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Beck Pilon

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Everything posted by Beck Pilon

  1. Beck listened intently to the new agent before him. Or rather, old one that he was just now meeting. Most likely someone who did very well under the command of Kolchak, the admiral he served alongside within the Remnant. He wouldn't have heard of this Talyn due to the nature of the work Kolchak did. Plus, Beck was always more of the straight forward commander, leaning more into special forces and fleet play. At first, he didn't think there would be much for such an agent to do within this new form of governing, but then he remembered some of his old lessons within the academy. If someone strongly believed in something, they were most likely never to walk away from such beliefs so easily. He raise his hand for a moment as Talyn Orin finished. "... I believe.... There may be..." The emperor let his own words stumble as his mind recalled all of the details of one of the most prominent and war mongering sites he had ever been apart of. With his hand still raised, he beckoned Talyn in closer. "Oovo IV is an old site once used by the Empire long before Raven. I know for a fact that there are files there that could become deadly if they fell into the wrong hands...." Beck leaned back into his seat. "I want for you to see that the facility and information within doesn't fall into the wrong hands." There was some noise of laughter as a nearby group was getting more drunk by the minute. The emperor allowed for a brief eye roll at the sight before returning his attention ack to the agent. "You have full resources available to you from the Sovereignty. Under no circumstances can word of this mission leak outside of those that go with you to complete this task." Beck now turned and looked directly at Talyn to see if there would be any other questions from the agent.
  2. Beck felt almost certain that he understood the sheer confusion that rippled throughout the entire room. Politicians and officials confused by him hosting meetings within their once sacred halls of parties and power moves, now to only be upstaged by the Emperor dissolving the atmosphere through sheer will power of letting the not typical type remain openly within the halls. The Sovereign Knights were not used to being summoned in a show. It was a mix of breaking both standards with a quick stroke. It was needed and something he intended to quickly. The whole thing was bound to piss people off. He didn't much care for feelings of others at the moment. Turning to look at some of the others now slowly coming to form a line to see him, he knew he had the attention of many. He turned for a moment to look at Lok, the other Knight present. His words seemed to hint that he was unhappy with him using them in part as a show to break the old broken system. So he returned to the first Knight who approached first. "Onderon is in need of some strong presence. The former home of the Sith still has plenty of struggles. I want for them to be fully swayed back into the fold. Help the Sovereignty by showing up and providing assistance to officials already on site. It's too critical of a system to remain in tarry state." Now turning back to Lok, he narrowed his eyes. "And with it, your very presence is being used as a blunt force to change what doesn't belong. Raven held ideas and established many good things. But I am not Raven. If you wish to discuss your personal preferences, feel free to arrange a time with me after you successfully complete this assignment." Beck lifted his hand to wave them away and with the same motion waved up the other agent who arrived to see him.
  3. Beck turned with a hard look, allowing for his face to show how much he was quickly judging and summing up the Sovereign Knight before him. He was grateful to some extent over the appearance of the Knight, as it meant he now had an excuse to forfeit such a ridiculous gala event. Three times now in the past year he had to attend one. He'd rather die than attend another. But he already knew his fate upon accepting the role he currently occupied. Taking his eyes off of the Knight, he could see others in uniform starting to enter to room. It was enough to begin to have the senators stir uncomfortably within their own party. A small grin came to his face as he turned back to the Knight. "Yes indeed. We are in the middle of establishing new orders and systems of things. As consortiums are being formed, I doubt many would have the ability to establish rules and maintain law. I have a need for the noble Sovereign Knights to maintain this gap, especially in areas where there was a strong Sith presence before hand." He turned his head to glance at a few of the dignitaries and other officials of state throw glances his way as he talked to the Knight before him. Letting his grin become even more apparent, he turned back to focus. "And I would like it for the Sovereign Alliance to get use to seeing the Knights out and about, taking on a more active role within this new formation of governing style."
  4. Beck slowly walked the floor, a great sea of people moved and interacted with each other. Everyone seemed to be more on the hesitant side in regarding him, either through sheer fact that they understood what he would do to their precious systems that they all profted from, or perhaps that they feared what would happen to them if they did approach him. There were a few guards nearby, a much smaller security detail within the halls of the once great palace than what was outside. Yet he did not fear any death or ill fate within these halls. Maybe ill will and ill intent. But he could always handle that. Tylsar stood nearby, engaging those that she could and making ever so small subtle gestures to the Emperor as to whom he should attempt to connect with and those that he should avoid. Overall, he was slightly bored by the entire experience. He knew he would have to endure such things taking on the role. He always made fun of others within the military and navy ranks that rose to such positions as this one. Now he pitied them. It wasn't something that he would want at all for his worst enemies, as it was a completely different beast than the world he was used to. But he found comfort in knowing that he held a will to endure it, and a mind that was always learning and absorbing new information. He would be successful in this role the same way he was in every other assignment handed to him. With strong precision and an iron will. He went to grab a drink when he spotted an advisor approach him rather quickly. A quick bow, he stuttered out information quickly. "My lord, many of the Imper-Sovereign Knights and military leaders are arriving. Should I have them meet you in your office?" Beck turned with almost a scowl of disappointment. He glanced around the room before returning his full attention back. "No. Have them meet me here. This whole thing is for the entire Sovereignty, not just the policial ones." A quick bow and the advisor turned to leave to let the others know that the Emperor would see them in the grand hall of the old Imperial Palace. As the advisor left ear shot, Beck spoke out loud to himself. "And it would be most amusing to me to see everyone's else faces upon their party getting interrupted."
  5. The room felt hollowed out, at least to how Beck remembered it. The audience chamber of the old Imperial Palace used to be able to hold over six hundred dignitaries from all over the galaxy. Now, it was lucky if the room was filled with even fifty bodies. It had been the main hub during the Imperial era of control, and was abandoned when the Republic took over. However, since the destruction of the planet, the senate building had become unusable, while the Palace took minimal damage. How it held up as well as it did almost surprised Beck. Although his own memory of the Palace was only a fleeting one at best. His time on Coruscant was limited, and his time at the Palace was even less. The noise from the speakers in the audience chamber echoed out off the walls, as the noise amplification and reduction equipment was never installed after that section of the room caved in. As he looked around, a few windows let in what little sunlight was out and about today, showing off the pillars of offices that lead up to the Palace. Many of those had been rebuilt first before anything else. The thought made him roll his eyes slightly, as he had never been one to lavish upon himself or anyone else. It was a mentality that was driven out of him through his training. If he was lucky enough, he would slowly change the mentality around here about such lavishness. He was almost bored sitting within the throne of the audience chamber, ears perking up every so often upon hearing words or phrases from senators that he knew he would be rejecting their proposals. More so of the fact that none of them fully understood what was about to transpire in the transition of a new government. He knew such a lack of understanding was present mainly due to buzz words like ‘diplomatic’, ‘imperial flare’, and ‘new republic’. It made him wonder why no one else bothered to fully change it before. It was then that some senator or representative from some shipyard world was proposing legislation on ship usage, tossing out some fairly uncontrolled words. “... The reform only promises at most new imperial flare at best. As it is, the last regime was more focused on using imperialized ships as the helmed frontline, and truly didn’t bother to enforce any signs of cohesion between the two factions. I am still very hesitant that this new reformed ideology of government has the ability to maintain any sense of protection to those it now has to look out for. It is why I believe heavily that this bill would help create what has been lacking in years past." Beck turned and gave a quick glance at Tylsar, who in return only gave a look that hinted that she didn't even know the best strategy to use. The common response to the words within the room were almost a flat out agreement. It became clear that the mindset of what was actually happening was something that needed to be addressed. Standing up and moving towards the main podium speaker, he made sure to straighten himself upright to show the strength he held. Upon reaching the podium, he stood and looked over the entire room, glancing over many faces and repeated the same movement until the entire room fell quiet and had eyes locked upon him. He was not dressed like any other typical Emperor, not did he hold too much decorum upon his uniform that would even hint at him holding a high Imperial loyalist stance, even though deep down he did. He understood all too well what was needed of him and what the galaxy needed. Such desires were something to daydream about when he had the time. Once the room was fully locked on him and silenced, he projected his voice, even though the microphones at the podium would have easily amplified his voice regardless. “The reform that has been stirred within your minds and hearts is not something we shall worry about. This new Sovereignty is not the Empire. Nor is it the Republic. We are a new entity all together. We stand on the brink of a galaxy that needs something new. The old ways do not work, at least not for long. What is expected is for these legislations and bills to be handled at a much smaller scale. Upon the consortiums forming, each one would hold its own resources of taxation, rules and fleets. The only galaxy wide affairs and governing processes would be handled by those who need to be apart of them. As in each leader of the consortiums. So allow for me to end this session today by saying, no bills are being passed at this time. No movement is happening on this floor. We will gather tonight for a less formal dinner gala. But in the meantime, if anyone does have extra time or wants to fully put their credits where their mouth is, we have many projects to actually get this planet and a few others back up and running the way they should be. Stop by my office when you have the time...." Beck looked around the room again, making sure that his words were clearly noted by everyone as final. To maintain the final note, with his voice still projected loudly, he spoke and then turned. "All Hail the Sovereignty." As he turned to leave the room, Tyslar lead the room in a recourse of what was now becoming the slogan of the Sovereign Alliance. "LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR!"
