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Tarrian Skywalker

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With Furion collasped, Draken raised his hand and gestured slightly. Furions body lefted from the mud and was carried to a patch of rock near the temple site. Setting him there, Draken turned to Dagon. "I'll take the apprentices away from here and begin their instruction." He walked to a nearby hill and lowered himself down into a meditative position. All around him he could feel the Force, the power, its flows, the way the ley lines affected it. However there was one thing he found that caused him to smile slyly to himself, his discovery would come in very handy if what he had foreseen came to pass in the future.


Letting his senses stretch outward, he located each of the apprentices' minds and touched their minds lightly. "Come to me apprentices, it is time you learn to truly open your eyes and learn what power you can wield." Now he would await their arrival, they could not afford to go to where he waited.


((Those of you who are apprentices, join Draken on the hillside.))

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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"Those poor souls down there on the surface do not know what awaits them. They have been led astray." DMD said, rubbing his chin with his index finger.


Another surge of power rose from the planet's surface, washing over the shuttle and penetrating the inhabitants. The dark energy was intoxicating, leaving him with a partial smile on his face. Such power was the signature lure of the dark side. Where the first surge teased him with the promise of greater power, the second left him feeling withdrawn from life. He was suddenly taken back to the lesson he had so recently taught Lucifer.


The void had become something more. A vacuum, desperately wishing to be filled. The empty feeling that DMD experienced, left him hungry. Hungry for more than the teaser he had been touched by. This new sensation left him wanting more.


The other side of the lure, was the insatiable hunger. The hunger drives the soul to seek out and gather power, to curb the sensation. Power that great consumes the spirit. For years he had managed to avoid the hunger, content to exist as he always had. As a man, made demon by sorcery. This is why he never ascended to the seat of the true dark lord of Sith. The fear of losing himself.


"The Sith who are not consumed utterly, will become conduits of the dark powers. They shall wield no true power of their own. The ones who will benefit the most are vessels. Beings that can be filled the energy and hold on to it. Mastering it requires the greatest discipline. Those that are worthy....become creatures of legend. Gods among men."


"Lucifer, I crave such power. It has called to me since my introduction to the dark arts. But there is something foul about what awaits those below. Let us journey tot he surface and satisfy our curiousity." DMD said.


Those who are prepared to die, are seldom defeated....

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Was my mind frame once we had put leagues between ourselves and that mynock infested backwater planet. I had been in my assigned room for what seemed days, having let myself rest and find relief in the sweet serenity of loneliness. Sleep was my only thought in the vast emptiness of space as we traveled to Trulalis, and delve myself in his darkened dreams i did. Memories of those who had laid down their lives over my survival, many having barely known me, haunted my silent dreams. Yet it did not bother me, for a part of me knew that their deaths would never be in vain. In fact, part of myself reveled in this fact, knowing that so many souls had seen it too.


"Your brother wishes for you to meet him at the Boarding Ramp." Came a knock followed by the horse voice of an older man. Sitting up, i looked around, feeling the stillness of the bed beneath my covered form. We had landed it seemed, and i had seemingly slept through it. "We've arrived at Trulalis."


Without saying a word, i got down from the bunk, gathered my things after dressing, and made my way to meet up Vaegir. The ship it's self seemed to be a bit of a junker, but in working shape with a homely aura resonating from it's durasteel framing and bulkheads. Smirking, my thoughts wondered to Aven, aimlessly inventing that it was she who gave such a heap of metal an aura. Shoving the harmless smirk from upon my face, i made the final turn by the cockpit and was heading toward the boarding ramp when Aven caught up with me.


"We'll be a little due east from here if you and your brother need our services again." She spoke, her voice still having a bit of a siren's effect upon my mind. I couldn't help myself when it came to women, but with her, it was an hopeless cause. "We're going to stay for a little while, a couple of hours at least... Let my men rest up and what not."


"I thank you, Aven, for everything." I replied, which oddly enough gave Aven a startle. She gazed at me for a moment, before a smile crept upon her face, followed by an even more odd innocent chuckle. "But I'm afraid our business here may take more than a couple of hours. However, i do appreciate the offer to spend more credits."


