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Everything posted by Orrick

  1. From his meditative seat atop the cool stone dais, Orrick watched the Starsword bearing Mara, Leo, the infant Nathaniel, and his own droid Silver take off. It sought safe have, not only from the Sith, but most likely from the Jedi as well. Through the Force, he wished them the best of luck and the blessings of the Force. His path was now seperate from theirs, and it was a path he would have to walk alone... Still seated, he withdrew his two saber hilts from their spots on his belt. They still had the clean brun marks from his skirmish on Naboo. He had liked the breakout from his normal lightstaff style of fighting, but he still appreciated the double-bladed form. As his mind roamed, his hands played across the hilts. He was reforming the ends- making them compatable again. Soon it was that they could be connected together or taken apart, allowing to fight each individual duel with complete freedom. It was not on his sabers, however, that his mind lingered. It was in the galaxy abroad that his second sight wandered. Something tugged at his very heart and soul, and made him weary. He foresaw that something terrible and great was to happen. An unexpected shadow would fall. This was his path... his responsibility against the tides of darkness. It would be Orrick the Lost that would stand alone... For now, he was to prepare.
  2. Orrick watched from behind Leo as Mara regained consciousness and the Stovachi family was reunited at last. His work for the day was complete, and he wanted the family to have their time alone. Orrick quietly turned and descended the elevator. The warm summer sun immediately washed over, and instantly breathed into him a rejuvinating energy. He felt at peace... Wishing for a moment of solitude, Orrick dissapeared into the Dojo. He retreated into one of the gardens and moved to the central dais that gave the rock garden its name. He hopped to the top, and adopted a meditative posture- sitting down in the middle with a relaxed back and shoulders. The Stovachi family was together again, but what of Orrick the Lost?
  3. The understanding between Orrick and Andon was not formed over an ale and a game of sabacc. The two Jedi Knights held a deeper, more able companionship. Orrick recognized the look in Andon's eye as easily as the markings on his own sabers. Immediately he understood. He was needed elsewhere, to do a job that was not his choosing. Responsibility was indeed their duty to the Jedi, but was it their duty to the Force? Orrick sometimes wondered... None-the-less, he took the infant Nathaniel into his arms. This new responsibility was Andon's calling, and Orrick's was here with Mara for the time being. He silently wished Andon all the luck he could spare, and then watched him and his apprentice dissapear into the forest from which they had come. Orrick was left alone, standing in the dry summer's air. He did not wish to intrude on Leo and Mara and their love for one another, but he wanted to provide his support. He opened up his connection to the Force, and lent his own energy to Leo.
  4. Briefly after Leo's dissapearance, Orrick felt her. Mara had returned. Without a word from Andon, he knew what they had to do. The two cloaked figures walked silently through the Dojo. Andon's black robes contrasted Orrick's own white ones. Strange, it would be, to the onlooking eye. The two were quite different, but quite alike at the same time... A few footfalls later, Orrick found himself before Daz-Ex Ether. He had felt Andon's mind searching elsewhere, connecting with some one else- and the padawan before him provided an easy explanation to his questions. The Jedi Knight bowed in greeting to the Padawan. "May your travels with this man be more peaceful than those of mine." He gave a slight smile, but he was not in much of a mood for jokes. After they had collected Andon's apprentice, they were again off. Mara was in need. As they raced to help, Orrick's mind traveled back to the day the two first met. This was long before he had known Leo or even Andon. He remembered the prison they were in. The Jedi had been taking captive and subdued to mere prisoners. He remembered being singled out- being tortured to near death- his midiclorians stripped from his body by a raging mad man. And he remembered waking from unconsciousness's abyss with a sole Jedi there to help him. That Jedi was Mara, and Orrick was not about to forsake her kindness. Now his heart was put at ease, as he finally had a chance to repay the favor. On the way to the ship, Orrick connected minds with Leo. "We're coming..."
  5. From behind Orrick's laugh came his voice. "A medical term, eh? And what do you suppose the medical term is for someone who gives no heed to the laws of physics or any other accepted cosmic fact, hm? But what can I say? When you're right you're right!" His grin continued as Andon accepted the baby Nathaniel from Leo, the same baby Nathaniel that Orrick had been saving whilst Andon was out and about playing with Sith Lords and Jedi Apprentices. He turned to the silver droid he had picked up from Naboo- the droid he didn't steal, but had tagged along- and spoke. "You better stash this stuff away on the ship before someone gets suspicious." The droid nodded and took the three crates and one sack full of loot towards the Starsword. He then turned back to the group of companions. "Yah know, I really think he's starting to listen to me. He doesn't seem to complain as much..."
