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He scratched his head and looked around quickly, there were no sounds of droids echoing from the corridors, no shouts of dying clones. Where the hell was he?


He searched his memories, and then it hit him.


"Qaela.......what just happened?"




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He nodded slowly, "I guess I do, I can't remember anything at all of what we were talking about...So I guess you are a master of your craft, ma'am."


His soul was yet again cleared of the agony that had longed plagued him. He felt relieved, ready to dance to the drums of war yet again. He placed his helmet upon his head.


"Well, where is yours? The RCAA3 link will be very helpful in the temple....."




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He felt mostly the same through the Force, but she wasn't entirely sure. She hoped she didn't do anything damaging, but it was his choice. He knew the risks.


She also wanted to know if other feelings and emotions were intact. She had not dared search out how he felt about her when she was in his mind. Whether he hated her or not was something she didn't want to know then in case it was something she wouldn't like.


She had sensed the emotions he felt towards the Jedi girl and, while a good part of her rejected them, another, smaller part yearned for someone to feel that way about her. She wanted Ca'Aran, a man who was both a deadly soldier and yet seemingly innocent, to feel that way towards her. She had briefly considered influencing him in that way when she was working, but didn't want him to discover what she had done and been angered. Doing such a thing would be betrayal and he would be entirely within his rights to kill her for it. She had done only what he had asked her to do: remove the painful memories and that which would cause them to come back.


"Did you hear what I said when you first woke up? About what exactly I stripped from your mind?" She wasn't about to risk his anger at finding out or remembering killing the girl or even having loved her without her having at least told him.

Qaela Sig

Send PM's to Travis.

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"I...I..." He shook his head in frustration, "I killed a girl...and the memories were haunting me?" He asked the question hesitantly not quite sure if he was right. He shook his head again, slightly miffed at his memory problems.


He gazed again at Qaela, she was very pretty. His gaze softened, she looked very good in her armour, very pretty.




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Qaela nodded. "Yes, when you were fighting in the Clone Wars, you fell in love with a rather young Jedi girl. You were then ordered to kill her at the end of the war and you complied. The memory has haunted you ever since and it caused you to break down today. I found you and you asked me to remove the memories. I had to remove both the memories of killing her as well as the feelings of the love you had for her since you would still have the problems if you knew you killed someone you loved."

Qaela Sig

Send PM's to Travis.

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Delta's eyebrows furrowed in concentration, he reached far back into the memory banks, and tried to remember a young Jedi girl he may have murdered. Nothing, nothing at all. A smile spread across his face, "Well perfect, without my love for this woman, I guess I am free..." He looked towards Qaela, his eyes portraying his admiration.


"Well, what now? What do we do? What is the next logical step.....All I know is that we are going hunting.....so it's time to suit up fully."




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For the moment, she would have to trust that everything was okay with Ca'Aran. The ship didn't have the normal vibrations that it had during flight, so she guessed that they had landed on Coruscant some time while she was doing her work. It would be time to go out and either contribute or part ways.


She smiled back at him, "I am suited up. I am not used to the helmet just yet, activated or not, so it would be more of a hindrance to me than a benefit. I will learn how to use it when I am not about to fight."

Qaela Sig

Send PM's to Travis.

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Ca'Aran frowned slightly, "If you do not use the helmet, the armour is useless to you, true your body will be protected, but your head is left completely exposed...waiting for that pleasant little ricochet to dent your cranium. If you would like, I can give you the basic rundown, and instruct you....We have a bit of time."


He extended his gloved hand, He wanted to help this damsel in distress.




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She shook her head, "Perhaps for you, yes. I have the Force. None of my kind do not fight with anywhere near this amount of armor and most Force users do not use it, either. With a lightsaber, I can block most of the incoming fire that you cannot. I will be fine for now as I don't think we do have the time. Besides, this is probably going to turn out like our last venture did: with us standing around watching someone else having all the fun. Later, you can work with me."


She turned and began walking towards the landing ramp and gestured for him to follow.

Qaela Sig

Send PM's to Travis.