With a chuckle from both of us, i left and finally made it to Vaegir. After double checking my things, mainly in due part of Aven and her crew, i allowed Vaegir his time as well before we set off. But something sat within the pit of my stomach as we made our way, something both natural and mystic.




Was the feeling i felt as we grew closer and closer toward Vaegir's suggested heading. When we first began our trek, i marveled at the landscape and the tropical weather, finding peace after so much pain and suffering. But with each step, i looked onward with partial regret and possible second guessing. Looking upon the horizon, i took notice of the storm brewing ahead. While i did not fear it, a side of me grew wary of it. For whatever laid ahead tore at my soul and would possibly change me forever.


"This is where Julio suggested we meet?" I questioned Vaegir as a large gathering came into view, the lightning a strange purple hue and striking abnormally close to them. Feeling a shade of dread and despair wash over me, i could help but shiver as my spine prickled and the hairs upon my neck stood end on high. "A strange fellow he seems to be."


The Light shineth in the Darkness...

And the Darkness comprehended it not.

- John 1:5

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Lucifer gave a nod as he took a seat beside his master and spoke,


''As do I crave the same power. I would not be here had I not such a craving it is written into all sith, a hidden hunger that must be satisfied without it we are nothing more than mortals...weak and pathetic, with it we become something more as you said yourself my master legends, god's among men, immortal in that we our will is unbreakable. I am curious as to what awaits us below but yet something within me tells me to be wary for no doubt my departure did not go un-noticed, I saw the look in the tw'leks eyes he was speaking to someone but to whom is the question that plays upon my mind...afterall I wouldn't want to leave any loose ends that may bite back later.''


Lucifer was surprised at how quickly he was beginning to mature when he had spent little time with the sith master. Already he noticed the small things that many would not see that could change how events played out. He seemed to be growing at a ever quickening pace, his insatiable appetite to know more and for power driving him as if some kind of innert impulse to learn more. The kiffar remained still letting a small smile, twisted and macabre grip his lip. He would enjoy the experience to come although at the same time he would be wary, one thing he had learnt as his short time as a sith was just that to be cautious.




 "Only in my pain, did I find my will. Only in my chaos, did I learn to be still. Only in my fear, did I find my might. Only in my darkness, did I see my light." - Darth Akheron


I survived the Great JNet Outage of 2012

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Lallu kept walking slowly with her head lowered toward the mud pit although the man's greeting met her ears; her intentions seemed of callous determination, but before her procession could move on too long, she did turn about and stare Samuel directly in the eyes. Her hard red disks pushed into his weary ones and although a strong reflex pushed her to ignore his advance, she smiled lightly and replied, "My name is Lallu... I'm here for... For... Well... I just feel that I belong here and have felt that way ever since I found the temple on Coruscant..." said Lallu timidly, with the corners of her mouth struggling on the border of a feeble smile that was failing rapidly under her burning condition. It seemed a valiant effort, but her conflict was soon resolved and unintentional rage poured though her mind.


The red of Lallu's eyes burned fiercely; Lallu's mood seeped to the muddy ground, the corners of her mouth following suit as a grand scowl stretched over the edges. The Twi'lek's previous open posture, morphed to a crude display of disappointment with the movement of her arms; her black form seemed rather obscure in the dimming light of the planet, but her skin glinted under the crude light's remnants. The thin layers of sweat left behind from her previous bouts of fatigue were well worn and the only real highlights that launched her posture out of ambiguity.


Her intentions changed drastically and although her greeting had already been given, the Twi'lek left Samuel standing where he'd been, walking away from him with a burning sense of prolonged disdain.


There was no reason for her altercation, and even more there was no purpose for her evil intentions, but that was what she gave as her footfalls built further toward the mud pit.


It appeared though, that as Lallu had her attention turned, the sky filled with darkness and erupted with a chaotic array of voltage. The feint spectrum of light that danced about Lallu's eyes as she looked on with awe, drew her gaze and stopped her march.