  6. Beeeep. An alert from the console made Orrick's eyes flash open. Had he been dozing? It made no difference. The files had finished downloading. The last thing that appeared to have downloaded was training techniques and lightsaber dueling forms. Orrick smiled. He withdrew the disk and placed it safely within one of his pockets. Then he turned- to find his silver pile of junk that he had collected on Naboo. "I was wondering where you had gotten off too, Master Orrick." The Jedi rolled his eyes. He had been gone two seconds, and the droid had panicked. "Since you're here, make yourself useful and grab some of those boxes." He indicated the crates he had set down. The droid easily stacked the boxes and picked them up. As he himself picked up the original sack, Orrick felt something. A familiar presence had arrived. Andon. He and the droid proceeded back into the hallway that had led them there to the control room. Andon had returned... almost as unexpectantly as he had gone. Orrick intended to greet him. It did not take long, as Andon had started off first. He had barely gone 10 meters from the control room and turned a corner that they spotted each other. Orrick grinned. "Well I'll be. What brings the infamous Andon Colos to this part of the galaxy?"
  7. Orrick's search took him to the heart of the Dojo. He was searching for a computer console. It would be in the control room of the complex, but as he had not been here in quite some time, he had no memory of where exactly it was. The first room he came to was not the control room, but instead a special supply room. It contained parts for lightsabers and other weapons. Although it mostly held standard tubes and emitters and the such, there was also some rare parts, including a small pouch of focusing crystals. Also about was training equipment, including remotes and probes. Orrick soon had a large sack full of the components and equipment, including the rare commodities, and kept going. The second room he came to held things far stranger. This room was also a storage room of sorts. This, however, held strange artifacts. Orrick paused to take in the place. Though there were no holocrons, but there were several old fashioned books and scrolls. No doubt that records of these would be on file anyway, so he stashed them as well. As Orrick rummaged around the space, he found several amulets and the such. It seemed as if he would need to find a droid to help him carry everything. It was not these works of knowledge or artifacts of old, however, that caught Orrick's attention. Instead it was a collection of modern things. Prototypes and files of plans. Something drew him to it. He didn't take much thought of it, but placed the items in a large crate. To make things easier on himself, he carried the sack and the crate behind him with the Force... The pattern continued. Orrick continued to stumble upon rooms that was not the one he wanted. None of the new rooms had items of as much interest, but there were still useful things that the Jedi packed away. At long last, he found the control room. He gently settled the three crates and sack he had collected down on the floor, and took a seat at the main computer interface. He inserted a disk, and proceeded to copy ALL the Jedi files and archives- including histories, current campaigns, base locations, rosters... everything that was in the Jedi computer database was being dowloaded. Orrick simply sat back and relaxed as the process took place.
  8. And so, after a long travel, the Starsword dropped out of hyperspace above Borleias, and the Lost Jedi descended toward the planet. Orrick had not been to the Dojo in quite a while, but as soon as they landed, Orrick could sense something was very strange... The place was abandonded. Not only had the Jedi left, but Orrick could feel death... Hale Akturus. This was where he died. Orrick's spirits fell. A place of mourning, this had become. Orrick took a moment to revere the Master of the Force. And then he turned to take in the area. After several moments, he turned to Ashley and Leo. His body was calm and collected, but his eyes glinted with an emotion somewhere between anger and sadness. "The Jedi are gone. Master Hale Akturus is gone." He paused again. A time of choices this was. A change in the paths. He was indeed a Lost Jedi... The Force aura suddenly grew strong around Orrick. He spoke to the others with the mind. "We're leaving. Take what we can fit on the ship." The Jedi Order had become weak- not only in physique but in spirit. And Hale suffered because of it. They were all starting to suffer because of it. Maybe they were hipocrites... The Lost were leaving, and Orrick intended to take what he could with him. He had a feeling they would need the supplies in the near future. As Leo and Ashley started to gather things to take on the ship, Orrick stepped away- deeper into the complex. He was searching... ((edited for grammar))
  9. Orrick


