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A Modified ARC-170 pulled out of hyperspace not too far off from Csilla. Kirlocca took a quick look at his scanners, showing the battle that was now raging above the planet. Even from the distance the Jedi master was at, he could still make out the Imperial and Alliance crafts exchanging fire. Kirlocca moved his starfighter into a better position to enter the battle.


As Kirlocca made his entry, he could tell that he could not help the Alliance from his starfighter, that he was better off elsewhere. He opened a channel to Admiral Starlisk and all Alliance friendly ships.


"This is Jedi Master Kirlocca, I won't be much of aid from my starfighter, You got use for Battle meditation?"


Kirlocca knew that the technique had not been used from the Jedi for a while, but since it was all Kirlocca could offer...



((Battle Meditation =a manifestation of the Force which instilled in the mediator's allies a greater morale in battle and reduced the enemy's will to fight. Using the Force, one could coordinate entire fleets of ships, allowing them to perform at maximum efficiency, acting as one to counter every enemy move quickly and effectively.))

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The mess hall supported a comfortable atmosphere as Nom and his former apprentice dinned over a particularly delicious meal. It had been a long time since the Jedi Master had ever consumed something so filling. When running from one end of the galaxy to the other, prepacked food stamps left the body somewhat dissatisfied. Yet the temperamental state of his stomach soon ebbed as a plentiful harvest of nutrition appeased it. Nom Anorus could only smile at the thought of a full stomach, a luxury he enjoyed quite extensively at this moment.


A calm before the storm indeed.... Nom thought to himself as he exchanged grimaces with his apprentice. The irony of the situation seemed limitless. He finally had a chance eat, yet the battle looming remained all too inevitable.


"Just once I wish a meal could settle..."


Nom's futile hope proved just that as the Force exploded in his mind. The Dark Side was present like a submerging cloud looking to blot out the sun. He could feel the shadow creeping across the horizon, tainting the icy world with a tangible malice.


Scorpio, obviously attuned to the Force as well, felt the same warning. Nom took off almost immediately, following right behind the heels of his equal. The two Jedi Knights converged immediately within the hanger, the expansive room housing Scorpio's dependable ship.


"It's time to see what this bucket of bolts can really do." Nom spoke with a smirk, yet behind the apparent jest came a sense of forlorn depravity. He could only sigh as he looked into the far reaches of space. Small explosions littered the horizon as the battle begun.



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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The Shrieking Talon descended from the majestic oblivion of space to enter the sobering reality of sublight speed. Gears churned within the escort shuttle as the three unwavering wings of the predatory bird loomed in over the chaotic scenery below. Anarchy laid her unmistakable scent along the air, Death's mistress ready to make her appearance known to the likes of the galaxy once more. Intoxicated by the aroma, the sith lord aboard the shuttle answered the call to arms.


It has been too long since I've seen combat.




These words were spoken by the welcome voice of the monstrosity this sith lord had become so accustomed to. A fallen brother at the hands of his own blade now guided him, the susurrus whispers of darkness in his ear wrapping around his mind with their undeniable logic. While this abomination had previously been nothing more than a hindrance to withstand, now his wisdom was accepted and benefited from. The duo would work in harmony, connected through the deep evil that resides in all sith.


As sallow hands manipulated the controls of the shuttle, the scene of utmost chaos before him seemed to transform once more. His eyes, caved into the deception, had believed in the false projections of the silver majesties known as star destroyers. Yet, upon further inspection and through the eyes of the force, such deception was removed in favor of the one true sight: sight through the force. Invariably, the will of the force sought to evade his indomitable grip. Equally invariably, it bowed to his whim and allowed him to dawn the eyes of a power far greater than the optical limitations placed upon the physical realm. One must transcend one's self to see the whole picture.


Before the next breaths escaped the Krath's mouth, his vocal cords contorted into some demonized alternative of what they were. His throat burned with the enlivening sensation of flaming spirit, each word uttered comprised of a combination between the man's own voice and the guttural intensity of the one who dwelled within.


Edited by Guest


Sasori said:
Travis said:
Why would you side with a group that is composed of some of the largest douche criminal scum from around the world?

To annoy you.

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Infinite darkness laid host to the splendor of stars, planets, and the pulsating roar of life continuing in its tremulous rhythm as it neared infinity. Despite the luminous brilliance of the greatest sphere and despite the most wondrous diversity and aesthetic beauty crafted into any planet, this heartbeat is what drove the galaxy. It was the culmination of many heartbeats beating together in dulcet harmony, sonorous cries coupled with low, passive hums of peace to form one breath-taking orchestra.


For too long now, a certain man had been stifling such a system as best he could with his own self-mutilation. An addict fallen back upon old habits wasting away as the galaxy watched him snuff out his own ephemeral existence with amazing dedication. His own heart that had once given to the cause of the light had betrayed the order, his exile searing it until blackened holes riddled its terrain. However, such a heart could be redeemed. It took a memory to mend him:


Ulos' muscular frame emerged from the darkness of the cave, the black maw that had swallowed his frame relenting to the dim light of Dagobah once more. Eldritch orbs of crimson met the kind glare from his master, Darex Travellian. The padawan had just ascended from the Hell the jedi knight had helped him withstand through his teachings and training, and now the words that escaped his lips seemed all the more essential... almost as though the very concept of Fate spoke them herself.


