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Nar Shaddaa


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"Name's Quintus. And yeah, I got nothin' better to do. I'm gonna need some weapons, though. Flechette launchers- one rifle, two pistol-sized- holdout pistols, a vibro-blade, grenades... and a bottle of Shadowlands wouldn't hurt, either. I'll pay you back once we're done."

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Leialla cackled at the squirming man within her arms, but did not let go of him. Her arm sprang out in quick succession, each motion denting another piece of his armor until the man was effectively imprisoned and nearly immobilized within his own protective suit. The entire concept was rather comical, but instead of laugh about it Leialla slowly descended, carrying the man steadily aloft toward the agent on the ground. The Lizard's mind mused, as its prey was dropped to the ground with a thud at the Agent's feet, soon followed by the push of her foot upon his side...


"So, your prisoner?" Leialla said with a wide scaly grin that showed off all of the lizard teeth within her mouth. "I don't think my employer will be as accommodating of this person as yours might, considering the money that might be involved, however I know that he might want in on the loot..." Leialla said as she emphasized her last word with another push of her foot through the man and at the ground.


"We also have business though, of which I would like to discuss in private" Leialla said with a certain snappy tone, alluding to a more snappy attitude. The Lizard walked around for a moment, letting the prisoner breath, but once she had located her bounty she came back to hold him once more to the ground. The large beast held within its grip a large metal girder, one of which yielded very well underneath her hands. "Come here my little pet" she said coyly as she picked the man to his feet and then slowly but surely wrapped the girder around him and then pushed him to the ground. "That ought to keep him for now" she laughed with yet another toothy grin.


The pair walked away for a few moments and disclosed the meeting information and details pretty quickly before returning to their battle prisoner. Leialla came to the person on the ground and pulled him once again to his feet. "Hold on boy... You won't feel a thing" the lizard whispered into his ear. She slowly backed away and as her words trailed off of his cheek she smashed his head hard intending to knock him out cold and possible fuse his helmet to his head.


"So, why don't we get this party started shall we?"

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"Good, come with me," Rodya said, cutting the bindings holding Quintus. He led the two men off of his ship, grabbing some of his equipment on the way out.


Stepping onto the landing platform, Rodya looked up at the towering building that stood before him. Long had it been since he had entered this place. It brought back memories of who he used to be. He lowered his head, grimaced slightly, and walked towards a large sliding blast door that was sealed shut.


Walking over to a control panel, Rodya quickly input the security codes causing the doors to slide open. "This is my private place," he said. "I've not been here in a while so there's no telling what we'll find in here. Quintus, so long as you're working with me, you're welcome to any of the weapons you find lying about. I think there's a flechette launcher in here somewhere."


Rodya walked first through the door into a long, wide, dark room with lights just beginning to flicker to life. In the back left corner was a counter seperating the kitchen from the rest of the apartment. At the far wall from where they stood now were two more large doors, obviously leading out into one of the building's many hallways. The room was surrounded by benches, stools, and even a small couch. On the benches that lined the walls were piles of scrap materials: parts for weapons and droids, wires, tools, old datapads, rusted helmets that Rodya had collected, and just about anything else the two humans could imagine. Near the couch, which sat facing the only window to the right of where they now stood, was a holonet projector that sprung to life.


A foxy young Twi'lek holo-image popped out of a central console and welcomed Rodya home, "Good evening, Lord. Welcome to your humble abode. The room's tempature is a perfect 72 degrees, there are only 780,000 foreign identifiable dust mites in the air, and power systems are fully functional. I will now switch you to holo-news, the holonet's number one news network."


Rodya tossed down his bag of goodies and plopped down on the couch. Seeing the old place again was slightly overwhelming. It brought back quite a few dark memories. They were here to get supplies though, Rodya knowing the apartment contained one special key device that would guarantee this hunt's success.

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As the beast was cowardly disabling him he thought quick but it was hard as he was hit hard on the head in an attempt to further cripple him but all it did was cause slight irritation in his neck. He spoke into hsi helmet into a com which was encrypted. It was broadcast from his helmet to his ship the Black Avenger and people on the outside wouldn't be able to hear him talk. He gave specific instructions and he told them that it was an emergency and that it needed to be done fast. He didn't know if he could rely on his droid but he didn't have any other options.Doran kept his eyes locked on the top of a building, he knew it would appear soon and he had to be ready. That's when it happened, his ship came into view. It approached silently and innocently before it started shooting at the man and "woman".