    And so Orrick set the nav-computer to Borleias, and in several moments, the ship was lost in hyperspace. Orrick, who had not slept in some long time, was soon fast asleep there in the pilots chair...
  10. Orrick


    Through the ascent, Orrick familiarized himself with the controls of Leo's Starsword. The ship was unique- elegant but brimming with power. It was not difficult to fly, however, as the controls were strikingly reminiscent of a certain Chiss Clawcraft that Orrick had once piloted with expert precision. Looking back through the ports, Naboo was nothing now but a small green and blue swirling orb. And good riddance. To Orrick, Naboo had become a foreign and uncomfortable place. The spoils of war had interrupted its quiet and peaceful nature. He turned to his companions. "So then... to the Dojo?"
  11. Orrick


    From the pilot's chair, Orrick pondered the question. "We go now where the Force leads us." He paused, and swiveled to face the others. "In other words, I'm open for suggestions. I suppose we could go to the Dojo for a bit to train up, if no one else has an idea... Just anywhere from here." As he waited for a response, he kept the ship on a steady course towards the heavens above... ((continue in space))
  12. Orrick


    And so the outcast stood and nodded to the Sith that was John Skywalker. "Until we meet again..." And then he and Leo made their exit. From their open run, they leapt from the roof top, and landed on the wide avenue below. Orrick's white cloak and shaggy blond hair billowed behind him. Ashley had not remained idle, and had brought the Starsword to them on their call. In moments, the Jedi were aboard the ship, and leaving the planet and its troubles behing them.
  13. Orrick


    ((Technically, I never posted a kill shot. I suppose its up to Requiem now if he lives or dies...)) Orrick stood above the corpse, with both lightsabers still held out and ignited. He kept his eyes focused on the body on the ground. "Those who give no mercy shall recieve none- not from me. The Jedi are a race ravaged by war. We can have no peace because we are given none." He turned to look John in the 'eyes'. "I will always be searching for that peace. That joy of life. It is the one thing that holds me together... But the Jedi are a dying cause. The galaxy has placed on them a burden that I fear is too big for them to handle. And I will die for them if that is to be my destiny." Orrick began to pace, while Leo was locked in mortal combat. Maybe this was a trap- an elaborate scheme hatched by John Skywalker himself in search for vengeance. But to Orrick, there were things that needed to be said. "But I have been through the depths of Sanity's End. Driven to the brink of sanity itself... and I have seen things you could not even begin to imagine. I have seen something greater. I have felt it. If there is hatred here now, it was not brought by me." He stopped his pacing, and took a seat by the Sith Master. His mortal enemy could simply reach out and end his life with one swift strike with the lightsaber, and Orrick took a seat beside him. It was respect. After all these years, Orrick respected him. "I remember that day on Sullust just as clearly. But what was I to do, John? It was an invasion of our temple. It always has been. When we continue our search for peace, we are hunted by the Empire, or the Sith. And we must fight. And we must run again. And be found again. It is a vicious circle- one that when we attempt to fight back and defend ourselves, we are marked as hypocrites. So what was I to do? Was I to allow myself to be killed? Was I to give up just because a 'true' Jedi searches for peace and not war? No... I think it is as I say. We can have no peace because we are given none."
  14. Orrick