The series of streams seemed to be focused on one point, but Lallu was too distracted by the violent destruction of it all that she could not see where it was going to. The massive orchestra of lightning that plagued the ground and air off of Furion's fingertips transfixed the Twi'lekk, but when the performance was over and it's maestro knocked out, Lallu was thoroughly displeased...


She could see a man falling to the ground and although she vaguely recognized him as small itch in her ear node began to irritate her. At first the sensation seemed minor, but as she disturbed it, it grew into a full bodied obstruction which took the form of an older male's voice...


"Come to me apprentices, it is time you learn to truly open your eyes and learn what power you can wield."


The words alone were enough to stroke Lallu's Darker Side, but out of an innate sense of curiosity, Lallu left herself head in the indicated direction.

Edited by Guest



Keenava Two Suns.png

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The walk had thus far been rather leisurely, little more than tall grass and the occasional tree the only obstacles that stood between Vaegir and his goal. The sun and fresh air were all to pleasant a change from the past few days' worth of excitement, though with each subsequent footfall the horizon was growing all the more ominous.


”œYeah, he's a bit”¦ off”¦ you could say, but a good enough man from what I could tell. He should be expecting us soon enough." Julio a good man, how laughable a thought to those who knew otherwise.


”œDid you see that?!?!”

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At the mention of his name, the Sith was drawn back from the void and found himself on his feet. His hand was fast at his side, ready to draw his blade, the Force already wrapped around him like a protective cocoon. In the twinkling of an eye, he had accessed the situation and stood down. He straightened his back and let his hands clasp idly before him.


Vaegir... He said carefully, just now feeling the repercussions of using a ritual design for much smaller areas on the area of roughly a square mile. Acting as the conduit for so much power had its downsides. His body was terribly sore, his mind foggy, and he had an unrelenting sense of unease. He could do nothing to ease any of these, as each attempt at drawing upon the Force only seemed to amplify the sensation. Part of him wanted to panic, while the other absolutely refused to allow him to do so, chiding and comforting him in the same sway of feeling, telling him the ache would leave him soon. He would just have to deal, suffer for his abomination for just a little while.


I see you're still alive. He said with a sly grin, refusing to betray his discomfort. That bodes well.

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Vaegir”¦ not exactly one to have any combat training, or adrenaline in his system to give him a sense of false courage, could only tense up and make a stupid face. His complexion paled quite a bit at the sight of the man reaching for a weapon, though color returned to his cheeks once he had backed down.



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He chuckled softly at the offering of the cred chip. He honestly didn't expect any back, and planned to use it as future leverage against the boy, but now there was one less thing to scrutinize him for. No problem. There's still much, much more to this boy to be exploited.




Julio eyed the boy up and down steadily, then studied the other equally before turning his gaze to meet Vaegir's. He could see the unease in the lad's eye. Surely he felt the atrocity of the land around them. Even one not sensitive to the Force could feel how wrong it was.


No doubt you've noticed the construction.

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He couldn't help but smile at the despair, though outwardly at the boy's apprehension. As he walked toward the tent opening, he placed his hand on the lad's shoulder to usher him outside.


It is to be an academy. A place of learning, self discovery, tribulation and empowerment. It wont be completed for a while, so you more than welcome to stay here for the time being. Or you can keep that cred chip and be on your way, to whatever the galaxy has to offer.

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The Force.


He left the words hanging in the air as he stared blankly at the construction site, eyes darting to and fro rapidly as he judged the work. The stones were being set in place, exactly to his specifications. The taskmasters and architects were on top of their game, it seemed. Good.


The common theory is that there are two sides to the Force. The light and the dark. The light is about self sacrifice for the greater good, the dark self empowerment. Commonly known as the war between the Jedi and the Sith, the philosophical debate of which is right and which is wrong has spurred war for countless centuries. I seek to show my students the true way of the dark side, to empower them to become powerful enough to survive in this hellish galaxy without relying on others. What the Jedi seek is all well and good, but it doesn't solve anything. You can protect the sheep from the wolves, but you can't do it all the time. Sometimes you need to teach the sheep to fend for themselves.


