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Haruun Kal


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Krishna was rather dumbfounded about the news about their father's private library collection that words could not come to him. It also didn't help that he mentioned about Rajah suggestively, something that made his cheeks flush briefly, at a even greater lost for words. All he could was watch him sprint back off to catch up with Hou-Jo, leaving Krishna to lay underneath a large tree that he himself had never gazed upon before.


Very whimsically, the young lad stared at the tree's features, letting the small collection of spiders hat roamed his shoulder to cling to its bark, scavenging an even broader area then which they knew.


I guess I feel like those spiders sometimes... Never knowing what else is there, but... still finding the reasons to explore.

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At hearing Damons evaluation of his force jump, Justin's excitement was turned into disappointment in himself. He knew emotion was wrong, but the mistake will never happen again.


"Im sorry Master, it will never happen again."


He said with a long bow.


He then heard Damon instruct Stephen, but yet he didn't address Justin


"Excuse me Master, What shall I do?"


~Sometimes We Are Fighting For The Wrong Side~

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Dash awaited Cal's arrival for what seemed like an hour meditating as he slowly drank down his mint tea. Cal must have known of talons fate and gone after his master, there was nothing Dash could do about this so without another seconds wait he decided he would fallow Aryain to his last known location. Manaan


Dash preped his shuttle for flight and took off quickly breaking through the Haruun Kal sky and setting course for Manaan maximum hyperdrive.

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*Kitt walked around the jedi base for hours before he saw what looked like Hou-jo, just an older version of what Kitt remembered him.*




*Kitt walked up to him, and bowed before the jedi.*


"I was wondering if you could help me out with some questions my friend."


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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"Considering you said you wouldn't commit past mistakes twice, you just made yourself a liar. Stephen while not as knowledged and experinced as I within the force knows much. You are supposed to listen and learn. I will stress this one more time, patience. Learn it. If you can not learn that it will be your own down fall. I do everything for a reason and if you do not understand or like I do not care. I am trying to teach you what you need to know so you may join the order. If you want to leave than leave now and never return to the order. Otherwise sit down and learn. That is waht I want you to do. Is that clear enough Justin or do I need to walk you though every little step. Let me make myself clear, DO NOT QUESTION ME!."

Its a blast from the not so distant past.

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Scorpio's ship came out of hyperspace shortly after Master Nom's ship had exited. Master Nom was just up ahead hovering above the planet and awaiting Scorpio's arrival. After seeing that Scorpio had arrived, Master Nom made his way to the planet, and Scorpio trailed close behind him.


By the time Scorpio entered the planet's atmosphere, Master Nom had already landed. Scorpio located his ship, and landed near by. The Jedi Apprentiance embarked from his ship, and quickly caught up with Master Nom, who was walking toward the Jedi Temple.



Scorpio, dressed in his father's white with gold trim Jedi robes, followed directly behind Master Nom. As Master Nom entered the temple, Scorpio paused, taking in the scenery of this planet. He did not know much of this planet, nor many planets for that matter.


Scorpio grew up on Tatooine, and only knew of that planet until he was told to go find and become a Jedi. The only planets he had been to since was Mon Calamri, where he had met Admiral Starlisk. The Admiral had told him to go to Manaan where a Jedi Base had been put to train hopefuls.


There he had met Norm Hassan, and a few hopefuls. Master Nom came shortly after and took Scorpio on as an apprentiance, and since had been back to Tatooine, then Ilum, and now, Haruun Kal. Scorpio was starting to like space travel, mainly because he liked learning about the different planets.


Scorpio snapped back to reality and quickly followed behind Master Nom into the jedi base, uncertain why they were here, but also taking in the scenery of the Jedi Temple.


Just then his portable ship comm on his hip went off with an alert. Master Nom quickly looked back at Scorpio with a grave look on his face. They both hurridly ran back to their ships. When they arrived, Scorpio searched his systems for the reason of the alert.


