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Psyche had had enough of cold, so she chose the boiling hot crime-infested city. Crime-infested didn't bother her too much. She noticed her master's choice of reading material. It took her a few moments to identify the object.


"Is that... a book?"


If it was, it was the first one Psyche had ever seen. Fragile books had been replaced by datapads years and years ago. She was surprised that there were still some around.

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Finally, he found her, in a nifty little cave that seemed to hold several odds and ends that Armiena had collected, parts and doodads, like a small workshop only so much...cooler.


But Aryian simply ignored these material things, heading right to her. He wanted to jump forwards and embrace her, he had been away for a while, and a lot of what had kept him vigilant had been memories of his comerades, especially her. It surprised even him how much he had actually missed her, yet ever still, he restrained himself physically. Emotionally was another matter, and the other Master could easily tell the waterfall of various feelings pouring from him unexpectedly and nearly uncontrollably.


"I...I have missed your company, Armiena. It's been a while. I wasn't going to be here, but somehow, for some reason, the Force was pulling me here, now, I needed to see you, make sure you were allright."


He closed the short distance between them, placing his hand on her shoulder.


"Are you...allright?"


It was one of the strangest questions Aryian felt he had ever asked anyone, but he had a sinking feeling in his gut that if something wasn't wrong right now then it could quite possibly happen sometime in the future. He hadn't recieved a vision or anything of that nature that usually manifests because of the Force, it was more of a gut instinct, albeit a very strong one. He caught himself feeling very over protective of her, he pulled back a litte on his own thoughts and emotions, she was a Jedi Master, and very lethal in combat. She could take care of herself, yet doubt still remained.


He silently stared at her, looking deeply into her face, cherishing it, waiting for his answer.

Immediately reachable by  charlesjhall@gmail.com


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Scorp smiled and looked up.


"Why yes it is. They are very hard to track down and very fragile. but they date so far back, eaiser on the eyes and in my experience though it is limited far better than the datapads of today."


He looked down and activated the autopilot. It seems they would be jetting of towad the hot crime infested planet. Could be fun. He had been there more times then he could count.


"Well strap yourself in because we are out of here. Interesting choice by the way."


He leaned back and allowed the ship to take off and prepare itself for hyperspace.



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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Easier on his eyes? How old was her master anyway? Come to think of it, she didn't know all that much about him. The Force had guided her desicion to become his apprentice, and she had trusted it and him. Psyche sat down and buckled herself in.


So, our destination is going to be "interesting", eh? She took out the crystals and looked them over.


"Master, am I going to make a hilt for these soon?"

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((Dashel, that was a bit of a double post.))


"I... don't know. I'm no longer in a position to speak for the Jedi Order, ever since Hou-Jo Poleb took the leadership position. I only hope that Tzeentch, or whatever is radiating his presence, is on our side again." Of course, the Chaos Gods were never on anyone's side but their own, but being on the correct end of their enlightened self-interest was a far better option than the alternative.


Armiena was about to bid Dashel farewell and find her way out of the crystal caverns, but Aryian's movement took her friend imminently.


A multitude of thoughts flashed before her eyes; never before had "are you alright" been such a complex question, even for Armiena Draygo. She had also felt the ominous writhing in the Force, a sure sign that the proverbial poodoo was about to hit the fan; Armiena had received undeniable proof that the beast and her tormentor from light-years away was once again actively operating against the Jedi.


However, after months of sleepless nights, her plans were finally coming to fruition. The Esperanza was shuttling great quantities of aid to Coruscant's reconstruction efforts, and was only waiting for her signal to move onto even more impressive operations; her new tracking device had enjoyed a flawless testing; and the capricious whims of fate had laid one of the most powerful weapons Armiena had ever encountered practically in her lap. With continued success, even the Dark Lord would have cause to dread her arrival on the field of battle.


And somewhere in that equation factored the fact that Aryian had returned. Oh yes, Armiena was currently feeling better than she had in months.


She offered Aryian that familiar wide grin, ignoring the fact that a relatively junior Knight could easily observe the private moment. "It's good to see you too, Aryian."


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It was as if the two were intertwined through the Force, thoughts, feelings, emotions...all were as one between them for a brief moment, and Aryian had his answer before she confirmed it verbally.


"It's good to see you too, Aryian."


Aryian still waited a few moments more, still staring, searching for something, anything...but it quickly faded, his face broke into a soft smile of his own.