    ((3 days, Requiem...)) As Orrick brought on his second round of attacks, he felt an all too familiar presence join the scene. Strangely, it remained calm- not with an intent to fight. "Orrick, it has been too long, but if you choose to abuse my students, you may. And my defeat was so long ago... I was a different man then, I have learned much and I am sure so have you. A shame Adi-wan had to die..." Adi-Wan... The mere mention of his former master made the Jedi loose control, if only for the briefest of moments. Orrick's twin sabers became a blurry mass of lights. Under the pressure, Requiem could not keep up. In a culmination of events, Orrick batted the Sith's lightsaber to the side with his left, and then swung with his right. The midnight blade swept through Requiem's chest, leaving a gash at least an inch deep. The impact and surprise of the attack knocked Requiem back to the ground. The wound was not fatal, but painful, to say the least. He diverted his attention to John, and spat at his feet. "What right have you to speak of Adi-Wan? His knowledge in the Force goes unequaled, and you would find it wise not to mock him." Fueled by the rage of pain, Orrick's opponent had risen, and was attacking again. He was forced to divert his attention. While he parried blows and made his own counter attacks, he continued with John. "It's not abuse that drives us John." He ducked underneath Requiems blade and brought his elbow and shoulder firmly up into his opponents neck and jaw. As Requiem stumbled back from the blow, Orrick spun and swung his leg out into the back of his knees. The Sith again found himself on the ground. "Your apprentices must learn the consequences of their actions. If you will not discipline them, we will."
  15. Orrick


    Orrick smirked as the Sith spoke. "Well I did not know that it was the way of the Sith to attack in sport. I was led to believe that the Sith had more... honor. And no, you may have no argument with me, but I have an argument with you. You may not be up to our level, but you made the crime and now you must pay the consquences. It IS my duty to protect those that can not defend themselves, and if I have to 'pick on you weaklings' to do it, then so be it." Orrick let the words sink in. At this point, he ignited his double-bladed lightsaber. Its midnight blue glow illuminated the Lost Jedi. "And trust me when I say I have no fear of your 'Sith Wrath'. I have defeated John Skywalker once, and when he dares to show his face I can do it again." And then it began... Orrick and Leo exploded forward. Orrick met sabers with the Sith that had spoken (Requiem), while Leo clashed with the other (Renin). Orrick could tell the Siths' strategy by the way they fought. They stayed close, and intended to fight together. Orrick would amuse them for now. His double blade soon became a blur. Orrick relied deeply on the Living Force... but from his fighting style, you would almost think he was much more intune with the Physical. Requiem was having a difficult time keeping up, and both Sith were quickly thrown on the defensive. However, these pupils were not without potential. Orrick could feel their concentration and focus. It was... admirable... to say the least. If only they would place their efforts in a more admirable cause. It was then that Orrick decided to take a risk. As Orrick followed through and ended one attack, he allowed Requiem to find his footing, and gain a better defensive stance. As he brought his next attack around, pin-point accuracy was of the ut-most importance. Guided by the Force, pin-point accuracy was exactly what Orrick had. Instead of Requiem's blade meeting blade, it met Orrick's hilt. Orrick used the apprentice's blade to slice his own double blade precisely down the center, and provide himself with two single blades instead of one double. This forced the Sith to readjust. Just as he was beginning to get into the flow, he would have to change his style to meet that of Orrick's... Orrick lightly pushed his opponent with the Force, slightly separating the two Sith. He gave the Sith only a moment's breather, and then was upon him again... OOC((Requiem and Renin... consider this a lesson learned the hard way. If you can prove yourselves, however, you may live to fight another day.)) ((Edited for grammar.))
  16. Orrick


    "We have work to do." Orrick simply nodded. He had felt the disturbance, and he would not stand idle. The Lost stood, nodded to Ashley, and followed the rogue. The pair made their way through the suburbs of the town into the city of Theed itself. It did not take long to find the pair of Sith. Their crude, untrained energy emanated around them like a beacon. Soon, Orrick and Leo were facing them... Orrick followed the will of the Force, and now the Force willed him into battle. The Sith turned in surprise. The last thing they expected was the arrival of two Lost Jedi on 'their' rooftop. But it would not matter soon. To Orrick and Leo, this might as well have been childs play. Even as the Sith reached for their weapons, Orrick stood, calmly. Neither he nor Leo spoke a word. Their piercing gazes would have been enough to alert the Sith that they were not here on a mission of peace. But Orrick broke the silence. "My companion and I follow the will of the Force. It calls to us... whispers in our ears. We can feel harmony in all things, and when the balance is interrupted, when the scales are tipped, we can tell." He paused, and called his double-bladed lightsaber hilt to his own hand through the Force.
  17. Orrick


