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Prophet K

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Everything posted by Prophet K

  1. The Peace Keeper emerged from hyperspace, with its tired Caamasi passenger running scans on the planet beneath him. Borleais. It had been a while since he had been here. A lifetime ago, it seemed. But he was back. The E-Wing spiralled down onto one of the Temple's landing pads, before it's cockpit popped open. Camsie stepped out of the ship, before feeling extremely dizzy. Perhaps it came from the sudden assault of smells and sounds, but all Camsie knew, was that he needed something to kill the headache that had started to build in his head. Camsie saw a familiar sight, and was glad for it. With swift strides, the caamasi approached Darex, an old friend. "Darex, my old friend. I appologize if I am interrupting something, but you wouldn't happen to know where the jedi base currently resides, would you?"
  2. Prophet K


    The Peace Maker pulled out of hyperspace with its dead tired Caamasi pilot sleeping peacefully inside. Camsie stayed in this doze for some time before awakening, and looking down at the ominous asteroid belt surrounding Acrid. Seeing that if the Jedi had moved before Camsie arrived then it would be useless risking life and limb going through that maze, Camsie ordered his astromech droid to check the planet for life signs. The report came back as a negative, if you ruled out the native wild life. Camsie began to scan to local spacelines, and found several ion trails coming into the system, and then several more recent ones leaving the system. All these trails were far to old to determine where they were coming from, or where they were going so Camsie was stuck. Following his instinct, Camsie decided to try and find another jedi. But the question was where to look? Camsie's mind came up with a obvious answer a few seconds later. Look where everybody goes. This would have been difficult, but then again there's only one place in the galaxy that everybody has been to. Coruscant. Or more importantly, The Last Call. A few minutes later The Peace Maker was back in the blur of Hyperspace.
  3. Camsie heard all that was going on, he heard of the moving, but he did nothing. Why move? This planet, this brilliant planet was so full of life. Why just... abandon it. But there was little for all this wondering, for Camsie knew he had to leave, Camsie knew he had to join with the other Jedi. With a last glance around these now abandoned walls, Camsie made a mental note reminding him to come back here one day. It would make a brilliant site for a new Caamasi Outpost. A brilliant place for Camsie's grandchildren's grandchildren to grow up, being loved and giving love. Minutes later Camsie was aboard The Peace Maker, plotting a hyperspace route to his destination. A microjump to the edge of the system, then another larger jump to the core worlds before a final stint to Acrid. It would be impossible to follow him. He just hoped he hadn't stayed on Tempay longer than he should have.
  4. Camsie sat in the council chambers, his legs crossed and his chin resting in the palms of his hands. Camsie heard much, but said little, as was his custom. He heard Zero's resignation. He heard of his losses. But most importantly, he was hearing now of Jedi... or ex-Jedi Keiran Valoria's turning. He had never truly met the man, but had heard stories. It was all rather disturbing, that so many Jedi were being lost, and Camsie was reminded of another time period, eons ago, when the jedi were nearly wiped out as well. Camsie looked forward, through the walls of the Jedi Temple and through the walls of time. He saw his children, or perhaps grandchildren, running free across the plains of some unknown planet. Not a care in the world. But it did not last, for the menacing form of hundreds of capital ships appeared in the sky, and all turned red. And that was when Camsie, realized that he was not only seeing the Future. He was seeing Camas. He was seeing Ryloth. He was seeing Altyr V. He was seeing Alderaan. He was seeing everywhere, that once had peace, had innocence, but lost it to the powers of war. Tears crept into Camsie's eyes, as the savage pain of watching Camas be destroyed, along with his mother, brother, sisters, father, and all he held dear in life. From then on Camsie had to fend for himself, in a galaxy he had no knowledge of. Among people he did not know if he could trust. He had only one thing to fall back upon, to make sure he did not lose himself. An old Caamasi saying. If the wind no longer calls to you, it is time to see if you remember your name. Camsie could not hear the wind. Not in here, not surrounded by his fellow jedi. So Camsie left the council room, heading to the roof of the Jedi complex, but still there he found he could not hear the wind calling to him. With a massive bound, Camsie was surrounded by trees, and he felt more at home than ever before. A furry hand touched the closest tree, and he felt a comforting hum, that told him he was closer. Camsie moved forward, deeper into the forest, not minding the fact that his robes were being ripped and dyed green in some places. And finally, Camsie entered a clearing, with a large lake filled with crystal clear water. Camsie reached out, and let his hand break the calm surface and then he heard the wind calling to him. I came quietly, impossible to hear if a pin had dropped. But there was no pin, and he heard it. Camsie At that moment, Camsie felt more in tune with the force than ever in his life. And so, with his hand still barely, brushing the pool of water, Camsie sat perfectly still, unwilling to lose the wind.
