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Everything posted by Adi-Wan

  1. Adi-Wan


    * Adi-Wan eyed the schematics before him, and whistled through his teeth. * "Dex would be proud of his little sister ..." - he said, not looking at her. He could tell her posture changed slightly, and she looked as him. * He turned his head to her. * "What I seek is a lightsaber hilt, Sith-crafted, sliced in half by another saber. It's fused to a stainless durasteel linked necklace. It should weigh no more than several ounces. You may recognize the craftsmanship ... now that you serve the Sith Order." He looked at her now, finishing his sentence "It was made by Brook - also known as Jedi Gal of Darkness."
  2. Adi-Wan


    * Adi-Wan stared at something, apparently completely taken aback. He couldn't believe his eyes. * * He looked over to Reagan, and spoke. * "Red? Is that what I think I'm looking at?" - she smiled.
  3. Adi-Wan


    * A small, elderly man cleaning trash around the resort noticed a heavily modified Z-95 Headhunter take off from the resort, it's engines bursting the ship towards orbit, and inevitably to the far stretches beyond. *
  4. Adi-Wan


    * He took a step back ... and nodded for a long moment in comprehension. He pulled the cloak's hood over his head again, and bowed slightly at the hip to Tarrian. * "Now that you understand ... I thank you." - he lifted his head, and looked at her from beneath the fabric hanging over his eyes. All she could see was the tip of his nose, his mouth, and the shadow cast across his face. "Now that I'm back, Tarrian ... I feel that my actions will be reactionary to the circumstances in which I've been placed in. I walk no side of The Force, now. I have achieved the rank of Jedi Master in the Jedi Order ... I have the skills necessary to be one, yet - I have no affiliation with them anymore." - he turned his back and began to walk for the exit to the makeshift hangar that Ar-Pharazon's ship sat in. He stopped for a moment, and spoke, not looking back at her. "I tread neither to the darkness, nor to the light. I am only who I am ... and I will do whatever it takes to finally rest peacefully, Tarrian. I believe this trinket posesses the first step in that end for me. - and left the room. * He came to Tarrian's room, and entered swiftly. Tarrian came running after him - but, it was too late - the window had been reopened by the Jedi Master - and through it, he left. She stood before the window, staring into the sunset that was coming down over the grassy field below. She sighed, and shut the window again. *
  5. Adi-Wan


    * His hands cupped around her head, each palm covering each of her ears, he closed his eyes. She followed his lead. * * He thought long and hard about the time when she'd given it to him. She cut through the saber that belonged to herself before she was cloned. It was a symbol of pride ... it stood for so much more than she wanted it to. It was a symbol of times long lost ... but, she changed the importance of that one object not only for herself - but for Adi-Wan, as well. * * He thought about when she'd sliced it cleanly in two pieces. She threw him half of the saudered saber hilt. He remembered her words when she'd given him the gift. * "Consider it a sign of respect, from one enemy to another... you were a worthy adversary ... and you taught me something about myself. That little trinket holds dual meaning now ... given to you by both your colleagues and your enemy. That half you hold is mine no longer ... consider it yours... a parting gift if you will. I shall miss our encounters ... you made things interesting...Den"* Tarrian watched his memories unfold in her vision, as Adi-Wan remembered it. She recognized the woman as the one and only Jedi Gal of Darkness - Brook. A Sith Lord, once leader of all of the Sith Order. * * Adi-Wan remembered the significance of the object to him ... the meaning of it. That he'd earned respect from the truest form of flattery - his adversaries. Those that sought his demise. Beyond that - it was a constant reminder of Brook. She would always be the closest thing to a woman that he loved ... but, that was not in Adi-Wan's capabilities, as a Jedi Master. * * He opened his eyes ... and glared upon Tarrian, as she opened hers. She stared back at his dark brown eyes for a moment before speaking. Now knowing what it was, and what it meant ... and what Brook meant to him, she wanted him to have the item ... deep down inside.* She spoke ...
  6. Adi-Wan


