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Xen-Que Poleb

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Everything posted by Xen-Que Poleb

  1. Xen-Que yielded an appreciative nod to Malin. "I know we've never met, Master Kyrell, but you've been a sort of bridge between two worlds. Two lifes. The Jedi and the Blademasters. My brother and myself." He looked over to Kirana. She was the last person he had ever saw once. It was jarring to see her again with these new eyes; to gauge them to his old existence. "I came to thank you both. Master Kyrell for helping Hou-Jo. For doing what you could for him. For helping him on the road toward a better life. A better existence. I'm sure as you both know Hou-Jo had problems in the latter end of his career. That he was losing his sense of self. I apologize for what he put this order through. What he put your High Council through. For things he did... and for what he might have done." He focused on Kirana. "I've never really afforded the luxury of friends. My entire life I watched over my brother. I never stopped and looked around. I was a stranger to you. I should never have asked anything of you. I shouldn't have left you the burden of my death. I'm eternally grateful for you being there with me when I died. When I became One with the Force. I am forever in your debt." Xen-Que clutched at his poncho as a gust came through. "I do not believe this meeting to be chance. Heavy is the hand that deals out fate. I should no longer be for this world. I was brought back and I believe there is a reason for it. A very important reason. The Dark Jedi were creatures of fate. Their motives were either borne of themselves or the whim of the Force. I believe my resurrection was the latter. I would like to be your friend, if the two of you would have me."
  2. Xen-Que smiled. "Hello Jhoren. A pleasure to meet you." He directed his attention to Malin and Kirana. "I did not mean to interfere with your training of your respective pupils. I gladly would have waited until you were finished. Please continue."
  3. Xen-Que let Rodya leave. There would be a time and a place for that affair. But now, Xen-Que was concerned with meeting the last person he spoke to before he died. Kirana Sunrider. With the existence of another, the encounter with Rodya that in turn led him to Kirana, perhaps there was still a rhyme and reason to the galaxy. Maybe Fate and Destiny were still at work. Even a fellow Blademaster was here. Xen-Que shuffled his gray poncho to get more comfortable in it. He made his way toward Malin and Kirana to observe their training of a padawan.
  4. Xen-Que's Blade arrived on Dantooine. He was expected sooner, but he was not late. The Blademaster arrived precisely when he meant to. He picked up the Dashade's ship at a local cantina, but he was quickly overwhelmed by two presences in the Force. Two people very familiar to him, a rarity for a person of his nature. He didn't regularly have the luxury of friends or anything of the sort. He pushed it out of his mind for now. For the moment he would focus on the task at hand; as quickly as possible. He landed the ship properly this time, jumping from a ship and it landing itself in a public spaceport would probably be unwise. He pulled out a gray poncho, practically a sheet with a hole for a head. He couldn't do anything to conceal his white hair, he would just have to deal with it. He walked in and scoped the area for the two bounty hunters.
  5. ((Please stop calling me a Jedi. I am liaise with and represent the Jedi Council, but I am not a Jedi. I am a Blademaster. Try and keep that on the up-and-up. )) Xen-Que nodded and walked out of the ship. The repulsor trails swept Xen-Que's coat through the air as he walked away from the departing vessel. He entered information into his wrist-link, bringing Xen-Que's Blade back toward him. The ship came to a hover beside him. He placed his foot in a foot-hold and climbed into the cockpit. He followed the bounty hunters into space and followed their hyperspace trail to save some fuel.
  6. Xen-Que knelt down next to Rodya. He held his hand over his broken frame. He began to use heal the bounty hunter through the Force. "My name is Xen-Que Poleb, Blademaster liaison to the Jedi Council. I came here because the Force told me to. I would say that I believe our meeting was destiny, that everything happens for a reason," his thought trailed back to Midsengard. "But I no longer believe that. What I know is that I see a man much like myself; a man that probably shouldn't be alive right now. This probably is a chance meeting, but that doesn't mean we can't make a destiny from it." Xen-Que's features could be examined much more closely up close. No wrinkles. No blemishes, scars, or anything of the sort. He had a look of youth about him, but his wisdom and hair suggested otherwise. He got to his feet, hoping that this man would now have the strength to do so as well. "A storm is coming. I have seen it. And perhaps after we speak with the Jedi Council, I may have a mission of personal importance to myself."
