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Ary the Grey

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Being dressed by adolescent hands was a feeling Terra had not experienced since the days of being a bodyguard of Lord Ar-Pharazon. The multi-plated armour of beskar was the colour of half-rotten Krazar-fruit, a deep ochre with crimson striping breaking the battleworn plates of their drab nature. The colours of Justice and Honour in the culture of its people. Her eyes studied the battlescars as the Twi’leks prepared it.


Justice and Honour. How Ironic.


The glovelike underarmour clung to her skin as it was pulled across her lithe frame, and was uncomfortably warm as it began to prevent her skin from breathing. As it was attached to the environmental suite on the helmet, it began to cool swiftly, to reach equilibrium with the balmy temperatures of the bridge. Terra kept the Buy’ce off as she stepped from the changing room, adjusting herself to the lightweight armour. She was missing musculature she had developed over the years, but she had no doubt her body would adjust. The Jetpack felt massive on her back, the oversized module utilized by the previous owner had an enlarged missile for extra damage.


She had read of the Kal’Koran demise, men thinking themselves godlike as most Mandalorians did, meeting the wrath of Black Sun. Dying in a simple hyperdrive malfunction due to improper coordinate input. Godlike indeed. Terra felt the gentle tap of leather as the kama adjusted as she walked. With her blonde hair in a plait down her back, she joined Delta at the holoprojecter, to stand silently during the planning, and to offer input if needed. Her greysteel eyes flicked over the battleplans as she kept the buy'ce in the crook of her armoured arm.


To the Death...

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At first Saint had been cynical of Black Sun’s offer, but now that she was on the Marie, the opulence of the ship suggested that the crime syndicate had more credits than they knew what to do with. How they kept the crew of criminals from stealing anything was beyond her.


Flicking through the data sheets from the battle plan, Saint tagged the other mercenaries with a direct message to say that they would need repulsor rigs for stealth insertion, and to check the Marie’s armory for the requisite gear. Borsk and Lysander’s profiles showed promise, along with a few others, but the majority of the outsiders were an afterthought to secure the perimeter.


After checking her chrono, Saint walked purposefully towards the bridge to be prepared for a holo conference with their employer’s employer, some Sith or another. While the Mandalorian relationship with the Sith had been… complicated in the past, the shameful peace between the Galactic Alliance and the Empire meant that a Sith conquest would be the only play available.

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  • ===


Closer to the Destroyer, and the wild heat of the dark side crawled onto his bare skin. The latch behind the Dark Lord fastened shut and the airlock between the pressure vessel was travelled without err. The smell of the Kyber was an aroma few could stomach; bittersweet to the tooth, and could drive any being unruly. “Lord Exodus,” A faceless militia met him before he could step further, the red of their breastplates denoting their rank within the Sith Trooper hierarchy, each of them bowed deeply. Their helmets were reflective but he knew the moment that each of their eyes locked with his own. “Your excellency, please.. come with us.” The escort lifted their weapons from ease, and split their formation to better chaperone the King of the Sith.



  • ===



"Welcome, Lady Darksong. Transmitting boarding instructions now. Do make haste.."



The voice was not of the ordinary, it was broken and carried a slivering quake of the afterlife. Whatever it was, it sat by the mammoth holo-slab, alone and quite visibly the one in control. A dark crimson hood with golden trim, covered all it's features, but it's thick barbarous hair could not be tamed. The plated glint of a full face mask could be seen, but the design was monstrous, demonic in every bit of facial design. He or it, exuded wild power even as he sat patiently waiting. The Sith Troopers in this room were similar to the others from before, but bore a golden-hue on their breastplates and carried an array of melee weapons within their palms. Suddenly, the pressurized door pushed apart and revealed that the Dark Lord had arrived at last. "Scarecrow," Exodus pushed forward while the escort remained behind, there was haste in his step now. "They await you, my Lord." The bastion of a creature stood immediately and bowed his respects to his liege.



The colossal holo-projector flickered alive, communicating to the nearby war fleet, each of them bleeding into one another. A pair of seats remained vacant, for now. (Master Sheog, The Blood Prince, Saint online.)



  • "..I hope you've all come prepared to hunt."


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Delta turned his seat around to look into the holorecorder, his smile invisible behind a crimson T-visor. When he spoke his voice was amplified by internal speakers.


“My Lord, thank you for allowing the Black Sun to prove ourselves as worthy allies in this war of conquest. Much like our last battle, I am prepared to lead the starfighter corps while my fleet commanders coordinate with your Sith command. The duel Victories, the Red Hussar and Golden Dawn are prepared to offer covering fire for long range bombardment against enemy capitals, while the St Cathryne does the same with long range siege torpedoes and turbolasers. The Marie and Totenkopf will remain at the center of the formation to provide anti-starfighter defense and long range sensor jamming and starfighter coordination. As for the starfighters, we can learn a few things from the Rebel Alliance’s fight against the old Galactic Empire some seventy years ago. Fighter superiority will give us the edge here, no matter the defenses we must use our fighters and bombers effectively. The mix of starfighters and bombers from the Sith fleet along with huge amount of Black Sun fighters and bombers will give us superiority in the air. I volunteer to lead from the front, and bring us victory in the air. The sensors of the Marie and the larger ships to provide us starfighters accurate firing target trajectories, this will of course be amplified by a joint command for the fighter wings as well as a Mind Meld performed by Master Sheog. Much like was used on Onderon.”


He clicked a few buttons on the holo panel and transmitted the Dark Lord the overall fighter superiority plan.


