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Darth Heretic

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*A white light exited the forest into the area where the Jedi all lay hidden, he stood tall and a determined expression was set upon his face. The light faded and his form was now fully visible. His black hair and red eyes glanced over the areas were Jedi lay hidden he heard the conversations going on and he stepped forward*


There is one way to avoid being slaughtered and laying in wait of death is not the successful manner of doing so.


*His voice was the same as forceful as ever but along with it came an echo which seemed to come from him not from the surrounding forest.*

Half-Thinker, All Dreamer

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Master Prophet had layed still in the marshy surfaces of the Dagobah swamps, listening to the other Jedi fear, listening to them break which was amplified by the sound of their breaking spirits.


The sound of their moaning and crying could make a grown man sick, enough to drive the insane sane and back again. Sly sit in a hollowed out tree, whispering to himself.


"Home is behind

The world ahead

And there are many paths to tread

Through shadow

To the edge of night

Until the stars are all alight


Mist and shadow

Cloud and shape

Hope shall fail

All shall.... fade...."


The Jedi sings to himself as he see's a beaming white light coming from the forrest area, shinning light on those who wished to remain hidden.


Rising from the empty tree, Sly approaches the figure that stands in the forrest. Quickly reaching for the ancient crystal Ilum sword, Sly pulls it raising it in front of him. The blade cluched tight in Sly's hand would not faulter, the two were made for eachother, one to weild the blade, the other to be weilded by on the one Master.


The force presence was nothing more than a former living Jedi, and an aquitance to Master Prophet. The sword began to emmit the blinding white light as it consumed the forrest... looking at the Force ghost Sly speaks.


"... They have made their choice.... You shall not sway them..." He says as the blinding white light that came from the sword was enough to make the sun blink.



OOC: Jedi, The battle comes tonight, be ready.

The powers of Master Prophet and Adi-Wan were defeated by whining, rather than the Sith RPers using their heads to defeat them.
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"Home is behind

The world ahead

And there are many paths to tread

Through shadow

To the edge of night

Until the stars are all alight


Mist and shadow

Cloud and shape

Hope shall fail

All shall.... fade...."


OOC: Alright, Pippin .... or should I say, "Peregrin Took" ...

"*****, you bettah bring me some muh'******' cone-yack, or i'll keeeeeeeeeeeeell, yoooooo"

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*Tristin mearly yawns in responce to Sly's babbling, his red eyes flared in responce to the white light produced from the crystal sword and the redness increased ten fold until both red and white were held in check with one annother, the Prophet felt a great trembling within the Ilum sword, as if an extream frequency was being sounded. The man in black closed his mouth and the sword stoped trembling.*


They made a choice? Or did someone make a choice for them? You see the difference between me and you is that I made my choice, and I never asked others to die for my choices. You however make choices and demand that others follow like sheep. They are blinded by your past accompishments, they believe that you will deliver them from evil. Even if you only deliver them to hell, they will blindly follow, but I am not blind.

Half-Thinker, All Dreamer

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Astryd had long since ceased listening to the murmuring of those around her becoming impatient, although she felt similar. Flexing her legs and arms and rubbing her hands together to stay warm in the muck, an expression of irritation passing across her young features. If she was to die, then she'd much rather not be uncomfortable beforehand.


She looked over at the lights in the forest with some curiosity and apprehension, not understanding what it was about but thinking logically. If the Hutts were to be attacking, now would be their chance to figure out where the Jedi forces were; she was sure the glow shone bright enough to pinpoint their group even from space. Half of her mind warned her to alert Sly to that possibility, but the other half paused her enough to realize he must know what he was doing. She remained in the muck, watching and waiting, practicing her moves in her head and getting a firmer grip on the Force.

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OOC: This sword was designed and has been written about in stories, dont attempt things which you do not know anything about. Just to give you the heads up.


IC: Sly hears the voice however desregards what it is saying, as usual, it was nonsense that only spawned hate. Sly had the most respect for the dead, however when the dead accuse him of things that are not committed, no respect is given.


