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The Hutt breathed in a blubbery breath of the stale air of the Dark Lord’s personal chambers. It was claustrophobic, the air tasted of latent fear and broken souls. It could also have been because Sheog’s massive mountain of a greasy body was not meant for the humanoid living quarters. His heavy-lidded eyes, horrifying crimson flecked with sulfuric yellow, scanned the room, passing over the Empress with little interest.

…Lord Sheog…

The Hutt’s deformed nostrils wrinkled, a momentary disdain for the title. He was a Master of the Sith and killed more Jedi then the rest of the active order combined to get there. Somehow, he had even killed several of the Jedi several times.

…What do you think the Sith have become?

The Hutt pondered the question. He never knew, when talking to his Sith brethren, if such questions were traps, or bait, or reason for some idiot to attack him. He didn’t care to be cautious with Exodus, diplomacy and guile were not the Hutt’s style, and would stink of dishonesty even worse then the noxious grease that stained his flesh. Sheog set the stage with a recounting of Kuat, the last battle at which the Sith had been tested. He was blunter then normal.

<<Our Sith got kriffing rickrolled by Stormtroopers without lightsabers.>>

The Hutt snorted derisively, pausing to deal with the phlegm that came from his action. He almost coughed the slimy bolus onto the Dark Lord, but caught himself, swallowing it like Lallu would have. He continued, his disgust bridling on anger.

<<Well Lucifer died, which is par for the course... Have you ever played Acceron mini-Golf? Like one shotting every hole at a family fun center. Yeppp... Lucifer got bloody roasted. His apprentice too. Wasted by an unmounted TIE pilot no less.>>

The Hutt produced a small, desiccated wormlike lizard. Its dead flesh was cradled in his palm. The chubby fingers slowly curled around it, crushing it into bloodless chunks. Wordless disgust. Ysalimiri

<<Oni died like a bitch against what they called a... Sexorcist I think. Probably was a fun death by the sounds of it. Got burned alive by flames, must have been one hell of a night. You ever had a night like that? Burning the bedsheets…>>

The Hutt glanced sideways at the Empress and gave her what he thought was a coy smile but it came across as a grotesque interest.

<<They don't call you Sexodus for nothin I'm sure.>>

The Insane Hutt calmed his absurdity, halting his prattling monologue before it became more indecent. He glowered at the tiara, pondering the Imperial’s efficiency. They had used some form of Meta, had won everything, but had still lost.

<<What have the Sith become?>>

The Force was rocked by the Hutt’s concentrated madness. Gluttony and greed entwined, wrapping themselves about the Hutt like a cloak. The staff cracked against the flagstones, sending sparks into the shadows.

<<They do as most creatures do. Shirk from responsibility when it is foisted upon them. We have a galaxy to conquer, let us not allow the weak to feed upon our strength, like a babe sups upon the breast…>>

His eyes fell to the Spider’s, and they shone with power

<<Let us forge it in our strength. If the rest of the Sith are to follow, they will need to grow up from the children they are. To leave their sandcastles. Their toys. Their whores...>>

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King Kheldar vos Correlli said:
Sheog, I have to ask, overkill much?
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  • 2 weeks later...

“He is master of this universe and his ships carry his visage to the ends of the Galactic Rim.”

With speed that came from coild muscles and the force, Telperien grabbed the wrist of the Melodie and brought the Bodkin down until its razor sharp tip caressed the soft white skin of the girl’s palm. Then it lowered a centimeter to bite in with a horrid mix of pain and blood. A slash, then the daughter of Ar-Pharazon did the same to her own palm and grasped the girls hand in hers. Their blood mixing as it bubbled between their fingers.

“Then I will make you such a weapon, and you will become a scourge on this galaxy.”

The Ship settled down on its landing struts and she smiled at the girl as she pulled her towards the boarding ramp.

“But first you must meet my Master. The Spider in all his glory. “ And she pulled hte girl down the ramp towards the palace of the Dark Lord.


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It was an unusual dialect that the Hutt spoke with; some words passed with odd diction, others were dressed with expected satire. Subliminals, conceit, and truth. The creature said more than the words were meant too, and perhaps some of which were intended for the the Anzati King. He was numb to the impressions however, and dangerously so. Exodus spun the hilt of his blade in his palm indifferently, almost a force of habit with the nature of dark thoughts churning inside of his uneasy mind. The Hutt spoke true when it came to the inadequacies of those that had fumbled on Kuat, a shameful representation, but one that did very little to stunt progression. What none of them understood was what it took to build an empire from the inside, the composure and diligence that was required, otherwise they themselves would be heralded as more than just simple vassals of anger. Soon, he would show them the face that every one of them truly feared. As the thought crossed his mind, he sat the skeletal face-helm on his head.

"Let us, but I wait for no one."

The darkness that covered the warlike metropolis moved in palpable waves. Magnifying with each passing day, festering in and around all living creatures, and filling their minds with anger, vanity, greed, and all emotions of the Dark Side of the Force. On the other hand, Imperial discipline hardened each of them, manacling the citizens of Iziz and the rest of the Sith Empire to do the work of one. On a segregated plateau that overlooked the city of Iziz—the sovereign city built by the living, was now the breathing heart of both the Empire and the Dark Side stood. The locus of the Glass Spire marveled where it stood, built as a black nexus that exuded raw power and attracted additional kogs to the machine of the Sith. The Oracle of the King-Emperor, Vhar Leon strode into the heart of the darkened Spire, flanked by a squad of faceless Imperial Guardsmen, who marched in mute silence behind him. A turbolift brought he and his Guardsmen up to the pinnacle of the Spire, the Emperor's private quarters. A pair of Guardsmen stood guard outside the Emperor's quarters, and they crossed their force pikes as Vhar and his Guardsmen approached. "The Emperor has a visitor," one of them said, though Vhar couldn't tell which with their helmets on.

"I'm afraid that I have no choice," Vhar spoke with the accent of the Voss. "I will pass." The Guardsmen hesitated, before uncrossing their pikes. "Be it upon your head, Grand Seer," they warned. The unit of Guardsmen that had accompanied him refused to go further and waited silently as he stepped through the doorway. He could not readily see his Emperor, but the darkness and hatred that filled the room showed that he was still here, Lord Sheog to his surprise as well. Vhar fell to his knees, his head low as a show of subservience. "My Lords," he said, his monotonous voice as flat as it had always been.The Spider seemed to appear out of the shadows, the dark somehow receding slightly, revealing the King before him. "What is it?" Exodus knew that his apprentice had returned, and he understood what it meant now that the Hutt had returned, but Vhar seemed eager.


"I believe.. we have found the Jedi."


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Eve's eyes flared with a golden flame as the girl before her confirmed her suspicions, the coiled Lucif's own tail wagging in a rattled imitation as he loosened his protective grip from upon the Melodie as her hand slid down his form and signaling him to relax. She had finally arrived, and this girl before her had offered a gift of a lifetime, one she would not pass up. Not only had she identified the being behind her kin's destruction, she offered a means to destroy him whether she knew it or not. Her skill was undeniable, and Eve lacked harshly in that department. But of she could only...