He explained it as the transmission completed. “My lord, the fighters and bombers will follow the ARCs who will be projecting large directional jamming clouds towards the enemy fleet and fighter squadrons. When we close range all fighters will establish missile lock on enemy starfighters and bombers and eliminate them. Since the Jamming fields are directional, we should be able to shoot with impunity until the jamming is either defeated or the enemy get within laser range. By then one or two deadly missile flights will already be on their way. After the defeat of enemy starfighters, our bombers will begin to harass the enemy capital ships while the starfighters will head groundwards to assist in the invasion. If worse comes to worse and we encounter enemy jamming ships, the A-wings, with their own jamming and counter jamming arrays will pursue the enemy jamming ships at speed and destroy them in a hunter killer tactic.”


Fighter/Bomber in depth loadout Breakdown


1 Squadron ARC-170e Fighter-bombers refitted (Uriel Loadout)


2 Medium Laser Cannons

4 Proton Torpedos

4 Diamond Boron missiles,

2 EMP/ION bombs slung on the wings,

Heavy Sensor/Scope jammers


11 Squadrons TIE Defenders


6 Plasma Missiles

6 Proton Torpedoes

4 Laser Cannons

2 Ion Cannons


11 Squadrons K-wings (KAIN Loadout)


6 Proton Topedoes

6 Diamond Boron Missiles

2 Discord Missiles

4 Four chain-linked anti-starfighter slugthrowers


3 Squadrons TIE/IT Interdictors (KAIN Loadout)


6 Plasma Torpedoes

6 Homing Missiles,

16 Proton Bombs

2 Laser Cannons


8 Squadrons A-Wings


12 Concussion Missiles

2 Laser Cannons


Mission Operations Layout by wing


Grey Wing


Tasked to provide sensor jamming to cover approach of the other wings

Green Wing

K-Wings and TIE Interdictors

Tasked for initial anti-starfighter assault using Diamond Borons, Homing, and Discord missiles. After elimination of enemy starfighters, to engage enemy capital ships with plasma torpedoes, bombs to eliminate shields and hardpoints.

Blue Wing

TIE Defenders

Tasked with elimination of enemy fighters, small craft, and provide air superiority.


Red Wing


Tasked with hunter-killer for high value, designated targets using hit and run tactics.





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It had been a long time since Raynuk had been called to war in the manner that the Dark Lord Exodus beckoned, and even longer since the Warrior King had chosen to answer such a call. So it was with a hint of excited apprehension that Raynuk brought the Ravenhammer out of hyperspace at the coordinates that the Dark Lord had supplied.


HIs first reaction was to let out a whistle of admiration as he took in the countless ships that lie before him, having likewise been brought together by the will of the Dark Lord. He recognized some of the ships as being Black Sun, which likely meant that Delta was involved, but there were nearly as many ships that the Ravenhammer identified as being a part of the Sith fleet proper.

Sensing that he was already on the tardy side due to his detour back to Korriban, Raynuk wasted no more time as he kicked the Ravenhammer forward at full sublight, reaching over to hail the Bleeding Kyber and the Dark Lord.


“Wolf calling Spider… This pack leader has returned for the hunt.”


The message was simple, direct, yet cryptic to anyone who might make the mistake of intercepting the message. Once a response was had, and boarding instructions were given, there was little else for Raynuk to do until he was aboard the Kyber .




Raynuk arrived at the briefing not long after it began, sliding into the room and quickly attempting to catch himself up as Delta continued.


“...projecting large directional jamming clouds towards the enemy fleet and fighter squadrons. When we close range all fighters will establish missile lock on enemy starfighters and bombers and eliminate them. Since the Jamming fields are directional, we should be able to shoot with impunity until the jamming is either defeated or the enemy get within laser range. By then one or two deadly missile flights will already be on their way. After the defeat of enemy starfighters, our bombers will begin to harass the enemy capital ships while the starfighters will head groundwards to assist in the invasion. If worse comes to worse and we encounter enemy jamming ships, the A-wings, with their own jamming and counter jamming arrays will pursue the enemy jamming ships at speed and destroy them in a hunter killer tactic.”


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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--- A Comm to Jaina Jade Skywalker came in on the Jedi encrypted codes ---





I am so sorry about Tirzah. You have my sympathy. I wish there could have been something I could have done to help you. I know this will be a difficult question to answer, though I need to ask what you would like to do with Tirzah’s remains. I will keep her with me until you decide. If there is anything else I can do for you please let me know. I will be heading to Hesperidium to meet with the Supreme Commander and with Darex.


May the Force be with you,





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The apprentice was escorted, along with the retinue of Sheog the Mad, to the training chambers aboard The Bleeding Kyber. Once there, Karema showed the girl a spartan chamber, whose only decorations were the crimson mats and banners of the Sith. It was a sparring chamber, made for hand-to-hand combat. His pale lips formed a thin line as he tossed a handful of protein cubes onto the matting, where they flaked brown dust.


“In order to eat, you must show some spirit… Some… Dedication…”


With a wave of his delicately painted fingers, hunger began to spread through the young woman's guts like an insatiable hand, grasping and pulling, causing her stomach to knot and turn. He ignited his double-bladed lightsaber, and held it before him like a flaming brand.


Darling… Pull the food to you in the Force, or I will cut you to ribbons!”




The overlarge Hutt Master waived a chubby hand across the holoscreen, taking in the formations of starfighters, as well as the armoured figures before him. Delta was recognizable from armour and accent, and at his side was the Greyjoy girl, Terra. He passed a greeting to Raynucknuck as he entered, a mix of happiness and desire for a battle at the side of his friend.




