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  1. Tros stood looking out the window Dralaloriya, his buy'ce still upon his head as he held one of his Wester 75 heavy blasters, cleaning it without looking at it. Behind him stood many of the leaders of the clans that have come to support him in his claim of Mand'alor. The discussion was centered around the battle plan, the path forward if it were. The different targets and movements along the way, but they all pointed and held a single destination. Mandalore. He decided that such debate was not worth his time at the moment. Egos were still at play and many would default out to him and whatever he decided to do. The main uproar seemed to be around the very fact that they now had a very small fleet beginning. Two Crusader-class corvettes, the Revenant and Zillo's Rage. They were about four days from the Keldabe-class Battleship, Colossus being ready for full deployment into action. He allowed for his clan leaders to suggest and debate such starting points of their war path towards Mandalore. He already knew where he was going to strike first. They weren't ready for it yet. Maybe two or three months away. Training and supplies were still being gathered. When a pause hit the debates, Tros put his blaster down rather heavily onto his throne chair that was erected for him. The movement stopped many from speaking until he did. He used the gap to move towards the center of the group. "We are not ready for any first step into our war path. For now, we need to pay a visit to our allies. We have pledged to help the Sith in their goals as well. A mutual agreement of working together. We have not seen them in awhile. You all have two months to prepare your clans for our great crusade. Until then, we do nothing. Kot'dral, prepare the Revenant for deployment to Ziost with a full host of those within Clan Solus. We leave within the next three hours. Everyone, dismissed." Tros then turned around and walked to his throne chair, picking back up his blaster and putting it within his holster. Upon doing so, he then turned and walked back to his quarters. He would visit Mavanger and see what sort of support he could lend until they were ready for their own crusade to retake Mandalore.
  2. Tros listened quietly as the two Sith talked. The conversation seemed to flow around a purge of sorts. It didn't sound like much of a strong opposing force that could be seen, so when Mavanger made the order, even Manda'lor knew it wasn't going to be very big. He took his steps forward towards the two now, Akheron spoke of a ship he wished to hunt down as well as purging the old ways. Upon arrival to stand fully next to the two, he turned towards Akheron. "You will of course have the support of Mandalorians on your purge. I believe that I can have a fairly large crew of Pathfinders and Huntmans at the ready for you." He turned to address Kot'dral. "Send word to Sutu on the Revenant to fetch Kami Larkin and her team." He then turned back around to address both Sith. "A small but simple opinion though... While not large, my Mandalorians have begun crafting their own ships. Not in a large way. Two corvettes and a battlecruiser. They should be ready within the month. The Sovereignty has not touched or even blinked at Qat Chrystac where our small shipyard is. If we are going to dig up old ships... off the radar would be wise." He didn't know how the Sith viewed the Sovereignty, or what they assumed their strength was. Although multiple leaders already didn't lend to a strong showing. But their fleet force was unchallenged yet, not even tested or seen. Any attempt to engage this soon could end poorly for them if they went in blind. And a ship, especially with one as the Shadow's Gambit, could draw unwanted attention unless handled correctly. Akheron may not have known that Tros pursued this Darth Quietus long before he fought along side Terra, and even before his time defending Mandalore under Kandor Fett. He had staked out many of the Sith's locations, but never had the chance to pull the trigger on the Sith. A regret that he still holds to this day.
  3. Tros stood upon the bridge of the Raven's Bane watching the motions of many move through out. His own eyes glanced out over the planet below. He held mixed emotions over the place, mainly due to being called by the Sith woman who took over after the battle of Nar Shaddaa, only to not address them or even acknowledge them. It was insulting, but not in a way that provoked anything within him, as it was something they were used to. He glanced over at Kot'dral, the only other Mandalorian still onboard the ship with him. Before departing their location of finding Mavanger, the others returned to the Revenant, the first of soon to be many Mandalorian battleships. The Crusader-class corvette was the first one produced, and was taking a back seat to Manda'lor's soon to be capital ship, a Keldabe-class Battleship being built over Qat Chrystac. He stood off to the side of the ship, almost brooding as he watched Akheron arrive and greet Mavanger. He knew the other Sith almost as well as he knew Mavanger. Trusted him to battle and fight the way Mavanger would. He was vested within the exchange, as he wanted to have something built up. To fulfil to the future, they would need to work together towards a common goal. He had hoped that the two would see eye to eye- but he had no idea of how politics worked within the Sith. He had seen too many leaders at this point to fully expect anything solid. Another change he hoped that Mavanger would bring. But for now, Manda'lor stood, brooding in the corner with Kot'dral until he was directly summoned or acknowledged by Mavanger. He would not risk anything that his new found ally was trying to accomplish.