    * As Adi-Wan rustled through the belongings of Ar-Pharazon, he found traces of the Force signature on certain objects inside of the room. After approximately four to five minutes, the Jedi Master realized it wasn't here. He knew Tarrian had seen it, held it .... she knew where it was. He walked outside of the ship. * "Surprise .... I didn't find a thing!" - she looked at him wonderingly, and rolled her eyes. * His joking tone left him. His face went stoic. He looked at Tarrian, and growled at her. * "As you know ... a Jedi's most fundamental virtue is patience. You're about to see mine run out, if you don't tell me where it is, Tarrian."
  7. Adi-Wan


    * Adi-Wan pried inside of her mind, reaching further, tearing down barriers. To him, it was as if he was knocking down a dry wall, breaking through it - only to find another barrier standing behind the one he'd just broken ... he kept his pace. Finally ... he broke through her last line of defense ... and he saw what happened to her, as she remembered it. His eyes closed, and he sighed. He could see her questioning whether this child growing inside her was from someone she cared for - or the evil swine that was of her own bloodline. * "Tarrian ... I'm sorry." - he said. Opening his eyes, he muttered under his breath, "You can leave me here now ..." - the door latch behind her blasting open, and the door swinging to an open position. "I'll only be a moment ..." - he said, as he started sifting through, looking for the traces of the item through The Force - althought there was Ysalamari in some areas of this ship, he was still very much attuned to the Force in this room. Albeit dark, and suffocating, in some areas ... he was able to maneuver it's will into helping him view the contents of the room for his lost, or hidden trinket.
  8. Adi-Wan


    * Adi-Wan pondered her actions. Clearly forgetting about his trinket for the moment, he was consumed with her reactions. What HAD happened in here? He was intrigued ... to say the least. * "Tarrian ... you're sweating." - pointing at her brow. He stepped closer. The walls in her mind were strongly barracaded, but ... weakening with each passing moment she was 'trapped' in this room, this torture. He pried some more.* Stepping closer to her - he spoke again, "Come, Tarrian. Won't you tell your old friend what's causing this?" He appeared to be compassionate, and reasoning with her - the first since she'd seen him again. "Was it Ar-Pharazon? Your brother? What did he do in this room?" - looking at her stomach for a moment, then back to her - a smirk emerging across his face.
  9. Adi-Wan


    * As Adi-Wan motioned closer to the door, he stopped, and pulled the hood down from over his head. His back turned to Tarrian, he turned his head to his right, and downward a little, so as to catch a glimpse of her in his peripheral vision. He spoke. * "You're guarding your thoughts against me. You're hiding me from something. Other than Ysalamari ... what lies inside of here? A trap?" - he turned, a hand outstretched - and used the Force to grab her, pulling her towards him, her body stretched into a backwards "C" shape, due to the speed in which she was wrenched through the air. * When she was within range, he reached out with his left hand, and grabbed the front of her tunic, and in a swift motion, spun with her - and propelled her through the door first. * * She was not hurt ... other than her ego. Although she was blocking him from getting into her head, he could read her body language, and facial expressions to see that she was less than thrilled at being where she was now standing. She stiffened up considerably, almost frozen in place. * "Something happen in here that you don't like to think of, Tarrian?" - he questioned, prying at whatever it was that she was guarding him from mentally.
  10. Adi-Wan