  7. "Sorry to interrupt you two, but perhaps these proceedings would be better suited in more amicable environs. Unless your droid did more handicapping and sabotaged all your equipment, your ship should still be flyable. May I suggest the relatively neutral world of Dantooine?"
  8. Xen-Que's Blade scoped the swampland, looking for trace signatures of those found in the droid's inner-workings. He found a partial match in a ship that was embraced by the forestation. It was surrounded by greens in a way that would take years; had it not been Dagobah. This ship had only been here for weeks. Maybe months. Xen-Que ejected from his brother's ship once again, complete with landing sequence, and landed in the trees. He closed his eyes and focused on the ship. He outstretched his fingers and held his hand out toward the heap of metal. His eyes went from a comfortable close, to one that was creased with concentration, clasped tightly. There was a lifeform inside, though for some reason it was very faint. This person must barely be alive, he reasoned. He would have to be fast to action. The vines and shrubbery were violently jettisoned into the swamp. Xen-Que lifted the ship from its vulnerable positioning and cleared the area further before resting it down again. He jumped down from the treetop and approached the ship. He sensed the bounty hunter was nearing, and thought of bringing forth Narthalos, but his white hair and coat already made him visible; no sense in making his appearance look threatening. He used his extremely gifted powers to spring open the door, with much ease, and rushed inside to see a man crawling on the floor. Much to Xen-Que's surprise, this man was very much alive. And well. His physical condition was lacking, but nothing life threatening. "My apologies... I thought you were dying..." Xen-Que then realized something was wrong. The faint presence in the Force was disturbing. There was more to this man then what he saw. He may have acted too quickly. He was mindful of the man, in case he acted erratically.
  9. This was just plain weird. Engaging a droid in brute force like this bounty hunter had was overkill. He felt something more important was underlying this interaction than some lowlife bounty. He extended his fingers and lifted the droid out of the mud, bringing it up into the treetops. He opened the chest plate and examined the inner workings. It was very intricately designed. This droid was not made in a factory; it was handmade with great care. This was a droid built for the personal use of its creator. A creator that was no doubt nearby on this planet. Upon further investigation he discovered that this droid's primary function was not etiquette; but astromech. It was a pilot and it had equipment that complimented a ship. These protocols would be useful in finding the ship it controlled, and likely it would find whatever the droid was hiding. He called for his ship to scope the nearby area for a ship that matched the profile.
  10. Xen-Que was traversing the canopies of the swamp for some time. He went by largely unnoticed. It was impossible to stop the million in one occurrence of one of the countless lifeforms spotting him for a split second, but he hid his presence (and his being) well. He was quiet as a mouse, gracefully leaping and swinging through the marshy world. The forest stopped, as he neared a clearing. He made one final leap from the treetops, and landed quietly behind a tree stump, the Force softening his landing. He dropped to one knee focused on shielding his physical appearance, as the two sentient (or near-sentient) were not Force users and would not sense him through the Force. He saw a relatively hardened bounty hunter, who to be brutally honest, was acting a bit naive in the presence of the droid he was conversing with. Xen-Que felt not the need to enter this foray at this moment. Instead he observed.
  11. Xen-Que's Blade entered the murky atmosphere of Dagobah, making a quick descent to the treetops. He entered a landing code for the ship and activated stealth mode so he would not be detected by lesser scanners. The cockpit wheeled back and the Blademaster ejected from the ship as it continued onward to a landing site. He used the Force to break his fall and landed quietly in the trees. His glowing eyes scanned the area as his extra sensory perception searched for anything out of place. He felt a lifeform that seemed out of place; another human. Not many humans on Dagobah, so it was very likely this lifeform was related to the reason why the Force told him to come here. It was some distance away, so he began the trek through the canopies towards this misplaced lifeform.
  12. Xen-Que flew his ship off the ground, just outside of the Hutt palace. He had become aware of the invasion and learned that this was the place people were meeting. He had noticed a fleet nearby above, where he had felt a familiar presence, but he decided it best not go aboard. He continued to hover around the palace, waiting for someone to give him access. He had control of his emotions. He didn't burst out or anything of the sort. No, he was stronger then that. Hou-Jo surely perished at Neo-Midsengard. How could he have gotten off the planet? There was no possible way. He felt the destruction of Corellia en route here. The pain could be seen in his eyes. How he desired to see it for himself, but he knew better. He would perish if he went headfirst into an Arach'Tar invasion force. He could not recall if their prior invasion provided so much damage before. This was much more potent an attack. Their initial attack was brutal... and it was only the beginning. There was nothing here, though. He brought his ship up and made way for Gala.
