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Nar Shaddaa


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"Yes sir! I got enough to eat at the Glow Worm, but I'll get an idea of where the galley is first. Before I head aboard though, what's the official policy on that? Do we just help ourselves, or is there a cook and a designated mess?"


Jareen smiled. Teaggar actually wasn't that imposing or scary for a Wookiee..in fact he was rather gregarious. Jar had worked with Wookiees before, but they'd been less than polite. It seemed to him that a pirate captain who was also a Wookiee would be a little...well, tougher-acting than Teaggar was. The captain was obviously a pirate, but there was more to him.


Best not to pry in your employer's personal matters...better wait until, and if, he wants to tell you.


With that in mind, Jar waited for the captain to tell him about the galley policy.

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"Umm....there is none. You can get whatever unless someone steps in and volunteers to be the chef."


Kirlocca was about to turn away and address the droid captain on some things, but paused for a second.


"The only rule is don't go into the captains chambers without permission. Otherwise, the ship is your home."


Kirlocca then turned on his heels towards the droid, who's emotionless face made Kirlocca feel cold inside.


"I need for you to bring me an updated chart. I want to know where this ship has been, and where it knows to get."

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"Yes sir! I wouldn't enter your quarters period."


Jar was puzzled. Why would the captain make a point of it? No one entered their superior officer's quarters without permission, on any vessel.

Maybe it's a sub-conscious thing. Say he's got something he's hiding, and accidentally let it loose.....nah...couldn't be. But there is more to him than one would expect. I'll have to explore the subject on my free time...and not infringe on the captain's privacy if I can help it. Maybe there's something on the holonet someplace.


Jar turned to enter the ship.


"I'm gonna go check out the ship Cap'n Teaggar...make myself at home. Hopefully the others get here soon...I'm excited to make our first jump!"


With that, he strode up the ramp and into the Bloody Dragon. This was going to be an adventure...he just had to be careful not to get in some sort of trouble...being a pirate would be trouble enough.

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Kirlocca watched Jareen walk up the boarding ramp, resisting the urge to reach out through the force and feel what he was thinking. He was able to resist only because of the nagging metallic voice of the droid captain speaking in his ear. Only after Jareen disappeared did the wookiee turn to acknowledge the droid.




"Sir, why does that one call you...'Teaggar?'" Kirlocca wasn't sure how to answer him at first, but slowly found composure to respond to him.


"Why don't you call me that?...."


Kirlocca turned at started to walk aboard the vessel, but turned on his heels to address the droid one last time.


"It's my name, and I want you to make sure the rest of my crew finds their way on board."


Kirlocca then turned around to the Bloody Dragon to see his son. Even as he walked, Kirlocca could hear the droid acknowledging him. "Yes Captain Teaggar." Kirlocca couldn't help but smile.

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Holden slowly moved around the room. He had woken up with the landing of the vessel on the planet, he didn't even remember pulling out of hyperspace. He climbed up to the ledge where a view port was so he could see outside, mainly because he was curious about the planet his dad had taken him too. A frown came to Holden's face. They were back at the same old place as before.


Holden climbed back down and left the quarters that his dad had told him to remain in. It was that he was disobedient, just curious about the ship as a whole. He started to walk around towards the lower sections of the ship, only because he had already been on the bridge.

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Jareen thought there was something unusual about the visitor...he certainly hadn't gotten onto the Bloody Dragon through the front door. There was also the small fact that he couldn't see the visitor...cloaking tech was rather rare and dangerous, as was the ability to mask yourself with the force. He was worried...this was definitely something Teaggar would want to know about. He got up from his bunk, and went to look for the Captain.


A few minutes later, he found the Wookiee.


"Cap'n Teaggar - there was someone on the ship. Don't know how he got aboard...said he had a job for me. Don't trust him....but the main thing is he sneaked onto the ship and I'm not sure how. We seem to have a security breach....."

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((I PMed you both.))


Kirlocca hadn't even made it fully up the ramp before one of his new crew members meet up with him. Jareen was quick to get to the point, which Kirlocca was grateful for.