There it was, or wasn't for that matter. On his navigational computer, The EV's location no longer was found. Master Nom quickly, after seeing this error, told Scorpio they were heading back to Manaan to investigate this problem. They quickly pack up their ships and like 2 blasters shot, zoomed off into hyperspace.

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((Well. I expected some reaction after some time. I was going to give you both a chance to prove your deication to the order, but well its time for both of you to step up and post.))


Damon heard silence from both of his padawans and his eyes began to darken. They went from white and slowly to black. The snow that his hair mimiced now began to dirty and turn a light shade fo black. The aura of sirenity and peace that circled him began to taint and darken. His voice that usally stressed calm and collected now screamed anger and rage.


"You are both ungrateful! I give you the keys to understanding and the force and then you throw them back at me. You dare to want to be jedi? I shall now alound such waste of resolve and abbilitiy to exist. I am your master, Yue. You should have listend and not questioned as much you insulent fools."


With out warning Damon with the force grabbed both Stephen and Justin by their throats and slammed them against the walls of the medition chamber.


"Before I return you to the force is there any last words you have to leave upon this galaxy."


Damon tighten his grap on their throats. They both started to breath shallow and their eyes started to whiten.



Its a blast from the not so distant past.

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After hearing Damon yell about his mistake he said he would never make, Justin was scared and felt something out of place. He was silent as was Stephen, then all of a sudden Damon went into a rage and had him by the throat. As he was grasping for air Damon gave him a choice speak or die.


"I'm not daring to be a Jedi, I will be a Jedi!" He gasped


"Damon you are not acting like a Jedi, now let me go!" He then continued.


Justins life hung in the balance, but if Damon didn't let go soon, he'd be forced to handle it himself.


~Sometimes We Are Fighting For The Wrong Side~

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Stephen gasped for air as Damon threw them up against the wall with the force. This was different from the way his master had been acting eariler. He studied his master's face and hair, they were changing color. They had gone from white to black. He knew exactly what it was at that moment.


He embraced the Force and as he began to lose sight, threw both of his hands out in a force push. Damon flew back against the wall as Stephen drew his katana and angled it for a defensive stance.


"Stand down! I may not be a Jedi Knight, but I will fight to the death for the order and what it stands for, now Stand Down!"


He didn't want to have to fight his master, but if he was forced to, then he would with the force as his ally. He motioned Justin to get to the back, if it came to a fight, he wasn't sure if Justin would be able to fight very well.

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Taking his last few breaths of air, Justin hoped that Damon would release him. At that moment Stephen used a Force Push and Justin fell to the floor. He watched as Damon was flung into the wall opposite of them. As Justin watched Stephen draw his Katana, he knew what was about to happen. After Stephen spoke, Justin realized the he wanted to help out if Stephen needed the help. After all it would all be in the name of the Order.


~Sometimes We Are Fighting For The Wrong Side~

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Damon starred at the katana and the two padawans infront of him. The anger flared and raged inside of Damon. The force lept out of his body and shoved Justin with Stephen agasint the walls. Their bodies feel to the floor like dirt.


The dirt and flith left the pure being that was damon. His hair returned to the color of the whites snow and his eyes the brightest light. Damon hung his head from his ordeal and passed out across the floor. Blood leaked from his mouth and eyes. Damon had returned.

Its a blast from the not so distant past.

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The Jade Scorpion came barreling out of hyperspace toward the Jedi Base on Haruun Kal. It landed in the spaceport with a large thud, because Scorpio hadn't regained as much of his movments he had hoped to by the time he reached Haruun Kal.


He would never forget his recent battle with the Sith known as Yue. And he hoped his Master, Master Nom, would safely get off of Manaan, but for right now, himself, Hartel, and Master Lotus, needed to find a healer for their wounds.


Scorpio fired down the ship, and ran back to the medbay where Master Lotus and John Hartel were. John, had some servere burns, which without his mandalorian armor, could have been worst. Scorpio, although, couldn't speak, knew what message to send to Hartel.