He turned to the Dark Lord, leaning upon his staff of darkmetal




King Kheldar vos Correlli said:
Sheog, I have to ask, overkill much?
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Celora looked about as she was taken throught the ship, its massive size dwarfing any war ship she had before seen or been upon. They had emerged from space to see the dark star destroyer ahead of them, an armada of darkness gathering about the main ship. As a part of the retinue of the Hutt, she had been treated with a certain level of respect, though she doubted it would fair well for her should she cease to be with them. She entered the chamber with the single Sith, a question forming on her lips, about to inquire as to what the Sith wanted from her, her experience with small rooms and men mostly beginning with blows and her clothes being torn off, before the Sith spoke and the massive lightsaber ignited in his hand.


For a moment, she stared at it in awe. This was the first time she had seen such a weapon as close range, though she had heard of them many times before. Its glowing beams waved back and forth slowly before her, the threat only sinking in when he gave her the order. A thought crossed her mind as she reached inside to grasp the Force, her rigid view of the still-elusive Force slowly eroding with practice and her limits being reached and surpassed. "Getting cut? It wouldn't be the first time. Alright," she whispered under her breath, "I can do this."


Even more then the ship they had before been on, the darkside ran rampant here, without any conteracting influence. Here indeed the lightside seemed to be almost forgotten, its practitioners far from influence, much like they had been since her early years. The prescence of the two Masters in close proximity stood out, and she reached out to the Force surronding the Master. Instead of being able to access and manipulate it, her reach seemed almost to slip through, to be unable to grasp the Force surronding the Master. Her senses hightened, she could see the slight raise of an eyebrow and the almost imperceptible movement of the Sith toward her, the buzzing of the lightsaber growing louder in her ears, the hum and the drum turning into a rushing torrent.


Celora reached out, gathering what she could of the Force from about her, even drawing within herself, and touched the cubes. Like the pen had in her force dream, one cube slowly floated up to eye level, quickly followed by the rest. All but one flew to her outstreached palm, stacking asymmetrically on her hand, the fine control necessary to stack perfectly still lacking, much to her chagrin, while the last flew and gently rested on the hand of the Master, incongrous next to the glowing beams of deadly energy. "Like that?"

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Raia couldn't help sharp gasp of surprise when the Ravenhammer burst from hyperspace. More ships than she'd ever dreamed possible of all sizes and impossible configurations were everywhere she looked from beside Raynuk in the copilot's seat. Swept up in the energies that hummed in the Force around her and the confirmation that Draken was coming to start her training, Raia instinctively grounded herself and left to collect her things while Raynuk made the final boarding preparations.


His long and purposeful strides made it hard to keep up, but Raia didn't want to be the one to slow him down from answering the summons of the Dark Lord. Little instruction was given to her, so she followed her own instincts and opted to wait outside of the war room as the door slid aside to admit the Warrior King. She'd brought her sketch pad and some of the fresh supplies they'd bought on the Shadow's Gambit, opting to keep herself occupied while the meeting went on.


Her time on Spite Station had taught her nothing, if not patience. It wasn't like she'd be able to follow anything they were discussing in there anyway. As Vex’aedr settled next to her on the floor across from the war room door, she took out her sketch pad and set to work.


She wasn’t quite sure why, but she suddenly found herself missing Tirzah and decided to alleviate the yearning for her young friend by drawing her. As the younger girl’s face began to form as the Sith apprentice drew, Raia couldn’t help but notice the similarities between the two of them. On a whim, she added herself to the picture looking every bit as though she were the girl’s elder sister. The thought made her smile so she continued, adding Raynuk to the image and then Jaina.


It was only then she realized how dangerous that image might be. Ar-Pharazon had gone after her simply because she was something Raynuk treasured, and she was Sith. What would the other Sith do if they knew about Jaina and Tirzah?


She quickly ripped it from the book and tucked it securely inside the hidden compartment in her bag, the same one she’d used to conceal Emily’s commlink when she’d been on Dathomir.


It was a hard realization. Where youthful wistfulness had momentarily won out, something deep inside told Raia to bury those feelings and knowledge deep within herself. She was on a Sith vessel sitting just outside of a war meeting.


Almost absently, she began a new page not really starting with anything in mind. Putting her pencil to the paper she cleared her mind and just let her hand move of its own accord. It wasn’t long before various eight-legged creatures of any manner of shapes and sizes began to take shape.


The Dark Spider Lord’s energy bore strongest of them all.


PMs need to be sent to Mirdala if you want a timely response.

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-- A comm that had been bouncing around the holonet unanswered since it had been sent from Korriban finally reaches its intended recipient, The Dark Lord Exodus --



Revered Dark Lord Exodus,


I wanted to say Congratulations on the mantle of Dark Lord. I was sorry we missed you, the Force having led us to Darth Quietus and Raia when we arrived on Korriban. We have been working with Darth Quietus to find the Cult of Morthos. I have my own reasons for wanting them destroyed since they got the jump on me and held me captive for years until the day they resurrected Quietus. Darth Shadowlord and I went searching for Darth Eris when we heard of her abduction over Coruscant. That search ended when we saw the holonet broadcast the Remnant put out. She has since sent a message out to Quietus that she had been freed.


Until we meet again, May the Force serve you well.






Alora sat in the copilots seat of the Grand Duke and grinned as she looked across at her betrothed, “So, Raia has decided to take you up on your offer to train her… that will be good for her. I’m looking forward to seeing her again.” The Sith Mistress paused, her hand lowering to pat Shadow who lay by her side. “I wonder what happened to her tattoos. They were missing from her holo. Either she found a way to rid herself of them or we were looking at a cloned Raia.” She herself had been cloned many times which was why she still only looked 24 when her actual age was… well older than 24 that was for sure.