  4. Tros pondered for a moment as faces and names flashed within his mind. The only ones that he wondered of loyalty in fighting were Delta, whom he had reports was now living on Concord Dawn an as exile. Terra and most of her followers went into hiding after Nar Shaddaa. So in many of his own regards, there wasn't much in forms of resistances against him as far as he was aware. He slowly shook his head towards Mavanger. "No. The Mandalorians that follow will follow me to the death. Those that don't follow are either in exile or hiding, or haven't found their way in support of Manda'lor the Zealous." Turning to look back towards were the rest of his party that now awaited him to join them or get beckoned to join were his faithful crew. His team that would light the way if he was unable to do so. He then turned back to Mavanger. "Upon more victories, it will act like a lightening rod, drawing more to the cause."
  5. Tros kept his own thoughts to himself at the inquire of Darth Calypso's whereabouts. He didn't know her personally, and she made zero effort to connect with the Mandalorians upon her taking the throne. While she made a huge display of power before the Sith gathered, she had not been seen since then. Or at least stayed well hidden from his own scouts and informants. For all he knew she could have been killed off by someone who was too afraid of the consequences of their actions and disappeared. The only thing he knew for certain, she had not been seen in a long while, and the Sith have fallen off the radar. As an ally, at least one had always assumed he was for the past 2 before Calypso, he would have assumed there would have been more contact to the major plan. Not just hiding away. The words utter by Mavanger next after he was silent upon the gap left in his absence took him a bit by surprise. He was flat out offered up the chance to be allies of a different sort. To be their own people, but to almost extend the kinship of vod from Mandalorian to Sith. The return favor seemed simple. Almost too simple. He wondered what sort of catch there would be to fully lock in such a strong alliance. Granted, neither side was all that strong currently. Scattered and divided on both ends. But upon merging and rebuilding, the two allies could become a deadly force upon the galaxy. If he turned down such an offer, he would be a fool, even if there was a catch to it all. "You have my word, House Solus and all Mandalorians who follow it's banner will aid you in this and be a trusted forearm to carry out this purpose. Haat, Ijaa, Haa'it." Tros knew that Mavanger may not know the exact words spoken at the end, but he knew that the warrior was smart enough to realize it was something important, and it was important for Manda'lor to seal the pact with the honorary words. Truth, honor and Vision were all things that seemed to be clearly laid out between the two.
  6. Tros stood, putting his beskad away, as it was no longer needed. He wasn't very good at using it anyways. A good old sniper riffle would suite him a whole lot better. It was a symbol, one that he knew his vod understood, and based upon the words he received from Mavanger, he understood the importance of the symbol as well. As orders were given rather matter of fact, he placed his own buy'ce back upon his head. As a warrior himself, he felt it was his way of relaxing with the Sith before him. He lifted his hand to signal for Sutu to remain with the Zealots, who had already taken a step back and fell into a more relaxed position, but not following. Kot'dral knew his place well. "Unfortunately the state isn't as you'd expect. When that Sith woman drew everyone to Ziost... there many remained, and disappeared. The silence and lack of movement was driving me insane. It's why when I found out there was a plan to find you and bring you back... I wanted to make sure of it's success. The Sith need you." Tros turned his head ever so slightly towards the hallway that the two were walking down instead of half looking at Mavanger. "There is no plan being executed. Not outside of my own. And I must admit that mine is very selfish, as it's only seeking to restore the power of the Mandalorians to be a great warrior race that owns Mandalore again." The words spoken out loud were something he didn't think would be spoken outside of his own warrior council. Yet, the state of the galaxy almost demanded that he make such a claim out loud.