Just as Lucif slithered away, Eve found her wrist gripped tightly, the arrow's tip pressing against her skin as her golden glare reflected the fire building within her eyes stared attentively toward her opposition's own. Before she could even react, she winced in pain as it was driven through as her blood boiled forth in a mixture of pain and euphoria, almost as if Eve was willing to do anything to possess what she held to offer. As the girl repeated the process with her own, Eve's gaze shot toward the feeling Lucif with command and then turned back toward their new companion as he words echoed deep in Eve's darkening heart.

"I am at your's to command then." Eve bolstered as the ship settled, her balance firm, even as the girl before her dragged her to and down the boarding ramp, a near devilish smile gracing her lips as the two left the Reel behind. "Yes. Let's go meet the Spider in all his glory."


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  • 2 weeks later...

The seer was not able to finish his sentence before the wash of power that was the King of the Sith, moved within the speed of thought, interrupting his delivery of the message. The taut dark-charred leather of Exodus' boots pounded the metal beneath him as he stormed from his chambers, brushing passed the Voss creature, and leaving the Krathen Hutt to his thoughts. The smooth black doors to his chambers opened and immediately reset the alertness of the men that were stationed before them.

Iziz hailed with rain once more, and the Spire stood out-cropped like a glistening dark blade against the clouded skies. Exodus reached the end of the hallway and rounded the corner, moving to prepare for another conquest. He caught the panoramic downpour that stretched passed the city, and into the profilic jungles, yawning across the world of Onderon. Nourishment for the creatures that were twisting in the dark, feeding on a power loaned to this world by the Sith. The buried Nexus was alive and spreading, pushing the shoreline of its influence deeper and deeper to feed an army that the enemies of the Sith had not seen in decades.

There were several messages from the headquarters of the armada, and it seemed the Rebellion had gotten its breath back, and with that, came Jedi. This was evidenced by reports of violent incidents in several systems that were historically known to house them—and, most disturbingly, full-fledged attacks upon these worlds that seem to operate with no resistence. Sith-Imperial Intelligence would undoubtedly keep tabs on the continued conflict, while the Sith Empire fanned the flames of their expansion. Meanwhile, his apprentice drew near with words. Exodus would hear them before the onset of a new chapter.


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The roar of the ship's frame groaned as it settled within its confines, alerting Neo from his meditations that they had arrived. Peering from behind one opened eye, Neo's brown gaze fell upon Skoll and Hati whom had taken up residence around their Master. With a brush of his gloved hand against their fur, they rose and allowed Neo to rise himself as they drew toward the chamber's door. Onderon awaited his return and those in which he had brought with him. Much seemed to have changed since he was last here, the darkness of his kinsmen seeping into the planet's very core as he made his way toward the ship's center and ramp, its power flowing upon the very breeze that slipped in as the ramp was lowered, revealing the rain that poured down upon Iziz's surface. Pulling the cloak over his head, Neo departed, the Forja Sitmyr following.

Where the being once known as the Demon of the Sith once strolled, now a different kind of beast now walked amongst the streets of Iziz with three rows of two Massassi at his back, their Tuk'ata held back only by chain and strength as the hounds snarled and gaped at onlookers as Skoll and Hati walked beside their Master in obedient silence. Past the Palace where he and Camik once trained, past the gardens where he recieved Darkfire's Holocron, Neo walked, distant memories of a dead disease now washing away with the rain. Neo only stopped briefly to gaze toward the Dragon's Gate where he felt his old friend perish before a familiar presence crept down his spine and drew his attention toward the large dark spire looming in the distance. He smirked as he turned toward it, uttering only a handful of words to himself. "The Dark King certainly retains his own sense of style."

With each step that was taken, the puddled darkness splashing beneath his own presence, Neo watched as the Spire grew in its enormous size, a beacon of the Spider's reach toward the heavens an ever reminder. As he made his final approach toward it's darkened doors, the sentries station outside stopped Neo in his tracks. The red skinned Massassi behind Neo grew uneased at such an insult, but Neo simply raised his hands and removed the hood of his cloak to reveal the braided silver locks and stern brown gaze before placing his hands upon Skoll and Hati whom sat at his command. A smirk still gracing his face, Neo shifted his gaze toward the Spire's top before returning it to the Sentries before him. "Inform the Dark King that the Demon of the Sith is dead, and that the true Sith Master has returned."

And with that, Neo awaited his King's call.

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The great doors opened before Telperien, the hinges whining against the strain of the heavy doors as the wto women walked through the high arch of the dark doorway. Telperien’s eyes were wide and amethyst as she brought the woman before her King, and when she felt his presence before her she fell to one knee, dragging the girl down beside her. Her voice was thick with accent and gravel like. The last vestige of the disease that had claimed so many of her previous bodies.

“My lord, all Dathomir bows before you. My people, once lost, now have begun their journey into your shadow.” She upturned her face and opened her eyes. “I bring you one I would wish as my apprentice should you allow it.” She turned her head to Eve. “Speak child.”


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Even as the girl before her dragged her form into the room, Eve's darted about, the insignia that laid imprinted upon the ship. Deep within her, her anger boiled upon its sight, aching to be released from its frame and be launched forth with the release of the power that contained it. But Eve simply stayed silent and contained, even as the girl forced her to kneel before the being responsible for the deaths of her kin, the death of all the Melodies whom had yet to undertake their transformation, her the sole survivor.

Well, her, and the cowards who refused to leave the refuge of the mountains underground lakes. The simple thought only glazed across her eyes as she stare forth, the emotions within written across her reflective eyes.

"So you're the Spider?" Her voice was forced, her tone deceptive, as she followed his being with her gaze. As the darkened room lit to her night eye, the girl dressed in primitive robes stayed upon her knee as the flames around them reflected in her eyes, her gaze having yet to falter despite her clenched fist and urge to spear him with the remnants of the ship that laid strapped across her back. "It's a pleasure."


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"So you're the Spider?"


"I am, as they say."


An armored raiment of bleached bone and spell-bounded metal sheathed the herculean Sith-King. Imperial embroideries knotted the mantled cloak chained around his neck, while hand-crafted heraldic runes colored his open breastplate. The repose that was normally found in the face of this man, was now masked by a helmet carved in the vein of the creature they hailed him as.  The skeins of his web-work found themselves in places none would ever reach, the utterance of his name inspired an unconquerable fear in the hearts of those that knew him by his labors, so the insecta-cognomen was one of the many ways these people likened him to his many faces of death. It was an aesthetic that he cared little for, but wore those faces without prejudice, daringly fixated on the two creatures that had now arrived. "What do you know of pleasure?" His voice carried a baleful inflection, a crisp echo that felt sinister as the words crawled from his helm. This was no question. He did not wish to understand what this creature meant; for the pleasures of a butcher fell in dark contrast to the pleasures of readied cattle, and this creature was not worth her weight in the world of livestock. She would be tantamount to an infantile rat, on the highfalutin platter of a Hutt. Sheog would belch and she would fly. It was her strange tone that precipitated his curiosity, and his rhetorical response served only for her to hold her tongue, for she would bow nonetheless. Beneath five feet, weighing one-hundred pounds at best, physically she was unremarkable. Exodus turned his attention to his own apprentice, and smiled beneath the bone of his mask, "You may," The Dark King looked back towards the small humanoid, with the same smile unseen by the two of them. 


