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Jag's Hybrid blasted out of hyperspace, above the ice planet Ilum. He looked down at the planet, reminded of Csilia back in Chiss space, his homeworld. Jag quickly broke his focus on old memories, and focused on the present. His scanners showed that Fett was orbiting the planet a bit away, and that a ship called Sixth was landing on the planet. Jag assumed that it was Draj, the other Black Sun operative. Jag accelerated over to Fett's ship, and hovered about 50 meters away from it.


He opened a comm. to Fett. "So, is our Jedi target here yet?"



"If three people call you a Hutt, buy a drool bucket and start stockpiling spice." -Corran Horn

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ShadowFett received the comm and answered, "No, but I'm glad you're here. I suggest that you go to the other side of the planet to scan the area that is in the planetary shadow and is invisible to my sensors."


The Mandalorian knew that Jag was not one to trust with too much, and often in times of need he was unavailable, but at least he knew the man and knew he could fight and was at least trustworthy with the smaller tasks he was given.


Fett ended the transmission and returned to watching his scanners. The moment a Jedi arrived he would be alerted and ready. He knew that a space capture would be a little bit easier, and he kept his Ion cannons ready and warm. A Jedi in space was less formidable than a Jedi on the ground with a lightsaber.


Also, in a ship the two Jedi would be together, rather than on ground when they each would present seperate threats.

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*Kirlocca's ship entered the system quitely. The jedi master made sure the he was un detected, but kept himself hidden. He knew that IMperials or some kind of enemy would still remain at the system. It was why he choose this planet to train his padawan on.*


Strange, I can still feel the crystal cave. I would have thought that would be the first thing anyone enemy of the jedi would take out first. Maybe they did, but didn't full do the job.


*Jedi master Kirlocca kept his eyes open to observe activity in the area, in case he would have to protect his padawan when he entered the system himself.*

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Jasyn's ship slid into Ilum's atmosphere undetected and he set it down in a secluded fold of land. Stepping out of the ship, blaster in hand, he surveyed the surrounding area; it never hurt to be cautious on a strange planet...


For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.


Jesus is the way...

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OOC: You're not getting past this ship that easily...


IC: "Incoming Jedi Knights, master," ShadowFett's droid copilot, 2277, suddenly said into Fett's thoughts.


Fett leaned forward and looked down at his sensor board. Indeed there were Jedi in-system, one of them already landing on the planet. The other, a little more cautious, was remaining back, barely visible on the sensors. Lesser systems would not have detected him.


The Mandalorian smiled. He was done waiting. "Twenty-two seventy-seven, power up the engines. We're heading out after the ship on the edge of sensor range. That will most likely be the Master," he said, his voice mechanical through his black mask.


He then opened a comm first on an encypted Black Sun channel, "Jag, we've got a Jedi here. You're with me. Draj, you can handle the apprentice down on the planet, correct?" Without waiting for an answer, Fett cut off the channel.


His engines powered up, the experienced bounty hunter and Black Sun Operative turned his ship towards that of the Jedi Master and started to approach. He didn't mind if the Jedi was alerted to his presence--there was no way the apprentice could escape now.


Fett powered up his ship's weapons, primarily the Ion cannons and missile launchers. They would be doing most of the work. The hunter had heard many things about Jedi, though, and knew that caution above all things should be taken. He would be ready.


A Mandalorian did not fail.


Finally, he hailed the Jedi ship on an open frequency, "Lower your shields and prepare to be boarded or prepare to fight, Jedi."

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((Um... I've never been in a RP fight before... Be nice?))


Jasyn squinted out across the landscape, the nerves on the back of his neck tingling; he hadn't spent three years as a bounty hunter for nothing...


He may be overreacting but it was better to err on the side of caution; hurrying back into his ship he grabbed an extra blaster and his vibro axe before running back outside and finding a secluded rock in view of his ship. It would be a perfect place to hide--er, take cover.


For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.


Jesus is the way...

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A bleep occured on Draj's ship. Quickly snuffing out of his short nap, he leaned forward in his ship and checked his data: There were two ships heading in for Ilum. Draj kept watch just in case they were Jedi. While he was watching, a red blip popped up to his right: A message. "Draj, you can handle the apprentice down on the planet, correct?" it said. The message was from Fett. Draj smiled and sprung into action.