“I am concerned about the reception we will get when we arrive… I do wonder how the Dark Lord will react to us showing up. I did send a comm ages back before we left Korriban but had no response so I don’t know if he got it and has wiped his hands of us, or if he just didn’t get the comm.”


Darth Alraune

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The decking of the Bleeding Kyber was cold on her bare feet, the metal alloys sending irritating pulses of cold up her legs into her core with every step. She had been on small ships before and large ones like the Marie, but this was a whole other level. A ship over a kilometer long? It frightened her ever so slightly until together, her and her mother entered the briefing room. The harsh tones of Ca’Aran discussing something called jamming beld through the doors as Qaela motioned her to stay outside. Telperiën was confused as to what a topping on toast had to do with battle but she knew that she was probably not welcome in the briefing room so she wandered as her mother took part.


She wandered down the long hallway surrounding the briefing room until she came across a familiar figure sketching. Telperiën held back for a few moments watching her from a distance, considering herr next approach. Last time she had interacted with the older girl it had ended quite badly for the two of them. She swallowed her nerves and walked on silent feet until she was within striking distance and then she coughed. Keeping her hands at her side she bowed low.


“Hello Raia, I am sorry for what happened last time…can I join you in drawing?” Her voice was low, slow, and rasping, sounding like it was taking a lot of effort to even speak.


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Qaela and her daughter stepped out onto the hangar deck of the glorious Star Destroyer and into organized chaos as various crews prepared fighters and assault shuttles for battle. A nondescript officer met the two of them and informed them their presence was requested in a briefing. Wanting to know what was going on, she quickly followed without any complaint.


When she arrived, she directed for Telperien to stay out side with Raia and entered the main briefing. She noticed Exodus, Raynuk, and Sheog the Hutt as well as several others on holo discussing various plans. Most of it was just numbers and unknown ship names to her, but she got the idea that a major operation was underway, one larger than any she had seen in years. She was glad for this, it was time that the Sith rallied and did something to be worthy of their name. She stayed in the back of things, not bringing attention to herself, but also not hiding, and listened. She wanted to know what the Sith leaders had envisioned for her, but wasn't going to interfere in their meeting.

Qaela Sig

Send PM's to Travis.

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Raia remained immersed in her drawing until Telperiën's cough caught her attention. Vex'aedr, however, eyed the girl suspiciously but merely raised his head from where it had been resting at Raia's feet.


Looking up from her spider study, Raia's grey eyes met the blazing violet of the young Dathomiri. Though several years her junior, Telperiën looked every bit the Dathomiri warrior with her long, glossy black hair in small braids all tied back neatly in a single ponytail. Though the girl wore no armor, the red and black tunics she wore bore some similarity to the ones that Raia had seen Raynuk wear under his own armor.


Raia, on the other hand, bore little past physical resemblance to the girl that had been hurled at Telperiën’s mother over two long years before. For one thing, she wore her usual soft grey boots that fell just short of her knee, where the other girl’s feet were bare. The silver brocaded tunic Raia wore would not have survived long in the unforgiving jungles and looked far more at home in the bustling city-planet of Coruscant.


Where Telperiën’s hair was in the traditional braids of the Nightsister Clan Raia had been enslaved to for a short while, Raia’s hung loosely in long waves that fell past her shoulders. The only braids she bore were the two small ones at either temple that were only long enough to join in the back to keep her hair away from her face.


In the midst of mentally comparing the two of them, Raia came to a realization that both stunned and comforted her. While she had memories of spending most of her life on Dathomir, she wasn’t Dathomiri anymore. She was fine with that and more than ready to leave the pain of her past behind and look toward her future with the Sith.


“Of course,” Raia finally offered as she flipped to the back of her sketchbook and tore out a few pages for the younger girl and offered her a seat on the other side of her bag. She pulled out the drawing supplies so that the girl wouldn’t have to dig around in her bag to find them.


Tētis has said that it wasn’t either of our faults,” Raia started quietly, reverting to Dathomiri. “I don’t think that’s completely correct. I don’t regret trying to help you, I just should have known more about what it was I was dealing with before I got us both in over our heads. We were lucky to have had the Trinity there to fix things.”


She saw no point in filling in Telperiën on what had happened in the hours and days following the scene in the temple banquet hall. There was still something unsettling about the girl, but Raia was content to chalk it up to their last meeting and the freshness of the aftermath.

“Are you here with your mother? Or to begin your training?”


PMs need to be sent to Mirdala if you want a timely response.

Provide anonymous IC feedback here.

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Delta watched as the Holo of Raynuk appeared on the hologram projector. He nodded at his old wartime comrade and distantly remembering all the fun adventures they had while playing the part of SCORPIONS he let a smile cross his face.


He turned the Saint. "My mercenary commander will now address the ground invasion plans." He gestured for her to take a seat beside him on the black leather couch which was being projected to the Bleeding Kyber.




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Zalis made a few adjustments on a datapad to move and secure some funds to help pay for the massive amount of mercs that she and Delta had just hired. It would cost her a lot, but luckily, she still had some resources that could help fund this very mission at the least. Upon making all the needed transfers, she put the data pad away in a back pocket and secured it to her belt holster. She was now wearing black pants and boots, along with a black tank top and special wrist gauntlets on either wrists. One held an assortment of small detailed things that she would always need, and the other was more of a tactical display. Her red hair was braided and ready for whatever may come of this mission, if she was even needed. She normally wouldn't engage in any sort of combat stuff unless it gave her a chance to get unclose and personal, but she was ready to help move Black Sun in the direction it needed to go. Armed with her two blasters in their holster, she moved towards the bridge and gave Delta a head nod as she moved herself through the main part of the bridge.


