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A five crew Doshan starship came out of hyperspace in the Selvaris system pursuing their quarry. A large unarmed passenger vessel flew within their crosshairs. The Captain, a rough looking Doshan with a robotic arm, spoke over the comm.


"Surrender animals, or we'll blow you to pieces."


Static was all he got in response. Shrugging, the old warrior ordered the turbolasers to hit it full blast. The ship exploded in a shower of sparks.


Wookiee cowards. If they'd fought with honor we'd have their skins.


A short Doshan at the helm called back to his Captain.


"Sir, we're picking up a strange object heading towards our ship. No signs of any weapons, but I am picking up a life reading."


An escape pod perhaps? This may not be a total loss.


"Bring it in."


The Doshan ship was small, but as a slave vessel it did have minimal storage capacity and a weak tractor beam. The beam was more than powerful enough to draw in a carbonite chamber however.


"Definitely not an escape pod. But it doesn't appear it's been out here all that long sir."


The Doshan cleared off the frost on the viewport of the coffin.


"Sir, it's a Trandoshan! I'd say high blood too, he's a big one."


The Captain shoved the smaller creature out of the way. The buffoon was right. This Doshan had noble blood.


A reward would be almost as good as a wookiee.


"Let's bring him around boys."


The crew worked to open the casket, and activated the abort, ending the hybernation of Garet Jax. Garet shook violently as he came out of the sickness. He was blind as well. But oddly he wasn't frightened. His mind was oblivious to all outside acitivity. Only Vague memories flew into his mind. He knew he was a . . . Sith. A Sith Lord. He'd trained on Mimban. Or maybe it was Chandrila. Were those planets? Faces flew into his mind, but they had no meaning.


"You'll come out of the sickness soon."


He couldn't here the voice. And anyway Garet was already coming out. Force awareness brought his body out of the shock quicker. His blindness wore off to where he could at least pick up on his infrared vision. But as the sickness vanished, his brain actually became more muddled. Strange words flashed into his mind.


Kill! Take Ship!


The Captain clapped his hand on the Doshan's back.


"We'll get you back to Dos--"


Those were his last words. Garet gripped the man's arm, pulling him forward and slamming his fist into the Captain's neck. The bones shattered and the battle hardened Doshan was dead before he hit the floor.


"What the hell?"


The littler Doshan went for his blaster. But a red line of energy removed his hand and then his head. A lightsaber had hummed to life, almost of its own accord. In past years, Garet had done almost nothing but train. His Force abilities had weakened somewhat of course, time in stasis and who knows where else would do that. But most of his abilities remained. The dance of death was second nature. In minutes, the Doshan crew was just another of many lost space travelers. Garet clipped his lightsaber back to his belt.


I need clothes.


It was his first coherent thought. A belt and a lightsaber were all he'd been left with. Garet took the Captain's orange jumpsuit. After ejecting the bodies, Garet punched in the coordinates to Coruscant. The place was familiar to him. More words flashed in his mind. He verbalized them, convincing himself they were his own thoughts.


"I must find the Sith. They will tell me who I am."


The starship headed back into hyperspace.



"It would be meaningless to fight with you now. You're too scared and ashamed. Live with the shock. Keep it bottled up inside you. Silently."

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- One, two, three, a small Lambda-class shuttle came creaning down into the deep space channel, auxillary engines turnings off to cool down before the next jump. -


- A few minutes later, the engines came back online, a course set for the Jedi Temple on Coruscant appearing on the way map, as the ship craned forward and shot back into another direction at light speed.. -

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A team of rebellion scientists, engineers, programmers and construction workers dropped out of hyperspace, having spent days ensuring they werent tracked or followed from the moncal shipyards. the large construction ship they were aboard made its way to a very large asteroid, setting down and begining the very first stages of the facility they had planned. Spending a day or two drilling into the asteroid, and creating a space inside it, reinforcing the unnantural cavern they had made, and preparing it. Within the next day, they had built a basic storage facility in a small corner of the asteroid, along with a large chunk of personel quarters. All equipment, tools and supplies were brought into the storage locker, and the ship that had brought them here had its entire memory banks whiped, before being set to make random hyperspace jumps for the next 2 months, before stopping, and floating free in space.