  6. The Curich-class shuttle known as Heaven’s Taint made its way into the skyline of Coruscant, for the very first time carrying the Beck Pilon as the Emperor. He remained in the main hold as the ship found its way down towards the surface. Beck sat looking over many different datapads, all with information that many had sought to provide him with as he ventured upon his new role. For the most part, they were full of garbage of what the Remnant and Alliance of old both had aspirations and dreams for. They held no relevance for what the future was building towards. At least not under his rule. While principals alone held some merit to each, overall they didn't help him in leading. Letting out a breath, one of his pilot's shouted into the main hold. "Landing in two..." He then began to put aside all of the datapads, almost discarding them into a bag that could have easily been mistaken as trash.He then placed both of his thumbs in between his eyes, resting on the top of his nose and began to place small pressure. It brought very minor relief to the growing headache he was having ever since his meeting with the Moffs. The action half caught the attention of the only other occupant in the shuttle. “If you thought the Moff’s were bad, just wait until you engage with the Senators on Coruscant.” Beck looked at her as he moved his hands to rest within his lap. Tylsar Leffkid, a human from Chandrila wasn’t even looking at him, but at a datapad of her own. She had long dirty blonde hair and sharp green eyes. She was assigned to him from the Moffs as someone who understood politics and galactic situations very well. He only allowed for her to remain with him due to her vast knowledge of things outside of Imperial rule. She must have known he stopped putting pressure on his forehead, as she continued in her thoughts. “Coruscant is also not fully recovered from the Crusaders and Faust’s attack. It remains that way due to the gridlock of the politicians who think there are far better things to argue over.” He let out a sigh and turned to look for a moment at the viewport in the bridge of the shuttle before turning his attention back to Tylsar. “I guess that’s why I’m here. To put things into motion that otherwise couldn’t be put into motion.” She half looked up from her datapad with a slightly blank stare before she fully lowered the datapad into her lap. “Establishing the Consortiums will need to be your first priority. Language, procedures and cleanup can be lower on your to-do list, as many may have issues with it.” The ship rocked for a moment before it stopped. The pilot shouted that they had fully landed, to which Beck stood up almost immediately. He started to make his way towards the landing ramp, but as he did, addressed Tylsar without looking at her. “That’s your job to help me identify them and give me the wisdom to maneuver them.” He finished his words just as the landing ramp fully touched the ground. Beck walked down the ramp to be greeted by four guards and two Senate officials of the welcoming committee. “Emperor Pilon, We are so gla-where are your guards?” Beck turned and looked back up the ramp to see Tylsar walking down the ramp. He then turned back towards the welcoming party. “Not needed. This planet is in disarray still, and no one knew of my travels here, outside of you guys about an hour ago. And I am able to defend myself.” He began to push past them and towards the airspeeder that awaited them. A luxury style speeder, one designed for royalty and people of importance. He wasn’t a fan of the showing, seeing as such credits could have been spent and placed into rebuilding the world. A problem he would address during his extended stay. As he sat down, the two officials looked back at Tylsar, who quickly lifted her hand to urge them into the speeder as well. Upon everyone entering and sitting down, Beck wasted no time jumping into things. “The session needs to be more open floor style. Chaos will ensue for a short while, but I can wrangle everyone back in. The gathering time afterwards will require some more formal security matters, but I also want for Consortiums to form naturally and quickly. No need to over lavish the place.”
  7. A handful of senators sat within the Grand Office on Empress Teta, none of which seemed too worried about what was just laid out before them. There were a few notable ones that he took note of not being present, but for the most part, didn't seem to care too much if no one else in the room held a major problem to the new ground work. The Coreillan, Kuati and Twi'lek senators all kept faces low, yet hope remained upon their faces. The Selkath and Mon Calamari both moved more fluid like as they stood up, while the Bothan was the one who spoke. "Emperor Pilon, I must inquire then. Under this new setup, what purpose would us as Senators even serve? Would not the Lords and Duchess who rule the consortium we are under be sufficient enough?" The comment made Beck smile. It was one he was expecting to arise at one point. "Forgive my sense of humor in this situation, but the comment isn't one that hasn't been pondered upon during the whole setup. While you may think that the democracy is being washed away, and in some sense it is, but not fully. At least not in the sense you're thinking. And in no way is this becoming a new Empire. The Lords and Duchess rule in a smaller democracy in a sense. They become the standing point to bring many issues before a much smaller council. And within that council things can be either decided galaxy wide... or be presented back to the individual consortium to decide. So inn that very sense, every senator still serves their planet. And at any point can a new Lord or Duchess arise to represent their consortium if needed." Beck now stood up, letting his black and red uniform be on display. As he stood up, he began to walk over to the Selkath. "For instances, you'll notice that Thyferra and Manaan are within the same Consortium. This is done so that Sholles can work with the Thyferrans to come up with their own trade policies regarding Kolto and Bacta, to which are used galaxy wide. In fact, many of our much needed trades fall under the Tapani Consortium for this reason. Trade their will be massively different than the Chommell Consortium. So for this reason alone, every senator needs to still hold and maintain their voice." Beck moved again to walk towards the door, but in such a way that it wasn't him attempting to kick anyone out of the office. When he got there, he turned around to face all of the senators within his office, all of which were now fully looking at him. "Perhaps to help answer more questions, I can hold a special session to answer questions, vote and install these Duchesses and Lords over the Consortiums if people would prefer that. I can be at Coruscant in the old Senate building within a week." The Twi'lek senator stood up and walked over to him. Beck tilted his head upwards as he approached him. Much smaller in size compared the other Twi'lek senators in the past, but far more muscular than others. When he stopped to be face to face with him, he extended his hand. Beck took it as the two gripped each others forearms. "I think this might be the best move made in a very long time. So I should say long live the Emperor, so long as he doesn't get grandeur ideas to fully hold control over the entire galaxy and its people..." Beck kept his eyes locked upon him. The strong grip told him exactly what he knew would be feared. Another Empire. Another dictator. It was something he would have to make sure he never became, or else there could be consequences like full on rebellion. But with each individual Consortium having different ruling leaders, such a dictatorship would be easily quenched early on. If not that, it made it far easier to withdraw from the Sovereignty and have rebellion. Knowing full well what was being said underneath everything, he matched the Twi'lek in calmness of voice. "No senator... long live the Sovereignty." **** Four Hours Later **** With the meeting done, and most of the senators satisfied with the answers presented to them, a memo went out to all leadership within the new Sovereignty, letting them know of the gathering taking place on Coruscant. It was a chance to ask questions, setup the Consortiums officially, and to kick off the Sovereign Alliance as the new Sovereignty of the galaxy.
