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Yuusuke was more than happy to go. It could give him the chance to purchase a new ship while he was gone.


"I'll go, you can remain at this location. My only concern is the fact that the Bothan people are very sneaky. Difficult to trust. But I have a suspicion this is our correct path. I can feel it in my soul."


Yuusuke took the datapad from her and prepared to leave. He rented a small shuttle at the same agency Marc Spector had purchased one when he was posing as Marcus. The shuttle headed for Coruscant.

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Indy had a fleeting thought for Moon's safety as he walked out of the room, but she brushed it aside. Moon was more than capable of taking care of himself, she knew.


That taken care of, Indy began to research new planets. She wanted something hidden-- on the edges of the Outer Rim would work. She also researched companies that would help her build a strong secure base. She figured there was enough money left in her account to pay a construction company.


The new base would be heavily protected. It needed to be able to withstand an attack from anyone--SEED, bounty hunter, Empire, or Sith. Indy was determined not to lose another base.


Indy had an idea. "Hey guys," she commed to the Jedi. "If you're not too busy, meet me in my office...we need to find a planet for the new Death Striker base."


She figured that since Jedi were famous for having traveled all over the galaxy, they would have some ideas on a good planet to check out.


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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Armiena was a bit disappointed when she heard Indy's request over the intercom. She had planned on asking her master to continue her training, but she silently chastised herself for being so selfish. Her Jedi training could wait, but if Indy was living on the run, there was no point in delaying.


She spoke to Camsie. "Master, when we find a world for the Death Strikers to rebuild on, I'd like to continue my training." Already, she felt ready to take on one of the final challenges to becoming a Knight; building her own lightsaber. She made a mental note to ask her master for permission to build it.


She walked with her master to Indy's office, thinking of planets that would serve as a good base. That was a problem; even though Armiena had seen her fair share of the galaxy, and perhaps more, most of the planets she had been to were fairly hospitable to human life.


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The door slid open before the two Jedi and Indy ushered them in.


"I'm terribly sorry to interrupt you...I'm sure you have plenty of things to do-- training, rest..." her voice trailed off.


"I want your opinion on the planet for the new Death Striker base. I have a few ideas, but I wanted to see if you had any recommendations before I told you what I had in mind. Also, do you happen to know of any large construction companies that could help us build and install defenses?"


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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((OOC: Damn it all... I just looked through the archives, and they confirmed my fear--that Yavin IV has indeed been destroyed. That was my first idea! ))


"Indy, I'm afraid I can't help you much with that first question. I've seen more than my fair share of the galaxy, but most of those planets were fairly hospitable." Armiena was continuing to rack her brain for ideas. "However, I do know of a company that might be able to handle construction. KVC Enterprises has a reputation for large-scale projects like this--they'd be able to handle the construction... for the right price."


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Indy nodded. "KVC Enterprises, eh? I will look into the group. We don't have much, but I did save up a lot in the past few years. Worse comes to worse, I can go back to piloting until we have the money. The only problem is that would put the Death Strikers on hold again."


She swiveled the projector screen towards the two Jedi. "I found a few planets that might work."


She accessed the first file, showing the tropical ocean-covered world of Enaleh. She then accessed the files for Hensara III, Zhanox, and Aaris III.


After letting them look over the files, she spoke. "I'm leaning towards Aaris III personally, but let me know what you think."


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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((Thanks for the tip, Amidala, I already knew about the CUSWE, but I never got around to bookmarking it))


Armiena read the files on the four planets, her mind quickly scanning possibilities and tactical advantages. Although Zhanox had considerable cover, due to the nebula and its rocky environment, she ruled it out. The mining colonies there might not be abandoned yet. In the end, the risk of civilians being killed because of collateral damage in an attack overwhelmed its advantage of cover.


Now, Aaris III on the other hand already boasted its own cover--standard Imperial tactics were notoriously inefficient in jungle terrain. The mountain ranges there would serve as excellent vantage points for stationary weapons.