"I don't think it's a security breach so much as-"


Kirlocca paused as he heard some sound go off within the ship. He turned around and looked at the droid captain, who was now walking towards him.


"Your crew is getting careless, go make sure they didn't blow anything important, or I'm sending you to the scrap yard."


Kirlocca eyed the droid carefully as he walked up the ramp into the ship. He turned his attention back to Jareen.


"What exactly did he offer you?"

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"A bounty of some sort, I'm thinking. He wasn't entirely specific...wanted me to meet him...offered me a million credits. I'd say he's disappointed I didn't take his offer....in any case, he claims he has an office around here. Want to go find it?"


Jareen was angry at the man for damaging the ship...he felt he was a coward for not showing his face. Jareen hated cowards, and tried see that they got their dues. This particular being was beyond his scope, however....but with Captain Teaggar's help...


All that depended on what Teaggar wanted to do with the situation. It was going to be interesting in any case...

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Kirlocca was about to respond when he heard a noise, and then his eyes started to burn from the smoke. He thought he heard movement around him, but without tapping into the force, Kirlocca couldn't know for sure. As he raised his paws to try to cover his eyes, he heard an whisper of some kind. It sounded almost like an echo from a hollow place, but he heard it well. 'Come to Kashyyyk with your crew, or this filthy creature dies.' When he heard the voice, a tingle ran down his spine, for Kirlocca couldn't tell who it was or what it was talking about. After a few moments, the smoke lifted and all that was in front of him was the Bloody Dragon.


Kirlocca scanned the skies of Nar Shadda to find a clue of what had just transpired, but he could find none. Worst of all, one of his new crew members were now gone. Kirlocca looked around, now fully sure of what he should do. His droid captain appeared next to him out of nowhere. "Sir, the noise was a nerve bomb that was set off. Since no humans besides your son were aboard, no one was harmed. Your son was still in the turbolift when it went off, which saved him from the blast." Kirlocca partly ignored him. "Sir, we have also received a comm from docking control, they want us to lift off." Kirlocca then made his acknowledgment.


"Alright, lets get everyone on board, and then we can take off. Have the bridge crew set a course for Kashyyyk, but have us pull out far enough away from the planet so that we won't be picked up on any sensors."


Kirlocca watched the droid acknowledge him and then walk up the ramp. Kirlocca remained for a few seconds more to scan the skyline.

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Not Mod approved at all, with the request that if someone adds a post is "mod approved" that the exact post/situation is directed to our attention instead of questions on general topics. This still amounts to a one post capture since no combat actions were taken in a post prior (due to the people in question not being affected by the gas attack on the ship). No direct combat actions were taken, so this comes out to one hit. Furthermore, gas weapons are prohibited in the RP, so the attack is nulled to begin with.


Also in this case, Halal and Jareen are roughly equally matched in terms of levels/power so the two-hit capture/kill, which is the legal minimum for kill/capture is innappropriate in this situation.



The monarch of madness has returned!


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since March 2002.]

[2nd in Command of the Lords of Hate since March 2002.]

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((Lol...didn't think this had been mod-approved. I got a little flamey about his cloaking device when he threatened me OOC (nothing serious..he said there'd be hell to pay lol ) if I didn't edit my response lol...I was having a bad day but I think I ticked him off I've PMed Aryian about his actions already An IC post is coming after a snack and some Firefly ))


((Edit: I'm not sure where we're rolling back to after that little escapade...I'd assume to right before the gas/one-hit capture thing and just go from there? I'll post as soon as I have some info ))

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To both sides, stop the OOC chatter. The gas attack ruling is incidental to this post as more of a heads up as the key factor was the lack of direct interaction in prior posts between Halal & Jareen that specifically targeted Jareen necessary to justify the 2HK. His disclaimer that he was not on the ship you thought was a kindly notification of a complete miss that failed to inflitrate the ship as the Bloody Dragon, a Victory class SD, was still in orbit, which makes simple inflitration very, very hard. From my perspective, it wasn't so much as posting a miss, but your Halal's actions missing entirely on their very merits. Matters affected by Halal's presence on the ship are nulled.