    * Tarrian suddenly heard a sharp explosion down the corridor to her left, her back against the wall, facing Adi-Wan, she turned her head to examine the explosion. She then heard a *SNAP* follow by a suddent, and abrupt *HISS* that she knew too well. She looked back at Adi-Wan, and realized the "plight" she was in. * * Staring down the blade of a yellow lightsaber, she recognized that he was no longer kidding around. This was definitely NOT the Adi-Wan that she knew to be a civil gentleman of the Jedi Order. This was not the man that tried to get her to remember the error of her ways. * With his lightsaber extended from his right hand, and held at arm's length, it burned the small invisible hairs upon her neck. He spoke, "I'm not kidding, Tarrian. I have no use for your games. Take me to his things ... or I'll kill you right now, and find my own way to it's location." * She realized that she was playing a whole new ball game. She'd knew that if she risked getting into too much of a physical altercation that she could lose the child growing inside of her now. She clentched her stomach, as Adi-Wan spoke again. * "Yes, fear for the loss of the young one growing inside of you, Sith. Come ... show me where it is."
  11. Adi-Wan


    * Adi-Wan snickered at her through his nostrils. * "We'll say I have a reliable, and trusted source, Sith. The item was not acquired by you, but rather landed in your possession through means in which you were potentially unaware, however ... I can see it in your eyes. You've seen it ... you've touched it, held it. I can smell it on you ... you know exactly what I speak of, Tarrian. I'm not here to play your mind-bending games, I'm not here to listen to what pleases you, or what you care to see from my attitude. " * He stepped closer to her, the torches illuminating his face from beneath the shroud. * "I don't know why I'm here. I won't bore you with the details, but when I passed ... I was stuck in limbo. A sort of ... pergatory, between the living, and the deceased. Stuck in the lifestream of The Force. When I returned, I could only see the trinket. It's my only purpose for existance now ... as it was stolen from me, and was truly dear to me. " * His head bowed as he finished his rant ... * "I don't know what my purpose is," his head lifting again to make eye contact, "but you can be damned sure that I intend to get what rightfully belongs to me now. Perhaps its the only way to set me free ..."
  12. Adi-Wan


    OOC: Awwwww! I was hoping you'd allow Sedaj's comments to stand. I guess you should go eat your kill, boy. IC: * Adi-Wan watched her turn to walk, and listened to her as she talked over her shoulder. * "What you wish, and what is reality, are two completely different things, Tarrian. Do not so easily assume you know my feelings. I have no fear in this Galaxy." * He pondered her previous statement. Reagan was a Sith now? He might have to pay a visit to her. Master Faust? He assumed he was a Sith now as well. Who knew? More over ... who cared? Certainly not Adi-Wan. * "Your stories of the past bore me. I'm only here for the trinket that Brook gave me. I do not care about history lessons, and frivilous information ... " - he growled. "As for your attending my funeral ... I'm sorry for the losses. I wish I could've been there." - a sense of sarcasm, and a snort-laugh followed. He addressed her assumptions, "As for your thinking that Brook had taken the item back from Ar-Pharazon ... I can only admit that I do not feel this is true. I can't explain it ... but, something is most unsettling about the way that I feel. Therefore, I know she doesn't have it anymore. As I mentioned before ... I have it on good authority that it is in your possession ..."
  13. Adi-Wan


    * Following her out into the passageway, he made sure that she was aware of his intent. * "I have it on good authority that you have the item that I'm looking for. It's the trinket that was given to me by Brook ... it was stolen when I fell to Faust on Kashyyyk all of those years ago, by Ar-Pharazon." * Adi-Wan noted that Tarrian straightened up, and stopped walking when he said the name again. * "What is it with you? Isn't he your brother?" - came the Jedi Master's voice, harsh, and gravelly from under his robe's hood. * She turned again to face him ... *
  14. Adi-Wan


    * He returned her gaze, cold and empty in its return. He spoke with a gravelly tone in his voice. * "I've come for my necklace. Ar-Pharazon took it from me ... I've been told that you have it. So, hand it over. I'm not going to ask again." * Adi-Wan threw back the left side of his robe, and revealed his lightsaber, strapped to his thigh. He unclipped the strap that tied it down to his leg, while Tarrian watched his every move. *
  15. Adi-Wan