  7. The sheer display before Tros was something beautiful. Not really the Force or its resurrecting power. But the grand sheer will of the warrior before him. The Fulgurmancer weaved his power and then attempted to hold his own will against Mavanger's now restored self. His death came at no surprise to Manda'lor. As the warrior now wondered who else might challenge him, he could feel the rest of his vod tense up. A slightly head turn to acknowledge what he could feel from them, he then turned and withdrew his beskad within his only free hand that wasn't holding his buy'ce and held it up. As eyes drew upon him and the Zealot's tightened up, a smirk came to Tros' face as he now turned to lock eyes upon Mavanger. He let his full mind and emotions be open to the Sith before him. The only Sith he would now fully follow to any war and death. He then slammed the beskad into the ground point down, followed by a quick motion of him taking a knee. With pure conviction within his voice, and with full authority as Manda'lor, he spoke. "Mandalorians follow you."
  8. Tros turned and looked at the trooper who had approached. He felt like he had served with him before, or at the every least saw him frequently upon the battlefields fought with the Sith. With the hard salute, Kot'dral stood fully at the ready for whatever words the solider had for them. Upon getting the word that they had Mavanger, they group moved to the hangar as requested. Upon arrival, the group slowed down as they approached the shuttle. All seemed to hold a sense of weariness over the fact that the Sith would still be alive, on such an old ship of all things. Only Tros, Manda'lor the Zealous showed no signs of hesitancy and took off his buy'ce, tucking it under his arm as he squinted his eyes an some attempt so see more of what the shuttle could mean. He took a moment to look over at Captain Ralos, whom he did remember exactly interacting with her a few times. His eyes then darted over to the Fulgurmancer, to which he gave a sharp eye to. The gaze held no fear or worry, but more of a 'prove it' type look. At this point, Tros was risking his entire future on Mavanger's return. The Fulgurmancer would either prove him to be wise or a fool. Now was the time for it to come to light either way.
  9. Tros stood within the general mess hall of the Raven's Bane along with a few other of his trusted vod. Kot'dral, the leader of the Zealots amongst them. Sutu Skoss stood closer to Manda'lor the Zealous over any other though. His armor clad in red and silver, with his buy'ce adorned with the wolf eyes and the crest of House Solus upon his upper left chest. He leaned in and spoke in a hushed tone. "Why him?" Tros turned his head ever so slightly to look at Sutu before he turned back to looking out the viewport. The stars echoed to him, and spoke of many possibilities. As he stared, he took in a deep breath before he responded. "Mavanger is a warrior. One who has fought many battles and wars. The Sith have remained quiet for far too long. If we are to remained paired within this alliance... " He turned and looked at Kot'dral first before turning to Sutu. Outside of the man, the rest with him were the Zealot's under Kot'dral. Known for their lack of T-shape visors and beyond aggressive stances, they were the backbone of House Solus. They came with Kot'dral unless Tros ever asked them to remain behind. But since they only ever got deployed on missions critical to the House... and this was critical to the House. "... We need to place a leader on the throne who will not only help us grow as a culture, but will also be a strong ally." He now took a few steps away from the group to deeply stare out into the stars, using his own HUD to scan for the remains of the fallen warrior. "And Mavanger is that warrior. So we will be here and an aid to him in getting to the throne of the Sith."
