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Aracoun Morion

Darth Heretic

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OOC: Given that Tarrian is gone for the weekend, and everyone else is off in the war, I'm double posting. I trust you all will live with that decision.


IC: *As Bishop walked with Kaylynn cradled in his arms, he was suddenly knocked by a blow through the force. He felt two deaths, one stronger than the other. He had felt Darth Hatred's death, and Freedon Nadd's less harshly. Kaylynn looked up at him and began to cry until he quickly soothed her. Standing tall again he strode now with a purpose. He found the cloning facility tucked into a back corner of the place. Approaching a cabinet he took two viles of genetic material. Scanning the controls he quickly located the input sources and loaded the tubes. Activating the controls he watched two large tubes fill with a chemical. Various lights, gasses, and other chemicals were added as the machines started their tasks. He turned and walked from the room, closing the door behind him. Before long, Hatred and Nadd would be among them again.*

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Waking slowly, Tarrian is struck by the deaths of Hatred and Freedan Nadd. Rising, she looks around and sees that both Bishop and Kaylynn are gone. Panicked for a moment, she reaches out with the force and touches both Bishop and Kaylynn. Sensing that they are both fine, she dresses and goes to meet them.


Leaving their rooms, she walks through the cooridors and to the cloning facility. Turning the corner to the cloning facility, she sees Bishop with Kaylynn in his arms as he is closing the door. She stopped and waited a moment, watching the two of them together. Smiling to herself, she notices the sparkling diamond around Kaylynn's neck. Bishop must have given her that. Well, he is already spoiling her.


Going to the two of them, she walks into Bishop's waiting arms. Taking Kaylynn and holding her to her chest, she looks up at Bishop.


"Hatred and Freedan are gone. Have you begun the cloning? The sith are scattered now. It is a sad day for us. Where is Sauron?"

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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*Bishop nodded to her question.*


"They are allready being cloned. Sauron is around here somewhere I am sure. I have not seen much of him since he returned from the battle. We may have suffered a blow - We will rebuild them, we have the power. We have the capabilities to spawn another great dynasty. The Sith shall lead that dynasty, better than they were before. Better... stronger... faster - It is only a matter of time before we rise to control the galaxy again."

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Walking down the corridors with Kaylynn in her arms and Bishop at her side they continued to talk. "How long until Hatred and Freedan join us, they will be needed greatly now? We should check the defenses and be sure that the planet is secure. We must protect Kaylynn at all costs."


Kaylynn watched her parents, seeming to know exactly what they were saying, even at this early age. Continuing to watch her mother, Tarrian looked down at her daughter and stroked her head. Smiling at Kaylynn, she touched the diamond and looked at Bishop. "You, I suppose gave her this." Feeling his force presence within the jewel she smiled at him. "It is a good gift. It reminds me of the rose you once gave to me."

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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"Yes, the much like the rose, though this should last longer I hope."


*They continued walking for some time. Eventually they found themselves looking out a large window over Aracoun Morion. The planet was desolate, but it was the emptiness and desolation that kept them hidden. No one would find the planet, and even if they did, no one would think to search out the Sith there.*

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Looking at Bishop, Tarrian hands Kaylynn to him.


"I have to go to the communications room and order the supplies. Wait here for me, I'll only be a moment."


With that, Tarrian started down the corridor to the communications room. Opening a comm, she sent the supply order over to their supplier. Closing the comm, Tarrian returned to Bishop and their daughter. Taking Kaylynn in her arms again, she rests her cheek on her head.


"She needs to eat now, and then she will most likely sleep. We should return to the room. Unless you have other things that you would like to do. Hatred and Freedan will return to us tomorrow. We will need to prepare for that. Hatred will want all the information of the war."


Turning, Tarrian and Bishop head back to their rooms.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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*Stopping outside the door, Bishop stood as Tarrian walked in and then turned when she realized he wasn't following.*


"I'm going to get information about the war off the holonet for Hatred. I'll be back later."


*He smiled at them both and turned from the door. Behind him it clicked shut softly. Moving swiftly he made his way to the communication room and accessed the holonet. A quick search revealed a number of news headlines which he began the recording of. They talked of the destruction at the Sith planet, of the new goverment being set up led by Brell. He stat back and watched it as it recorded. Glancing over he noted the still active communications console. The recipient of the last outgoing transmission was still listed.*




*Shrugging he turned back to the stories coming in, watching the seperate channles simultaniously and yet somehow still able to concentrate on all of them.*

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Entering the rooms, Tarrian turns to Bishop. As he tells her that he will get the information that Hatred will need. Nodding to him, she quietly closes the door.