    * Adi-Wan looked down upon her, sitting at her table, staring back up at him. He glared at her from under his hood. He shook his head. * "I'll stand, thank you." - he responded. "You have it ... I know you do. You're hiding it from me ... aren't you?" * She could sense something amiss with Adi-Wan. It'd been forever since she had seen him. What was different? * "Now, Tarrian ... I didn't come all of this way to have a cordial conversation about why you fell to the Dark Side. Frankly, I don't give a damn anymore. I'm only here for it ... so, let's have at it." - he said.
  16. Adi-Wan


    * As Tarrian was brushing her hair, peering out the open window, and thinking of her apprentices, she heard a loud noise, as if something made of glass had fallen in her room behind her. She stood up to investigate. * * As she looked in the corner where the noise emanated from - she realized that she couldn't see anything broken at all. When she turned around, she stepped back, jarred by what she saw. * * Shrouded in a dark black cloak, hood up over the face of the individual standing with her open window to his back, facing her, stood a tall man. The curtains of the window whipped in the wind violently behind him, and suddenly the dual paned windows slammed shut loudly. * * She reached for her saber clipped at her belt to her side, and noted that the man stuck out a hand, open-palmed, and he spoke. * "Trust me, Tarrian ... you don't want to do that. Not yet, at least ..." - came the man's voice. * His voice was so familiar it was odd. She searched her memory, and instantly knew who it was. * * He lifted his head, light hitting some of his features, he spoke again. * "I believe you have something of mine. I want it ... now. We can do this the easy way ... or the hard way, Tarrian. You call it." - came Adi-Wan's voice loudly, and direct.
  17. Adi-Wan


    * He knew what he was up against. He could distinctly see with his mind's eye the darksiders within that structure. He needed to use stealth to get to his target. * * Using the Force, Jedi Master Adi-Wan Tinova used an old technique passed down for generations in the ways of cloaking his signature within the life streams of the Force. * It was broad daylight, so he'd have to be quick in case anyone was walking around outside. * * As he neared the base of the temple, there seemed to be an apparent entrance to his left. He hugged the base of the temple, and knelt down for a moment. The back of his head touching the black stone behind him ... he looked up in the air. He felt something coming out of the entrance ... and in a Force-propelled jump, vaulted himself into the air, and did a backflip to land on the 2nd story rooftop ledge. He balanced himself with the Force, and took a moment to steady his footing before moving again. He peered below as an apparent sith apprentice was walking outside to survey the outskirts of the temple entrance, for security purposes. * * Adi-Wan smiled, and put a hand down on the black stone beneath his feet. He looked up the sloping rooftop towards where he felt his target at. Just like her, or the Sith rather, to give her the window that had the best view of the landscape. He remembered his entanglements with her, Bishop, Kaylynn ... so much wrapped up with her, their paths crossed quite a bit in days long forgotten. * * He moved slowly, continuing to focus on keeping his Force signature cloaked to those inside of the temple beneath him to the north of the rooftop. *
  18. Adi-Wan


    * Jedi Master Adi-Wan Tinova sat before the technical readouts of an apparent Sith Temple several kilometers from his current location. He'd have to move on foot towards the location, but he felt confident that she was there. He reached into the Force towards the temple ... and his eyes were jolted open with the flash of what appeared to be a Rancor in a room on fire. * "Odd ... " - he said, as if there was anyone else around to hear him. * He gathered his things, pulled on his cloak, and stepped down from his ship. Once off of the landing area, he waded effortlessly into the tall grasses of the plains between himself - and the direction of where the Nav Computer readouts told him the temple would be. * -------------------------------------------- * Coming over a small grassy hill, the Jedi Master stopped his movement, and viewed the dark structure ahead. * "There it is ... " - he pulled his electrobinoculars, and snapped a few pictures of the location on multiple zoom rates. He then knelt down, and transmitted the photographs back to his ship's Nav Computer. He checked his sabers momentarily while awaiting the response on potential entry points fo the rather large structure, as well as any noticeable security measures, and/or systems in place for the temple. * * His electrobinoculars vibrated, indicating a response had been sent from The Reconciliation's Nav Computer. He brought it up to his line of sight to check the read outs ... *
  19. Adi-Wan