It was only one word, yet it conveyed so much, his entire trust that she was and would be absolutely fine. He still Ignored the other in the room for the time being, which might have been a bit rude, however his entire being was focused in on her, and nothing but her.


I don't ever want to let you go...


He had to force himself to take his hand off her shoulder, a very slow movement.


"If that's the case, then...I believe I have business on Manaan...I and others are working hard to find a way to bring back Master Talon, and I'm hoping to find something in the Jedi Databanks there regarding his kidnapper. I also read during hyperspace transit that there's hopefuls there, and I have been needing a Padawan as of late."


He finally noticed the others in the room, but chose not to regard them.




The word hung there in the air, both of them were seemingly waiting for the phrase that would have, should have come next. I love you.


"Take care of yourself. Maybe when I'm finished I'll return back here and we'll see about actually having a dinner we can sit down and enjoy. If I'm not mistaken, I still owe you one."


His smile widened a bit, and he relaxed a bit more, preparing for the moment he would leave. It all felt so hard for him, it was amazing how difficult it was to rip himself away from her presence...something, the Force or another energy, something was continuously pulling him to her, and this was the strongest he had ever felt it. Silently he asked himself if love had such effects, Aryian had never felt love before, true love.


After a few more seconds, he activated his ship via his implant, prepping it for takeoff.


"May the Force be with you, Armiena Draygo."


And without another word, he turned and silently walked away, one of the harder things he had done in his life. Odd, how dueling Sith and defeating evil came so easy to him, yet a simple thing such as walking away was so hard.


He contemplated all this as he walked to his ship, ignoring all else in his path until he found himself in the Pilot's chair in his cockpit, and then he took the controls in hand, blasting off of Ilum and towards Manaan.

Immediately reachable by  charlesjhall@gmail.com


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"You, as well." Armiena watched Aryian's departure, then experienced something of a full-body jolt as her mind retreated from the temporary meld. She had devoted so much time in training to armor her mind from outside influence that she suspected that her old bonds were withering with time and separation. Granted, in the case of Skye Organa's Sith brother, she hardly grieved for the death of the struggle for her sanity, but Armiena was relieved to find that her bond with Aryian was still alive and well. She earnestly exulted in his mental caress.


It was a small wonder that Armiena was distracted when she departed the caverns, so much that she nearly struck her forehead against a low-hanging stalactite that she should have clearly spotted by the glow of a nearby crystal deposit. Lachelle Draygo, whose crystalline home Armiena had retrieved before leaving the deepest chambers, snickered at her clumsiness but remained silent.


However, she enjoyed quite a laugh at Armiena's expense when she defeated the continuing snowstorm and finally reached the Ghost Breath's cockpit.


Armiena... double-check your course. You've set it for Manaan.


The Jedi Master frowned and glanced at the hyperspace course she had just calculated. True to her ancestor's word, she had badly miscalculated her intented jump. In fact, she had set a flawless course for Manaan--so flawless, she would have expended approximately 5 percent less fuel than her typical route to the water world, and spent an hour less in transit. If Armiena's mistake wasn't so blatant, she would have been rather pleased with herself for the superbly efficient calculations.


Muttering a short curse in Shyrriwook that tightened her throat, Armiena began to punch a new course into the Ghost Breath's navigational computer. The moment her fingertips left the surface of the input board, Lachelle Draygo spoke again from the gauntlet.


That's Manaan again. And according to my calculations.... it would put the ship in a geosynchronous orbit with the EV. Perhaps you should set your course while looking at the navicomp, instead of staring a few klicks away all starry-eyed?


"I am not..." In direct contraction to her abbreviated protest, Armiena Draygo began to blush furiously.


And now you're blushing.


"I hate you."


You like him... Her ancestor began to tease her in a sing-song tone. And he likes you. Aryian likes Armiena! Armiena likes Aryian!


"What are you, ten?" The Alderaanian was past denying that she held a certain fondness for Aryian Darkfire. She had always admired him and held nothing but respect for him... and when he departed just before Helix Station was blown into its constituent atoms, she had found that his absence genuinely hurt her soul. For the longest time, she had seriously considered finding a way to reprogram the AI he had installed on board the Ghost Breath to avoid that reminder of his departure... but now he was back. Exactly what that meant to her, Armiena had little idea due to her relative inexperience in these matters, but she was determined--eager, really--to see it through to the end.