Draj grabbed all of his equipment: A vibrosword with a hidden surprise, and a vibrodagger. He made sure his armor was functioning correctly. It was. Draj needed new equipment, but hadn't had the time to get it made. After this job, however, he'd have the money and time. He'd get his equipment.


The bounty hunter returned to his main console to open the exit gate. Fate must have been with him, for he saw the apprentice, searching without results. The young one carried a huge vibro axe, one that could inflict great pain if Draj wasn't careful. Again Draj smiled, seeing the apprentice's fear; chances were that he'd never been in a fight. This would be interesting.


Stepping off of the Sixth, Draj attempted to sneak up on the apprentice. It was almost succesful, but Draj, while trying to sneak, managed to step on a crystal of some sort. It alerted the young apprentice.


Cursing his luck, Draj acted immediatly. Pointing his vibrosword at the apprentice, Draj said "Freeze and you won't be harmed. Move, and you will be harmed and then forced on my ship." Digging deeper into his mind, Draj came up with a plan. "I know your Jedi ways. Should you move, you will probably create a problem for the Jedi. Aren't you guys supposed to be peacekeepers? I highly doubt you will attack me. It's against your code!" He hoped his words had the desired effect.

"What are you doing?"

"Thinking about God."

"In a corner?"

"Faith is not in a floor plan..."


Best Music Video EVER

I survived the Big Crash of '04

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*Kirlocca's driod began to beep nervously.*


"I see it, I see it."


*The jedi master quickly pulled out his com link, one that he knew was very secure.*


"Jasyn, Heasd for the north-western mountains. You will be safe there Untill I can pick you up. When you enter the cave, close your eye's and keep running."


*Kirlcoca quickly put his craft in attack mode.*


This poor fool has no idea what modifactions have been done to this craft. H ewill regret tis challenge.


*The jedi master pushed his jedi starfighter forward. Preparing his blast bomb, while also charging up to ION pulse.*


"This is jedi master Kirlocca....I don;t wish to bring you harm. Let me and my padawan finish what we came here to do. Or will you end up dead."


*The jedi master knew how to push missles and projectiles away from his ship. Kirlocca was more then sure, this battle, if it begins, will be over before the attacker knows what hit him.*

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Jasyn spun to face the bounty hunter, dropping into a low crouch. He frowned as the bounty hunter spoke, searching his mind for what he should do. He wasn't afraid of a fight but he also didn't want to start a problem. His com beeped and he reaced down to pull it out of his pocket, keeping his eyes on the bounty hunter the whole time. After listening to the message he slipped the com back in his pocket.


"I wouldn't know about my code; I'm rather new at this whole Jedi thing, you see. But I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind if I defended myself." He slowly shifted his grip on his vibro axe, studying the bounty hunter carefully. He didn't know how he could succesfully accomplish what Kirlocca told him to do, he would have to somehow lose this bounty hunter first. "If you want a fight I guarantee you you'll get one but if you leave now... Maybe you'll live." It wasn't the most diplomatic thing he'd ever heard but then, he wasn't the most diplomatic person in the galaxy.




For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.


Jesus is the way...

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OOC: I have been given permission to post the actions of Jagged Fel, as he is unable to post himself due to time restrictions.


IC: ShadowFett looked closely at his scanner. The enemy ship appeared to be arming some sort of Ion weapon, or at least that was the energy signature Fett was receiving. But it wasn't apparent that the Jedi Starfighter had any Ion cannons.


The bounty hunter signaled Jag, who began to circle around behind the Jedi's ship. His own ship was incredibly fast due to many hours of modifications. In fact, Jag's ship was a mix between a TIE Defender and a Chiss Clawcraft, and he simply referred to it as the "hybrid".


Meanwhile Fett's weapons finished warming up and he focused on the Jedi Master flying towards him. Popping out the twin quad laser turrets he had moved to the side of the support struts on his YT-2000, the Mandalorian began to lay down a suppression fire, not intended to kill but with sufficient accuracy to force the Jedi to take evasive action.


Fett then took evasive action himself, getting a reading stating that the Jedi's shields had slightly diminished. It was good to know that he at least scored a few hits.