Already, a crude blueprint was forming in Armiena's mind. She could almost see it... A hidden base dug into one of those mountain ranges, flanked and covered at all ends by camoflauged weapon emplacements. The high metal content in the mountains would help to minimize the effectiveness of a sensor scan, and the jungle terrain would tie down walkers. In the end, only a costly infantry assault would be able to penetrate the base. Traps placed in the jungles would be devastating...


This was the sort of world that was a dream to fortify. Nearly everything went in the defender's favor.


She nodded to Indy. "I agree with your analysis, Indy. Zhanox looks tempting, but there's too much of a risk of having to deal with civilians there."


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High above the serene planet Naboo, a lone E-Wing dropped into normal space... The ship weaved its way through the void skillfully- almost artistically. The pilot Andon was more familiar with a ship than even his own lightsaber, if that was possible- but he wasted no time showing off. Not this time. The single passenger was Orrick, Jedi Knight trained by the infamous Adi-Wan Tinova. Jedi Orrick was known for his wisdom, and his calm in the midst of battle. But now his life hung in the balance. He had lost blood- perhaps too much. Now only time would tell. Medical help, however, was not the only reason the pair had come to Naboo. A precious life remained here, un-affected by the carnage that had befallen that sole life's protectors. This trip was, infact, one of many purposes, and they were soon to be fulfilled.


The ship passed over the now rocky and broken landscape that was formerly Leonardo Stovachi's rural retreat. The once grand structure now lay in ruins. Blood still stained the ground, and decaying bodies littered a battlefield. Had Orrick been awake, the sight would have brought him grief and despair. This place had been his failure. Now it would start him anew.


The modified fighter touched down in a bustling village-the nearest one to the battle site. The town was not very large, but not very small either. Right after touch-down, Orrick was immediately rushed to a medical facility. Luckily, they had made it. Orrick's Force trance had kept him alive just long enough, and doctor's reported he would be alright... given a little bit of time. Andon used this "time" to quietly sit and meditate- to reflect on recent events of the war...

Post Number 168...


I survived SANITY'S END, November 04

I survived the crash of '04

Proud member of the Yo Mama Movement

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Camsie leaned against the wall in silence. He couldn't offer advice on where to build a base. It went against his morals. And if his morals said different, the caamasi still knew little to nothing about military tactics and military worth.


"I am sorry, but I am a peace keeper. Advising you on where I believe the base should be established would contradict what I wish to do. Another base in this universe means one more planet that is open to military attack. Another planet that might live the fate of Alderaan and Camas..."


The caamasi's eyes watered as memnii of Camas's destruction came back to mind. So much blood. So much death. Crisscrossing beams of light destroying a small clan of caamasi. The cry of a new life ending. The cry of an old life ending. The fear. The fire. The smell. The uncleanable smell of murder. Of the destruction of the ecosystem.


And then it all seemed to get smaller. Until he couldn't see the bloodied face of his father. Only the blood red sun. The rock that was now Camas. The emptiness of space. The pain that would live on forever.


Too great a pain for such a young caamasi to have held. Too much pain, for Camsie to hold.

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Armiena's throat seemed to constrict. Her master's statement hit uncomfortably home. She had actually felt her homeworld's demise--not something that she liked to think about. Blinking away the tears threatening to escape from her eyes, she tried to find her voice again.


"Master, that's what the Death Strikers are trying to do; save innocent lives. If they settle here on Naboo... this is a populated planet. If there was another bombardment like the one that killed Altyr V, countless lives would be lost.. They cannot stay here."


She glanced at the data feed for Aaris III. "Aaris III is all but abandoned. It used to be a pirate base. No one is living there anymore. This move is necessary so that another world doesn't get murdered."


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Indy glanced at the Camaasi and the Alderaanian. She could not symathise with what they were feeling, never really having a home planet. She didn't belong on Monto Codru, and Coruscant had never felt like home.


"I pray that will never happen. I am glad that Altyr 5 was pretty much unpopulated...I don't want to risk lives...I want to save them."


She shut off the datascreen. "Very well then. Aaris III it will be. You can go now...train, or whatever you wish. I will contact KVC Enterprises and the organization run by Drake Vortex on the Gateway as well."


