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Ary the Grey

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Hurtling through space, and set to automatically alert her as they approached maultauros, morgana's ship bore her and Fynn to their destination.


"So why would such a handsome man as yourself want to become a jedi? Surely there are other more enticing paths for someone who seems so capable?" Morgana watched his reaction carefully. Just because her mother was one of these... jedi didnt mean morgana had to like the order, or the members of it. It would be a shame to see such a man wasted on something so fruitless.

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Fynn took a moment to strap himself in ship. "Its' an attractive ship." He said attempting to compliment his new acquaintence.


The look on Morgana's face made him think before trting it again. He didn't completely trust Morgana but if Mistress Skye had entrusted him to her care, then that was good enough for him. Still the thought of trusting anothers' flight capabilty made him uneasy.

"So why would such a handsome man as yourself want to become a jedi? Surely there are other more enticing paths for someone who seems so capable?"


"You mean gambling, killing for money, seeking financial gain for myself?" Fynn said stoicly. "No, thats just not what I see as important. I've done my share of unsavory deeds, I've had my share of selfishness. The galaxy is full of criminals, villans, and nefarious characters all out for themselves. If I can be a force for good, a symbol of light, that gives hope to those who suffer, then I have really done something."


"Besides when someone such as yourself gets into trouble you may need someone like me." Fynn said with a smirk. He turned his attentions inward, as he got farther from The Last Call the more he felt at ease, as if some invisible presence calmed his mood. He tried to concentrate on the feeling, wondering if that was the force he felt, or just some random emotion that all people felt at peace.

Edited by Guest

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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The transport carrying the elites and the freighter that Locke and Kira occupied, surfed through hyperspace on their way to Mon Calamari - both making random jumps so as not to be tracked.


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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The light freighter shook violently as it jumped to hyperspace and Kayla hurried to stabalize the old rusty bucket of bolts. During the trip to Borleais, she worked to fix as many of the systems as she could during the brief trip.


Aero says:

good lick

Aero says:


Aero says:


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As the Excalibur II ripped through hyperspace towards Rafa V, Talon intercepted a series of comm bursts from his droid, Zee, who was currently controling Talon's fighter. Without him, the trip so far had been rather lonely, but his current urgency pressed all matters of personel emotion out.






Talon was happy the droid had commed him. That's why he had kept the little booger around, after all...



"Stay away from the action Zee. I don't want to risk two ships. For right now, just keep where you are. I'll rendevous with you after the battle."



Zee's affirmative popped up on the screen, and then he was gone. The droid's news was interesting. Battle on Borleias? How did the Jedi get involved there? It was only fitting, however, that the 'Secretary of War' join the fray. Talon's hands played over the controls, and the ship's course was readjusted to move to Borleias. During the brief escape from hyperspace, Talon also used the opportunity to inform Andon and the others. The group did, afterall, work well as a team. Whether they came or not, however, did not affect Talon's destination...

Location courtesy of Hale Akturus.

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Through the deepest reaches of space, the Renegade II travelled soundlessly through hyperspace. Inside two Jedi sat, one the Master and one the Apprentice... both their minds focused on the here and the now.


"There are two types of fighting, Ashley: fighting to win and fighting to not lose. The former can lead you to great strength, but it is deceptive... with the want to win growing after each fight... the need to win growing after each fight. This is the type of battle a Sith will use against you."


He exhaled slowly.


"The latter is the defensive fight, raising your hands to strike another only when it is deemed absolutely neccessary. It is passive in it's nature, but it ensures either way that the fight will not draw one into the need to constantly squabble and lust for more. This is the way of the Jedi."


He inhaled slowly and turned to rest his hazel gaze on her.


"Though the components are simple, things are never as easy as they seem... complexities arise in the midst of the most inopportune moments. Above all you must feel, not think, for hesitation will get you killed because you lose concentration on the moment. You must always be aware of the moment-"


A mechanical beeping erupted overhead, their journey through hyperspace nearing its end. The carnage would be beginning all over again.


"No matter what, stay with me. Violence is never the answer, but at times it's the only option we have. Even so, there is a difference between being peaceful and cowardly; make sure you're on the right side of the scales. Never start a fight...but if the situation arises, be damn sure to finish it."


s.png s.png

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Grinning at his comment, morgana replied


"Powers greater than those of a jedi protect me, and are mine to command to an extent. There are far better ways to serve people than by joining with the jedi, but its your choice. Im not one to stop you from wasting your time with such a petty religion."