    * Exploding out of a wormhole that transported via hyperspace a small, heavily modified Z-95 Headhunter into the natural space surrounding the planet of Byss. After much clarification, and repeating of codes handed to him by Kheldar in his packet of information, the pilot was granted clearance to land in the small resort location that his vacation package granted him access to. * ------------------------------------------------------ * Breaking through the clouded sky, The Reconciliation landed in the remote location of the vacation resort. The pilot did not get out of the craft, but rather stayed inside, initiating Force-frequency scans on his Nav Computer that he'd installed previously when serving in the Jedi Order. He scanned for the most highly concentrated areas where The Force was eminating from. She was sure to be in that location ... surely growing stronger in Dark Side of The Force with age, and experience. * * He awaited the return of the readouts on the Nav Computer screen with the patience of a Jedi Master. *
  20. Adi-Wan


    * In a small trader's village of Kashyyyk, a small boy wandered the outskirts of his makeshift home. It was getting dark, and he knew that his mother would be calling for his return soon for supper and family time before bed, but he was too busy at the moment to worry about the consequences of his delayed return. He cared not if his mother would be upset, as his attention was on a small creature that he'd been watching meander around the bushy entrance to his hometown. * * As he snuck up on the creature, the boy eased his small hunter's knife out of the holster upon his right hip. He crawled slowly, with the utmost stealth towards the small furry animal, ready to pounce as it's back was turned to him. He'd never really caught one before, but he hoped to show his fallen prey to his friends in the morning, and brag about his skills. They would be so envious of him! * * He crawled closer, and as he was steadying his hand, preparing to use the pointed blade to fatally injure his prey, it stood for a moment on it's hind legs - and then hurried into the brush in front of him. He cursed under his breath as he crawled on all fours towards the inside of the foliage, ready to attack. * * His head down so as to protect his face from the outreaching branches that wanted to scratch him, the boy didn't even see the impact coming, but he felt it. * * THUD * * He rolled onto his bottom, and sat, looking up at what he ran into - was it a tree? No. It was a man's shin. He'd never seen this man before, and he was strangely dressed with mid-length black hair. His icy gaze seemed to peer through the boy. He grasped his knife tightly in his hand ... as he didn't know if this man was a threat or not. The boy thought the man looked sad. Had he been crying? He wasn't sure ... * "Who are you?" - exclaimed the boy. The man didn't move for a moment, but then tilted his head. A small smirk formed into a wide smile as he spoke, "You can see me?" "Hell yeah I can see you - I can feel you, too!" - said the boy, rubbing his head - a headache rising violently. The man chuckled, before lending a hand to assist the boy to his feet. The man was tall - about 6'4" - towering over the small boy, nearly half his height. The boy looked up at him, and asked him again, "So ... ? Who are you? I don't reckon you're from around these parts, are you? You're mighty dressed up in some warm clothing for the forests here ... and I've never seen you. What's your name?" The man knelt beside him, and rubbed the boy's head slightly ... instantly, his headache went away. Another smirk upon the man's face, he replied, "You know? I've been here for a long time, and you're the first person or thing that has acknowledged my existence in years." The boy shook his head, "What do you mean? Who are you?" "I thought that I was free ... free to be happy, I thought I'd become one with The Force, I thought that I would have been able to serve the remainder of my existence without pain, or anguish from this ... this life. I was wrong." The man seemed to be talking mostly to himself, but the boy was starting to become frightened. His mother warned of the neighboring village's inhabitants, he started to back away slowly ... and the man, who was looking to the side while speaking to him whipped his head around to stare squarely at the boy again. The man said, "You see? I was wrong ... I've been