"I went to the entrance and faced a demon. Eventually I triumphed, and spared his life. I learned that I shouldn't forget the past, for then I am subject to repeat it, but I won't let anything affect my future."


Darex's stoic expression was undaunted by the fact Ulos was evading the tale of his past, stowing away the complete truth of his affairs previous to the jedi far from the prying eyes of the galaxy. It was the words that the man said next that hadn't left his mind since the memory had plunged itself into his brain. It was unrelenting, every syllable scorching his ears until he finally actually listened.


"I have found that the past had a way of coming back and confronting you. You can't run away from your problems. Believe me, I've tried it. And you've just met her. Ulos, to be a Jedi is to let go of your past life and be mindful of the present. But it doesn't mean hiding or denying that past, no matter what it is. You won't be entirely comfortable until you confront your past, learn from it, and then move on."


Now as those same words rung in his ears, sundering all indecision with its sagacious grip, Ulos Rolan entered the space of Csilla. As Salvation's Dagger exited the obscured blur of hyperspace, the name of the T-84 Star-wing far more appropriate now than ever, the pilot at the controls sought something more than to just answer the call of his former brethren. He was after a far more elusive ideal, the lingering jewel dangled in front of his eyes for far too long without any action. Now he was leaping toward it, hand outstretched in anxious anticipation.


I will grasp it... I have to...

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OOC: This post was delayed considerably due to certain delays taken by mods to get back to me on the destruction of the Doubtless. This post is inspired by the fact that the capital ship, being far from Csilla when the bombs went off, would have taken quite some time to reach the planet, offering ample time for such actions as these.



Onderin Starlisk fought for control over his shuttle as he piloted it out of the falling Doubtless as it reached Csilla's atmosphere. He was among the last to evacuate, and he had seen the ship down the whole way. It was his responsibility as the Admiral to see to the evacuation of all personnel, and he had only left due to the advanced stage of his flagship's plummet.


Engines kicked on and he rolled the inagile Lambda-class ship through some tight maneuvers, his crew helping him gun his way out through the falling wreckage.


It had been tight, but he still lived. Moving the Lambda up towards the Justiciar, which he would use as a command ship for the battle that now raged overhead, the Jedi Master was careful not to enter one of the many dogfights that had come up.


It wasn't long before he was aboard and it took only a few minutes more to reach the bridge. There, he surveyed the battle. The Imperial fleet was semi-impressive, with several Star Destroyers, but it wasn't truly as large as he had thought it could be. This was reinforced by the fact that one of the Imperial II's had just disappeared into thin air, apparently some sort of advanced illusion.


The Admiral's presence was welcomed, at any rate, and the fighting had barely begun.


He sent out a fleet-wide comm. "Flank the Imperials," he said simply. He had taken the time upon arrival to position his ships as to be able to make a nice, clean pincer movement on the Star Destroyers when they arrived, and this was the time to execute it. Immediately the five MC90a's closed in on either side of the Imperial fleet, which currently had more firepower than the Rebels, but not by much.


And besides, should things turn poor, there were more Alliance starships back at base. He sent out another comm to the fleet. "I need volunteers to board Imperial starships. I'd advise that you make sure they're not illusions before beginning the boarding process."


OOC Note: "Volunteers" is my IC word for PCs.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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OOC: The Emperor's Pride is, in fact, the Acklay-II.


OOC [EDIT]: Scorp, I really don't think so. The Interdictor is guarded by the SSD and an ISD-II, which lie between the Rebel fleet and the Interdictor. Please null that or I'll ask a mod to.


*The Intangible winks out of existence as its usefulness draws to a close and it becomes instead a drain on Geki's powers.


Geki, standing on the bridge of the Fell Hammer with hands clasped to the small of his back and his eyes closed, is stretched to his limit with the subtle manipulation of millions of minds to cause a... trick of the light, as it were. The stress of maintaining an illusion on such a grand scale is considerable, but Geki's years of experience and his retraining at the hands of the Sith Seductress Alora and the formidable Sith Master Jareth Vermillios, themselves former apprentices of Geki, had seen to it that his mastery of telepathy had reached unprecedented levels.


The maintenance of the illusion is not without its price, however; Geki has lost his passive awareness of the Force as a whole, and as such barely notices the arrival of the Jedi Grandmaster Armiena Draygo. He is also not in a position to combat the battle meditation of the Wookiee Kirlocca.


Sweat springing up on his scarred brow, Geki continues the masquerade over Csilla, the red herrings ever concealed amidst the sharks...*




OOC: no time to post a fleet response at the moment, sorry! Will get to it later.


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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Scorp is on the interdictor. And, EVERYONE in this thread start rp'ing right and quit whining or everyone dies a horrible greusome death at my hand. Like a half a dozen voices suddenly cried out and were silenced type stuff.