  5. Camsie brought down the final droid with a shoulder to hip slash, effectively slashing it in half before deactivating his lightsaber and replacing it on his hip. The furry jedi heard Dhan Jero's announcement, before going to the archives. The caamasi was awed by the Archive's size. Generations upon Generations of jedi history was stored in this place, and for some reason, to Camsie it felt wrong to be adding things to them. Camsie found the appropriate document, before begining to read. It seemed as though the Jedi Order was to be undergoing a massive change. But on the whole, Camsie didn't think it affected him greatly. And that's when he saw his name on the councillors list. Me? Secretary of Security? This is... a great honor... Camsie shut down the document, before replacing it from where he had retrieved it. Secretary of Security, Responsible for temple and council security. Camsie smiled stupidly to himself as a thought came to his mind. Secretary of Security Camsie... Ridiculous, the ways of these young one's minds. Camsie thought it would be appropriate if he went to the Council Chambers. Perhaps he could look into temple security. Camsie let out a small chuckle. "Temple Security. Me. Somebody in this order must be insane. Or maybe everybody is..." Camsie entered the Council Chambers before standing near the wall, not really having much to talk about. He was still wondering how he became Secretary of Security.
  6. Camsie shrugged as Jedi Knight Aryian's force message came through, after all bugs happened. And seeing that the blast doors had opened again, that just added credibilaty to the claim. So the caamasi went back to what he was previously doing. Having some practice with his trusty lightsaber. Another pair of training droids were activated on Camsie's command. The two droids circled, their attached blades shining slightly in the light, and the welded blaster cannons whirring silently as they came online. Camsie brought his lightsaber into a simple guard, that presented plenty of openings to the droids. The first droid to attack had a blue paint job on it's shoulders, and came forward with it's blsater cannon firing at the caamasi's thigh. Camsie shifted his leg out of Blue's line of fire to be brought into the red painted droid's. Red opened up, his laser bolts tearing through the air headed towards Camsie. The jedi leaped upwards, dodging the trailing blaster bolts of Blue before twisting in mid air, dodging a more powerful blast from Red. Down came Camsie, his momentum throwing him towards the floor according to the gravity's law. Camsie made a cusion out of the force, landing with no real damage to himself. He then spun his lightsaber, reflecting one of Blue's blaster bolts followed by one of Red's. These one's are set to a higher intelligence setting than those others. was Camsie's last thought before dodging to the left as a barrage of blaster bolts was sent his way from the two droids.
  7. Camsie struck out at the final training droid, severing it's legs from beneath itself. As the droid fell, Camsie heard a clang before whipping around, lightsaber still extended. The blast doors were closing! What in the force? Camsie leapt forward, moving for the doors but they sealed shut before he could reach them. The jedi knight glowered at the sealed doors, before snapping his lightsaber off. What was happening? The caamasi had no real answers, so he did the first thing that came to his mind. A comm link that had rested on Camsie's waist found itself into his hands before being activated. The caamasi lifted the comm to his mouth before speaking onto a general frequency. "This is Jedi Knight Camsie, I'm in one of the training rooms and the blast doors are sealed. What is going on?"
  8. Camsie stepped out of the fresher, a wave of steam rushing through the room. The wet caamasi towelled off his fine fur before dressing in his Jedi robes, and hanging his lightsaber off of his belt. A thought popped into the furry being's mind and he headed to the cloning chambers. When he arrived there he saw one of his fellow jedi leaning against the wall but paid him no attention. Camsie rolled his sleeve up, before taking a needle of the table and slowly, pushing it in. When the needle found a vein, the caamasi slowly extracted a small amount of his blood before pulling out the needle and healing the small puncture. Then Camsie took his blood sample and placed it in the stockpile of blood samples in Tempay's jedi temple. Contented for the moment, Camsie left the cloning chambers and towards a training room. As he arrived at the towering building the caamasi moved towards the small control panel imbedded in the wall before pressing several buttons. As Camsie finished the sequence four droids armed with training sabers moved off the wall and towards him. The caamasi tuned down his lightsaber setting so it was non-lethal before letting the blade ignite, singing the air with its sudden appearance.Can't let yourself grow rusty, otherwise you'll lie as dead as the rest of Camas. And you can't do much good for the universe dead.