He slowly brought his hands a few inches from Master Lotus's body, and moved his hands up and down Master Lotus, as if trying to say heal. Then pointed toward Hartel and then off toward the base. Hartel recieved the message well as he soon ran off toward the Jedi base looking for a healer.


Scorpio checked Master Lotus's condition, then added a little more pain killer to make sure Master Lotus was atleast comfortable, seeing as how the burns were more servere than Hartel's. He waited in his ship for Hartel to return, all the while pondering about Master Nom and Faust's battle on Manaan.

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Hartel made his way into the unfamiliar scenery which was Haruun Kal. It was all a rush in his mind and it was all being taken in so fast that he couldn't possibly absorb all the new information at once. His mind was focused upon one thing, to find a healer for Master Norm. His pain he felt from the scorches upon the sides of his body were at this point irrelevant and his mind couldn't bear to even think upon them. It was a crazy thought but for the mandalorian it worked extremely well.


When he arrived within the temple he saw that Norm would not have been the only person to who was injured from the ongoing battles with the sith. He saw the wounded go by and healers accompanying them. Hartel followed until he reached the Medical Atrium of the temple. There he found an availiable healer and brought her to the ship to help Master Norm.


It was a short period of time before she had notified us of Master Norm's full healing and then turned to Hartel her face scorned to look at the burns upon the mandalorian. John looked to her but put his hands up to signify that she should not continue with the healing.


"My body will heal itself, it is not that I don't want or possibly need your help and advice, I just deserve what I have recieved and will fight it off on my own terms."


She looked thoughtfully toward the man who stood before her and nodded leaving the ship to Hartel and Scorpio, to whom John turned to and grinned.


"Looks like we both made it out again haven't we?"

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As Master Lotus was healed, John turned and asked Scorpio his question with a grin. Scorpio's voice had been cut off by Yue's special powers back in their battle on Manaan, so he nodded his head yes. Scorpio found a data pad and noticing he had his finger movements fully back, he typed a message for John to see. The message read " The Sith that i fought on Manaan, he cut my voice off somehow. I need to go find some parts to build me a new lightsaber, to replace that what was stolen from me. I will be back shortly." With that, Scorpio placed his Katana on his hip, feeling kinda lost without his lightsaber, but knew he needed the weapon still.


Scorpio typed the parts he needed into the data pad as he walked along the streets of Haruun Kal. After he was finished he headed down the street, taking in the beautiful views of the moutain top city that was Haruun Kal. He passed Children playing in the streets, and some of the citizens buying food from the local market. Scorpio decided he would replentish his food storage aboard his ship, so he stopped in and bought 4 months worth of food. He loaded it into his bag, and continued on.


Scorpio finally reached one of the shops on Haruun Kal. He entered to see a twilek behind the counter, and was greeted by the humble shopkeeper. Scorpio bowed and placed the data pad infront of the twilek, and pointed toward the parts he needed. The twilek replied "I only have a few of those parts, friend, but i can sell you the parts i do have have for a fair price. Just name your price." Scorpio just shook his head no, and waved his hand toward the man, insisting he named the price, for Scorpio knew if he typed a price, the twilek would not go lower. Finally, the twilek gave up and offered a price of 300 for the parts he had, so Scorpio paid the man, bowed and walked out, looking for another shop.


Scorpio walked futher into Haruun Kal looking for another shop, until he finally passed another. He entered and behind the counter stood a young human female, proberably around Scorpio's age, give or take a year. Scorpio walked up to the woman and bowed properly, then he laid the data pad infront of her, pointing toward the remaining parts he needed. She glanced at the data pad and walked off toward the back. Scorpio glanced around the shop for a moment before she returned, and saw a few droid parts laying around, and a few fully functional driods beeping and honking around the building as if they had no care in the world. This place was truly at peace.