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OOC((Point of interest, the fleet rules say that the battles to determine the victor takes place on the flagship(or whichever ship becomes the command ship if the flagship is destroyed through non fleet means. Which means that if you're not in a dog fight or on one of the flagships, you're probably an idiot.


PS-That yellow color text kills my eyes Jareth.))


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((OOC: Sorry I was at a wedding the last few days. Geki if comms are jammed how are you getting communicating with others? Stick to a standard or don't bother at all.))


Gren had been about to put the fighters on standby when it happened... Emergency klaxons began erupting all over the ship. Seconds later the launch order came and Gren kicked his E-Wing into flight. Activating his comm and tuning it to the Alliance squadron channels he swore as a burst of static blocked off communications...


Going to have to play this one by ear Gren thought... Standard Operating Procedure as he had been running it was to have the A-Wings hold off the enemy bombers, the B-Wings attack the enemy capital ships and the E-Wings dogfight the enemy fighters... Smiling as exactly that happened he nodded... The squadron leaders were some of the finest the Alliance had...


Maneuvering into a head on run against the swiftly advancing ties he felt more then saw the Sentinels form up behind him... Not through the force... But with something more... A bond formed by combat and danger... Death and life... Brotherhood and Sisterhood... Smiling grimly he switched over to torpedoes and targeted a Tie... When he got a solid tone Gren fired a single proton torpedo... It screamed forward.. Straight at the enemy fighter... Who tried to dodge to starboard to try and avoid it... For a few seconds it worked... Until the proximity detector exploded the torp... Taking out the fighter and his wingmate in a hail of shrapnel and fire... Any further losses he didn't see as eleven other torpedoes flew past him and hammered the Tie squadrons...


Then it was in the mix.... Forming into a loose pincer the Alliance E-Wings engaged the Ties into wingmates.. Gren keeping an eye on the overall situation... Watched as two squadrons of A-Wings hammered into wing of Tie Bombers... The Alliance fighters were making a good go of it. Even as the bombers began pummeling various Imperial capital ships even as the greater mass of Alliance Starfighters engaged the enemy fighters...

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The battle was well under way at this point in time, with the capitol ships bombarding each other and the smaller snubfighters scurrying around them like insects. While the favor had initially been in the Empire's favor, the arrival of several Jedi warriors and their fighters had slowly turned the favor away from then. There were explosions everywhere as smaller snubfighters exploded into balls of fire, and with the battle being so intense, no one seemed to notice the arrival of one more ship.


But there was no doubt the Jedi felt it.


The Ogariv II, proud ship and fighter for the current Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Quietus, appeared in real space just outside of the field of the Vortex immidaitly upon arrival, Quietus reached out to Geki.


My brother, you have sent a cry for help, and I have heard it. Let our enemies tremble this day at the return of the Sith. Where do you need me my brother?


As he waited for a response from Geki, Quietus reached out and touched the mind of all those who felt him strongest (aka all the Force Users)


Death, Destruction, and Darkness has returned to claim the galaxy and your lives once more... Feel my power, know my words to be true. Darth Quietus has returned...

To some, this blasted message to their minds inspired them (The Sith) and to seemingly many more, it instilled a feeling of dread (The Jedi). But neither would deny that the fight was about to get even more interesting.


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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A small gleaming streak of blue and silver could be seen streaming through the darkness that was space. The reflections of light all around the object made it glow. Suddenly, it stopped, turned, and bolted towards the large battle that had ensued upon the Chiss homeworld known as Csilla.


The cockpit was filled by one man. A man who had gone through so much pain and suffering throughout his life. A man who has experienced loss oh so many times. It was the Sith Lord, titled, Lord Achzet. He had been on Korriban for so long training and finally leaving his unworthy apprentice, but now he has returned to quench his unrelentless bloodlust.


He flew in close to the flagship and sent a direct comm to all Imperial ships within the area.




"This is Lord Achzet. I have been gone for oh too long my brothers, but now I have returned to fight for the Sith and spill the blood of all enemies. Where am I needed brothers?"


End COMM________

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Dominique acknowledged Geki's comm and watched as Viktor redirected the ship for the Hand of Honor. She could feel the arrival of several prominent Sith and a handful that had been missing for the past couple of months. It felt good to know that when they were needed, they would rally behind their cause”¦but it didn't change the fact that they all but abandoned the Sith during every other time.


She vaguely heard Viktor's voice as he got the okay to board the ship. With a subtle application of the force she was able to divert enemy fighters away from her freighter, thus making their trip easier. Many would die here today, Dominique wondered how many Sith would be counted among those many”¦So out of practice, so out of touch with each other that they could only rely on their own dulled skills.


Her ship touched down in the docking bay of the Hand of Honor”¦

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Kirlocca, doing his best to keep from engaging any fighter, Kept his distance from the whole battle as he kept up his Battle Meditation. Despite feeling Darth Quietus' presence, Kirlocca held his Battle Meditation, keeping the enemy's will to fight down. While Kirlocca was unable to aid in coordinating the Alliance fleet, Kirlocca did increase the will of the Alliance personnel to fight harder.