I'm four thousand years old. It's impossible for me to act my age.


The rest of the conversation was equally whimsical and embarrassing for the young Jedi Master, but sadly for the humble reader, the Ghost Breath entered the Einsteinian physics-defying dimension of hyperspace after that surprisingly wise observation from Armiena's ancestral spirit, making further recording of the conversation impossible.


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Triani senses, outside their noses, were for the most part no sharper than a humans. Dashel informed him that Master Armiena's attention was focussed on the departed male in way he had not been deluged with since the Mon Calamari shipyards. It was time to go for that reason and one other.


His apprentices were on Tatooine and it was time ot retrieve them. As he raised the boarding ramp of his ship, it was with the certain knowledge that he would be soon returning to Ilum. One of his apprentices was ready to begin construction of his own lightsaber, while the other needed to select the crystal he would eventually use to do the same.


Besides, Dashel knew that teaching his own Padawans to seek their crystals would help him strengthen his won techniques. There waqs always something about teaching that helped make sense of obscure practices one felt confusion about after learning.


When the ship's pwoerplant and engines responded to his command and his ship was lifting towards the stratosphere, Dashel had Kala plot a course towards Tatooine. He went to the converted main hold and began to meditate.


The meditation opened him to the force. dashel found himslef looking at a memory of his journey to the temple at Coruscant. An unstable alliance with the force and no knowledge of his limitations had let his subconscious mind do things beyond his ability now as a Jedi Knight.


Kala called through the intercom, "Ten seconds till hyperspace, destination indicated is Tatooine."


Still deeply enmeshed in the force, he reached out and activated activated the jump engines himself.


When the meditation ended, dashel had failed to make the leap to the lesson the force had shown him. It was a lesson that he would have to learn the hard way. He rose and began to practice his lightsaber skills.

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Nom's ship popped out of hyperspace as if a cork shot off a shampaigne bottle. He lowerd his vessel closer to the surface letting the familiar sight of snow and ice rush his sense of nastalgia back into full force. His freighter splashed into the ground as a shower of snow was displaced due to its massive weight. He lowered the entrance ramp immidiately and almost barreled down into the snow. He had visited this world a countless number of times. Each visit however sparked a new adventure and a new experiance. This time however, Scropio would be in Nom's place. This particular Jedi Master would be but an obsever.


He fingured the jade green lightsaber in his palm. This was the first weapon he had ever made. He could clearly remember his romp into the icy wilds of Ilum equiped with nothing but his Master's weapon and his own stagnant courage.


In his other hand he held the crimson blade of a Sith. He ignited the weapon and watched as the red pillar of light illuminated the swirling atmosphere of Ilum. Small tendrils of smoke rose from the end of the blade as falling flakes of snow met an unfortunate destination. The jade green blade then came to life as if trying to counter the red effect of the other lightsaber. The two weapons met in an never ending diacotomy of purpose. On one hand, the green blade was made for the sole purpose of defending what made life worth living. Yet the crimson held the sole purpose of destroying it. Yet they were brought together for a common purpose finally as the both rested in the Jedi Master's hand. That purpose as of now however, was still in question.


Nom made himself comfortable as he continued to wait for his apprentice to arrive. His thoughts started to shift towards Revan. The Jedi Master had proven that he could and did defeat his fallen apprentice. But if such a run in would occur again, could Scorpio? The first step to answering that question was about to take place.



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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The Jade Scorpion came out of hyperspace above the planet known as Ilum. Scorpio scanned the ice planet below for Master Nom's ship, and after locating it, made entry into the planet's atmosphere. After entering the planet, Scorpio dove his ship directly toward the planet, and using the force, straightened his ship out to a hover just 30 feet off the ground, then landed. Scorpio was having fun with his new found power.


Scorpio dropped the loading ramp, and went out into the cold air of Ilum. Scorpio had never been on an ice planet before, and fould it quite cold. He looked over a few yards and saw the outline of Master Nom's ship. He told HK to guard the ship, which HK replied in a very lazy tone "Yes Master", and Scorpio just laughed.


Scorpio made his way to Master Nom's ship, taking in the scene of his sorroundings. But all he saw was plains of nothing but snow, and off in the distances, mountains with what looked like caves. Scorpio finally arrived at Master Nom's ship only to see Master Nom, holding both of his lightsabers while in the mist of a deep thought. Scorpio walked over to Master Nom, and asked, "Are you alright, Master?