  8. Beck now sat at the desk, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the entire feeling of having to take on a whole galaxy. How could someone like him guide it all? As it was for the past many years, a Moff Council was available to help the Emperor. The senate would help the Chancellor. But almost all of them held such a wide variety of ideas and goals that such a singular leader would end up failing half of whom they served. One push or another would hinder another. No such one style worked for everyone. And no such strong imperial rule as he would have loved to see return could hold onto the galaxy without beginning to crush half under such a banner. And that was where he stood now. On the opposite of his desk sat the entire Moff Council, outside of two, both of whom were holoprojected into the meeting. He truly didn’t trust their wisdom, hence his own almost unamused face as murmurs and disbelief came over every Moff before him as he dropped the news they did not want to hear. The Emperor has dissolved the council. Some words he picked up from the outrage of mixed voices. ‘How dare you’, ‘You have no right’, ‘This will be the end’, and perhaps his personal favorite, ‘I refuse to recognize your rule.’ The words rose like a tidal wave against him as he sat there and took in the full waves of anger at the commencement. Upon the wave dying out, he then slowly stood up. “Your words are full of justifiable anger. No one in this room loves the Imperial style way of life more than me. I broke Alliance commanders to fold into the Imperial way of military execution and perfection. It’s a banner that I would love to see flying high over the entire galaxy.” He began to walk out from his desk, letting his presence fully be felt within the room. There was a very small and limited number of guards within the room, as Beck dismissed them due to him not wanting to hear the news before his now former council, which held no time to even advise him on what he should do. Their time with a new Emperor had indeed been short lived. It was no fault of their own. “But when you look at the galaxy and the current state that it is in. It’s fragile, barely held together after the last war. No fault of Empress Raven, as she did everything she could. But the model of her rule, as would have been mine if I continued upon said path, would have led without any questions towards the ruthless Deton style of an Empire. One that would end up crushing the galaxy under our tightly grasping fists.” He began to move his way to stand back behind his desk. He let his words sink in a bit. “But no one here is blind either. To have a democratic rule of a senate and Chancellor as its leader is also a flawed outline. It works to a degree, but much like the Imperial style, the more you have, the harder to perform duties correctly without causing more issues and problems.” Beck now found himself at his desk again, and he took the time to sit down in the chair. “What I am proposing is something entirely new. Our head remains as it is. An Emperor to rule over many. My direct rule will be over the Core, handling policies and daily leadership. From there, the systems will be greatly divided into many pockets of systems where they will have their own leader. A Lord or Duchess of sorts. Within said territory the Lord or Duchess would have direct control over policy and overall ruling. These Lords and Duchess would have their own banner, but would heavily still be under the Emperor. Each consortium would have its own sovereignty, ruled by a monarch. But these Sovereignties are all bound by one leader, the Emperor. Therefore they all can maintain control over their own territory, yet still be available to be called upon when the Emperor needs them…. An Alliance of many Sovereignties. Or rather, the Sovereign Alliance. From henceforth, we ARE the Sovereignty of the Galaxy.” Beck now fully leaned back within his chair and observed the faces of everyone present. He already knew those who would have a problem with this and those who would easily come around to the idea of something new. Change was always hard for those who profited heavily from the system in place. Especially when they could not see their own role in the new system. He could tell questions were forming and coming forth into the minds of many of them. One, a male whom he saw many times jump between the political fences with Raven, turned towards him with a question upon his lips. "So, we are to have this entire council die at the very whim. Jobless and powerless." The very mention of the word power struck him awkwardly, as he always knew the council of Moff's was slightly power hungry, but he never in a thousand years would have assumed one of them would be as so bold as to say it out loud. "If power is your worry, then yes. You are going to lose it." He paused to let the very realness sink in the anyone who was power hungry. After the moment passed, he continued on. "Jobs will still be maintained, as the new Core Consortium will need many to fill roles. Some of you in fact have already been chosen to take direct control over a rising Consortium. But for the rest of you... Spys, builders, trainers and comrence of the Core is needed, as will other Consortiums. You will all have your assignments within the next two planetary rotations... All Hail the Sovereignty..." He let the final words hang in such a way that it indicated the meeting was over. They all had to dismiss themselves. He stared them all down until one by one they all resigned to the decree and left the throne room. Once they all left, he turned his attention to his own datapad and called up a few other officials that he needed to have words with. The new reign, HIS reign would come swiftly. And with the swiftness, the Sovereignty would rise.
  9. The Sovereign Alliance The Sovereign Alliance is born of the Alliance Remnant and the Imperial Remnant joining forces after the Battle of Nar Shaddaa where the allied forces drove off the Sith Empire after they killed the majority of the leaders of the two groups. Although a rocky start, Vangar Longfang the interim placed Chief of State moved the core leaders to Empress Teta in hopes of rebuilding. Although after some elements came to light, relinquished his position to the Admiral of the Imperial fleet, Beck Pilon. Beck then established a new format by eliminating the Moff Council and claimed himself as the new Emperor, thus removing the Galactic Alliance and Imperial Remnant brand and brought forth a new Sovereignty through a clear Monarch Rule for the galaxy. Head of State: Emperor. The Emperor is the supreme ruler, and with such is over all aspects of the galaxy and places touched by his rule. While technically the sole ruler of the Sovereignty, he does convene with the Sovereign Council for all things that are happening. He has though given freedom to all Sovereign leaders to conduct their own affairs within their territories. The Emperor will always rule from the Core Consortium. Sovereign Council: The leaders of each Sovereignty are officials that come from their own territories that are unique to them. Each Leader is either considered a Lord or Duchess, and the areas of which they control are considered a Consortium. While they come together and bring forth items and discuss what must be done, the final say on all things must go through the Emperor. But overall each leader can dictate what happens within their own territory. Sovereign Leaders: Lords & Duchess. Each Sovereignty within the Alliance holds their own territories known as Consortiums that are subject to the Leaders of said territory. They get to govern, enforce and open any political ideal that they see fit. Each Leader also has the ability to create and worldbuild within their own area. Sovereign Military: Each Sovereignty has their own base of military, ranging from capital ships, star fighters and troops. The creativity of said fleets must still match the fleet rules, but otherwise they are free to hold their own area and have full jurisdiction. However, upon larger events (Wars or coordinated assaults as ordered from the Emperor) will coordinate and combine forces. The Emperor’s fleet is the only fleet that can go from territory to territory without a large-scale war. Below are locations that hold heavy significance to the Sovereignty. Generally you will find the Emperor at one of these locations. Chandrila : Sovereign Council Home Empress Teta : Emperor’s House Coruscant : Emperor’s Throne Carida : Naval Academy Home Bilbringi : Shipyard Kuat : Shipyard Base Anaxes : War College Sovereignty Consortiums Core Consortium: Galactic Throne Planets: Coruscant, Empress Teta, Borleias, Chandrila, Anaxes & Bilbringi Born on Empress Teta, the great house for the Emperor was born into service. Within the Core are many different ways of which one can serve their Emperor and the Sovereignty. Below are some of the many ways one can serve within the Core Consortium; Galactic Guards: Armed with training typical of commandos, these are the elite force of the Sovereignty that comes ready to protect more than just their own Consortium. They are the elite force, and heavily distinguished from any other forms of troopers. They wear the black jumpsuit with red stripes along the forearms and legs. A one piece armor set that covers their entire abdomen and flexible pauldrons. Outside of vambraces and armored boots, there is no other armor. Their helmets provide a slight protection, a visor and a mouth cover. The helmets are all wired and connected to each other, allowing for stronger communication, and their mouthpiece helps them breathe in more dangerous locations due to the filtration present. The color scheme of this armor tends to vary, depending upon battalion and skill sets. All troopers come armed with an A350 blaster rifle that they know how to use very well. Emperor’s Hands: The spy network created by the Emperor himself. They have but one goal, to maintain threats that are a higher level then what local Consortiums may be able to handle. They have a clearance that gets them into any building, access to most files and tend to get permission to “keep things quiet” when it comes to high priority targets. But with such access, the major downfall is that they become nameless and faceless to the galaxy. Outside of their own order, they tend to not be around others, as the last thing they want or need is to be recognized for their work. Anoat Consortium Bespin, Hoth, Sullust & Haruun Kal Corellian Consortium Kuat, Onderon, Talus, Corellia, Nubia & Carida Chommell Consortium Naboo, Scarif, Ryloth & Bothawui Tapani Consortium Fondor, Thyferra, Mechis III, Outremer, Tempay & Manaan
  10. Beck stood and looked for a moment at the former leader before him. He wondered what sort of leader he would be. He just stood there and looked at Vangar with an almost shocked face as he attempted to figure out what he was supposed to be doing. After a moment passed, he realized he was asked a question by the former Chief of State. Turning his hand over and putting down the cylinder handed to him upon the desk and walked closer to Vangar. While he wondered if Empress Raven was still out there, the call made by the Sith was convincing enough for him. He couldn't place any hope in such a longshot. "You are free to head back to Bespin. Build up a strong defense there and begin to enforce there. But be careful in any pursuit. The Outer Rim is large and vast. Don't waste your resources hunting the Sith when you have your own borders to secure." Beck leaned in and embraced the Barabel. Upon releasing his embrace, he locked eyes with him. "I expect to see you soon."