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Ca'Aran bowed low to Qaela, "As you wish my lady...."


As she exited the boarding ramp, he made sure all his weapons were on him, his armour was secure and steadfast, and he had brushed his teeth. He smiled, and locked his helmet down. Turning, he sprinted down the boarding ramp after Qaela....




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Dahar listened as the Great Jedi Master spoke to him. Little was known about their journey but it was evident that it was a dangerous path. Dahar could could see the brilliance of the Force at work in his life. It was clear that Kirlocca had come close to the line, that great divide in the Force that separates the Light from the Dark. Dahar too stepped that boundary, in secret of course. But was anything truly unknown? Perhaps Kirlocca could see into Dahar's spirit and sense the small but important traces of the dark emotion inside him.


Was he any less of a Jedi because of it? No. He had never succumbed to the will of the Dark Side, but had felt the sweet kiss of power that giving in to one's emotions, even for a brief moment could have. To hunt down murderers one must be able to use every weapon at his disposal. With a true connection to the Force and the Jedi he knew he would be able to use such emotions again to protect the Order and the Galaxy.

Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away...

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((From Mechis III))


Nodding to Sheog and to be honest, slightly glad for the end of that... It wasn't a conversation. It was more of a monologue. Their was something about Ares, brief flashes in the eyes... No not that. Something Gren could feel in the force. Other than the darkside, which lay like a velvet blanket over everything around here anyway. Bah too much time working with Jedi, he thought. Not enough time training myself either.


As the ship lifted off Merchis III, something Gren was glad about as well considering the last time he had been here the Arach'Tar had invaded the Galaxy and he had been embroiled in a fight with the SIth Master Geki, he sent a quick message using the planetary communications network to Coruscant. It had a twofold purpose. The first was to inform the Operators of the Shadow Sentinels of his destination and purpose so they could dredge up as much information as possible and send a team out there to meet him. The second was to inform Cadio of his actions thus far.


That being done he checked his kit. Making sure everything was combat worthy. Rifle, Blaster, Various grenados, AM Knife, . It was, as usual he maintained all his equipment in top notch shape himself. He just like to make sure. The fact that they were finally going after the Marauderers was a bonus for him. Whilst his team wasn't full and he was still lacking the key component that he had wanted before going in after them..Ysalamiri. He doubted though his heavily force reliant companions would want to go harvest some though. Nevermind that, he would fight the good fight that he always had.

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His bright yellow eyes flashed behind his eyelids as Zuko slept. Deep in the realms of REM sleep, his soul bared to the still confines of space. He was sleeping, soundly for the first time in a week, since he had escaped the ruins of his former life. His mechanical appendage rubbed across the deep scar upon his dark forehead. Scars of old, shadows of the ancient past. He had awoken with a start, a sudden feeling of sickness went through his gut, emanating from the world of Onderon or at least that is what his head told him. He disengaged the hyperspace engines and re-imputed coordinates.


It was off to the next adventure of his short life. ....yet again.


Behold the Rose of Sharon is burning in the valley 

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Somewhere in the depths of space Jazce walked into the hold of the Everready. Now free of his armour dressed simply in his civilian clothes with his knuckle dusters on and his blaster at his belt. He'd covered his trail perfectly. Everyone thought Quarter was at Kessel in the old prison colony there. Even the guards had been duped into thinking it when the two agents had escorted a figure onto the Prisoner Transport.


It was all to get Jazce some quality alone time with Quarter. That unfortunate being was strapped into a chair being periodically stunned by HK who now that Jazce was here had left off the stunning and returned to the cockpit to keep eyes on things.


Arraying a multitude of torture tools on a workstation Jazce laid his own pistol there. Keeping his accessories on though. Turning to his captive he grinned a cold grin and hit a button on his wristpad. Instantly a cold shower began raining on the Zabrak's head, waking him instantly.


As the Alien sputtered and gagged in the sudden, freezing deluge Jazce began.


