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Gala - Jedi Praxeum Ruins

Amidala Skywalker

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An amused smile came to Kirlocca's face as he watched Aidan handle himself with both the training lightsaber and the remotes from the corner of his eye. The boy had been shot a couple of times before it clicked inside of him to attempt to deflect the shots, or even block the shots that came his way. It didn't take him long once he started to have his precognition to kick in. It was only when he had asked, is when Kirlocca felt a need to actually respond to his questions.


<< Precognition. It allows for a Force User to see just slightly into the future, giving them the ability to react before things happen. This whole exercise is designed for you to learn how to use it, and to call upon it when needed. >>


Kirlocca didn't bother to inform him that his father used to be one of the best to harness the ability. It was useless information, and it would only do Aidan good, and not the whole class. He turned his gaze slightly away from Aidan and back towards the whole class, but kept watch over him from the corner of his eye again. For some reason, he felt very proud of what Aidan had just accomplished.

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Precognition? What a weird big word. Aidan liked the growly voice of the Kirlocca thing, though, and for a moment his thoughts were unfocused. Another shot lanced out, narrowly skimming his robes as he sidestepped, feeling the exercise becoming more natural to him. It was like a game, really, except when you lost it hurt.


And what was the other thing they were supposed to be doing? Deflection? wasn't that like actually hitting the shots with their swords? It was such a small bolt, and such a small blade...but then again, Aidan had just been dodging a couple laser bolts without exactly knowing how he was doing it, and that gave him courage to make the attempt to try.


Carefully he watched it, staring at the remote with a quiet intensity, the soft blue lightsaber held humming in front of him, ready to intercept the eventual bolt that would be shot at him. Second after second crept by...there!


Aidan moved fast, swinging the blade like a baseball bat as he dodged, neatly catching the bolt and changing the trajectory. It felt like something bouncing off the blade, a small bit of weight, but otherwise it felt pretty neat.


Except for the part when he turned and realized the bolt had been redirected directly at Kirlocca.


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The shot came out of nowhere. The only notice Kirlocca had was a bit of his own precognition to alert him to the danger of being hit by a stray bolt. Granted, it wouldn't have hurt much if it did strike him, but the Jedi Master preferred not to. Lifting a paw up, Kirlocca extended his senses, stretching out a small energy field in front of his paw. As the bolt came, it was quickly absorbed by the Force energy. Kirlocca then clenched his paw, slowly lowering it, as it did take a bit of Force energy to do such a thing. He looked directly at Aidan, and felt a loss of what to say in a situation like this.


<< Good job with deflecting the shot. As your training progresses, I will hope that you learn to control the redirecting of the deflection. But you are making good progress. >>


This time, Kirlocca instead stepped back a bit from the group as a whole, as he did not want to have to deflect any stray shots that they deflect.

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Nishant watched Emily carefully as she moved her blade about her. He hadn't expected her to act as he had, and felt nothing at her choice save for the familiar curiosity that he constantly felt around her. He simply folded his arms before him lightly, his stave vertical in the nook of his left elbow, and considered the other hopefuls in their use of the lightsabers.


It seemed their training was moving fast; perhaps this was the norm, but the addition of the tiny remotes that began to fire small bolts towards (possibly) prepared hopefuls struck him as a rather large step. As his eyes turned towards the boy, Aidan, he noted that it might not be such a great step in terms of danger towards hopefuls. The bolts were apparently not that harmful, and to Nishant's delight the boy began to react impressively. So, he thought, it is perfectly possible to dodge blaster fire.


He listened to Kirlocca's explanation of precognition, how it was slight, but apparently very effective. Upon reflection, he figured this ability was likely latent, as it had happened for him on certain occasions. But to train it, to hone it, that was something he would like to focus on. He noticed that no remote was targeting him, likely because he was not wielding a training saber. So, to practice this precognitive sense, he decided he would focus through Emily; he would study her remote, would be her as she responded, would see if such a precognition could be applied in this way, trained in this way.