  10. A light breeze blew through an open window at Dralaloriya. It brought with it a scent of both plasma and fuel. The sound of blasters and other weapons being used filled the throne room as many around the city were training. Tros stood looking over a map of the galaxy with a few of his trusted advisors. Atin Skol, Kami Larkin, Sutu Skoss and Kot’dral Duvul. They were all very instrumental in getting the Mandalorians of House Solus to where they are now, the dominant House and lightning rod for all others to join in their cause. But now the group had plenty to work on and look to build and protect- a topic of which was the present reason that all were present. Kami was the main one speaking, her Huntsmen were scattered throughout the galaxy, probing and taking in information and relaying it back as often as they could. “The very fact that there is a strong Jedi presence on Falleen and Naboo right now, could mean we could come under a strong hit.” “There is no reason for any of the major factions to touch Almas. It holds no history in their last few wars, and therefore should remain a pass over.” Atin then looked at Tros directly. “The main concern should be on this new faction emerging. This… Sovereignty. A complete hybrid of the Alliance and Imperial Remnant. Sources are saying its setup would allow for much quicker responses and judgment calls. A special session is about to take place on Coruscant soon over this entire matter.” Sutu then interjected. He was go-to Pathfinder. The one whom Tros could trust with difficult tasks. “All of this talk is hypothetical. The Sovereignty hasn’t shown up in any force yet, outside of the newly called Sovereign Knights who joined the Jedi on Falleen. And the presence of Jedi is nothing new. They’ve always been around. Much like the Sith, whom you may have realized have gone quiet as well. Outside of Falleen, they’re attempting to stay hidden. Something I’m pretty sure we are able to do as well. Hell, even Black Sun has taken to more behind the scene tactics and movement.” Tros tilted his head as he looked over the map again. Much of the news and movements of others were to be expected. Him and Kot’dral held a few conversations about the Sith and the newly formed government that was arising. While he didn’t hold much stock in either being as big of players against them right now, Kot’dral did believe heavily that the Jedi and the Knights would be their bigger oppositions in quietly building up their own empire of sorts. He took a moment to glance over at Kot’dral, who held his own gaze for a moment before returning it to center. While he knew the man had a lot to say on things brought up, he had chosen to remain silent, leaving all other words for Tros to speak. “... Sutu is right. The mere presence of Jedi and these Knights don’t truly alarm danger. A squad of Mandalorians should be enough to handle them. Regardless of the nearby presence of outsiders, Avao has requested a few supplies. Our scouts have tracked down a few Kom’rk transports on Foy, along with the supplies needed at Qat Chrystac for the forging of our Keldabe-class Battleship.” Tros took a moment to look everyone in the eyes. “She is also near to completing our second Crusader-class corvette. Sutu and Kami, gather a few of your best and take the Adventure to Foy. Gather the supplies and the Kom’rk transports and bring them home. Destroy the Adventure while you’re there. We’re going to start abandoning the individual transports.” Kami and Sutu both turned and headed out upon receiving their orders. He now turned towards Atin. “I want you to take a team and travel to the Hapes Cluster. Terra traveled there, and I want clues as to what she did while she was there. Take Bloodlust and bring back clues.” Atin simply nodded his head and turned and left the room. Which then left Kot’dral only. “No Zealot deployment?” Tros turned and locked eyes with him. “No. Zealots protect and engage in House affairs only. None of these assignments I would consider House affairs. Supplies maybe, but it's not a super need. Therefore no deployment.” He then picked up his buy’ce and began to walk towards the stairs that lead outside. Kot’dral followed without any prompting. He almost immediately matched foot steps and followed exactly two steps behind him, as he somehow always did. “Two more groups of Mandalorians arrived last night. Seven in total. Claim to be of clans Lone and Spar.” “I thought Spar died out?” “I did too, but it would seem that there were some foundlings, and they have been rogue for some time. The rumor mill of Nar Shaddaa still stirs and is rallying many of those who are lost and without purpose.” Tros slowly nodded his head and then placed his buy’ce on. “Alright, let's go and meet with them then.”
