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Darth Jade

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"I will get in further deatails later but as I see it now we are all mostly dead, we went in to charge to get the rest of our credits and came out with Ob dead. Then we intercepted his comm and now it seems that there are at least 50 people on our backs. And that is what it is up to now. We truely need your help."


Luthis paces back and forth for a response from Moon..

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*Keerow lands her ship on Correllia, narrowly missing a couple of buildings, and jumps out, her vornskr on her heels.*


*Inhales deeply*




*Looks at Luthis, Moon Knight, and Ronin.* Hey, have any of you seen my Padawan, Ty-Doa-Othmi? He said he ended up here.


*Inhales deeply again.*



rock on!!! you're totally perfect

Dagon: Keerow is our muse.

Hou-Jo Poleb: I feel super inspired now that she's back. It's true.

Vaderman: I agree. She's my favorite poster on this site now.

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To make a long story short Moon, we are royally f***ed.


*Ronin turns around to find a Jedi looking for her Padawan. It was apparent that she was looking for her Padawan because she was screaming "Padawan" in his ear. Ronin hangs his head and turn around.*


It's a bad sign when somebody who isn't even looking for us finds our secret location...


*Ronin turns around.*


No, I haven't seen any padawan or other Jedi-related people.

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Luthis went into his ship and got the parts, he then takes off his armor and underneath he has a huge burnt mark from the bounty hunter that nearly killed him. He then started taking breaking apart his armor so that he could make space armor. He also said to Wartide," Could you help me a little over here friend."

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*Ronin pulls a bact patch out of his boot. He gives it to Luthis to put on his chest. He pulls some parts off his own ship to help with the construction. Ronin takes out his tools and gets ready by taking off his jacket and armor.*


It won't be the best we can do but it will function. When we get to a store we'll get replacement and upgarde parts.

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*Ronin tries to piece together the parts he has into an Armor but comes up extremely short*


F*** this, I'm a Pirate, we'll make this the Pirate way.


*Ronin Hops in his space armor. He pulls the duel gatling guns off his back and takes off. Luthis works on weapons for thirty minutes or so, still not faring well. When Ronin returns he has a medium sized cargo freighter filled with stuff he stole from a nearby parts retailer. With the big red armor and the giant box of presents, he feels a lot like Santa Clause.*


Ho ho ho, presents to everyone!


*Ronin opens up his cargo ship and unloads enough stuff for two Space armors, and various things Ronin liked so he took. He jumps out and hands Luthis a Remote system for his ship.*


For you...


*Ronin shows Moon that he bought parts for two Armors. One of which was going to be Moon's.*


And for you.


*Ronin hands the Jedi the came out of nowhere a Stuffed puppy.*


And for you little girl.


*Ronin kisses the Jedi's forehead.*


*Ronin pieced together the parts he stole to make one high grade armor. Upgrades sensors, armor, motors, and thrusters. He also got ammo for a brand new Rocket launcher. The Sniper rifle cam with a big enough fuel cell to last them a few weeks. Ronin did have to steal 7 more of those fuel cells, he was just that kind of impulse thief. Ronin took a bow after he got done with all the things he build. All that was left was to build the Armor for Moon, install Lustis's remote, and store what was left over.*

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Ty's meditation was interrupted by someone screaming and a famalir feeling in the force. He opened his eyes to discover his Master standing not far in front of him. Ty stood up and walked over to his Master very patiently. He bowed before Keerow and said, "I'm right here Master, no need to scream. I've just been sitting here awaiting your arrival. I'm afraid I haven't had much time to train since you left, the bugs arrived on Yavin shortly after you left and I've been planet-hoping ever since. This is the longest I've been in one place in a long time. However, since you're back I hoped we could start up my training again, if that is okay with you."

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OCC Cookies were good but the milk was chunky.


*Ronin spends another hour and finishes the core system for Moons armor. He needs more information before he can complete it.*


Wait Luthis, I got you another present...


*Goes in the stolen ship and pulls out one more box. In it is a brand new suit of armor for Luthis. This pair links up with the Space armor to add extra control. In addition to that it was a little more blaster resistant than the last suit.*


You may need this...


*Ronin melted down Luthis's old armor, and in the end used to harden his own plating. Ronin replaces the clips and detonators he used up the during last fire fight.*


Okay, Now all I need is for Moon to give me specs.