She shortly returned with a few more parts including a silver lightsaber crystal, but Scorpio was still missing the hilt itself. "Where would i find an hilt on Haruun Kal?....Most of them are already owned by other Jedi" Scorpio thought to himself. Scorpio paid the woman the 200 she asked for the parts she had, bowed, and walked out of the shop. He started walking back to his ship, pondering where he could find a lightsaber hilt. Just as Scorpio turned the corner to his ship, his ship being only 100 or so yards away, a strange man came upon him, asking for a few credits to help feed his family for the month.


The man was old, but had a gentle smile, and a certain peace about him. Scorpio nodded and gave the man 250 credits, smiled and bowed, and started to walk off. The man chased him down again, this time saying " I'm sorry friend, but i cannot take these without an exchange." Scorpio looked at the man funny, but soon realized he was offering something for the credits. The Jedi Apprentiance looked down, and to his amazment, saw the man holding a duel bladed red hilt, wrapped in a soft blue silk-ish cloth. Scorpio nodded and bowed, taking the hilt from the offering man, and parted back toward his ship.


"What Luck?!" Scorpio thought to himself with glee. Just what he needed to build himself a new lightsaber. Scorpio took off quickly toward his ship, almost running over John. "Sorry" Scorpio wanted to call, but the sorry look on his face gave it away, as he passed by and loaded his ship. He dumped the food in it's storage ben and went to his work station. Scorpio first replaced the old parts of the hilt with the new ones, then placed in the two power crystals and finally, the silver lightsaber crystal. "Finally" Scorpio thought as he turned on his new blade. He now felt a little more complete, all he needed now was for Master Nom to return from Manaan.


Scorpio strolled outside his ship, and started practicing his duel bladed lightsaber form once again. Using the force, Scorpio blocked any and all non lethal blaster bolts that HK fired at him. Then he went to practicing his acrobatic fighting style with the duel bladed silver lightsaber. To many onlookers and John, watching Scorpio dance around with the red hilt duel bladed silver lightsaber, with his white robes and red hair, it looked like the first rose of the spring, surrounded by a snowy back ground. Scorpio finished a few minutes later, clipped his new lightsaber on his hip. He went into his ship to check on Master Lotus to see if he was awake yet, and to see what they should do until Master Nom and them return from Manaan.


Master Lotus was still unconsious, so Scorpio decieded to enter the Jedi Base. As he walked around he pondered about how he could be healed of the ailment brought on by the Sith, Yue. Scorpio hoped he could find a healer who could cure him. Just then Scorpio saw what appeared to be a Jedi Master Lying on the floor knocked unconcious. "That seems to happen alot, but only with Masters and Knights it seems" Scorpio thought to himself. He went over and turned the Jedi over. "What the hell?" Scorpio thought to himself. The Jedi Looked exactly like Yue. "Nahh couldn't be" Scorpio said as he shrugged off the thought. Scorpio tried waking the Jedi Master by slightly slapping his face.

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*Zhan walked around the grounds of Haruun Kal. The ship had taken him from Coruscant to here. He was still unsure why. He 'felt' something about the planet, and it drew him in. Zhan was completely unsure of what he shoudl do. The young boy walked through the city, trying to figure out what was 'pulling his feelings'.*

My-Almas-Way-Creation (1).png

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Stephen gently picked up Damon and carried him to a med bay and let the droid examine him. He then turned and walked form the room and began to ponder what had just happened. It still puzzled him as far as what happened. He would have to wait till his master recovered before he could find out what had happened.

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Damon saw visions as he was unconcuis. One could say his state mirrored that of a deep meditation. He saw a fight against another jedi as if he watching himself and fight him. Damon at once realized that Yue was fighting this man. He saw the dark gift that Yue and him shared come to use as Yue slowly cut part after after part of the mans functions off and with one final stroke abillity to talk. Yue looked differnt. He looked as if somthing had return to the being of darkness. At that moment it all came together. There soul bond had sent peices of each other across it and for only a mintue light and darkness had switched.