"If this creature is underwhelming in any way, put a blade to her throat, and have her sing to you these pleasures. Bleed her dry, then dispose of her and find a new one. We no longer have the luxury of time for the meek, you will be held personally responsible." 


Exodus moved from the two bowed, unconcerned with cuing them to rise. His slow and measured steps carried him closer to the enormous windscreen, looking down the length of the Spire, noticing another that remained in wait. The flock had truly come home; lighter, weaker and less prepared for what was to come. There were some that continued to labor toward a more determined path within the Sith Empire, and his apprentice had been one of the few, so what of the one in wait? Perhaps the Golden child was prepared for the next step in her pursuit of power, or perhaps she had a lot more to learn like her father before. We would see.  "Telperiën. Dathomir bows before you. You are my shadow, and you will lead them." The Dark King raised his left hand, tightening his fist into a firm clench. All, if not most of the creatures that followed his command, held no direction or ambition of their own. The expansion of the Sith Empire would require more intelligent minds, and more capable warriors in the fights to come, time would tell where these two would rank. "Little Ar-Pharazon. You will hereby be recognized as a Lord and Lady within the totality of the Sith Empire, the dominion of your home world and your provisions in the defense of Onderon have resounded throughout my armies. Rise anew, and be prepared for the battles to come, for you still have much to learn." The quality of his articulation remained matter-of-fact, bold and sinister from beneath the chiseled mask. Although he existed here and in this moment, his mind and his ambitions navigated higher than any of these two could fathom. It was as if he could see the battles to come as he stood staring outside of the Spire, the triumphs and the exaggerated bloodshed that would come to past. 


"We move to continue the campaign. Gather what you'll need."




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  • 2 weeks later...

Amethyst eyes narrowed in anticipation The Apprentice listened to her master’s words. The pale pink eyes flickered from his dark ominous form to that of the girl that knelt beside her. She was underwhelming and wholly untested. With a firm nod, she drew her knife from its slim leather sheath and flicked it across the other girl’s neck, letting the blood mist across her fingers. It did not cut vital arteries but slashed through throat and vocal cords with ease. She put a pale hand on the girls head and shoved her to the ground. Speaking without a voice.


Your first lesson is this young Melodie. Do not die. Fix yourself up and learn to speak without words. If you have questions you will ask them of me telepathically or not at all.


She enunciated these words with a savage kick, before tossing a strip of medical gauze and the cauterizer from the kit on her belt which landed in the pooling blood.


Follow us then. Or don’t.


“Thank you My Lord.” She spoke for the first time, acknowledging the promotion before striding after the Spider. She had what she needed, her wits, her bow, and her sabre.



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His words, vile at best were but bile upon her ears as Eve choked down her urges, her temptations to act. No, not yet. It wasn't time. First she needed this girl to forge the weapon within that she promised. Then, and only then, would its taste bare sweet fruition from its labor. So she swallowed her craving for vengeance, even as this being before her turned his back to her. The best dishes were always best served cold.


But a warm sensation would be what she tasted and felt next as the blade slid so cleanly across her throat, the gurgling of warm iron rising upon her taste buds as her face felt the cold steel of the floor below. It was in that moment that Eve felt a flood of emotions flow forth as the warm blood poured from her flesh and encased her pressured flesh. First was that of shock, of fear, that these beings could have possibly knew her intent. But no, that wasn't it. They viewed her too weakly, underestimating the truth within her as this Spider suggested to the girl that had just silenced her without thought. So what was it?


Then the voice came, words left unspoken echoing through her head as her form recieved yet another blow, the pain only numbed by the thoughts of her imminent death lingering on the horizon as she grasped at an attempt to make sense of what was transpiring. These two were more than she anticipated, their actions and words saying one thing while they did another. And this girl, the one who promised to forge her into a weapon, unknowingly a weapon forged to kill the vile creature before them, slicing her throat, and yet expecting her to live? Her mind was manic, unsure and confused, even as her body laid silently in a pooling of her own blood, her gaze silent and still as if death had already taken her before her mind and soul caught up to it.


Her gaze finally shifted, first toward the two as they walked away before settling upon what the girl had tossed to her side, the gauze filling with the red of her blood and the small pin like instrument that laid beside it. Once again her eyes flickered in the flames of the darkened room and she went to voice herself even as the blood gargled in the place of her voice. "Noooooo!" No. She would not die here. Her purpose was and will always be clear. She would end this being known as the Spider. She would have her vengeance, and now, it would only be that much more sweeter. Her face now covered in her own blood, Eve grasped at the floor and managed to grip it, her gaze staring intently at the two as she pushed her chest from upon the floor.  Grabbing the instrument and the gauze, she acted.


Even as her flesh stung with the burning of it to close the wound, her gaze remained upon them. Even if she could not speak, they would hear her. Her determination was strong, just as her will, and will would be done. And as she went to stand, her form swaying to the loss of her blood that now covered her and dripped from her, she laid the gauze across her neck and stumbled after them. The girl had a promise to keep, and the Spider had a fate to meet, both intertwined with her own web of deceit. Now that the chips had been placed, it was time to shuffle the deck and begin. Let the melody of the Melodie whisper its sweet song.


"I will not die so easily."


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  • 2 weeks later...

A message arrived for the King Beyond the Stars. That beloved and feared Lord, the spider with his web of darkness. 


"My Lord, Black Sun calls for aid, it appears the last remnants of those Jedi ad Rebels have come together as one to rescue their empress. We are currently outnumbered and require your assistance." 


The call was short, but Delta hoped his years of loyal servitude had earned him some help. 




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Auspices of the Spider were found carved into each of the black stone pillars that formed the brilliance of the Spire. From the peak of the tower, to the subterranean bowels beneath, his mark was found far and wide. Each divination and each omen were written in an illustration characterized by battle and wit and the truth was, his reach was considerably farther than what these pictures could ever reveal. There were many names for him, many epithets that tried their best to distinguish the legacies that fell inside of his charter, and more would come when the darkness passed over the spread of the stars.


The sub-surfaces of the Spire was rowdier than usual. Hours after his commune with another of his students, Exodus had descended into the underbellies of the complex with a detachment of elite foot soldiers, hailing from the most powerful of distinctions. Adherence to the maturation of his abilities and physical conditioning remained a key component to his regimen, and he was a monster that showed no restraint whenever he did so. Rumors that a new ilk of creatures, viciously warped from the Heart of Onderon, were beginning to spawn and were herded for experimentation and combat analysis. Exodus would be the first to trial them, breaking these creatures alive or dead, was a natural proficiency for the Anzati King. 





[Neo] "Lord Exodus commands your presence in the lower levels, immediately. Time is of the essence."





Edited by Exodus


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Neo only nodded his head as the sentry acknowledged him, raising his hand once more for the Forja Sitmyr to remain above as he descended into the depths of the spire, only Skoll and Hati allowed to follow him within. As the three departed, the rows of Massassi would remain in formation, their Tuk'ata hounds bound to them as they stood in obedient silence.


