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((2V2, mod ruled. J being Jedi and S being Sith it will go "S, J, S, J, Repeat" I'm not going first, so Exodus or one of you two can.))


The final Alliance soldier fell to the ground dead. Dominique turned her gaze from their now dead eyes and looked to Exodus with something akin to a smirk. She walked past him and his humming saber to the bodies of the dead soldiers and examined them for a few moments. The fine hairs on back of her neck stood on end, but she ignored them for the time being.


”œWell, aren't you sweet; blocking those shots for me.”

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Large ample beads of sweat trickled down Nom's cheek as he continued to push towards his opponent. It was a rather odd experience fighting a single enemy with a clone. Simply looking at his copy was almost enough to deter him from his endeavor. The Force however, had other plans for his attention. It continued to drive through him as he worked, his jade green and crimson blades slashing furiously. Normally used to defense, the Jedi Master thought it a bit awkward fighting offensively as he was, being a proponent of Soresu. The fact that his target was defending against two attackers however, gave the Jedi the leverage he needed to press his advantage.


Even through the surrounded assault, maniacal laughter escaped from the Sith Master's widened smirk. The horrible dissonance of this man's laugh, plagued with sadistic amusement echoed through Nom's mind, haunting him as it had done for years. He remembered his first encounter with Quietus, an ambitious Jedi Knight confronting a dominate Sith Master. The result of the conflict left Nom recovering from the wake of his own fallen weakness. That fight, that horrific engagement plunged Nom Anorus into Dark temptation greater than he had ever faced. Only by confronting and dying at the hands of Kakuto Ryu, Dark Lord of the Sith, did Nom finally push the Darkness back into the abyss from which it came. Quietus' laughter reached into the depths of his heart, searching in futile vain for the awakening of what had been slain.


Even though Quietus could no longer instill the fear in Nom he once possessed, his combat prowess proved quite capable. Surprise momentarily gripped the Master as the Dark Lord's blades disappeared, leaving Nom off balance. He shifted his weight immediately, drawing on the Force to keep from falling over. Unfortunately, the minor adjustment proved inconsequential as he felt a hand wrap around his ankle. He found himself tumbling to the ground as his balance was ripped from beneath. The impact was hard, stunning the Jedi. The result left him open, an advantage Quietus did not ignore. A hard kicked slammed just above Nom's temple, rocking the inside of his head. His illusion, having also fallen to the floor, vanished as his concentration diminished.


The power of the attack also left its mark as the Jedi Master streaked across the room, his lightsabers fallen from his grasp. The sudden rush of pain accosted Nom as he lay motionless on the ground. His head pulsated violently, pain throbbing as if replacing his beating heart. Yet through the anguish, through the agony of physical mutilation, came a soft glistening respite. The harmonious relief descended upon the Jedi Master, its power purifying his mind. Nom would have to remember to thank Kirlocca later, his Force Meld achieving wondrous effects. Slowly, almost with difficulty, Nom worked his way to his feet.


Quietus, having chosen to speak before attacking provided his opponent with enough time to gather his weapon. The jade green blade traveled to his hand, drawn by the infinite reach of the Force. The blade remained parallel with the Master's slender form, bathing his eyes in a clear green tint. Nom offered no response to the Sith's words, no witty retort. His eyes communicated far more, depicting a firm commanding intensity.


The two blades finally clashed, putrid black slamming against a pure jade green. Each lavished the air with magnificent trails of light as they worked feverishly against the other. Nom found his rhythm, drawing on the Force as well as Kirlocca's distant aid. Progressively giving ground, he reflected each strike with an impressive ease of his own. Each of Quietus powerful attacks halted as Nom's refined skill silenced the threat. He worked tirelessly; searching for the opportunity he knew would come.


Nom lifted his lightsaber at a direct horizontal angle, blocking Quietus' heavy vertical slash before it had a chance at connecting. He held the lock tightly leaving both weapon's hanging above each combatant's head. Because Nom intentionally parried the attack quickly, he was the first to react, taking advantage of the rather pervasive opening between the two. Sliding one hand off the hilt of his stationary lightsaber, while still maintaining the lock, he maneuvered his palm across the empty plain separating the two warriors. The impact shattered Quietus' nose as the Force increased its speed as well as added power to the attack. The result showered the ground with blood as the Dark Lord's facial features crumbled. Nom wasted no time as he spun to his right, breaking the lock he once held, now flanking the disheveled Sith Master. His green blade followed in the form of a powerful horizontal slash, if not stopped, it would separate Quietus' head from his body.


First blood”¦





Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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For a brief moment Quietus' world flashed before him as the palm connected solidly with his nose and threw the Dark Lord slightly off balance. He recovered quickly as the blood cascaded down his face.

For the first time in a very long time, Quietus tasted his own blood. But for a Sith, the taste of blood was to be cherished, even if it was their own. In fact, the taste of a Sith's own blood was something to be cherished, as it meant that they truly were in a meaningful and glory-filled fight.


As Quietus recovered quickly, he had but a split second to react to the slash that was threatening to separate his two better halves from one another. He managed to turn to Nom and spit a fair amount of blood in the Jedi's face as the slash closed in, which gave him the split second of blindness on Nom's part, in the form of the Jedi's natural human reaction to blink at the blood being spit in his face, that Quietus needed. The Dark Lord leaned backwards, planting his right hand on the ground to support him as his body above the knees went horizontal, well below the level of the lightsaber as it slashed above him.