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A subtle rarity occured in Nom's life. He finally smiled. The Jedi Master always smiled, yet not in the way he had done upon the arrival of his padawan. This was a simple smile in response to that particular moment in life. For the first time in as long as he could remember, the Jedi Master looked on to his surroundings and situation with a sense of joy, as if he wanted to be no other place. The bonds couldn't help but reveal themsevles between now and his own days as a padawan. That day amoung the same caves was the first time he had weilded a lightsaber and used it to defend himself. Now it was Scorpio's chance to do the same.


"Within these caves are a small patch of crystal that you need to locate. They will be used to construct a lightsaber." The Jedi Master produced a small box from his pocket and handed it to his apprentice. "These are the parts you need aside from the crystal." Nom then unclipped his own weapon and handed it to his apprentice, just as his own master had done for him. "Use my lightsaber as a guide.'


He turned letting his hair catch the drifts of snow falling slowly to the ground. Oh and be careful, some of the native creatures can get pretty nasty. May the Force be with you."



OOC: You can either do this two ways. You can either maticulusy go through and post in a lot of detail the construction of your lightsaber. Or you can have some kind of vision of significance and awaken with your lightsaber made through the Force. Either way works.



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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After Master Nom handed a box and his lightsaber over to Scorpio, he proceeded to speak. " Use my lightsaber as a guide",and as he turned, he also said, " Oh and be careful, some of the natives can get pretty nasty. Master Nom then said farewell to Scorpio, and Scorpio proceeded back to his ship for a few things. Since Scorpio knew they were on a potentially hostile world, and almost everything was covered in snow, he thought it to be a good ideal to change into his father's white Jedi robes.


When Scorpio came out his ship, the solid white robes blended perefctly well with the snowy surroundings, all but the gold trim could you see. Cliped to one of his hips, he had Master Nom's lightsaber, and clipped to his other hip was his father's white with gold trim destroyed double bladed hilt. Scorpio felt that in remeberance of his parents, he would combine their most prized posessions and to honor them.


Scorpio took off into the caves, taking in the beauty of the ice world. He passed many caves, and after a while heard a large growl. He dove behind a snow bank, and covered himself with the white cape that was hanging from the white robes, and the snow hid the rest. If you didn't know he was there, you wouldn't have. Just then, three Gorgodons walked by, stopping to smell the air which was filled with the scent of the Jedi Apprentiance. They were standing only feet away from him, and he laid there quietly until they walked on.


After waiting a few minutes, Scorpio got up to find them long gone. Scorpio hurriedly took off searching the caves. He passed through about five caves until he came upon one with a strange but familiar feeling coming from it. Scorpio curiously went into it and after reaching the very back of it, stumbled upon a couple of small patches of cyrstals. He felt a strong connection with two of them, the first seemed to be a power crystal, which he felt the presence of his father in.


The strange crystal looked a very strange green like texture, but retained a very calm feeling about it. And the second, which appeared to be a color crystal, also held a calmly peace feeling about it, but had a crimson texture to it. Scorpio knew red lightsaber crystals held very dark ties with the Sith, but this one called very strongly to the Jedi Apprentiance. Scorpio knew the force always meant for what happens, so he grabbed the red lightsaber crystal as well and headed very quickly back to his ship.


Shortly after arriving back at his ship, Scorpio walked in and stood at his work station, and went to work putting the lightsaber together. First he opened up Master Nom's lightsaber to see how it exactly was meant to look like, and after putting Master Nom's back togther, went to work on his. First, he laid his father's lightsaber up on the table, took the parts that were destroyed so long ago, and replaced the parts with the new ones, which fit perfectly. Scorpio looked down in amazement at how perfectly his lightsaber was coming together. It was almost as if it was meant to be, which Scorpio felt very strongly about was the case.


Scorpio then proceeded to place the crystals in. First Scorpio placed in the power crystal he had found, the one that he felt his father's presence in. The Second was the power crystal he wore around his neck, the force sensitive crystal that his mother had found in the Dantooine crystal caves. That crystal held the fingerprints, so to say, of his mother's force. And lastly, He put in the red color crystal he had found in the cave with the power crystal. Finally, his lightsaber had been constructed, and it looked almost as good as Master Nom's.