"Your views are as useless as they were in life, now they have not changed at all in death. Unlike you, I have learned from the past... Now learn this... You are not wanted here. Go back to the hells that you came from... I RELEASE YOU FROM YOUR DUTIES TRISTIN STELLAR, BE GONE!"


Sly says as the crystal sword swings, the blinding white light cuts through the smokey image of the man... then... there was silence. The spirit was gone for at least that moment as Sly shook his head.


"... You never accepted me in life nor in death, you are no longer welcomed in my presence..."


Sly whispers to himself as he makes his way back to the tree where he sits, in complete solitarity... in silence, the Jedi Master closes his eyes in Meditation and see's friends long since past... that he actually respected.

The powers of Master Prophet and Adi-Wan were defeated by whining, rather than the Sith RPers using their heads to defeat them.
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Mara sat down beside Leo.


She started to talk when a blinding white light filled the woods. An indistinguishable figure walked in the middle of the ball of light. She turned to Leo frightened.

"Who is it and what do we do?"



I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.

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I could care less about this battle at this point, i'm more concerned if my ship will ever start from leaving run on the battery, on standby for the past few days, and still no battle. DJK tries to start his ship and fails. He goes to replace the battery with the spare. He thinks to himself, too boggle-minded to remember What is that voice?

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*Silence sweeps over the area a long silence as the Jedi Master swings.*


mh mh mh mh mh


*A strange sound is heard echoing though the woods.*


maw ha ha ha ha


*The noise is eventually noted as laughter.*


Baha hahah ahahahahahahaah


DEAD. You think I. Am dead. You are incorrect Prophet. You fail to see things as they are once more.


My views worthless... Ha, you simply disregarded the pure facts I laid on the table, facts that I researched and found evidence. You however seem to just pluck the answers and go with them weather they are right or wrong.


*The voice focused as it came directly from one of the trees. Tristin stood leaning against the trunk glaring at Sly.*


And I don't like it when people swing a big sword at me.


*The sword vibrated upon him saying the word sword and stops.*

Half-Thinker, All Dreamer

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It was pitiful, this Tristin Stellar actually thought he could do what he had come to do, pitiful. Sly thinks inside of his head.


Gazing into the eyes of the Former Jedi, Jedi Master Prophet speaks...


"... Incorrect my friend, all Jedi were asked to gather here, I saw things as they are... I see them more clear now then ever before... you see..."


Sly pauses a moment, knowing that his sword is ready for battle.


"... You are dead to me. All that is left is a fool, the former Tristin Stellar is no more... You are no longer welcomed here."


Sly spoke as the hilt of the sword clamped in his hand... With his other hand, Master Prophet reaches into his White robe, pulling from it, a small crystal object holding it tight in his hand.

The powers of Master Prophet and Adi-Wan were defeated by whining, rather than the Sith RPers using their heads to defeat them.
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*As Kirlocca went into meditation..a darkness fell around him...a voice told him of his fitrue...his destiny...*


Your child...will be given great things...he will lead the jedi into a prue state...but...you may not get to see it. For you will have a choice before his time comes. You will die for him...in the most jedi like way. You will die for the order...and for your son. Your son...will train after your death...and do what no other jedi could do...and you...you will be forgotten for the rest of history...


*Kirlocca winced at this...he had no idea of how he should react to this...*


You said I would have a choice...what would be the other choice?


*The voice said nothing for a while...as Kirlocca was about to get up...it spoke again...*


Your other choice will be to sacrifice your son...and let him die..while you will become a great jedi for everyone to see...


*Kirlocca noded at this...his son was going to be born soon. Him and his wife Sarai had yet to decide his name...and he wanted to be there for that. But to leave now...he would be considered a rogue jedi...something he was not too long ago...a jedi by himself...alone...*


I knew my destiny would be important...just not this important...I must decide soon.

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Exiting hypserspace over Dagobah, Hutt Fleet Commander grins.


I smell the slaughter already!!! Move the Firespray in and get that Nerve Gas ready...