With the immediate threat of the lightsaber out of the way, Quietus returned to the side of the spectrum he preferred; attacking. He quickly shot his arm up, stopping the slash on Nom's part by blocking his lower arm with Quietus' own. With the slash stopped, Quietus's other hand, still clutching his lightsaber hilt, came in from the other side of Nom's arm, smashing the butt of his hilt into Nom's elbow, effectively shattering it after his entire arm bent the wrong way at the elbow.


Quietus did not allow him the luxury of listening for a scream of anguish or pain on Nom's part. It hardly mattered to the Dark Lord now. Standing back up, it was clear Nom was in pain. The force of the impact on his elbow was enough to break any mental hardening, and Nom was now clutching at his now limp arm below the elbow. For the moment, it would be more useful to limply swing around then to actually try to perform any more sword play. But if Quietus knew the Jedi half as well as he knew he did, Nom's arm would not stay that way for long. As Nom tried to mentally channel the pain away from his arm, Quietus silently reached up to his own face, and cracked his shattered nose back into place without even a grimace or shiver.


Spitting blood in Nom's face again, Quietus' right arm shot to the Jedi's neck, and began to crush Nom's windpipe with a grasp that could only have been aided by the Force. His left hand still held his lightsaber hilt, ready for any move the Jedi could make now. Quietus stared intently, a demonic look in his eyes, into Nom's, Without even a glance downward, Quietus kicked Nom's lightsaber, which had fallen from his hand with the breaking of his arm, far across the docking bay once more.


"Defiant to the end I see... No matter. It will end soon Nom, that I promise you. "


Quietus grinned again, spitting more blood into Nom's face from mere inches away, and then his grin turned into a scowl as Quietus' arm began to cackle with Dark energy. He squeezed Nom's already crushed neck in his grasp, pounding wave after wave of Force Lightning directly into Nom's body from point blank range. There would be, there could be no defense from the onslaught of lightning, and Quietus began softly cackling once more as the lightning cackled and spread through-out Nom's body.




EDIT: Just wanted to note that despire my editing this post after Nom has posted, all I did was space out the paragraphs. Thats it.

Edited by Guest


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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OOC: Any PC dogfighters to take on those pesky Rebels?


IC: *Geki notes with amusement that the Jedi commander on board the Justiciar manages to quell his mind war, only to drop his defences a moment later as his concentration shifts back to the battle at large.*


'Drop comm jammers and signal our reinforcements at Carida.'


'Yes, your Highness.'


*A comm is sent to the remaining ships at Carida.


Geki renews his mind war, the crew of the Justiciar still shaken and now unprotected by their commander, and the savagery of the assault is unprecedented. The mind of every man and woman on board the Justiciar, with the obvious exceptions of the Jedi, is subjected to the psionic equivalent of a thermal detonator. The crew, weakened by the previous assault and left off-balance and disoriented by their fluctuating mental states, are in no position to defend themselves.


With a grin on his face, Geki causes catatonia in roughly one third of the ship's crew as their minds snap and they are reduced to dribbling idiots, greatly diminishing the Justiciar's ability to manoeuvre and defend herself.


Holding his concentration, Geki continues to apply fear and terror on a massive scale in the minds of the crew...*


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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((Woa, Two mods! there is clearly a communication problem. i'll just say sorry now, since it was no doubt my fault on that one.))


The lightsaber made a quick slash and not one but two thunps were heard as Scorp removed the hands of Achzet. The blaster of the fallen trooper slain by Achze's bloodlust hovered in the air. A single shot was made and Achzet fell to the ground. Not from a killing blow, but form a single stun bolt.


"Heh darkside isn't stronger, just more aggresive."


A cough spewed forth which only intensifed the pain his chest. He wouldn't kill his former apprentice, Not if he had the chance to capture him. He would no doubt stand trial for the various crimes he had commited, but at least he wouldn't be strengthing the numbers of the Sith.


He called his lightsaber back to him and instead of causing excess pain, instead clipped it on with force. The he began to painful process of dragging Achzet onto the very ship that he blinded him before.


Laying the man down on a mat, Scorp adminstered first aid to his wounds, before sedating his former apprentice. Just in case the stun bolt hadn't been enough. Then settling himself into a meditation he clearly had issues he needed to resolve and wounds that needed healing.



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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OOC:(we will assit you Jidai Geki)


Deltas ship hurtled into the battle cannons blazing at the Rebel ships. He zoned in on a Rebel B-wing that was harassin the SSD's engines and opened fire. After a few shots the B-wing exploded in a gout of fire.

He heard alarm beacons going off as a ship dropped on their tail and opened fire, Delta juked and the laserfire lanced ove and above their port wing.

Delta heard Crosa whoop as the ship disinagrated underneath Crosas withering fire fronm the tail gun.

He saw a flight of E-wings chasing a flight of TIEs and dropped on the E-wings tails. Delta pulled the trigger and strafed the tails of three of them on of the ships shields failed and exploded the rest peeled off back towards him, but the TIEs where safe.


Delta opened a comm to the SSD:


”œSirs this is Delta73 hoping to assist the Empire against the Rebels, I will continue to attack the Rebel scum until I can find Gren. Awaiting orders to better assist you”¦”




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Inches....inches separated Quietus from certain death. The Dark Lord, having been outmaneuvered by the skilled Jedi Master, resorted to the last possible tactic (a rather innovative one to be sure) allotted to him. Nom's lightsaber flashing dangerously towards its target missed its mark, its wielder's eyes suddenly covered in a rank mixture of blood and saliva. The impact of the livid solution altered the Jedi Master's concentration just enough to slow his attack. The result sent his blade careening over the Dark Lord's head.