  9. Camsie stepped out of Goodwood's ship feeling glad that he had stepped on it before the Jedi Base on Haruun Kal had went boom. But still, the caamasi was sad. His E-Wing, the Peace Maker had just been sufficiently blown up. And so here the caamasi was on the New Jedi Base on Tempay. "So. So here I am." The caamasi's voice seemed foreign in these peaceful surroundings. Tainted by blood and war. Camsie stared at the jedi base with sad eyes. He had become a part of exactly what the caamasi was trying to stop. Death. You havn't killed anybody. You only used stun bolts on Ryloth. There is no reason to be ashamed But still, Camsie was ashamed. He would need to meditate long and hard on this. But first, a bath thought the caamasi as he noticed the dried blood staining his orange yellow fur. The purple bands of fur surrounding Camsie's eyes lowered as he let out a sigh of frustration. Camsie began a slow walk to find a fresher unit in the Jedi Temple of Tempay.
  10. The Peace Maker appeared in Haruun Kal airspace before begining it's slow decent. As the E-Wing docked in one of the hangar bays the caamasi pilot breathed easy. The landing strut extended and out stepped Camsie, Jedi Knight. This particular knight hadn't really accomplished anything of real significance. Unless you count arriving on Altyr V too late, and surving the destruction of Camas. As Camsie walked towards the Jedi Base the cramped muscles of his legs got a good stretch. Flying through hyperspace in a cramped space most certainly didn't help in the caamasi's excercise regime. A small crack was heard as the caamasi tilted his head. I suppose I need to let off some of my aggrivation. Camsie walked up to a tree that towered over the rest before drawing his arm back and gripping it into a fist. A moment later the caamasi's fist let fly and slammed into the thick tree. The moment after that, a thousand curses in the Forgotten Caamasi language were unleashed upon the poor inhabitants of Haruun Kal. The caamasi fell to the ground cradling his injured hand. That's going to hurt in the morning.
  11. The Peace Maker slipped through space en route to Haruun Kal. Inside the ship, Camsie was growing quite bored of the smeared stars that came with a hyperspace jump.
  12. Camsie nodded at Goodwood's words before thanking him and walking back towards his ship. The battered hull had been in better shape when he left Borleais to train with his old master, Neo. But then again, Borleais had been in better shape when he first left to train hadn't it? Camsie smiled as he swung into the E-Wing, melting into the heated seat. The Peace Maker flew out of the hangar it's engines roaring. The ship hung in Borleais's atmosphere before making a micro jump to the edge of the system. The caamasi punched in the coordinants to Haruun Kal before making an untraceable jump to Hyperspace.
  13. As Camsie watched his apprentice... No, Ex-Apprentice, leave Borleais's atmosphere a smile graced his features. It feels good to finish training her. I wonder if it will always feel like this. So fulfilling And so with a bounce in his step Camsie walked up to his old E-Wing, The Peace Maker. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever flown you gal'. Camsie smiled letting his hand drift over the ships hull before reaching his force presence out. He felt a familiar presence. Well, several in fact. And so Camsie headed to the closest one. The force presence of Jedi Ben'a Solo. As the caamasi approached the ship he banged his fist against the hull before hollering. "What's going on here? I've been otherwise engaged."
  14. Camsie blade came from the opposite direction and blocked Armiena's strike. As the two blades came into contact sparks flew. Good. Offense. She has learned much, and I believe she is ready. But, for drama's sake. Camsie went into a complicated series of thrusts, chops and swings wearing on both his and his apprentice's strength. As the final blow of the combo struck and was met by Armiena's lightsaber, Camsie lifted his hand and held it in front of Armiena before speaking. "Good. You are, indeed, ready. Do as you will, Jedi Knight Armiena Draygo." Then as an afterthought. "As long as it isn't destroying countless numbers of innocents." (OOC: Congratulations.)
