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Darex Trevelian

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  1. As Armiena accessed her comlink via the tank's interface, she would be notified of at least one message that had been sent about an hour ago. If she accessed it, she'd hear the weary voice of her friend Darex. Friends, Coruscant remains in ruins. It is my intention to stay here as long as I can and help the planet recover. But I have come to realize something. I had faith that we wouldn't fail to save the planet. I trusted that the Force had sent me here to stop Faust's plans. My arrogance was unjustified, and my faith has been shaken. Until I can come to terms with this, I believe it is best that I step down as Grand Master of the Order. I need time and space to figure this out, and I know clearly that the will of the Force is that I no longer lead the Order during this time. Besides, with the Sith on the rise, the Order needs a stronger leader than I to keep it from falling to their darkness. It has been my privilege to serve, and I know we will see each other again soon. Until then, may the Force be ever with you.
  2. In his dreams, he found himself once again on the great dejarik board of the Force. There was no voice this time, but the pieces were the same. As he watched, a game was played, fast and furious. The Jedi fell, and the Sith rose. Darkness spread across the galaxy. But then, just in the final moments, when all hope was gone, there was a masterstroke by the forces of light, in the form of a person he did not know. Perhaps it didn't matter. It was hope. A Jedi who would rise to lead the galaxy back into balance. An echo whispered across the chamber. "Life AND death, Darex Trevelian." The board reset, and the game played out again. But this time, he saw a piece bearing his own likeness. There was a momentous event on the board and everything froze. Then the lights in the chamber dimmed until only his piece was illuminated. In slow motion, it fell, moving off to the side of the board and fading into the darkness. The game resumed, and the result was the same as the first time. And then everything dispersed into silver mist. And Darex understood. And then he woke.
  3. With the Lancer-class frigate Niman joining the fleet (on 7/8), the Jedi felt the need for a dedicated medical vessel, and construction began on a Nebulon-B frigate (AP 2, to be completed 8/1/18).
  4. In response to direct orders from the Jedi Grandmaster, most of the Jedi fleet organized and jumped into hyperspace. The following ships head for Onderon: Adi-Wan Patogga Ara-Lai Sar's Silver Shien Shii-Cho Lei Kim
  5. He was just turning away when Armiena's words--and her hand around his arm--drew him back. He winced inwardly at his poor choice of words. Echoes of her previous panic began to build again, and he immediately put a calming hand on her shoulder lightly. "The Sith," he said simply, "are on the rise again. They killed Master Kirlocca and have amassed a fleet, attacking multiple planets, led by a new Dark Lord. Many of the old Sith Masters have come out of obscurity once more and joined forces under his banner. They say he intends to reform a Sith Empire." He sighed. "This has forced us once again into a more militant role. I've built a fleet to counter theirs and protect as many worlds as I can. The Galactic Alliance is allied with us, and so is the newly independent Imperial Remnant and their order of Imperial Knights." For a moment, his guard was down, and his face showed his discouragement at the fractures in the Order and the galaxy as a whole. And deeper than that, there was a weariness, a nagging doubt that the Jedi would be able to protect the galaxy in light of the Sith aggression. At his core, he was still the same Jedi he had always been--a Jedi who never gave up trying to do the right thing, trying to protect the galaxy, trying to save as many as he could. But in that moment, he let her see just how alone he felt. A few seconds later, he found his center again, and straightened up. "Anyway, that's why it'd be better for you to work on your physical therapy at the Jedi Temple. Master Gloth has the coordinates and access codes, and I'll get you set back up in the system. In the meantime," he hesitated, then hugged her again, "don't hesitate to call me about anything, okay?" He drew back. "Misal," he nodded at her. Then he performed the same action with the Gotal. "Master Gloth." With that, he turned and headed out of the room. As soon as the door slid shut behind him, he pulled out his comlink. There were calls to make, fleet movements to order, and a Jedi to give a new assignment to. On top of that, Armiena's comments had sparked a new thought in him, something he'd think about on his journey to Coruscant. He made the arrangements as he walked to the public spaceport, where he booked public transport to Triple Zero.