Jag expertly tracked the tiny starfighter's movements and fired a few laser blasts as well, striking the tiny ship with each one, though without a solid direct hit. Fett marvelled at the man's skill, but found it fitting after being raised in such a background--raised among Chiss and even born on a Chiss world.

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*Kirlocca had his jedi starfighter blast right past the main craft. The jedi master could sense the other behind him way before he was even there. Out side, his driod beep loudly.*


"I know I know. I want power aft up and running as soon as possible."


*The jedi master knew that since his star fighter was in attack mode, it would take a long time to bring his extra engines up.*


I don't need to fight them to win. Your a jedi, you don't have to fight to win. They know nothing of the forc-


*Kirlocca turned and saw laser fire blast right next to him from enemy crafts behind him. The jedi master turned his head around and put his hand up.Laser fire that came way towards his starfighter was split in half. Laser fire missed him completely.*


"Shadow, prepare for a power jump. I just loaded what you will need in the nav computer."


*Kirlocca turned his craft towards the planet and prepared for what could not be stoped.*

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Draj grinned; he'd hoped his opponent wouldn't go without a fight. The young Jedi with the big axe wanted a fight. Draj would deliver.


Feinting left, but leaping right, Draj thought quickly. Dispatch, don't kill this one. Disable his use of the axe, he thought to himself. Removing it from it's holster, Draj threw his vibrodagger at the Jedi's knee. The Jedi shouldn't have told Draj of the lack of training. Knowing that he had no training, Draj knew he wouldn't be able to dodge the dagger.

It struck, giving the man a limp. Blood started to ooze from the wound. It wasn't deep, but it would still give him problems. Landing on his armored feet, Draj silently waited for his opponents next move. He would act upon that.

"What are you doing?"

"Thinking about God."

"In a corner?"

"Faith is not in a floor plan..."


Best Music Video EVER

I survived the Big Crash of '04

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((Um, just so you know, Jasyn does know how to fight. Just not in the Jedi way.))


Jasyn grunted but ignored the pain emanating from directly above his left knee. He spun the vibro axe in his hands and then thrust the handle into the bounty hunter's gut and spun, swinging the blade of the axe in an arc towards the bounty hunter's head; he fully expected it to be blocked. He had no intention of losing this battle.


EDIT: This is my sister's account... I didn't realize she was logged in... Sorry. How embarrasing...


Aero says:

good lick

Aero says:


Aero says:


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"He's powering up his hyperdrive engines, Master," 2277 called from the seat behind ShadowFett.


"You're not getting away," Fett said determinedly. As the Jedi Master turned his ship towards his escape vector, the Mandalorian applied a small amount of rudder and brought his ship around to face the starfighter. He wouldn't fail.


Pulling the trigger on a secondary control joystick which controlled the directional capabilities of the two Ion cannons mounted atop Fett's ship, the bounty hunter watched the two blue bolts lance out and smack into the back of the Jedi's ship, disabling it entirely.


No jump to hyperspace would be made.


ShadowFett sent another comm to the starfighter, "You are disabled, Jedi. Luckily enough for you, there is no bounty on your head. If you agree to come with me without complaints (and with the assistance of my tractor beam), you will not be harmed."


The Mandalorian waited patiently for a response, following his words with actions by grabbing the small craft with a well-aimed tractor beam shot that ensured the Jedi wouldn't escape now. His calculating countenance was showing no emotion, and even if it was, that emotion would be concealed by the hunter's mask.


Knowing that the Jedi was still dangerous made him cautious. He suspected that there was still some way that the Jedi could escape this predicament, so he signaled Jag to block the escape vector with weapons armed to kill.

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*Kirlocca crused under his breath, though not for the reasons what the bounty hunters might think. His driod, Shadow, was connected to a anti weapon system. The system just kept the driod from shuting down, or the systems around him to shut down.*


Wait for it. Once you get close enough to the ship, then take them by surprise.


*Kirlocca waited for his ship to drift close enough to the ship. Once the jedi got close enough, he used to force to pull 4 proton torpedos, and guided them towards the enemy craft. Since the jedi master used to force to do this, it went undetected. Kirlocca watched as all four slamed into the ship in locations that the jedi made hit. One hit and destroyed the tractor beam, another hit the bridge, and the other two slamed into the ships engines, leaving them unable to do anything other then make jumps into hyperspace.*


ONe down, another to go.