"Welcome to my place Quarter. I haven't used this since I was an assassin so forgive me if my tools are a little... Rusty. But don't worry. My skills certainly aren't. We have much to discuss you and I. I want to know about the Senators. I want to know about Tengu and I want to know about you. This time. You really are alone. I can and will keep you here till I get what I want... Or I kill you. Their is no rescue. No-one knows you are here. Talk. Or this gets painful."

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Kirlocca could tell that Dahar still had emotions within him about the situation which they just left. Kirlocca would be lying if he said he didn't either. But neither could let them affect them during this upcoming mission. There was some sort of sound from the cockpit, to which was followed by a voice.


"Master Jedi, I'm sending back something straight off of the holonet."


Kirlocca turned to watch the news reports of a hospital on Corellia that was held hostage from a man named Geki. Kirlocca had encountered him not long ago on Coruscant. Instantly, Kirlocca knew what needed to be done and what the Force required out of him.


<< Turn us around to head to Corellia. We're going to stop this man. >>


With that, the pilot pulled them out of hyperspace once they were clear of any hazardous situations and then altered course. Once they were away in hyperspace, the time was instantly sent back. Five minutes from where they were at until arrival. Kirlocca began to prepare himself for the situation.

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(Meanwhile on The Demented Madness)


Gonzo Lockjaw felt a little uneasy about being left alone with Grace, and trusting her to give him the proper equipment to scale this building. It was strange it was almost as if he could sense some kind of emotion coming from this small child. Was it anger, fear, resentment? Gonzo had never quite experienced anything like this before, but it felt invigorating. With this new found ability Lockjaw began to ask Grace, ”œSo what kind of equipment does Master Sheog wish to give me for my first trial”

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Jazce turned to look at the slumped form of Quarter. He was pretty sure he'd gotten all the useful information out of him that he could. Shrugging his shoulders to loosen them a little he reached for his blaster.


To HK sitting in the cockpit the screams had stopped three point four-five minutes ago. At the sound of a single blaster shot he knew what had occurred. All viable and valuable information had been extracted and the target eliminated for security purposes. Jazce had given him careful instructions about what to do. Up here, above the Galactic Plane it wouldn't be hard to get rid of the body with little chance of it ever being found. The droid programmed in the next destination then stood. It would be required to clean up the mess in the hold.


Jazce looked at the mess that was all that was left of the Zabrak terrorist, Chris Quarter. Moving to a fresher unit he quickly scrubbed himself done. Cleaning himself of all traces of his one-time subject before gathering his weaponry even as HK entered the hold.


"Co-ords in?"


A single nod. Glowing red eyes locked on the corpse.


"He gave me quite a bit of interestin information on Tengu. Seems our friend isn't quite the innocent businessman he said he was. Which is good. I'm gonna shoot him the next time I see him. Scratch me an itch. Lets get this mess out the hatch and vaporised."


Less then half an hour later Jazce watched HK completely destroy the body with the ship's Quad laser cannons. Mission Accomplished. Time for Phase Two.


Hitting a few keys and pulling a lever the Everready, now under its real tags flicked into hyperspace.

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Sheog smiled slowly and began the preparations for war. He slipped into the flexible breastplate, and two droids helped him secure it around his massive gut. On his side, he placed the whip Armalite, his maser, and a large package of white-worms. Whilst his serving droids prepared for war, Sheog contented himself by eating a ginormous bowl of white worms, topped with Jack Mc'Daffy's Signature Calamari Sauce© (which was apparently made with a mixture of underwater sea kelp, harvested by ewok slaves, who died on a regular basis and became part of the sauce, and actual Mon Calamari, who were tricked by fake comm transmissions into going to the processing plant by thinking they were about to embark on a grand tour of the Ithorian terraformed forests). It was delicious. With a smile, Sheog decided he'd have to add Mon Calamari to the menu.




Grace sat in the training room, brushing her long hair with her fingers, glaring at the Barabel whom her master had taken on as his apprentice. Her yellow eyes flicked over the hulking reptile as it approached her once more. She could feel the force around him, as he concentrated on reading her emotions, which was more than irritating. The reptile began to speak, his acrid breath washing over her like a wave of filth.