After walking outside his ship, Scorpio turned it on, the duel red blades shot out of both ends, and it looked almost poetic. There stood the red headed Scorpio, surrounded by white snow, with his father's white Jedi robes with gold trim on, and a red double bladed lightsaber. Scorpio slung the red bladed duel lightsaber around, slowly at first, but soon picked up speed as he became used to the duel blades. It was almost as if Scorpio was performing a lighted dance in the snow of Ilum.


Scorpio quit playing with his new lightsaber and procceded over towards Master Nom who seemly was watching on as Scorpio played with the lightsaber. When Scorpio finally reached Master Nom, he bowed and offered the white with gold trim lightsaber over to Master Nom for inspection. "What do you think Master? Scorpio said. He then handed Master Nom's lightsaber to him as well, and waited on Master Nom's assessment of Scorpio's newly rebuilt lightsaber.

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Nom let the handle of the lightsaber rest in his hands for a moment. It was slightly heavier than his own and upon pressing the activation stud, he understood why. Two crimson beams of energy poured from either end. The lightsaber then proceeded to hum in its own consistant state of activity.


A red lightsaber... The Jedi Master couldn't help but wonder why his blade took on that color. It was quite remeniscant of his old red blade which he had constructed on this very same world. That particular weapon was destroyed long ago.


"You have done well. Unfortunately I do not possess the skills to manuver a double bladed like you have constructed. This will leave your fighting skills up to you and you alone."


"That is why when traveling through hyperspace, I want you to practice on your own. "


The Jedi Master turned to enter his own vessel after checking to make sure his own lightsaber was functional. "Set a course for Haruun Kal."


OOC: You can post us arriving, but post in the space thread practicing with the blade. You actually do have to devote posts to developing a double bladed form. So now is a good chance to start doing that.



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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"Yes Master Nom" Scorpio said as he bowed after Master Nom told him to practice with the double bladed lightsaber. Scorpio started walking back to his ship.


Scorpio clipped the lightsaber to his hip, and for the first time, felt the weight of the lightsaber that he always heard of. How so much of a simply thing could weight on a jedi's hip.


He finally understood that the weight was not caused by the lightsaber itself, but of the burdon to protect the lives of the innocent and their constant battle with evil. Scorpio shook his head, wondering where the thought had came from, and continued on to his ship.


Once he had arrived, he loaded HK & R2 onto his ship, and plotted a course for Haruun Kal. Shortly after, Master Nom had lifted off and shot off into hyperspace. Scorpio then lifted his ship as well, and dotted out of the planet's atmosphere and into hyperspace.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aryian's ship pulled out of hyperspace, quickly making the descent into Ilum's atmosphere and landing at the Jedi Temple. Medical droids met Aryian as he walked down the ramp, taking Orsi's body from him and transporting him to the medical wing. Aryian would meet him later, but for now he checked over the information he ripped from the console on Coruscant, checking the infomation thoroughly. He would be too tired after he attended to his padawan to look over it like he wanted to, and there was a lot of important information that he needed to know.




Nearly an hour later, Aryian found himself at the medical wing, over Orsi's limp body, and began a process he had not done in a long time. Putting one hand on the young man's head and the other on his chest, he concentrated, putting his whole being into searching the young man's body for tiny particles of poison, calmly snatching them with the force and bushing them towards Orsi's fingertips, which was hanging over a large bowl. Every now and then in the hours Aryian worked, a gooey orangish drip would drop from his fingers, splashing into the bowl.


The process was long and involved, and even for a Jedi Master, extremely tiring.




Hours later, Aryian sat exhausted next to Orsi's body, the droids already having disposed of the toxic substances, identified as the stuff found in Death sticks. He already knew what Orsi had done, but a confirmation only proved it. Calmly, he released the healing trance on Orsi, allowing the youth to slowly wake up. As soon as he was conscious enough, Aryian spoke, trusting that he would hear.


"You will still feel the want, but it will only be mental. I freed you from the physical draw of the drug. It is up to you whether or not you wish to continue to use it, but you should know that it deadens your connection to the Force. The more you use it, the weaker you become. As soon as you feel well enough to see me, you should. Your things you had when I came in on Coruscant are in a nightstand to your left."


Aryian pushed himself up shakily, and walked out of the small room, leaving Orsi to himself for the time being. weakly, he made his way to a meditation chamber to concentrate on the force and replenish his internal resorvoirs.