As he spoke on, Julio's tone became empowered, his words righteous and spoken as if complete truth. He believed what he said whole-heartedly, and spoke as if there wasn't a soul in the galaxy that could persuade him otherwise.

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The lecture was hardly what Vaegir expected. Julio seemed to be wrapped up fully in the moment, and there seemed to be little reason to stop him.


The force”¦


He let the words sink in, each and every one of the sith's impassioned utterances carried with them a higher meaning, as though he embodied their very meaning. But what was that about the Jedi? The last thing Vaegir knew about them was that they had all been rounded up and executed, or hunted to extinction. His time in stasis left him at an obvious disadvantage. And what was this about him staying? Did that mean he'd be a student or did Furion have some sort of laborer?


”œThe jedi are all dead”¦ right? And”¦ the hell's a sith?”

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No, the Jedi are alive and strong. The genocide that you're thinking of failed. Two Jedi escaped, and from them one rose up to destroy the corrupted rule of the Empire.


He lectured on disconnected, like he was simply reading from a book. All common knowledge to him, though he made sure to be thorough enough to fill in all the gaps.


The Sith are those who embrace their emotions and individuality, and seek to free themselves from the tyranny of others. If you chose to stay here, you'd be studying under myself and other Sith. You would learn of the Force, and how to bend it to your will.


Julio turned silent for a moment, still carefully studying the construction of his greatest work to date.


A while ago you asked me how I found you. It was the Force that led me to you. The sole survivor of hundreds. Did you think you were simply lucky? It was your destiny to survive, my destiny to find you. I held your fate in my hands, and I in turn gave it back to you. You can do anything you want to do with your life. With that money you could get a decent start anywhere. I can even set you up with a good job. But do you really want to spend your life working for someone else, following someone else's rules? You'll pay the taxes they tell you to pay, work where they tell you to work, marry who you're expected to marry, raise a family in a fashion they tell you to raise them, buy the things they expect you to buy. You'll become their tool, just another cog in the great sociological machine to make their goals and desires come to fruition.


Slowly he became embittered, his voice growing cold and his brow furrowed.


All of this is assuming the Jedi don't stumble upon you and your affinity for the Force and bend you to their will. They'll tell you the galaxy is sick, and needs your help. They'll tell you you can do good, and that your life will have meaning. But it wont. You'll become an empty shell, devoid of emotion so that you can better separate yourself from worldly attachments. You'll be one of thousands, ready to sacrifice yourself to whatever the Jedi council tells you is worth your time.


One acolyte approached him slowly and handed him a datapad. Julio quickly scanned over once, nodded, and handed it back to the acolyte, who only nodded in acknowledgment and went about his task.


The galaxy is sick, Vaegir. Its filled with weakness and stagnation. People live their entire lives miserable, so ingrained into the system they can't see themselves as anything but apart of it. They exist merely to perpetuate the system, and nothing changes. I seek to heal the galalxy. I will give power to those strong enough to wield it, and show them the way to true freedom. You have the capability to walk the path I've laid out before you, but it is not an easy one to tread. It will be strewn with struggle, pain, confusion, and fear. You will be broken and remade countless times, but if you're strong enough, you can become truly powerful, capable of shaping the galaxy however you see fit.

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I found myself intrigued by Vaegir's conversation with this man, watching carefully as i looked upon the two in learning. Maybe old habits die hard, but i was always drawn to study those i met, an ancient and natural art of learning who was foe from friend- and even more had that person been a 'friend'. So, this man who sent Vaegir to my aid, he was Sith. And this place i had gazed upon, this feeling of despair and agony i had felt as i drew closer, it was the mortal remnants of what had forever been called the Darkside. I had always heard tales, but never had seen or felt it.


As an Orphan, growing up on the streets and underbelly of Coruscant, we all hoped for the day we would be taken away to become Jedi. And even more so for me, for i had long knew the gift i possessed. To instantaneously pick up a weapon and be overcome by memories that were not mine, visions of the weapons history and of those who once wielded it, you knew deep in your gut what was happening. You didn't need a seer to tell you that you were capable of great power. Perhaps it was that very dream that kept me going all those years, the knowledge and hope that i would one day wield such power having pushed me so far.