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As the deal was concluded and the pair was about to go their seperate ways a mishap of sorts occurred. Neither Leialla or Bale had taken into account that the man might not actually have been knocked out, or that his suit was still functioning well enough to have called his ship to him, but that didn't stop either of them from immediately springing into action.


Bale's first move was to quickly grab ahold of his new captive. He spun the man around, using him as a human shield as he began to quickly shuffle backwards towards the hangar where he had stashed his ship. His raised one of the blasters to the man's vulnerable neck joint. Turning to his contact, yet never taking his attention off the ship, he began to yell. "I'll meet you at the rendevous in 4 standard days with the money. Now go!"


He quickly turned down an alley in an attempt to avoid the balls of deadly energy, pushing the armored man in front of him. He changed the setting on his blaster and fired a couple of ion shots into the suit to ensure that there would be no more suprises along the way. The maze of alleyways made it more difficult for the ship pursuing the pair to find them.


Soon they had reached the hangar and were climbing up the ramp of the already warm ship, having momentarily lost the pursuing ship. Bale took the few moments of solitude to inject his captive with a very strong sedative and strip him of his armor before placing him in the co-pilot's seat. As he watched the man's eyes flutter shut he took his own seat and lifted off from the planet. Unfortuneatley the other ship had been circling the area waiting for Bale to reappear.


Fighting his way out of Nar Shaddaa was not what he wanted to have to do at this particular time so he would have to rely on the ship's speed to save his ass. He fired a few pot shots at the opposing ship before blasting away, racing for vaccum. His sensors let him know that the ship was following him every step of the way and this did not please him.


Knowing that he had to escape soon Bale requested coordinates from the nav computer for the series of jumps that would take him back to Corellia. After a few more moments of dodging blaster bolts his jump had finally been processed and he took the first opportunity to blast into hyperspace.


Proud member of the JNET Addicts Club since November '05

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::Quintus pokes around for a while and manages to find the flechette launcher Rodya mentioned, as well as two holdout pistols, a slender vibroblade and three grenades.::


"Man, I love it when there's enough stuff conveniently lying around to satisfy all your asks. Coulda written me some Shadowlands, though."


::After a little more rummaging, Quintus comes across a bottle of unopened Shadowlands.::


"Musta done sumthin' right today. Here's to ya."


::Quintus raises the bottle in acknowledgment of the unseen individual who manipulates his entire existence and takes a long pull of vodka.::

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Doran was helpless as he was escorted to a ship and injected with a sedative, he tried to struggle as he slowly lost consciousness. His last thoughts were of strangling the man to death who had imprisoned him yet he couldn't even move a muscle before he was out cold.


His ship realizing Doran was gone had specific instructions to go back to the Spire on Foy, while making random hyperspace jumps to conceal it's destination.

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The bold letters floated into the air above the holo-projector, fading out and being replaced by a human, male news anchor.


"Greetings viewers, my name is Spam Lan Sillips, and you're watching Holo-News, the holonet's number one news network."


Spam turned towards another camera, his torso projection rotating more towards Rodya and the center of the room.


"The top story this evening is war. As reported, our great Imperial Government has finally retaliated against the Jedi terrorists who wreaked havoc on Coruscant only weeks ago. With successful strikes on Sullust, Gala, and other Republic held planets, justice is sure to be swift for the years of perpetual crime committed by the Jedi and their puppet government, the Republic."


Spam turned back to his original position. "There is little coverage of the battle that we can bring you at this point due to efforts to secure the battlefield for our troops, but we know from intercepted Republic distress signals that the battle above the Republic Capital of Gala has only just begun. The Jedi have amassed their strongest defense at this planet, but word from insiders is that Imperial victory is certain. There will be continuing breaking coverage of these events as new information is revealed."


The holo image of Spam faded away ionly to be replaced by two, three deminsional pictures of Quintus and Rodya.