stuck here, on Kashyyyk for years now. I've been trapped here, paying my dues for a bad decision. It's okay ... I mean you no harm," - the boy stopped moving away, wondering what this man was rambling about. He let him continue, "I am a fallen Jedi, young boy. My name is Adi-Wan Tinova - and I've been sent back to this place. For what, I'm not entirely sure ... but, I'm free now. I died here years ago ... and the only explanation that I can come up with is that I've been taught a valuable lesson in the ways of the Force. I've been sent back to make something right." The boy was dazzled - he'd never seen a Jedi ... a real Jedi, that is. He spoke, "W-w-w-would you like to come to my house for supper? I'm late as it is, and need to be running ... " Adi-Wan glared down at him, "No thank you, but tell me: Do you have public transports off of this planet? I must get back to civilization as soon as possible ... I need to head to Coruscant." The boy nodded, and replied, "Yeah, there's a hovercraft that comes about once an hour in the main square to take people to Kachiro, where there is public transportation off of this planet." Adi-Wan nodded at the boy, and thanked him. "Thank you, child. I wish you could feel the joy inside of me when you acknowledged me ... remember always, son - Jedi Master Adi-Wan Tinova thanks you." - and he bowed deeply to the boy. * Adi-Wan turned in towards the center of the city, and sprinted to the hovercraft landing zone. Nearly no one was stirring, or headed anywhere on the public transports - and he fortunately caught the last pickup of the day before the villagers turned down for the night. He sat alone in a seat in the middle of the craft, glaring off to the left, overlooking the life within the forests ... a smile upon his face. The driver looked in the rear-view mirror several times, and studied him. He wondered what this man's business was, ironically as Adi-Wan didn't. The Jedi, for once, felt free ... and in death, he was shackled unlike he'd anticipated. Now that he was again amongst the living, his heart was filled with happiness. He was not one with the Force in death ... rather, he was a wandering nomad, unseen by the living. He was forced into solitude, into contemplation of his living days, and his dying moment. While away, he thought often of Brook ... his encounters with her, his time serving as a Jedi Knight, and Master of the Jedi Order. He thought often of his time organizing, and fighting. * * He thought of all of his friends ... did any of them still exist? He thought of Sly, Mes, his former student - Orrick. He thought of Reagan, of Airleas. He thought of Tares, and the others. He thought of his enemies, that had taught him so much about being a Jedi - he thought of Tarrian, of Bishop, he thought of Ar Pharazon ... and most of all, he thought of Brook. He sorted them out in his head, and of all of them ... he missed Brook the most. Why? She was the enemy! She was a Sith! Perhaps ... after all of this time away, he'd had unfinished business with her. Out of all of those people who's lives he'd touched, she was the one he never really truly reached. She was the one that he longed to talk to the most ... but, gone she was now. He wondered about the others ... wondered if any of them were alive still. If they were, the best place to start would be the what was seemingly the center of the Galaxy ... The Last Call on Coruscant. * * He tipped the driver from whatever funds he had in his satchel, and awaited the shuttle that landed. He loaded in, and took a seat in the back. Amidst wildlife, and various other exports, Adi-Wan Tinova was blasted off of Kashyyyk ... his prison for so many years to a future unknown. *
  21. *Adi-Wan's voice crackled over the comm to Reagan.* "Reagan ... I know the last time you saw me ... I was dead. I don't know how, or why ... but ... I've returned. I'm very much alive. Again, you have to realize that you are in a great danger. There is a Bounty Hunter - Piccolo - and his crew that are tracking you - amongst many others - that I haven't quite put a guage on, yet. I believe he might be interested in using you as bait, to slaughter many other Bounty Hunters ... his intentions with you afterwards, I do not know - however, 50 million credits is enough money to make someone want to bring you to 'Justice.'" *He paused.* " ... do you wish for me to help you?"