"My life as an Orphan..."


"He's right Vaegir. The Galaxy is indeed a sick place in desperate need of healing." I spoke, perched aside the entrance framing as it snaked it's way upon my spine. "But i wouldn't presume to tell you the Jedi wrong in their beliefs. Those are simply philosophical views. In truth, the Jedi have their purpose, as do the Sith. Just as you and i."


Slowly i wedged myself from my perch, walking in from the light and into the view of darkness.


"It is said both sides have different views, and their wars have raged for millennia." I spoke again, recounting the countless stories i had overheard on Coruscant and through-out the Galaxy, their wars having touched countless worlds. "The Jedi believe in knowledge and self sacrifice, while the Sith simply believe in their nature and self preservation."


"Not that i disagree. Nor do i agree whole heartedly."


I understood very easily the need for strength and self preservation, for my life growing up was no stroll through the gardens. I had to fight, to kill, all so that my next meal would be hot and my bed warm. And even before then, i knew the cruel hand that fate had slapped me with countless times. It was my life that held meaning to me more than others. But i also knew there were times when you had to act without thought for yourself, no matter the harm that may come your way. People like Rouke and Vaegir had taught me the lesson so well.


"So Vaegir tells me that you were interested in my talents. So much so that you had him burst me from prison and certain death. You have my thanks, friend." I said, offering my hand along with my thanks. "But now that we've met, i'm sure it was not my talents that i've gained in life that brought your interest in me."


The Light shineth in the Darkness...

And the Darkness comprehended it not.

- John 1:5

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This one thinks himself well informed.



Don't for an instant think you know anything about the Sith, boy. He said, unexpectedly abrasive. How presumptuous this man was to tell him what the Sith were. We Sith, too, seek knowledge. The Jedi would have you believe they hold all the wisdom of the galaxy. They are right, and everyone else is wrong.


Julio let a touch of anger fill his words, impressing fast into those within hearing range.


If you want to sacrifice everything that makes you you so that you can better serve everyone but yourself, then by all means, go to Gala, rid yourself of all emotion, and become an empty, meaningless vessel for the will of a Force that cares nothing for you! Become a tool for the use of others, and never for yourself. Go where they tell you, read what they tell you, KILL WHO THEY TELL YOU TO KILL! You'll never get paid for your work, never truly appreciated.


He turn from them both and studied the construction yet again. His rage was genuine, though calculated. He wasn't about to say something unless he was sure of the reprocussions and implications. After a minute or so, he took a deep breath, sighed heavily, and turned back to them.


I teach individuals how to be strong and self sufficient. Devoid of weaknesses. Calculating, quick witted, leaders. This is a place where the elite of the galaxy will be born. If you wish to be apart of it, stay. If not, leave.

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As Samuel walked alongside Lallu, his thoughts turned once more to the dark figure from before. The man was not one of the men from his memories, but the feeling that the seemed to simply roll off the man was exactly the same. The cold shiver that ran from the base of his spine all the way to his neck was exactly the same. Even now, almost 20 years later, that feeling of pure evil still gave him the same feeling. His hands still shook slightly as he felt the cold darkness still leaving his body. His crimson eyes were hard and cold as he focused on the sky above. He watched as lightning flashed across the sky a dozen times over. Dark clouds full of evil and power rolled across the horizon towards the young warrior. As he slowly made his way across the land, he felt something pulling at his mind. He could feel them almost as if they were words echoing in his mind. And it was the same, either as words or as feelings, come to hills.


Turning to face the hills, Samuel watched as Lallu turned there also. He watched as her dark form swayed to an inaudible tune as she walked. Her form was near perfect, her skin coloring”¦black”¦very rare for a Twi'lek, but yet Samuel found it more attractive than any other shades. Shaking his head, the young warrior followed the Twi'lek towards the hills. After several minutes, Samuel found himself facing a lone man kneeling in the mud. Samuel continued the trek until he was very near the man, and then he waited.