"In other news, a local Coruscantian merchant's group has listed a hefty bounty of 25,000 credits a piece for the capture of these two criminals: one a human that goes by the name of Qunitus Song, and the other an unidentified alien by the name Rod-yak Val. These two criminals are wanted for the murder of a clerk at Coruscant's Galactic Gunshop. Both are considered armed and dangerous. If you have any information on the whereabouts of these two ruthless criminals please contact Coruscant authorities immediately."


The holo depiction of Spam's head flickered into non-existence triggered by a command from Rodya's voice.


"That's some fine, objective reporting, don't you think, Quintus?" Rodya laughed slightly, unable to believe such a large bounty was now on his head.


"Look's like we've got our lead though. The way I see it, with the two powers that be focused on each other at Gala, we've got our perfect chance to sneak in under the radar, find out what we need to, and get out. Having the Empire there to draw the Republic's attention away from us would make it much easier to hack into the Republic mainframe and steal some information about the Jedi we're looking for. Wranon, do you think you're up to that kind of challenge?"


Rodya stood up and walked over to the window that looked out at the base of another blackened, seedy, concrete skyscraper. "Or Quintus, if push comes to shove we can always capture whatever Jedi we can get our hands on and use them for ransom till we can get out man."


Rodya turned from the window and looked at his two companions. "That was a biased news caster, but he was right about one thing. Jedi crimes have got to stop."


The call to righteousness Rodya had been experiencing as of late began to rise up in him once more. He had never known a decent Jedi. Everywhere Jedi went they brought destruction, lawlessness, and suffering. Thier Sith enemies were not much better, but Rodya saw them as at least trying to help in most situations. The Jedi only seemed to cause trouble, and Rodya felt he had the perfect opprotunity to put an end to their tyrannical rampages.


He pulled out his datapad and quickly typed in a few keycodes. Surprisingly to the other two men, a secret storage room opened in the wall to Rodya's right, just to the side of the holo-projector. A blue glow shown from within, projecting light into the bleak room. Rodya pulled out a weapon he had possessed for a long time. He had been saving it since before his days working for Black Sun when he knew one day he would be faced with the task of hunting down Force Users.


The weapon was large and powerful, but only in a way suitable for use against a Jedi. In one way, it was over the top and inpractical, but it would work perfectly for what Rodya had in mind. Rodya lifted it from its shelf and held its barrel in his left hand. The massive gun was designed to fire a net, but not any net. This particular gun possessed a chamber that held three tightly compacted nets made from high tension monofilament wire laced with cortosis. Rodya had acquired if from a long dead weapons dealer on Nar Shadaa before he had grown tired of the smuggler's moon, and had never carried the weapon with him knowing that some day he would need it for a special occassion. It would be a cumbersome weapon that would not be easy to fire in the heat of battle, but with the cover from two others Rodya hoped he would be able to capture his prey easily with this gun's amuniton.


Rodya tossed the weapon around his shoulder to hang off of his back, knowing his two comrades would think him crazy for carring such a heavy weapon into a hunt.


"So, think it will work, or you two want to back out now in favor of doing something else?"

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Without another word Leialla nodded and quickly made her way through the buildings and past the swarming crowds, flying overhead so as to avoid more leering competitors or stupid interlopers. Her face still stinging slightly from the biting flames, she was enjoying the high altitude. Her flight was fairly long, but she enjoyed the deep cleansing nature of the air despite its pollution, so when it was time for her to stop her energy had piqued again; her face was rife with excitement and fervor.


She had stopped a few blocks from her ship to give her time and distance to change and throw off anyone who might've seen the flying lizard...


Then, taking the flight precautions and all the things she needed to lug with her, Leialla made it to her ship and off of Nar Shadaa.

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Wranorn had kept quiet for the entire time, he had his blaster at the ready, just incase Quintus got crazy on them. He thought it was interesting that the holo-net had reported on the bounty on Rodya's head, and it intrigued him slighty. though 25,000 credits was not enough to sway him to take action on the man that was helping him. he could make much more if he stayed with Rodya, and helped complete a few jobs with him.


Wranorn walked over to where Rodya was standing, and peered out on the area as well.


" I think i am more then ready to take out a Jedi or two" he said is a serious tone, and winked at him when he finished. He had his data pad on him, and he figured that it would give him a good opprotunity to use the skills that he was developing.