Immediately reachable by  charlesjhall@gmail.com


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Orsi felt his body go warm and fuzzy, a side effect from Aryians healing trance, then felt his body go limp and entered into a peaceful sleep. The young Jedi did not sleep easily though, he felt himself moving through space to Ilum.


Once at the Jedi temple there Orsi felt a terrible pain. He felt the poisons in his system being physically pulled out of him. The process was not a gentle one, and pain permeated his every fiber as Aryian did the necessary work to relieve the young padawan of his physical addiction to the narcotic.


At once Orsi felt the need for his drug, he could feel the pain and anguish in himself that the deathsticks would keep at bay. The pain was for his lost family, but the pain quickly turned to rage at the Empire. The young padawan still could not move, but heard his master speak, ”œ"You will still feel the want, but it will only be mental. I freed you from the physical draw of the drug. It is up to you whether or not you wish to continue to use it, but you should know that it deadens your connection to the Force. The more you use it, the weaker you become. As soon as you feel well enough to see me, you should. Your things you had when I came in on Coruscant are in a nightstand to your left."


After a few minutes Orsi sat up, his rage a fierce beacon amongst the cold of the planet. He felt his hatred for the Empire, he remembered how in his younger days it taught him everything about life. Parents could be lost, so could passions, loves, possessions, but he could never rid himself of the cold hatred eating at his stomach. Even the Force technique that Master Aryian had preformed only took a small amount of the emotions that Orsi had kept at bay, both through shear force of will and his use of drugs.


It took Orsi half an hour to control and subdue his emotions. Only then did he begin his journey to find Aryian, asking adepts and droids on the way for directions. He walked into the meditation chamber that Aryian was in, but it seamed as if the Master had already felt his padawans presence, his anger, his pain, and the hate that these emotions brought. Orsi slowly unbuckled his belt, tossing it in front of the Jedi Master. ”œI want to learn.”

Duty subdues Instinct

Grace repels Darkness

Law smothers Anarchy

Reason exposes Deception

Truth tempers Fanaticism


Remember these principles my child

And you shall never be led astray.

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Aryian said nothing, still in a weakened state of semiconsciousness. He merely lifted the belt with the Force and levitated it in front of his Padawan, the twin daggers hanging limply in their sheaths. It wasn't easy for Aryian to do at this point, but the exercise did him well. His voice wasn't what Orsi knew as his normal tone, rather a hushed rasp of fatigue.


"You passed the test."


Aryian waited for Orsi to take it, not waiting for his reply, yet he could still feel Orsi's mental shock at the statement.


"You see, all I wanted you to really do was trust me. Until you could let go, to fully give yourself to me, to trust me with the very thing you held dearest, I would never be sure that you would listen to my advice, that you could really learn from me. I said I would return them to you when the time was right. The time is right. I no longer believe you could be influenced by their past, now that you know you have to forge your own future from their ashes.


"I believed you were partially under their influence, but I was wrong. You are their child, you have both of them in you, in your heart. The only way to calm your father's rage is to learn it, understand it, and live with the burden. I would wish nothing else upon you, for I tried to live without my burden, and found myself incomplete. Only after I accepted who I truly was did I come to realize that I didn't have to be that way, and could still live with my demons."


Aryian gestured for Orsi to sit, ignoring the flood of questions that no doubt poured through Orsi's mind.


"You wish to learn, and so I will teach. It is high time you were taught. We will begin with Levitation."


Straining, Aryian reached over, pulling a basket of pebbles out from the shadows to in front of him, between the two.


"The Force is more than simply Midichorians concentrated in one particular thing, such as they are concentrated in you and I. It is a semisentient energy field tying the galaxy together, every living being, every rock, every drop of water...everything has midichlorians living with it. We are symbiotes, the Jedi and the Midichlorians, yet the Midichlorians are not the Force, they only allow us to access the force and feel its eddies and tides.


"It allows us to do many things, such as telepathy, various manifestations of telekinesis, and many other physical and mental enhancements the more we trust in it. The Sith teach that the Force is a tool, one to be used to gain further power from, yet I believe it is as much of something to be respected as you or I or any other sentient. Telekinesis is not a difficult task, Jedi of this day and age use it on a regular basis, and by far it has its uses. All you really need to do is visualize the object in your mind while connected to the force, and imagine it moving. You'll be able to feel its weight, its composition, everything about it. You will be one with it."


Aryian shifted in his seating, pausing in the lecture momentarily so that Orsi would be able to absorb the information.