Sir, the Net Bombs are aboard the Victory II SD, but won't be ready for deployment for sometime...


We will not need the Net Bomb here, ready the neuronic bombs and the recently purchased nerve agent.

Forty-five Firesprays enter the atmopshere heading towards the planet.


That nerve agent is working well, I will thank our suppliers...


The Firesprays are joined by a few frigates which drop off some of the Hutt Ground Forces... Dozens of droidekas and droids attack the strong hold .


Wait for the other jedi to breach their strong holds. Wait for others to deter then attack them as the run.


Three At-AT's struggle through the swampy inlands of Dagobah. They meet with the other of the Hutt Forces.


Send down only the amphibious assault vehicles and ten assault gunboats!!!


The small armada of gunships with the already attacking fleet join together.


The Black Sun will be here shortly...

Edited by Guest

Now is your time to die...

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So many emotions, Love, hate, sadness, confussion, excitment, fear, knowledge, greed, power, corruption, and emptyness... Sly sit in his hollowed out tree, waiting for the calls of battle to come for him.


He had seen too much war, so much in fact that he begin to... fancy it. War was Sly's only ally, his only friend, when it came, Sly would meet her full force, and never give up ... never surrender untill his life was lost.


The dark forces moved forth in space as the Jedi Master watches the fat slug order the Hutts to move out. Closing his eyes, he see's the future of the battle, many deaths would come, but... its purpose would be served, one way or another.


"... Come... Come to me... Come what may..." Sly says to himself, waiting for battle.




Suddenly a huge explosion rocks the tree that Sly sits inside of. The hutts had found the hidden Jedi of the Alpha group.


With a quick force message, Sly notify's the Jedi of ALPHA GROUP to fall back into the opening of the canyon.


*The Jedi of Alpha group ignite their sabers and defend shots that were straying because the dense forests infront of them. Now, the Jedi stand in the wide open canyon, as Sly places a finger on his head to notify the other Jedi, he feels a sudden shiver down his spine.*



"Raise your sword" The force speaks to Sly as he raises his Crystal sword, the sword absorbs the blast turning the color of the white sword red for a moment.


Suddenly all Jedi in ALL groups feel a message.


"The Hutts have used some sort of scanners, they have detected us, form rank... All Jedi make their way to the bottoms of the Canyon before Alpha group is over-run."

The powers of Master Prophet and Adi-Wan were defeated by whining, rather than the Sith RPers using their heads to defeat them.
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It would appear that DJK replaced his battery at the right time. He starts the ship and takes off into the air, still under the cover of the trees. He shoots at the ground stirring up heavy dust and everything. This would screw with there sensors and eye sight, but the jedi could use the force to see

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*Mes rushes forward, turning around to get those who had journeyed with them to make a run for the caverns. Deflecting stray blasts here and there, he does what he can to keep the blasts going back toward their enemy. He had a helpless feeling, like he was being watched. It scared him. Losing his footing, he almost is shot, but rolls away in time. Diving toward the ground he reaches cover.


This is going to be a long day...

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Delta Group move back, do not try deflecting shots from large ships. Hold your breaths as the small craft pass they are emitting a deadly gas.


Fall back to the CAVES Delta Group we can bottleneck them there...


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2001.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

The League of Shadows

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*Adi-Wan Tinova watched from over the jungle-like underbrush of the hillside. As he pushed the plant-life aside, he watched as the attack unfolded. He smirked as Sly sent out his message for reinforcements. He turned instantly to the comrades of his group, speaking quickly, and concisely.*


"Prepare yourselves for battle ... prepare yourselves for battle. Sabers ... "


*He lifted his left hand, and dropped it while he barked his next order.*


" ... IGNITE!"