Walking over to the chair, Tarrian sits down to feed Kaylynn, quietly humming to her. When Kaylynn is finished, she quietly looks into her mother's eyes. Touching Kaylynn's cheek, Tarrian walks to the window with her. Looking down at her, Tarrian says...


"One day, Kaylynn, you will rule us all. You are strong in the force already, like your father. Even at such a young age, you are strong."


Looking out the window, she continued. "Your father, loves you dearly. Should something ever happen to me, he will always be there at your side." Kaylynn just looked up at her mother, like she understood every word she was saying. Tarrian smiled at her, and kissed her small face.


Opening up to the the force, she reached out and touched Kaylynns mind. What she felt was a quiet peace and understanding, and then very quickly, she felt Kaylynn touch her softly. Pulling back, she looked at her daughter. At such a young age, that should not be possible. Shaking her head, she said..


"You are very strong indeed. But even the strongest of us need to sleep my little one. And your father will be returning soon, he too should rest." Looking down at the diamond that Bishop had made for her, she smiled again. "Your father will be forever spoiling you. But don't tell him that I know, that will be our little secret."


Taking Kaylynn to her crib, Tarrian layed her down and covered her up. "Now off to sleep with you. Tomorrow you will meet Master Hatred and Freedan Nadd. So you should rest now."


Kissing her daughter, Tarrian felt Kaylynn touch her mind again through the force. Almost like a gentle kiss. Smiling at her, Tarrian turned off the light and went to wait for Bishop to return.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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*Bishop returned from the communications room and went to the door. There was no light on underneath the door frame. As he opened the door he was allready slipping his boots off. Leaving them by the door frame with a holo cube full of recordings he quietly made his way across the room. He dropped his tunic off in mid stride and slid into bed. Tarrian's arms slid around him as he lay back and wrapped his own around her in return. Accross the room he could feel Kaylynn dutifully sleeping away.*


"Nadd and Hatred will be with us again tommorrow."


*His comment was barely a murmer. Half to keep the child asleep, and half because he was well on his way to joining her.*


"Then the rebuilding begins."

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Waking slowly to the sound of a communicator, Tarrian reaches over and turns it off. Laying there for a moment, she reaches out to Kaylynn with the force to make sure she is still sleeping soundly. Turning her head to Bishop, she makes sure that he too is sleeping.


Getting out of the bed quietly, she dresses and heads down to the cloning chambers. Shutting off the machines, she opens the cloning tank of Freedan Nadd first. Allowing him a moment, and handing him a robe. She then goes over to the cloning tank of Master Hatred. Opening it, she lowers her eyes to the floor, holding out a robe for him to put on.


"Master Hatred, it is good to have you with us again. Freedan it is good to see you. I'm sure that you will want to go to your chambers and change, Bishop is with Kaylynn, I will go and have him go to your chambers. He has been gathering information of the war for you. I will also have a meal prepared for you and contact Sauron to meet with you."


Looking up at Master Hatred, Tarrian waited a moment before she continued.


"If there is nothing else, Master, I will leave you."


Turning to go, she leaves the room.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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*Putting on his robes, and looking mildly confused, the Master says to Tarrian:*


The last thing I recall is actually putting my DNA into the cloning machine. so I take it, since I am stepping out of it, I must have been killed. It would appear *looks over at Nadd* that we were both killed, ay, Nadd? I suppose that it is time to be brought up to speed. Lets go see what happened.


*The two masters head for the communications room, to paruse the holonet feeds.*

The things I'm gonna do for the Sith.

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*Bishop raised his head as Tarrian closed the door. He grunted something unintelligable in his half awake state as she joined him. After being informed of the two finishing their cloning procedure he mumbled something else. Slipping out of bed he pulled on a pair of pants and laced up his boots. He moved out the door, grabbing the holocube, as he slipped on his tunic. Making his way down to the communications room he found Darth Hatred and Freedan Nadd were just settling in.*


"Master Hatred, it is good to see you again."


*He bowed slightly and then gave Freedan a silent nod of greetings.*


"I took the liberty of recording the major holo news broadcasted after the events that took place on the Sith planet. I believe it will cover the main points."


*Handing him the holo cube he stood back to let him view the contents.*


"The Sith are scattered. I trust we plan to gather together again and rebuild our strength, correct?"

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After Bishop left to join Master Hatred and Freedan Nadd in the communications room, Tarrian changed and got herself ready. The supply ship would be here shortly. Feeling Kaylynn beginning to stir, she went into the nursery and gently picked her up out of her crib.


Sitting with her daughter, Tarrian begins to softly talk to her as she is feeding Kaylynn. "Well, little one, when you have finished, we will go and inform Sauron of Hatred's return. Then we will go to the communications room to wait for the supply shuttle. You will meet Master Hatred today."