"I do believe this is only our second slaughter together. You ready to blow stuff up and take pets? Dinner can be on me this time around."


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Karema’s pale lips crooked to a smile as the protein cubes trailed their way to the hand of his apprentice, and one to his own hand. He nodded, his curls flouncing as he tossed the double-bladed lightsaber into the air. It came up in a lazy arc, spiraling in crimson light, holding in rotation at its zenith as if frozen in time. The cube of brown powder shattered into dust on his outstretched palm, each particle holding a pattern in the air. The shards of protein shook as if trying to escape the bonds of the force, the cloud forming into the spiral nature of a galaxy. With a whisper, it blew away on a callous wind, its old form forgotten.


“Yes… Like that. Eat, you have done well... Celora.”


Her name carried a curious tone, a taunting debasement of her achievements that bade her to do far better. The blade crashed to the matting beside him, the wicked handle falling into his outstretched hand. Cruel fingers twisted around the aberrant form, falling into worn grooves, highlighting the decades it had been wielded. A simple handle fell to the matting before the girl, a training saber


“When you are ready, we will go over the stances of battle.”




King Kheldar vos Correlli said:
Sheog, I have to ask, overkill much?
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A smuggling ship will be delivering a small strike force of mercenaries in a HALI drop with repulsor packs for a stealth insertion to target the capital city's shield generator. While the majority establish a perimeter around the target, a team of six will infiltrate the complex through remote hacking, or if necessary through explosive enthusiasm. Once the shield generator is down we will signal to the fleet and engage targets of opportunity as they present themselves, maintaining contact with the fleet to coordinate orbital support and avoid friendly fire. In addition to Bolt, I've tapped Borsk, Terra, Lysander, and Rose to be the tip of the spear.


Once enemy hard points have been eliminated we will head to an ally controlled grid point for exfiltration.

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Exodus took a small interlude from the quaint receptions shared between the individuals before him and borrowed his ear to the metal skin that covered his face. The distraction of a small dispatch played into his ear, diverting his attention. First impression was that it would be Kain, delivering information on his whereabouts. Unusually, it was not. Instead, the voice and words of an old Sith Master (Alora) spelled out her concern and now called to him, echoing the words of this Cult of Morthos yet again. Frustration settled onto the bridge of his nose, realizing that this would be a problem that continued to surface among his people, one he may have to end himself. Zkasaeva. Lady Alora will arrive shortly, see to it that she settles well.” Exodus spoke quietly, without shifting his gaze from the holo-projection.


The one known as Scarecrow lifted his overbearing shape from his wall reclining, and exited the room without question, adhering to the instructions of his Dark Lord. The doors pushed open, and revealed a small assembly of young prospects. To them, Scarecrow would look nothing less than a nightmare. He was drowned in a gilded crimson robe, with an unpolished full-mask. The mask was clearly the face of a demon, but which one of the many was the question. His skin was absolutely colorless, or what could be seen of it. There were sharp collars embedded into the deltoids of the tall warrior, but no blood ran down the length of his dead skin. He smiled when he gawked down at the sketching the little girl (Raia) held inside her tiny hands, but all she could see was the rotting scowl of a fiendish devil. He could no longer stomach the innocence that these two children (Telperiën & Raia) exuded and as the doors fastened themselves shut again, the Zkasaeva continued down the halls.



  • "Lord Montar, Lord Diresto, Lady Darksong,"


Exodus spoke their names individually, with an emphasis that meant more than what they could immediately understand. The Dark Lord then measured a short walk towards the opposite end of the table, lengths of his raiment trailing magnanimously, before stopping and sharing a glance towards each of them. He bowed his head formally, locks of his dark mane falling and brushing against the twisted emerald daze of his eyes. Exodus planted both of his arms onto the cedar traction of the far-reaching war console, and stared into the holo-imaging of his allies. The engineered preliminaries for the starfighter command came alive in three-dimensional viewing, giving every member in this room a clear-cut view of the formations and delegations for each wing. Delta Seven-Three had a mind for this, and Exodus understood that his proposal highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of this engagement. The element of surprise was a card for them to play with ease, while their objective would be blind-sided by the sheer volume of their oppression.



"The starfighter contingent is yours to command, Blood Prince. You will not fail me, you have earned this right. Hold the formations tight until their lines disintegrate. They will come in droves once we break hyperspace, but we will spend neither time nor mercy tearing through them. Master Quietus and Lady Darksong will engage alongside Delta, but will look for opportunity to capture or destroy an enemy vessel from within. Drop-ships will be loaded and ready for deployment the moment the shields fall, if those shields do not drop in a timely fashion, we descend the ground forces regardless. Your mercenary command will not be isolated longer than necessary, you will find me on the battlefield shortly, hunting for Je'daii.



  • ... Master Krath, you are all clear. Let the reckoning begin."





(With coordinates and formations pre-determined upon launch, all vessels riveted with power as they drew alive, moments away from War.)


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Telperiën relaxed her shoulders and crouched down next to the older girl she wiped a bead of blood from the side of her mouth with her sleeve and scooped up one of the pieces of flimsi that Raia had laid out for her. She smiled admiringly up at her and selected a piece of wrapped drawing charcoal. The dark carbonized lines it would leave on the paper were harsh compared to the delicate drawings of Raia but after many long sleepless nights drawing on a piece of leather with coal from an extinguished fire, Telperiën was no unskilled herself. Slowly she etched out Raia’s face, smearing the carbon with a finger to give shading and wiping it away with a dirty sleeve to pronounce the highlights. While she was concentrating she didn’t put for the effort to actually speak but reverted to her natural speaking through impressions and images through the force.