Shaking her head slightly, Morgana said


"It will be some time before we reach our destination, do you want some food? Im not a bad cook." Winking at him, she stood and led him down to the galley, where she began preparing a tangy dish from an outer rim planet that virtually no one knew of nowdays. Serving it up, she sat down next to him, and began eating.

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"Powers greater then a jedi, and culinary skills as well, tell me is there anything you can't do?" Fynn said in jest. He picked up a utensil and gently tasted the dish Morgana had prepared. It was spicy, stronger then the bland meals he was us too, and also quite salty. He took a moment to gulp hard. "Good, well, at least we won't starve if the hypedrive fails." He remarked.


He looked intensely at Morgana when she was consuming the rest of her portion. Fynn always had a knack for observation, always carefully surveying the surroundings. He had found that using the world aroud him to survive was far smarter then simply relying on ones inner strength.


Morgana was not the sort of girl he had expected to be associated with Mistress Skye, let alone related. She seemed quite capable of caring for herself. He wondered though what sort of deeds she was capable of. While the Jedi were certainly not invincible, he wondered what sort of powers she posessed to make her so sure of her superiority.

"If you dont mind, I will rest a while." With that Fynn bowed slightly out of respect, and moved to an interior cabin space. Here he sat with legs folded, as the seers had taught him when he was but a boy. Concentrating on centering himself, he reached out, trying to recapture the feelings of calm that had washed over him earlier. To his suprise they were still there, as if they had never left. He relaxed and found a moment of peace.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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"Hey look, it's Borlieas," Zane said as he crested the planet, coming down through the atmosphere of the battle-ridden planet.


Sig courtesy of Kayla Mhin, Ex-Jnetter


"I find your lack of pants disturbing"


you're the only one for me, Zane


Zane, ...you blow my...mind
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"You must learn the art of defense young one, this is something only a jedi can teach." The Seers had said to him in unison. Thier voices combining to form one tone.


Defense, it was a word that had little meaning in truth, but it is what the seers had told him. He had argued that defense could only work for so long, for even a strong defense would eventually fail. The seers however were adamant, and so he had eventually agreed. He was too young then to understand what they had meant, and without an instructor, a proper teacher, he had wandered aimlessly.


He had feared what the darkside might do to someone like himself, and worse he had feared what it might make him do. He felt he was a good person, and so he did his best to avoid situations or occupations that involved violence. Finally he had been fortunate to contact a source that said that he could be trained, the jedi had spoken of Mistress Skye personally.


The idea seemed sensible, and if Mistress Skye could teach him the art of defense, perhaps what had happened to Dantooine could be prevented on other worlds. Perhaps he could protect...


He closed the thought forcefully, to be jedi was to be above petty concerns. He would have to be selfless now. Suddenly the ship shuddered, jarring Fynn out of his meditation.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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- Jumping out of hyperspace from Kuat, the lone E-Wing piloted by Sabian Devanus took orbit into Space, resting the thrusters for another jump. While the young man waited, he'd constantly be in thought, most of the ship's controls on auto-pilot for his hands were too nervous and shaken to pilot the controls. -


- All the boy had now was the knowledge in the Force he had been taught to control and be controleled by, entrusting his faith and the outcome of his fate to it's handling. Tears still seemed to gather at the corners of his eyes, having to reach under the large pilot helmet he wore in order to brush them away. -


- One, two, three.. He was gone, hyperspace jumping again, becoming just another small glimpse in the vast wonders of Space now. -

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Sith Lightning exited hyperspace outside of the Borleais system and headed for the planet.


Wow, you're a sick bastard. I thought I was bad, making minions eat their own brains and all
MasterJediJesus: Now you're just being a [richard]

When I get angry, people start dying.

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Zane suffered through the idle bleeding as Sith Lightning transported him to the Sith Base. Once he heard the hyperdrive starting to dial down, he grinned. And now....for dessert...


Sig courtesy of Kayla Mhin, Ex-Jnetter


"I find your lack of pants disturbing"


you're the only one for me, Zane


Zane, ...you blow my...mind
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Nodding to the man, Morgana moved up into the cockpit, sitting and loosing herself in her own thoughts. Despite this mans intention to join the jedi, she had to admit to herself that he was cute. After mulling over the thought for a while, she was startled by the proximity alarm, warning her that they had about 5 mins until they reached maultauros. Turning the claxon off, she opened up a comm chanel over the entire ship.