Before he had the chance to test this, he witnessed something from Kirlocca that rather profoundly stunned him, and could not help but exhale sharply in surprise. The master had seemingly only raised his hand and a stray bolt, so fast!, had disappeared. Nishant knew this was no trick, and nothing physical; this was the Force. But he had not deflected the bolt, though perhaps such a thing was as possible as what Nishant had just seen. So struck was he that for the first time today he spoke immediately, decisively.


"Master Kirlocca, what was that? That you did? How?" It came out in some semblance of a rush, though Nishant barely moved.


"But beneath the courtesy...a deep reservoir of feeling."

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"If I may, I believe we are overstepping our bounds here."


He stepped forward from the back of the room. His hands emerging from the depths of his robes. His eyes darted around the room, before focusing on Kitt first.


"As Jedi we are the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy. If we fight, it is the preservation of civilization that is our goal."



He paused briefly. He had come to a conclusion in the heat of battle once. It wasn't a matter of winning or losing. It was a matter of working for the big picture. Scorp had no personal vendetta against the Sith, nor did he feel particularly compelled to fight them when he ran across one. He fought them when, the Sith were an obstacle in the way of achieving a peaceful state around this galaxy. He did not fight with the idea of winning. Simply of the idea of removing the obstacle however he could, in order to continue the flow of the force, in an uninterrupted nature. Perhaps that is what it meant to be a Jedi.


It was for this reason that he strove to understand the dark and the light in all things. This included if the Empire ruled the galaxy and if the Republic ruled the galaxy. It was hard to open his eye to what was not evident and exercising caution, yet to rush headlong into a decision would not be wise.


His eyes focused on Darex. He had never worked extensively with the senor Jedi before, and so paused to consider his words.


"If this is the Dark lord, and if he goes against everything the Sith traditionally represent, is this not good news? Become the change you wish to see and soon change will come.


His ability to control the Sith aside, lets get down to the heart of the matter. Republic vs Empire. After all it is not impossible to work with the sith. It has been done before."


He then turned to look at the ghostly figure in the room.

"This battle that we sense looming on the horizon. Do you come to us seeking our aid, so we can help you process war criminals. If so I believe we will be working at cross purposes. Regardless of the side who wins, it is not our place to dictate those who go on trial. The moment we begin to dictate such matters is the moment me wight as well make a push to control the galaxy. Something you Sith are apt to do.


We Jedi are only keepers of the peace. We do not force our ideals, methods and beliefs on others."


He turned to look at Kitt focusing on the new grandmaster with an intense stare.


"The prosecution of war criminals should not be the motivation on why we choose to take part in this battle. Unless the prosecution improved the big picture of the galaxy as a whole. First and for most, we need to decide which government we can best stand behind. Not because we are attached to them but, because of how the galaxy will be under their banner."



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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Kirlocca turned his head to address Nishant and the question that he presented. He had to think upon the best answer, as he didn't want to get them too excited about something that he wouldn't teach them. They only way they would learn such a feat would be under a Jedi master who took them on as a Padawan learner.


<< With the Force, one can do a great many things. Many under the Guardian class, such as myself, can master abilities to absorb, and even redirect energy that comes their way; However, such a feat ends up taking a toll upon a user. You only have a limited amount of energy that you can use without getting too tired. >>

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Emily, too, wondered when Kirlocca absorbed the bolt into his palm. She had never seen the Force employed in such a way. It seems, then, that the only limit on how a Force-user can employ the Force is imagination. She loved the idea. It was very freeing, and she would enjoy exploring the Force more fully in the future.


In the meantime, though, she reluctantly turned her focus back to the present. And the present was blocking the stun bolts with her training saber. She lit the blade, and immediately one of the remotes began to hiss towards her.


At first, she tried to simply anticipate the shot, but found that it was impossible, and paid for her efforts with a sting on her right shoulder. Her brow furrowed. This thing would not escape her. She let herself go into the storm of the Force, and sought out the remote. She couldn't find it precisely; after all, it was a droid, and not a living being. But after a moment, she could sense the eddies it left as it moved around her, trying to get the best shot. And suddenly, she sensed a build up of energy. She tilted her lightsaber, trying to catch the bolt on the shimmering blade, but once again, she missed.


The bolt stung her foot, and she hopped for a moment, drawing on the pain she was feeling to focus her mind. Let go...act on instinct... a voice seemed to whisper in her ear. Her eyes slid shut, and she 'saw' solely with the Force.