*At once, all of the Jedi of Bravo Group leaped to their feet, lightsabers ignited. Adi-Wan used his yellow lightsaber, and pointed towards the nearest AT-AT walker.*


"CHARGE!!!" - he screamed at the top of his lungs, instantly - the entire Bravo Group marched fearlessly into battle towards the onslaught that they would surely receive. However, the targets moving towards the AT-AT walkers moved at an accellerated pace, and were so small - the gunners had a difficult time landing any accurate shots on their offensive rush. Once they moved in closer towards the AT-AT walker, Adi-Wan found cover, and explained his plan of attack as his group huddled around him, unseen by the gunners of the AT-AT walkers.*


"I need people that know Saber-Toss, and can use the force to move items through telekenesis grouped with demolitions experts ... we're going to be underbelly of these beasts, and bring them down from their innards ... I think you know how I plan on doing this ... "


*He sent a mental picture of himself shortly in the future doing this very procedure to every group member. He nodded hastily, and spoke in a gravelly tone.*


"Hurry, now ... there isn't much time."

"*****, you bettah bring me some muh'******' cone-yack, or i'll keeeeeeeeeeeeell, yoooooo"

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Jedi Master Sly held in his hands the sword of a king. It was forged from the ice's of Ilum, and was designed to be superior over any weapon ever made. Its premative nature however, made it far less advanced than the other weapons on this battlefield. However, the weilder held the power to do many things with it...


*Sly concentrates on each blast that comes towards him as the Sword absorbs each shot that it touches, Grasping it tighter, the Jedi Master moves it quickly, defending the many shots that were coming.*


Shifting his eyes to the right and left, the Bravo and Delta groups still had not breached the edge of the canyon. If the two other groups did not come fast, Alpha group would surely fall.


Deflecting another couple shots, Sly slows his breathing by taking deep breaths. Soon, the air would be filled with potent poisons much like the Empire had done to many other people. Sly had seen it too many times, when the corrupt stoop so low, to use the biological weapons.


Suddenly, the other groups had come, again, the Jedi were united. Something catches the eye of Master Prophet as he turns to see Blckclone heading for the CAVES.


Sly sends a quick force message, "Not yet... hold the canyon floor... trust me..."

The powers of Master Prophet and Adi-Wan were defeated by whining, rather than the Sith RPers using their heads to defeat them.
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*Mes dives away from another bolt, and finds himself near a group of several Jedi, huddled behind some trees.


"Come with me, you are no safer here than you are in the fires of hell. If we do not all march forth together, all will be lost."


*With that, the young Jedi follow him to the left of Master Prophet, and begin watching his maneuvers from afar...inside his head Mes plans a flank that could put the assault team in submission for a few moments, enough for the Jedi to regroup.

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Hearing MP's messages BC nods


Hold back a bit wait for them to come to us... It will be easier to take down the elephant when he is attacked slowly and by surprise...


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2001.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

The League of Shadows

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*The Yahda exits hyperspace He detaches the hyperspace clamp*


There's the Hutt's fleet.


Xen-Que sees the fleet. He sends a comm to Yakooza, and to Maria Lynn,


"Yakooza, Lynn. This is Xen-Que Poleb. The Hutts and Black Sun are now attacking the Jedi on Dagobah. Please, send as many ships as possible so that we can damage their ships before too many land on the planet. Over and out."


Xen-Que spots the flagship. He fires 12 concussion missles at it ((The one's Jango Fett uses in AOTC.))


They impact on the shields, and deplete them completely. He fires several energy bombs, and destroys about two ships, and a bunch of small fighters. He fires his composite laser ((The long green laser the Gunships used in ATOC)), and damages a few ships. He finally gets through the fleet, and unloads his entire mine magazine, creating a mine field in their path, with metal detectors, that will magenetically attract to anything that comes too close.


He goes to the planet as fast as he can, before the fleet attacks him. He ejects from the ship, and it lands in the swamp. He lands on a firespray, and shoves his Caelestum into the tail laser cannons and rips them off. He continues to fall and lands on an AT-AT walker. He cuts open the top of the hull with his lightsaber, lands inside, and kills the people at the controls. He takes the controls, and begins to open fire on the other AT-Ats.

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As the infidel enters the At-At it explodes killing the intruder.


Hahaha, you cannot take over our ships and our weapons!


Several more Firesprays enter the atmosphere and begin letting off the potent nerve gas... Followd closely by the Corvette which begins dropping the Neuronic Bombs...