Damon awoke with a medical droid over him. He was bleeding from his mouth and eyes. The droids didn't know what had caused the damage, but it had stopped. Damon was exhuasted, but wanted to know what had happend to his two padawans. Damon left the room with a data pad and went outside were his two padawans and the man from his vision. Damons eyes opened wide things had taken another unexpected turn.


"Well. Things have gone places where I thought they wouldn't. Stephen and Justin, I will explain all in great detail shortly. As for our guest I ask that you follow us for now to a meditation chamber as I have an idea of why you are here. Take this data pad and input anythign you might need to tell me and questions as well and I will try my best to answer."

Its a blast from the not so distant past.

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As the Jedi awoke he came out of the medical bay and handed Scorpio a datapad. Scorpio followed behind the other 2 padawans toward the mediation chamber, all the while typing in what had happened.


"well, first of all, me and my Master, Master Nom, went to Manaan looking for the EV which had dissappeared from our navigatinal computers. After arriving, we saw the ship sinking, so we dived and boarded to find Sith Troopers storming the ship, deseperately trying to finish sinking it. We rescued a Jedi Padawan named John Hartel, his master died in the fight, and a Master named Maroon Lotus, who remains in comatose out in my ship."


"I was sent to my ship with John and Master Lotus. Just as my Master returned with another survivor, a Sith General by the name of Faust arrived and challenege my Master to a duel. Then another Sith by the name of Yue came and challeneged me to a duel. We fought and he won, but not before he cut off my voice and made off with my lightsaber. I, luckly, survived and bought the survivors with me, as my Master ordered, to Haruun Kal. And here i stand before you Master.....umm, i do not know your name yet sir. My only question is...Can my voice be returned?"


As they entered into the meditation chamber, Scorpio handed the Jedi Master the data pad with what had happen. He stoiod back and waited for the Master's reply.

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Justin highly confussed followed his master and the stranger into the meditation chamber. He didn't fully understand what had happened earlier, and wanted to ask questions but didn't feel it was the time. He quickly glanced and Stephen giving him a confussed look.Whatever was happening Justin wanted to know...


~Sometimes We Are Fighting For The Wrong Side~

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After hours of walking around the planet Haruun Kal, Zhan found himself staring at what appeared to be a temple. The Jedi temple prehaps? Zhan walked closer to it. He felt a chill run down his spin. Something deep down told him this is what he had been looking for. Zhan walked up to the door, sreaching for a way to gain admittance to the temple, bout only found a call button. Zhan leaned forward and pushed the button.

My-Almas-Way-Creation (1).png

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Damon was handed the data pad as they entered the chamber. Once were all sated DAmon leaned back against the wall.


"Ok. Where to begin where to begin. I guess for you Justin we will go first. I am not a whole man in any sense of a word. I am a man yes, but not complete. Due to speical circumstances my soul was split into two. A being of light and a being of darkness. When we were created somthign did happend though that was not expected. A soul bound was forged between us. This bond allows us to share memories, thoughts, skill, and now appearntly in the smallest of amounts influences. How much and for how long I do not know. However there is more, but that should cover your most important questions at the mintue Justin."


Damon turned to his first padwan now and spoke.


"The best way to describe what happend is this. Our soul bond was powered to such an extent from me being in this chamber exerting such power and Yue fighting and putting the mind techinqiue granted to him and now us apearntly. The bond had such an over such it was beging to fuse again. That is my most basic assumtion and it might even be wrong. I hope it answers your question though Stephen."



To the finall set of ears in the room Damon now turned.


"So your a student of Master Nom. I hope he is doing well. The last time I saw him was way before I became Damon. I hope he is doing well. Anyway on to the restoring your voice. The process in which Yue did his damage is easy enough for me to replicate. Reversing it I do not know. The way he did it seemes to border somthing I have came up with as well to a certin degress at least. I shall try and restore what was lost, but there are risk. If I can not restore you fully you might have your voice back only half way. There is one safe way maybe. If I can find Lady Ara then I might be able to have her guide me though the process and aid me. That is the guarnteed way if my thoughts are correct. Give me your input and choice Scorpio. Also, I am no master. I am but a humble knight and servent of the order."