She knew exactly where the droid was and when it was preparing to fire. This time, however, she threw caution to the wind. When the bolt lanced out, she felt herself already in motion, spinning around to catch the energy and send it ricocheting back.


The bolt missed the tiny droid, but nevertheless, Emily glowed with inward pleasure. She pushed her pleasure into the Force and felt herself relax as more power flowed into her. Suddenly, the remote attacked with several bolts in rapid succession. Emily blocked every one, and a slight hint carried on the winds of the Force made her angle her blade slightly more on the last one. It flew back to the remote, sending the little droid plummeting to the floor.


Grinning from ear to ear, Emily opened her eyes and disengaged the training saber.



"Days in the sun...what I'd give to relive just one. Undo what's done, and bring back the light."

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Nishant took this answer satisfactorily, knowing he would have many more questions about this in the future. He mused on the mention of class distinction, how there was something called a Guardian class. If Kirlocca was a representation of the Guardian class, Nishant considered that they might be more oriented around the utilization of the Force in extreme circumstances--such as combat. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but Nishant wondered if it was necessary to limit oneself. He would find out, eventually.


He bowed slightly to the Master for his answer, then turned back to Emily, who had brought her training saber to bear and was facing an oncoming remote. Now, to test himself. Nishant had spent much time addressing things through the mind, making what occurred in his mind synonymous with what occurred in reality around him. His tutor had taught him to train as much within the mind as with the body and the spirit; even at the basic level of simply imagining a particular movement in one's mind, it became easier over time to physically perform that movement.


With this training, it would likely prove more difficult than that, of course.


The first thing Nishant made himself do was move into a mindset of perfect empathy with Emily's physical form, a melding of his spirit and hers, so that the pain she would feel in this training would make him believe he felt it as well, or something of the sort. It would be enough to inspire the impulse to overcome the obstacle of ignorance in regards to precognition. he found that when the bolt hit her in the foot, this method would work, for he almost physically winced. He made himself into her stance, and her form, and felt that budding in the center of his energy, and felt it grow and expand.


When the remote fired again, he felt it differently, and knew once again that the Force was infinitely faceted, that every experience with it would be different even in the same action repeated a million times. When the remote fired again, he felt himself move, just as she moved. He felt himself know what would happen, instinctively. It was quite like a metaphysical form of evasive awareness he had seen his tutor exude on more than one occasion, only this was vastly more enriching, he felt.


And then there was a whirlwind of activity in his spirit, as Emily moved as he moved, and he felt his hands rise from his stave in almost a mirror image of how she held her training saber against the rapid bolts from the remote, only his hands brushed just inside each bolt in his mind and his body tilted around them, and at the end when she deflected the final bolt back towards it his hand made a slight forward motion, as if to simply drop the remote to the floor.


He came out of this place of wonder with a small smile, and delighted in Emily's skill. "Well, you seem to have handled that quite well," he said with a grin.


"But beneath the courtesy...a deep reservoir of feeling."

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The ship descended toward the planet and landed at the unoccupied hangar that his ship had been docked in when they left. Still without speaking to each other Sasori ensured his two crystals were in his hip pouch and then grabbed the dufflebag and hit the ramp release button and walked out of the ship onto the landing pad that they had left from only a few days earlier, though something felt much different.


When he arrived on the platform he focused the Force and reached out to the familiar of presence of the Grandmaster.



Resident Tech and Video Game Geek


Well, crap, Sasori is correct.
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It wasn't until she had turned off the blade that she realized what Nishant had been doing. She had been totally focused on the remote that she hadn't realized he had been mirroring her, but now as she thought back, she saw him and felt him there. It astonished and amazed her. She wished she could have seen it, rather than just sensing it, but what her own senses told her was astounding enough.


She returned his grin with a surprised yet delighted expression. "How did you do that?" Her opinion of him went up several degrees.



"Days in the sun...what I'd give to relive just one. Undo what's done, and bring back the light."