"Were almost at maultauros. Would you mind coming up to the cockpit and strapping in? Id rather not bring back a bloodied pulp for my mother, this ship isnt known for its easy hyperspace exits."


Strapping herself in, she waited for him to join her.

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"Were almost at maultauros. Would you mind coming up to the cockpit and strapping in? Id rather not bring back a bloodied pulp for my mother, this ship isnt known for its easy hyperspace exits."


Fynn made his way to the cockpit where Morgana sat making last minute adjustments to her counsel. Fynn stumbled a bit as the ship shuddered once more. Moving to the co pilot chair Fynn strapped in and locked the seat into a prone postion.


"I hope the ship is known for its safe landings." Fynn said jokingly, but Morgana's face showed that she wasnt in the mood for humor. Morgana always seemed to be sizing Fynn up as if he were prey and she was the hunter. As attractive or exotic as she might be Fynn refused to do the same, feeling as though personal attachment could only distract him from his goal.


He had never known what true attachment could be like and as such tryed to remain without them. He supposed it was due to being without real parents. He had been raised by his adoptive father, and the only women he had known were the Seers' and they were to be given the utmost respect. Fynn turned his attention back to the shortening starlines that marked the end of thier journey through hyperspace.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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In space a ship came out of hyper space. It came to an emidate stop while inside was Renin at the controls. He got up from the seat and went into the back where a med driod was stationed. He sat on the table as the driod began to work quickly on contructing him a new hand. A much more stronger and quicker one. When the driod finnally finnished, Renin lifted his hand and gazed upon it. It was perfect and just how he wanted it.


He stood up and thanked the Sith Driod with a nod. The Sith Lord walked from the medical room and into the next where he saw a constructing table sat waiting for him to build his new saber.


Renin sat down and took the sheets of metal that where waiting to be created into a saber. He worked quickly and rapidly, using the force to bend the metal and construct his new two lightsabers.


He decided to do the style his father did, which was all three styles. He made two new sabers, he could use one alone, use them both or connect them into a saber staff. When he was finnished, he jumped the ship into hyperspace and blasted off.

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Sahv Yorr sat at the helm of his ship as he headed straight for Coruscant, via the Hydian way, hooking onto the Perlemian Trade Route for the final approach. He didn't say a word... but just sat there, seeming to brood in his own hopelessness.


Yorr thought to himself, "I'll land on Coruscant, go back to that bar... what was it called again?"


He cleaned his blaster pistol, noting how small it seemed to be, wondering if it'd be big enough for revenge if he had the chance.

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As she made the final preperations to drop out of hyperspace, morgana felt a slight tingle on the back of her neck. Not actually being force trained, morgana didnt realise that something interesting was about to happen, until it did so. Pushing forwards on the lever controlling the hyperdrive, Morgana felt a massive impact on one side of the ship, as they were struck by a loose piece of shrapnel, half a second after they returned to sub light speeds.


The two occupants of the ship were thrown in their chairs, although luckily they were strapped in tight. Finally regaining control of the ship, Morgana ignored the bruising from the straps of her chair, and instantly took the ship straight towards one of maultauros's moons.


Unbuckling herself from the strap, she rubbed her stomach and chest, checking that none of the skin was broken from the impact. Looking over at fynn, He seemed alright, but she didnt trust appearances.


"Are you ok? That was quite a shakeup. We need to get outside, and check this place out. From the looks of things we are going to have to wait a while in order to repair the ship, or send a comm to maultauros, as we are on the dark side of the moon. Looks like we get to wait this out, and im fairly sure im almost out of food on this thing too... Ill have to take a closer look, but i get the feeling that impact might have been something tearing part of the ship off."


Shaking her head, she wasnt all that worried. If it came to it, they could go hungry for a few days. There should be undamaged oxygen masks around here somewhere, she had them strewn throughout the ship in case of emergency. Digging through various parts of the ship for supplies and equipment, she made a pile in the tiny living quarters of the ship, mumbling to herself the whole time.


((continue this in the maultauros thread. You make the first of our posts there, and make sure you put in it that we are on one of maultauros's moons))

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