Damon now looked at all of the jedi present.


"Well before we move forward any more, what questions do any of you need answer. If we go forward along the path that the force is showing me then we will have to move quickly."

Its a blast from the not so distant past.

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Scorpio stood there, thinking on what Damon said. "That explains it all now" Scorpio thought to himself. Scorpio reached out his hand, as if asking for the data pad back. It was given back, and Scorpio typed in his answer. "I must do what I must do. As long as the risk is only myself, then I will do it."


Scorpio handed the data pad back to Damon and stood there waiting for his reply, all the while pondering on Master Nom again. But he soon snapped back, knowing the mission before him needed his full concentration. Scorpio looked over at the two hopefuls smiling and giving a wink, as if saying "no worries".

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"Well then. I shall try my hardest. I will not let you down young friend."


Damon jumped up and rub his hands together. The force than embraced and flowed though Damon like a mighty river undetered and unstopable. He began to touch the technique that of the mind that he had. It was just as he thought easy to repliacte the condtions to a certin extent of course. Upon expection of all the connections of Scorpio's brain one was sliced right down the middle. A signficant portion of the conection was missing. Damon had one idea that might work. He could not fix this, but what if he broke that which was broken. There is a key differnce between fixing and breaking. Damon's only problem with this approach is a simple one, would it work.


"Ok Scorpio. You will need to embrace the force with all the power you posses and enter the deepest meditavte stance you can. Only then can I begin the break. Your connection to the part of your mind that lets you speak while severed is not complety broken. I plan to break fully and than break the broken thus reversing the process and negate the severing in its entirty. You will tell you understand when you enter you meditiavte state."

Its a blast from the not so distant past.

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As Damon explain the situation to Scorpio and advised him to meditate deep on this, Scorpio closed his eyes. The force inside Scorpio ran through his veins like a group of untamed horses. Although wild, it knew its place by Scorpio's side.


Scorpio concentrated harder, the spark of his force started spreading like a raging fire covering Kashyyyk. As Scorpio sat there concentrating, the break Damon was talking about came into sight, although it wasn't clear.


Scorpio started to concentrate even harder as the force flowed through him like a a sun crashing into Manaan. Scorpio couldn't believe how strong he was becoming in the force. As he looked closer at the severed portion of his brain, it came into focus.


There it was, the severe. Looking at it through the force, it glowed a bright crimson red, while everything glowed a calmly blue. Scorpio, using the force, touched Damon on the shoulder, letting him know he was ready. Now, Scorpio's fate laid in Damon's hands.

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Damon felt a touch though the force leting him know that Damon was to percede. Damon touched the void that was left and began to fill it with the force. The void filled slowly, but steadily untill it was on the verge of bursting at the seams. The remains of the connection washed into the pool of the force and started to swirl. It turned a bright white within the connection Damon channled his own life energies into pool of energy and open his eyes.



His eyes were now a bright illumated white light. They glowed as he prepared to chant the spell.


Kireme za togiretogire motte oite scorpio's omoi. sairai za gifuto, shaberi.


The severed connection broke completly disabling all voice thoughts and abblities for talking. No words were fowing from Scorpio's mind. The mind became blank except for the force. Then the energies within started to swirl faster and faster untill it mimicked the view of a supernova. The energies became black then burned a bright white that illimated from scorpio and lighting the whole room. The light slowly disperased and the connection was returned.


The light in Damon's eyes left and returned them to simple white light.


"You are now able to speak padawan. Or at least you should be."

Its a blast from the not so distant past.