  15. Camsie brought his blade around in a circle, the orange blade pulsing with power. The caamasi settled neatly into a offensive stance before raising one hand. Out of the hand came flying a uncontrolled wall of the Force, heading straight for Armiena. As the Force push hit Armiena's guard throwing her off balance, Camsie leaped forward into hand to hand range.
  16. Camsie felt the disappearance of the dark force user through the Force. Like a candle's dancing flame being snuffed out in seconds. Well, now that's odd. But, a welcome relief. Camsie held his lightsaber in his hand, the gel type substance that covered the handle conforming itself to the caamasi's grip. The orange blade sprang out from the hilt, it's glow surrounding the caamasi. Camsie slowly turned to his apprentice, before yelling out two words. "Defend yourself!" Camsie leaped forward, his lightsaber over his shoulder in a clearly offensive stance. The orange blade sliced down at Armiena's shoulder with blurring speed, it's heat washing over the caamasi and his apprentice. Don't fail me now, Armiena. (OOC: I'd appreciate it if nobody interrupts this. I see a leave of absence in my near future and I'm sure OK would prefer to finish up his training.)
  17. Camsie was seething. First the death of Aryian, then Ish, then Darsha and Hou-Jo! The jedi order was being picked off one by one, like ants. So much death. Where's the point to all of this? When will these bastards be happy. When all are dead, and taken in by the force? What then? There will be nothing left to rule. These men are fools, killing without need. That's when Camsie heard Armiena's force message. Camsie felt relief. His apprentice still lived. He quickly sent a force message to Armiena. I'm coming, my apprentice. I may have no way off of this planet but I am coming. The smell of death was heavy on Ryloth. The dark side of the force would stain this planet forever. Massacre. Complete massacre. Like Camas. reflected the caamasi. Camsie was relatively uninjured. A small gash across his thigh. Nothing a bacta patch could not fix. We had no plans for this mission. We did not expect any of this. Camsie began to run towards Armiena, his muscles gaining strength through the force.We weren't prepared for all this death The caamasi's surroundings were a blur.And those bastards... their... Camas... Camsie's thoughts became hazy, and suddenly he felt tired. Oh so tired. But Camsie continued to run. His apprentice needed help, and he'd get to her or he was a fierfek's uncle. Finally, Camsie arrived at Armiena's position. He pried open the Escape Pod's door with the force and looked in, his face breaking out into a furry grin when he saw his apprentice and her droid. But his happiness was short lived and Camsie quickly looked up to the sky. Dancing around in space were the Imperial and Rebellion fleets, exchanging blaster fire. ”œI don't think we're going to be able to get any help from up there. Got any brilliant ideas, Armiena?”
  18. Camsie whipped his lightsaber from it's resting spot on his waist and ignited it quickly. The blade's weight was comforting in Camsie's hands unlike the blaster rifle he had been forced to use earlier. Holding the lightsaber in one hand, Camsie summoned to him a blaster pistol from the nearby ground. With a casual spin the caamasi dodged away from a wall of SEED projectiles and pulled the trigger of the pistol three times in rapid concession. Three SEED troopers met their deaths from the caamasi's blaster bolts. Remembering where he was supposed to be, Camsie flitted from rock to rock, dodging SEEDs blaster fire. Then the caamasi felt a ripple through the force and knew one of his fellow jedi had fallen. Camsie offered the shortest moments of grief before taking off again and arriving at Hou-Jo's position. "Master Poleb, would you be so kind as to do whatever it is you planned on doing soon? I do not trust this luck that we have had so far." ((2))
  19. Camsie was more than displeased with battle. He hated it in fact. But yet, here the Caamasi was, in the midsts of a large scale battle field. Twi'lek males and females milled around aimlessly, Jedi and SEED exchanged fire and men and women on both sides fell. In the trenches, Camsie had recovered a fallen adepts blaster carbine and had switched it to stun. Camsie quickly hit the dirt as a wave of cortosis weave bullets flew overhead. The caamasi jammed down his blasters carbine allowing the blue laser bolts to wash over SEED troops. When maybe six of SEEDs troops had fallen from the blue stun bolts Camsie recieved Hou-Jo's force message before sending a force message back to Hou-Jo. En Route. Camsie fired off another stun bolt before rolling away from another wave of cortosis weave bullets. Camsie began to fire again but found his round was empty. Camsie hurled his useless weapon at the SEED troops, propelling it further with the force although not expecting it to hit anything. The caamasi ducked back into the trenches before zoning in on Hou-Jo's position and quickly beginning to trek there. ((1))
  20. "I guess that's our lot in life. But it seems you have somewhere to be, as do I. Until we meet again Armiena, watch your back. If we both survive this mission, I will begin your trials." Camsie smiled a wary smile. He was fully aware that he was going to embark on a mission to kill. But if he had to spill one man's blood to save a thousand others, Camsie would. The caamasi honed in on Hou-Jo Poleb's force signature before heading towards where he was. Once he arrived at Hou-Jo's position, Camsie bowed. "Master Hou-Jo, a pleasure to see you in good health." The caamasi straightened. "I have been assigned to your Strike Team, as you well know. So here I am."