Much to his dismay, Nom's elbow shattered under the poignant strike of Queitus' vicious blow. So attuned was the Jedi Master with the Force, his senses amplified severely. He felt every bone within his arm explode. The resulting shockwave roared through the rest of his body, taking on the form of horrendous physical agony. The pain was enough to stun the Jedi, his own mind desperately trying to navigate through chaos. Taking advantage of this, the Sith Master grappled him around the neck, his heavy finger slowly cutting circulation from him.


Through it all, the streaming violence possessing him, Nom did not bellow in anguish. His countenance, crafted from years of endurance, betrayed no weakness as he contorted into a stoic almost reverent facade. Again, as the Darkness spoke, Nom offered no response. His once resolved demeanor warped into a distant emptiness, his eyes staring directly into those of the Dark Lord's. These empty eyes, pools of gold, shimmered not with defiance, but with knowledge. Had Quietus taken the time to study them, he would not see pain or panic, but humble acceptance.


Then came the addition of Sith Lightning into Nom's body, electric currents rushing through his veins. The Jedi Master remained within the Sith's grasp, motionless. His only movements were random twitches, a depiction of his body's violent reaction to the pain. Yet as his skin began to singe, Nom's eyes did not change. His continued to look forlorn, regretfully probing deep into his merciless attacker's eyes, patiently waiting. After a few more moments of silence, Nom Anorus spoke, his words barely audible.


"It is finished then."


Suddenly, as if responding to the very words he spoke, his eyes reverted into the intense passion they once knew. He smiled, his hair tossing tendrils of electricity across his face. His skin began to fade into a dry hollow gray, the vibrant glow of health dissipating. As fast as the lightning dancing through him, Nom's own hand shot forward, too quick for Quietus to intercept with his lightsaber. He placed his palm firmly against the breast of the Dark Lord. The Force exploded from his hand, its momentous power slamming into the torso of the Sith Master. The Force channeled through the Jedi Master's palm was so great, it instantly shattered any armor Quietus might have previously dawned.


The sudden influx of power the Jedi Master wielded almost seemed unreal, defying reason. As Nom suffered at the hand of the Dark Lord, the putrid taint of the Dark Side filling him, the power of the Force did not forsake him. As bolts of lightning seethed his skin, burning him alive, Nom remained in heavy concentration. The Light Side within devised the perfect counter. As Quietus pumped legions of energy into the Jedi Master, Nom did not let it go to waste. Even as it ravaged his body, he utilized it, letting his intense connection with the Force absorb its power. So the sudden rush of power exfoliating through Nom's hand did not come from him, but from the very man it now struck. Every bolt of lightning was channeled into the devastating attack Nom now unleashed. In essence; Quietus delivered retribution unto himself, arrogantly providing the Jedi with the power he needed to vanquish him.


Quietus streaked through the air, his own body practically crushed by the force of the powerful attack. For this was a Force wave unlike any the Dark Lord of the Sith had ever experienced, having been wrought by his own hand. He traveled at a speed so great; his momentum would kill him instantaneously had he hit a wall. What awaited impact however, was no wall. Two lightsabers floated softly in the air, hovering with blades extended. One sported a pure jade green color while the other joined it with crimson. The lightsabers, having levitated into position at the beckoning of their master, now rested directly in Quietus' path.


The Jedi Master remained on his feet with considerable effort, blood splattered on his face. His hair floated comically into the air, having been charged considerably with Force lightning. Nom's elbow dangled uselessly at his side. His face was trodden with pain, his skin dawned a grayish tint. Cuts, bruises, and gashes littered his body. Each breath came with obvious effort, his chest rising and falling painfully. He looked broken, beaten, scoffed; physically devastated. However, his eyes shinned, glowing brilliantly amid the melancholy entombing him. They almost sparkled as they witnessed the Dark Lord's back begin to drive into the pernicious embrace of two ignited lightsabers.


((3, it was certainly a pleasure Raynuk, as always.))



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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The ability to heal through the force, was not some magic being worked, but instead the simple acceleration of what would occur naturally. While he wasn't a specialized in healing, he was rather handy when it applied to injuries involving his body. Otherwise, he had a tad bit more of a difficult time applying a healing procedure to another person. Never the less, what he knew would help him now, especially with the numerous injuries he took in the fight.


His hand, well he could fix that, not with the limited means he had here, but he could reattach the finger if he found the correct medical faculty, which would not be found on this ship, and even if it was it would require heavy fighting to get there, which he simply didn't have time for.


In his current trance, he was simultaneously healing his calf where the knife had been buried, as well the beginning procedures to heal his chest. Naturally it was a bit hard to get the past the cauterization, then again through his use of medical aid, he was pretty much unimpeded at this point.


Given time he would heal, he wouldn't be perfect, but he would be operation. Operational enough to use his lightsaber again, this was a top priority. Even though he was in a healing trance he was still monitoring the activities levels of Achzet. The man wouldn't be waking up any time soon, that was for sure, he would be lucky to wake up before three days had passed. Which meant that he would probably have to break out an Iv for him later. That was until he could transfer him to a more”¦ proper authority source.


His mind unwavering on its focus on healing, began to monitor the battle between Nom and his opponent.



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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As Delta's ship zoomed down into the dogfight, Crosa realized his hands were shaking. He made them stop. He had been in a few ship battles before, so he wasn't sure why he felt so nervous. He breathed in deeply and then took control of the tail gun. Suddenly a starfighter swooped down and started firing. Crosa felt the ship jerk. Finally Crosa took aim and fired. He was almost startled to see the small explosion as the ship disintegrated. He had hit it! He let out a Whoop. He heard Delta talking to someone through the com, but he didn't pay much attention. He was focused on his next target.