Nahstaa: so we have the galaxies largest Dookie, fighting the galaxies largest penis

Nahstaa: this is going to be interesting

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Fynn sat behind the controls contemplating his next move. IF he could find this terrorist and who she was working for, he would capture her and return with her to Corellia for trial. His other option was taking her to Coruscant and let the republic authorties take over. On Coruscant he could see Darla again, perhaps even his master was already there.


His training was nearly complete, and Fynn felt that when there was time his Knighthood would only be a formality. Not that he cared, ranks were something that the army worried about. He was a jedi now, wether or not he had an officialm title.


The Templar streaked through hyperspace and slowly began powerdown its hyperdrive, slowing the blue hyperspace tunnel into starlines and then stars again.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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When Shawn left the guest quarters, Armiena returned to her work. She continued stripping pieces from the prosthetic's design, quickly reducing it to its base components: a solid core, a durasteel alloy that acted as a metallic bone; the infinitely complex maze of wires and fibers that acted as an input/output interface with the users brain and controlled the arm's movement; a slew of motors that were responsible for controlling those wires and fibers, and lastly, a few batteries.


Armiena would leave most of those parts unchanged. She decided to upgrade the durasteel core to a much more durable alloy... Phrik, the same alloy with which she built her armor. Next, she decided to replace the motors with a much more powerful model. Hopefully, by using more powerful motors, the arm would be much less of a burden in a fight, capable of moving as quickly as her intact arm without the aid of the Force.


She paused, slightly disturbed by a thought she just had. Even if she was capable of "improving" her body in this way, should she? After all, Nahstaa had extensively modified his body, to the point that he was more machine than man. Armiena suspected that he even had cybernetic implants inserted into his brain, probably to heighten his awareness or stimulate certain portions of his brain to induce a frightening battle rage.


That's the difference... I just want an arm. I only want to repair the damage done to my body... He wants to control his body, replace what he deems to be unnecessary, weak, and "haphazard."


Such an insight into Nahstaa's character stunned her, at least until she remembered the presence of their undesired bond. No doubt, because of his unwelcome prodding, he had strengthened the bond so that she could receive insights into his character, and so that he could manipulate it to hunt her down. There was no doubt that it would work both ways. The Jedi Knight made a mental note to research the abilities of a Force Bond the next time she had access to the Jedi Archives. Even now, she could feel faint tremors over their bond, snippets of foreign emotion that she couldn't quite identify.


Armiena's attention returned to her datapad, and she stared at its screen for what felt like hours. Finally, she decided that she would keep her modifications. It was such a small change, but it could make all the difference.


She shut down the datapad, and joined her mother in meditation. She had a lot of thinking to do.


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Skye was nursing Amon again, whilst in the cockpit.


"I think we'll go via your Daddy. I'm not going to take you into danger my sweetheart."


She could also sense the life growing within her and didn't want to risk harm coming to either. She would take Amon back to his father while she went to see to those at the Academy that needed her.


She reset the nav computer for Yavin 4, disappearing back into hyperspace on her new course.


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The Templar shot through hyperspace, while its passanger meditated on his actions. In the days before his apprenticeship, he would have never thought twice about invading imperial space. Now, he was wary of creating conflict. Selvaris wasn't a planet he was too aware of, but if his guess was correct niether was his quarry. Finding her wouldn't be easy, as Selvaris was a place someone could get lost in a hurry.


Fynn was feeling a bit alone, an odd feeling for him. He had lived virtually on his own his whole life. But contact with Mistress Skye, and Darla made him long for companionship again.