*The jedi master's driod beeped as it told him that he had fully power back. Kirlocca quickly turned his ship towards the planet and powered up his engines to full power. The jedi master was in the atmostphere in no time, and already on his way towards his padawan...*

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As the blow to Draj's stomach hit, he lost his breath. His chest plate had blocked most of the shot, but the axe was a mighty weapon; his breath had involuntarily left his system. Draj was also surprised that, even when his leg was hindered, he still could summon up enough momentum to use the colossal axe.


Stepping back, Draj threw his weight to the right, watching the Jedi apprentice stumble forward, thanks to the axes momentum. Draj would've blocked the attack, except for his quick thinking again may have saved his life.


Still in mid-stumble, the young apprentice had no time to recuperate before Draj slid up from behind him. Instead of killing the Jedi, he decided to give the young one another chance.

Draj took his sword up to the young one's hands. He sliced the axe from his grip and continued to hold the sword to the apprentices neck. Breathing deep from the short battle, Draj said "You have one last chance, Young One. Your weapon lay dorment, and my weapon lay at your neck. Should you move, you will be decapitated. Come with me, and you will not be harmed. If you don't respond, you will also be killed. Make your move, Jedi." Draj hoped the ploy worked. Even as a Mandalorian, Draj didn't mind death, but he knew the Jedi would. If your not Mandalorian, you feared death.

"What are you doing?"

"Thinking about God."

"In a corner?"

"Faith is not in a floor plan..."


Best Music Video EVER

I survived the Big Crash of '04

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*Kirlocca's ship raced through the air quickly trying to find the location that Jasyn was at.*


Hold on Jasyn. I'm on my way.


*Kirlocca then saw two small figures on the ground. ONe figure, not his padawan, had just lost his weapon, and the attacker was behind his padawan with a weapon at Jasyns' neck.*


"Shadow, land 50 kilcks away from the battle area."


*Kirlocca then jumped out of his ship. The jedi master spun all the way down to the ground. He landed with out any noise. He quickly began to run, and then his fliped in the air, and pulled his padawan out of reach of the attacker.*


"Stay here Jasyn!"


*The jedi master once again jumped into the air. He landed right in front of the attacker. And the jedi master activated his lightsaber, and made a really loud growl.*


"Why don't you pick on someone that you will lose to."

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Jasyn froze as the sword came up to his neck and listened in contained fury as the bounty hunter spoke. Before he had a chance to retaliate or reply he felt himself be pulled out of harm's way by a furry arm.


Master Kirlocca, he realized with a small smile and stepped back to allow the wookie room.


For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.


Jesus is the way...

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ShadowFett slammed himself against the deck as the Force-guided proton torpedoes, called shadow bombs if his memory served, hit. The one aimed at the bridge failed to penetrate the thick deflector shields thereof, but the remaining torpedoes knocked out his engines and the tractor beam projector, though damaging little else. Fett's ship was even tough enough to take torpedoes.


But the Mandalorian checked his sensors to see that not only was Jag unscathed, but the Jedi had not escaped into hyperspace. He's going after his apprentice...and Jag, Fett realized with a smirk. Jedi, despite claiming the lack of it, were restricted by attachment, something a bounty hunter was free of.


"Jag, I'm going to need you to make a slow flyby," Fett commed the ace pilot, who was hesitant to follow the Jedi's ship, having seen the devestation caused by the undetectable torpedoes. "The Jedi's not out of this yet."


Jag's hybrid complied as Fett lowered the boarding ramp...out into open space, his recharging defector shield deactivated even as it attempted to spark back to life.


A few random loose items were sucked out into space, though none of any importance. Fett himself allowed his body to be sucked out with the objects and, with a tiny thrust from his rocketpack, he grabbed hold of the hybrid's bottom-right wing.


His armor and helmet contained enough air to keep him alive for hours even in vaccuum, and his suit was insulated enough to keep him warm. "Now, down to the planet. Lock on to the two Jedi and Draj, assuming he's still alive," he ordered, his voice offering no chance to dispute the command.