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The chaos through the Dark Side of the Force returned, this time with greater effect. Despite Onderin's more or less passive concentration on maintaining the crew's sanity, Geki powerfully cut through those defenses and reinitiated his attack. But this time, some of the damage he did was permanent.


Blast the Sith, Onderin thought. He couldn't just fight the battle. There always had to be some sort of complication, some Dark Side war game. How did Geki even know where he was? Why was the Justiciar specifically being targeted? It didn't make sense that the Emperor would have found him, so there had to be some other reason.


The question was--what should he do now? He could transfer ships to a new flagship, one that he could command from, but that would be abandoning this ship and its crew when they needed his help the most. Was his duty first to helping these people or working on winning the battle?


Dropping into a cross-legged position, the Jedi Master made up his mind. The battle was doing fine. People were doing what they should be doing, battles over ships were raging, and Star Destroyers and the Interdictor would soon be taken. Armiena Draygo was even working on the SSD and Geki. He would stay for now.


Reaching out into the minds all around him, the Admiral attempted to convey the peace that was in his own mind. For no amount of battle and stress could remove his inner peace, his acceptance of all that went on around him, and his knowledge that the Force would always have its way in the galaxy. His faith was his greatest asset, and he tried to spread the peace he got from it to the others aboard the Justiciar.


Every mind he could feel, each in a varying degree of insanity or confusion. It was hard to focus on minds that weren't focused themselves, but Onderin had done a lot of this before, probably more than Geki had. He was, with his full concentration and by drawing power through the Force meld, able to once again purge the Dark Side's influence.


But the damage was done. Most of the crew was able to return to active duty, but many were effectively reduced to mental vegetables, laying on decks inactive but not hurting anyone, either. They were taken to medbays, which filled up quickly. Anyone who was able was reassigned to man their posts, attempting to bring the Justiciar back up to primary efficiency. They didn't have quite enough people, but they were doing alright.


This time, Onderin didn't drop his concentration. But he did send a message through the Force to Master Kirlocca, "I need your help if I am going to continue to oversee the battle. I need you to counteract Geki's concentration on and power over the minds on this ship."



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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OOC: Onderin, I appreciate your rolling with the punches, even if we don't agree on this OOC.


IC: *A niggling sense of rage clutches Geki as, once again, the Jedi master on board the Justiciar counters his attempts to incapacitate the crew.


Geki is supremely arrogant and self-important to the point of delusion, as befits a sociopath, but even he is forced to inwardly acknowledge the abilities and talents of the Jedi he is facing.


Presumably a master, he thinks to himself. Maybe even the Grandmaster.


He hadn't bothered to keep up with his Jedi counterparts since his return to the galaxy, and he curses himself now for such an oversight.


Geki concentrates on the powerful mind overseeing the protection of the Justiciar, probing the formidable mental defences erected against any such probe. Geki is unable to do much more than glean basic emotions and simplistic thoughts, but the Force signature is one that he has encountered before- better yet, one that he has extinguished before.*




*Geki's last encounter with the Jedi had been in the upper levels of Coruscant, moments after the glorious symphony of billions of souls simultaneously being claimed by the void. The two had fought briefly and Geki had thrust his lightsabre through the Jedi's face. He had grown in power since then, however, and represented a serious threat.


Steeling himself, Geki prepares to thrust his assault in a new direction...*


OOC: Onderin, how about a mental duel?


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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((Since the earlier post was nulled, I guess I'm still in space, which is what I'll be going off of.))


As Cadio and his team were about to land on the ship registered Intangible, the ship below them flickered. Cadio was setting his ship down, and almost popped the hatch, when he noticed he was in the middle of the floor of the supposed docking bay. Realizing that this was a trap, Cadio send a comm to the rest of his team.


"This ship is an illusion, played into our mind's eye. We will not be attacking this ship. Form up on me, we're coming around..."


As the rest of his team came up behind him, Cadio noticed a comm going out over the channel.


"Draygo here. I need a boarding crew to help assault the Imperial flagship. Any Jedi who feel up to taking on an ambitious target, we'll be needing all the help we can get."


This was the perfect opportunity to help the Jedi, Cadio sent a reply comm.


--Comm to Armeina Draygo--


Master Draygo, this is Commander Cadio Sikaot of the Rebel Alliance. I hope to assist you in your conquest of the Imperial's, and though I am not a Jedi, I believe that I can be of some use. I have half of a squadron of E-wings with me. What is your current position, we will come to you.


-Sikaot Out


--End Comm--

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Kirlocca paced the bridge of the Liberty. He was longing to do something in this battle besides a side line aid, although, Kirlocca did understand how important that was. The Jedi master was like a caged animal, or so, that's what the bridge crew of the Liberty thought. He finally stood still and allowed the force to calm him down. He wasn't use to having to stand on the side lines, but he would accept it and move on like a Jedi.


As he was maintaining the force meld and battle meditation, Kirlocca received a message through the force from Onderin, requesting his aid in battling the negative force pressure against the Alliance crew. Onderin had already pulled from his Battle Meditation twice to combat it, beating Kirlocca to the punch. Kirlocca decided that He could handle battling the dark side mind power. He reached into the force and sent Onderin a reply.


"I'll see what I can do."