The trek into the underworld of the Dark King's labyrinth reminded the Sith of his roots, delved so deeply into the darkness that only the light of fire illuminated its reach. And the great Spire's reach delved as deep into Onderon as did it to the heavens above. Yet, now Neo walked it's great length alone, surrounded only the faithful companions he had forged in Hati, a black Tuk'ata with crimson eyes, and Skoll, a white Tuk'ata with azure eyes. As for Neo, his silver hair only emphasized the brown void of his own playful nature as he descended the depths, its flow upon the wind only mocking the flow of the Force as it vortexed the Spire.


"Exodus..." Neo spoke, a youthful but drawn voice etched out as he appeared before the chosen Sith'ari. His gaze shifted about, noticing the training room the two stood in, a training room built for Assassins, a smirk still adorning his face. He suspected that his new, or rather original, look may require a retake upon first glance, but the powerful presence that emanated from him was obliviously familiar. Even if Exodus didnt know the face, he would know the presence. Raising his hand, Skoll and Hati sat, each one taking up posts at the opposing door frames as Neo stepped into the room before his only true brethren still remaining, both students of the same Master. "Its been awhile brother."

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The torch-fires inside of the room flickered, the shadows pranced as if there were water in the walls for them to swim. Exodus sat on a black hover-chair in the middle of the wide room, dampening the sweat seep from his skin with a plush towel. There was an eerie aura that was shackled to this room, one that the mouth would find brackish, almost a haunting darkness that was enthralled by the presence of the Dark King and the black arts he rehearsed within these walls.




"..The blood on your hands cannot be washed. Your scent is the same." 



Exodus spoke with an air of indifference, for the skin that covered power mattered little to him. It was the contrast of the Force beneath the peel of one's pelt that concerned him. The Spider had keener senses than even the White Wolf of the Sith, a creature that could not hold a candle to the savoir-faire of the Dark King, a traitor to the dark that was broken beneath the boot of the Spider's command. Had the Demon Oni fallen victim to such imcompetence as well? "So, what do they call you now?" Curiously, the question held a venomous tone, bitterly breathing the words as he finally looked towards his guest with incandescent eyes.


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Darkness.... it was a symphony that Neo had been familiar with for too long, especially during his time as Darth Oni. But Oni was more beast than man, and was therefore nothing more than a wasted talent. No, the being that stood before Exodus was the man behind the beast, the puppet master upon which Oni had drawn upon to achieve his sentience. But now Neo was free of the parasite, unchained and unbound, able to forge his own path. And he had already began to walk it. 


"I have cast aside the foul name of Darth." Neo spoke as the shadows around him danced within the dimly lit room, each flicker of flame a symbiotic glow upon the shadows that clung around it, aching to snuff it out. As Neo knelt before his brother, his gaze never wavered from the visage before nor did the smile cease, Skoll and Hati sniffing the air behind him a mere minor detail. "I go by the name I was given at birth, Neo Krell.


There was no need for any explaination, nor was one given as Neo remained knelt. His convictions remained the same just as did his power, the static of electricity that resonated across his form in small numbing jolts as Neo pulled the Force inward into his form speaking volumes alone. No, Neo Krell was a soldier of the Sith, a Master of the Force. There was nothing that needed to be said. Not even of Oni's defeat and cleansing at the hands of the Imperial Exorcist at Kuat. It was a loss, and one Oni had paid for with his existence. Even as the fur that dressed the innards of his robes rose and clung to his form, Exodus would see the true Master before him, the man that resided within the beast, the one who held the truest control over the spirit. In a singular sentence, Neo voice only one concern. "What lays ahead brother?"

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There was an odd nature in which this creature chose his words, bizarre for even the most unaware to speak so freely on things they had no knowledge of. This was the position of the eminent that he loosened his tongue about, Sith who had championed themselves to be the best of the best. Exceptional was a word that barely scratched the surface of what it was to be named Darth in the annals of the Sith, save for a few names that had weaseled their way into the ranks. The ones that were of his own ilk, would manufacture foundations of power wherever they walked, establishing vast militaristic followings. They were an unparalleled caste of gladiators that could unseat the souls of thousands in one sitting. To be named Darth, was to become a Master of your domain, wielding tremendous amounts of influence and aptitude in all the ways of the Dark Side.



"Tread carefully. You, in the way you speak, reminds me of a spineless pup I had put down."



Exodus did not smile this time, for the conviction that the white wolf had carried, had him buried to bones in the soils of Onderon proper. Montar walked a treacherous line, consorting with an enemy without sanction, side-stepping the opportunity to a fair confession. Fear drove him to panic and to consequently abandon his cause, and perhaps a man like Oni who had conspired against Lord Ryu, would not shy to double-cross the Spider.  



"You have cast aside the honor of Darth, in defeat I might add, despite the mandate of our customs. I have been well-informed of the Kuat Invasion, most notably of the failures that followed it, brother. The rumors are most disappointing, particularly in the allusion that it was a Je'daii that had broken your chains. Awful, for the many others that fell alongside you. However," Exodus stood tall from his seat, walking towards his brother with a keen look in his eyes, supremely curious if these whispers were truths. His plague had dissolved, and his dismissal of his symbolic importance to the Empire bordered egregiousness, meaning it could not be far-fetched. "Foul, he says". Exodus scoffed inaudibly, but chose to understand the predicament of the debilitated warrior, a man convinced he was cured but with nothing to show for it. Still, he returned and offered his respects when many others had been too cowardly to do the same. In this, he still held the ear of an old friend.


"The Shipyards at Kuat have been acculturated with our forces, so the price was paid. Lady Nyrys and her apprentices have postured themselves on both Cathar and, unexpectedly, the planet Mandalore. Her contributions have been refreshing in a time where our ranks have dwindled drastically. Where our power wanes in the choices of distinguished Sith, it doubly grows with the Imperials that now march under my banner. This Sith Empire is a far-cry from what it was before the Umbarans called for me, and now it is time for you to make your mark. Exodus stood a foot or two from Neo now, eyeing the creatures he had brought to accompany him, and then those venomous eyes canvassing what was once the Demon of the Sith. The Dark Lord reserved his doubts on whether or not this silver-haired son of Nurgle had lost his step and quarters of his strength with the passing of the plague. It mattered not, for if the Spider found this Neo Krell unwanting..



"If you cross me, I will kill you myself." 



Exodus altruistically placed his arm on the shoulder of his old comrade, and let it fall as he brushed by the theatrical trio. The metal of his gauntlet was hauntingly cold, and the shadows that clotted the vast training chambers seemed to follow him on the way out. "What lies ahead is more of the same, brother. War. Like I've told the others, prepare yourself, the ships will soon be ready to leave. Whether you adhere to the title or not, you are bound as a soldier of the Sith and you will prove your worth. Do not fail me again." 