Taking it at a decent speed, Jag's hybrid moved towards the planet, ShadowFett climbing to the ball cockpit and hanging on there. His droid, 2277, was an incredible technician and would possibly have the engines patched back together by the time he was finished on the planet.


Jagged Fel hesitated when reaching the atmosphere of Ilum, but Fett urged him to continue. Without any further question, Jag rocketed down into the atmosphere. ShadowFett smiled as the friction lit his previously-black armor to a stinging red and just-bareable heat caused him to clench his teeth with concentration on maintaining his grip.


As soon as the ship was within a mile of the ground and the Jedi were visible as tiny specks, which Fett magnified using the macrobinocular function of his visor, the Mandalorian let go of the ship, entering a deadly freefall. As the ground and the Jedi neared, Fett saw that Draj was in a tight spot.


He drew his Westar-34 blasters and fired three shots. The first two went wide of thier target, the Jedi Master, but the third and final shot struck the massive wookie on his lightsaber arm, extended towards Draj menacingly. Activating his jetpack and leveling himself out, Fett landed beside Draj, putting away his blasters and drawing a vibroblade crafted out of pure cortosis.


"You're not going to disable my ship, kill my recruit, and get rid of me that easily," Fett said, activating the power cell on the blade to give it the distictive hum and blurred vibration. "Even a Jedi Master cannot beat a Mandalorian."

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*Kirlocca smiled at the bounty hunters.*


"You know, I thought that you would have ;learned your leason. I guess your as dumb as you look."


*The jedi master moved faster then the speed of light. The wookiee kicked the unarmed hunter out of his way, knocking the breath out of him. Kirlocca then swung the blade up the middle of the one with a sword, but not doing any reall damage. Then the wookiee leaned forward and hit the swordsman with his fist, and then using the force to push him as far away from him as posible.*


"Should have kept more of a distance between us."


*Kirlocca then ran to pick up his padawan, and both headed for the mountains, where they became out of reach of sensors. He then sat his padawan down.*


"Jasyn, I want you to take my comm far back into the mountain and press the call button when you get the chance. It has a hyper link to Shadow. He will find a way to retrieve you. Don't wait up for me."


*Kirlocca then began to set his trap for the bounty hunters that the jedi master knew they would try to finish what they started...*

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ShadowFett hit the ground and rolled to his feet. The bounty hunter would not allow the Jedi to run off. Not after such a battle. Mandalorians did not accept defeat at any cost, not until death claimed them.


The Jedi is a fool for not killing me earlier, Fett thought to himself. But despite that fact, he had gained a certain respect for the wookie that he had not known he would ever develope. This being his first major fight with a Jedi, he had honestly had no idea in the past how truly powerful they were.


But he had a way to even get past the Force. As powerful as the energy field was, not even it could save the life of the wookie now. Fett disregarded his mission to settle for capturing the Jedi Master--now it was a matter of honor. To end this fight in any way outside of killing his opponent would be unnacceptably dishonorable.


Glory came through battle: this the Canons of Honor ruled Fett's actions with. He could not defy that which he had been raised on.


The Mandalorian activated his rocket pack once again and flew towards the direction he had seen the wookie sprint off towards. Soon the Jedi appeared on his helmet scanner, which was capable of tracking up to a score of seperate targets at any given moment. It helped keep track of a certain bounty in a crowd of opponents or track one through the streets of a metropolis.


He grabbed off a weapons mount on his rocketpack the most deadly weapon in his arsenal--a Tenloss Disruptor Rifle. It possesed incredible scoping and sniping abilities that ShadowFett had trained with for hours on end. It's shot was instantaneous on reaching its target and disentagrated matter and flesh.


Fett felt the glorifying feel of adrenaline sweeping chaotically through his system, making his hands shake as he rocketed higher into the air so he could get a distant look at the Jedi Master and his bewildered and defenseless padawan. He raised the disruptor rifle and used the scope to zoom way in.


He took a deep breath and forced his hands to steady. The shot was almost impossible, and he knew the Jedi could sense danger. For honor and glory through battle, he thought. He squeezed the trigger halfway and saw the Jedi Master jump as if to dodge. For a split second he was flat-footed, and that tiny moment in time was the one Fett would never forget.