Kirlocca reached deeper into the force and began to find the source of this dark energy that kept attacking the Alliance crew members. He found the presence quickly. Kirlocca quickly began to pull thoughts from crew members, thoughts of victory, thoughts of reinforcements, thoughts of of the death of Imperials, Kirlocca collected them all and bundle them all together into one thought. Kirlocca reached out through the force and placed them all in Geki's mind.


Kirlocca knew they wouldn't do much, but it was necessary to see how he would react to the, in his mind, negative thoughts of a thousand Alliance crew members. Once the task had been done, Kirlocca waited for a response, or attack from Geki on his own mind.

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Tendons and flesh were healed, at an alaraming rate. Well alarming for a none jedi that is. He would be fine, given a bit more time. He briefly took pause to resadate his... prisoner of war, before retuning back to his healing trance.



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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To say that Nom's sudden retaliation to Quietus' destructive powers was unexpected would be making an understatement. The Dark Lord had felt the rising hated, the rising darkness in Nom as he pumped blast after blast of Force lightning through the Jedi's body, but he did not expect Nom to dip into the darkness and use it against the Dark Lord.


Quietus therefore, found himself soaring through the air across the docking bay, towards the cleverly laid trap by Nom. The problem was, that Nom had once again underestimated the Dark Lord of the Sith. Even the most well laid plans fall apart without a true understanding of your opponent, which Nom failed to get. As Quietus flew through the air, he noticed the two lightsabers awaiting his flesh to sink into, and gave a brief mental kudos to Nom for a well set up plan, but was disappointed that the plan was not very well executed.


As Quietus flew across the docking bay, he stretched out his hands and sent a Force blast against the floor of the docking bay, enough of a force to crumple the floor plate before pushing back against Quietus, launching him upwards, above the spot where the lightsabers awaited him. The blast also managed to slow him down slightly as Quietus landed against the wall in a sort of crouch before 'jumping' to the ground behind the lightsabers that were meant to impale him. As he fell there was a flash of light as he ignited his own saber and slashed through the handles of the two sabers that Nom had placed there, rendering them useless pieces of junk on the ground.


Nom had made a very fatal flaw in leaving his own weapons hangin in the air so from him, and close to the Dark Lord, and Quietus knew this. He gazed across the docking bay at Nom, but this time, the Dark Lord kept his mouth shut. Instead, he bombarded Nom's newly 'dark' touched mind with all manor of disturbing ans angry thoughts. By tapping into the Dark side of the Force, Nom had lowered every mental barrier that his Jedi training had taught him. The darkness was inside Nom's mind, proving to be a back door into his thoughts for the Dark Lord of the Sith.


Quietus was not one to leave a golden opportunity go to waste, and continued to bombard Nom with dark destructive thoughts, images of slaughtered and mutilated innocents, and even began to twist Nom's own memories against him. The image of his former master flashed before his eyes, a look of disgust and utter fear on his face. What have you done Nom?! he mouthed from inside the Jedi's memories. Next came the terrified face of Scorp, the only Jedi who had seen what Nom had just done. His face was twisted with pain and fear as Force lightning ravaged his body, and then the source of the pain became apparent as Nom stared back at his own face, his golden eyes now turned blood crimson with rage, hatred and darkness as Nom killed his own Jedi brother. Nom was laughing in his own mind. The constant assault of memories and images began to take it's toll on Nom, pounding his mind, concentration and mental barriers into rubble. If the assault continued for too much longer, given the back door to Nom's mind that the Dark Lord was using, Nom would be reduced to a blubbering drooling vegetable of a Jedi.


Quietus continued to shatter Nom's very sanity with his mind, while his hand moved to the gauntlet on his arm. The gauntlet, the very piece of technology that controlled Quietus' ship the Ogariv II purred to life, and Quietus took the controls of his ship remotely. Using the various maneuvering jets located on the tips of the Starfury's wings, Quietus turned his ship to face Nom's back, it's dual quad cannons now aimed directly at his back. But that would not satisfy The Dark Lord of the Sith nearly as much as his backup, as he armed a concussion missile in it's tube, and aimed it at Nom as well.


Quietus continued to destroy Nom's Jedi from within, waiting for the very split second the Jedi showed any sign of movement. It would not take very long for any action Nom took to reach the Dark Lord on the other side of the hanger, but it was long enough that whatever move he made would be his last.


"What a waste of a perfectly capable destructive mind... But in the end, you Jedi are all the same. But in the end, you gave me a good fight Nom... Just as I had expected and hoped you would."


(3 Indeed. May the best man win. Nice moves Ready for Mod Decision now)


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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Delta opened fir at the incoming Rebel ships, Melting down thier shields and killing a few of them as his lasers ripped through thier shields.

Where is that bloody man Gren?....


He heard Crosa yell something as he too scored a few kills an the Rebels burst by. Then Delta saw a group of B-wings he opened fire...




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((Well, I suppose I'll go first I guess if no one else is going to))


A one-winged angel descended from the ethereal realm into the hangar of the rebel ship, his essence exuding the very light resurrecting itself back inside of the soul of Ulos Rolan. Impending fatality hung thickly in the air, lingering in the viscid atmosphere and falling upon the silent quartet aboard the ship. A jedi knight and an exile would enter the field of battle with two masters of darkness, the siths' shades of black seeking to engulf the light as they had consumed the lives of the soldiers before them. However, even as their chances deteriorated to mere grim hopes of survival in the eyes of a mortal, the eyes of the force allowed for a more pleasant objectivity, for reality is bent to the perception of fate's will... regardless of how stacked thing can be.


I shall extinguish the shadows.