Edited by Exodus


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Neo remained kneeling as Exodus spoke, his words and strife in Neo understandable to say the least. But Neo had lived a life much more different, and yet the same, as Exodus did. Where Darth held honor and prestige for Exodus, it held disdain and corruption for Neo. From his tutelage under Nurgle to his defeat at Kuat, it had became a badge of treachery and civil war for him.


"Forgive me brother, but the title of Darth leaves nothing but a sour taste in my mouth." Neo speaks as his brother, his King makes his way toward him. "Since you revealed the true purpose of the Alcazarins, I have done nothing but want to rid myself of everything from those days."


And so Neo had, from collapsing the fortress on Almas to forging a new path among the Massassi, he wouldn't stop until everything that remained of the Alcazarin was gone. He would see its existance wiped from the Galaxy forever. 


"My defeat at Kuat was unexpected. But I held no knowledge that the Exorcists of old still remained. But such was the weakness of Oni, of the disease that plagued me, more beast than sentient." Neo spoke in return, not offering up excuses, but the truth of what happened. Oni had only ever been a hindrance, a nuisance. Neo was glad to finally be rid of the beast. Even more so when Exodus' threat came across his ears. "If that day comes, I will end myself for you. For my loyalty lies with the Sith, even if it means ending you in the same manner." 


Neo let his gaze settle upon Exodus' own, piercing the mask that hid his visage with subtle conviction as he made perfectly clear his loyalty. Exodus was a great King, a great Dark Lord. But should he ever falter or show weakness, much like upon himself, he will end the life willingly. Exodus would have no reason to doubt. 


"If you need proof, brother, you have but to ask."

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The Council beneath the Spider picked apart the intelligence that had gushed onto their table, with choices that would hold vast consequences no matter the decision. Members of the Council had their time tallied, powerful minds that were capable of far-reaching foresight, each drawing on the possibilities set before them. Ailbasí had unearthed the roots and historic value of a planet Cathar, stationing an intrinsic hold on the lands of a vicious species, planting the seed for future harvest. Word was, that the fair lady had discovered the promise of not one, but two apprentices that were ripe with the call of the Force. Invaluable was the word used between the members of the Dark Council, for the replenishing of the fallen ranks of Sith over the last few years was key to their ascension. Lady Nyrys had decided to take it a step further than that, imprinting the mark of the Sith Empire on the beskar-clad world of Mandalore. This was a position of irrefutable strength. News of this had traveled to King Exodus immediately, especially because those that carried vested interest in the department of foreign relations had become frenzied at the thought that a newcomer had trespassed against her authority. The Dark Lord quieted any discomfort and allowed Lady Nyrys to work unimpeded, this would offer her the freedom to do what many others in her position continuously failed to do; building an independent and tangible power-base directly attributed to her ranking within the Sith Empire. This was no simple task, and the diligence required to do so took a wealth of ambition that many others had proven to lack in droves. This earned genuine favor from the King of the Sith, even from those within the Empire that continued to hear her name in discussions inside of council meetings, listening with an itch of jealousy for what she had accomplished in such a small window of time.

One of the many other affairs dissected at the gathering within the Spire, was the subject of the Blood Prince. This was a creature of far spread experiences, hands that were clothed with the deaths of a great many, a sound strategist and ally to those that he had sworn himself too. His dealings represented the nature of the Black Sun Crime Syndicate, an organization that Lord Exodus had reached out and given life to when their existence, along with the Brotherhood of the Sith, was at an end. The correspondence team had received more troubling information in this case, unraveling a possible assault on Dark Sun Station from sworn enemies that were in search of the false Empress. Displeasure was the tone carried across the chambers. It was made clear on Kuat that the Imperial Remnant held neither the interest nor the concern of the true Emperor. The era of children running amok with titles for crowns, binding the stupidity of sheep together to forge armies with no foundation, was a dying theme. Exodus knew this truth and continued to sharpen steel with steel to fasten the Sith Empire to the roots of the galaxy, ensuring their formation would not blow out like a candle-flame against the winds in which many others before had suffered. This truth was not shared by his allies, and for that, they were unprepared. The Black Sun had managed to capture the false Empress, shackled and bound but for a purpose that failed to bear fruit. The Imperial Remnant had their fleet dismantled into pieces above the powerful orbit of Kuat, and their morale left in the hands of screaming exorcists. Whichever string in the webs of these events that Exodus wished to see, he could pry from the memories of those that had survived them. He watched in the ways they fought, organized themselves with reckless abandon, and cared little for the chess moves that were veiled in every breath. Mere children of the Force, playing with powers of the galaxy while still feeding at the teat of the breast. The Empress of these things would have no information to produce, and merely served as a rallying cry for those that had now come.

It was as if their allies were desperate, moving with lack of reason and purpose. They held onto a pawn of war and in return, was met with their doom. The council shared their displeasure openly, a stain on the coat-of-arms invisibly worn on the chest of the Blood Prince. There were those that even whispered of betrayal, a setup brewing behind the call for reinforcements. The evidence of this was not hard to find, the idea painted itself very vividly, for the odds were counted against their dumbfounded allies and a plan shared between the Axis did not exist. Recent victories had been a merit of their unrivaled coordination, enmeshed in their coupled movements and strategies, but now there was nothing but a cry for help in the black of space. The reason that these criminals had not slit the throat of the little woman who dressed her name as an Empress, or even bargained for wealth as was their nature, was innately suspicious. No, the council would have no parts, for the treachery of the Old Empire had nearly costed the lives of each of the Sith now present, and they would not allow Black Sun to recklessly do the same.

Delta-73, the Blood Prince of the Black Sun would die with his name and carry the weight of his failures to the afterlife. The crime-lords would understand swift destruction at the hands of those that now opposed them, and the odds that they faced without the slightest notion of a plan, would assure this. The council brushed the concerns of their confused allies aside, and listened to the roar of the Sith Empire fleet outside. Glorious was the sight of Onderon, shadowed by the Black Scarab and the locusts of vessels that surrounded it.

As much as the delegations of the Dark Council carried weight, King Exodus had neglected to take part in them, focused rather on the knowledge of the Dark Side as he had done in the past few months. His say was final, and increasingly unchallengeable with mounting success. The forces made ready for war, most believing that the Crusaders that stampeded across the galaxy, would meet the Sith Empire at Mandalore. Communication between the two powerhouses had been nonexistent, so each of the commanders within the Sith Armada prepared for the worst. There would be blood to be paid, or a new-found ally to spill it with. Exodus however, remained quiet over the last few days, reserved to his personal chambers, while his intentions remained unknown. His command structure pleaded in many ways to understand the next move, but answers had not surfaced in the latest. On the eve of this morning however, the war-horns of the capital thundered across the world of Onderon, enticing a religious-like zeal across the nations as the armies of the Sith Empire began to line their departure.



[Transmissions sent to Lady Nyrys for rendezvous]

[Lord Exodus has sent for Sheog, Neo, Telperien, and Eve to board the Black Scarab, immediately]

[Transmission to All Sith have been sent, to rendezvous in Space with the Sith Fleet]

Prepare for War.