    As Orrick silently meditated, a loud blur passed over, and the Jedi Knight could feel a familiar presence through the Force. Leo... Orrick opened his eyes. A brilliant ship had just landed... Orrick was impressed. You really did it this time, Stovachi. A lone figure appeared at the top of the opening entrance ramp. "Come on, were leaving." Orrick grinned. As he rose, he turned to the droid, and was about to again hoist the droid onto his shoulder, but as soon as he made contact, the droid whirred to life. "HONESTLY, MASTER JEDI! WAS THAT REALLY NECESSARY?!?" Orrick's grin widened. "I THINK I SOILED MYSELF. IT TAKES A LOT TO GET A DROID TO LEAK HIS OIL, BUT I THINK YOU MANAGED IT! CONGRATULATIONS! IF I WE'REN'T SO-" He was cut off. "You know, I do have connections with the pilot... and I'm sure I could arrange that I pilot us to our next destination, if you're so impressed with my flying skills." The droid didn't speak a whisper. "Much better. Now if you'll be so kind..." He motioned toward the ship with his arm outsretched. The droid indignantly started in the direction of the vehicle. He walked side by side with Ashley, and the sleeping infant in her arms. He leaned close and whispered. "I think I may have pushed the wrong buttons..." In moments, the pair had made it to the top of the ramp. Orrick stopped right in front of Leo. The two locked gazes and donned the most serious of expressions. Then they burst into laughter. "Leo... Where've you been you scruffy looking nerf-herder? We've been waiting for a ride off this planet for... what, like 6 minutes now? You're loosing you're touch, man. Must be a side effect of that old age." Leo was about to protest, when Orrick raised a finger. He redonned his serious face. "Ah! Becareful how you respond to that. We have something for you of the utmost value." Orrick motioned to the small bundle Ashley held in her arms. The infant Nathaniel was still napping peacefully. Ashley stretched her arms out, allowing the father to reclaim his son...
  18. Orrick


    Ashley shrugged- obviously just as perplexed as Orrick. Tthe Jedi frowned. He in no way wanted to leave the droid just lying around because of the damage he may or may not have caused, so he hoisted him up onto his shoulder, and then turned to Ashley and nodded. "Ready to go if you are." He took off into the town. In minutes, they reached the fountain and park where they had left Andon and John dueling. Several spectators still lingered, but the two combatants were no where to be found. Orrick stretched out with the Force, searching for his companion... but he was no where to be found. He had simply... left. And seeing as Andon had been his ride to the planet, there was little he or Ashley could do now but wait. Orrick needed to think. He set the droid down on the bench, voiced his concerns to Ashley, and took a seat of his own. He just simply sat back, relaxed, and listened to the soothing voices of the fountain.
  19. Orrick