Eyes of crimson flame met the face of his ally, two separate entities ready to work as one single unit in order to complement each other throughout this bout. Their movements would be as though they were but two limbs working in a single body, unscripted grace deftly achieved through the unity of their cause. When such a marvelous thing occurs, impossibility transforms into mere myth. This is the power of the jedi, the power of the light side.


As some semblance of unification was reached between the two jedi, Ulos unclipped the metallic hilts from his belt and ignited the golden blades. With a snap hiss, the white beams crept into life and began to cast their illumination upon the chiseled features of the knight. Their reverberating buzz was a soothing accompaniment, the melodic consistency proving a pleasant constant in a galaxy where such was a rarity.


While the sabers ignited, the pure souls of those who fell valiantly were gripped mid-ascent in their transcendence to the empyreal heavens. They were twisted, contorted into restless abominations. While they rose, the very desecration and defilement of their stainless dignity was a painful symbol to the exile as to what may become of him should he fall in vain. His thoughts couldn't help but dwell upon the irony of how the bodies of these rebels were betraying the cause they had once served while aboard a vessel donned the Hand of Honor


These bodies didn't deserve what had been brought upon them. These two vile creatures had placed this upon them, this pair of monstrosities that shook these frostbitten and blaster battered bodies from their placid eternity, and now they would be forced to pay for their grave error.


I will not allow this.


He noticed the one he had felt out in the void of space walking to the other side of the bodies as they rose, her steps guided through them as they submitted to their master and removed themselves from her path. There is a lovely thing about some rebel soldiers other than their willingness to protect the weak at any cost, and that is the weapons that they bear. Attached to the sides of some of the rising soldiers laid indolent spheres of metal, the thermal energy seething within their cores begging to be released.


Within seconds, the serene silence preceding the storm erupted. Four of the thermal detonators from the belts of the soldiers exploded in magnificent clouds of flame, seeking to swallow their captor and free these men from the prisons in which they had been immured.


As the immolation began, the vivid ruby irises of the exile met a nearly matching blade of energy, held by an avatar of shadow. Even the very air surrounding the wielder was suffused with an eldritch taint, an obfuscation emitted from his very pores. Ulos simply stood, an unwavering monument. He was speaking through the force to certain individuals, and surely the figure before him would be able to sense that. The exile wouldn't make the mistake of rushing head on into this foe, and was simply content to allow this man to make the first move. There was a power about this one that forced caution upon his actions, for the slightest slip could mean death.


Or worse... failure...

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*Geki's mental defences are far too sophisticated to be breached by such a simplistic mental attack, and in any event the thoughts and feelings of the grunts in such a battle rate somewhere in his estimation between amusing and irrelevant. Such trivial beings are bantha fodder, destined to die for their superiors.


Geki concentrates on his mental shields momentarily, reinforcing them, before turning attention to the crew of the Fell Hammer. The vessel was being targeted by multiple Rebel snub fighters, their persistent attacks like the irritating buzzing of a mayfly who insists on flying near your head even though it will eventually cost it its life.*


'Delta, please engage the Rebel forces attacking the Fell Hammer.'


*Geki reaches into the minds of the crew and, drawing from the dark pool being generated by Draken, uses it to strengthen their resolve and coordinate their actions into a single, cohesive unit controlled by him...*


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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::With the loss of their commander, the Chiss seemed to be in total disarray. Or perhaps they realized that they were going to die, and had entered into some form of simple acceptance. Either way, the Nightbringers launched sub atomic compression bombs across Csilla, targeting military hangars and defensive structures and destroying them in brilliant explosions. Dagon didn't bother with targeting the civilian populaces, that was the Empire's own dirty work to do. With the mission complete, Dagon was now free to pursue his own agenda.


No longer deep inside the archives, Dagon could sense the familliar presence more clearly. It shifted inside his head like an oily serpent or a turbulent ocean. Following the presence to its source, he found a wrecked ship with the pilot inside, barely alive.::


I need a medical team here, extract him from the ship and revive him aboard the Liberator.


Soldiers: Yes sir. What about the archive reseachers, should we secure them here?


No, detain them and load them up. for all we know they may shortly be the last of their species, and I'll want to harvest their genetic makeup.


::With the archives stored aboard the Liberator and Darkwatch's mission complete, they leave the system.::


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Kirlocca stood ready for something to come from Geki, but nothing ever came. Kirlocca feeling a little disappointed, decided that he would have to try something more.


Obviously, I'm dealing with no novice.


Kirlocca reach out and drew on the force. He slowly began to use the force to create an illusion of the Liberty, masking and building it right over the original. The Jedi master also drew on the force to hide the Liberty, so that it would look like there was only one. Once Kirlocca had created the illusion, he had it move forward towards the Super Star Destroyer, with the intent of 'ramming' it.


Kirlocca also began to drop the Force Meld slowly and Battle Meditation. Kirlocca was unable to concentrate fully on what he was about to do and still keep up the current aid the his allies. As the 'Liberty' raced towards the Super Star Destroyer, Kirlocca searched out the bow of the ship, finding a weak spot that he could use his force power of Combustion.

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OOC: Challenge declined... while I think I have an even chance of beating you, this battle is to be resolved by other means.



Only through his full concentration was Onderin able to keep his crew sane. He felt Kirlocca's aid slowly declining and worked harder himself to keep everyone stable. But he also felt something in Kirlocca's mind that meant that he had a plan to stop this for good.