  6. Manufacturer: Incom-FreiTek Line: Star-wing fighter Model: W-94 Star-wing Class: starfighter Technical specifications Length: 11 meters MGLT: 105 MGLT Maximum atmospheric speed: 1,150 kph Engine unit(s): Incom-FreiTek 5L5 fusial thrust Split-engines Hyperdrive system: Equipped Shielding: Deflector shield generator Sensor systems: Equipped Targeting systems: Equipped Armament: Taim & Bak KX12 laser cannons (2), Miniaturized Krupx MG7-A proton torpedoes ( Crew: Pilot, Astromech droid Life support: Equipped Communication systems: Subspace communications antenna Other systems: Sensor-scattering ferrosphere paint, mag-clamps on the tips of the s-foils, pressor field generator (4) A star-shaped fighter with s-foils that can be laid back for faster atmospheric speeds, the Star-wing uses it's pressor field generators to push away opponents from critical targets or to push their opponents into hazards. The pressor field is strong enough to change the trajectory of physcial objects of relatively equal size, however, the fighters can link together using mag-clamps on the tips of their s-foils. Doing so combines the strength of the pressor fields, forming a massive shield of energy that would be able to stop larger vessels at sublight speeds in their tracks. The star-wing is otherwise a standard middle-of-the-field starfighter, with performance approximately equal to an X-wing (although in the atmosphere, it has a slight speed and maneuverability advantage over the X-wing) -- Note: Basically, I want to make a starfighter that is akin to the Nova Corps' Star Blaster from Guardians of the Galaxy. This is my starting point. Thoughts?
  7. All the concern Darex was feeling for Armiena evaporated as she hugged him fiercely. No matter what hell she had been through, she was still the Armiena he knew. He hugged her back, although his embrace was gentler as he tried not to put any extra pressure on the maze of still-healing wounds that covered her back and shoulders. As she apologized, he smiled. "Well, I wasn't exactly surprised that I couldn't talk you out of it. You were always stubborn." He shifted a little to the side so that he could see her face. "And I ended up getting him in the end anyway." Not that he stayed dead for long, he thought with a touch of unease. His peace was restored a moment later, though, at the next thought that came through his head. Of course, I didn't either. He hadn't gotten any update from Skye recently, which meant that Faust was apparently keeping his head down for now. That boded ill, but at the same time, any reprieve, however momentary, would be welcome to the citizens of the galaxy. "Speaking of stubborn," he said, lightly changing the topic, "I don't doubt this might be hard for you, but your friend has an order for you: take all the time you need to get back to full health, physically and mentally. Once Master Gloth says you're healthy enough to travel again, we'll move you to a Jedi Temple. You'll be more secure there, and we won't have to rely on the generosity of our allies in the GA." His face grew more stern. "I don't want to hear anything about you running off to seek revenge." His face softened again. "At least until you're fully healed," he added quietly. Armiena was probably the best friend he had left, and he didn't want to see the result of this being her lost to darkness and chaos. That said, he also didn't know if she even considered herself a Jedi anymore. A lot of things potentially changed when you had been held and repeatedly tortured for several years. She would have to do a lot of thinking. He only hoped she understood that he wanted whatever was best for her. His comlink buzzed in his pocket. He fished it out one-handedly, his other arm still around Armiena, and checked who it was from. Slaughter. That meant that the Onderon Initiative was happening. He shook his head and repocketed the comlink. "I wish I could stay longer, but I'm going to have to head out soon. The war calls."
  8. The next three days were quiet for Darex. He thought about leaving, but discarded it. He wanted to be there when Armiena woke up, and it didn't look like the GA was quite ready for their liberation of Onderon yet. In lieu of that, there was no other situation that demanded his physical presence. The only bump in the relative monotony of the days came with the healer's discovery of the transceivers. That was enough for Darex to make a call to the GA base and ask them to increase security, as well as let him know immediately if any suspicious activity appeared on their scopes. He also quietly made plans to relocate Armiena. The Jedi had a good working relationship with the GA, but he didn't want to trespass on their hospitality for too long, especially if it might put their people in danger. Finally the day came when they could wake Armiena up. He gathered with Gloth and Misal. As the other Jedi began to wake Armiena, Misal turned to him. He smiled warmly at her. "Armiena is probably my closest friend. Believe me, there is no debt. It was my pleasure. I'm greatly relieved that she is safe once more." Any more of their conversation would have to wait, for the woman in question blinked and slowly opened. Grogginess was her first response, but it didn't take her long to snap to alert. She clumsily rolled off the bed, drawing the Force to her in panic as she tried to dart to the door. Darex quickly stepped in the way, and Armiena collided with him. She immediately collapsed, breathing heavily, her eyes wide with panic. He quickly reached down and pulled her to her feet, steadying her with his arms as she demanded answers. "Armiena, it's okay. Calm down. You're in no danger." She probably didn't believe him, and really, it was a silly thing to say to someone who had experienced her level of trauma, but he couldn't keep the platitude from slipping out. "We're on Borleias, at a GA veterans' hospital. You've been in a healing trance for three days." He radiated calm power in the Force and met her wild gaze steadily. "Remember? You brought us here once we got you off Iridonia."