Thank you for saying that Raia, I am quite ashamed of it. Though he still is in me somewhere, waiting. So i'm gunna be more careful. I'm here with mama so I think we are training but I’m more looking forward to seeing Ca’Aran.


She projected the smiling form of the clone trooper through the force until she felt a dark gaze upon the back of her beck.


She looked up and let out a gasp. She jumped to her feet to stand between her friend and the ghoulish creature. A small and diminutive shield, but it was her fault her friend had been hurt last time, and she wouldn't let it happen again. She would fight any demon that threatened Raia this time. Her wooden knife was clasped firmly in one hand and the other hand summoned the force into a crackling ball of red energy. With great effort she stood her ground against the foul creature. Though her heart beat rapidly and she was scared so much her knees trembled.


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Raynuk found himself standing firm under the glance and gaze of the Dark Lord, nodding his head in return as Exodus called him by name. As Exodus' attention returned to the holo-imaging, so too did Raynuk, ever aware of just how far the Dark Lord could go to achieve his goals. Raynuk had listened to the battle plan delivered by Saint, taking a small amount of amusement in Delta's use of the word 'mercenary' considering in Raynuk's mind, that was basically what Delta was. The insertion plan was risky of course, but the risk would be taken by Saint and her team, and not the SIth directly. Perhaps not the method Raynuk would have suggested, but the decision and planning had not been his to decide. As Exodus spoke again, further breaking down the roles of those involved, Raynuk glanced at Qaela, who was standing a bit away and offered her a small nod of acknowledgement.


In the past, he and Qaela had not seen eye to eye on several occasions, and he was not so ignorant to miss the fact that some of that burden was on him. He had given her no reason to trust him or even accept his presence in those days. But that was the past, and this was a new dawn for the Sith; Exodus had offered her a position, and she had come willingly to play her part. Raynuk was not going to let the bad blood of the past get in the way now. She was formidable in her own right, and her skills would be more than useful in the war to come. It had been a while since Raynuk had openly participated in ship-to-ship combat, but it had always been something he was fairly decent at; after all, he was still here wasn't he?


It did however, bring up an interesting dilemma for the SIth Master. It had been more than a handful of years since the Sith waged war so openly, but Raynuk had been through campaigns like this one before, and had prospered, and more importantly, he had been prepared. And it appeared the time was coming where he would need those tools once more. The dust was to be removed from the instruments of his past.


Diverting his eyes, but not his attention from the briefing for a moment, Raynuk pulled back his sleeve to his gauntlet and bracer that housed his personal tech-suite. He tapped into his communications, and sent out a simple code, piggybacking off the Ravenhammer's communications capabilities, sending it off to darkness of space beyond the gathering. He had not issued that code for a very long time, and up until this moment, had not even considered if it would still work or not. As with everything, time would tell.


With the transmission completed, Raynuk's gaze returned to the briefing.


I ate a hippo. It was delicious.

May the Forth therve you well...

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Draken looked around as his ship exited hyperspace. “Seems that the Order is at war once more. I suppose though that it was time, especially with the Empire hunting us.” He ran his hand over his beard then looked at the IFF console to make certain that the id was being broadcast. Satisfied, he looked over at her then nodded to the panthers.


“It might be best if we keep them inside the ship until we find where we stand.” He turned the ship towards the fleet and guided the ship towards the Kyber. Within a few minutes, they were landing in the hanger bay and he shut off the engines. He sat there for a moment listening to the sound of his ship shutting down then stood up and reached for his cloak.


He swung the cloak over his shoulders then clasped it securely before reaching his hand out and calling his staff into his hand. He picked up a datapad and tucked it into a pocket of his cloak then he looked at her and nodded slowly.


“Time to go.”

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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As Rose paced the decking of the Marie she ran through the upcoming mission in her mind.


Shuttle ride down, HALI jump, land outside the shield facility. Probably a firefight outside the doors. Breach. Another firefight, another breach, and then a healthy helping of proton explosives to the main generator and then boom. Extract through another firefight.


She was nervous but she knew it would bring honour to her and her people. Blood and fire for her God. Kad Ha’rangir would be pleased by this. Plus credit. She ran her hands together as she paced, adjusting the combat gloves as she walked from room to room.


Wookiees were dangerous foes. Their bolt casters could throw a human like herself off the top of a tree village as easy as anything. Not to mention if one of bolts found a hole in her armour. She grimaced below her blue helmet and found herself in what appeared to be a trophy room alongside the Trandoshan she had seen in the Cantina. She pulled off her helmet and gave him a friendly grin as she walked through the mass of trophies. Three lightsabers on various stands. One even with some kind of poison trap pulled out of it and displayed beside it. Marked with ‘Darth Lucifer’ on the name plate. She was a bit shocked to see the fully preserved bodies of the Naboo royal family still seated on a blood soaked couch. Their heads placed on their laps, a young but deceased royal family.


This was a famous ship then. She gulped and walked back to the Trandoshan.

“So what other than credits brings you to this ship?”


Behold the Rose of Sharon is burning in the valley 

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The Volkssturm arrived with as much anticipation and corporeal dread as a reader of a a Mandalorian fanfic on the holonet might feel when a six month highly anticipated storyline wraps up with no impact to the characters or the story.