    Orrick was right on the heels of his speeder counterpart. As he pulled ahead, even with the speeder's open cockpit, he waved to the infant Nathaniel, whom was watching him with content. Finding himself gaining attention, Nathaniel smiled, and waved back. It was then that Orrick decided to begin his schooling of the droid. "Look droid! He's waving you good-bye!" And then the swoop was unleashed. Orrick opened it to full throttle, and in moments the vehicle reached maximum velocity. The open air rushed through Orrick's hair, and blew his cloak out behind him. He was lovin' it. The droid on the other hand, wasn't taking it so well. If droids could go pale from fear, Orrick imagined this one would be doing it. He had long since shut his mouth, and now concentrated on holding on for dear life. But Orrick hadn't even begun. The first hill was just before them, and Orrick intended it to use it as a ramp. In seconds, the vehicle screamed up the side of the embankment. This was when Orrick decided to go vertical. He soared up, into open air. A strong gust of wind blew, and knocked the swoop off balance. Orrick turned the swoop perpendicular to the gust, and rolled, bringing it to change direction completely and use the gust as an added boost of speed. Orrick rode the gale for several seconds to gain up speed, and pulled abruptly back on the controls to throw the bike into a large loop. Instead of completing the loop, however, he proceeded to aim the swoop straight down. At the last moment, he corrected the direction to be horizontal... with one catch... they were upside down. Although inverted, the bike was now moving in the right direction, and the Lost Jedi did not want the speeder to get too far ahead. He remained on the straight course, but rolled the entire time they went. Even though the Jedi and the droid were held onto the bike by an invisible gravity field generator, Orrick felt several times like he was about to be thrown from the vehicle, and he could only imagine what was going through the droid's cpu. In minutes, they left the battlefield, and came upon the mountain he had crossed on his initial trek. When he came upon the large boulders at the base of the mountain, he left the swoop upside down, and allowed the droid's head to dangle dangerously close to the rocks. As he neared the peak, he turned the swoop upright, and again rocketed up into open air. The village was now in view, and Orrick alowed the swoop to sail in the open sky with no limitations. When the swoop had finally sunk back to the ground, they were just outside the village, and the bike found itself again even with the speeder. Nathaniel was still staring at the high speed vehicle and he again waved to his godfather. Both vehicles slowed to a safer speed as they approached the populated area, and came to a stop near the fountain where they had left Andon. As each of the Jedi stepped away from their vehicle, Orrick noticed that the droid wasn't responding. He turned to inspect, and found the droid off and with little bits of smoke seeping out of various holes in his body. Ashley, with Nathaniel in arms, stepped up beside Orrick to see what had happened. Nathaniel pointed and giggled. "Er..." He took a step forward, and poked the metal frame. It sparked, and a whirring sound eminated from its head. He turned with a confused look on his face. "I think it overloaded."
  20. Orrick


    Orrick sighed as the silver rust-bucket of a droid led them back down in the direction they had come. Soon, they came to a main branch of halls, and instead of going towards the room in which they had found the child, they took the other path, and in moments found themselves before a large set of blast doors. The droid entered a code into the console beside the door, and it hissed open. Light imediately flooded the area. As Orrick passed through into the hangar beyond, he took in that which surrounded him. To the far left was the hangar doors, which had now collapsed and left a large gap in the wall that let in the bright noon-time sunlight. Immediately before them sat a ship crushed by a fallen support beam. Apparently the battle outside had taken more of a tole on the building itself than Orrick first thought. Inbetween the ship and the opening, however, was what Orrick was looking for. His concentration was interrupted by the droid. "Here we are then. The hangar, just like you asked." Orrick rolled his eyes. Thank you... captain obvious. Orrick stepped in front of the small group, and walked up to the cluster of speeders that waited for them. There were two swoop bikes, one more stable speeder bike, and one covered speeder. And suddenly... one of those bright ideas popped into Orrick's head that just brightened up his day. He stepped up to the closest swoop. "Ashley, would you be so kind as to take Nathaniel in one of the more 'safer' ships..." He paused, while Ahley so kindly took the baby into her own arms for Orrick. Leo would probably strangle him if he ever found he had taken his only child on a 'dangerous' swoop bike. But Orrick wanted to teach this droid a lesson. "I'm going to take rust-bucket here for a ride he's not going to forget. We'll meet back up where we landed ((where Andon was fighting))." By this time, the droid had dropped dead silent. Swoop bikes had a reputation. He knew, as a fully trained Jedi Knight influenced by the one and only Andon Colos, he could handle it. The droid, however, did not- and Orrick was loving it. "Hop on, metal-mesh." The droid hesitated, so Orrick hoisted it up, and placed it on the rear of the seat. He then hopped up, swung his leg around, and got comfortable in the pilots position on the two man swoop. Orrick looked over his shoulder. If droids could shiver, this one was doing it. "Hold-on." He turned back around, and his wiley grin grew so large, he was afraid the droid might notice... from behind him. He waited for Ashley to get situated with the infant, and let her leave the hangar first. He was letting the anticipation build. Then, without warning, he revved the engines and rocketed out...
  21. Orrick