"Now, try it for yourself."

Immediately reachable by  charlesjhall@gmail.com


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((That is the best I have heard the relationship between Midichlorenes in episode one and Yoda's speech in episode five, cool beens!))


Orsi watched as his master gave him permission almost immediately to hold his parents legacy again. For just a moment Orsi realized what he had done: He had let go of his parents, stopped caring for them out of anger and pain. Orsi was swallowed by shame and grief as he strapped the belt back on, feeling the familiar dewback leather, the worn hilts, and the crystals that had his parents essences trapped in them.


Orsi then looked upon his master, now considerably weaker. He wondered if this person ever cared what losing his parents again could do to Orsi. I will never be able to grow if I don't stop behaving like a child. Orsi felt his anger, shame, and mingled guilt tear at his soul.


Orsi listened intently on his master's explanation of midichlorenes and the Force, paying attention to the fact that he had more midichlorenes than most people and that this fact allowed him access to a powerful tool, but also a powerful ally. Orsi was pondering the implications of this, wondering exactly how much of an asset the Force could be and how much it could end up crippling him in the end.


”˜Now, try it for yourself,”

Duty subdues Instinct

Grace repels Darkness

Law smothers Anarchy

Reason exposes Deception

Truth tempers Fanaticism


Remember these principles my child

And you shall never be led astray.

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((Heh...you're welcome, I suppose... ))


Aryian merely smiled, knowing that many Padawans failed at their first attempt at several things. Few Padawans did everything prefect, and those that did were not worth training, as they became arrogant of their powers rather fast.


"Try again. This time, imagine small tendrils of the Force snaking out from your mind and lifting it, tiny invisible hands. Feel it, know it, be it. Believe and you should succeed."


Aryian paused for a moment, trying to think of a better bit of helpful advice for Orsi.


"Something I use when it is hard to clear my mind and focus is picturing an object. I tend to think of a Worshyr tree, majestic and tall. I allow all other things in my mind to fade away, thinking about nothing other than the tree, it's branches, it's exact dimensions and look, and then I let it fade to nothingness. That is where the Force is the easiest to access, where you then can focus on the task and accomplish it. Remember back on Maanan, when you felt the Force, feel for the same presence, the same underlying power, as an extension of your mind, your body, your very being. And then...use it."


He remained quiet for several seconds before picking a specific pebble out of the basket with his mind and levitating it out onto the floor in front of Orsi.


"Again. Make the pebble move."

Immediately reachable by  charlesjhall@gmail.com


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Kirlocca could not speak to Durandal. The force presence that was in him took with it his ability to speak basic, along with some of his force skills. Instead, Kirlocca used the force to show Durandal images of what his plan was.


An image of a wookiee in Jedi clothing was sitting on the floor. He was in an ice cave with crystals all around him. On the floor in front of him were small parts that were used in lightsabers.


Kirlocca looked at Durandal, waiting for a response for him.

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Kirlocca showed his fangs at Durandal in a wookiee smile. He slowly moved away from the ship that brought both Jedi here. Kirlocca knew where he would go. He always went to the same place to build his lightsabers. As the Jedi master began his trek, his thoughts moved from Durandal to himself. He was unsure of what he should do now that he lost most of his force knowledge. Granted, he could still use the force with the simple things, but until he got a deeper knowledge, he wouldn't be up to par with all of the other Jedi.


I cannot handle things they way they are. I must start again, from the begining. I will retrain myself in the ways of the force.


Kirlocca began to walk into the old Jedi Temple on Ilum. The Jedi master knew from heart where his favorite spot was. It took Kirlocca only a couple of minutes to find his general area for building lightsabers. Kirlocca pulled out the sulplies that Skye had given him to help him build a new lightsaber and placed them on the ground where he would meditate before he began construction.


Kirlocca let his eyes scan the surroundings for a crystal that would stand out to him through the force. He focused to quiet his mind. It did not take long before Kirlocca felt a pull through the force towrads a clump of crystals jamed close to each other. Kirlocca carefully examined all of them, seeing if size, aura, and strength of each one would meet his standards. He ended up choosing one that had a unique shape to it.


Kirlocca pulled the crystal out of it's spot and sat it down in the middle of parts and pieces that he would use to create his own lightsaber. The wookiee closed his eyes and began to fall into a meditation trance to help him bring peace and a vision of how he should build his lightsaber.