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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After several long hours of treatment, bacta baths, and surgery, the Jedi Knight woke. He could feel pain in his lacerated right heel, but the important thing was that he could feel something at all. Pain meant you were still alive. Noticing that their patient had awakened, the human doctor and his 2-1B medical droid counterpart directed their attention to him.


"Ah! Good Morning, Master Jedi. You are very fortunate indeed. Few would have been able to survive blood levels as low as your own. Feeling better I presume?"


Orrick stirred. His eyes still were heavy with sleep. "A little I guess. What happened?"


"I was hoping you'd be able to tell me that. You suffered one helluva wound on your heel. Something like that doesn't happen on accident. At any rate, we patched you up real nice. Unfortunately, the damage to your achilles tendon was to severe to be repaired, but you got a nice little prosthetic infused with the bone and muscle that should keep you on your feet."


Orrick noticed what was different. His right heel felt... different... foreign even. It might take a while getting used to... But at least he would not be stuck in a chair the rest of his life. Orrick shuddered at the thought... "Thanks." The pain was beginning to recede.


"Right now, there's still several bacta patches on the wound. It's just healing the skin and covering any scars. Nanite technology in the prosthetic will keep your system clean and prevent your body from rejecting the implant. Might come in handy later on too, if you know what I mean. Anyway, just becareful. You might have a slight limp for a while as you adjust. The chefs cooked up a hot meal for you before you're released. Nothing much, but a little somethin' to get your energy back up..."


Orrick gladly accepted the hearty meal, and it quickly dissapeared. As the pain was receding, and Orrick had time to think, he questioned the doctor. "Have you seen my companion?"


The doctor paused, and glanced at his droid. "You're friend has been... restless shall we say. He has checked in on you to see your condition from time to time, but he seems... preoccupied."


Orrick grinned. That sounds like Andon... "Alright. Thanks again for your help."


Orrick's belongings (clothes and lightsaber) were returned to him, and Orrick was released from the facility. The doctor was right. It would take some time adjusting. Orrick walked with the slightest limp, but opened himself up to the Force, glad to be able to revel in its warmth. He could sense Andon nearby, and quietly hobbled his way over. He remained sitting, meditating on a bench, next to a quite impressive fountain. The sound of rushing water was quite relaxing, and Orrick knew that Andon felt his presence, so Orrick simply took a seat, and waited...

Post Number 168...


I survived SANITY'S END, November 04

I survived the crash of '04

Proud member of the Yo Mama Movement

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As Armiena and Camsie took their leave, leaving Indy to her thoughts, Armiena spoke quickly to her master.


"Master, I will not try to justify my argument with you. All I will say is this: we are very different people, but we both want to save lives. I guess we just believe in following different methods in doing so." She shook her head; why was she trying to justify her actions?


"I don't want this to form a rift between us. Let's just leave this behind, and focus on what's important right now."


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A black A-wing roared into the skies above Naboo, engulfed by the fires of rapid descent and re-entry through a peaceful atmosphere. The black paint job raged with heat and John's expression was of sinful delight as the heat engulfed the cockpit and fried some of the R6's circuitry. The entire descent fell into the hands of the Force and John's skillful, blind piloting.


The engines raged pouring outwards ion exhaust, speeding into the beautiful gardens racing closer and closer towards the Sith until a sharp pull of the stick and a slam of the throttle brought the sky back into view, shattering the fall of inertia.


It was poetry... moreso because seven creatures died into the descent as the hot coal from the abyss of space burned them severely while crossing into the atmosphere.


The still steaming vessel burned a swath across the gardens as it was piloted into a small forest and countless trees were burned into non-existence. The cockpit popped open and out jumped John.


The marginally functional R6 locked down the ship and remained aboard. Instead of peering about, John let his presence be known. A smirk coming to his face when the Jedi in question would eventually spot him.

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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I felt myself slip, it was only for a moment that I gave into my rage, but everything changed. The spectrum shifted and the light changed to dark...it only took a moment for my world to shatter.