As he held up the Battle Meditation from a far, Kirlocca began to search out the main enemy of this battle. Kirlocca had to find a way to make him or her back down in this fight and retreat, which was an impossible task to begin with, but to find the main leader, was something even harder to complete.

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A small probe droid entered the system of Csilla on a direct rendezvous with the planet of Csilla. It buzzed about until it was just out of reach of the tremendous battle below and sent an encrypted message to the starship Ogariv II.


Only a voice recording could be heard. And an unfamiliar voice spoke but it was as affluent as its holder's old voice once was.


"My Lord, this is Sith Lord Nokrt. I am afraid I am currently indisposed at the moment and cannot fight for my comrades the Chiss or the Sith. However, I beg of you to not bring the Sith into the battle which is no doubt underway on Csilla. There is little I can offer you to change your mind, but I can ensure you the loyalty of the Chiss to the Sith Order, and that they will give you any services you need, but we must be independent from the Empire. If you cannot agree to this deal I will certainly understand your reasons, but lease take my offer into account.


Send this droid with reply to code: Xz3rtY6


it will find its way to me."


The message ended and the droid awaited a return comm.

Edited by Guest


Resident Tech and Video Game Geek


Well, crap, Sasori is correct.
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If there is a desire for peace, we must understand war. This entire breadth of space was polluted in it however and countless men here weren't at near's end to understand, nor accept war. He could foretell that this was just another blood bath justified with sheer insolence and at this point, the scene had become inescapable, he pitied them all. Exodus, in mid-thought, released a stubborn breath from his hooded features in boredom and watched as it's chill bearded the controls beneath his metallic gauntlets. He swept his midnight wardrobe across it and witnessed another surplus of endless victims blink onto his radar; the more the merrier.


The Hand of Honor; a familiar ship at best, or at least a concept model that reminded him of another neared his location. He didn't bother with the dramatic announcement of his arrival, nor the boast and bluster of his known capabilities; those who knew him, knew what he could do and if his presence was felt, the unease would arise. Exodus appropriated his thrusters and propped his speed for landing on the impressive vessel before long. His starfighter remained identical to the crafts that were being released and since the communications seemed to be distorted to an extent, he preferred to just land and show face once it was required; they'd find out who he was.


(Short post.)

Edited by Guest


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A E-wing came flying out of space. With in the E-wing was the jedi master known as Damon. He had recived a message on his way to the Last Call telling him of the battle taking place. Without little wasted time Damon had made good time to the out skirts of the battle. Off in the distince he could see manythigns unfoliding and getting ready. He also saw many thigns taking place. In this E-wing Damon sent a message to all memebers of his department.


[This is a message to all memebers of Special Operations. What are our orders and who is now in charge now that Aryian is no longer with us?]


Damon waited on the outskirts waiting for a response.

Its a blast from the not so distant past.

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((Note: Armiena is not flying an X-Wing, though the craft strongly resembles one. Check the Ship Registration for the Starsword Jedi Starfighter. It should be on the top page.))


Somewhere in between ordering the twin Wolf Spider transports to take cover in Csilla's atmosphere, devoting a number of number of targets to her ship's targeting computers, Armiena noticed that an incoming craft, an X-Wing, had pinged her craft in an attempt to quietly identify it. For a moment, she was confused; she thought she had installed a Jedi transponder on this ship, but she nonetheless responded with a light Force-whisper that confirmed her allegiance to the Jedi. Brad Warren wouldn't have to reciprocate the gesture; she already knew that the ship was piloted by a fellow Jedi.


Alas, she wished that only Jedi were piloting the ships that were charging into the fray. Armiena ignored the sinking feeling in her gut and attributed it to a high-G climb as she oriented her craft towards the first unlucky squadron of TIE Bombers that would be falling to her guns in this battle. It was unfortunate that the Sith had finally united behind another Dark Lord--predictable, but still unfortunate, as it highlighted the possibility that the Jedi and Sith would soon be butting heads against each other yet again in their millenia old struggle for dominance.


"Quietus... huh. You know, I heard that guy was a hermaphrodite, but it was only a rumor." Armiena glanced at her communications board, and realized that she had accidentally set it to an unrestricted broadcast. Everyone with working ears would have heard her wisecrack--Jedi, Rebels, Sith, Imperials.... even the civilian traffic below them. "Did I.... I said that out loud, didn't I?"


Armiena shrugged in the confines of the Bleeding Star's cockpit. She would never hide it; she positively loved to infuriate her enemies, and if it set off the Sith's temper, so much the better. What she hated to do, however, was kill the grunts that they used as human shields. Flicking the communications board back to a channel used by the Jedi and Rebellion, Armiena began to send more sensitive transmissions to her fellow Jedi.


"Targets... those of you who want to join the boarding crews, hit the interdictor and that Super Star Destroyer. Be careful, there's an illusionist somewhere on board those ships, and some of the Destroyers are illusions. Make sure you've actually boarded a Destroyer before you do something stupid like open your canopy to vacuum." She released a weak chuckle, knowing that she was only stating the blatantly obvious.


"Otherwise, do what you can in space and keep the Imps from boarding the Alliance capital ships... or lend them a hand in repulsing the boarding crews.