  9. As he landed, Darex forced himself not to immediately jump out and rush over to the Lambda without doing his post-flight shutdown. You've been flying without an astromech, he told himself firmly. You have to take care of your ship. Impatience was not usually his problem, but he found himself nevertheless hurrying through the checklist. As soon as he was done, he hopped out of the ship and hurried into the hospital, ignoring his rumpled tunic and helmet hair in his eagerness to see his friend. He turned the corner, slipped by a medical droid, and slid the door open at a touch. And there she was. Emaciated, her breathing labored, blood oozing out of wounds all over her body. But she was alive. Anger stirred in him, much stronger now that he could see the damage done to her himself. With all your power and resources, you can make sure they're finished, a voice whispered to him. You can make sure they never hurt anyone ever again like they've hurt her. He took a deep breath. He had a right to be angry, but he didn't have a right to seek revenge. He reached for calm, and let the Force flow into him, emptying himself. Armiena was putting up a fuss about being placed in a healing trance, but he stepped forward. "For once in your life, just let yourself heal, alright?" he said with a warm look in his eyes. She eventually acquiesced, and Darex was left to listen to the doctor's evaluation with the others. "Thank you, Master Gloth," Darex replied. "Can you make any hypothesis as to why they did what they did? Any pattern that might arise from her overall condition?" The other Jedi shrugged. "It's difficult to say. It's clear they were experimenting on her. This wasn't just torture. But to what end, I have no idea." Darex nodded absently. "Of course." He moved around to the other side of the bed opposite Misal, his gaze resting on his old friend's face. The last time he had seen Armiena, she had come up with a desperate and rather crazy plan to trick Faust into giving up his location. She had asked Darex to modify her memory so that they could spring a trap. He had agreed, diving into her mind and using the Force to remove her short-term memory, and then she had rushed out, bent on her mission. He had never seen her again, and Faust had survived until a few months later when Darex and Onderin had finally been able to take him down. Armiena probably didn't remember asking Darex to do that, now that he thought of it. Those memories had never been restored. With some unease, he realized she might have rather a lot of questions. They hadn't been able to put a timeline to exactly when she had been captured. He raised his eyes to Misal's face. "She'll be okay, Misal. And when she wakes, she'll likely have a lot of questions." He paused. "Now it's time for you to get looked at. I'm not going to face her waking up and realizing that you've refused treatment. Let Master Gloth look at you, or at least one of the med droids." He gestured to the bed next to Armiena's. "You can stay right here."
  10. Given the roundabout way Darex had received the message, it was no surprise that there was a delay in the response arriving, but finally, Tobias' comm pinged with an incoming audio message, highly encrypted.
  11. Darex had wanted to take Armiena to a Jedi world, but Xae had sent him the navpoint for Borleias. He hadn't said anything, but instead shot off a comm to the Jedi healer he had contacted, and made the jump. Hyperspace made communication with the other vessel impossible, and it irked him that he couldn't check on both Draygos, but he trusted that Xae was taking care of them. It was a long several hours in the cockpit. He kept himself busy with logistics for the Order, listening to the messages on his comm and queuing up responses to be sent as soon as he kicked in his sublights again. Vos and Adenna were partnering with the Imperial Knights, it seemed. It didn't surprise him, but it was sobering. He felt that the Order was going to lose both of them. The actions of the Imperial Knights gave him serious concern. They were proving themselves to be more interested in shooting first and asking questions later--if they asked questions at all. But Darex knew that the galaxy wasn't just made up of light and dark. People weren't one or the other. They were varied and complicated, and that was what made the possibility of redemption so important. In retrospect, he felt it had been the right decision to separate their Orders, but he saw no issue with working alongside them. The news about the attack on Kashyyyk tore at his heart. The Force fed him a brief image of the wroshyrs burning, and he mourned for the loss of life. If there had been a way to stop the Sith...but he knew by the time he could scramble the fleet, the Sith would already be gone. No, all he could do was commit the Order's help in whatever the wookiees needed to rebuild, and hope that next time, they would have enough warning to stop the massacre before it happened. After returning Vos' comm, he recorded a statement for the holonet stating just that. After shutting off the recorder, he grimaced. Since when did being the Grandmaster mean being a politician? he mused. Perhaps the galaxy has changed...or perhaps I've lost my way. What he really wanted to do was just sit and meditate on that for a while. Ever since