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At first, he was surprised, and it showed on his face. He was about to ask her what she meant, what he could possibly have done, when he realized it probably wasn't a normal thing he'd been doing. He hadn't considered that she would be able to feel his presence in the same way he'd felt hers, but it made perfect sense upon consideration. Grasping the length of his stave and leaning against it lightly, he shrugged only slightly in the shoulders.


"I wasn't sure if it would work. Most of my training has been in meditative applications, but I wanted to see if I could do what you did without using a training saber...and I doubted that the Master would allow me the use of a remote if I refused to take up a saber. I do hope it wasn't intrusive at all--it didn't appear to be, through what you were able to do."


He realized he hadn't quite answered her question. He had told her why he'd done what he'd done, but now how. The mention of his previous training could have been a sufficient answer to someone else, but he felt compelled to elaborate for Emily. "Well, you know how it felt to be you, connected with the remote. I used the kind of meditation that I used earlier to grasp at the Force and lift the remote, only I focused myself on a physical application of empathy, so that in my mind--subsequently in my body--I would almost feel the exact physical sensation you would feel. Forgive me, but I knew it likely from watching the boy over there that at least a bolt would hit you, and as pain can be a motivator to overcome a situation I wanted that inspiration to make up for any disadvantage I would have at not truly being you, against the remote..."


He paused, hoping that made some sense, at all. "It became something a bit more intimate than that, I suppose. I felt quite like a shadow of you, I suppose. Just a bit to one side, if you could imagine. As I am much more comfortable handling with my hands what someone else might choose to handle with a lightsaber, I wanted to find the precognition Kirlocca spoke of in a way, for myself. Although the pain aspect could have presented some problems, looking back. My training allows for a state of being that voids most things considered painful..."


He trailed off, wondering. He hadn't noticed then, that it was odd to actually have winced at the blaster bolt. Perhaps it was because Emily had not had the training he had? Or perhaps it was because, when meditation was used to merge with pain and void it, he was not focusing on a physical empathy as he had been with Emily. He would have to explore this.


"I'm sorry, I think I got to rambling a bit."


"But beneath the courtesy...a deep reservoir of feeling."

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"No, I...that's fascinating!" she exclaimed. It was the most she ever remembered hearing him say, especially about his past. She had the inkling that he had had extensive training elsewhere, but knew little more than that. She'd have to ask him more, but later.


She had blushed a bit at his description of the exercise from his point of view. It seemed like they had moved as one, been connected in body if not in mind through the Force. She supposed it might have bothered some people, but she didn't mind at all. Indeed, she was eager to try it herself. Perhaps Nishant would teach her if she asked him to. At least some of the basics of his rigorous training might be helpful to her. Of course, she reflected, not knowing the origin of this training, it could be something forbidden to her. But regardless, she was resolved to ask him.


"I've never thought about using empathy as a tool." To tell the truth, empathy had never been big on her list of attributes. She had found it useless, and it only had ever brought her pain. So she had shut down the empathetic part of herself long ago and had given no thought to it since. But being around Nishant was changing that attitude. Perhaps there was something valuable in being empathetic...She'd have to think more on it before she reached a decision; empathy was costly, and in her mind, it needed to be worth the risks.



"Days in the sun...what I'd give to relive just one. Undo what's done, and bring back the light."

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He was inordinately pleased at her remark. He hadn't thought it particularly impressive, although the act itself had been fascinating to him as well. He smiled in response, and was curiously interested in the hue of her blush. It was slight, but it was there, and it was a rather wonderful color. Her words about empathy reminded him that there was a history behind her that bore greatly on her present thoughts, the same for him and for anyone. He did find some humor in it, though, and laughed in a friendly way.


"Neither have I thought of it as such. It may just be a prejudice against tools. I prefer to think of things in terms of cooperation--perhaps it is a weakness that considering right and wrong, superiority or inferiority, tool and wielder give me headaches. These viewpoints seemed practical to me, at varying times in years past, but I always sought a different way." He dropped his gaze to the training saber's hilt in her hand for a moment, considering its history. "I suppose everyone has a way that is appropriate for them."


"But beneath the courtesy...a deep reservoir of feeling."

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Reptilia wasn't expecting a droid to communicate for the padawan but shook off the new information, it was new to him but not completely unheard of.