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Torin's transport arrived just a few moments before the ceremony began, leaving just enough time for him to jump to the ground and join the circle of chanting Sith. He had never witnessed anything like it before, was not entirely surprised by the proceedings, but did find himself being drawn into the ritual almost unwillingly. There was a greater power than his at work in the midst of the ceremony.


Thousands of souls welded together through the Force with some appearing as brighter souls, stronger links in the chain, and in the center Julio soaked up power from oblivion. The ritual consumed Torin's mind forcing him into a delirious, desirious state. Never before had he felt the collective power of the Sith having only been in the presence of one or two brothers at a time, but now he knew, for the first time, that his ideas of life were correct. Julio's ritual stripped nature down to its simplest form, revealing the source of true power and stunning all onlookers.


At the peak moment of the storm an electric wave washed over the whole group of slaves and Sith, consuming the slaves as a sacrifice and filling the Sith like batteries. Power surged from the ground into Torin's feet and through his legs, pushing his mind to realms he had never explored. With the lightening bolt sent into the sky went Torin's feelings and thoughts as if being sent into space on a journey.


Revelation, the ritual was a moment of enlightenment for Torin showing him a piece of his true destiny and the path to ultimate freedom. As a Sith Lord his potential was unrealized and fruitless. Without a product his power meant nothing, and without meaning he was not free but still a slave like those dropping around him. Julio's product was evident; his power displayed; the display of a true Sith and a warning.


Awakening to a field of melted flesh, Torin contemplated his next approach. The Force had touched him during the ceremony, making many suggestions, pushing him in several directions, but leaving Torin's destiny to his choosing. It had shown him paths, and now it was his time to take control of those visions to determine his own will.


The apprentices were called upon by Draken, Julio was preoccupied with new comers, and two powerful presences lurked around the planet. One stood near Julio, and the other, more familar gradually approached. It was the same man from the mountain, and he was bringing Lucifer. Opprotunities presented themselves in mysterious ways, and Torin would remain in his place to see what advantage he could gain from the approaching visitor.


((Sorry for being away. Work's been crazy and this vague post is all I could come up with))

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"Perhaps understanding would have been a word better used."


"I do not 'presume' to know anything..." I spoke in response to the man's anger, a bit of my own rage echoing in my words. "I only speak of the tales i have heard, and witnessed, in my travels. Perhaps understanding would have been a better word used, but what has been said cannot be changed."


And in truth, maybe i had been better off using another word, for understanding had fit my message better. What i had meant to say was that the Jedi claim to seek understanding of everything there is to understand, even the Dark and Light of the Force. But the Sith simply sought the means of furthering their own power, seeking only the knowledge that would empower them and pushing aside the rest. Perhaps the stories were wrong, and Julio's words did intrigue me to seek the truth, but the one Sith i had came across in life only showed me that what i thought was true.


"I am intrigued by your words, Julio." I spoke, having now removed my hand, quietly sighing away the offense that i myself had taken. "If it is indeed what you say it will be, then i too wish to see it to fruition. I do possess the gift to touch the Force. It is only now that i see someone capable of shaping it. I will stay.


"But be warned. I will be true to myself, and only myself. If our paths venture apart, and i am forced to become something i am not, then i will leave."


The Light shineth in the Darkness...

And the Darkness comprehended it not.

- John 1:5

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Vaegir fell silent as the two exchanged words, Kiff's seemingly passive take on everything and Julio's zeal traded back and forth while the firrerreo attempted to wrap his thoughts about the situation. Just what the hell were they going on about? Vaegir had never had any contact with the jedi other than in stories, and the sith were something strangely absent from his memory altogether. It seemed rather presumptuous of both of them, assuming he would so much as even have a slight grasp on the situation at hand, or even be in a proper mindset to fully understand.


”œHuh”¦ whu”¦?”

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The Ferryman exited hyperspace over Trulalis and streaked down towards the planet. An hour later it was landing near the site of the temple and the old man unlocked the Cockpit and opened the hatchway. "For you end of the line this is. My ship, leave you will. Other apprentices, you will join." The old man bowed to the Dark Lord before returning to his ship.