  11. The Revenant pulled out of hyperspace above the planet Almas, home of the Mandalorians of House Solus; where the current throne for Mand'alor sat in Forard. Tros stood on the bridge, looking at the planet that he now called home, longing so desperately to gain traction that he felt his crew had lost since the battle of Nar Shaddaa. He stood surrounded by the Zealots, the class of warriors of Clan Ardell pledged to protect and place all honor upon their banner. They were the best of the best, more skilled than even himself. He knew this because he trained with Kot'dral, their leader. He always held an upper hand against Tros, but held back because of the riduurok the two held. If his better half ever decided to challenge him for the title, he would lose. He knew that for a fact. But the very fact that he would rather stand side by side with him and train others to be as strong, if not stronger allowed for him to always feel comfort in knowing his last day would not come at his hands. Even as he stood, he awaited comms from the surface, which began to come in. Clan Larkin, lead by Kami had reported that they were a few hours out from making planetside. Reports were that Gronn with the Pathfinders sent to seek out evidence of Terra's travels on Concord Dawn had yet to report in. Avao was currently with them, but he knew better than to question if she would be present. She took on much of Vulios' responsibility and how he presented himself. She would have her weaponsmiths ready. She had already stated that the Beskad Starfighters were in full production, along with the Keldabe-class Battleship. He also knew that she was secretly working on a new line of Westar Carbines that she hoped to have fully deployed within the near future. "Sir, the Clan leaders are all prepared with the few exceptions, should we proceed to the landing pad?" It was Kot'dral who asked him, behind his black and gold buy'ce with the singular eyeline visor that was now almost fully expected with every Zealot. Turning his head ever so slightly to look at him, he lingered upon his stance longer than what he intended or even wanted. Attempting to break to awkwardness, he turned his head back to the viewport. "Yes. Make all speed. We will address everyone soon." It didn’t take long after that for the Crusader-class corvette to begin its descent towards the planet below. It would be the first time a ship of this size landed on the massive landing pad outside of the city. It was designed to hold even bigger. A grand display of what was to come for the Mandalorians. They had a long way to go if they were to ever begin another crusade, but the signs they held now showed great promise. ************************************************************** Now on the surface, Tro’solus sat upon the throne chair in Dralaloryia. The building, which was designed to not be the tallest in Forard, was a strong fortress; a tribute to the history of every Mandlorian that came before them. It was the home that could rival Keldabe in sight of power. However, nowhere near as big, but just as formidable if an invasion was ever to strike at it. If Tros never got the chance to begin a crusade, this city would be legacy enough for him. He sat as a good majority of the Clan leaders filled the room, all of which took turns reporting on the progress of their own individual missions that had been assigned to them. As the last one finished up, Kot’dral stepped forward, who was standing next to the throne, as were a few other Zealots. It was a way of letting the room know that Mand’alor was going to speak. Letting the cue be recognized, he then stood up before the room. “Our future is building. Our time is brewing. The glory that we all seek has been laid upon a path that it would be impossible for us to deter from. Many of you have already done much to help secure our path forward. But many roads still need to be walked, many items still need to be procured in order for our future to come to daylight. For that to happen, we must all make sure that our clans are ready and on point. Pathfinders and Huntsmen must be ready to journey. Planets like Nal Hutta, Foy, Selvaris and Raxus Prime all have items to be retrieved. Our Weaponsmiths must continue to build our fleet and weapons for the upcoming battlefield. Supercommandos and Paladins must train. Zealots must protect the House and every banner under House Solus. If our crusade is to happen, we must commit to these things in the shadows. At our time, we can catch the galaxy off hand. We can prove our strength and vigor in battle against the Jedi.” Tros withdrew his beskad and held it high. “Strength is life. Honor is life. Loyalty is life. Death is life. We are Mandalorians, and we will have our great crusade when the time is right.” Upon his final word leaving his mouth, the entire room erupted in a loud chant. "STRENGTH, HONOR, LOYALTY, DEATH! STRENGTH, HONOR, LOYALTY, DEATH! STRENGTH, HONOR, LOYALTY, DEATH! STRENGTH, HONOR, LOYALTY, DEATH!" Tros continued to hold up the beskad as he looked at the room. He knew that the time would come when everyone in the galaxy would remember why Mandalorians were so feared. The remembrance would be brought by everyone in this room.
  12. Tros stood and watched the interactions of those before him. There was much strife and discontent amongst the Sith, yet it seemed to be a unifying point as opposed to one that caused more unrest. From a distance without picking up any of the words spoken, he did watch the Sith Lady who claimed herself to be the new Dark Lord converse with Darth Mavanger, the Sith whom he gave out some of his own to help him accomplish his goal at the battle of Nar Shaddaa. In many circumstances, he would have sought to find their readings through his HUD, to analyze and see what sort of tensions or emotions could be present. But for today, he cared not about it. He was here because he felt called, and the feeling had dissipated ever since the grand display of power from the Lady Sith. On his HUD, a message came in from Kot'dral that they had made it back to the ship, missing only one, the one who seemed to have been possessed by a Sith spirit. He paused though, not responding right away as he normally would have. His mind had slightly changed. It seemed like this new Sith wanted things to web and weave from within their own ranks. Did that include him? He had pledged his banner to the prior to Dark Lords, but this one seemed to be more focused upon her own underlings. It was all understandable, seeing as the Sith did take some heavy losses at the battle. At least far more than his Mandalorians did. Minimal losses for House Solus, and the support of other Mandalorians from it. He was in a much better place than the Sith. Slowly, he turned away from the Sith and responded to Kot'dral with his own comlink within his HUD. "Warm the ship. We return to the Revenant within the hour. Then we head home to Almas. Alert the Clan Leaders. We meet to discuss the course of action everyone is to be on." He turned around to observe the Sith one last time. He knew it wasn't his last seeing them, as no doubt they would seek him out. It was only natural to ally with one who may have goals similar to yours. Even more so to ally with one that could help you achieve such goals. And he needed the Sith to do their thing in order for him to get what he wanted. And he was damn sure they needed him to do his thing in order to get what they wanted. The small group of Mandalorians were back in space and onboard the Revenant within twenty minutes, and the Crusader-class corvette was ready ten minutes after that, jumping into hyperspace and headed to its home. Almas.