"I am Rep Til, a Jedi Knight as you probably know." He said as he gave a slight bow. "I take it you wish to learn how to harness the Force as you followed me from the classroom. I want to start off with a small drill, something to warm up."


The Kel Dor reached onto his belt grabbing the two training sabers from it. He looked down at them for a second, remembering how and when he had received them when he was a padawan. He then tossed them to Trushaun, he then looked at her once again.


"I want you to use one of those sabers, whichever you prefer, to hit me. Doesn't matter where or how. Remember why you're doing this though, that might come in handy."


((Just to get used to posting with each other.))

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Her objective was to hit Rep Til. This was going to be a very different exercise. She picked up both lightsabers, quickly finding the ignite button. She looked at the size of the blade. It was about as tall as she. Trushaun put the other one down and in a spot off to the side.


Trushaun sized up Rep Til. There was a significant size difference between them, along with skill set, and experience. But if she was going to follow his instructions, she needed to hit him. To be a Jedi, she needed not to be afraid but trust in the Force to guide her movements. She gripped one training lightsaber in her hands, the blue light cast upon her tattoos, which were glowing in anticipation.


She stood for a few moments, concentrating on Rep Til. Until it was time to charge. That moment was now. She charged, inverting her lightsaber in her right hand so the blade was behind her. The surroundings became a blur, with the exception of Rep Til. She judged her distance and speed in a split second and decided she was within reach for her final stage of attack.


Trushaun's left foot dug into the ground about five feet from her target. She jumped catching herself four feet later with her right foot. Pivoting to Rep Til again, she used both feet to push off of. The young Fosh, arms outstretched few towards the Jedi Knight. Her lightsaber was parallel to the ground, was aimed right for Rep Til's knee's.


Her attack was almost complete, but she sense Rep Til had something up his sleeve. She figured that he would move at the last minute.

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Kitt reached out and touched Tirius and Sasori with the Force.


Find a place to wait up, I shall be with you both shortly.



(Short post, but I couldn't leave you hanging.)


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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Tirius accepted Kitt's message as he left Soren's ship. Naturally the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order wasn't constantly going to be at the beck and call of a padawan and a Black Sun agent. Reaching out through the Force towards his Master, Tirius actually got a pretty good idea of the reason Kitt was busy--he sensed another presence of a powerful Jedi, and, a bit unusually, the presence of someone very strong and very dark. He hadn't encountered a Sith since he had learned to extend his senses with the Force, but there was nonetheless something familiar about the taint that he detected. No doubt he had encountered such a dark presence before his training, only not as strong.


Whatever was going on, it was clearly the most important thing right now. Tirius looked at Sasori. "Is there something you would like to do while we wait?" he asked, the first words he had spoken verbally since Ilum. He had apparently shaken off whatever was troubling him as easily as an actor whose character was changing emotions even if they were not. He was carrying himself confidently again, and when he spoke, his voice was firm and controlled.

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Aidan was a competitive youth at heart, and this was merely a game he had now conquered. Over the last few minutes, he had only been struck twice more, and was now picking up the pace as the remote began firing steadily faster, each shot swiftly caught on the blue blade and redirected elsewhere into the auditorium.


One shot nearly skimmed underneath Nishant's nose, but otherwise he hadn't had any other close encounters like he had when a bolt nearly struck Kirlocca. He was doing well...and he knew it. Which also made him want to move on and begin practicing something else, even though he knew he had to start somewhere. Being the young boy he was, it was simply in his nature to become bored with things rather quickly.


That, unfortunately, was when he noticed a second remote hover over towards him, at first pausing next to the second as if it were in the programmed sequence, but then both opened fire at the slow rate that had first been presented to him with only one remote. However, with two remotes, there was now twice the incoming fire, and though it wasn't simultaneous fire, Aidan found new challenge in the situation presented before him. Gritting his teeth in a confident grin, he began to move faster and faster, drifting away from the group with his movements to lessen the chance of ricochet as he spun and swung, learning to sweep the saber and move with the flow in order to step up his game and rise to the challenge.


Every now and then he dodged, but for the most parts there were red stingerbolts shooting harmlessly away from him as if they were insects swatted from the air. The boy moved effortlessly, his entire body guided by something he didn't understand nor fathom...he only knew it was fun.