Wranorn looked out the window, as Rodya walked to his sotrage area, and grabed his weapon. When he returned Wranorn turned and smiled.


"back down, never" he said confidently.

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The tall dashade nodded his head acknowledging Wranon's affirmation. Rodya was already aware Quintus would probably want to go along with his plan. His desire for action had come across quite clearly at the Galactic Gunshop.


"Good, I'm boarding the ship. This place will lock itself up. Grab whatever else you think you'll need, and the last person aboard take us into space. You know the destination; just plug it in the nav computer."


Rodya walked away triggering a program on his datapad that locked up the secret compartment in his hideout. The other two were welcome to anything else, but the treasures inside that cabinet were Rodya's personal, most prized possessions.


Aboard the ship, Rodya suited up in his entire armor. It felt good to know he would soon be back in action, but the old bloodlust had not yet taken over the animal once propelled by violence and hatred. In fact, despite his show of confidence in front of Quintus and Wranon, Rodya was having second thoughts. This job had encouraged him to rid the galaxy of the Jedi's evil, but still something odd nagged at his heart. He gulped the pressure down, writing it off as nerves and excitement.


Before the ship had taken off, Rodya went into his small armory and looked upon his three newest acquisitions. Of the three droideka, only one was pretty much non-operational. The two he had bought from the Gunshop were in pristine condition, but weren't exactly what he needed. They would be useful in the upcoming battle, but his prize from Dantooine was really his droid of choice. Adorned in his full set of armor, Rodya set to work on the rusted droid focusing on greasing and lubricating its joints, tweaking its weapon systems, and repairing its shields. He hoped to have the droid in some kind of working order before arriving at Gala.


((Someone take us to space, preferably with the assumption that we'd make several jumps to avoid detection. I'll post in space and then take us out of hyperspace in the Gala thread.))

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::Quintus shifts and looks at Rodya, a tad annoyed at having not existed for a prolonged period of time.::


"Sorry about that, fella, sometimes I just stop moving or talking for days at a time, on account of the all-encompassing power that controls my every thought and action- ah, never mind. Let's go, huh?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

James landed on an isolated landing pad, everyone scattered off in different directions, he quickly gathered his things and left. He made his way to a "store" which was really a run down building with a sign in front. He collected some street clothes and changed. He hid his weapons from view but kept them handy in case he was jumped.


After talking to some locals and convincing them he wasn't trying to bust them he found a "business" that unmarked the ship he "found" and wanted to keep. He payed with what he had and then got out of there as fast as he could.


The ship started up nicely without trouble and he navigated it away from the landing pad. He set course for Trulalis and was gone in a blink of an eye.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Telemetry was received to a special building that had no entrance, at least not one visible to the public eye. Data was uploaded into a drone messenger, which took off as soon as it was able. Once in space at a safe distance to make the jump to hyperspace, it did so, making several microburst jumps to mask its trail, as its programming dictated. Once in the dead depths of space, it transmitted its information, and self destructed, completely obliterating any trace it was ever there. With time, its atoms would spread across the entire sector...

Immediately reachable by  charlesjhall@gmail.com


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  • 3 months later...

She never thought she'd ever have to come here, but here she was, back enjoying the muck filled air of Nar Shadaa as it tugged at her human hair. She didn't like going out in public in any other form than human because she just appreciated the feel of the form. She wasn't exactly a fan of her original form due to its lack of persuasive capabilities, but it had its uses. She wasn't here to muse about pleasantries however. Her previous employer forced himself into indefinite exile and she'd been contacted to help with something big. It seemed important and the pay well worth it, so while she may have her doubts about this place, Leialla felt it was in her best interest to proceed.


The smoke filled air clinged to her face though as she moved through the condensed crowds trying to prevent her consistent avoidance of it. She did her best to ignore the crude pollution and kept her eyes open for the Smuggler's Rest. The Cantina itself was easy enough to spot after about 5 minutes of searching due to the neons that hung above it, but the door was much less easy to find as two or three rather large figures blocked what appeared to be a crud opening in the wall. The Bouncer's appearances were crude and ugly, but Leialla knew a great deal of ways through this; her first choice though was the most simple. Slowly the Shi'ido made her way to an alleyway near the establishment and within a few crackling and shifting noises a small rodent like creature ran out from the darkness and made its way through the hazard filled herd of people going into the Cantina.