”œSo what kind of equipment does Master Sheog wish to give me for my first trial?”


King Kheldar vos Correlli said:
Sheog, I have to ask, overkill much?
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It felt good to be back in the action again, Kayal decided as they left the hangar. At first it had seemed that upon joining Black Sun, he had seen nothing but action, however, as of lately he'd mostly been sitting around and collecting dust.


Finally, he was back out in the field again as it were. Of course, as usual, he had no real idea what was going on, but that was fine for the moment. Right now all he was concerned about was acquainting himself with the new guy, and by acquainting he of course meant harassing. He figured that this would be easy, after all the guy was already acting incredibly awkward, almost is if he were doing it on purpose for some reason...


Kayal leaned forward and motioned to Blackstone "Hey you, new guy, what's your name again?"



The RP is like JNet's Middle East.
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Blackstone stood, staring out the window into space.


'Lots of stars' he thought


Blackstone was never really an astronomer. His simple thoughts were interrupted when the veteran Black Sun agent spoke up. "Oh.. Blackstone" he replied. "And you?"

Rident Stolidi Verba Latinae


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As the Justice screamed through Hyperspace towards its destination, Mirdala looked up from the city schematics that she'd been studying in preparation for her and Fett's mission in Rordis City, switching the screen to an overview of the planetary defenses, each of the many check points highlighted.


Nubia, being a Core World, fell into their jurisdiction, so the two Mando'ad with their respective CoreSec clearances would have no trouble getting on-world. Mirdala called up information from a no-so official resource outlining some of the more seedier aspects of the city so she would be as familiar with them as the city layout she'd been studying. She was hoping that this interaction with the locals wouldn't go as badly as the last. Her instincts told her, and she knew that they were only her instincts rather than her ”œother sense”


Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya. - "Train your sons to be strong but your daughters to be stronger."

“A Mandalorian woman's greatest talent is not her charm or beauty, but her strength of body and will.” - Mandalorian proverb

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ShadowFett had kept his buy'ce on so that he could also review his data on the ecumenopolis that was Nubia. When Mirdala transmitted him an extra scrap, he called it up with mere eye movements. It was marvelous technology, his bucket, but he was so used to it that he rarely consciously marveled at it. He did almost everything with eye commands these days, but many of the features of his beskar'gam were verbal commands which never penetrated the helmet to the outside. It was an important part of his image to remain silent in combat and many other times. Criminals feared a man that seemed completely cold and calculating, and fear was an advantage Fett would not relinquish if he could help it.


As he reviewed the data, he allowed his tongue to loosen and he let a few thoughts go without processing them too heavily. He was usually pretty calculated about what he said, but he had reached the point where he trusted someone again, and he was comfortable speaking his mind to this dala. "I doubt she picked up on it. She was pretty uncomfortable inside the bubble," he said. Armiena Darkfire had a reputation as a verd that surpassed what most jetiise had accomplished, but it had probably come with an over-reliance on the Force, much like her riduur. When Fett had sparred Darkfire, the man had used the Force to the exclusion of his body.


"Darkfire will be like her riduur," he predicted. "Reliable. Willing to leave behind the jetii'nare, which is good. But still too reliant on the Force. Perhaps mandokarla, but not a true ori'ramikad." Even jetiise could have the right stuff from time to time. Kirlocca had demonstrated a willingness to learn to fight even inside an ysalamiri bubble, and Fett had taught him. That willingness to expand beyond their limits and learn new things was Fett's very definition of mandokarla. Perhaps with time Armiena Darkfire could get there. But she wasn't there now, as far as Fett was concerned.

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Kenneth sat in silence on the transport that was to take him to Coruscant. He had swindled enough money in his various affairs to purchase a one way ticket. He had heard whispers of those who used the Force but not as the Jedi do. Word was the Sith had a temple there that welcomed all those who were angry and full of hate.


Ken sought out his companions, those whom had embraced the pain in their souls and used it to power themselves. He sought to learn these ways from those with more experience.