  22. ======================================== *Far, far away, in the center of the galaxy, sat Adi-Wan in the Last Call. He thumbed his 2-way comm that he'd shared with Reagan, and flipped it on. He was alone, sitting in the corner of the bar, in darkness, trying his hardest to mask his voice. He whispered into his comm.* ((This is before Brooke sat at his table - although, posted afterwards.)) ======================================== *Prior to the Salvation blasting off of the Cloud City platform, Reagan noticed a small flashing from a Comm attached to her belt. A comm that she'd never figured out why she held it still ... she even thought it to have been broken. It had been nearly a year since she had even used it ... a familiar voice came across the channel, but her face was not of joy, but rather she turned pale as a ghost ... ironicly.* *Adi-Wan's voice came over the channel very muffled, and nearly inaudible.* "... Red ... ? Reagan? Come in ... this is Adi-Wan. I'm sure you're aware of it, but you have several Bounty Hunters on your tail. I know it's been a long time since we've last talked ... but, I feel that you are in danger ... let me know if there's anything I can do to help. I won't let you fall into the hands of a Hutt." *There was a long pause. Reagan began to regain coloration in her face, and after the initial shock had passed, she reached down to the comm, and lifted her trembling hand to her mouth, flipped it on, and spoke boldly into the comm ........*
  23. *Adi-Wan demolecularlizes before the eyes of anyone that might be present, and disappears from the Dagobahian surface. His force-presence is felt, still, within the galaxy ... but not planet-side, any longer.*
  24. *Adi-Wan felt the actions of Kirlocca - and was suddenly hit with a flash of the Wookiee's future. A terrible death would befall the Wookiee Jedi, as his carelessness, and belief in his own "Super Powers" would be his undoing. To see him moving from one area, to the next, and attempting to do things that were unheard of, unprepared for, and down-right illogical ... added to nothing more then a smoldering Wookiee Pelt when it was all said and done.* *He shook his head, and sent a message from his Comm to Kirlocca.* "Kirlocca ... you damned fool ... regroup with Bravo Group. I'll not have you splintering off to run amock of what you think you will. I said it before, we move as one ... we act as one ... if you're going to be doing your own thing ... you're going to cause the downfall of others ... and I also said before ... if you so much as bring unwarranted harm to any of the Jedi present today ... I'll slay you so quickly, that your clone will not remember what hit it .... now, regroup, immediately!" OOC: What the hell are you doing? Sheezus, man .... this is painful.
  25. *Adi-Wan Tinova watched from over the jungle-like underbrush of the hillside. As he pushed the plant-life aside, he watched as the attack unfolded. He smirked as Sly sent out his message for reinforcements. He turned instantly to the comrades of his group, speaking quickly, and concisely.* "Prepare yourselves for battle ... prepare yourselves for battle. Sabers ... " *He lifted his left hand, and dropped it while he barked his next order.* " ... IGNITE!" *At once, all of the Jedi of Bravo Group leaped to their feet, lightsabers ignited. Adi-Wan used his yellow lightsaber, and pointed towards the nearest AT-AT walker.* "CHARGE!!!" - he screamed at the top of his lungs, instantly - the entire Bravo Group marched fearlessly into battle towards the onslaught that they would surely receive. However, the targets moving towards the AT-AT walkers moved at an accellerated pace, and were so small - the gunners had a difficult time landing any accurate shots on their offensive rush. Once they moved in closer towards the AT-AT walker, Adi-Wan found cover, and explained his plan of attack as his group huddled around him, unseen by the gunners of the AT-AT walkers.* "I need people that know Saber-Toss, and can use the force to move items through telekenesis grouped with demolitions experts ... we're going to be underbelly of these beasts, and bring them down from their innards ... I think you know how I plan on doing this ... " *He sent a mental picture of himself shortly in the future doing this very procedure to every group member. He nodded hastily, and spoke in a gravelly tone.* "Hurry, now ... there isn't much time."
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