The powerful beam of energy several times that of an ordinary blaster bolt was impacting with the Jedi Master's head even as Fett was pulling the trigger. All eight feet of the wookie instantly disentagrated with a flash of energy, his lightsaber plopping to the ground in the snow.


ShadowFett had failed to make the capture, but had gained immesurable glory in the process. He would accept the consequences.


OOC: Well fought. Let this battle be known.

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Draj had recuperated just as Fett eliminated the wookie. Both seemed to have come from no where. First there were two, and then four, and then three, and then two again. Draj watched Fett grin, and, selfishly, felt jealous of his kill. Draj indeed would have to fix the jealousy problem. It was an emotion, one of many he intended to be rid of.


Stepping up to the victorious hunter, Draj asked "So what is our next plan of action? The young one ran that way. I would have chased him, but the Jedi impeeded my progression." Draj looked around, and saw a flash of steel. Smiling, he went over and picked up his vibrodagger and wiped off the blood. He then - blood. The young one would have left a trail of blood. I hit him on his leg, in which he used to walk, Draj thought. Wided-eyed, he searched for the red liquid his enemy had involuntarily spurted out.


Scanning the ground, Draj soon-there-after found his target: A red splotch of blood had almost soaked into the ground. Draj scoped it, deemed it the Jedi's blood, and looked towards Fett. "If you want to find the young one, follow me." Without looking back to see if Fett followed, Draj immedietly sprinted in direction of the blood splotches.

"What are you doing?"

"Thinking about God."

"In a corner?"

"Faith is not in a floor plan..."


Best Music Video EVER

I survived the Big Crash of '04

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Jasyn stumbled back from the remains of his master, immense rage and anger welling up in his innermost being. Scooping up the lightsaber of his master he ran, legs pounding the ground relentlessly, his breath coming in short, controlled gasps. Remembering the com Kirlocca had given him he pressed the call button and hoped Shadow would arrive in time...


As he ran, he made sure his position was cloaked through the Force, more than gratefull for the time Aryian had spent to teach him the rudimentary elements of the Force. If he went far enough into the mountains, it was very likely the bounty hunters would not find him.


The wound on his leg gave him a sharp reminder and he winced, taking a moment to stop and care to the wound. It was bleeding. Bleeding... He froze and looked back at the ground behind him; he'd left a trail! "Sithspit..." He growled, closing his eyes and shoving the pain away to the furthest recesses of his mind. It was likely he would not make it out alive, but he didn't care, he had nothing to lose. One thing was for sure, if he was going to die, it would not be without a fight.


He did a quick mental check of his inventory, he still had his two blasters and a training lightsaber as well as Kirlocca's lightsaber. In a split second decision, he veered off to the right and crawled up on a hill to see where his attackers were. The bounty hunter who had attacked him--he decided to dub him Fife--was indeed tracking the trail of blood he had left. So intensly, in fact, that he had left his back open for an attack. Granted, there was still the other one... The one he would make it his duty to see to it that he was slowly, painfully tortured to an eternal sleep.


They were bounty hunters, Jasyn had spent three years following that path; he could use this to his advantage. He had some degree of knowledge as to how they would think. Plus, he had the force as his ally.


Going into a force-run he moved closer to his tracker, and then he waited, his eyes narrowing to slits and his hands clenching... The animal had been awakened within him and he would not be stopped.


((Guys, give me a chance to counter any attacks, please. Let's not finish this just yet.))


For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.


Jesus is the way...

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OOC: It would be illegal for us to kill you without a chance to counter-attack. Same with capture. Likewise, it is illegal for you to kill either of us without giving us a chance to counter.


Draj, we need to follow the rules of double-teaming. Only one of us can post in attack between his posts. This makes it fair.


IC: ShadowFett had elevated his position in his own eyes. Glory had been achieved. However, the mission had not been. That status was salvagable, and Fett knew it. He quickly sent a comm up to Jag, still in his ship in the atmosphere, to shoot down any craft he saw in flight.


The Mandalorian put away his Disruptor rifle and lowered himself gently to the ground. He opted to draw his Westar-34s instead, and as he followed Draj the apprentice appeared on his battle scanner. Though not from the direction they were heading...