If we are attacked from the outside, call the Empire!

Now is your time to die...

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*Kirlocca snaped out of meditation and turned on his lightsaber and charged in. He was well prepared for this battle. He ran up next to an At-AT and stabed his lightsaber through the leg of it then began to cut through the leg untill it was cut off.*


"Take that you bastards!"


*Kirlocca spun around to see an AT-AT firing at other AT-AT's. He decided, that it wasn't worth going after them at this point. The AT-AT he cut still stood, so he moved over to where Sly fought with his blade, taking out as many troops as he could on his way over there.*


Not out of anger will I fight, but instead...I fight for freedom and truth!

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The calm Jedi Master stands in the center of the Valley, watching many of his Jedi companions die... Sly's time had come, he would now... either kill... or he would be finished himself.


Suddenly a massive gust of wind could be felt on the skins of those presnet, it was not from an actual current, instead the extreme amounts of force being emitted from Jedi Master Sly Stevenson shook and faltered all that were near.


With an amazing scream it peirced the ears of the wicked, and charged the hearts of the just. The scream belted out over the land, it was heard over the sounds of blaster bolts and the zinging of lightsabers from side to side. Sly's scream shook the dead and made the living cringe, it was the Native Ilum Battle cry.


To some, it only was a scream, however to Sly and Adi-wan... it was the sound of a forming victory. The scream was so loud, that the force itself shook with amplification as Sly charges towards a standing AT-ST walker.


The frail chicken walker fires upon the Jedi who stand in the center of the valley. A quick force message was sent to the Alpha group... it was brief, and a foreshadow of what was to come.


It can in the sound of a faint whisper... it was very silent, but heard to all on the battlefield. "... Be strong ..."



*The wind ran through the Jedi Masters long flowing white hair, as his robes dangled behind him, the Crystal sword began to glow at the Ilum language that Sly spoke, its soothing white beam blinded both man and machine that were on the field. Sly neared the location of a droideka who stands firing at the Jedi Master who charged it. It was an un-common thing to do for a Jedi to charge, however, Sly's sword absorbs the blaster fire as the white light emits from the blade.*


Jumping into the air, the Droideka does not have time to react before the Jedi Master comes down atop of its head, as Sly lands on the metal form, it sparks as Sly pounces like a Sludge Panther from the plains of Dantooine. He bounces from his lowered position like a spring, he flies upwards shifting his body weight, the Jedi Master starts to spin in the air as his white robe falls to the ground. The falling robe lands to the ground as the Jedi Master propels higher into the air.


Spinning in a circle, the Jedi Master spins using the force to rock his body to the side, as he braces himself for impact. Sly's feet collide with the side of an At-St, as the frail chicken walker rocks to the side, Sly again flexes his leg muscles and uses the force to push off the side of the metal machine as his feet leaves the Metal hull of the top, a slight wave of the force could be felt after he left.


*The Standing At-St walker begins to rock as it falls sideways, it tilts farther and farther untill it looses its footing, falling over to the groun, sparks fly from the hull as a fire starts on the inside of the machine.*


The flying Jedi Master launches towards another At-St, this time using the glowing crystal saber to cut the blaster turrets from the nose of the machine.


The two metal pipes fall to the ground as the rough edges around the smoking turret clogg, preventing the escape of the next shot, instead creating a blocked passage way as the shot backfires, and the standing At-St walker explodes from the inside.


The Jedi Master falls to the groun, wearing only his pants and boots, no more robe, he stands his entire upper body naked, as it reveals the tattoo's that reside on Sly's back.


*A pair of wings stretch across the back of the Jedi Master, all the way down towards the lower back. In old Ilum tongue, the words, "Guardian Angel" are written on the back.*


Sly flexes his muscles as he quickly cuts out the leg of the exploded walker that stands next to him, as it falls, he uses it as cover from the on-coming shots.

The powers of Master Prophet and Adi-Wan were defeated by whining, rather than the Sith RPers using their heads to defeat them.
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