Incidentially, yes, I can make the rules on gas attacks. They were put out in side-rulings by a previous mod and I'm obliged to enforce them (check out the definition of "common law" rulings), though I'm working with another mod to formally include them in the rules.



The monarch of madness has returned!


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since March 2002.]

[2nd in Command of the Lords of Hate since March 2002.]

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(OOC: I guess I'll start back with my arrival on Nar Shaddaa)


Halál landed on the glum world of Nar Shaddaa for the second time of his life, but this time more confident than the last. Landing in the same spot, hidden from the view of unwanted visitors, Halál picked up his things and left the shuttle, pulling out his comm. He was looking for one specific person to fulfill a mission, something given to him by his master. He patched a comm to the one named Jareen Novarris,


"Come to hanger 323 at precisely 3:00 pm at the south side of the Correllian Sector. There is a large profit to be made, should you do so."



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Jareen's comlink beeped. The display indicated he'd woken up too late to receive the message...it had beeped for five straight minutes. He picked up the comlink, rolling over in his bunk. He played back the message...more comm chatter from prospective employers. He already had a job....


*Damn - and I got up at 4 in the kriffing morning for this...*


He set the comlink to ignore all future messages from that sender, switched it off, and went back to sleep, pulling the blankets over his head.


((I think this plotline's done ^^))

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Disgusted with his comm. being ignored, Halál put it away. Then, reading the datapad that his master had given him, he jumped into a shuttle and flew into space.




Hours later, Halál reentered the atmosphere of Nar Shaddaa, his ship moving at a quick pace. He landed in the normal hanger, and then left his ship, heading towards one of the shadier sectors of the planet. It was in this area that he encountered a few local dealers that certainly sold items on the black market, things that would not necessarily be legal in other places. Here, he found one vendor by the name of Skrug, a filthy being to say the least. However, one must find supplies, and the particular dealer must not get in the way of this. Walking over to the dealer, Halál whispered in hushed tones,


”˜I would like to a drug, a powerful one that was used during the time of the Galactic Empire.'


Chortling loudly, Skrug replied,


”˜I have all sorts of those, but is there a particular one that you are looking for? If so, I could most readily get it for you”¦ as long as you are ready to pay the appropriate price.'


Halál sighed; he knew that the amount of money he offered would be satisfactory enough, as long as Skrug had what he wanted. He leaned over towards the creature, and spoke to him softly, making sure to dictate exactly what he wanted.


For a second after the directions, Skrug blinked uncomfortably.


”˜You want THAT? Do you understand exactly what that does? What would you be doing with that, might I ask?'


Not wanting to attract any unwanted attention, Halál spoke again,


”˜If you keep your mouth shut, I will pay double your price.'


Needless to say, within an hour, Halál had left once again for space, heading towards a distant planet, carrying with him the prized possession.



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Crosa came into space above Nar Shaddaa, and sent a COMM to the one known as Jareen Novarris.





Hello Jareen, my name is Crosa Hoverich. I have a bit of information you will be quite interested in. This is not a sales ad, nor am I offering any sort of costly services. I can relay the information that I know for only a little cash, but nothing that will break the bank, I assure you. If you are interested, please send me the coordinates to where you would like to meet. If you don't wish to recieve information that very well may save your life, please be honorable enough to tell me, so I won't be here all day.


Have a nice day



Crosa sat back and waited for the response from his possible customer.

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Holden stared out a view port that was overlooking Nar Shaddaa. He felt something stir within himself, a feeling he felt only a few times before, but it was coming in loud and clear to him. He could feel something similar to a whispering wind within himself. He felt a strange calm come over him. A driod walked by him and it made the three year old turn his head to see what he was doing. After he saw that it was nothing important, he turned his head back around to the view port and waited as best as he could for his dad to return.