"Draj," he said, not even breathing heavily from the sprint the two hunters maintained, "he's not there. He's more behind us....there." Fett pointed up into the mountain looming above them. The Jedi's apprentice was indeed there, barely visible behind the rocks and only then with the aid of Fett's infrared visor to spot him.


The experienced hunter fired up randomly with his blaster pistols, but the shots went wild. While he was extremely efficient, shot accuracy was not his focus--at least with blasters--and such long range shots were not possible for even the best of shots. Only a lucky hit would have done anything, and even that would be outrange far enough to not retain much power.


"Fight him again," Fett instructed, "but do not kill him. Because I was unable to capture his Master, we at least need to capture him. I don't know how important he is to the Order just yet, but he may be enough for our use of him."


Personally he watched from the ground, ready to evade any ranging shots the apprentice would possibly rain down at him. Only if needed would he interfere.

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((I'll be gone over the weekend.))


All the shots went far wild of Jasyn's position and he didn't bother firing back at the bounty hunter, no need to further expose his position. Changing his position on the mountain he reached down and pulled his blaster out of its holster, checking it over quickly to make sure it was undamaged. Changing it from the right hand to the left, he pulled out his other blaster, checking it over as well.


Cautiously, he poked his head above the rocks and looked down at the bounty hunters below. One stood back while the other, 'Fife,' looked up the hill towards Jasyn's position. He couldn't be sure that both bounty hunters wouldn't try to overpower him, though many of the bounty hunters he had known were not totally without honor.


Moving around the hill, fully concealed from view, he moved closer to the bounty hunters. Hopefully he could at least take down 'Fife' before being killed, or worse, captured.


At last, close enough to attack, he burst from cover and fired both blasters in rapid succession at the bounty hunter. The first few hit harmlessly on the ground in front of 'Fife', another barely grazed the bounty hunter's helmet and yet another hit his left knee.


Finished with his preliminary run, Jasyn dove and rolled to avoid any counter attacks, a small cry of pain escaping as he jarred his leg.


For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.


Jesus is the way...

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Two ships exited above the planet of Ilum. Hou-Jo immediately felt that something was wrong. "I feel death down their somewhere on the planet. If there is an enemy keeping the crystals, they would be wise to leave them be. The two ships made haste and flew down to the cave. Hou-Jo did not bring it down elegantly, he put down quickly and directly. Vrean landed behind him.


"Something is not right here. Vrean, go into the cave and begin searching for a crystal that suits you. I will wait out here. I sense something."

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ShadowFett received a communication from his droid working on his ship above him in space. "There are more Jedi arriving, Master," the droid said, and there was no mistaking the humor in his voice. Perhaps he realized the irony behind the arrival.


The Mandalorian hunter couldn't be more humored himself. He had been forced to kill a Jedi Master only minutes before that had evaded capture for too long. Now he was offered a means of redemption, that his mission may be fulfilled after all.


"Locate their ship," Fett said into his comm, built directly into his helmet. 2277 strung off a number and Fett was pleased to find that the newcomers were relatively close. "Send down my speeder bike."


"That may be dangerous, Master," the droid reported. "However, due to my incredible efforts"--Fett smiled again--"the engines are once again fully operational. I will be by shortly."


ShadowFett watched the Night of Vengeance enter the atmosphere and locate him due to a tracking signal in his helmet. He boarded and nodded at 2277, "Take me to the Jedi."


During the short flight, the Mandalorian prepared himself to once again enter battle. If it would bring death, he would be ready to accept it. But no matter what, and above all else, glory and honor would be achieved. There was no failure, only victory.


And this time he would capture the Jedi, not kill. He would comm the man and offer him a choice before weapons were activated, but that was impossible except through his ship.


The Vengeance set down and Fett left her, telling his copilot and finder to keep the shields up and be ready for action. The experienced bounty hunter skipped his usual ranged weapon onslaught and armed his vibroblade, made of pure cortosis ore, except for the core, which was durasteel and the source of the vibration.


Trudging briefly through the snow, ShadowFett located and marked with his battle sensor his targets. He came within sight of the Master and said darkly, his accented voice muffled through his mask, "If you give up now, you will not be harmed. However, I will not hesitate to fight you."