Edited by Exodus
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Days had passed since Exodus questioned Neo's loyalty, and yet, here he sat, perched upon the Castle's top as he gazed out across Onderon. Below him were the Forja Sitmyr, as well as Skoll and Hati, patiently awaiting his return as he gathered himself and focused his mind. He knew why Exodus had questioned him, and in part, he understood it. But the blood that boiled within him refused to be questioned. It was as if his mind and body were torn upon its realization.


But as his comm sounded and his orders were recieved, Neo simply smiled. Exodus wanted an answer and now was Neo's chance to reveal it. Standing, Neo pulled upon the Force around him like wind to a hawk's feathers and fell forward toward the Forja Sitmyr. And as he landed, the ground seemed to ripple and roll beneath their feet upon his impact, the Sith Master standing upward with a new sense of pride. 


He smiled.


It wouldn't take long for he and his kin to gather aboard the transport that had brought them to Onderon nor for it to reach the Black Scarab. But this journey was different. Neo had something to prove to his brother. He needed to show Exodus why his loyalty should never be questioned again.

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So you yet live child?


Darksteel arrowheads slid across a wetstone, guided by the precision of the force as the pair walked together towards the boarding shuttles for the dreadnaught. Another dark arrow slid into the bag that was tied to Telperien’s thin waist.


Why do you desire to follow in such troublesome venture? Do you not see that you will end in decay and death?


The golden eyes turned amethyst in hue and the corners of her lips trembled into a soft smile. Boot gracefully set foot onto the decking of the Scarab as the servant of the Spider led her apprentice to the bridge.


Find that part of you that wishes to do evil and explain it to me. Do not go into this darkness without forethought. You can gain power in other ways than sacrificing yourself to the wiles of the darkside.


They were home. They were in the master's service, and they would be used for his will. 


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Live? I suppose you could called what state Eve existed in 'Life' as the Melodie followed the two in a twisted manner, her skin and garbs covered in her own blood as the frail and thin being barely managed to stand upon her own two feet as her knees nearly buckled beneath her stage for the stave she propped herself up upon. It took every ounce of energy she held to take each step she took in tow, even as her Reel companion Lusif made a quick entrance to catch her as she nearly fell when they neared the shuttle. Her hand attempted to shoo him away, but only found solice in his scales as he reeled his head high to keep her afoot.


No. What she existed within wasn't considered life. It was a mere limbo between the two existences, as her life ended the day that ship destroyed not only the sanctuary of her people, but revealed the cowardice ways of her Elders whom clung to the protection of the waters while the younglings she protected found only death. Only the symbol that adorn the harbinger of her people's demise kept her from finding the embrace of either existence, the symbol of the being before her, the Spider. Life... Death... neither seemed possible until her vengeance was complete.


As the shadow of the Scarab flickered upon her face, her gaze shimmered of the fire within her chest, the remnants of her heritage glowing brightly in the darkness after living her entire life in the darkened halls of her people's underground hatcheries like generations before her. But as the light of the Scarab's innards shown brightly upon her bloodied attire, it was subtly hinted at that she was the first to have adapted to life outside. Struggling still to take her steps into the unknown, her gaze never shifted from the two before her as she bore their existences into her memory forever.


And as the young girl before poised her questions, she remained silent, unable to give her an answer vocally thanks to the burnt flesh beneath her bandages. All she could do was bare her cold and deadly stare toward the two, much like that of her Reel companion, her breathing being the only thing voiced. Yet, her thoughts spoke louder than anything she could speak. Death and decay? That is who she is. Forethought and Darkness? That was her soul. Evil? That was who they had made her to be. Like the precipice of dusk, on the twilight eve of darkness, the light within was slowly fading into blackness. And as her gaze stared intently at Telperiën, Eve smiled grizzly, her teeth stained with her own blood.


"Evil begets evil."


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The eldritch composition of the Sith fleet brooded across the lower orbit of Onderon. Black color-crafts trimmed with the red of battle blood washed each of the vessels that prowled the dark skies. The Black Scarab mounted the planet as crown jewel while the rest of the flotilla moved into a synonymous formation. The Sith Star Dreadnought steered the likes of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, the Bleeding Kyber. Warspite, Sunder, Hyperion and Blackblade cut their vessels into the black of space as an escort to their command ship. The collective armies and the bodies that conducted them were now aboard and moments away from their jump to the rendezvous coordinates. Those that abandoned the call of their King, would be ostracized from their ruling campaign indiscriminately.

(Sith Fleet leaves for Space.)

"Na-hah ur su ka-haat.

Su ka haru aat"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Zalis allowed for a single moment of clearing her mind as the ship touched down in Iziz at the starport. Her own mind was racing as she had received reports that Delta had taken the entire fleet to Dark Sun station, which somehow became a lightning rod for the Republic and Jedi fleet. Although, they were quick to lock down the area and sealed off transmissions, but not before Delta had requested backup. The fleet was about to be fully outgunned and the majority of the investors and corporations that banked at Dark Sun were likely to be beyond pissed at the damage that would surely happen. 


Letting a massive sigh out, she knew how to spin it in a way that would protect Black Sun and allow for her to keep those special corporations she had built contracts with intact. But it would come at a very high price. Namely Delta. She would need to spin things very creatively in order to maintain things, but luckily, she knew how to go about it. And the more time she spent on Onderon, the better her chances at weaving her web. She didn’t spend a good few months working over Shura Cohl and Amius Hulan just to have everything fall apart within a single battle. She knew what she needed to do. And for the moment, she needed to focus on what she could. 


Taking in a deep breath, she stood up and strained out her dress and gave both a head and hand motion to signal for Remo to follow her. On her way down the ramp, she could already see one of the port officials who seemed recognized her almost immediately. Even as she walked down the ramp, he offered her up a smile and began to talk to her. Why do they always insist on these petty conversations…


“Oh Zalis, it’s been a while since we’ve had the pleasure of your presence here at Iziz. Word on the street is that Dark Sun bank is under fire at the moment, and words also tie your organization to the bank…”


Zalis rolled her eyes very openly to the man. Even as she finished, she handed over her starport visa to the man, as security seemed to never die off since the old days here. As he looked it over for a second before handing it back to her, she offered up a half sarcastic smile. “The Black Sun fleet that arrived at Dark Sun Bank has done so without the sanction of me. I plan to make sure that all of the investors and clients who utilize the bank such as Incom Corporation, SyntheTech and HealthiDrive will have their assets protected.” She took her starport visa out of his hand and raised her left eyebrow as she walked past the man and into the main walkway towards the market.


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Zalis moved through the somewhat busy streets of the Malgan market on Iziz. People moved in and around different posts of all sorts of stands trying to sell different items. Her black backless dress was doing exactly what she wanted it to, and she was indeed getting a few more eyes to look her way as she walked through the middle of the square, pulling behind her a case that had wheels upon the bottom of it. From the corner of her eye, she spotted Yordel Vuxen, who was attempting to make a hard sell to a Twi’lek who seemed to want no part of it. With a smile, she knew her own entrance would help him make the sell. 