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Scorpio could feel Damon's power as he spoke unfamiliar words, then his mind went blank. A few minutes later, Scorpio's mind return and Damon told Scorpio he coul speak or atleast should be."Yes I do Believe I can" Scorpio said, but his voice was alittle hoarse at first. "Thank you friend for helping me, I will never forget it" Scorpio said, and you could hear the hoarseness leaving his voice with each word until it was completely gone.


"Please excuse me while I go check on my friends" said the Jedi Apprentiance as he bowed and walked back toward his ship. As Scorpio walked down the halls of the temple, he passed a couple of medical droids. "You there, droids, follow me and bring the stretcher" he said as he walked on toward his ship. The medical driods followed with a stretcher still in their arms. When Scorpio arrived at his ship, he said to the droids "Bring Master Lotus to your medical bay and keep him there until he awakes."


The droids did as they were told and Scorpio looked at John for a moment and then spoke "I got my voice back man." Scorpio looked around, and then back to John. "Has your Master not been recloned yet? I did not see him in the temple and I do not see him here."

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John looked to Scorpio rather amused at his request of his Master being cloned. He had not even really sat down to think on Master Nadio but now that Scorpio mentioned it he was wondering what happened to him. Why was he not here now?


"He was a big Mustafarian Scorpio, prolly takes a bit longer to regrow him." John said with some laughter eminating from his voice. This came at a bit of a cost though for he tore a bit of his burn on his side with this chuckles and it began to bleed again. At first it was not so much blood, but then it began to gush out. It became a slow flowing river down his side and he was a bit annoyed.




John moved down the corridor of the ship and gabbed some gauze and some medical tape and bandaged his side up pretty quickly. This would not have to go on for much longer and he would be in top Physical condition again. If he needed it sooner he would simply grab one of the healers again but right now the pain would serve as a reminder to his ignorance of invasion.


He had dealt with such situations many times in the past and he was too passionate this time. He let his drive to learn block his awareness and this was his just reward for doing such. That and his Master's death.


John looked back up to Scorpio and then to his new lightsaber.


"I wish I had one of those. It would have done me a great deal of use back on Manaan."


His voice sounded resigned. He was bored of waiting he wanted to just become a Jedi Knight already. He seemed to be wasting his potential away by sitting around doing nothing.


"So how did you build your lightsaber anyways?"


((My Master can only post during the week. He has no Internet access on the weekend))

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"So how did you build your lightsaber anyways?" asked John to Scorpio. Scorpio just looked at him and chuckled, and said " I can't tell you exactly how, that wouldn't be right. Only a master or knight can teach you that, but i can tell some things". He winked and chuckled, and started to speak about his training on Tatooine.


"Well, to start off, we left Manaan and headed for Tatooine. Once there, i felt the memories of the last time i was on Tatooine, my home world. Well, after visiting my home, i had a vision, and found out that my father had erased a memory from my mind. The memory itself consisted of My mother's brother, tricked me into leading him to my parents. My mother, was i found out was Sith, and my Jedi father, were killed because of it. Then you know the rest until after Manaan." Scorpio said as a single tear rolled down his cheeck.


He whiped it and continued, " Then we went to Ilum, in search of some crystals, and i went out to find them." Scorpio chuckled loudly and said, "These white and gold robes came in handy. When i was out looking i came across the world's locals, and these white robes hid me against the snow. Later when i came across my first lightsaber's crystals, 1 of them were force sensitive like my mother's crystal i wore around my neck, and my father's aura came from it. Like with a person's force foot prints so to say. well the other was a crimson crystal, and i rebuilt's my father's duel lightsaber."


He thought quietly for a second and continued " Well, then came here but after seeing the EV disappear from the nav. computer, we came back to investigate it, and we came upon to find survivors like yourself. I am sorry we didn't get there sooner." Scorpio hung his head for a moment. "Then i lost the only thing i had left of my parents" Scorpio slammed his fist down, and the force left a piece of the stone crumbled. As he slammed down his fist, he sounded a roar of pure hatred, "SITH SPIT!