"Kirlocca," Armiena switched to a private transmission between their ships, but wasn't even positive that the old Wookiee could even hear her voice, if he had taken the initiative and already entered a trance to employ his Battle Meditation. "You do that. Try to stay out of trouble, but holler if someone targets you."


In the light of Damon's query, Armiena reopened her link to the Jedi communications channel. "Aryian's in a coma and I have no idea when he'll wake up." A testy edge of stress was audible in Armiena's voice as she explained the cause of her fiance's absence. Nearly losing one's love and being unable to do anything but ensure he would have a safe place to recover was bound to strain even the most independent of women. "Master Anorus will be in command of Spec Ops until he recovers. Now... if you'll excuse me..."


Armiena had a job to do here, and the only assistance that needless chatter would provide would be to aid her soul in departing from her body. She refocused on the battle, and before Armiena was even aware that were hands were gliding over the controls of her vicious little starfighter. It felt almost as though the Jedi Grandmaster was on autopilot--she already knew which course she would take, wiping out as many Imperials as she could before she broke through the storm of steel and joined the impressive firepower that the Rebellion could provide.


"This is where the fun ends..." she hissed to no one. In a very short time, her fun would end, the predatory delight of the Imperials would cease, and the entire situation would devolve into a frenetic flurry of shock, terror, and unsung bloodshed...


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The LAF lifted off and blasted into Csilla's upper atmosphere, headed toward the Alliance's location. There could be seen, a battle ahead, forcing the LAF to take a slight detour and leave Csilla behind Admiral Starlisk's command ship the Justiciar.


Turning to Nom, Scorpio spoke, his words trying hide his nervousness and excitment that he was feeling.


"Nom, if we make it out of this battle alive, your welcome to have this LAF. I think i'm going to hitch a ride with the Alliance back to Gala. There's something calling me back to the planet, my future possibly."


By then they were nearing the Justiciar's hanger doors, so Scorpio grabbed his comm and sent a comm directed to Admiral Starlisk.


(Comm:) Admiral Starlisk, this is Knight Scorpio Armegedon and Master Nom Anorus requesting permission to land aboard the Justiciar. (End Comm)

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*Comm to all Sith:*


'This is Imperial command on behalf of the Emperor. His Highness is directing the battle and unable to communicate with you directly; please engage the enemy as you see fit. A small contingent of Rebels has just boarded the Vortex [interdictor]- we request that someone deal with this threat before the vessel is lost. The Imperial Star Destroyers Inexorable, Vengeance of Havoc, the Fall of Prometheus and Heretic's Wrath could benefit from the command of Sith brethren. '




*Geki can sense the tendrils of light probing the immense darkness he is generating; the arrival of his brethren, however, including the reborn Dark Lord Raynuk Montar, bolsters the power of the dark side in the system.


Geki sense that he will need all of his strength in the Force for the inevitable Jedi assault, and in any event the ruse of the illusion has been discovered. Maintaining the masquerade will bear no further fruit.


One of the illusionary TIE bombers heading for the Justiciar banks sharply and heads straight for the bridge, screaming towards Onderin Starlisk. As it nears it transforms into a screaming revenant made in the image of its creator, Geki, and reaches with grasping claws for the Jedi as it passes through the viewscreen.


The apparition gives a final ululating scream, terrifying the bridge crew, before dissipating.


Geki shifts his concentration and the false vessels the Phantom and the Shade dissipate into nothingness.


Geki instead concentrates on the Justiciar and begins to wage a mind war on the crew of the beleaguered vessel. The two squadrons of bombers reach bombing distance and begin to unleash the fury of their photon torpedoes. The shield generators shudder and shriek with the strain of maintaining the fields against the salvo.


Geki twists the minds of the bridge crew, their untrained psyches unable to defend themselves against the overwhelming onslaught. Rather than seeking to maintain draining group illusions Geki merely stimulates the portions of the mind dealing with primal fears and desire, and within minutes the crew are shrieking, gibbering wrecks, each plagued by their own personal demons. Only Starlisk and any other prominent Rebels or Jedi (PC's) are able to erect any mental defence against the assault.*


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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Barrel-rolling to starboard Gren cut into a flanking maneuver of a pair of Tie interceptors screaming him... A three brilliant red lasers reduced the port wing and part of its cockpit to slag... It exploded moments later. The second Tie pulled up in a steep dive... Gren followed... Another triple shot and the Tie was gone in an expanding cloud of gases and shrapnel... Which Gren flew around... Temporarily at least his area was free of targets... Time to give orders... Changing to a fleet wide channel Gren began giving orders...


"All squadron leaders report in with your numbers. Heres the go... E-Wings engage those Ties. Hold them down and if you get a clear chance put a volley or two of torps against one of the Star Destroyers... Co-ordinate with a cruiser to maximize effectively. A-Wings... You know what to do. Tear those bombers apart then go around those Star Destroyers and engage that Interdictor or hit the Super Star Destroyer in the engines. B-Wings... That Super Star Destroyer is yours... Hit its shield projectors, engines and bridge first... Then target its weapon systems."