This feeling of emptiness was inevitable, the distraught youth had nothing to return to now, the Jedi always had open arms for refugees but somehow things would never be the same for him there. SEED was a malicious and malevolent group, breeding and living chaos for the sheer purpose of personal joy, death on the mind and in their actions; that life could never be his either.


He callously walked through the streets, his now shaggy hazel and black hair covering his face, the strands convoluting his penetrating hazel gaze from the outside world....eyes that were so different now. No longer did they possess bravado and gentle concern for those around him, his stare was hollow and distant, as if he were moving without concscious thought; merely a series of automated actions.


His humanity was in mourning, his mind racing over the events in which he lashed out at Hale Akturus...his mentor, his friend...the strongest father figure he ever had in his life.


There is no passion, there is serenity; but without passion how can we experience life. We'd have no drive, no urge to go on when the shadow of ourselves threatens to swallow us whole. Yet as a Jedi we are urged to feel compassion for our fellow creatures and all life in general, yet how can we sympathize when we are trained to be so hollow inside.


He was a different person then his last days spent on Naboo so long ago, in his youth he was brash and headstrong, full of emotions and never afraid to express them. Now he was different, his youthful joy had left him and now he was merely just another being wandering aimlessly through a void to which there was no entrance or escape. There was nothing there, it's the place you go when it's only you and no one ever existed before you and no one would exist after you. This was his edge of nothingness...


We all walk a thin line, the balance different for each of us. Some can venture far beyond their own boundaries without ever losing themselves...others can never leave what they have....some never know what they have. We walk too far and we forget how to return to what we once were, if only there was just the one path...if only a path was clearly marked "understanding".


Somewhere in his catatonic state of thought he found himself infront of a cascading fountain, the gentle sound of the flowing water soothing his thoughts and tortured mind, the numbness of his soul slowly fading away. This place was one of peace, that grasp of death present yet so far away now, until the moment in which the sky was set ablaze by the fallen metal angel. He snapped his head to attention as Orrick took a seat beside him and instantly the gaze of the Jedi explained it all to the recovering Jedi Knight.


A new arrival threatened the balance of his sanctuary, once more the slightest notion of peace was ripped away from him as the stench of the Sith tainted the land with darkness. Rising to his feet the black-clad Jedi Knight followed the path of the streaking starfighter that scorched the land like a demon set loose upon the land. He slowly motioned with his hand for Orrick to stay still, his opposite hand lightly grazing his saber hilt.


"Nathaniel is now orphaned...I want you to go to Leo's house and ensure his security. I know you are eager to fight, but this is not your time...trust me Orrick...I must venture this burden alone."


And without another word he made his way towards the being that had contaminated the aura of Naboo, the man that had picked his mind out of the crowd and showed his presence clearly.

Edited by Guest


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His face turned on the approach of the black-cloaked figure.


"You carry the stench of Orrick, Jedi, he lingers here. I have seen you before, when Gantoris and I clashed. Your Master, Akturus claimed my life did he not?"


The hollowed and vacant eyes stared back at those protected by a blindfold, a smirk crossed the Sith Master's face.


"You walk a fine line young one, you step closer without much regard... I sense dismay in you, darkness, betrayal, pain... Sorrow... for Akturus? Tempted you were by the dark side, by a Sith. By his father... Havoc."


With his head bent sideways, glancing at the young soul who continued to lumber closer, his hand touching the end of the saber.


"What do you wish to do with that, Knight? Face me, kill me? Avenge some faceless lifeform on some nameless world for the sake of purity and innocence? No... it can't be that, you don't echo thoughts of cleanliness, of hope. What do you really desire, Jedi?"


He moved his hands forwards and beckoned his obsidian lightsaber hilt to his left hand, and with his right he motioned for the Jedi to attack.


I have come a long way, Andon. Don't dissappoint.


Andon's Master had severed life from the Sith, he only wished to avenge the Master through the Apprentice... someone had to pay the debt.


The obsidian blade emerged from the black hilt and turned towards a defensive stance, while his hand once again beckoned the Knight to action.

Edited by Guest

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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((OOC: Due to Darth Revan's resignment I shall just kill him and continue on.))