It joined formation with the Sith and Black Sun fleet in its prepared function as a anti-stargihter escort. Prepared to gun down anything that came within range of its twenty AG-2G quad laser cannons. The two squadrons of K-Wings and two squadrons of E-Wing starfighters would add to the squadrons prepared for the assault. The two thousand accompanying troops would also take part in the ground invasion.


Aboard the Marie, Delta congratulated his mercenary commander.


"Well done Saint, if you pull this off you will be greatly awarded and gifted your own command should you want it."


He turned back to the Holo display and bowed to the Lord Montar. Whome he had found himself missing greatly since their last meetup. He wondered if Count Dook- or Lord Draken would also be upon the Kyber. He probably was alongside that Lady Alora. Suddenly he didn't mind if the Sith warship was lost in the coming battle. Provided the Dark Lord, Montar, and that Raia girl survived. Oh and Qaela and Telperien too.


But he did not express that opinion. Because contrary to popular opinion, he was not retarded.




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Terra was ready for the jump, whenever it happened. If combat were to follow, she would follow her instincts and kill what came up. She had packed a medical kit for treatment of any injuries. She would assist as she could on the assault on the shield generator


To the Death...

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Connected all by the Battlemind, the Sith fleet would act in unison against any and all opposition. At the heart of the fleet would be the Bleeding Kyber, the Star Destroyer that was commanded by The Masters of the Krath, and from which the Sith battlemind would originate. The Sith’s three Corvettes would flank the Star Destroyer, adding their turbolasers to the targets it called. The Black Sun fleet, their two Victory-Class Star Destroyers and MC30c, would follow the same vector commands, the combined turbolaser fire enough to overwhelm the shielding systems of any Capital Ship they targeted. They would be arrayed in a half-moon, where their firing vectors could combine for maximum damage. Antifighter capabilities would be from their own fighterscreen, and the newly arrived Lancer Frigate. In command would be all the Sith Masters of Sith Empire. In full, the fleet would consist of the following ships and fighter compliments, all set to purpose under the battlemind of Sheog.:



The Marie

Ship Class: Corvette

Type: Corellian CR-90E Heavily Modified

Crew: 130

Starfighter/Troop Complement: 1 squadron ARC Fighter-bombers refitted, 1 Squadron of TIE Defenders 1000 Assault troops

Armaments: 5 turbolaser turrets, 4 point defense guns, Advanced sensor and jamming package

AP: 1


St. Cathryne

Ship Class: Cruiser

Type: MC30c

Crew: 900

Starfighter/Troop Complement: 4 squadron TIE Defenders, 2 K-Wing 3000 Assault troops

Armaments: 2 Heavy Assault MG1-A proton torpedo launchers, 16 Medium Turbolaser batteries, 16 twin laser cannon batteries, 6 cluster bomb launchers

AP: 3


Golden Dawn

Ship Class: Cruiser

Type: Victory II-class Star Destroyer

Crew: 6000

Starfighter/Troop Complement: 3 squadron K-wing, 3 RZ-1 A-wing interceptors 3000 Assault troops

Armaments: 10 quad turbolaser batteries, 20 turbolaser batteries, 20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 10 Heavy ION cannons

Build date: 6/14/2009

AP: 3


The Red Hussar

Ship Class: Cruiser

Type: Victory II-class Star Destroyer

Crew: 6000

Starfighter/Troop Complement: 3 squadron K-wing, 3 RZ-1 A-wing interceptors 3000 Assault troops

Armaments: 10 quad turbolaser batteries, 20 turbolaser batteries, 20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 10 Heavy ION cannons

AP: 3



Ship Class: Corvette

Type: Agave-class picket ship

Crew: 50

Starfighter/Troop Complement: 2 RZ-1 A-wing interceptor squadrons 1000 Assault troops

Armaments: 4 turbolaser cannons divided into two batteries, 4 Point defense laser batteries and a Gravity Well projector.

AP: 1


The Bleeding Kyber

Ship Class: Star Destroyer

Type: ISD-II

Crew: 9700, 303 gunners


50 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (20 Forward, 15 Left, 15 Right)

50 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (20 Forward, 10 Left, 10 Right, 10 Aft)

20 Ion Cannons (10 Forward, 5 Left, 5 Right)

8 Octuple barbette turbolaser

10 Tractor Beam Projectors (6 Forward, 2 Left, 2 Right)



Ship Class: Corvette

Type: Warrior-Class Gunship

Crew: 44 Crew, 36 Gunners


10 Turbolaser Cannons

8 Laser Cannons

4 Concussion Missile Tubes

Antimissile Octets



Ship Class: Corvette

Type: Warrior-Class Gunship

Crew: 44 Crew, 36 Gunners


10 Turbolaser Cannons

8 Laser Cannons

4 Concussion Missile Tubes

Antimissile Octets



Ship Class: Corvette

Type: Warrior-Class Gunship

Crew: 44 Crew, 36 Gunners


10 Turbolaser Cannons

8 Laser Cannons

4 Concussion Missile Tubes

Antimissile Octets



Ship Class: Frigate

Type: Lancer Frigate


AG-2G quad laser cannons (20)


Total AP: 23 in play



The full might of the fleet would concentrate on breaking the enemy capital ships with sustained turbolaser fire, while the starfighters and bombers assisted. The fleet would exit hyperspace at distance after the assault shuttle carrying the squad to destroy the shield generator, and approach while devastating the enemy fleet at distance, while the sensor-scrambling bombers and fighters under Delta approached under stealth. The Wookiees would stand no chance.