Once in, the mouse seemed directed toward the women's restroom, but inside her cover seemed somewhat blown as women screamed and ran out. Quickly realizing that this condition wasn't permanent the rodent Took the opportunity of solace and performed the same move as earlier turning straight back into the human version of Leialla, her full figure being transformed behind a stall door. People broke in to see the hubbub but found that the rodent was gone and Leialla took their entrance as her exit into the belly of the Bar itself. She couldn't see the person responsible for her contact nor did she even know what he or she looked like, but Leialla figured the quicker she found a seat the quicker she might find out.

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"Leialla Clia Madornja, the bounty hunter, I presume?"


Appearing behind her was a man, about six and a half feet tall, wearing the brown robes of a Jedi with the traditional garb of one underneath. Originally, he seemed a man in brown rags, sleeping it off, though is eyes, a pale blue from under the concealing hood of the Jedi robes, were alert and ready. "You may call me Jedi Master Keiran Valoria. My actions however are outside of the Order's perview, which is why I needed to speak with you."


Taking a seat across from her, his hands under the table, senses, all six alert, he checks a commlink, an annoyed frown on his face. "The other hunter I asked to do this assignment with you ran into some unexpected delays on the way here." There was a moment of moderate frustration in his voice- what happened to delay the other hunter caught him off guard as well and threatened some of his other operations by drawing undo attention to the area. He made a note to find out exactly who was responsible and why, also doubting it was a mere accident. "I'm afraid you will need to be doing this assignment alone. Your pay is going to be doubled if you accept."


"Now before, I begin the job description, there's one all important question I need an answer to; how good are your hacking skills?"

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The voice seemed to drift from nowhere, but as Leialla turned slightly, she caught the man in her peripherals as he made his way toward her. He seemed as well robed as a scholar or jedi and by the looks of things he didn't really seem like the type of guy who'd want to get his hands dirty.


"Well one, I am not a bounty Hunter" Leialla said without pause after the man had thoroughly introduced himself and the beginning of his plans. "I prefer diplomatic or manipulation scenarios not hunting down life forms for flat cash. I don't hunt".


Leialla's demeanor still remained fairly calm as she said all this, but something about her tone of voice had a little bit of a sour attitude lingering in it. The word "hunter" chilled her to the bone and it irritated her that she would be known as such. It was her past that seemed to haunt her whenever it was brought up, but she didn't expect this man to know anything about it. With a small unnoticed fidget, Leialla's hand reached for the right side of her head and pushed her human hair out of her eyes; it was something she often did when she was uncomfortable and something about this man just seemed awkward.


She watched as the man sat opposite her and explain even more about the situation; how apparently Leialla was supposed to have a partner on this mission, but that she or he couldn't make it. It was a shame really, but in the end more money for her. Leialla's hands remained at her sides and her body seemed slightly on edge as she sat listening even further to the price of the job. Once the man finished his oration though, Leialla decided it was her turn to speak. She cleared her throat and began in a cool calm voice instead of her previous slashing diction. "Well, I didn't even know that I would have a partner on this so I suppose that is depressing that I won't, but I will try my best to get things done regardless. However, as to my own hacking, it leaves much to be desired. I would need the services of a droid or professional slicer."

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The man calling himself Jedi Master Keiran Valoria thinks for a moment, lowering his hood.


"I need someone with your specific talents to pull this off..." Keiran whispers then what the details of the assignment are...


((Check your PM box for the details))


He passes off what is needed to pull it off- transponder codes, high level military badges, keye, and access codes, along with enough credits to purchase a top of the line slicing droid. There is also an encrypted datadisk to leave behind. There is also 200,000 credits, forwarded upfront, passed off without a blink or concern for his out of pocket expenses


"Consider this the ultimate diplomatic manipulation," he states dryly. "If you can do that, I'll have another 200,000 credits wired to you, plus I believe your services will be in demand by the party you're delivering the goods to."


He reclines at ease, resting his hands under the table. "Do you think you can pull this job off without being detected while retrieving what I asked?"