  11. Beck almost refused to move at the words that came from Vangar’s mouth. The very action of releasing his own grip upon what would be the right to rule the remaining bodies within the Alliance itself. He wondered if perhaps he had misjudged the entire setup of leadership that the Moff Council appointed, or if they themselves were too much of the old guard or too much of a push over breed. And for maybe even a more rapid second of a thought; his own mind wondered if he made a mistake bringing Lieutenant Lilla Rurn out of her Alliance and into the Imperial Remnant side of things. Granted, both were the same side, just a different face of the coin. But such thoughts were not something he would dwell upon, at least not now. He paused for a moment, letting his eyes become more narrow and full of judgment. But surprisingly not directed at Longfang before him, but rather at the state of the government before him. Normally he would have rejected the idea of becoming too political, as his skills were better served at the helm of a Star Destroyer, leading navies and armies into battles. But today… Today was different. There was a fire burning now deep inside him. He was unhappy with the state the Government had fallen into. Yes, the war and aftermath had indeed forced many changes that were necessary. The times have changed. With such change, one must always adapt and grow. It was something that was programmed into him. And it was now clear that the Galaxy needed new leadership within the confines that refused to let others dictate them into making policies and procedures by voices who never once stepped foot into the fields that they dictate. It needed an Emperor. But not like the ones before, but rather one who had the foresight to push the agenda. Raven came very close to pushing a new empire, but fell short. The last one before her, Deton was beyond a reasonable man who ruled mainly through fear and forced everyone to bend to his will. Cruel and effective for his era. But such a style had died out and could not be put into place now. And now he looked at the cylinder before him and allowed for his mind to wonder and dream of what could happen if he took the reigns being offered to him. He stood up and walked over to the large glass window in the office and stared out. Taking a deep breath in, and turning, he locked eyes with Vangar. “Unfortunately I feel like maybe fate is at work here. I came here to see what policies could be pushed to help secure our own borders and resources. Our people through the war have been neglected to a point where we let people like Zalis Krales gain power and momentum enough to be far from easy to be taken down. Alliance strength as ebbed away, taking the best of their leadership down with every fight. Our own Moff Council has not done anything good for us recently and has elected to fold many of its own strong principles established by our former Empress. And even then, Raven was barely able to push them into the agendas that needed to be pushed....” He glanced back out the window again. "We need that imperialistic strength returned to the galaxy. We need to be something beyond just an Alliance..." He paused, hesitant to even speak out loud the words that were sitting on the tip of his tongue. The words seemed like a foreign language to him that he just simply didn't understand. Yet somehow, he did. He knew he was better off making a stand here if we was ever to even try to attempt one. He looked more towards the ground below as he spoke the next words. “We need to have a power shift of a leader who can establish rule again. To be more than what Raven was, but nowhere near as hard as Deton was.” Knowing the weight of what he said, what he was meaning to say to Vangar before him, he looked back at the Barabel. "We do need a new Emperor, and I may be the only one able to lead the way it needs to be done right now...."
  12. Beck paused for a moment as Vangar invited him in. He was a bit annoyed at the comment about finer things, as it felt like something that Zalis would be in the market to even capitalize upon. Another reason there needed to be something that squeezed her lanes. But even further, he held a slight annoyance for the Moff Council, as he was certain that they somehow managed to bring forth an idea that such finer things even belonged to this lowly office. Vangar was not an Emperor, nor did the outside offices even suggest he could be one. But it was not Longfang's fault at such annoyances he felt. They were beyond him and therefore the Head of State did not deserve any of his emotions on the situation, but rather solely on the reasoning that he even came. He realized that he stood in the doorway for a little bit too long, gave a quick salute and walked in taking the chair on the left side. He began to speak even before he was seated. "I know that this most likely comes with your position, so you're used to having many bring urgent matters before you and that it is up to you to decide what is truly urgent and what is not." He forced himself to lean back into the chair and to look comfortable, which was hard to do with the chairs provided to the office. But also for the fact that Beck did not like politics and the conversation he was about to bring up was one that would bring heavy discomfort to himself. "I have come to understand that the Business Security Act is now in motion on the senate floor. While I have nothing against it, I do have a problem against someone who is getting it moved quickly. Zalis Krales." He let her name hang for a moment, knowing full well that many within the Imperial Remnant held a certain disdain for the woman after Empress Raven's account on Dark Sun Station. "She has been leading the way in locking this act into place, and is able to do so because of weakened policies and a lack of enforcement." And now was the big push. The one he wasn't sure if Vangar would help push or not. "We need to tighten our policies and drop the hammer on her movements more so then what we've been doing the past 6 years." There is was. The request to urge and move the Senate into action. Only a passionate leader could do so, or one with enough influence. Was Vangar that guy? Did the Moff Council have enough gumption to see things through? Was the structure of the entire government too fractured and scattered to even pull this off? They were all questions he held and wanted answers for. He wasn't sure what would get answered, but he learned enough from talking with Zalis to know that it was here, the political side of things is where she got to live rent free. It was the higher powers that allowed for her to move so freely and take things that she wanted. A beep came into his commpad, which was Juhn letting him know that he made a request to pull all of Zalis' files for him to go over after his meeting. He only looked at it, but quickly and never responded. The response was all he wanted to hear. So that was what he did. He just sat and awaited the Barabel's response eagerly.
  13. The Curich-class shuttle known as Heaven's Taint blasted out of hyperspace, moving quickly towards the surface port of Cinnagar. Beck sat and watched the movements of the crew, which was very minimal, since they didn't need as many for their small trip to Chandrila. The detour to the capital was an unexpected one at best. Juhn sat across from the Admiral, staring deeply into a datapad as he attempted to find something for himself to do. The younger lad had learned already in his time around Beck Pilon that no opportunity given should be wasted and one should always be prepared. He wondered if he could turn the young man into a fine military leader or if he would always be on the bureaucratic side of this branch they both served in. What other thoughts he may have held were quickly disrupted by someone from the bridge calling out. "We're making our final approach. Should be on the ground in less than two minutes." "Alert the main office that we're arriving and that we have an urgent matter to discuss." The comm officer stuck his head out. "No need, the main port control sends all top entries to the main office regardless." Beck narrowed his own eyes at the statement and kept his next thought to himself. That seems boardline paranoia. But dismissed it with a wave of his hand to the officer and returned his look towards Juhn, who was lowering his own head in some attempt to hide that he was looking at Beck. It was enough for him to realize that the younger man also held the same thought. As Beck and Juhn made their way into the main hall of the office suite that housed many of the Moffs and other council members of the senate, Beck took notice of the many colors of choice reminded him of what he would call the glory days of the Empire. The new Iron Citadel as it was being called amongst the ranks was something to take in. As they approached the receptionist desk, Beck took notice that the two stormtroopers who were on either side of the desk stood at the ready upon him coming into view, but the others in the room did not. There was a woman of human standards with yellow/greenish hair working the desk in a pure white uniform. He gave her a small nod. "Hello miss, I'm Admiral Beck Pilon here to se-" "Turbolift of the right will take you up to Vangar Longfang's office. He's expecting you-" She only then looked up. "But only you. He has to wait down here." Beck turned and looked at Juhn, who quickly gave him a head nod. "You'll do fine. This isn't truly a political conversation." He gave his commanding officer a salute and then turned and went exploring the hall of the massively large citadel. He let out a breath as the younger departed him, and wondered if he was being too eager to pursue Zalis. Trying to not show any signs of hesitation, he moved quickly and climbed into the turbolift, which was as the woman said, already programed to take him straight up to Vangar's office. As the turbolift moved upwards, Beck had many thoughts race through his mind. Why was he expected? Did he overstep his bounds on Chandrila? Did the War College fail after he left? Did they not want such a strong Imperial front from him? Did they already know about the Gala and that Zalis was there? There was honestly no way to tell. He just simply had to enter the room and let fate run its course.