Suddenly Gren felt a cold sensation in the back of his head... Something was coming... Shaking it clear he brought his attention back to the battle... The Sentinels had accounted for three Tie Interceptor squadrons and were ripping through another two... So far only two pilots had gone... One Ev... The other dead... They would be sorely missed.

Switching to a private channel Gren contacted Master Kirlocca.


"Master Kirlocca this is Commander Gren Sairdonga its good to have you here. The Liberty has some space for you if you wish to land... But if you prefer to remain in space I can have a squadron of E-Wings watch over you? Either way I'll have a squadron escort you in..."


Switching to his squadron's channel Gren ordered the Sentinel's to keep guard over the Jedi Master when they were done with those Ties... Then turning his fighter he arrowed for the Imperial Fleet... Following an invisible line...



((OOC: Any PCs up for a dogfight?))

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As Achzet opened up his Comm device, he heard one being sent to all the Sith within the reaches of the battle.




'This is Imperial command on behalf of the Emperor. His Highness is directing the battle and unable to communicate with you directly; please engage the enemy as you see fit. A small contingent of Rebels has just boarded the Vortex [interdictor]- we request that someone deal with this threat before the vessel is lost. The Imperial Star Destroyers Inexorable, Vengeance of Havoc, the Fall of Prometheus and Heretic's Wrath could benefit from the command of Sith brethren. '


End Comm_____


Achzet found the coordinates of the Imperial Star Destroyer entitled, "Inexorable" and followed the coordinates. He arrived in front of the Star Destroyer within seconds and sent a quick Comm inside to let the personnel know he was landing.




"This is Sith Lord Achzet, coming in to land on the Inexorable. I am here to give assistance as well as defend the ship."


End Comm_____


Achzet soared his customized tie interceptor into the ship and hovered for a few moments before quickly landing. He opened the cockpit and walked towards the bridge.


As he arrived at the bridge he noticed the fear that swept the ship as a Sith Lord had just been noticed walking in. Achzet stood behind the commander and continued watching the battle as well as waiting for any orders.

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OOC: Geki, I don't know how you can tell where Onderin is, but I'll not complain this time.



A few important pieces of information and such took place before things took an interesting turn. The Hand of Honor reported boarders, and Master Anorus and his apprentice were requesting to board. Admiral Starlisk gave a few orders before getting around to those important articles, and by that time, something strange happened.


He was unfazed by the illusory TIE bomber that swept toward the bridge, standing tall and in its path even as it neared. It wouldn't have penetrated the shields had it been material, but Onderin was unfazed by its approach because he could tell that it was, in fact, not real.


But what followed was alarming. Suddenly his crewmen began to go spontaneously insane. Onderin immediately reached out into the Force and discerned a few important things. First, there was Battle Meditation in effect, and it was from a Jedi Master...Onderin could determine by knowing Kirlocca that the wookiee was responsible. He also determined that the epidemic was ship-wide, but did not extend beyond the ship.


Dropping himself into a cross-legged position, the Jedi Master stretched out into the minds of his crew. He had his own talents with Battle Meditation, and the power allowed him to touch all the minds on the Justiciar with more or less ease. He then drew heavily on his own power and that of Kirlocca, invading those minds and attempting to purge the demons from them.


The combined strength of two Jedi Masters proved sufficient after only a minute of concentration, and his crew was freed. Trying to maintain a little bit of effort to keep them under control, Onderin stood again. "Open a comm to Master Anorus," he said. His crew was still shaken, but Kirlocca's Battle Meditation helped them recover with great haste. The comm was open in a moment. "Nom and Padawan Armegeddon, it's good to have you with us. You may certain come aboard, but I also need some aid amongst the ships of the fleet."


Onderin cut that comm, then ordered a fleet-wide one to be opened. "I need someone to repel the attack on the Hand of Honor immediately," he said. "Reports label the boarder a Sith, so a Jedi response would be appreciated."



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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Kirlocca could feel the entire battle raging as he used the force to increase the will to fight in the Alliance forces and decrease the will in the Imperial forces. The Jedi Master felt other Jedi either reach out and confirm that he was using his Battle Meditation, or to aid him in spreading it across the Battle field. He heard his comm unit go, and Kirlocca had to temporally drop his Battle Meditation.


"Commander Gren, I will board the Liberty and use my Battle Meditation there, however, don't send ships to escort me in, I'll be fine, and your fighters are needed else where."


Kirlocca quickly pushed his yoke towards the Liberty. His ARC-170 raced forward with great haste. Kirlocca knew that his skill in Battle Meditation is needed more then ever. The wookiee Jedi master used what skills he had as a pilot and brought his starfighter weaving through the mess that was growing even larger. His sensors beeped at him as he approached the Liberty. Kirlocca knew that his skills were needed on the vessel, and not just Battle Meditation, his skills with a lightsaber will come in handy for the crew and their safety.


As soon as the Jedi master landed his craft in the hanger of the Liberty, Kirlocca quickly climbed out and ran for the bridge, where He would be able to perform his Battle Meditation at it's best. Kirlocca made it to the bridge within a minute after landing. All crew acknowledged his presence, but the wookiee ignored them and went straight to work, falling into a trance, where he re-brought up his Battle Meditation.