Scorpio tried to calm himself and after a few minutes succeeded. He calmly looked over at John, who's face was in shock, " Sorry about that, i haven't felt right since that fight". Scorpio looked around "I wonder where Master Nom is, and if he's okay, i haven't heard anything yet on this dang holocron."

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Kautra awoke inside a small chamber filled with funny liquid of sorts. He had no recolection of why, and or how he got there. He began to twitch, and attempted to sit up, but fell short of his goal, due to some wires that were hindering his movement. He could hear voices out side of the tank. They seemed excited, and rather rushed.


With a SNAP Hissssss a large door above him began to open. A bright light filled his body, as the young people assisted him out of the chamber. He was weary, and confused. and not sure of foot. His tall body began to teader over, but was caught by one of the helpers.


"Thank you young one" He said in a quiet voice.


Welcome back Master Kautra. Were sorry it took so long to clone you, but being of a different spieces, we ran into some complications. The young assistant said, as he sat Kautra down on the bed.


Cloned Kautra shouted in his mind he had no idea as to how he died. The force began to flow back into his body, he felt stronger, and more aware of his surroundings. The images of his life began to enter his mind, and the scenario of his death shocked him.


He began to worry about Haartel, and woundred if he had made it out alive. He inquired about Hartel to the nurse that was walking around. he described him to her, and she gave a blank stare for a moment.


Aww, yes, there was a young man here of that description, he refused my help though, he has been badly burned. If it were not for his armor, he would be dead.. The news of his apprentice was lifting. He had survived.


"Do you know where he is then?" Katra asked in a calm voice.


He should be right out side, somewhere down this hall, he has not been gone to long. The news made Kautra smile. He stood up, and grabed a fresh robe from the shelf, and threw it on.


He stepped out of the door to the med bay, and was greeted by a rather burned child, who was looking rather happy. Kautra leaned down and greeted the young child.


Are you the Jedi Knight named Kautra? he asked in a gleeful tone.


"Yes I am" He replied. The young one lifted up a saber, and handed it to Kautra. It was his saber that was on his body on Manann.


I was able to grab this from your body when you died, and I was told that it was yours, and that I would be able to find you here. He ran off quickly, and turned the corner.


Kautra placed his saber in his hilt, and continued down the hall. Where he came across his young apprentice talking with anther person.


"I'm sorry Hartel, but I was taking longer then expected." He noticed that they were talking about Lightsabers, and the process of building one. "I will teach you how in due time, young one. As for now, we have other things to take care of. When your ready, We will continue training, just find me when your ready." Kautra left them, and walked down the hall untill he made it out side. Where he sat and stared towrds the view of the mountians. He began thinking of the events that happened.

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Why are the Jedi always so cryptic? Why not straight forward and actually wait for a person to answer before they go marching off around the halls out of sight


John tapped Scorpio on his shoulder and looked to him, this man was hes friend for life and he knew such. He would be a companion to which he could forever turn to and this was a very promising thought that lifted the Mandalorian spiritually.


"I'll see you around then Scorpio." said Hartel bravely as for the moment he wasn't sure words could explain how hard it was to leave his frined there alone. But he had his honor and duty to live up to and Scorio would surely understand such needs. Hartel sat up and began to move toward the door when he turned around, his hair flickering around his cheeks and a small grin presided over his face. "And, thank you. Contact me when Master Nom comes back so I can know you ar ein good hands ok?"


John didn't wait for the response, none was needed so instead he moved out of the room, his cloak ruffling behind him, and he made his way to his Master's location. Hartel could sense the man much easier than he could many days ago. Perhaps it was the cloning process and he gained a higher connection to the force for being born again so strong with it. Hartel didn't know but it really made litte matter in this instance anyways for he just wished to begin training, to learn more than the simple push and pulls the Sith taught him.


Hartel approached his Master who was lightly meditating and made a small bow to him his eyes glowing with the anticipation of future training.


"I am ready to recommense my training Master."

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