheels were set in motion constantly, and there were always more parts of the grand scheme to unravel.



((Dude, I'm sorry it took this long, for an explanation check the absent thread))


Like my posts? Google "zalgo font."

If you meet me, have some courtesy, have some sympathy, have some taste.
Use all your well-learned politics, or I'll lay your soul to waste.



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The Eternal Vigilance made its way quickly through hyperspace. Darex had agreed that Darla had the right to come down to the surface with him, on the stipulation that the kids stay onboard the Jedi base with Skye and the nanny droid, Tyko.


As the ship drew close, he wondered what he would do. Furion was not someone who could be trusted. But if his conversion was true, then who was Darex to keep him from doing some good to make up for all the evil he had done in his life? Darex was, after all, a firm believer in the possibility of redemption.


Well, he'd listen to the man's story and see what he had to say for himself. This was not a decision he could make on his own, either. This decision could affect the entire Jedi Order, so he would call the council together after talking with the Sith.


The Jedi base arrived out of hyperspace, and Darex brought it to a secure point just outside the system. Then he took Darla by the hand and they made their way to the shuttles. In an hour, they'd be on the surface of Triple Zero.


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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