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"Great, just great Artoo, she knows we're here now so we're stuck in this for the long haul," the pilot of the X-Wing exclaimed. The craft he spotted was indeed friendly, just as he feared, and it appeared he was back in the middle of things once again. With swift movements of his hand, the engines and all other systems were back online and the fighter was gently cruising along, trying to establish what needed to be done. The outcome of the battle was still undecided, as far as the pilot could tell.


Quickly tapping into the Alliance and Jedi battle nets, the pilot attempted to surmise what needed to be done. He didn't wish to announce his presence to everyone, at least not yet, however it appeared he had to. There was no place in particular he could discern where he was needed. Switching on his comm, the pilot asked for orders.


"This is Warren. Where do you need me?"

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Nodding slightly at the controls of the Ogariv II Quietus took a quick scan of the area, both visually and mentally. After a moment he kicked his ship into drive again and headed towards the Vortex at max speed. As he closed in on the ship, he sent out two messages. The first was to the other Sith in the area, but was broadcast to all the Imperial ships to serve as a bit of a moral booster.

"My bretheran, I myself will be taking care of the invaders on the Vortex, the rest of you are free to do as you wish, whether it be helping the Empire defend its precious ships, or even to board some of the Alliance ships themselves. Either way, your Dark Lord has only one request... One order. Destroy anything and anyone who stands in your way. Let no man, Alliance or Jedi, survive this battle. It is high time that the galaxy remembers to beware our power. May the Force be with you my brothers and sisters..."


With a slight grin at the speech he had just made, Quietus switched comms over to make contact with the Vortex

"Interdictor Vortex, this is Darth Quietus, Dark Lord of the Sith. I am coming to your aid as we speak to rid you of the intruders. You need not worry about your ship or your crew. I am approaching now..."


Quietus piloted his starfury with precision and care into the docking bay of the Vortex, and immediately exited his ship, lightsabers ready and in hand. Upon setting foot on the docking bay floor, he came face to face with Scorp, his Padawan, and the four squads of Alliance Troopers.


One trooper barely managed a yell of alert before him and several of his fellow troopers were thrown across the docking bay, smashing into the wing panel of a nearby TIE. His cloak still up around his face, Quietus pointed to Scorp.

"You have made three mistakes this day Jedi... The first was showing your face in this battle, the second was boarding this ship with the silly idea that you would accomplish something, and the third..."


Quietus lowed his hood, exposing his face and his identity as the newly crowned Dark Lord of the Sith.


"...the third was not leaving before I arrived. I intend to make sure you reap the punishments of all three mistakes."


Quietus grinned again and shot Force lightning at another group of troopers who had begun to raise their weapons against him. Igniting his lightsabers in his hands, Quietus waited for the Jedi to make the first move.


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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As if on cue, yet another Sith crawled out of the wood works and showed himself. This one was different though. She knew his skill had not dulled, but that he would only show his full force if necessary. She felt a simultaneous surge of rage and several other emotions she refused to acknowledge. He was bold, picking this ship at this exact time to assault. She was curious if he had just chosen it because it was the closest, or if it was because she was here”¦


She shook the thoughts from her mind, ensuring that her mental walls were still up in effort to keep any mental probes out. She alliance defense still had not arrived, so she moved towards his ship and stopped just short of the ramp that had yet to be lowered. Despite the less then desirable terms they had left on, she still wanted to see him again; to see if he had changed, to see if his emotionless expression would even flicker for a millisecond when he saw her.

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As the LAF landed gracefully amid the Justicer's hollow hanger (all ships having been launched into battle), Nom sported a rather grim expression upon his stoic face. It was time for Nom to part with his old padawan, his own friend. As the ship touched, the Jedi Master immediately extended the landing ramp, the hard clang resounding through the room.


"May the Force be with you Scorpio..." Those words, uttered by countless Jedi in the past accompanied the Jedi Knight as he made his way off the vessel. Somehow, each time they were said, profound truth was always present.


"Oh, and thanks for the ride." The Jedi Master couldn't help but shake the slight chuckle from his voice. Never one for touching formalities, keeping the situation light always proved a worthy endeavor in the mind of this Jedi. Unfortunately, such haughty dispositions proved rather unfitting for battle, an observation Anorus made quiet rapidly as his ship entered the heated combat surrounding Csilla.


The LAF streaked in and out of laser fire efficiently. Nom tested the controls, executing a swift barrel roll that positioned him face to face (or cockpit to cockpit) with an upcoming fighter. A quick application of the trigger sent the anomaly careening into the abyss of space. Anorus quickly disengaged the thrusters slightly as his vessel slowed down considerably. The fighter on his tail soon found himself flying over his target's head. Unfortunately for the Imp, his target was a good shot. The LAF streaked through the ball of fire as the TIE fighter flashed into super heated pieces.