Fynn checked the sensors. He was coming up on Selvaris, and the hyperspace alarm came to life just as he felt it would. If the authorties allowed him to land he would half way to his goal. The terrorist would answer for her crimes, and Fynn would make sure of it.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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- One, two, three, the lights went dark on the Lambda-class shuttle; it's engines recharging for the next large jump. On the small navicomp, a young man bunched in the co-ordinates to Mon Calamari, a system he was far familiar with. -


- A few minutes of regenerating the sensors and coming to full capacity, the lights switched on, and the tiny ship blazed across deep space with lightspeed. -

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After making a series of jumps to make sure he wasn't followed Fynn came out of hyperspace near what was once Dantooine. Only an asteroid field now, the empty void seemed to still echo with the lives of those lost in its destruction. Fynn looked out into the darkness, not really sure he was looking for. It was true that the destruction of Dantooine was influential on Fynn, but he was determined that it would not define him.


He needed to move on, to become the jedi that his father had said he would be. Patience was something Fynn had learned since his childhood, and now he was beggining to understand why.


Punching the controls for...home, Fynn sighed as he bade a silent farewell to the last place he had called 'home'. His life had changed, and he new there would never be a going back. "The Templar" angled up and away from the debris field, as its sublight engines powered down, its hyperdrive activated, leaving the ruins of Dantooine to themselves once more.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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"Man, for a guy with such tiny nuts you think he'd be more friendly-"


The jest about the droid's mechanical schematics was one made in vein, after the damaged machine's pyrotechnic display the Hunter found himself in a "smashing" predicament. Triple Helix locked Tekkan in a bear hug, pinning his arms down by his side as he squeezed, the electrodrivers whirling in a mechanical groan as the world started to fade to black. His breathes came few and far between, his bones bending unnaturally as the entirety of his body ached as his blood rushed desperately back towards his heart, but found the passage to be blocked.


The pair tumbled into space, the darkness falling over the man's eyes matching the emptiness within the droid's visor as the machine man experienced a complete systems' failure. With a lack of power, the droid's grip on his lessoned slightly, but he still found the hold to be incredibly effective... though it did grant him a bit more room to breath and he gladly breathed slightly more effectively. With a quick thust of his jetpack, the angle of their spiral changed direction and headed back towards the Grave Breaker ; the Hunter elegantly bouncing off the hull of the ship before entering through the hole in the ship that he entered. With his chin he clicked on the comm in his helmet.


"Ronin, put that cigarette out and stop molesting the engine with violence long enough to help me restrain our newest acquisition."


Being crushed to death wasn't as pleasant as it seemed, he could no longer feel his left arm and once again the world began slipping to darkness as his lungs burned more intensely with each breath. Rotating his right forearm slightly inward, he clenched his fist to activate the pressure sensitive pad along the inside of his palm, the spring activated blade inside of his gauntlet extending outward through the thin space suit and into the droid's torso. His armor could no longer repair itself and the presence of the blade ripped through wires and hydraulic fluid lines... the droid's lock quickly fading as his fluid pressure dropped and the means to his strength disappeared.


As Tekkan pushed the droid away it clattered to the ground in a heap... the Hunter following suit shortly after. The damage to their prey looked worse then it was... with a few hours of work they'd have him up and running again; though it'd take a bit longer for Raas's ribs to heal up.

The Bounty Hunting world's one man scourge


So between the flowers and steak I'm saying "I kill stuff for you. Please like me."
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The matte-black SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000, Dark Phoenix, blasts through the invisible barrier that is the end of the known galaxy. With matter, dark matter, and any other kind of waste energy known to species-kind spiraling away from the ship, a dark man waits in a dark chamber.


Awakening from his self-induced Force trance, Lord Phoenix's eyes flutter open only to see his droid, Telly before him. ”œGood morning, sir,”

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Barely aware of having been moved, the battered, bruised, burnt and bloodied form that could only barely be described as a humanoid woman groaned, her pain very evident. She was only just hanging onto life by a slim margin. With extreme effort Alora touched the mind of the one she had just named a Lord. Vernza-Torrah... Slaanesh...