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Kirlocca carefully watched and studied each of the Hopefuls lightsaber training. Each one employed a different style, and even showing a style of which would suite them best when they came of the right age for such a thing. His eyes darted from one Jedi Hopeful to the next, watching their foot work and the general way that each of them held the blade. As he did, he would growl out some statements about the positions that they had their feet in or something similar to that effect.


He decided that each of them were doing very well, and most were enjoying the task that was given to them, so he would allow for them to continue on the exercise for a bit longer. After that, he felt that they would all need some more work on getting connected with the Force itself. It was there that would set them all up for their life as a Jedi.

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The padawan decided to charge him as he had expected, she wasn't well versed in lightsaber combat and that was probably the best choice for someone with little experience with a strange weapon like the training saber. He noticed however that she was using the saber with a reverse grip, an intriguing technique for a beginner. The way she was holding the blade informed Rep that she would most likely be attacking with a wide sweep, he took note of it as he closed his eyes.


Should I? ... I should.


He pressed his hands together and channeled the Force through him into his palms. A small orb formed which separated his hands as it grew, he didn't have much time to charge the attack as Trushaun was nearing so it wasn't as potent as it could be. As a sharp breeze rippled his robes he took his hands and pushed them to the ground, the ball of light quickly followed. Rep cartwheeled away as it exploded, the explosion was harmless but overwhelmingly bright. The technique was one of Reptilia's own creations, one he came up with as a padawan while training on Haruun Kal, where it proved useless against the Sith...


As Rep landed he turned to Trushaun, hoping that she had learned not to be so rash and to trust the Force more.


"You still haven't hit me!" He called out jokingly even though the drill still wasn't over.

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Sasori sat on a crate nearby and pulled out the crystals he held in his pocket and twirled one in each hand to begin to pass the time while he waited for the Grandmaster to instruct them further on the construction of the lightsaber itself. He doubted Tirius knew anything about it as he only possessed a training saber that wasn't even built by him. It was unfortunate they were stuck at a dead end without a detour option.


Tirius asked Sasori a question, but Sasori did not answer immediately, he twirled the crystals round and round, the sound of them swimming through the air making a beautiful melody as they did so. They spoke to him through song and as they began to spin at a steady pace he hear only slight discord for a moment, as if the song was indicating some greater issue through the Force Sasori was not paying attention to. He stopped the crystals movements and put them away before standing up to come to eye level with Tirius.


"Nothing really to do until Master Fitt arrives unfortunately. We can practice what we already know, however, I feel it would achieve little. Our setup ruled playtime would be mocking to real training in the heat of the moment if you ask me. No, I say we sit here and wait patiently for your Master to arrive."


Resident Tech and Video Game Geek


Well, crap, Sasori is correct.
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"I come to you seeking aid because the Republic at this juncture is more likely to turn on both of us than the Empire. The Empire is a creature of law and order, stability and precedent. If the Empire establishes that the Sith and Jedi will be equally tolerated and accepted, then that is what will happen. The Republic, however, is a creature of public opinion and political gain, they will turn on you when it suits them. And it will suit them, they're politicians, deceit and betrayal is in their blood.


More importantly though, ff we remove the threat of war, the Sith and Jedi can return to what they were originally meant to be, exemplars of the two sides of the Force. Already strides have been made towards this direction, lead by the Krath sect, a group of sorcerer mystics more interested in the accumulation of knowledge than prosecuting some ancient war that no longer needs to be fought for survival and fails to offer any substantial gain in seeing to final victory. We have today the chance to end this war between our peoples. This is what matters most. It is my belief that the Empire will be the best setting for this peace to occur, given the Emperor's move towards tolerance and emphasis on stability instead of conquest, and the Republic's descent into genocidal conquest.


Besides, given the fact that we have not heard from the Senate in some time, and savage direction that the Republic military has taken, what the real choice may be is between Emperor Rustic and Emperor Starlisk. I know that Onderin has been trained in the Jedi arts, so I must ask you, do you trust him. The reclusive nature of our order is such that we do have Sith masters... unaccounted for, and this would not be the first time the Republic has been infiltrated."