  14. Annoyed and feeling beyond flustered, Beck made his way out of the Brionelle Memorial Military Academy Grand Hall, Juhn Chilcaot joined him quickly on the walk out. Only once the younger officer felt certain that they were out of range from the listening ears of Zalis did he speak up. “Is it wise to not take her in? I mean, the conseque-” A finger was lifted to silence the younger lad. “Not here. Not yet.” It was all Beck would utter still, as he just didn’t trust the ears still within listening range. The two of them walked rather briskly and quietly back to his shuttle that was awaiting them at the port. It was a very long walk and the silence was making Juhn anxious. But he didn’t want to speak about the situation until he knew no such ears that could influence Zalis were present. And with the way she handled herself at the Gala suggested that she was far more connected then he realized. Maybe even more so than what others realized as well. Upon entering the ship, Beck quickly closed the ramp and gave the order. “Get us to Empress Teta now.” The flight officer looked at him for a second, but started to move without letting the Admiral get to a point of shouting. Juhn was the one who began to question things. “Not back to Anaxes?” Beck took a look at the young man as he walked towards his seat in the main hold. Only upon sitting did he reply, but kept his voice on the lower side. It was shaking with both fear and anger. “Zalis has moved herself into a position of power, she made that clear. She played a game with me and already had it stacked against me. Somehow, even without knowing I’d actually be there, she knew to have those cards ready. She knew the PR position we'd be in. She also knew the financial and the ground we’d need to cover for going after her this late in the game.” Both of his hands slowly moved to rest upon his thighs, which were heavily moving from the steady tapping he was doing with both of his feet. “And I’m pretty sure she did so through our own relaxed state we’ve taken due to the war.” He looked up again at Juhn. “Moff Longfang, current head of our Alliance needs to know. We need to act quickly to not let her gain any more advantage.” The words were strong, and carried with them the sense of the conversation was over. Admiral Pilon would hear nothing more except for the Alliance making strong actions against the Black Sun and all of its secretive avenues of poisoning the galaxy. Whatever Zalis had intended from her game with him, the one she maybe didn't know was this; she made it personal for Beck Pilon to see her end. So now, Beck just needed to get the head of the Galactic Alliance to fully support the move to tighten the grip, and the only way such a thing would happen successfully would be through legislation. The one style of war Beck never bothered to learn. But he trusted those in place to make such movements where he could not.
  15. Admiral Beck Pilon walked into the main hall of the Brionelle Memorial Military Academy with eyes darting from left to right at every person within the room. Security was tight, but somehow the very fact that the room was crowded made him feel less secured. He turned to acknowledge the younger man, Juhn Chilcaot who wore a very formal looking grey and blue uniform, absent of any sign of rank to the Gala. His face was eager and ready to mingle around, to the point of almost looking at the Admiral was puppy eyes. He took his eyes off him for a moment and observed the crowd again. "You may mingle-" He turned back towards the young man faster than he had ever moved before and held up a finger towards Juhn as he moved to lean in towards him. "-No political discussions. You may hear and be around it, but zero input." He slowly withdrew from the boy and let his words sink in as the younger officer slowly nodded his head and then began to move away from him. As Beck was left alone, the moment of getting to breath in without having to either babysit or play a role was quickly dispersed by Tor Blatheuld moving rather quickly towards him. The brunette woman, wearing a gold dress with white and beige colors as accents closed the gap. By the time she stood right before him left the Admiral with only three point four seconds of alone time. He smiled at her, but even as he did, it felt more forced than what he normally does. This atmosphere really isn't my liking. "Admiral Pilon, I'm so glad that you came tonight. Having a military leader present to help back the Business Stimulus Act will really help lock things in for the senate proceedings." He did his best to remove the forced look upon his face as he offered her up a small head nod. Whether or not she took notice of his forced smile was not yet evident, as she jumped from one thing to another. "I'm also so glad you choose to wear the gold and white colors of Chandrila!" Beck looked at his shoulders. He wore his preferred black uniform, but adorned the gold patches normally worn by Grand Admirals. They were used to help hold his white cap on, to which he only now realized they did indeed match the colors of the night. "Happy accident, I assure you. These Gala's are not my strong suite, nor is dressing to impress." She let out a small giggle like laugh at his response as she touched his arm in a very over the top playful way. "Oh Beck Pilon, I think you may fit in all too well with the company here then you realize." Great. "The place seems busy." She grabbed his arm and began to pull him more inwards and towards the more crowded locations. "Oh yes, many different reps from all sorts of business, all of which are here to see how the rebuilding has taken place and to see some of the more visible leaders behind the bill we are hoping to push." She picked up two glasses of some kind of champagne off a tray from a waiter walking by. "From Sienar, Karrel and Blethern Gas have all come in massive support." She offered up one glass to the Admiral. "But many want to see the major ground worker behind the scenes who has really helped get Chandrila on its feet, Czerka head-" As the two came to a larger crowd, Beck knew the name before Tor said it. He knew the woman from looking at her back. The red hair, the white dress. "Zalis Krales..." The woman turned around and gave a smile to the man. "Admiral Pilon. I've heard rumors you'd be here. I've been dying to meet you. Heard of many tales about you." He did his best to not let his boiling blood over take him and allow for the anger to seep through his words. The woman before him was responsible for many atrocities that his Empress Raven went through. She stood with a smile that was designed to make people like her. It made him more upset that she used it on him. She was beyond lucky that he wasn't armed for this event, otherwise he would have already pulled his blaster and shot her. "The tales I've heard of you make you more war criminal than anything." Tor quickly jumped in between the two. "That's enough of that you two. We're not here to bring up past stuff, only to build towards the future." Beck clenched his fist even tighter for a moment as Zalis continued to smile at him. His eyes never left Zalis as responded directly towards Tor. "Not sure many who back the Empire would support this bill if she's involved." Tor felt flustered, even from where he stood without looking at her. She uttered a few syllables attempting to find some footing to speak when Zalis cut in. "No need to worry Tor. Perhaps maybe the Admiral and I could take a small stroll to discuss the differences he may have with me?" Tor turned to protest but the redhead quickly touched the others arm and calmed her down. "Relax Tor, there are no weapons allowed in the Gala, and I feel maybe the man might just not like crowds." His own eyes flickered at the sense that she picked up on something about him so quickly. He didn't know her game or angle yet, but he was bound and determined to figure it out. She moved the same way Tor did earlier when she took him by the arm, and Beck pulled his arm out of the way. The move however backfired on him, as her own movement ended up going for a drink next to him instead, which made him look beyond paranoid with her. He quickly looked around to observe the room, as he was now aware of the amount of eyes being drawn towards him. I need to be careful, otherwise I could damage the public view of this new Imperium Alliance. Zalis walked past him with her drink in her hand now and gave a slight nod for him to follow her. With eyes still on him, he decided to follow. There wouldn't be much gained if he refused, and everyone else in the room seemed to like her. He was the odd man out. Letting out a heavy sigh, he followed her, matching her steps and he began to become aware that she had already worked the room before he got in and was playing a game against him. If he wanted to take her, he'd have to play it his way, not hers.