As he rested in a quiet corner he reflected on his own hatred. The Jedi has abandoned him and left him a beggar and thief. Well, only for a short while, until Ken had learned to abuse the Force for his own gain.

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The Black Heart exited hyperspace momentarily before making another jump, one of three to be made that would take the ship to Dagobah at the galaxies edge.


Having used the first jump to heal Lucifer walked his way to Zuko's assigned chamber where he hoped to find his newest apprentice. The journey would be a long one and it would be some time before arrival thus the kiffar had decided to get the human up to speed with both Drake and Calmin's level of training and use the journey for that purpose.


Giving a slight knock on the chamber door the sith lord entered and spoke.


''Arise my apprentice. The journey is a long one and as such we shall use this opportunity to learn...you of the force and I about you.


But first I must know what is your name you neglected to inform me on Onderon, and just what did your former master teach you.''


Lucifer knew Drake and Calmin would take care of themselves for the time being...they were not forgotten, when on Dagobah and the meeting over he would continue their training also and use the temple for that purpose while it was there.




 "Only in my pain, did I find my will. Only in my chaos, did I learn to be still. Only in my fear, did I find my might. Only in my darkness, did I see my light." - Darth Akheron


I survived the Great JNet Outage of 2012

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Zuko looked up and rose shakily to his feet. He bowed low, and wiped a bit of frothy blood from his pale lips. "I am Zuko Zarjeed my master, I was previously training under a Lord Achzet, of the ancient Sith." It had been so many years ago, back before the hard times, and the formation of the Galactic Alliance.


"He taught me a few things here and there, telekinesis, sensory, a few skills with the blade...But I admit, I have not kept up in practise." He was ready to learn these things yet again, no matter the cost.


Behold the Rose of Sharon is burning in the valley 

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Lucifer gave a nod before speaking, he noted the blood but took little mind of it as it was wiped away. The kiffar was forced to take a sit since tanding up for extended periods seemed to hurt like hell, the two broken ribs were still in healing and as such standing for long periods caused a intense pain despite the appliance of bacta patches and painkillers.


''Hmm Zuko interesting name. I am Lord Lucifer, former inquisitor in times long past, now Sith Lord and as you know now your master.


You say you were taught by a Lord Achzet, I have not heard of the name before however it is irrelevant now, ties of the past must be forgotten that we advance and become stronger for it.''


The kiffar paused a moment as his ribs started hurting before subsiding and spoke again.


''I shall try and fit in as much as I can upon our journey. You will need all I can teach for when we arrive that you are prepared for any eventuality and are trained up to the same level as my other two apprentices...Calmin and Drake. I will not have one below the other you shall all be on equal footing upon arrival.''


With a short pause the sith lord continued.


''A ancient sith once said if you seek to aid everyone that suffers in the galaxy, you will only weaken yourself”¦and weaken them. It is the internal struggles, when fought and won on their own, that yield the strongest rewards”¦If you care for others, then dispense with pity and sacrifice and recognize the value in letting them fight their own battles.


There have been no more true words than that. As a sith I as you should believe these words...and know what I am about to tell you. Conflict is the only true test of one's ability, challenging both individuals and civilizations forces us to grow and evolve. The avoidance of conflict”“like the pacifist teachings of the Jedi results in stagnation and decline...limiting all you can become.


If you are to be truly free you must constantly challenge yourselves both inside and out so that you may rise over the weak and become as a shephard whom would lead the herd of bantha to their rightful place. Self-reliance and the idea that an individual only deserves what they are strong enough to take is core to our believe. Morality is an obstacle to be overcome if you are to become a sith you must abandon such notions as I have told you and recognize and seize opportunities for advancement and self-empowerment wherever possible.


Now on to teach you just what truly drives you...what gives the sith our power over the force and the jedi. You may ask what gives us such ability and I shall answer simply, truthfully---it is emotion. By harnessing the negative emotions such as fear, rage, anger, hate, passion and pain...emotions which are as natural as air to you and me a sith can become truly a god to all below him so long as he or she constantly trains themselves, challenges themself. By harnessing these emotions rather than suppressing them then can you truly understand the force and get the answers you wish for.''