he had returned, he had felt off-stride. Part of that was likely still readjusting to things, but he wondered. His path had always been very clear to him. So why did it now seem twisted and confused? He shook his head. There was still work to be done. He quickly ran through several other communiques, which included updates on the fleet, the status of the temples, and a quick message from Jax and Alana that mostly showed his son's feet from where Jax had dropped the holorecorder. Still, it made his father smile. Those kids need to get back in class, he thought. Yet another message was from Knight Cadan, recommending her apprentice for knighthood. Darex reviewed her attached report, and was pleased to see that this Aelyn Talis sounded like she had been well trained and would be a valuable asset to the Order. After a few moments, he approved the advancement. Once all his business was done, there was only an hour left of the flight. He grabbed a quick nap, and woke to the proximity alarm beeping. As the countdown expired, he smoothly leapt out of hyperspace and kicked in his sublights. His sensors spotted the Lambda shuttle about ten klicks ahead of him off his port, and he throttled up to decrease the distance. His comms automatically uploaded, and there was a new one waiting for him from the healer he had contacted. She was already in orbit and ready. Darex initiated his active comms, found her, and shot her his transponder information, asking her to follow them down. By this time, they were entering Borleian airspace, and Darex's comm board lit up. "This is Borleian traffic control, please state your ID, the purpose of your visit, and declare any cargo." Darex eyed the Golan defense platform in orbit as he replied. "This is Jedi Grandmaster Darex Trevelian, accompanied by several other members and partners of the Jedi Order." He sent the transponder codes of the three vessels. "We have wounded onboard and are seeking immediate medical attention. We have our own healers, but we would appreciate the use of a medical facility." There was a pause on the line, then they were given clearance to land in the capital city on the southernmost continent. Darex thanked them and took the lead. Now that they were here, he was even more eager to see Armiena with his own eyes and make sure she was alright.
  12. With another vessel procured for the Jedi Order, strides were begun towards obtaining another Corona-class frigate (AP 2, to be completed 3/14). Edit 3/14: Once the Corona-class frigate was commissioned by a hungry Hutt, which was why it had been quite unfortunately named, the Jedi Order began procuring a Maurader-class cruiser (AP 1, to be completed 3/21). At the same time, several ships were dispatched to Kashyyyk, loaded with supplies to assist the beleaguered wookiees. Ashla's Nocturne, Vivace, and Vaapad are now located at Kashyyyk. Edit 3/23: With the Maurader-class corvette complete, the Jedi fleet had reached a comfortable size, and production rested for a while (fleet AP reached).
  13. The Thundershrike finally stood down, and Darex let out a relieved breath. He opened a comm channel to them. "Thundershrike, stand by. Once the Sith has been dealt with and Draygo released, we would be happy to provide any help you need in repairing any damage your systems have taken." He closed the channel. He had been careful to use only ion cannons, but the Wolf Spiders had been a little more gung-ho. His sensors lit up with information, and he found himself wincing as Misal's shuttle came skidding down on the surface, throwing up clouds of orange-ish dirt. The Force informed him that she was alive, though likely injured. "Hold on, Misal," he commed. It was likely her systems were down and she wouldn't get the message, but he tried anyway. "We'll get you out of there as soon as Armiena is safe." Then his lithe fighter was at the Maturin. He maneuvered until he was hovering right outside the hangar bay, close enough to see the whole scene with his own eyes. What he really needed was a way to get Xae out of there, while still leaving the shuttle for the extraction team. Suddenly, a mad idea came to him. The Maturin was losing altitude fast. He swung the nose of his fighter to the side and blew out the force field shielding the hanger. As the emergency bulkhead began to slide across the gap, another bolt melted the joint, freezing it in the place and allowing the Iridonian wind to whip through the hangar. "Hold on, Xae," he sent. Then he reached out a hand. The Force rushed through him, emptying him of himself. And then it carefully picked Xae up and quickly swept her out of the hanger, bringing her to a landing directly on the nose of Darex's Jedi Ace. As soon as she landed, he engaged the engines, reversing and bringing the fighter down towards the ground. To the crew of the ship, it would look as if she had jumped to take him on one-on-one, and Darex was trying to level the playing field by landing. Instead, he carefully deposited her near the wreck of Misal's ship. "Get her out of there," he commed Xae. "I'll make sure the extraction team gets off alright, and have them swing around to get you two before they leave the system." When the petite Jedi acknowledged, he turned back around again. "You're in the clear," he commed the extraction team. "Get her out of there."