  16. Beck kept his hands clasped behind his back as he walked through the city with Tor Blatheuld and her crew as they showed off the city. Much of the grand design was almost fully rebuilt since the Mandalorians of Crusaders had almost burnt it to the ground on their own personal rampage of the galaxy. While short lived, the damage caused by them was strong enough to still feel the impacts. Part of the Admiral felt like during the height of his commando career under Emperor Denton, he would have torn the city further down than the what the Crusaders did. Tor was elaborating on the rework of the art district area for the smaller crew of Imperium Alliance as they toured the city. "As you can see, it has already generated some interest with the locals, but we'd love to attract more off planet artists to come a contribute. But majority feel as if the city is still unsafe from the last invasion." Beck narrowed his eyes as he looked over two local shops that held artwork of their own on the outside that was almost as outlandish as what could be found inside. "Weren't the Jedi and others just here a few months back? Or was that only a basic cleanup?" Tor turned and offered up a smile that suggested she didn't really want to respond to the question directly. "There are some who would rather have a different display of strength of cleanup. Local cleanup is important, far more so than any outsider involvement. Revenue is the main draw of outsiders and Jedi tend not to bring such tag with them." Beck raised both eyebrows in acknowledgement of the statement. He found it to be very true. Juhn Chilcaot however did not fully agree, and spoke up. "Their presence alone helps bring forth a sense of peace sometimes. Revenue is for the greedy alone." Beck turned and stopped the small tour, letting Tor know where Beck stood on things. "Jedi are not political. Their involvement in anything is strictly peacekeeping. Their time of warriors has come to an end. They have not been relevant to the whole galaxy in almost seven years. They're dying off. What Chandrila needs is supplies and resources that help attract others." Beck turned around and gave a small bow to Tor. "I also heard that there is a Gala coming up. Would it help or hinder the overall situation for the Imperium Alliance to show up?" He paused and waited upon Tor's response. He knew that the younger officer would be excited for the chance to stir up the political scene on the planet, and he himself would absolutely hate it. But the very fact that the young boy might learn what is truly driving the galaxy by them going would be a benefit to him. Plus, he didn't truly want to return to the incompetent crew at the War College. Tor gave a smile. "Why yes we are. It's a Gala for everyone about to invest heavily the project areas to really build Hanna City back up into a talking point around the galaxy. Since you will be providing us with a hub for trading and receiving goods from the core worlds again, you are apart of the bill that is coming to the senate floor soon!" Beck gave another bow as he offered her a smile. "We look forward to being there." Tor gave a smile of her own in return and continued the tour. As she turned away, Beck's face dropped the smile and revealed an annoyed face. He hated what he was about to do, but knew it was needed. Hopefully everything would work out and he could return to something he was more comfortable doing soon.
  17. The Curich-class shuttle known as Heaven's Taint made its entry into the main port of Hanna City. Beck Pilon sat in the main hold of the ship along with a junior officer, one of Alliance background and six of his commandos he had trained. The junior officer sat with eyes closed, almost hiding the panic within his face. Beck sat with his black naval uniform and white cloak, a very typical attire for him when he was being presented before others. He always felt like the darkness of the uniform reminded people of the Empire's might, yet the white helped others to see the adoption of the new era under Empress Raven. The officer, Juhn Chilcaot with his shaggy brown hair and the grey/bluish uniform sat fidgeting with his fingers as the ship slowly began it's landing procedure. "Why are you nervous?" "I'm not nervous-" the younger man spat out rather quickly. "I'm worried and feel stressed over the political atmosphere here..." Beck closed his eyes in slight annoyance. While it was true that Chandrila was becoming a pivotal point and a focus for everything right now, it was not their purpose in coming. Looking over a datapad for a moment, he calmly address the concerns. "The political atmosphere is of no concern to us during this trip. Our job is secure a hub for smaller ships and offer up an exchange of resources that Tor Blatheuld think we may need to offer up her planet. The politics are reserved for someone else. We have not been asked to step in outside of that yet." He cared little for the tensions that arose from such political questions when he entered into situations like these. He always preferred to have someone point a blaster at him versus battling him with words. Granted, they were invited to attend the Gala being hosted in two days time, but his orders left it open for him to make the decision on his own. And if things were as tense as expected, he felt like it would be the last place he would want to be. Many recently have expressed their own discomfort in the fact that the Alliance and Imperials have come together and that the imperialist designs took over the majority of the public image. The general fear was that it would bring forth a new regime of the old Empire. His own eyes moved up to look at lieutenant Chilcaot after he finished the thought of the tension to see him being very expressive with his eyes. "You have an opinion on that?" The words struck the boy as he looked up and saw the Admiral staring at him. He took a second to gather his composure before responding. "I just feel like it's a mistake to let it rest if we're in a position to help change that course." He let out a heavy sigh and stood up as the ship began to power down. His standing brought forth the commandos to attention to stand up with him. "We haven't been given that position." He took a second to lock eyes with the young lieutenant before turning to walk down the ramp. Too many of the Alliance officer thought that way. That they were to do far more than what they were assigned to do. While he did appreciate the eagerness to make a mark, it was overshadowed by ego or morality, both of which served no purpose in any of the branches he served under. The two walked down the ramp to be greet with three Chandrilans, two males, one in military uniform and the other in more formal garments. In the center stood Tor Blatheuld, the female public governor of Hanna City. She had six of her own armed guards with her and greeted Beck and his team with a very slight bow. "Welcome to Chandrila Admiral Pilon. We have been looking forward to getting to met with you and discuss the best avenues forward for our two parties." Beck returned the bow with a head nod. "Thank you for taking us in. I have brought with me Lieutenant Commander Juhn Chilcaot of the Alliance Naval branch. We are both very excited to see the city and to see what help we are able to provide to you as well."
  18. The war room onboard the Fiat Lux had become almost respite for Beck as he sat within the chair at the head of the table, sipping on caf as he looked over every aspect of the reports of the first two war training programs. Two of the Alliance commanders walked in, both with their own datapads in hand. One took a moment after putting stuff down to salute, the other did not. Beck returned the salute and half acknowledged the other. Commander Hithro was very outspoken about her dislike towards Beck and his tactics ever since he arrived. Opposite of her friend, Captain Jeneri, who seemed to fall in line rather quickly and even got her squads to perform at the top of the cadet class. He looked over both before returning to what he was doing, which was simply reading the reports that everyone was going to go over in this meeting, but doing it in advance to have more headspace to help everyone in the room. Only two of the training officers did not send in their reports early. Hithro was one of them. Within the next minute, every other officer who was supposed to be present walked into the room, all giving a quick salute to the Admiral. Once everyone was seated, he began his debrief for the last week. "Overall good numbers. Delta and Alpha squad really pulled up their numbers study hall wise. Omega and Cobalt both increased by three percent on battle readiness. Crimson and Ebony held their current status from last week. Ice and Grey have yet to have their test runs this week. Commander Yelissia, I'm approving your request for an extra five minutes in the study hall, but changing around your schedule to accommodate such a request. Captain Hurrorm and Jeneri, both of you requested the same thing. I can't approve both, but if you're both willing to split the difference...?" Both Captains looked at each other. Hurrorm went first. "I was planning on using the simulator time to work on a few more maneuvers for my squad to try out, but I can always just use the practice time and just work more after hours to game plan." Jeneri narrowed her own eyes, not taking them off of Hurrorm, whom the two held a small rivalry between their squads. "As long as we alternate to simulator programs, I can accept such a dual compromise to work in the sim together." Beck looked at both Captains before giving a very small shrug and locking his response on the datapad. "Settled then." "Commander Tyferhon, I believe that since you won last week's war game, you may take Crimson squad out on the Borleias run. Captain Atheoin, your squad has the week off from War games. I would highly suggest using that time more creatively to improve self maintenance procedures. Five is too many to have faulty/dirty weapons checks in the war games." He looked down to talk about his own schedule for the upcoming week when Hithro spoke up. "Sir, I strongly believe that my request for lieutenant Kallico to join me has been ignored for the past two weeks is long enough." Beck slowly looked up from his chair and slide his datapad away. The tension in the room was elevated and everyone could feel it. "Since you feel so strongly about it enough to disrupt my meeting, tell the room why you think having the fighter lieutenant join you in your command circle is so important..." Beck now leaned back and locked his eyes on her, like a sniper would lock in on its target. She looked around the room for a moment before standing up to address everyone. "He has been a rally point for those within the starfighter squadrons, helping to motivate and keep everyone else on task. His numbers performance and academic wise have been through the roof. And while yes, he did fail the command test twice, I feel like with the right guidance and mentorship, he could become a strong member of our command group down the road." Tyferhon looked over at Beck. His eyes flashed something that was almost wonder at the response. The Admiral only slightly saw it, as he kept his own eyes locked on Hithro as some murmurs began to fill the room. He choose to let them fill the room before he slowly raised his hand to draw everyone's attention back to him. Once the room was quiet again, he spoke so matter of fact. "Request denied." The murmurs began to quickly rise again, but this time he simply spoke over everyone, but now his voice filled the room as he spoke with authority, yet he remained seated. He didn't feel a need to rise to challenge her power, as she had none. "You want for me to grant someone who failed the test twice to get special privileges because they could learn from being side by side with you. What they hell to do you think this is? The Jedi Order?! We're naval and military branches of government. We follow procedures. Orders. Standards. If Kallico was so good outside of his own area of expertise, he would show it. He has not. We are not here to burden ourselves down by distracting ourselves with the mentorship of one or two officers beyond our circles. If you want to mentor someone so badly Hithro, may I suggest Undaro or Laditha. Both of whom have been putting extra time into studying fleet tactics and time in the simulators. Unlike you, where your squad has dropped off two points in the war games and you don't even turn in your own reports on time. Get your own squad up to par before you make request for things that could bring you down." The room was suddenly hushed as Hithro slowly shook from both anger and something else. It took her a good while to even sit down again after being addressed so firmly. But Beck did indeed wait for her to sit before he went on. "I will be leaving in six standard hours to head for Chandrila on a consult meeting with the leaders there. If it goes well, a garrison may stationed there to help them, along with us having them as a new stop for supply deliveries, which would increase either the top two winners of the war games or have a longer tour for the winners. Lieutenant Lilla Rurn will be in charge of the Fiat Lux while I'm gone. Reports are still to be delivered on time, and the next round of war games start in twelve hours. I will be back by the end of this next round. Graduation reports should soon be filled out." Beck looked around the room, taking a moment to look at everyone. "Dismissed."