The Jedi Master continued to sit, eyes closed and legs crossed, on the bridge of the Justiciar, fighting a battle that no eyes could see.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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*Geki notes with alarm that one of the Rebel capital ships has broken off and is heading straight for the Fell Hammer. He reacts instantaneously, coordinating the crew through the Force, and is on the cusp of giving the evacuation order when he realises something is not quite right here.*




*The Rebels are notorious for their pompous and self-righteous sense of morality, and it is certainly does not fall within their self-imposed system of values to ram a capital ship with a fully-crewed capital ship of their own. Why, then, would they do such a thing? Geki has an inkling, but he isn't quite sure yet. He is, however, willing to gamble.*


'Fire with our bow turbolasers on the Rebel craft Liberty.'


'Aye, sir.'


*The turbolasers hum to life and a storm of laser fire streaks towards the inbound Rebel craft...*


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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Armiena acknowledged Admiral Starlisk's transmission with a brief double-click from her comm board. She didn't have time to do anything else, as a pair of stubborn TIE Interceptors had found her tail and were attempting to stitch the rear of her vessel with well-aimed blasts from their laser cannons. Experienced men, she admitted, pursing her lip as she whirled the Bleeding Star in a corkscrew maneuver that sent her starfighter through the fading fire of a deceased A-Wing. Both Interceptors hung on, too experienced to be beguiled by such an unplanned evasion and too skilled for her laser cannon turrets to pick off.


I don't have time for this... Armiena snarled to herself. For every moment she spent in space trying to evade these clowns, the ground forces on board the Fell Hammer had another to fortify against the assault that must have been spotted rising from the hangars of the Justiciar.


Fortunately, a pair of E-Wings dove down from above them, interrupting the TIEs' persistant attack with a sudden burst of ruby laser bolts. Armiena commed a brief thanks to the brave pilots as she veered away towards the flight group of transports, towards her personal war. Armiena briefly acknowledged the offer of Cadio Sikaot's aid during the grueling fight that was sure to come.


"Commander, any help will be welcome. For the moment, my... attachment will require interference so they can board that Super Star Destroyer--take your men ahead, hit the port weaponry, and strafe up the command superstructure. I may need your men to hit a specific location later." As Armiena's battalion proceeded through their rocky journey to the Super Star Destroyer that dominated the Imperial formation, the Jedi Grandmaster kept a close eye on their precarious position, flitting between the Rebel ships like a deadly dragonfly. She was pleased to note that wherever her ship patrolled, the Empire's starfighters seemed somewhat reluctant to engage them. Fear and wariness was perceptible beneath the half-hearted attempts at harrassing their assault, and in spite of herself, Armiena grinned.


The Imperials were learning to fear what she could do in battle. Armiena knew that exploiting fear went against nearly all interpretations of the Jedi Code--she was a bit leery of it, herself--but if they became reluctant to engage her, it would give her a crucial advantage that would probably save lives, even those of the Imperials.


As the formation neared the Imperial command ship, Armiena surged her craft forward and issued orders for the E-Wing squadron that accompanied to fire a salvo of missiles upon the vast ship's flank. Juking through a storm of emerald fire that would have vaporized her ship if even one of the beams scored a direct hit, the Bleeding Star closed with the Super Star Destroyer and raced up its flank, firing indiscriminantly on any target that appeared remotely vital to the ship's operation.


The men operating the shield generators might have been puzzled to find that her blasts were causing an inordinate amount of damage to the ship's shields. It was almost as though the craft's cannons were firing low-grade warheads, albeit with an extremely short range. That nuisance, however, was magnified when a squadron's worth of concussion missiles added their fury, severely damaging the flagship's beleagered shields.


Seconds later, a very different threat came swirling into the Fell Hammer, a series of Rebel assault shuttles stuffed almost beyond capacity with brave soldiers, and Armiena Draygo in her starfighter. For a moment, none of them left their ships; they simply tracked their turrets over the surface of the hangar, cutting down stormtroopers and other fleet personnel with weapons that were designed to take out starfighters. It wasn't until the firing began to die down that they finally disembarked from their transports.


Armiena immediately began speaking with one of the platoon leaders, a male Gotal who had survived the war long enough to reach past the prime of his life. She knew very well how badly the odds were against them, and also how crucial the first few minutes were. It was in this time that the Imperials would be able to most readily smash their assault with a single stroke, but Armiena planned to take precautions to ensure that it would be an impossibility.


"Sargeant, take your men..." Armiena jerked her head back to the rear of the hangar. "Take one of the AT-AT's and have them kneel it in front of these blast doors. Have your demolitions expert... jam the doors closed." Armiena knew that such an action would make it more difficult for reinforcements to reach them--they would have to enter through another hangar--but it also removed the possibility of the Imperials simply shutting down the magcon field generator and tossing their bodies out into space.


The officer also realized this, and the Alliance soldiers had already accepted that this mission would be filed under the category of "Do-Or-Die"--either they would complete their mission, or they could count on a very short existance consisting of torture, humiliation, interrogation, and eventually execution.


Armiena allowed the soldiers a few seconds to prepare and swarm from the interior of their shuttles, using it to retrieve a few items from the tiny cargo hold of her starfighter. Meanwhile, a dull thud resonated from the mechanisms that operated the massive sheet of durasteel that separated the hangar from vacuum, and the entire thing slammed shut, cutting the boarding party off from everything except death or victory--anything else would have to come from another hangar.


Armiena patiently waited along with her attachment at the blast doors that lead deeper into the ship, admiring the steady footfalls of their appropriated AT-AT. She idly fidgeted with her equipment, running her fingertips along the angular hilts of her lightsabers, waiting for the opportunity to come to begin the assault.


They had only one way to go.