As Kaylynn finished her breakfast, Tarrian quickly changed and dressed her. With Kaylynn cradled in her arms, Tarrian made her way to Sauron's chambers. Using the force, she opened the doors and stepped in.


"Sauron, Master Hatred and Freedan Nadd are in the communications room. They are gathering the latest information of the war with the Jedi. I will meet you there."


Sauron nodded to Tarrian and she turned and left the room. Going quickly, she stopped at the kitchen and requested meals for the 5 of them be brought up to the communications rooms. Turning once again, she started to make her way to where the others were waiting.


Tarrian began to feel that same prensence she had felt since leaving Naboo. Turning, she stopped and waited. All she saw behind her were the 6 dogs that Bishop had given to her and Kaylynn. The two furthest back seemed to be looking at something in the shadows. Reaching out with the force, Tarrian tried to find the presence.


As she touched the darkness, she felt it. But only for a moment and it was gone. She felt no malace towards her or the child, and decided to wait and speak to Bishop about it later. With the dogs walking closely behind her, Tarrian made her way to the communications room. Before entering, she stayed the dogs outside with a quick hand command.


"Master Hatred is not fond of you. You will wait here."


Quietly stepping into the room, she nodded to the three and sat down with Kaylynn.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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*Sensing that he had been touched by the Force, Shadow Caster immediately backs up out of the womans Force-reach. The dog-creatures were able, it seems, to look right at the shadow. Had he known it would be this way, he would have stayed farther back, just watching from a distance. He did not yet know why he was here, other than to watch over the child, to make sure that the chosen one[/] was always safe, that no harm should come to her.*

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*Glancing back, Bishop noted the look on Tarrian's face though it lasted only a moment. His eyebrows dropped slightly, a slight facial expression to belay the thoughts that churned inside his head. Whatever it had been, she showed no signs of it anymore and she didn't say anything to him. Silently he turned back to Darth Hatred and Freedan Nadd.*

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*Caught slightly off guard by the question, Bishop took only a moment to formulate his answer and give it to hs master.*


"I was actually noticing more Tarrian's response, though I suppose it was her own perception of the... shadow caster that caused her reaction."


A Shadow Caster?


*The name was foreign, he had not heard of such a creature before. Focusing in an almost passive way he reached out with the force, but sensed nothing in the shadows around them for the creature had allready moved beyond their immediate reach.*


"I sense nothing master."

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Yes, apprentice, a shadow caster. A group of long forgotten about Dark order beings. I believe they were the originators of the Dark Jedi Order.


Do no tlet it bother you, I can read it all over the place, it's Force signature is everywhere. I think it followed Tarrian back from Naboo. If you will reach out, and I mean really reach like you have never, you will sense it. "He" means no harm, that I can tell, just watching over Kaylynn. It is odd, some of them appeared only to do harm, some appeared to watch, some appeared to do good. This one seems to not fit any category, but I feel that VERY soon, it might be gone.


*Hatred then turned his immediate attention back to the holocube, when something on it caught his eye.*


What the hell is this? Darth Saurons SD was taken by Outer Heaven forces? "Brell sombody-or-other led that particular assault, causing the SD with around 2000 Sith Army troops and two Sith, to erupt into a ball of fire."


Dammit! Apprentice, find out who this Brell character is. I think he needs to have a visit from a couple of Sith, whom he mistook for dead.

The things I'm gonna do for the Sith.

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*Focusing and reaching out, Bishop's sense swept the area around them in an ever widening arc. He felt nothing but their presence, until suddenly there was a movement. A slithering that slipped away as quickly as it had come. Preparing to follow it he was suddenly ripped back into the world around him by Darth Hatred's reaction to the holo news.*


"Yes Master, I will find out what I can."


*He moved to one of the nieghboring consoles and began looking up information on any of the various broadcasts, advertisements, files, or anything else he could get his hands on. After a bit he moved back towards his master and reported.*


"Brell Daviot. Leader of the bounty hunter guild called Outer Heaven. A fairly sizable guild at that, they have ads up everywhere. It seems he has allied himself with the Jedi - apparently a bounty hunter with morals. I doubt the Jedi could have afforded such a massive force, so he probably gave them assistance for very little or no cost. Their forces are now becoming part of the military force for the new government. There doesn't seem to be a lot of additional information on him. Last news story reports that he was at the new commonwealth building giving a speech to the survivors of the battle which was broadcast to all the citizens via holonews."

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As Bishop goes to retrieve the information that Master Hatred requested, Tarrian feels a familiar presence enter the planet's atmosphere. Smiling to herself, she quietly leaves the communications room and goes to the war room.


With Kaylynn in her arms, she goes to one of the command consoles and pulls up the codes to send out the fighters. After verification, 4 fighters rise from the planets surface to intercept her brothers ship. Well, lets make it interesting, brother. I'd like to see how good you really are.