Piro pulled out his sword and quickly and pailesley killed his apprentice and left to find Khorne. When he did he slowly aproached and spoke to him.


"Master, I was unable to find anyone of the proper 'qualifications' that you requested. What should we do as of right now?"

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In a single glance, Orrick understood. This fight was not for him... He would meet his long-time rival another day on another battlefield. His responsibilities lied elsewhere- with the baby orphan Nathaniel. In that one glance, Orrick gave his luck, and then turned, without looking back. He simply walked. Leonardo's retreat was not far, and he would reach it within the hour. He could only hope Andon knew what he was getting himself into, for in battles like these, there was either life or death...


((Edited for grammar))

Post Number 168...


I survived SANITY'S END, November 04

I survived the crash of '04

Proud member of the Yo Mama Movement

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As the pair walked down the corridor towards the hangar, the caamasi spoke in response.


"Do not trouble yourself, padawan. Let us continue your training. Tell me, do you feel ready to build your lightsaber?"


Camsie continued to walk, waiting for his apprentice's response.

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Her messages sent, Indy's thoughts turned towards Aaris III. She would need to go there before they started to build, in order to scout out a location for the base. She decided that there was no time like the present.


She commed the Jedi before leaving: I am going to Aaris III on a scouting trip. Feel free to follow, but you might as well stay here on Naboo. I'm sure I will be safe.


She then headed to her new ship. She had decided to call it Freedom's Justice. She powered it up, and blasted off the planet, headed towards the largly unknown planet of Aaris III.


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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Armiena's heart seemed to jump into her throat--well, sort of like that, except it was much more pleasant feeling than that cliche would ever suggest. As though she would ever turn down an offer like this. Granted, the lightsaber was only the symbol of the Jedi... but oh, what a symbol!


"Absolutely, Master."


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From the sky, the massive vessel of the Revelation gently floated to the ground. Once docked on the landing pad, the Jedi known as Tares exited out of the extending platfrom from the hull. From there, he sat on the side of grass and meditated. Through the force he could feel a great many things, one of them having a great familar presence....

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Orrick slowly made his away across the serene landscape. His journey had taken him far from the village, and Orrick could no longer see his fellow 'Jedi'. Or were they Jedi any more? Had the Jedi abandoned them? Forsaken them? Were they now merely wanderers in an endless void? Orrick wished Adi-Wan was still here. He needed guidance, and his former master was always one to give. He could not dwell on the past, however. What had happened happened, and for some unseen reason. He must call on his own guidance...


As the retreat was separated from the rest of a village by a mountain, Orrick was forced to climb. His weak heel gave him trouble, but nothing he couldn't deal with. He hobbled around boulders and over streams. With all traces of the village hidden, he felt... at ease. He was in the wild, alone and in commune with nature. Orrick was unafraid to stretch out completely with the Force, and take in everything around him- the green seedlings, the chilled running water, the warmth of the sun. There was no dark presences here to interfere. It was... refreshing.


The ascent was slow, and Orrick did not strain himself. Nathaniel was in safe hands, and if he had waited for them this long, a little longer wouldn't matter. Soon, however, he had come to a point where he could begin descending the other side. The peak still rose up to his left, but it would take more time than Orrick wanted to spend.


The descent went quicker, and smoother. The mountains of Naboo were not treacherous, and Orrick felt no danger throughout his entire trek. Soon he came to the land he had been dreading to see. The battlefield... This area of Naboo had been desacrated. By the SEED troopers- and by his own hand. Deep within, he felt shame. Shame for having to destroy that which was serene and peaceful. In the end, was he no better than the SEED soldiers? He withdrew his aura of the Force, and through it around him like a shroud. He wanted no part of this land.


And so the journey continued. The debris of the retreat was in sight, and Orrick tried to place his focus on that. Strewn around them were empty shells of armor. The bodies inside had long since decayed, and an unbearable stench saturated the air. He pulled his cloak around his mouth, to mute the smell, but it was no use. The perfumes of death had set in...

Post Number 168...