She had lost so much blood, her crimson robes darkened from her own wounds. Alora was one mass of pain, there was no part of her body that wasn't broken, battered, burnt or bruised. Her teeth were missing, her face burnt beyond recognition, eyes swollen up with bruising. Arm missing, the other unusabe, hole in her thigh, broken bones all over. She had done nothing, nothing at all to that dark warrior, hadn't even been able to defend herself against him and yet he still beat her to within an inch of her life. Why? What did I do to deserve this? Tears squeezed out from her closed eyes, salt water mingled with the blood that saturated her body. Her laboured breathing painful in itself, she slipped back into in the darkness, hoping that someone... anyone... could help her... but very much fearing waking up... the pain, the agony she was going through... it was all too much...


Darth Alraune

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Nahstaa's personal ship blasted through hyperspace, heading for naboo. Along the way, he made a series of seperate jumps in and out of hyperspace, changing directions to ensure he wasnt followed.



Reverend of the Lords of Hate sep' 05, Destroyer of armies.

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It was painfully obvious that his master continued to suffer and for what reason? It was unknown to him. Such happenings was not of his concern but her well being meant more then a greater deal of things set within this universe. He wanted to provide warmth or some form of comfort, but truth was that she was a complete wreck, he would have no clue where do start. His objective remained clear though; "Vernza-Torrah". Shifting in the distinguished seating, he would flip through a numerous range of controls and set course for that very planet..


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The civillian transport hurtled through hyperspace. Seleck was still crouched behind the crate trying to avoid detection.

He was now bleeding twice as fast as before he ripped off some of his robe and wrapped it around his ruined leg praying that it would stem the flow of blood.


looks like i'm gonna have to act fast he thought.


He rose from the shadows and limped towards the crew compartment and used the force to fell the presences of the crewmen he felt them both at the front command console.


He gathered his energy and slid the door open and rushed towards the cockpit and swiftly beheaded the bewildered crewmen he pushed their limp bodys from the console and adjusted the co-ordinates to get to Cardia and promptly fell asleep, unable to stay concious any longer






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The Napoloen IV, with Sahv and Dashel aboard, flew toward Ossus...


"Dashel, why do you think Kirana wanted to go on her own? She is obviously in some emotional trouble, but people usually want to be around their friends in those times. Perhaps she just wanted to be along for a time..."


Sahv had R-7 punch in the final cooridinates for the planet. They had taken a zig-zagged course, just as Kirana had told them to do.

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"Nice ship, Sahv," said Dashel, as he searched for an acceptable answer to a difficult question whose import and depth he did not yet understand.


He ran a hand over some controls, reading the holo recording Kala had sent him telling him the location of his original ship and how the search for his new one was going. After reading it, he paused, and then answered Sahv's question.


"When we confronted the Dark Lord at Selvaris something intervened in such a way that nobody got hurt, yet when I awoke I was on Coruscant and my master was far from me. In addition, the bond formed between us seemed to broken."


Wincing slightly, Dashel continued, "It was right before you died. Both events impacted me deeply enough that I found myself desiring to kill your muderer in the coldest way I could find. As I closed in on the spot where you died, the bond between Kira and I came back to life, changed, but it was there and enough to help me steer the right course. "


"The bond between us strengthened incrimentally, until I knew she was on Coruscant itself. It was there I found her, and found that she was erratic and confused. I got here to a meditation room and made sure she was safe."


"Basically, whatever changed her occured sometime between Selvaris and her return to Coruscant. It was profound enough she remembers nothing of her life as Chief of State for the Alliance. The very suggestion seems to be anathema to her."


"You were right at the temple, whatever is happening between her and Locke and between them. If something happens that makes me doubt her dedication to the Jedi ideals, I will act. Until then, I am in training at her side and will do all I can to succeed in that training and as her friend."

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"I understand your point." Sahv said, pausing to look forward out of the cockpit window into the field of passing stars.


Sahv made sure everything was ok onboard by checking the system analysis screen nearby.


"That battle I had, was with Trowa Barton. Do you know the name? Actually, I feel really weird talking about it, considering the near-miraculous occasion of my coming back to life. He was the one that Neo and I encountered on Mimban, while you were gone. He was apprentice to Kakuto Ryu. Now, I suppose, he has graduated, though not in maturity, I might add. There seemed to be an overconfidence in him at first. He did not attack. He let me expend my energy, and eventually he took advantage of that."