  21. (OOC: I'm Back...) After the evacuation of Borleais, and arriving on Haruun Kal, Camsie had delved into a great meditation. He had lost all grasp on time and stayed in this coma like state for an extremely long time. He had not even noticed the arrival of the three bounty hunters. Camsie awoke peacefully and took a moment to gather his wits. Then he expanded his sphere of responsibility and found his apprentice about to engage in a spar with a fellow jedi. Camsie rose from his seated position and stretched, working his lax muscles. Then he began to walk towards where his apprentice was preparing to duel. When he arrived at the place, he sat down to watch. There was no doubt in Camsie's mind that this would be a good fight.
  22. Camsie watched as his apprentice swung her lightsaber around before snapping it off and heading towards one of the training rooms. He watched amused as she challenged Hou-Jo to a practice duel. Still an apprentice, but yet she goes about challenging fully fledged Jedi Knights. Still, this would be good training for Armiena if Hou-Jo accepted the challenge. Camsie settled down to watch the proceedings.
  23. Camsie watched calmly as Darex unhooked his lightsaber, and was slightly miffed when he saw Armiena prepare to do battle. He sent a quick and berating message to his padawan. Stay out of this fight, Armiena. You don't even have a proper functioning blade. Surely, you don't have a death wish? Let Darex handle this. He is more than capable. All we can hope is for Master Poleb to regain some of his normal conciousness. His eyes narrowed as Hou-Jo muttered something about... proving himself. Camsie watched as the Jedi Knight swung his lightsaber at Darex's head before muttering something under his breath. "There is no emotion; there is peace." Camsie fixed his gaze on Armiena, truly wishing to see if she would follow his orders. If not, Camsie hated to see what would happen to his young padawan. He sent a second force message to Armiena. Listen to my words, Armiena. They are wiser than you may believe. Camsie quieted the storm going on in his soul before smiling. "There is Peace."
  24. Camsie watched as Armiena berated Hou-Jo slightly amused at his apprentice's arrogance, and deeply disturbed by Hou-Jo's anger. When they had went to Altyr V Hou-Jo was in charge of the mission and in control. His angry outburst was extremely unexpected, and the waves of anger seemed to wash over the entire temple. He watched as Darex spoke to Hou-Jo, and regarded the being Hou-Jo had fired into the wall. His gaze hovered over Hou-Jo befre sending him a force message. There is no emotion; there is peace. Camsie felt that this simple line from the Jedi Code should suffice. He walked towards the fallen human female, who seemed in great pain. He almost chuckled as he heard he mutter a curse of some sort. "Relax. I will heal all the wounds on you that I can." Camsie expanded his sphere of responsibility until it engulfed the woman. Then he focused the force onto the external damage on her form, before healing them. When he was finished the healing of female, Camsie let out a puff of air. He was tired. You have your limits, Camsie. Don't overstep them. he chided himself. "I hope that you feel somewhat better. What is your name?"
  25. Camsie flickered open one of his brown eyes at the sound of his apprentice's voice. "So we are. Remember, you are still training. We are only here to finish the construction of your lightsaber. I thought you would not enjoy building a weapon that requires complete concentration on a planet like Ilum." Camsie rose from his cross-legged position, before stepping out of the ship. He made his way across the hangar over to his own ship before smiling. The Peace Maker was in fine shape. Apart from the bump here and the scratch there, it was virtually unscathed. "Well that's good..." he muttered before glancing around the hangar once more. He surveyed every detail before smiling. He grabbed a small box filled with what normally would be useless junk with the force before hovering it over to his apprentice. "I believe that should contain everything you need to make your lightsaber. Get started."
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