  13. Tros watched the display of great power from the Sith, but never once flinched or felt like he had to intervene. While it was something he understood what the Sith were doing, as even him as a Mandalorian knew such leaders could always be challenged for the position of power. At any given moment, anyone who didn't agree with him could declare such a thing and then the two would fight and the victor would take the leadership, the title. Mand'alor. The sole ruler of the people of Mandalorians. Such was the nature of the stronger warrior style cultures. Clearly the Sith were no different from his own. But even as he watched, he came to understand that there was in fact a new Sith leader, one of whom he didn't feel like proving himself to again. Hopefully she would be able to collect the notes from others on the situation. He glanced over at Kot'dral, whom he could tell was looking for threats against him. Of all places, this was one where he truly didn't feel like he had to watch his back, oddly enough. They were all too busy with inter politics to be concerned about what the Mandalorian crew was doing. He did catch a few others that he recognized from previous encounters, some of which he would love to have a drink with a have them share their stories from the battle of Nar Shaddaa. But he doubted such a thing was commonly done amongst the Sith, and nor was it something on their priority at the moment. Opening a private link to Kot'dral, he talked directly to him. "I think it's about time we wrap up here and head back home to Almas. We have our own plans to accomplish. Talk to no one unless they approach you." Tros didn't wait for a reply before he cut the link. He would linger longer than the others to see if there was anything worth staying for, but if not, they would all return home and begin to rebuild themselves.
  14. Gronn acknowledged for a moment what the handshake meant for the man before him. The surprise also for the fact that he traveled with so many children. Never before had he seen anyone from any culture have so many children. Even for Mandalorians where adoption was a normal occurrence, never before had one taken on so many. Kyr clearly was out of place. "I wouldn't say neighbours. We're here on a scouting mission for Mand'alor. He wants to make sure that our former space is still loyal and operating well." Gronn looked at the homestead in utter shambles. "And to maintain good living conditions. He would not be happy to see so many of these homesteads looking like this." He called in the others whom he sent back to bring whatever supplies they had to help rebuild the homestead, along with food supplies that would help the family survive.
  15. Tros watched from a distance, letting the Sith take to front seat of the show that what could only be explained as a show of power and declaration as the new seat of power. He was unfazed by much of what had transpired, as it meant little to him. Some of the texts comms that came through his own HUD offered up strong discussions and points of interest for everyone present. However, Kot'dral sent a personal one declaring that it sounded like they were not needed here. To which it was true. The Sith here seemed more intent on building up their own armies for the coming wrath they would unleash upon the galaxy. While it didn't mean they would break off from the Sith, it did mean that he was maybe less tied down to fuel his own people into two wars and could focus on his own coming war. Quietly, on a private voice channel, he responded to Kot'dral. "Yes, they are indeed focused internally. Which isn't a bad thing. We still have nothing to prove here, but lingering could gain us some more information. Our forces can withdraw back to Almas after this is all over. From there, we can prepare for our own war path emergence." After he finished, he slowly moved to gain a better view of the entire area, and every so often placing his hands upon his two Westar 75 Heavy Blaster pistols to make sure they were still at his side. He didn't feel like getting into a challenge with any Sith today, nor did it feel like the time to unveil himself to the Sith as Mand'alor. So he choose to wait in the shadows.
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