King Kheldar vos Correlli said:
Sheog, I have to ask, overkill much?
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Borsk looked up in surprise as the human women that had gotten punched in the bar began to speak. He had seen her approach, but dismissed her, few wanting to talk to one like him except on regards to business, and they were already engaged in a mission. He murmured quietly in Dosh to himself as he blinked rapidly, trying to remember the social patterns of warm-bloods, "Is she trying to be... friendly? Most mercenaries I have known have been crude and angry. This one is more... happy and annoyingly outgoing."


Borsk switched to Basic, the language grating out from with hisses and grunts in his native tongue, a sense of humor uncommon in these parts falling flat when conveyed on his dry tones, "My bathrobe has brought me here. It longs for glory and battle. It can (and has) also take more of a blow then your jaw without breaking."


He shook his head, a barking laugh escaping between his sharp rows of teeth, "I have come for... I believe it was called 'memes'? They are the method upon which honor and glory is found... No that's something different. Where did I hear that? Probably on Coruscant or from some ignorant Mando. I have come to raise my score, to bring lost honor to my house and to break a curse my ancestors have long carried. I lost my ship, and can now no longer bounty hunt alone, as I have always done. So I have come forth on this strange mission, with strange allies, to fight and to armwrestle those who would challenge me. ANY, who would challenge me. Plus we get to kill Wookies."


A disturbing smile full of teeth and scales grew on his face as he awaited the women's response, who was clearly not one to back down from a fight.

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Bing!!! Another Mission Update, however this time it came from Saint. In the message it said a repulor rig was required for the upcoming mission. Whilst Lysander was thrilled to get his hands on one (a long time item on his holiday wishlist) he was very curious as to who this Saint was and who else was in on this. He had not had time to look up the other member due to his sickness. With a few taps on the data pad, the team files filled the screen. Lysander then let out a very load groan/whine at the sight of one word. Mandalorian.Of course it would be on of those self absorbed SOBs in charge of a special strike force. Still credits are credits and this job proved plenty of it. Lysander read over the team files despite his initial dismissal of core group. However as he read , he didn’t find the usual self absorbedness. Lysander found something different about this group, like they had some higher calling back to the true roots of their people. “Maybe they will be different?.......Nahhhhh “ thought Lysander as he called over his two astromechs. Both EM-3Y and 4Y-KT squealed with excitement as Lysander add their transport racks. They rarely got to leave the Hand of Malcore and were as excited as a droid could get to see other places. Lysander loaded EM-3Y with his DLT-19 and E-11 on the racks. He looked over to his stave and wished he could take it with him , as it was like leaving a part of himself behind.


Lysander departed the ship with his droids and onto the flight deck of Marie where his ship was parked. On the deck pilots were making preparations for the invasion and making repairs on ships from the last invasion. Lysander made his way to the armory, where he found more soldiers prepping for battle and a frantic quartermaster. So not to set the poor woman on edge more than what she was, he only handed her the request papers for the repulor rig. Seemly thankful for the simple request she dashed back into the storage area and quickly produced the rig. Lysander took the rig and loaded it onto 4Y-KT. After insuring he had all that he needed for the mission, he began to wandered the halls of the ship in search for the rest of the squad.

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With the briefing done, Saint left the bridge to finish preparing her own gear for the mission. While the others procured mission specific gear or chit chatted, Saint set to the task of preparing her own special implements. First she checked the charges on her wrist weapon mounts, a cryoban emitter and a cutting laser. The cryoban would be used for increasing the brittleness of obstructions, and the cutting laser would be for cutting through doors that Bolt’s drones couldn’t hack.


Next she laid out casings for a number of binary stage explosives, some smaller for dynamic entry through doors and walls, while others packed significantly more punch and were meant for the main event. Nau’ur would assist in optimal placement to set of a chain reaction in the shield generator. Even with the binary design, Saint stored the explosives in an armored hard case linked to her helmet. The case’s design would allow her to select a specific explosive to grab by a synthetic cloth handle without having to remove the pack or rummage around.


After the explosives were secured, Portia inspected her grenade launcher carefully, making sure the software was functioning properly and that there were no mechanical issues that needed to be addressed. She ran a test round through the ordnance transfer, and after that went smoothly, proceeded to hand load the puck shaped grenades into the drum. They were anything but aerodynamic, instead meant for large targets or pinned down squads. While it was unlikely the Galactic Alliance would put boots on the ground in time, the Wookies themselves could potentially have armored vehicles that they would have to deal with on the way out.


Next were some fairly standard directional mines that she secured on the hip section of her armor. While she hadn’t personally made them, she had tested their effectiveness and linked them to her HUD for hands free use after deployment. Maybe another time she would rig cameras to them for better control over when to pull the trigger, but that was a project for later.


The seismic resonators were an experimental piece of tech that she didn’t know if it would have a place in this mission, but she was anxious to try them out. The system was wired to outputs on the fingertips and palms of her gloves.


The final touch was her custom modified charric with an underbarrel flame projector. It would serve the dual purpose of being a lifesaver if they ran into any enemy lightsaber wielders and also being powerful enough to take down a Wookie. It was based off of Chiss tech not often found outside their borders. Just like them.


Prudii Be Tor had been left behind on Saint’s ship. While its firepower would have been reassuring, the mission parameters called for a stealth insertion that the iron beast couldn’t do.

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Invasion Planning Request On the Planet Kashyyyk (Level 3)

Black Sun Fleet and PCs: HERE (Reinforcements arrived: HERE)

Sith Fleet and PCs: HERE

Fighter and Bomber plan: HERE (Participants: Delta, Montar, Darksong)

Fleet Plan: HERE (Participants: Sheog, Exodus)

Ground Invasion plan: HERE (Participants: Bolt, Terra, Rose, Saint, Lysander, Borsk, Zalis)




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