  14. A Force-timed shot took the last Z-95 out of the fight, and finally, Darex was free to turn his full focus on the Corvette. It was none too soon, for all of a sudden, several things happened in rapid succession. First, there was a flicker in the Force, and then all of a sudden, Armiena’s presence burst onto the scene. Darex smiled in relief. She was alive, and she was in the hands of the extraction team. The battle meld opened to her, drawing her in and feeding her what strength and mental clarity Darex could spare. He acknowledged the extraction leader’s communique. Skye was busy with Faust, but there was a Jedi healer present on Felucia that would be able to take charge of Armiena’s care. His fingers flew, tapping out and sending a quick message to her even while his other hand never left the control stick of his fighter. The next thing that happened was that Misal’s shuttle spun out of control. “Misal!” he gritted out over the comm. “Hold on!” What he was going to do, he wasn’t sure, but he wasn’t just going to let her spin out of control. The Miraluka’s voice over the comm, however, ensured him that she wasn’t panicking yet, so after a moment, he pulled up out of his sudden dive towards her and looped back around towards the Corvette. Just then, the cavalry arrived. Darex had never had the opportunity to see the Wolf Spiders in action. In fact, he hadn’t even been aware of their existence until he had been made Grandmaster a few years ago. When they opened fire on the Corvette, however, he realized the classified files he had read had not exaggerated. These things were, in a sense, mobile tanks. Their appearance changed the whole timbre of the battle. Xae took the opportunity to land on the falling ship, while Darex engaged his retrothrusters and burned towards the Wolf Spiders. Joining their line, he added his own fire to the mix, getting close to take out turbolaser batteries and other weapons emplacements. A few minutes later, and it was pretty much over. The CreoVive pilots were no match for a Jedi Master and almost a dozen Wolf Spiders, and with its fighter screen gone, the Corvette found itself as their sole remaining target. Darex’s comm chirped, and he glanced down briefly to see that Master Iranol had returned his message and was standing by. He checked his scope. The Wolf Spiders didn’t need him anymore, so he dumped power from his weapons systems into his engines and spiraled back around towards Misal. “Need a hand, Space Mom?” he commed, using the extraction team’s nickname for her. ((apologies...can't seem to get in his head tonight))
  15. “We’re in,” crackled over the comm. “Stand by.” Darex acknowledged with a double click. Now they really had to keep up the pressure. If they could force the transport to land, the Journeyman could follow. Trying to transfer Armiena mid-air was never part of the plan. Hopefully, the charge-shaped holes in its hull would encourage it to do so, but Darex flew past for one last loop, pumping the ship full of ion fire as he did so. As the transport began its turn back down to Iridonia, the Jedi Master switched his focus to the Corvette, which had entered the fight with a fury. Misal and Xae were tackling the Z-95’s, but with their shuttles’ slower engines, the outdated fighters would be able to swarm them. “Switch targets,” he commed. “You two take on the Corvette; leave the Z’s to me.” Swooping down, he watched Xae and Misal trade attackers, then flew a screening pattern, drawing the attention of the headhunters that had been trailing both shuttles with a concentrated burst of blue fire. His fire continued, taking out two headhunters that had the misfortune to cross paths right in front of his arc of fire, sending both on unpowered drifts. He checked their trajectories, and was pleased to see that they’d have plenty of time to get their ships powered back up before Iridonia’s gravity well pulled them back down to a fiery death in the atmosphere. He turned his attention back to the rest of the slim t-shaped fighters. Time to be obnoxious, he thought. He reversed thrust and shot backwards, then kicked in his forward thrusters again to loop wide and bring him back towards the heart of the engagement. Reaching out with the Force, he timed his shots, taking out one, two, and then three of the Z-95’s. But then one pilot decided to shadow his every move. Darex juked and jinked, but the pilot was good, and even with Darex’s Force-enhanced senses, he or she managed to score a hit on his starboard engine. Alarms filled the cockpit, but the damage wasn’t too bad. He needed to shake this guy, though. The battle meld was working, though, for no sooner had the thought crossed his mind than the Force brought Xae across his flank, the triple-pointed shuttle knocking his shadow out of the fight. There were only a few Z-95’s left, and the Corvette was showing some damage as well. Soon, Darex knew, this would all be over.
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