"No doubt, we will meet again in battle," Sahv continued.


"Anyway, we're coming up on Ossus..."

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Raziel's eye brow went up when he heard the name Shy-ree. He had not seen her in what seemed like forever, since he was traveling with his own master. He had helped turn her back to the light, along with Evan Kerry.


”œYes, I can teach you how. It is quite simple.”

"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."

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He had done this with the Sith, but she had been the one to instigate it. Now he would have to find his master's mind. He reached out, sensing for Master Shardik's presence, moving spectrally around the cockpit. "Master- Master Shardik! Can you here me?" It had been hard to remain aware of his surroundings while he searched, but he had somehow managed it. That must have come over as a shout. Horus thought to himself. I wonder how it would be if you lost yourself in the process of finding another? Would your body simply die and you be forced to remain but an astral projection of yourself?


"Master, will I ever be able to do that without losing almost all awareness? That is to say, will I be able to do that and a number of different tasks simultaniously?"


Pizza is a reflection of all things good...like kittens; and meatballs.


Refrain from the Time Warp

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He really was a fast learner; if Raziel's smile did not show how proud he was it would be a surprise to him. He sat quietly for a few minutes after hearing his padawan's call through the force.


”œVery good for your first try, with practice it will become like second nature to you.”

"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."

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Looking out into the vastness of Hyperspace, Horus contemplated what it would feel like to be lost to your physical self. Shy had passed over him on Mimban, but that really had only been a remnant.

"Master, is it possible for one's body to be destroyed, and yet their spirit to be preserved?" He had kept his senses more than his last attempt, but he was still far from being able to do it without thinking.

"Master where are we going?"


Pizza is a reflection of all things good...like kittens; and meatballs.


Refrain from the Time Warp

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As the Destiny's Dream journeys through hyperspace on it's way to Coruscant, Skye turnes to Darex,


"So, we haven't caught up for a while, how have you been? Need to talk about anything?"


She rested back against the chair, her hand on her abdomen, her wings drapped over the back of the chair. Amon was sleeping soundly and the child she was carrying had settled down somewhat after his acrobatic's as they were leaving...


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The Templar moved through hyperspace like glowbug on fire. Fynn had known the ship was fast, but now it was proving it. Fynn adjusted the computer screen to give him continual status reports on the condition of the engines. They were performing well, but Fynn didn't want lack of attentiveness to put Ara in danger. As he leaned back to take a break he decided to make a little small talk to make the trip go faster.


"We should be arriving at Coruscant fairly soon, until then I suppose we can pass the time. I suppose my trials will be soon, at least this as much as Master Skye has told me. I wonder If might ask you a question though?" Fynn paused his line of thinking to begin a question.


"Master Ara, how long have you known master skye? I mean you two seem to have a long history together." Fynn said with deep regard. His master was still mysterious to him even after all his training, she kept many of her secrets from him for good cause he was sure, still he wanted to know how Ara and Skye knew each other.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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Darex smiled at Skye's concern. "I've been alright, I guess," he shrugged. "I'm managing, anyway."


He sat down near his friend. "I guess it has been a while since I've seen you...since the Academy before the attack, wasn't it? Well...I left for Naboo with Evan Kerry, as you know, but no sooner had I gotten there when I recieved the message to go to Mimban. I went, and ended up crashing on the surface. While there, I felt Shy...but as I headed off to find her, I felt her death."


He paused, remembering, then continued. "Then Armiena came back and scooped me up in her ship. Apparently, the Sith Temple was set to detonate a huge nuclear reaction. We escaped just in time and headed back to Coruscant. We arrived in the heat of the battle, and I was confronted by Lord Barton, the very Sith who had lured Shy to the Dark Side."


He chose his words carefully. "We fought, and eventually, it turned out a draw. We threw each other off the building we were dueling on, and that was the end of the fight. From there, I headed back to the Temple, but by the time I arrived the battle was mostly over. I found Darla and we arrived in time to help Ara. From there, you know the story."


He took a deep breath. "So I guess I've been pretty busy. What about you? You didn't come to Coruscant after it was attacked, did you?"


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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