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In the blink of an eye, the Argent Star dropped out of hyperspace above Nar Shaddaa. The skies were so hazy and polluted, that for the first time since he obtained the ship, he had to activate the front lights. The bluish white beams sliced through the smog, and did little to help Jhoren's line of vision. Just as he was about to comm a Nar Shaddaian flight officer for assistance, the gray, wall-like obstruction disappeared. Before him lay a sprawling expanse of a grundgy metropolis. Now, he began to wonder if coming here had been such a good idea after all.


The city teemed with life. That much was obvious. Having never visited this moon before, Jhoren didn't know what to expect. The phrase "Don't judge a datapad by its chip" surfaced in his mind. From the looks of it, Nar Shaddaa looked like a much darker version of Coruscant. What lay in store for him once he landed, he did not know. His only wish was that neither he nor Saerin ran into any trouble once they arrived.


There were several open landing pads inside of the hexagonal starport that he was closing in on. He thumbed the controls of his ship and came to a clean landing on the nearest one. Through his viewscreen, he watched a purple Twi'Lek, clad in a gray jumpsuit approach the base of the Star's hull. Making sure he had his lightsaber, the Knight flicked his hood over his head and lowered the entry ramp.


"Greetings... er..." the crewman spoke in accented Basic.


He paused, observing the young Knight.




Jhoren nodded.


"Ah! How good of you to come to our moon," he declared, stepping forward and bowing slightly to him. Clearly, he respected the Order and its people.


"There is a small fee of twenty credits for refueling every ship that happens to pass through," he continued on. "But, for you my friend, a mere ten credit chip will be enough."


He gave him what he owed. Thanking him, the Twi'lek asked, "Is there anything you require?"


"No, thank you. I'm waiting for someone."


"Ah, of course! Good day to you, then."


((OOC: Saerin; feel free to post the Twi'lek's actions/dialogue if you wish. You don't have to. ))

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The Twilek stood awkwardly beside Jhoren for a few minutes, twiddling his fingers and his lekku occasionally twitching slightly. Gas-pump droids, taking away the livelyhood of all under-18 non-Force sensitives everywhere, began to refill the Star.


The Twilek leaned over and began to speak. "If you're looking for entertainment once your companion arrives, there's a great bar and casino just north of here: the Four Corners..."


He was cut off by another ship breaking through the atmosphere--Paladin, and went off to make sure the newcomer paid the refueling fee as well.




She regretted coming back here after the dizzying ride through an almost impenetrable wall of pollution only to finally break through over a massive city-wide planet that certainly wasn't the gem Coruscant was. Filth and crime covered the Smuggler's moon with a hundred different sins and a few hundred more trivial crimes besides.


Landing, she paid the refueling fee without much concern over the money, and caught up to Jhoren, vaguely grateful for the tiny bit of a reputation she'd picked up last time she was here... "What's a nice Jedi like you doing in a dump like this?" she joked, poking him in the shoulder. "Smuggling spice?"

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He sI am a racisted. Nar Shaddaa was fairly well known its expanse of crime, organized and otherwise. Smugglers were known to visit the moon to either pick up or smuggle in illicit goods - or in many cases, sentinent beings. It was maddening to know how expansive the black market was, but there wasn't a thing that anybody could do about it. Neither the Empire nor the Republic could shroud the curtain over the distribution of illegal items.



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Because wherever there were laws, there were people to break the laws. She glanced back to his ship and eyed it.


"Well, depends. Did you buy it from a shady dealer in the back alley of Tatooine or was it new in a shop on Corellia, gleaming with the smell of new paint? Or maybe from the dead body of smugglers? Depending on where it came from, you never know what lies in its walls. If I got a larger ship, though--I'd get a smuggler's ship. Could come in handy."


Regardless of the user-customized security on her one-man ship, she always felt uncomfortable leaving it on a moon such as this. Shipyards were paid to keep ships safe, but places like Nar Shaddaa were never perfectly safe.

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The dealer seemed oddly open with his plan, but even if the details of the plot dripped from his mouth with no regard to who was listening, the supplies for the mission seemed more than adequate. Leialla scanned the synopsis of the attack again and again and saw no excuse for her to try it at least. It had been a while since she performed an assignment and an assignment of this magnitude may be exactly what she needed. If she succeeded, Leialla was that much richer; if she failed, she'd probably die... She had no real friends and no real family so what did she care if she risked it all on one job?