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Without another word, DMD grasped to the piloting controls and began maneuvering the shuttle into position for re-entry. The shuttle entered the upper atmosphere, accelerating gradually to balance out the turbulance. The shuttle began it's descent toward the surface, making a series of circles as it drew ever closer to the world below. The circular descent also gave the Sith lord a bird's eye view of the situation on the ground below.


A structure was visible in the distance. It looked as though it were under contruction, but it's purpose was dreadfully clear. This was the source of the power that had been calling out to him. As his shuttle hovered low, over the treetops, DMD could feel the power all around him. Beneath him, above him, and around him.


This mysterious power seemed to pull him toward it. At the center of this power was another being. One who had intimate knowledge of its' inner workings. This was the one DMD wanted to meet most. The thought of being in close proximity to one that wields such power, both excited and terrified him simultaneously.


The shuttle landed in an area he guessed would be later used as recieving zone for incoming supplies and personel. DMD moved quickly down the ramp of his shuttel and out across the courtyard. The power was so close now. It was intoxicating. He had barely turned to see if his apprentice was in tow, before hearing the pace of Lucifer's match his own. In an undesignated room in the unfinished structure, DMD found the Sith whom sat in the apex of this unknown power. He bowed in the presence of this being. Not out of fear, or subservience, but of respect. Respect for the power that this Sith commands.


"I am Darth Mortis Diabolus, and I have come seeking glory and power. And to see if there is a place for one such as myself, in this new incarnation of the Sith faith."


Those who are prepared to die, are seldom defeated....

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((Just to be sure who is that post directed at Mortis since I'm just making sure Lucifer is looking at the right person))


Lucifer followed closely beside his master, keeping pace he walked the short distance to their intended destination although throughout he kept his senses alert for any sign of aggression by those around them in case they decided Lucifer's sudden departure and subsequant return was one warranting payment.


Despite this the kiffar held no fear, he simply strolled forward without hesitation, completely unafraid of whatever fate awaited him. Taking in the darkness from the newly created wound Lucifer followed his master until the two came upon a powerful presence, one obviously well versed in the darkside, and who seemed to be the artetect of the ritual which the two sith had felt through the force.




 "Only in my pain, did I find my will. Only in my chaos, did I learn to be still. Only in my fear, did I find my might. Only in my darkness, did I see my light." - Darth Akheron


I survived the Great JNet Outage of 2012

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An ecrypted comm comes in for Dagon and he springs into action. A simple nudge in the Force to the masters notifies them that he requires their attention.


"Brothers, I've just received word of a Republic attack on one of our sacred worlds, Krayiss II. Additionally, republic forces are moving on the planet of Ilum, most likely in an attempt to gain access to the crystal resources there. Master Furion will go to Ilum and remove the head from the snake there. Draken and Darth Mortus Diabolus will accompany me to Krayiss II to shatter the crown jewel of the rebel fleet to pieces."


The Sith depart with haste to join the battle.

OOC((Torin, if you're active again, feel free to join us at Krayiss II. Instructers, its up to you if you want to bring any of the apprentices or if you want to use an NPC trainer while we handle the terrorists. I left the last post vague in case any master that's going to Krayiss II wants to take their own ship.))


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((Not sure if you're referring to me or not, DMD, but as our DL has spaced it for the time being, I'll take liberty and pick up what little conversation we have time to make.))


He was silent as they both chimed in their acceptance, though with some reluctance on both their part. Instead his attention was focused on the unknown Sith, parting through the crowd and up to Julio like any other of their brethren might do. Lucifer was on his coat tails like a lost puppy, eagerly at the heels of whoever would show him the attention he wanted. Just before the Sith arrived, Julio brushed against the minds of his two new apprentices.


Excellent. Now the time for questions is in reprieve. Be silent for the time being while I speak with this man.


On cue, the Sith stepped through the crowd and stopped just before Julio, introducing himself in a polite, customary manner as would anyone trying to get something for nothing.


I know what you seek, brother. He said, venom thick in the aspiration on the note of kin. You come to my home unannounced, take what is mine, and then have the audacity to ask for a place at my side?