I survived SANITY'S END, November 04

I survived the crash of '04

Proud member of the Yo Mama Movement

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The X-wing left behind her under the watch of the astromech droid, Ashley made her way across Naboo's terrain, looking for... something. It was hard to say what. Something almost seemed to be leading her toward a specific destination, though she wouldn't know exactly what that destination was until she got there.


As she came to the top of a rise, she paused for a moment, looking out over the landscape... and her breath caught in her throat as she beheld the sight in front of her.


She recognized Andon immediately. The figure he seemed to be fighting, however- the one who seemed to have some sort of a blindfold covering his eyes- she didn't recognize him. But she knew enough to know that this was Andon's fight, and he didn't require any assistance with it.


Off to one side, she caught sight of another familiar figure, walking away from the fight. ...Orrick. With a last glance down at the continuing duel, Ashley set off after him.


[Jade Skywalkers FTW since August '03]

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His body stretched across the floor, a grim reminder of his advancing age echoing across his mind, which he brushed off as he rolled to the side and to his feet. His mind rattled with the sour taste of being outdone by a traumatized child. In the brief instance while his mind wandered regaining his composure, he remembered 'Heretic,' Renin, and Sirvani.


The smug black-cloaked Jedi just stared at the Sith, as would anyone out of curiosity, as John continued lost in his thoughts... then with a shake of his head, hurling the thoughts into the rear of his mind. The blind-fold fell upon Andon, the corners of John's mouth curling up into a smirk.


"Not bad... not bad at all. Akturus must have taught you well."


Staring back at the Jedi, locked on his vacant gaze, "Solemnity suits you."


Bringing his blade back into a two-handed grip, he closed in slowly, letting it hover above his mid-section, his eyes not leaving the Jedi's,


"Perception is a beautiful thing, I told your Master Gantoris before my death at his hands, there is no difference between you and I, we only fight for different out-dated beliefs. I see the world in shades of grey, Colos, however, do find joy in death, carnage and destruction... seeing the effort of a saving a life, of peace as nothing more than delaying the inevitable. Perhaps, that's the line..."


Taking a few more steps before Andon could manage to blink, the black blade came in for a sharp incision right to left across the Jedi's chest which he avoided with ease, glancing the saber's edge upwards. As the movements occured within breaths, he brought his blade to lock Andon's away from his person. Sliding his head to the side, he smirked, the Jedi had not struck a nerve... only pricked a bundle,


"For the record, Colos, I'm not as Skywalker as my emotions would lead you to believe."


It was then that the swirl of crimson and violet ceased and left an almost harmonious grey, while all of Naboo hummed green and the young Jedi, a sorrowful blue blending into a melancholy green. The sabers were still locked when John made his next move,


"How often do you see the Force, Jedi? You claim to act of it's will... claim I am enslaved to it by greed and power. Tell me, when was the last time you spoke to it? Well... learn."


With the brashful nature of a Sith Master, Andon's eyes lost their connection with light, as the retina folded upon itself, a simple manipulation of the Force. In essence, young Colos was blind. Which proved a wonderful opportunity to break the lock and slash across the chest... still reeling, the burn was light, but enough to make the young man respect his elders. As the slash was calculated to not be a permanent injury, this young one was much too impressive...

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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A black X-wing came out of lightspeed and into the atmosphere of Naboo. The boy, flying the ship, came towards the forest very slowly as he tried to find his father's aura. The boy concentrated very closely as he flew the ship in the air.




The aura of his father hit him like a bantha herd. The boy stopped the ship and pulled it down into a bald spot in the forest. As it hit the ground, the cockpit opened and out jumped Renin. He ran into the forest's trees with out hesitating.


He's close...I can feel him.....and....and another powerful force that i have never felt before...


The boy ran as quickly as he could and when he got near his father the more the power of the force got more powerful. Renin took his saber out and held it in one hand as he ran through the trees, pushing any branches that got in his way. When he finally reached where his father was, he saw him strike at another man. The man held a lightsaber too and seemed to be a light force user. Renin turned his saber on and stood for away from the battle.


"Jedi!" He yelled out.


Cupping his hand over his mouth, Renin hid behind a tree and placed his back against it. He closed his eyes and gripped his saber with both hands. His breath grew heavy as he began to sweat. He hoped nothing would happen to him or his father.