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It seemed silent within the Council Chambers after Dagon spoke. There was slight head movement as each Council member passed along thoughts to each other through the Force. The question posed was of great importance, and one that even Kitt pondered upon. Onderin had not acted much like a Jedi, but instead as an Admiral over the past couple of years, which didn't help the Jedi image. But could that change upon a new banner? Could it even be changed upon it being addressed? It wasn't a question of whether or he trusted him, but whether he would adhere to what the Council requested out of him.


He glanced over at Darex, and then at Scorp. Both men held different opinions upon the situation, but it was more of where they Jedi Order as a whole stood, and that was what he was supposed to represent. He then turned his gaze over to Scorp and locked eyes with him, passing an unsaid set of words regarding what he said, There is no chaos, there is harmony. He then glanced over at Darex, passing another set of unsaid words to pass his own knowledge upon what he had said. There is no passion, there is serenity. His gaze finally rested upon Dagon.


"Great strides have already been made here today by hearing each other out. Sadly though, I disagree with you when it comes to having a better outcome for peace under the Empire versus the Republic. If something is so strongly desired, it can be accomplished no matter the situation. I feel that as much as you wish for such a peaceful outcome, you also have your own agenda of which you plan to ties us into. The words of which you have spoken should be weighed upon for the ears of the Council here, and no other. I have heard enough of what you have to say, and the Council will deliberate upon them, and then act accordingly to how we feel we should."


Kitt sat back in his chair and awaited for both Dagon's Force Phantom to withdraw, as well as one of the other Council members to speak up.


Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away.

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The bright light blinded the Fosh, disorienting her just enough for her to crash into the rock. She layed there for a moment. Rep had avoided her attack. Calmly getting to her feet, she brushed off her robe and smoothed her feathers out on top of her head.


Closing her eyes, she concentrated on her breathing. She felt the Force run through her. It was an odd, yet welcome sensation. Trushaun twirled the lightsaber in her hand, after she deactivated it of course. Listening to the Force she took a few steps forward, Rep Til had moved back from his rock.


Listening to the Force she rushed forwards, then back to the rock, she pounces up onto the rock. She exhaled, but still felt the Force flow through her as she jumped parallel to the ground. She took a breath and unleashed a bubble of the Force in her other hand. While going a little faster than she could run, she had almost no control, as her influence with the Force was still weak. She smiled though. This was a good attack. She reached out with her lightsaber, igniting it, pointing it at Rep Til.

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"Neither have I thought of it as such. It may just be a prejudice against tools. I prefer to think of things in terms of cooperation--perhaps it is a weakness that considering right and wrong, superiority or inferiority, tool and wielder give me headaches. These viewpoints seemed practical to me, at varying times in years past, but I always sought a different way." He dropped his gaze to the training saber's hilt in her hand for a moment, considering its history. "I suppose everyone has a way that is appropriate for them."


Emily smiled in return. "I suppose they do. I'm going to try again. I've been wanting to try a trick I picked up a while ago...see if you can keep up," she added with a friendly challenge in her voice.


She once again opened herself to the Force. It was getting easier to access every time she did so, but the storm of power that swirled through her as she did so was still absolutely breathtaking. She knew she could easily lose herself in those winds, and who knew where they would take her?


But for now, she focused on harnessing and controlling those winds, not letting herself get swept away by them. She ignited the training saber, and the remote activated.


This time was much easier. She knew what she was looking for and what it felt like when the remote was about to fire, so she could predict it's actions fairly accurately. She blocked one, two, three bolts, then spun to catch a fourth one.


She then readied herself and grabbed hold of the Force. She bent it's energy around her, focusing on her physical self. Her mother's voice echoed in her ear, reminding her how the trick was accomplished. It was not quite like bending time, although she remembered that being her first impression when she saw it. It was more like accelerating herself.


Suddenly, she knew she had succeeded. From her perspective, it was as if the world slowed down. She laughed with delight and ran, dashing around the room faster than any being could on their own. Finally, she rolled up behind the remote and with a decisive strike, sent it plummeting to the ground.