Through the action, Nom heard a small buzz in his ear, his Special Operations piece working at full capacity. Damon's voice could be heard loud and clear over the encrypted network. "I guess that would be me," Nom responded, having heard the news of Aryian's depature. "Any and all listening to this message, head toward's the fight. Join as many boarding parties as you can, try to aim for the flagship. We're going to try and take these guys out from the inside. And be careful out there."


Nom could only sigh at his sudden thrust into leadership. He kind of wished he had more time for a briefing, but he would have to go with what first came to his mind. "Damon, I want you to report to Admiral Starlisk. You have a knowledge with the Rebel's fleet, I'm sure he can find a place for you. Everyone esle, you know the drill. May the Force be with you."


With the slight break in the action, the Jedi Master took the time to survey the battle field. Imperial ships littered the immediate field of vision, star destroyers imposing their dominance. Since when did they ever amass such a fleet?


Due to the rather ambiguous curiosity now arising with the Jedi Master, he didn't notice the TIE interceptor flashing lasers into the back of his own vessel. Had it not been for the quick reaction, bread from the Force, he would not have been able to switch power to his rear shields in time. Nom's gut feeling told him to kick it forward. Never one to argue, Anorus complied. This new development kept his LAF just out of range of his pursuer's weaponry. Unfortunately, rather massive Star Destroyer loomed before his flight trajectory.


"Its not even shooting," Nom noticed as he continued to sweep towards it. In fact, the ship was just sitting there. "Don't tell me the Empire hasn't learned form Endor."


The Jedi Master's sly comment proved too sly as his rear shields took a rather abrasive hit. Alarms flashed violently as his cockpit flooded with crimson warning flashes. To make matters worse, the LAF started to sink lower, its rear engine expelling smoke into the lifeless vacuum. The motionless Star Destroyer loomed ever closer as the Jedi Master spiraled towards it. He worked feverishly against his yoke, trying desperately to gain some form of control. His attempts, despite their honorable nature, were futile as he had no choice but to accept his grim fate. It had been too long since he had piloted, taken out by a basic Imperial pilot.


"Oh how the mighty hath fallen."


The Jedi Master closed his eyes, keeping his consious surrounded in the Force during his last moments. He waited, his body moments away from expanding into several tiny pieces. Nothing happened


Nom opened his eyes and beheld nothing but empty space before him. His brain clicking on immediately, Anorus suddenly picked up on the situation.




With a smile, Nom continued to struggle with his out of control LAF. Spying the closest ship he could see, the Jedi Master angled his momentum in that direction. With the help from the Force, and just a bit of luck, he could make a clean landing. He closed his eyes again, this time for a much different reason than before. The Force swirled around within him, its succulent tenacity awaiting his command. And command he did as he slowly and surely guided his vessel into the Vortex. Had it not been for the convenient hole blown through the Vortex's side, the Jedi Master would have died in a shower of sparks.


His ship skidded to a halt after traversing deep into the ship's hanger. The Force completely exploded in his mind, revealing the occupants of the Interdictor.


"Quietus?" Nom spoke softly to himself, clear disbelief imbedded in his tone.


His suspicion proved true as he beheld the Sith with his own two eyes, having exited the LAF. The Dark Lord of the Sith, lightsabers ignited moved towards Scorp, a Jedi Nom knew by reputation but had never actually met.


This should be fun.


With both lightsabers ignited, the Jedi Master rushed into a rather violent reunion.



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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Long before the bellows of battle and war tore forth, drawing closer in sound as a rolling tide of thunder would shout, a curious vessel came vexing in towards the high north. Even curiouser was the occupant inside the modified freighter, gained access by helpful ties within his former business with a certain Trowa Barton, a young lad named by his father as Krishna. It was for these purposes alone, the man who eluded him for so long, that he was drew here to the foreign planet of Csilla.


It was paramount that his search be undeteched, having chosen the smallest of crafts, outfitted with gear heavier then its current output of power to conceal from forms of radar and other source of pinging networks. Unfortantely, Krishna was almost rather lacking in skills that proved with kind of technology, having crammed the most possible without accounting for relative weight. It wasn't noticeable after the take off, but entry into the planets heavy gravity to the one he left upon was drasticly different. It plummeted from the air, creasing through the haze of cloud and entered that of dust and debry in seconds.


A clammer of noise erupted as the metal screeched against the surfaces of metal and cemented minerals, laid down neatly and ornate, only to be torn as the vessel continued its marauding path to a final hault many meters out. By the same expensive detection systems, all which had burnt or been scorn off by the brunt of the impact, ironically kept him from meeting the same fate. Well-toned arms, thrusted out from royal garments, broke apart the only entry and exit way, casting glass and debry aside for the moment as he stumbled out.


"Whew... Never again will I fly, I swear. I am... so sick and tired of piloting..."


He was a resiliant young man, but not as much as he seemed. The momentum of the crash caused his body to spasm against the controls, acting as a vice against the chair and having damaged his internals. Hands grasping at his stomach, rising closey up to his chest, Krishna's vision began to fade. The sight of the Chiss archives were barely met before he fell to the floor, skin drawing cold as he lay there by the wreckage. While his heart still beated, no breath entered through his mouth or nostrils any longer...

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