  13. Xen-Que got up and walked towards the nearest exit. "I will take my leave from this world, meditate, and search, and try to see what else I can find out about this." He looked out to the sea of Manaan. "There is good in him, Isolder. Still... there must be."
  14. Xen-Que stood motionless, in complete shock of what had just happened. Aryian spoke of Hou-Jo's betrayal, that he had betrayed them in the past, and this was to have been expected. He made himself visible to everyone in the room. "Hey! That's my brother you're talking about!" Xen-Que collected himself. Such an outburst was not like him. He sat down. "Hou-Jo only ever wanted to be a Jedi. I don't care what just happened. He's not a traitor!"
  15. "Something isn't right. Someone has tried to tap the power of the caelstum I wielded in life." Xen-Que's physical spirit became pale, as opposed to it's original tint of blue, and was all-white for a few moments, fluncutating. "Something else has happened. The Rebel planet. Gala. Massive dark side presence, too strong to be any one person, just disappeared all of a sudden. No death. It just disappeared. Isolder, I hate to keep you from your personal agendas, but do you think it would be possible for you and miss Sunrider to investigate?"
  16. The Ancestor Spirit appeared in the room where some of the Jedi were conversing. He could sense his brother was nearby, but out of earshot. Isolder and Kirana were both here. He was only visible to the two of them. "Something else has happened."
  17. "Do not underestimate the powers of this being or you will suffer my fate as well. This weapon is powerful. Too powerful for mortals. By no means should you try to wield it. You will turn on your friends if you do." The spirit of Xen-Que left, having overstayed his time in this world.
  18. "Hello again, Isolder. I hate to bother you in whatever it is you are doing, but I'm afraid I have no choice. There has been a great disturbance in the Force. I have never felt something so powerful. I quickly searched for what was the cause and I have very bad news. Someone has unrested the Chaos weapon Esrever from its resting place on Maltauros. Whoever wields the sword will turn to their opposite religion... but not this person. He is strangely immune to it's powers and wields it with a clear mind with premeditated plans that the sword cannot alter or stop. The power of this sword is immense. There are little, if nothing, that he can't do with it. He can move planets, bring back the dead, destroy cities, and turn brothers against each other. Even from the neatherworld of the Force I cannot find out who he is. Either by the sword, some other enchantment, or albeit unlikely, his own power I cannot see who it is who's doing this. I have been at rest for too long and cannot communicate with those whom I had no connection with in life, that is why I'm telling you this. Whenever possible you must alert the Jedi and all allies that something terrible is on the horizon. I will try to keep you on the same step as whatever evil this is. We need to be prepared."
  19. An Ancestor Spirit made itself visible to Isolder. It let him know that it required an audience with him whenever he was available. It lingered idly waiting for him.
  20. A boy named Sue? Now I've seen everything.
  21. This is the beginning of the next generation? He looked at Locke. You have much to learn.
  22. Xen-Que chuckled, but his face became more serious. I'm sorry Valeran... but I failed. I'm still trying my best to help, I opened my brother to the Force's wisdom, showing him his own death... he must save himself from the Curse.
  23. A man walked up to Locke and Valeran, someone Valeran had not seen in a long time. Too long. Hello, Valeran. Good to see you back out in the universe. How are the Blademasters doing?
  24. UPDATE to Xen-Que Poleb Real Name: Xen-Que Poleb Age: Deceased (23 standard years upon death) Species: Human (Force Ghost) Height: 6' Weight: N/A Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Sex: Male Homeworld: Coruscant Alignment: Good Clothing: Robes Force User Inventory: N/A Possessions: N/A Force Side: Good Trained by: Valeran Trained who: No one Affiliation upon death: Falleen Blademasters Rank upon death: Ty'kaa Blademaster Xen-Que befell the Poleb Family Curse.
  25. Xen-Que thought she would never leave, but it was too late, she had already won him over. She left when he no longer wanted her to. "No..." He tried to follow, but he was nailed to the cross and was unable to do so. He tried to pull himself off, but to no avail. With the last of his energy, he ripped his hands off the cross, the nails going through his hands completely as he fell over. When he fell over, his feet were pulled through as well, not only being ripped open, but somewhat cut by the fall. His limp body landed on the floor in front of the throne, where he lost consciousness.
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