She let go of her mental grasp and the world sped up again. She was panting, out of breath, but glowing with excitement. Grinning, she turned to her right to see if Nishant had managed to match her movement.



"Days in the sun...what I'd give to relive just one. Undo what's done, and bring back the light."

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Rep watched as Trushaun recovered from the attack, he was pleased to see that she was letting the Force guide her and that she was able to realize its importance. The Force came easy to her, at least that's how it appeared, she could command it so easily for someone inexperienced with it.


On cue however his padawan started another attack, this one not as direct and much more thought out than the one before. Rep waited for the bubble of energy to reach him, as it did he leaped upwards using the Force to augment his jump. He landed behind his padawan, he grabbed his hilt, activated it. A green blade erupted from the side, he swung it around in front of him and dropped down into his opening stance, he held out the saber while using the Force to activate the button on the other side which made the other blade shoot out.


The Jedi knight stared at his apprentice, eying her stance and how she held her saber.


"If you want to fight with blades then I will as well. Don't worry though, I set the dial down so it won't chop a limb off if it makes contact with you."


Reptilia swiftly ran towards Trushaun, he was strafing as he went so it was hard for to guess where he was going to attack from. He dived to her side while planting his hand down, he used the momentum from his running to simply push him behind her. He turned into her while spinning his saber in a fan-like motion, creating a offensive shield type attack.

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Kirlocca watched for a few more seconds before he held up his left paw, seizing the remotes from their session, and then had them all float effortlessly back into their correct storage container. Once all were away, he looked back at all of the padawans in the lecture hall with him. He didn't mind that they all still held their training lightsabers, as they could keep them until they created their own at this point. Taking in a deep breath and then exhaling after a short millisecond passed, he stepped forward to address them on their next lesson.


<< I think it is time that each of you learn how to quiet your mind with Jedi Meditation. This will help you to centering your mind to hear the will of the Force, and become able to request its aid. This may take some time, as once we get into it, I will move on to just using the Force to observe and analyze what's around you. >>


Kirlocca then lowered himself into a mediation style seated position and then waited for the rest of the class to do the same. He didn't wait long, as he begun to close his eyes and listen to the Force himself. From here, he would also be able to sense what each padawan was doing, so he would know if they were following along, or if they needed any help.


<< Close your eyes and strip away the distractions that surround you. Let your mind be swept away with the currents of the Force. If you so allow it, it can carry you to new places that you have never been to before, hear things that were not comprehendible to you, understand things that held no meaning to you, and it can even show you the very future and the past. >>

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Meditation was the first skill taught to all padawans because of its usefullness in helping to keep a Jedi aware of the consequences of his or her actions, both in the long term and in the short term on the world outside of themselves and the internal effects. It was one of those processes that when Jedi failed to participate fully into it, that could be counted as a key component of the reason for their downfall.


As he was walking towards the mediation room, Dashel had a flash of thought about what he was going to be undertaking. It was funny, but the whole process seemed to be about repeating his padawan days. Granted he had been older than most, and so had missed out on something.


He took a moment to think about it, then went ahead and did something more traditional padawans underwent. Instead of a more traditional meditation session, he instead headed to the gym for a very difficult workout, one guaranteed to exhaust him and force him to a heightened state of awareness that was often Padawans first step into the higher mysteries of the force.

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The attack did not go as planned, nor did her contingency. Rep had now activated his lightsaber and was on the move. The Fosh smiled. It was time to step her game up. There was no room for error here. Rep was moving in fast, she had to act.


Trushaun cooed and chirped to the droid around her side. The droid translated in turn; "I thought you meant to attack you with lightsabers. Oh well. I have to train this way sooner or later." After the droid said that, she smiled and prepared.


He started to strafe, Trushaun followed with her eyes. He then started to move in. She had little time to act there was a blade coming for her. She called upon the Force, but nothing came. Trushaun wasn't surprised, she had used up all of her energy in her previous attack. There was nothing left to defend with. Except this lightsaber. She flipped backwards and thrust into the Kel'Dor. There was no chance to last in a fight against him, at least prolonged. She was quickly getting tired, especially after she used the Force so much in so little time. Her muscles strained when she thrust into the shield, hoping to stop the fan.

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