She walked herself up to him directly, almost pushing the Twi’lek out of the way. In the same motion, she dropped the case and put her finger delicately upon his brown skin with a soft movement over his chin and she leaned in and placed a small kiss upon his cheek. “Oh Yordel, those special items you sold did far more than what you said-I could have ended up paying at least twice as much as what you sold to me for… Oh, I’m sorry hon. I didn’t mean to interrupt your business transaction. I’ll wait until you’re done.” As she acknowledged the Twi’lek, she used her right hand to softly move her right hand against his left forearm with a wink as she stepped away. 


As she took her few steps away from the two and towards Remo, she could hear what sounded like a goofy low gitty laugh from Yordel. It made her roll her eyes in slight disgust. The eye roll would only have been seen by Remo, so she felt like it was okay at the moment to reveal to the droid her own feelings on the situation. However, upon getting to stand next to the droid, she could see within Remo’s dome that the Twi’lek was looking at her from the corner of his own eye, so she bent down to whisper to Remo, the stance alone would have revealed to both the Twi’lek and Yordel more than the crack in her buttock. “These poor idiots have no clue how badly I’m playing them…”


She then stood up to hear the final exchange of the two, and the Twi’lek took his leave, but not without making a few constant look backs to get a full and final last image of Zalis. She made sure to move slowly and provocatively towards Yordel to give the Twi’lek his last request. As she approached Yordel again, he offered her up that stupid gitty chuckle again. “You know, if you stick around, you and me as a team could make thousands of credits within weeks tops.” Zalis now offered him a look of pity. “Oh Yordel… I’m so sorry that you think that a thousand is a lot…” The man’s face was clearly taken back as she finished. It clearly had never come to the man’s mind that she made so much more than him. But Zalis knew better then to let the man sit in a low place, so she picked up the case and had it drop on the man’s counter with a loud thud. 


“Twelve reinforced carbine blasters – as you requested. These bad boys have been deemed illegal by the big 3 political powers that be. Although, only two will actually do something about you having them.” As she finished, she opened up the case to reveal the contents to Yordel. As she finished opening the case, she took a step back and took a glance up at the palace, which seemed to not be a busy as she remembered it. Yordel must have noticed her looking and spoke up. “The Dark Lord and his fleet left the area not more than nine hours before your arrival. Rumor has it… To come your aid.” Her annoyed look returned. “So I’ve heard. Remo, is there a way for you to give me updates on that situation. I’d rather not hear about it from others.”


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Onderon was a place that Remo had never held the pleasure of visiting before. Even from space, Remo was mesmerized by its beauty and its hold upon its singular moon, Dxun. It was a lush jungle world filled with life and opportunities. But once he found himself upon its surface, he found it quite puzzling indeed. Despite its lush jungles, there was quite a chill to it, unlike other jungled worlds he had been to were humidity dropped from its many branches.


The occupants of Onderon seemed unaffected, going about their daily lives in an almost utopic way, or at least from what he glimpsed here in Iziz. Yet, he couldn't quite shake this weird emotional response of uneasiness. It crept along his receptors like an invisible tendril, and had he been capable, his body would have mimicked the response of a fleshie, risen hair and all. Sticking close to Zalis, they continued on into the heart of Iziz.


Zalis was unlike many of the fleshies he had met over the span of his existence, and in truth, he doubted he would ever meet another like her for the rest of it. And he wasnt quite sure why he was fond of her, but he did enjoy the way she played games with the minds of other fleshies and that she didnt seem to trust many, if not any, of them. So when she bent down to coyfully play her part, Remo smiled inside, playfully jolting her rear cheeks when she stood to finish off this Yordel and exposed herself to him. 


Who says a droid can't have a little fun?


As Zalis continued her transaction, Remo gazed around, taking notice of a few bystanders and even the Twilek whom had just recently departed as he took in Onderon fully. It certainly had the potential that Zalis foresaw. But given the Sith presence, that was a large hurdle for even her to jump over. Turning back to her as she poised her question, all he could manage to muster in response was his usual bleeps and bloops as he went into hacking the Black Sun command lines. It wouldn't present much of a challenge for him to find out exactly what was going on at that very moment, but what presented the challenge was her imcapabilities of understanding what he was saying.


"We really need a protocol droid..."


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  • 1 month later...

Zalis gave Remo a sympathetic nod as she understood just enough of what the droid was trying to communicate, which was the lack of ability to actually do so. Within her own mind, she made a silent vow to find a way to give the droid a vocal processer to make it easier for the two moving forward. Even as the droid had finished his beeping, Yordel spoke up rather quickly. 


“My dear Zalis, why do you concern yourself with such people. I strongly beli-“ “What you strongly believe and your opinion may stay within your own damn mind. Know your own role well Yordel, and know my role. You walk a very fine line. So your next words you speak better hold something of value to me, otherwise I’m going to consider this entire visit over.”


She narrowed her own eyes at the man who clearly now looked like he had just seen a ghost of sorts. Slowly taking in air with his throat, he adjusted himself to stand up perfectly straight and looked her in the eye. “But of course, ma’am. I understand very well. There is going to be grand party held within two days’ time. Many of the wealthiest business owners will be present. They are all looking for… places to invest in.”


Zalis allowed for her to gain a grin from ear to ear as he spoke. A little bit of fear used at the right time was always very effective. “Thank you Yordel. I promise to keep you on the list of market owners that we want to keep supplying then.” Zalis then turned and began to walk away from the stand and more towards some of the higher end cantinas. “Remo, did I pack anything that would be appropriate for such a party?”


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  • 1 month later...

Zalis found herself walking down a fairly grand staircase into the University, Ov Taraba and all its grandeur. There were games of Hintaro, Binspo, Sabacc and Swoop racing videos all as the main focus. Even as she walked down the staircase, she took in all of the beauty that the place held, black and white marble stones for the floor. The sheer beauty of everything was well worth noting for any future projects that she would have Black Sun undertake. Upon letting her foot hit the main floor, she very confidently walked past a server who was carrying a tray of some form of champagne and took a glass off of it and moved towards the main hall where dinner tables were placed for guest to sit and eat. 


As she moved herself into the room, if only to draw the attention of others to her, she was suddenly touched on her shoulder ever so slightly. As she turned to see who it was, the voice that spoke made her recognize who it was without any question. “You know, when they say it’s a black and white party, people tend to dress that way and not wear something that’s black, red and gold.” Zalis was already smiling when she met the face of Kyllan. His smooth face with dark black eyes and soft and wavy brown hair made her beam with true joy. “You know me Ky, I always go for the eyes.” Kyllan’s face began to show his own smile in return as he placed his hand back at his side, while he used his other hand to direct Zalis towards a tall standing dining table. 


“You know, that last time I saw you, we were on Ahakista in the Daystar. You made me a mark.” Zalis took a sip of her drink before putting it down. “I made everyone a mark back then Ky. It’s just how I operated back then. If I recall… You sold me out to the authorities for… what was it again?... a Kyber crystal?” The statement drew a chuckle from Kyllan. “Yeah, we had a weird relationship back then. Part of me was jealous that security go to search and feel you up before I ever did. But hey, clearly, you’ve moved up in the world. The head of Black Sun I hear?” 