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((Sorry it took so long, been a crazy week))


Orsi nodded to his Master's words. He again connected to the Force for a short time, feeling all it's currents and eddies. But the connection did not last, it quickly faded into nothingness and left Orsi again shouldering his doubts, his anger, and even his own hatred. The Padawan buried his emotions again, his fists tightened into balls as if to contain his raw emotions.


These were all very subtle indications, yet Aryian took note of each of them. Orsi took several deep breaths, hoping to calm his anger. It worked for now, he felt the anger become chained by his will to be serene.


Again. Orsi opened his mind to the Force again, and again felt the Universe but this time felt something dark on the horizons. The Padawan was not wise enough to know what this was but it mattered little: in a few seconds the connection to the Force was lost.


Orsi again forced himself to remain calm, ”œMaster”¦ This could take me awhile.”

Duty subdues Instinct

Grace repels Darkness

Law smothers Anarchy

Reason exposes Deception

Truth tempers Fanaticism


Remember these principles my child

And you shall never be led astray.

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If anyone were to walk in on the wookiee building his lightsaber, they would think him psycho. Little debries of rock, metal, and crystal floated around the jedi master as he built his lightsaber through the force. Slowly, Kirlocca repeated to himself parts of the code, and other things his master had once told him long ago.


The crystal is the heart of the blade. The heart is the crystal of the Jedi. The Jedi is the crystal of the Force. The Force is the blade of the heart. All are intertwined: The crystal, The blade, The Jedi. I am one.


"A Jedi whose lightsaber is guided by the Force need not fear the outcome of any battle."


There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.


Kirlocca opened his eyes as he slowly came out of the trance. There sat in front of him, a finished lightsaber. He hesitated to pick it up, but only for a second. As he picked it up by the hilt, Kirlocca could feel a warmth about it. Kirlocca placed his large wookiee finger over the emitter, and with a snap-hiss, a silver blade emerged from the hilt. Kirlocca took a few seconds to play around with it, making sure it was up to par with his standards, and then deactivated it. He placed it on his belt and then covered it up with his robe. After he quickly scaned his surroundings, the Jedi master was on the move back to Durandal.

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Kirlocca walked out of the temple, making sure that no one was following him, he continued on towards Durandal's ship that was by now, being covered lightly with the snow that had begun to fall not long ago. Kirlocca pulled his Jedi robes closer to him, protecting both his lightsaber and himself from the cold air that was now dropping.


Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.


Kirlocca had already planned on training himself back up to the level of a master while out on this journey that he and Durandal were now on. We both need to be brought back up to speed. Kirlocca pushed the thought down. He didn't want to think about the future, he had to focus on the here and now.


Kirlocca climbed one last mound to see Durandal's ship sitting there, Durandal waiting in the cockpit. Kirlocca slowly made his way back onto the ship. Once the Jedi on board, He sent images to Durandal through the force.


An image of Kirlocca appeared to Durandal, showing him that he was on board.

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((Grr...it's been a busy week, I haven't posted on ANY of my sites until now... ))


Aryian nodded at the Padawan's question, wondering why he could only use a fraction of his powers in the Force. Such were the problems with his padawan, it was as if Aryian needed to diagnose him with some darkside repression like a magic Force Doctor. It escaped him how to deal with Orsi's problems at present, though, and he dismissed it, knowing they would have time later to discuss it and resolve the matter.


"Yes, as long as you know how, you can practice it on your own. One other technique you should know is the Force Blast, similar to levitation, but different. It's still telekinesis at the base level, however this is a strong blast of energy. Concentrate, focus your energies on one point, then release them. Simple as that. You should try it when you get the chance. As for right now, you've worked enough, you deserve a break. Go ahead, look around the Temple, do whatever you wish.


"Something you might find interesting, however, are a systems of caves near the Temple, take a locator with you to find them. Inside of these caves are lots of crystals, if you really want to, you should take the time to find a few crystals. It's time you begin building your first lightsaber. You can find me through the Force, you know how. The Master and Padawan share a bond that exists stronger than any other bond, and I'll be able to hear your thoughts from a distance if you project them to me."


With that, Aryian got up, feeling a little better. He put a hand on Orsi's shoulder, speaking once more before he left the room.


"Remember, Orsi, I care for you and believe in you. All things are possible through the Force, if you believe in yourself."

Immediately reachable by  charlesjhall@gmail.com


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