Pausing another moment letting the information sink in Lucifer continued.


''By not practicing and exhibiting lazyness you limit yourself and the Order. Under my tutorlage I shall have no such lazyness and expect you to practice often less you suffer for your ignorance.


You say you once knew a few abilities and were trained in them if this is so then it is likely the skills remain albiet dormant at the back of your mind and are in need of remembering.


Now that you know the source of the sith's power...your power I shall teach you how to use these emotions to control the force and to remember what you forgot. We shall still simple with that of Telekinesis...the ability to lift objects of any size.


The power of energy over matter”¦and mind over both. With this technique is it possible to lift objects according to your concentration and move them, hovering the items in any direction. The size and weight of an object is only relevant in the mind of the practitioner, and once the mental distinction about an object's size is let go of, objects of any size can be moved...be they as simple as a stone or sentiant species to that of a large ship however as with all things with practice comes perfection.


Attempt this now upon one of the crates or objects within this room present. Remember what I said...use your emotions to raise the object in question and stretch out your hand and mind to focus upon it, locate it's thread within the force and tug at it---like a puppet to perform upon the strings you pull however tug too hard and the puppet shall strike at you so be mindful of that. Now perform as I have asked and you shall learn more, do not let me down...or yourselves prove to me that my instinct about you was right just as it was about my other two apprentices, prove you are a worthy successor.


And just so you know I expect results the first time...if there is a second attempt you shall be punished. With this method I find that my apprentices develop faster and become far more disciplined than any other sith out there.''


With that the kiffar just waited and watched.


(( Drake and Calmin you may do as you wish for the moment aboard the ship however don't go into Lucifer's chambers ))




 "Only in my pain, did I find my will. Only in my chaos, did I learn to be still. Only in my fear, did I find my might. Only in my darkness, did I see my light." - Darth Akheron


I survived the Great JNet Outage of 2012

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With a twitch of emotion crossing his face, Zuko nodded. Emotion was to be harnessed and used, not suppressed, hate and darkness were to be embraced as brothers. War, rape, filth, and torture, there would be nothing else. Now was his chance to prove himself before the great Sith Lord. A slow smile overcame his face as he lowered his head. The smile twitched as a bead of blood traced down his chin. Hate! He would find it, within his very soul, there was a spot of it”¦pulsing, waiting to be embraced.


He let the hate build until it was identifiable. Until he could taste it, in all its foulness. His stomach soured yet he pressed on. His hate for his addiction, for his prior masters, for his father. He let them grow into a raging inferno, until he extended his hand and grasped it. Within his heart he built it, until the fire extended into every vein, every muscle. When his body was filled, he extended it elsewhere.


A wreath of his hate embraced one of the scalpels upon the low medical table, and overwhelmed it. With his mind he grasped it, he beckoned it upwards, until it floated in the air between the master and apprentice. Slowly spinning, the blade cutting through the thick air. A part of his mind left untouched by the years began to open, and a new shadow emerged, ready for the call. Zuko's laughed, blood misting into the thick air. This was the beginning of something great. Darkness in all its glory, he could taste the bitterness of shadow.


Behold the Rose of Sharon is burning in the valley 

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Lucifer looked on as Zuko accomplished his task. A sense of pride was evident that one of his apprentices had accomplished the task the first time with no subsequant action needed.


It was on that note that the kiffar sith spoke.


''We shall now proceed to the cargo bay for the next task. It requires more room than this chamber provides.''


With that Lucifer motioned for Zuko to follow him as he made his way albiet with irritation from his injuries to the cargo bay where he waited and where the next task would be accomplished...or so he hoped.




 "Only in my pain, did I find my will. Only in my chaos, did I learn to be still. Only in my fear, did I find my might. Only in my darkness, did I see my light." - Darth Akheron


I survived the Great JNet Outage of 2012

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