Leialla's chestnut hair shifted slightly as it shrunk slowly into her head until it had almost completely disappeared, her skin slowly changed colors to a fairly resolute blue that sparkled in the dim light of the cantina, her eyes melted away leaving two piercing red orbs and her figure filled out a little more as she grew a few inches. "I think I could handle this", she said as she looked at the man one more time. "I can't promise that I won't get caught, but I can at least say they'll have a hell of a time trying to catch me with the documents or not." Taking no time to deliberate further, the Shi'ido shook the man's hand, gathered the supplies and started walking in the direction of the exit.


Her first stop seemed inevitable, but within the irrefutably cloudy atmosphere of Nar Shadaa, Leialla couldn't really think straight much less formulate a plan. Leialla decided it would be best to head off planet to scheme and it seemed fruitful for her to head to Coruscant because it effectively killed two birds with one stone. Heading to Coruscant made it so she wouldn't have to travel half the galaxy twice to get one job done.

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Keiran smiles beneath his hood. "That is most... excellent." He takes her hand, and gives a firm shake. "May the Force be with you on this one." Waving his hand in the form of a benediction, he bids her farewell, then orders a drink to mull about what he was doing.


Reclining on his booth, he came as close as he could to relaxing in an environment such as this, though his eyes and other senses remained active. If she failed, it would be a dissapointment, but, blame would fall to the Jedi Order. All in all, not the worst coin flip he engaged in.


His senses prickled, feeling something in the Force that made him curious. A Jedi perhaps? Curious, he let his mind noticeably probe, concentrating hard to keep his Force signature light-dark neutral, then has a sip of his spiced wine. Between his mission for hire, reports of events on Onderon, today was looking interesting. He sips again, feeling again in the back of his mind a strong rush of emotion from one loyal and marked to him. His face creasing in a frown and for a moment, he considers seeing to matters personally. Taking a third sip, he decides against it, deciding to see what came of matters here.

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She watched him fall into a momentary period of brief concentration before breaking off and beginning to speak again. She watched him dehood himself and smiled.


A free ship? That was a fairly good deal. Being a Jedi seemed to come with more perks than just the Force alone. Straightening out her long brown dress, she let herself settle into the area and the slightly cautious stance of one just waiting for trouble. There was more to Nar Shaddaa than met the eye, she knew that behind every friendly face lurked smugglers, bounty hunters and evil-doers.


Evil lurked around every corner! For a moment she was glad her sword was sharp, but then she considered that this was, after all, a trip for pleasure and research rather than business.


"Just one drink?" Saerin asked with a half-laugh, more of a chuckle than anything that seemed unbefitted to her fairly pleasant nature. "I bet I can outdrink you, unless you have some sort of liver-cleansing trick up your sleeves. That would be a good perk to being a Jedi..."

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Keiran sits quietly in his booth, and finishes about a quarter of his wine, then quietly increases the intensity of his Force beacon. On a rundown smuggling world like Nar Shaada, one could never be too careful. The last thing he wanted was a run in with the Sith at the moment, though meeting others of the Jedi order after the mission he dispatched would be awkward too. Still, he needed to know more.


Cautiously, he sends out another thought, this time finding the Force user, the brushing sensation of a probe becoming more pronounced. A soft voice echoes in Jhoren's head... showing Keiran in the bar, in his Jedi robes.


Are you a Jedi as well? Curious to find one on such a place as this.

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The image of a man shrouded in Jedi robes appeared in Jhoren's mind. Following it was a Force-relayed message that only he could hear. As he walked, the Knight turned down another street, letting the ”˜Force channel' between himself and this stranger guide him.


Yes, I am a Jedi.


He kept his head high and his strides great, though his mind was flourishing with questions. He nearly colided with somebody on the street, which caused the Force-wrought blip to flicker.


”œWatch it!”

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He smiles, raising his wine glass to his lips, once more taking a measured slip.


Call me Jedi Master Keiran Valoria, young Jedi. I am curious what brings one of my brethren to a locale such as this... I have my own business is a mystery to me. I have been... out of contact... with the Council and the Order, and wish to discuss matters with you. Come to me, have a seat, and we can talk.


Once more the image of the bar appears, giving its location a very distinct appearance.

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