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With the Jedi Knight lovingly manipulating her controls, the Millennium Skyray decelerated out of hyperspace, and into the atmosphere of the peaceful, green world of Naboo. If Ben'a could have chosen a permenant home for himself in the galaxy, this planet would be it. His visage was relaxed, yet his eyes and Force-sense were still open and receptive as he flew in a gentle glide through the blue sky, towards the capital of Theed, and points beyond. The place he was going to was familiar to him already, as he had been there before with his last Apprentice -- the redeemed Nahstaa -- and had trained him for a time. It seemed an appropriate place to learn control.


But as he passed over the city and some of the outlying areas, he sensed something horribly wrong. There was a whisp of darkness in the Force as he passed over an area of recently burned and desicated woods and gardens. Something -- or someone-- powerful in the Dark Side was nearby.




The voice had spoken in his ear as he turned the ship around for a closer inspection, and though Ben'a didn't dismiss it, he felt that this was something worth investigating. He could always stay back and not get involved if the situation was out of his league. With that in mind, he nudged his ship into a nearby clearing, securing the ship but keeping the engines online in case a hasty retreat was needed.


Once on the ground, he shrank his Force-presence once again to near-imperceptability, and skulked towards the dark presence, keeping to the shadows and mantaining control on his breathing so as to remain hidden as he advanced through the forest. Within ten minutes, Ben'a was within visual range of the ongoing lightsaber battle; an unfamiliar yep powerful Sith was battling a Jedi. Though he had never met him before, Ben'a knew this man -- he had been one of those captured and lost at Sanity's End -- and so Ben'a felt that he owed Andon Colos. And another presence was nearby as well...another dark aura, but not as powerful, nor as well-composed as the one engaged in mortal combat.


The Jedi Knight fingered his lightsaber, preparing himself to intercede on Colos's behalf, should this Sith be able to get the better of him. With his concentration focused entirely on his opponent, the dark side warrior would not be able to detect Ben'a, as he lurked just behind a dense cluster of bushes...if blow came to blow, Ben'a would be in control.

"Ihre ganze Unterseite sind gehören uns..."


Proud Member of the J.Net Addicts' Club since March, '04!

The Original Anti-P.I.M.P.

Founder, The Satirist's Guild

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Over Naboo's capital city, a white powder begins to fall. The Ewoks, in their efforts for terrorist strike against the capitalists, try dousing the city with Anthrax spores. Unfortunately for them- and fortunately for the good people of Naboo, the white mist covering the whole capital turned out to be nothing more than frozen water crystals- the switch made through a typical mix up derived from Ewok incomptence.


People with their whole families come out and play- frolicking in the snow.


Unsettled by the lack of sudden mortality, the Ewoks launch into phase two.


A large pod, driven by nine forward engines (the front most curiously glowing on the front), lands in the capital city. It's leader, in typical communist fashion, is wearing a jolly, plump red suit as are his minions. Carrying large weapons looking like oversized candy canes, they swarm out into the streets- where they are received with great cheer.


"Yub yub?" asks one, surprised at this outcome.


[Translation: What the hell?]


"Huta!" barks the commander.


[Translation: Hell if I should know! Begin the attack!]


At once the large swarm of two dozen Ewoks begin tearing all hell, using the oversized candy cane like cudgels to spark off a riot as they tear through the city- beating some to death, mauling others with their tiny fangs and going for the throats, and causing general chaos and mayhem.


The leader, still in the pod, fires up the "Rudolph-Kinsky Laser Engine" in the front pod and the red glow erupts into a wide ribbon of death, spraying fire and destruction through the city- collapsing buildings and incinerating vehicles.


"Ho Ho Ho Ho!" he cackles gleefully.


[Translation: Long live the Viet-Wok revolution!]


In about 10 minutes, most of the capital is in flames as the 25 Ewoks and their flying pod wreck some holiday havok, sending out smoke to be seen for miles around.

EWOKS RULE ALL!!! rotj-wicket.gif



Totus vestri substructio es adiungere nobis

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