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  1. OOC: Sorry, the "operation timed out when attempting to contact Jedi.net" or something, it posted twice...
  2. *Pats Cafall on the head.*
  3. *Keerow places a hand on Cafall's head as the vornskr begins to growl, low and menacingly.* Neeyaeyeevy' Epeyaedeyaeleyanese eperay'ety'needgni etho eby' Emeyatsrese, Cafall. Hty'yhw edhone'et uoyneedretseyaneed. We'll fight to help protect the Jedi, and for no other reason. I still stand to this. OOC: Master Prophet- sorry if what I said a few days ago came out being overly offending or something... I have nothing against you personally, I'm just being in character. Just wanted to make sure there were no unnecessary hard feelings...
  4. *Not willing to be ignored, Keerow walks back to Master Sly and grabs his arm.* With all respect, Master, I'm sorry that you've made mistakes and I'm sorry for your loss. But it sounds to me like this is not so much your plan to defend the Jedi- though I have no doubts that you do intend to do this- as it is your plan to avenge your wife. The Hutts must be brought to justice, yes, and we must defend ourselves, but slaughtering them is hardly the way to do it. We can defend ourselves without murdering them all. We're Jedi... they're Hutts. Hutts! If this weren't such a grave matter, I would probably be laughing at the thought of the day when the Hutts would threaten the great Jedi Order. Yes, we need to defend ourselves... but how many Jedi will die with this plan? How many will fall to the Dark Side? You're sending barely-trained Apprentices into battle for what seems to me to be largely personal reasons. *While waiting for the Jedi Master to reply, Keerow feels a nudging at the back of her mind, and turns to see the eyes of the young Merkahl upon her, studying her every move. The two meet eyes for a moment. There's something different about that one, she thinks...* OOC: And yeah, sorry, I don't know what the whole deal is... I've been out of it for a while, and I haven't had time to get caught up.
  5. *Keerow stands silently, her hand going again to her vornskr's head, an uncertain look on her face as she considers the ethics of the Jedi's battle plan. After a moment, she walks up to Master Sly.* I don't know if I like this... they may be our adversaries, but this plan sounds too much like slaughter for my tastes. We are coming very, very close to aggression with this course of action. Is defeating our enemies worth the risk of turning to the Dark Side? I agree that we must prevent the Order from being threatened, but if we all give in to aggression and fall to the Dark Side while doing it, doesn't that defeat all of our purposes? We would be rid of our enemies, but lose ourselves at the same time.
  6. OOC: God, I need to post more. Yes, I am aware this is a little belated. A war? *Keerow places her hand on Cafall, her vornskr, and both stand silently for a moment with their eyes closed. The Jedi Master opens her eyes after a few seconds.* I do not condone war- I believe there must always be another way. But if the survival of the Jedi Order is at stake, then I will fight. *Both Jedi and vornskr step over the line.*
  7. *Shows up* Wonderful. Lovely place we have here. I don't suppose any of you know me... I'm Keerow. I've been... out of it, recently. I got the comm message and decided to show up, believe it or not, but it seems like I'm wasting my time because nothing's happening anyways. Does anyone at all have any idea what this is all about? Why are we all here? I don't think I like this very much... *Keerow scratches her vornskyr behind his ears.* Hey, I think I heard the sound of Jedi Hopefuls begging for Masters... Might I perhaps be of service to someone? I've had several attempts at training Padawans, but, sadly, they all... err... let's just say that their dedication was less than par. They all ran away, really. So sad. *sniffle* OOC: I feel really old. I haven't done this in forever... Ara, is that you?
  8. Keerow


    *Keerow lands her ship on Correllia, narrowly missing a couple of buildings, and jumps out, her vornskr on her heels.* *Inhales deeply* [scream]PAAAAAAADAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!!!!!!!!!![/scream] *Looks at Luthis, Moon Knight, and Ronin.* Hey, have any of you seen my Padawan, Ty-Doa-Othmi? He said he ended up here. *Inhales deeply again.* [scream]TYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?? PAAAADAAAAWAAAAN!!!![/scream]
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