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Jareen's comm beeped. He listened to the message - he was kriffing sick and tired of comms from weirdos...."info that very well may save his life".... right. Well if they wanted to meet, they could meet. The Bloody Dragon hadn't left orbit in a few weeks; it was nearly time to look for a new job. Teaggar had steady pay, but nothing happened. It was best to be careful though...the comm had been a little vague. Jareen returned a comm of his own.


Hello Mr. Hoverich -


I'm intrigued...what kind of man charges for information that can save lives? I am truly interested in finding out....all I can figure is you're with a criminal or at best legally gray organization, or operating on your own with the same intent. I have coordinates...they will be displayed at the end of this message. I don't trust you farther than I can throw you with one hand, so I'll be bringing some weapons. I assume you and your cronies will be as well, so it won't be an issue, right? I'm also informing my superior of my whereabouts - if I don't return you can expect a lot of trouble. And you're not working for the other bozo that sent me a similar message are you? Anyway....


Coordinates display for a location on the sidewalk outside the Glow Worm Cantina.


I'll see you there...please make this worth my time.


Jareen closed the message, and relayed his plans to Captain Teaggar, telling him he'd be back soon, but if he didn't return, to come to the cantina locked and loaded. Then he packed his weapons, and set out for the Glow Worm Cantina.


OOC: I'm sick and tired of this BS Halal...I'll talk to Crosa but that's the end of it. You're ticking me off. Your character is hopefully smart enough to know people don't want to continue a conversation - the only two reasons I'm doing this are A) to get something to do lol, and B) Because I don't know IC that you're still pestering me like a five-year-old kid who wants someone to play with him

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Crosa entered the Glow Worm Cantina and sat down in a booth in the corner. This reminded him of a few years back when he was recruited into Black Sun. As he waited, he remembered his life before he knew how to fire a blaster... Which was sort of hard considering his father taught him how to fire blasters and slug shooters alike at the age of four. He continued waiting, wondering how long it took Jareen to get here.

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Jareen waited on the exact spot outside the cantina - where was this Hoverich barve? He'd seen several people enter the cantina, but the exact coordinates he'd given Crosa were outside the cantina.....he was ready to head home. It was raining, and he was in a bad mood. Usually heading back to the Bloody Dragon to practice on the firing range tended to improve that....nothing like blowing things up to let off steam.


He'd give Hoverich five more minutes, then he was going to pack up and forget this karking poodoo.....

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Crosa realized his mistake as he was finishing his drink he had ordered minutes before. He had read the coordinates wrong... Shaking his head, Crosa made his way outside of the Cantina, hoping Jareen would be there. Sure enough, there he was, standing there. He didn't look to happy. Crosa coughed in embarrassment as started to speak.


"Just... getting a drink... Anyway, I would first like to quickly discuss my... compensation..."


Crosa raised his eyebrows, forming a silent question of how much he was going to receive for the information.

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Kirlocca stood at the ramp of the Bloody Dragon for sometime before he moved on. He felt a strong presence in the force reach over the planets surface trying to find something, it was only after some time that he realized the presence might be trying to find Holden. Kirlocca moved quickly to hide his son's presence through the force. Once he was sure that his son was protected, he moved away from the ramp and went in search of his son.


Kirlocca found him after a few minutes of looking around the ship. He was staring off at Nar Shaddaa. Kirlocca knelt beside him and gave him a slight smile. Holden offered him a smile in return as his attention finally broke away from the planet to Kirlocca. Kirlocca searched his face for a second to see if he was alright, only to be meet with the boys curiosity and openness.


"Dad, have you ever felt a wind within you?"


Kirlocca knew what the boy was trying to convey to him and quickly offered a response.


"Yes son, I have."


Kirlocca didn't give the answer right away, instead leaving Holden to search his fathers face for an answer. Kirlocca then turned and acknowledged the boy and finished his response.


"It's called the force. I'm surprised that you can even feel it."


Holden turned his face away to think about the force. Kirlocca smiled as he looked upon his son's face to see his distress.


"You don't need to worry Holden, the force is a good thing. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together."

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