Still, smiling, Tarrian looks down at Kaylynn. "Well, It looks like Uncle Thorn is coming for dinner." She stood with her daughter and watched as the 4 fighters sped towards the kobal, to engage him.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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As she watches the fighters head to intercept and engage her brother, Tarrian hears the incomming transmission. Reaching over, she opens a comm.




Tarrian Night Terror to Reagan, you are cleared to land. Follow the cordinates that I am sending you as there is a bit of a skirmish on this side of the planet. I wouldn't want you to get shot down.




Tarrian closes down the comm and glances one more time at the fighters and her brothers ship. Well, she would watch from outside. She turned quickly and left the war room. Walking down the halls with Kaylynn in her arms, she went to meet the supply ship.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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Getting her clearance from Night Terror, one of the few who could give it, Reagan follows the cordinates down. Bringing the ship down, she shuts it down and prepares to depart. Glancing out the window, she sees a woman with long brown hair. Holding a very small child in her arms. The wind blowing her hair around her. Wearing a long red garment with a black hooded robe of a sith.


Shaking her head, she started towards the hatch. Well, this is going to be different. Usually I deal with Lord Sauron. I didn't know that Sith had children.


Walking down the ramp, Reagan goes to Tarrian and bows.


"Um, Mistress, I am Reagan McGreggor, it is good to meet you. I have heard of you. The supplies that you requested are here. It will take about an hour to unload." Waiting a moment before continuing, her curiosity got the better of her. "Is that your child, she is beautiful. What is her name."

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Looking at Reagan, Tarrian smiled at her. "Yes, this is my daughter, her name is Kaylynn." Looking past Reagan to the ship, Tarrian felt something. Reaching out with the force, she felt the presence of another. Touching the mind of the girl, she feels that she is not there for her inparticular.


Pulling away from the young girls mind, Tarrian leaves the thought there that she should seek her out. She was more then curious as to why she would want to come here. Turning back to Reagan, she continued with there conversation.


"You had no trouble with being followed? No one knows that you are here correct?"


Reagan shook her head.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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"Yes, I made sure, and even set the navicomp to erase the cordinates upon arriving. And I know that you will be setting the outbound cordinates for me. Don't worry, no one even knows that I do these runs for you."


Taking a deep breath, Reagan realised that she was very nervous with this woman. Even without the force, she knew that this woman was very dark.


"Well, if that is all, I'll go and wait in my ship for the supplies to be unloaded."

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Nodding to Reagan, Tarrian tells her that she will return to set the outbound cordinates. Handing Reagan a sum of credits, she watches as she goes to her ship.


Standing there for another moment, she senses the other aboard the ship. Well, for now, I'll let you be. I have other things to deal with, mainly my brother. No doubt that I will see you shortly though young one. She thinks to herself.


Raising her eyes to the skys above, Tarrian watches as the fighters begin to engage her brothers ship. Watching as her brother does some manuevers to avoid the laser fire, she smiles to herself and looks down at Kaylynn, who is also looking at the lights flashing across the sky.


"Well, little one, lets go back inside and see what Uncle Thorn can really do."


Turning, Tarrian quickly stides back inside the palace, informing some of the servants to begin unloading the supplies. Going past the communications room, she looks in to see Hatred, Freedan, and Bishop actively discussing the Brell character. Nodding to Bishop, she continues back to the war room.


Once there, she stands at the viewport with Kaylynn to watch the events unfold with her brother.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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*As Tarrian re-enters the war room, the Holonet transmitter beeps inside the Communications room. A second later, the projector activates, shooting a small figure into the middle of the room. The figure reaches up, pulling his hood down, and looking at Bishop and Hatred*


"Greetings Master Hatred, Hello again Bishop...I told you I'd be seeing you again. Unfortunetly, this transmission isnt one of the 'joyous' types. Raxus Prime has fallen; many of our ships with it. The Jedi Fleet moves on with their Galactic Domination, jumping from system to system, destroying anything and everything thats remotely connected to us. I am on the run myself, and have run into the Jedi Fleet twice since my hastey departure from Raxus Prime. I have lost contact with JGoD, who carries with her the body of Barohm Zar. I know not where else to turn, yet I fear what will happen if I get followed. I know what lies in the comfort of warm arms on that planet...I do not want to end up being the downfall of the last hope of the Sith. As of now I am en route to Mon Calamari to meet up with an informant of mine. I ask your advice and council Master Hatred...Bishop, untill we meet again..Give my regards to Tarrian and Kaylynn.."


*The figure lifts his hood again, covering his face as he turns and walks out of the range of the Camera. A second later, the projector in the Communications room dies down*


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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