((OCC Moon PM or aim me if you can. I'll tell you what I need to know.))

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OOC:Thought so...


IC: "Thanks man, I think we wil be able to stand off a few of them, at the moment.Anyways what we will need now is also a decoy when they start coming. So that we can be safe." Luthis takes off his space suit and puts on the armor that Ronin just gave him."Fits perfect," He says to Wartide.

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Marc is still nervous about being on Corellia. He speaks to his companions.


"I don't think Corellia is the best place to make our stand. We need to lay low for a while, and probably get off this planet ASAP. According to what I read on the net, Ob has promised a large sum of money for our capture alive. Ob went back on an agreement myself and Luthis had with him. He promised us a lot more money than he was willing to give. I don't know the current state of things, but there was a time when bounty hunters banded together against crime lords who did not keep their agreements. Plus, if others know of Ob's dishonesty they may be less inclined to hunt us, fearing he would not pay them. We need to get word out on what happened. It's a long shot, but the only alternative would be to kill Ob himself, something you two already failed at. He is very powerful, and if he wants us dead it will happen."

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"Now wait a second, we don't necessarily have to kill Ob. As a said before, the code of honor may still exist between the bounty hunters. I think killing Ob should be a last resort. Let's leave Corellia and take stock of our situation before we mount another assault on anyone."

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*Ronin comms Luthis*


-Comm to Luthis-


I'll catch up in a minute. First I need to do a few things.


-End comm-



*Ronin turns to the Jedi*


Would you come with us? Any help would be helpful. You can have a few moments to think about it. I have to get to work.


((OCC: The Space armor is about twice as tall as a man. Thus weapons have to be much larger. I'm going to come up with a few on my own based on what you told me you use. ))


*Ronin walks over and begins working on the armor. He coats it with a Cortosis ore, then paints it white. He puts a crescent moon on the chest. He sets up Crescent Blades that shoot out of wrist devices. Much larger than his normal ones. He also sets him up with a large high grade stun whip. Ronin gives him the standard rifle. He also gives him a high powered repeater blaster. All that and Moon is good to go. Ronin loads all of his leftover parts into his ship then walks between Moon and The Jedi.*


Moon, take your new armor and meet up with Luthis. He has found us a safe haven.


*Ronin turns to the jedi.*


I don't believe you've told me your name?

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A Corellian freighter emerges out of hyperspace above the world of Corellia. It had been sometime since Hale Akturus has been to his native planet ”“ it was good to be home. As his ship descends to the world's surface, the young Jedi apprentice feels a faint tremor in the Force. Unsure of what is, Hale heads off to investigate in what he feels is the right direction.


After a short while he finds the body of Airleas resting on the ground. Hale kneels next to her and checks her pulse.

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Stirring slightly, Airleas struggles to open her eyes. Slowly, she begins to come to full conscienciousness after lying there for more then a day in a healing trance. Sighing, she realizes that Sly is lost. Her husband had turned and he had done this. Looking up at the young man that knelt next to her, she sits up and smiles at him.


"I'm alright. Just a little out of it." Getting up to her feet, she holds her hand out to the young man. "I'm Airleas Lianahan. And you are?"


She could feel the force within him. she wondered why he had come to Correllia.

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"My name is Hale, Hale Akturus. And you, you must be a Jedi Master ”“ I can feel that the Force is strong with you. You look like you got into a bit of a mess."


Hale looked skyward, and his thoughts turned to his late Jedi Master ”“ the revered BLCKCLONE. He turned back to Airleas Lianahan.


"I myself started training to become a Jedi. My master disappeared sometime ago. His presence no longer resonates in the Force ”“ he is gone. So what happened here? Can I help?"

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Montgomery the Jedi Hopeful rose to his feet. He carried his bag in one hand, his audio media player in the other.


"Shoo bee doo... DOO WAHAHA be DO!"


Monty neared the two Jedi, but only managed to fall over onto his side. He lay laughing uncontrolably and sweating extensively, a mere five feet away from Airleas and Hale.

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Hale Akturus took a step back and waited for Airleas Lianahan to acknowledge the two newcomers. The young Corellian sensed that the Force was strong with this particular Jedi Master, and that with her help, he could finish his Jedi training.

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