OOC: Don't feel you have to, but if you want to do an official duel than I'm willing to do play along. Otherwise have fun. I probably need to tell you that Mandalorian Iron (which Fett's completely clad in) is indestructable even to the lightsaber blade.

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Hou-Jo chuckled, "If you mean to capture me... you are mistaken. I am a Jedi that you will not ensnare easily, if at all. I will not give up, because you would not defeat me. You will leave me at once. I sense the death of Master Kirlocca here. He may have been a Jedi Master, as so am I, but I warn you now; do not underestimate my power."


The wind began to howl on the planet. Hou-Jo stepped back into the cave. "If you value your life, you will leave now." Suddenly, from no where, a blizzard came down onto them. Hou-Jo sending his presence deep through the Force, creating a storm as he had on Ryloth. Hou-Jo's presence was also in the storm, and it was seconds from rampaging across the snowy land. The winds were terrible, and Fett was barely able to continue standing, "Leave this sacred cave."

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ShadowFett felt no fear, no intimidation, and no disadvantage caused by the intense snow. Nothing could interfere with his mission, and his life was only worth the tasks he had accomplished in the past. Even those, now etched into the imperceptable stone wall of time, would not pass with the passing of his life.


Fett was no mere bounty hunter or mercenary. He was different in ways that even the Jedi could not immediately perceive. His actions were dictated by a more powerful force than credits or emotion, but by a dominating and inconceivable set of morals that set him apart from any other being.


Even a Jedi Master could not comprehend what passed fluidly through ShadowFett's mind--what he fought for, where he was going, what there was to the life of a Mandalorian. Even a Jedi Master would not have the strength to win over him in battle, and even a Jedi Master would be taken aback by his motivation.


All these thoughts whirled through the hunter's mind in a few frozen moments of time. The cold did not seep through Fett's environement suit, and he had ways even of seeing through the near-whiteout blizzard that had sprung from some force that Fett did not understand.


Activating the infrared setting in his visor, the bounty hunter like none other located the Jedi Master and his apprentice. "I do not wish to harm you or impress you with my victory, which is no longer my own," he said, "but I have a mission, and my loyalty to my mentor and your own honor leaves me with no choice but to fight against you."


And indeed he did respect the Jedi Master. But he had beaten beings before that he had held more respect for than he thought possible himself.


Without another word, ShadowFett activated his vibroblade and, using a small boost from the repulsorlift system on his hover/rocket pack upon his back, the bounty hunter launched himself at the Jedi Master, who was decidedly unprepared. His lightsaber activated and deactivated with a glancing hit to Fett's vibroblade, then the Mandalorian seized the Jedi, putting his blade to the Jedi's throat.


While he thought it dishonorable to take hostages, that was not what his intent was. He spoke into the Jedi Master's ear quietly, "There are some opponents too much for even a Jedi to handle." He then pushed the Jedi away from himself and lowered himself defensively.


No longer in the blizzard but in the shelter of the cave, Fett didn't have to fight the winds, though he did need to keep an eye on the apprentice, relying primarily on his battle scanner to do so.

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Hou-Jo had no phsyical weapon that could contend with Fett, but Fett had indeed underestimated this Jedi. "Just because I appear unarmed, does not mean that you are a foe beyond me."


Hou-Jo used the Force to send several mind shards at Fett. This was an offensive form of telepathy, driving daggers of psychic energy into Fett's mind. Fett's neural pathways were disrupted, and felt intense pain in his mind, so powerful that he could not overcome it. His mind became confused and stopped sending signals to various places in his body. First his hands, in which he could no longer grip his weapon. His vibroblade fell to the cave floor and snowflakes landed on it, only to melt seconds later. His body became paralized at first, he could no longer advance on his prey. Signals ceased to arrive in his legs and he collapsed inside of the cave.


"The ability to distrupt a lightsaber and be immune to physical pain is insignificant, next to the power of the Force."


With that Hou-Jo used the Force to drive Fett back out of the cave and into the snow. There was a deep rumbling present, as Hou-Jo brought his attention back to the blizzard; snow and rock fell on the entrance of the temple, closing Fett out and burying his vibroblade. Getting into the cave would be the least of his problems as an avalanche cascaded before him.

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