    The droids stubbornness did not change. "Well of course you're here for Nathaniel. Why wouldn't you be here for Nathaniel. No one's ever here for me. Its always the babies they want. Nathaniel Nathaniel Nathaniel. Now be quiet! You might wake him!" Orrick pondered the remark. It seemed to him that the droid was making ten times more noise than he was... but no matter. He simply stepped forward, and looked down into the crib. A young boy was sleeping peacefully, wrapped up in a little blanket. Orrick smiled. He remembered the joy of life he felt on Manaan where this infant was born. That was a good day. Now he was being reclaimed. What was lost was now found again. He reached down into the crib, and swept him up into his arms, holding him securely, but ever so gently. He rocked the baby back and forth ever so slightly, and comforted him through the force, keeping him in a lulled sleep. As he turned to leave however, the droid again piped up. "Excuse me sir, but I expect you're not going anywhere with that baby without me. I was given specific orders by Mistress Mara to keep the babies, and until she tells me otherwise, thats exactly what I'm going to do." Again, Orrick was forced to ponder the statement. The babies? Obviously the droid had fouled up, as Nathaniel's twin had been kidnapped and killed. But he was more affected by the remark about 'Mistress Mara'. "I'm afraid that won't be possible... Mara has joined the dance of the afterlife- become one with the Force. So I'm taking Nathaniel." The droid was quick to remark. "Not without me your not, and thats final." Orrick rolled his eyes. Never before had he met such a rude, loud, ignorant droid... but short of cutting it into small pieces with his weapon, there was little he could do but let the droid come with them. "Fine. Follow us, and shut up." Obviously the droid took it as an insult, but from the look Orrick gave him, he dared not make a sound. Instead, he silently followed Orrick and Ashley back through the basement, towards the hatch from which they had come. At length, they arrived at the entrance to the upper levels, but the droid could not keep Orrick's terms. D: "I hope you're not thinking of taking Nathaniel up there!" Orrick paused, waiting for the droid to explain, but it did not come. "Yes?" D: "Well that's where the battle took place. There's dead bodies up there for crying out loud! Not to mention there's no place to go. The nearest village is on the other side of the mountain. That's at least a days walk!" "We walked here without problem..." Orrick's patience was growing thin. D: "That may be, but it certainly isn't a trip for an infant! The trip would go so much faster if we took one of the speeders." He stopped in his tracks. "Speeders? What speeders?" D: "There are several speeders and a star ship located in the underground hangar. It's that direction." The droid pointed with his hand. "Why didn't you tell us about this before, when we were in that direction!?" D: "Well, quite frankly sir, it's because I was instructed to remain quiet." Orrick rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. Now he knew why he had never gotten a droid. I dont believe this. "Fine. Lead the way, lightening-rod!"
  22. Orrick


    Orrick frowned. "I'm not quite sure..." With his hand, he guided Ashley to the side, away from the direct entrance to the door. "It's like that prickly feeling on the back of your neck, like something isn't how it should be." He himself now moved to the side of the hall. He summoned the Force around him, and then blasted the door open with a powerful Force push. All at once, jets of fire streamed out the door. Had they been standing where they previously were, extra crispy Jedi would be on the menu. "A booby trap... Keep your wits about you- this place could be more dangerous than I anticipated." As the jets of flame flickered down, Orrick slowly made his way to the entrance. Inside, a warm light glowed from above. Off to one side of the room sat a small crib. A startled looking droid turned to face the door, and immediately its tone turned indignant. "Well its about time! I was beginning to wonder if anyone was coming back at all! After Mara left the babies with me, I've been stuffed away down here, all by myself mind you! I wasn't designed for this kind of thing!" Orrick turned back to Ashley... who nonchalauntly shrugged. He then turned back to the droid. "We're here for Nathaniel."
  23. Orrick