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Kirlocca panicked as the Super Star Destroyer opened fire on his illusion. He quickly drew upon the force to aid him as he had to make it look like the 'Liberty's' shields took the blast in stride as if it were real. Once the first barrage had finished, Kirlocca knew that he would not be able to do that for much longer. The Jedi master quickly altered his strategy, forgetting about using his rare ability and concentrated on another ability that would require less energy, and one that might give the surrounding ships the advantage once again.


Kirlocca drew his attention from keeping the illusion up to finding the bridge crew of the Fell Hammer. Once Kirlocca had done so, the Super opened fire on the illusion, revealing that it was in fact, an illusion. At that exact moment, Kirlocca used the force to Malacia on the bridge crew of the Fell Hammer.




That should be within my characters limits.

Edited by Guest
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Just stepping in to make a ruling that the above is probablt a bit much for even a Jedi master.


I'll give you the illusion so the Fell Hammer missed its mark since I'm feeling generous today, but the force attack on the bow is asking too much of FU powers.



The monarch of madness has returned!


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since March 2002.]

[2nd in Command of the Lords of Hate since March 2002.]

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Remaining far removed from the battle, the Hutt vessels remained in Csilla space. It wasn't like they would have been able to go any place, anyways. At least, not until they got far enough to escape the gravity well or it was destroyed. The news of Rihn's death, however, sent a shock through the fleet. Drell had pulled out his troops on the planet and called for a retreat from the battle field the second the news arrived. One Discril-class attack cruisers and marauder-class corvette sat in watching the tiny lights of weapons fire and explosions, a text based message was received by the ship.


They trap has been laid. Let no imperials leave until our good deeds are done.


As the communications officer read it off to the captain there was a long pause. He wasn't sure what to think or what it meant.


"Sir? Your orders?"


"Uh... I don't know. We'll hold position outside of the battlefield for now. Can you give my any information on the source of that transmission?"


"I'm working on it... but no. All I know right now is that it was definitely high level security encryption."


"Then how do you access it so quickly?"


"It was Hutt encryption."


There was a pause until the officer quickly looked down at his console again.


"Sir, I'm receiving another communication. There is a request to forward an audio message to the rebel Admiral."


Captain Drell raised an eyebrow.


"Forward it to my room. I'll take a look at the message and decide from there."


"You can't."




The officer points to his screen.


"The authorization code. You have to verify it before I can send the message. But I'm pretty sure it is valid."


Quickly moving over to the console, Drell looked over the officer's shoulder.


"Good God!"


Jidai Geki said:
Hmm... the possibilities for new atrocities just widened with the advent of a new RP baby...
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His calf was for the most part healed, only scar tissue really remained, as for the lightsaber slash scross his chest. Well at this point he could not only breathe properly again, but he could use a lightsaber to an extent. No doubt would be force to modify his style a bit to account for the slight loss of mobility. Though he figure given more time and he would be as good as new.


He took pause to sediate his former apprentice again, only to keep him subdued. Then he returned to his healing trance.



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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Forgive me for taking so long. I have been very sick and just not feeling like looking at a computer screen. Raynuk wins. Very well fought on both sides of course as usual you guys don't make it easy.

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(Awesome fight man... Onea these days you'll beat me, I know it. )


It had been a very long time since Darth Quietus had killed a Jedi, so long in fact, that he was almost sorry that it was Nom that would have to bear the brunt of the Dark Lord's pent up aggression and hated for his kind. Quietus let go the mental bombardment inside Nom's head and watched the Jedi collapse to one knee gasping for air. It was clear that the Jedi had put everything he had into curbing the onslaught of his mind, and was virtually defenseless as he knelt gasping for the air that he hoped would save him.


But there would be no salvation for Nom this day, not at the hands of Darth Quietus, especially not when he faced down the Dark Lord of the Sith. With a malicious grin, Quietus kicked off the ground and soared through the air, covering the distance between him and his prey in less then a second. As he came down from his arc, the Dark Lord ignited his twin blades, one in each hand, and as he landed in front of Nom, there was a flash of light, and an agonized scream of pain that erupted from the Jedi's vocal cords. As Scorp looked on, he watched both arms of Nom fall from his body and land next to his feet. smoldering slightly as the stink of burt flesh filled the area. Quietus stood and looked down at the Jedi before him, drinking in the look of pain and anguish on his face.


"You will never defeat me Nom... So long as I draw breath, you and your kind are doomed to extinction."


Without another word, Quietus lifted Nom off his feet with a force choke, and hovered him in the air in front of him. With the same devilish grin on his face, Quietus again ignited his black lightsaber, and with an almost casual swing of his arm, decapitated Nom. His head popped up into the air, spinning and spiraling, as his body slumped back down to the ground.

As Nom's head finally returned to the ground with a very sickening thud and crunch of broken bones, the Dark Lord reached down and took Nom's lightsabers, hooking them on his belt beside his own. They would be his trophies for now, along with Nom's head, which Quietus was sure he could find a wonderful place for.

HIs business with Nom done, the Dark Lord turned his attention to the only remaining target on the ship.




Reaching down again, Quietus picked up both of Nom's arms, and threw them at lightning speed at the back of Scorp's head, utterly shattering both a bone or two in the arm, as well as the Jedi's healing trance.

"I will give you but one chance to flee this ship Jedi... Alone. The pup stays with me."


He motioned to the now lifeless body of Achzet.


"Leave now, or pay the price as your Jedi friend did. I warn you... You will get neither a second chance to leave, or a chance to fight me."


Tapping his gauntlet again, the Ogariv II spun again, and faced Scorp this time, clearly aiming at him.


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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