  19. Beck sat behind the large war table inside the Fiat Lux when the door slid open suddenly. Lieutenant Rurn stepped in and gave him a salute before moving out of the door frame to let the others in. The officials all poured in looking disgruntled a bit at having to wait upon the Admiral and then were told to board a ship to meet the Admiral. He only half acknowledged them, as none of them seemed interested in following procedure. Upon everyone taking a seat, he raised his eyes off his datapad to look around before returning to it for a moment longer. After a minute passed while everyone was seated waiting on him, he finally put the datapad down. “Let’s address the bantha in the room shall we.” Beck now pushed his chair back and stood up at the head of the table. “This establishment has the worst formality I have ever seen or heard of in my entire career. In the week I have been here, only two of the 14 classes have been running. The training rooms have not been in operation. Not a single one of you have done anything outside of attempting to raise your own personal platform - to which it's zero in case anyone was wondering. And to top all of that off, the catinas have seen a triple increase in activity from the war college.” Beck dropped his datapad on the table to make a loud noise to emphasize his point. “I’m not stupid, I hear the whispers and rumors. That the new guy is going to make us too imperial. The new guy is an ass hole with an ego problem- lower your hand, whatever you have to say is only going to dig a deeper hole.” He began to walk around the table as he spoke. “No one here can say that it’s because I haven’t done anything, because you’ve been without a commander for the past nine months. This is laziness taking hold. Plus the logs I have uploaded have been beyond disgusting in regards to what is being expected here. Personal holo training sessions. Upgraded food processors, individual refresher stations…Maintenance requests for things such as upkeep of starfighters and dorm hall cleanings… Who the hell are you training? Royalty?” By this point, Beck had arrived back at his chair. He picked up his datapad and began to type something on it, but kept talking. “I don’t care for Imperial/Rebel tactics. I care for results. From here on out, things are changing. Students and staff may only visit the cantinias if they finish their quota. Students must also possess a passing level of 95 to leave campus. Maintenance requests are for the college study areas and lavatories only- except dorms. Students must clean their own floors. Make it a competition if you must. Starfighters can be cleaned by students, that’s now a part of their curriculum. They should know those things inside and out.” He then turned his datapad to face everyone. “I am uploading must reads to everyone’s personal datapads. In a week we will be discussing said items you’ve read.” Beck again dropped his own datapad upon the table. “Tomorrow I want war training exercises to begin again. You all have been sent groupings as well. Each team will be awarded points upon their performances…. This also includes all of you… I will figure out what the point system will get you after the first exercise. You’re all dismissed.” Beck slowly returned to his seat as everyone else got up with slight murmuring at the outcome of their very first meeting with Admiral Beck. Lilla Rurn came up to him as the war room cleared. “You gave them a shock at the very least.” He took a glance up at her. “They’ll be mad at me for a good few weeks. Change takes time. And I’d rather come out of the gate hard and strong. They need to change the way things have been done here.”
  20. Beck stood looking out the viewport on the bridge of Fiat Lux, looking at the planet Anaxes before him. The comms were busy with chatter as was almost everyone on the bridge. Ships were coming and going with supplies and people who needed to get places, and the Fiat Lux somehow became the main hub for which all traffic was being controlled and ordered by. A few people from his own command had already rushed back and forth to the surface for security reasons. For whatever reason, there was increased interest suddenly with the War College that was below. It could have been due to the Alliance now taking an interest in it, or it could have been just with the sudden vacuum of power swap that was created after the events of Nar SHaddaa. He really had no clue, nor did Beck care. Lieutenant Lilla Rurn came and stood next to him, handing him a report as she did. “There is now an eagerness below as to why you have spent three days in the system and have not yet reported to the college itself.” He took the report from her and gave her a look of inquiry. “I told them you had other matters of greater importance… But I must admit that I myself wonder why sir…” He turned to face the viewport again, letting the report in his hand drop to his side. “This place was recently struck by the Sith Empire. From ruins it has slowly been rebuilding, but almost in the exact same fashion. They hold the same mindset they did for the past few years.” He let out a very heavy sigh. “They want things done by the book, yet don’t follow the book for other elements. They want the high ranking leader to show up, make a show and present a vision and a plan, as it always has been done. Yet by military and naval standards, they would need to send a ship of their own to fetch said leader…” His very words seemed to sink in for his right hand lieutenant. Her slow head nodding he saw from the corner of his eye told him she understood now her own question of why. “You’re establishing a firm hierarchy of how things should go.” She suddenly had a thought. “What if they don’t understand that’s what you're waiting for?” The Admiral gave out a loud, yet very short laugh. “They have three more hours to do so before I send a ship for them to join me in the conference room onboard the Fiat Lux. Then we will rework their mindsets.” Lilla Rurn gave a nod, followed by a salute before she turned and walked off to continue her own duties. Beck liked her. She was very much forward and to the point. She would do very well with him. But for now, he awaited to see what the current leadership of the War College would do.
  21. Beck stood on top the ramp of the Heaven's Taint, his own personal ship as he awaited the final few crew members joining his team. Some were new troopers wanting a fresh area of service, while others were pilots, random officers transferring for one reason or another. He didn't much care at the moment. He was far more interested in what they would prove to him, if anything at all. Some even were medical personnel, they always brought with them massive amount of supplies that took up way too much room in the cargo hold. He did his best to offer up a smile to each one as they walked up the ramp, offering a handshake and a friendly word. It felt very much on the political side, to which he hated. But of course there was Lieutenant Lilla Rurn. The young lady who made a strong impression upon him during the battle of Nar Shaddaa. She wasn't even originally within the Imperial Navy at the time, but made the transfer after the battle. His former right hand command officer Isiah made him aware of her transfer after he himself transferred over to a new division. As she made it to the top of the ramp, she gave him a salute and awaited his return salute. "Permission to speak freely?" "Granted." She dropped her only carry on bag. "Not many who came onboard the ship gave you any signal that you were their commanding officer?" She had pointed out something that he hated. Maybe this new assignment would indeed work out in his favor. He looked into the main hold for a brief second before turning back towards her. "Unfortunately you are correct. Too many feel the navy is something that it's not. A chance to be showboating, to make their own unique mark. Revamping the Naval academy may be the best thing to happen in a long while." He turned and looked at the main hold again, at everyone who was about to join his command closer to the Core worlds. "I'm going to need someone who can help whip everyone back into shape, to bring a standard back to the Imperial Navy." He looked now at Lilla with piercing eyes. "You think you can handle that?" The girl simply nodded her head and picked her bag back up and walked into the main hold. "ATTENTION! Admiral Beck Pilon is on the deck!" He couldn't help but smile as he closed the ramp door and began to make his way towards the front where his seat was located. As he walked through the hold, many stood at the ready, now keeping their eyes on both him and Lilla, who was giving glaring eyes at everyone to make sure they stood until he released them to relax. Once he got to his own seat, he turned and gave a salute to them. "Take a seat and strap in. You're all about to voyage to the Core, where we will be rebuilding much of what has been lost. The Naval Academy is the priority. But on top of that, individual excellence is also key in rebuilding. Remember what it means to be an officer in the Imperial Navy, and the standards you were taught. They do not disappear because most of what we once had has been lost. But because we lost it makes it all the more important to keep it." He looked around slowly at everyone before turning towards the pilots of his ship. "Take us to the Fiat Lux. From there, we all head home to Anaxes."