    Orrick could not hide a lopsided grin at the mention of he and Andon's adventures. "Too true, I'm afraid. For the moment, Andon is handling the Sith John Skywalker... An undertaking that he alone must handle. I myself and on an adventure of sorts. I owe something to an old friend..." His words trailed off at the thought of Mara. After a moment, however, he snapped back to the present. "Come... lets get in out of this wretched stench." Orrick led the girl over the front yard, and into the ruined entryway of the retreat. The roof had mostly collapsed, but most of the walls remained intact. Unfortunately, there was no barrier between where they were and the outside stench, and the smell was no less on the inside than it was on the outside. Growing used to it, however, the Jedi gave it little heed. Now he stretched out to the force, focusing on finding the left behind child. He recalled that Mara had dissapeared into a basement before the engagement, and he retraced the steps to the hatchway into the chambers below. With no power, the under stories were dark and dank, but Orrick called upon an old Force trick to brighten the path. Exciting the molecules around his closed fist to an intense level, a slight glow grew to a bright beacon. The sub levels were almost mazelike- many chambers and halls. But Orrick could feel through the force a thriving signature, and the path was not difficult to follow. In moments, the pair found themselves before a closed door. Strangely, a warm glow seemed to eminate through the cracks, indicating a light on the other side. But Orrick hesitated... "Something isn't right..."
  24. Orrick


    Orrick pressed on over the blood soaken battlefield. His thoughts drifted back to that fateful day... He was enraged, captured, broken, tortured. It was, in all truths, a miracle he had survived at all. Now the elements of their defeat lay scattered about. After a short distance, Orrick came near the front of the house. Something shiny caught his eyes near his feet. A lightsaber... And another... The will of the Force had long since lead the waepons' owners bodies to dissapear, but down on the ground before him lay the weapons of his apprentice Rann, and his friend Mara. He bent down to pick up the precious items. Mara... The reason he was here. He was the godfather of a child- the child of his friends Leo and Mara. Nathaniel was waiting for him. Suddenly, however, the Lost Jedi felt the ripple of a presence. A movement behind him. Familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time. He was being watched. Down on the ground near his feet lay the empty shell of a SEED trooper. Fallen behind him was his weapon. Orrick did not hesitate. As he dropped to the ground, he called the weapon to his hand and spun. Orrick squeezed the trigger ever so slightly as his aim brought around onto his target. At the sight of the woman behind him, however, his hand was stayed. Were his eyes decieved? "Ashley?" The girl, who seemed almost unphased by the fact that her life had almost just ended, nodded. Orrick tossed the rifle aside. "I can't believe it!" He welcomed the girl with an embrace. "What happened to you? I haven't seen you in an age!"
  25. Orrick


    Orrick slowly made his away across the serene landscape. His journey had taken him far from the village, and Orrick could no longer see his fellow 'Jedi'. Or were they Jedi any more? Had the Jedi abandoned them? Forsaken them? Were they now merely wanderers in an endless void? Orrick wished Adi-Wan was still here. He needed guidance, and his former master was always one to give. He could not dwell on the past, however. What had happened happened, and for some unseen reason. He must call on his own guidance... As the retreat was separated from the rest of a village by a mountain, Orrick was forced to climb. His weak heel gave him trouble, but nothing he couldn't deal with. He hobbled around boulders and over streams. With all traces of the village hidden, he felt... at ease. He was in the wild, alone and in commune with nature. Orrick was unafraid to stretch out completely with the Force, and take in everything around him- the green seedlings, the chilled running water, the warmth of the sun. There was no dark presences here to interfere. It was... refreshing. The ascent was slow, and Orrick did not strain himself. Nathaniel was in safe hands, and if he had waited for them this long, a little longer wouldn't matter. Soon, however, he had come to a point where he could begin descending the other side. The peak still rose up to his left, but it would take more time than Orrick wanted to spend. The descent went quicker, and smoother. The mountains of Naboo were not treacherous, and Orrick felt no danger throughout his entire trek. Soon he came to the land he had been dreading to see. The battlefield... This area of Naboo had been desacrated. By the SEED troopers- and by his own hand. Deep within, he felt shame. Shame for having to destroy that which was serene and peaceful. In the end, was he no better than the SEED soldiers? He withdrew his aura of the Force, and through it around him like a shroud. He wanted no part of this land. And so the journey continued. The debris of the retreat was in sight, and Orrick tried to place his focus on that. Strewn around them were empty shells of armor. The bodies inside had long since decayed, and an unbearable stench saturated the air. He pulled his cloak around his mouth, to mute the smell, but it was no use. The perfumes of death had set in...
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