The feelings on reminiscing upon their prior relationship was beginning to stir with Kyllan. Zalis made a mental note of it before turning her head back towards her drink. “Yeah. It’s been a very long journey for me. Rough at times, even rougher now. But I feel as if the winds are about to fully change in my favor.” Kyllan raised an eyebrow at Zalis in sheer amusement. “Favor isn’t there yet. Dark Sun station is currently under attack my dear.” Zalis rolled her eyes at the very mention of that fact. She was getting tired of hearing it. The last thing she wanted was to hear about how things were going on a station that was begging to be hit- but no one knew that outside of her. It was her well-guarded secret that such a disaster was supposed to strike Dark Sun. Letting out a very annoyed breath, she lifted her eyes towards Kyllan. “I’m surprised you even care about it.” There was a look of displeasure suddenly on Kyllan. “I own Incom Corporation and Incom-FreiTek now…” Zalis slowly closed her eyes and let out an exhale as she understood now. “Both of which have large sums of credits at the station…”


Zalis shifted slightly, but not in an uncomfortable way, but rather to a stance of annoyance. “Oh well. That’s a loss for you then I guess.” The very response drew a confused look from Kyllan. “How does it not affect you?” Zalis turned to face Kyllan directly. “The station isn’t owned by Black Sun, if only through a single connection point- it’s owned by me. The finical impact it has on me and my company are, well, almost nothing. The loss is solely upon the companies who had funds there.” She now turned herself back around to rest her back against the table as she had been doing before. “Contract wise, in the agreement signed, such a loss to funds in this manner are not covered by Dark Sun. We cover disaster or brought on damages from within our company. And since the station is being attacked by X-wings created by your company, it creates a complicated situation of conflict of interests. And the other companies present like HyperTech and HealthiDrive also have suppliers present during the fight… Those funds lost fall upon the companies themselves. So making up those funds come through your companies having to charge more for your products.”


Zalis offered up a smile and a wink right before she took a drink. Even as she did, Kyllan’s face began to fully process it. She could tell that he was beginning to understand the move she had made. As she put the drink down, his own words came out of his mouth very slowly. “So… That was your move. To make something so grand and appealing for companies to be a part of, knowing very well that the side nature of your other company would draw fire to it… but there has to be a bigger picture. I know you well enough to know that there is always a bigger picture.” With a soft smile still upon her face, Zalis offered up a quiet response. “Oh, you have no idea of how big the picture is. But yes. There is more to it than that. I know that some companies upon finding out will simply stop supplying the attacking forces. Because of which, the easiest ways to gain such resources now fall upon the black market or with Czerka… of which I also own…” “So your end game in this is to drive up your own funds. It’s literally a win-win for you.” 


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When Shiro awoke, he found himself caged once again, this time a sensational tingling vibrating through his entire form every time he struggled against the cuffs that bound him. Rage and pain boiled within him at the thought of having been caught yet again as he resisted his reality and fought to free himself until his muscles ached and wrecked under numbness and electrocution. And then he just laid there in defeat, his form fevered against the cool durasteel flooring he found himself upon.


"What's this?" He questioned to himself as he heard the whirling echo of air against steel. "Are we in space?"


Struggling to his feet, Shiro realized that he was aboard a small prison transport heading toward an unknown destination his cell having no way to view his outside world. And then his weight shifted as the transport exited hyperspace and he could feel the extra gravity of a planet begin to pull upon his form and that of the ship's, his nostrils flaring with both anticipation and realization that this had became his reality. And when the ship landed and he was led from the ship to Onderon's slaver's market, he fought and struggled with everything he had, causing the guards to bound him in chains and a poled collar.


"Ladies and Gents, Our most honored guests, we have a humanoid of the highest caliber. A Force Sensitive of unknown origins with eyes as crimson as the hair that adorns our Dark King's..." Shiro could hear a voice speak from beyond the sheathed hut, his gut twisted in knots and his bloodlust as rampant as the wild beasts he found himself allotted with. If he could just get his hands free... "After killing two members of the Black Sun, adding more murders to his bounty, he displayed the powers of our beloved Masters and took down my own men. If the act had not been so tolling on his own form, I would not be standing here before you this day."

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Zalis kept her eyes upon Kyllan as he finished sending off his own report to the Holonet. There was a single moment where she felt what she would describe as glee that sparked within her as she watched him having to resolve to the actions that she had rendered him and many other companies to. Kyllan’s face also began to display some form of what looked like guilt. Zalis knew it well from the days of her youth when she was a mere assassin and her contracts were all crime lords. She could recall one whom expressed openly his guilt of sleeping with her as he undressed before her. It perhaps showed his own weakness and justification of what she did to him. what she did to them all during those days. Kyllan was no different. 


“You’ve been laying the ground work for this for years now. I wonder what other elements are still in play…” Zalis picked up her drink and finished it off before she even responded to him. Taking the drink was all she could do to not let her eyes roll so loudly that everyone halfway across the galaxy could hear it. “Yes. I’ve spent a long time to put these pieces into motion. And for your other statement- I bet you would. I don’t indulge information as former idiots who ran this company did. I keep plans close and ideas even closer.” Zalis allowed for a moment for Kyllan to look directly into her eyes. He looked her over and fully understood everything that had transpired. He knew who Zalis was and now fully understood how dangerous of a woman she was. How dangerous she would continue to be if others also brushed her off or thought of her as the common crime lord. No- she was something very different and deadlier than everyone who came before her. 


Zalis watched him as he picked up a drink from a waiter walking by. He made it obvious that he wasn’t done talking to her, but was slowly starting to walk towards the Swoop racing oversight. She allowed for herself to follow him, but knew that the next question belonged to Ky alone. He reached the oversight and took a hard drink before placing the glass on the railing and leaned into it himself. She was still approaching it as he spoke. “My god, you really have changed leaps and bounds since Ahakista.” He took a moment to glance her over, and Zalis knew this was her que to turned herself to lean sideways upon the railing next to him. “Your stunning features is where people always land themselves in massive trouble.” Flattery wasn’t something that Zalis handled well, even when she marked targets way back when. It was a learned skill to be able to roll with them, and that was about as far as she could go this time. “So tell me Ky… Why bring yourself here? I mean, outside of Coruscant falling and you needing a new market to setup a large shop… Onderon doesn’t really fit the good guy role at the moment. You’re here for something else.”


Her question was enough to put him on edge slightly. He stirred ever so slightly, letting her know that she may have struck a little too close to a raw nerve. After the moment passed, he took another hard drink and refused to look directly at her now. “While I doubt that you could know that much, or that it would even interest you… Before Coruscant’s fall we were looking to setup a secondary HQ. Both of us thought that coming to a location like this one… would draw some attention off of us.” Zalis knew with a quick poke, she could completely unravel him. She knew already far more than what he was comfortable with, and he held no idea of how much she really did know. But, he was still someone whom she needed to not flat out hate her yet, so she had to continue to work her magic upon him. “I’m sorry. I know that the loss of Coruscant hit many companies really hard. The Mandalorian Crusaders really struck out and made it difficult for a lot of people. If I had seen you earlier before that…” She let her own words hang, knowing that Kyllan would feel out the rest of it. 


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