  22. Beck stood stirring his caf, which was black and held nothing in it to be stirred, yet that's just what he did as he looked up through a window at the outline shape of his ship, Fiat Lux. There was a lot given to him in the recent meeting. Nothing outside of what was expected, yet still enough to have him lost in thoughts. Captain Isiah walked up to him and observed the scene for a moment before letting out a rather loud cough to get the attention of his Admiral. The inhale of his own breath was what stood out to him the most as he turned to look at the man before him. There was a quick salute, but the longtime Captain did not wait for the return salute before dropping it and moving forward. "Sorry to interrupt sir. Most of the crew has now been shuffled around to let each one take a good six hours on planet. In the midst of everything... command has offered up a promotion..." The slow reveal told him that the man was hesitant to accept it. He wondered for a moment if the loyal officer held reservations due to fear of backlash. He had hoped that he wouldn't give that off to his men. "Isiah, you're a good man. A strong commander and one who has learned everything you could from me. It is time for you to take on something more. Push yourself beyond what you know. It would be foolish to not take a promotion of any kind. I wish you well." He extended his hand to offer a handshake to Isiah, to which the younger man accepted it. "Thank you sir. They gave me a command in advance field intelligence." A slight smile came to Beck at the thought. Isiah was always good at intelligence, which may be why they offered it up to him. "I'm glad they saw you were the one keeping me up to date. I'm not sure who or even how I could selected anyone to replace you." "Well sir.. that's a second thing I wanted to report to you. Lieutenant Lilla Rurn has officially transferred from the Rebel Alliance over to the Imperial navy. Made a special request to join your crew..." That was good news for him. The girl was bold and willing to follow her gut, a trait not common amongst the current officers within the Imperial Navy. But under his new orders, such a request to join his crew would prove to be something different entirely than what she may have been expecting. "I will have to arrange a time to meet with her then. Thank you for your service Isiah, may whatever you believe in help you in your next position." Beck then offered up a salute to his now former second in command deck officer. Once the man returned it, he gave him a firm handshake before watching Isiah turn and left the Admiral alone to his thoughts. Beck took a sip of his caf as he stared at the direction Isiah left for a good three minutes before he returned to looking up at the sky again. Things were indeed about to change.
  23. The summons had come just as Beck thought it might. He knew his role was about to expand, a role that he would much rather not have, but fully understood why it would be given to him. It was never a question for him though, to act upon a want or desire when duty said otherwise. It was apart of his programming. And the years of service had ingrained it so much further. No he sat at a table, only half listening to the speech given. It was moving, or designed to be moving, as all leaders should be. Only time would tell if this Longfang would prove to be the leader needed for this time frame. His eyes looked up from time to time, even more so when the Barabel spoke directly to one person. His curious nature always loved to read people's faces when they were addressed. For him, the idea of their facial expressions giving away more of what was inside was something of a game to him. The Queen of Naboo, while young in both looks and spirit, showed an eagerness to remain strong. A quality that he found amusing, as was her eye motions. If he had to guess, she lead more with her gut then her head. The Kaleesh was also an interesting person to observe. His eyes focused in, but they rested upon people he found. Deep focus. Yet his words hinted at maybe less focused and more thoughtful. He took a few smaller glances at Slaughter, the only other veteran within the room. He wondered how the man would respond, but then he was addressed by the Barabel. His own eyes half looked between him and the floor as he pondered upon such a thrust of trust. It was made clear that he was trusted, yet the command given to him was not fully one he expected. The Core? Surely he would have handed that over to Slaughter. Pilon didn't know why he was being given that amount of trust for the Core, or if it was a subtle slap at him, to be more focused on developing the next generation versus being the hunter of the Sith. He wondered how much more action the Core would even see, know that Coruscant and others had been broken. Rebuilding things and patrolling would be the most excitement he would see, and he knew it. But like always, he was made to serve. He slowly nodded his own head and then looked up at Vangar. "At your command, sir."
  24. The Fiat Lux entered the system, looking far much more ready and stronger than its actual crew. Beck Pilon stood at the center of the bridge and let out a massive sigh as everything from the jump settled down. Lilla Rurn stood at his side looking at a datapad, running over the notes and other things from the battle. "Only three covered from escape pods needed medical attention. All of the shuttles have been prepare though and are ready for departure to the surface. They just need your command sir." He looked around the bridge for a second, observing the hard working crew in their element. While he wanted all of them to take a break, he knew that not everyone would be able to, as the ship would still need some form of a crew to operate. "Prioritize the crew that have been serving the longest, along with those recovered in escape pods. Has there been any official word if my presence has been required on the surface?" Almost as soon as he said it, he had hoped that the answer would be no. His crew deserved breaks, and he would rather be the one to let them go versus having to make himself a priority to get off the ship. "... Looks like a meeting already took place, before our arrival- lucky dog. No word has been issued to see commanding officers yet." Beck turned and gave the rebel lieutenant a half smirking smile. "Luck or stubbornness to leave the system until the job was done? I'll let someone else decide that." He turned back to observe the deck, letting out a very small sigh as he finished. "But how long can I hide away from the politics when we brought back one of the bigger remaining ships in the fleet?" His own face locked eyes on the Fidelity, the MC90 that was almost directly across from the Fiat Lux. He doubted that either commander of the larger vessels would play smaller roles in what's about to happen. The shift in the galaxy. But the main difference between the two Admirals was this; Slaughter was used to the political side of the navy. Pilon was not. Many other Admirals within the imperial Navy held grandeur dreams of controlling aspects of fleets and academies. Never Beck. He preferred his own ship, commanding the Fiat Lux. Nothing else was truly wanted, or needed. He just simply wanted to continue to serve the Empire, which would now look massively different going forward. And he doubted there would be a chance to sit back and remain within the shadows as he always had before. Lieutenant Rurn touched his shoulder ever slightly. "It may be too bold to say this freely, but since I'm not technically under your command, you're a fantastic Admiral, and one well worth the rank. It's been a pleasure to serve alongside you during the Nar Shaddaa battle. May the Force give you the rest and reward that you deserve." He only half looked at her, giving a much smaller and weaker smile, with an even less enthusiastic nod. She simply nodded back and then gave a salute and left the bridge to join those headed to the surface. Her words, while comforting, did little for him. He didn't believe in the Force, nor did he care for it. He also didn't care for getting what he deserved or even getting a reward. He simply wanted to remain in his small role, to which he knew he would no longer be able to do going forward.
  25. Standing with hands clasped behind his back watching the last few ships make their jump, Admiral Pilon stood in the center of the walkway that broke the pit crew on the bridge. His white topped uniform stood out amongst the grey of the bridge, making it very easy to spot him. The space over Nar Shaddaa had been cleared of enemy forces. The disaster of the Scarab crashing into the planet had already been done. And now the corner of his own eye spotted Lilla Rurn walking towards him, most likely bringing news that the last of the escape pods had been recovered. His brown eyes locked on her as she made a more direct path towards him. He shifted ever so slightly to face her. "All pods have been recovered Admiral. No ships outside of fleet ones remain, and many others have already jumped. Fiat Lux is ready for her next journey." He let out a very small exhale of breath before responding. "And the wreckage?" Lilla slowly shook her head. "No scans of survivors yet. We'll have to wait until after everything settles." He let out another breath, one that came from his chest. "All right then. Prepare the ship to leave. There is nothing left here for us at the moment. Recall all TIEs and do one last sweep, then we can jump." Beck pushed past her for a moment, heading back towards the command chair, only to stop and turn around to address the bridge before sitting down. "I'm proud of you guys. This was hell and will leave a mark on everyone mentally. Upon arrival at the rendezvous, everyone is getting two weeks leave before new orders will be issued." He then sat down and held up his hand, signalling for them to finish his orders. He then watched his crew move with the precision and order that he had trained them to do. And within the hour, the Fiat Lux was in hyperspace and away from the planet.
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