He let silence prolong and his brow furrow as his gaze bore into Mortis, daring him to start something, challenging him outright to either step up or step down. However before the question could be answered, the imposing presence of the Dark Lord fell upon the flow of awareness surrounding them all. Julio, sensing the intention immediately, snatched it from the ethereal and took it for his own.


War was upon them, far sooner than Julio had anticipated. He thought that he would have a few months, maybe more, to turn the lot into shock troops, leaving it to the Force who would survive and go on to become one of the Sith. But that was no longer the case. He couldn't take them into battle now, not untrained and untested.


With an understood nod, he ignored the question between Mortis and himself and began preparation for what was commanded. Turning back to the two new arrivals, he addressed them both.


I have to leave. War is upon the galaxy and I must do my part to preserve the Order's interests. Both of you stay here and begin your training after the temple is completed. Until then...


Wait a second, he thought to himself. No one else knows the designs. The contractors only knew bits and pieces, but never enough to know the structure as a whole. Julio would have to leave the plans with someone, but who? Either of these two were his only real choice. Vaegir, or Kiff? After only a second of weighing the two out, he decided upon Vaegir. Not because he considered Kiff to be incompetent in the matter, but the idea of opening up such a connection with a Kiffar who could sense things far into the past was a bit too unguarded for Julio.


Vaegir, you must continue overlooking the construction of the temple. Everyone here on the planet that is not a Sith is under your command.


With a quick lunge, he seized Vaegir on both sides of the head, pouring the designs and functions of the temple into his head in a matter of seconds. The boy fell straight to the floor the second Julio let go.


Kiff, protect Vaegir with your life. Fail, and it will cost you such.


Without another word he ushered Mortis toward the rest of the Sith ready to depart.


Your...apprentice is more than welcome to stay with the rest if you so desire.


Ezra lay perched at the edge of the camp, by comparison not that big compared to most ships. But he didn't care about the size of his ship. It was nimble, and faster than a vast majority of ships in the galaxy. It served a proper function, and it was very good at it too. In one giant leap, Julio sailed upwards of twenty feet to land carelessly in the cockpit. No hesitation, no questioning orders. There were things that needed to be done and he would see them done.

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Draken stood to his feet, motioning for the apprentices to stay where they were and walked over to Dagon. "Brothers, I've just received word of a Republic attack on one of our sacred worlds, Krayiss II. Additionally, republic forces are moving on the planet of Ilum, most likely in an attempt to gain access to the crystal resources there. Master Furion will go to Ilum and remove the head from the snake there. Draken and Darth Mortus Diabolus will accompany me to Krayiss II to shatter the crown jewel of the rebel fleet to pieces."


Draken nodded and motioned to one of the nearby lords to take over care for the apprentices and followed Dagon to his ship.


-- Meanwhile on the hillside with the apprentices.

Having been ordered to taken Arcanus's place teaching the apprentices, the lord took his place in front of the apprentices and asked two questions. "What do you know of the Force? What do you know about the Sith and our enemies, the Jedi?

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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Ku exited the craft with slight difficulty due to his size making him be a bit jammed in there. He stretched fully and looked back at the old man before interest went to looking at what was around. Ku glanced at the one old man had bowed to before looking around to spot other apprentices. He was quick to spot the hill where he assumed that they were apprentices. Ku walked over towards the hillside and stood at back of group. He had just managed to hear question asked and crossed his arms in thought. Ku furrowed his brow as he thought of how to answer. "I Know nothing of force besides it can grant power and that from Sith I can get power and that Jedi help others rather then get power." He stared at the one who had asked question from his position in back of group. "I find talking boring and would rather gain power then this talk." Ku stood his ground in back of group and continued staring ready to take any repercussions from his actions.

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Small ships lifted with haste off of the surface spewing dust clouds across the landscape. Torin looked on, feeling out the situation. A lot had happened in the past few moments; a lot was left for Torin to try and process, but he could sense the anticipation and haste with which his masters had moved and knew excitement was brewing.


The twi'lek turned, glaring at Lucifer, and pounced onto a shuttle as it lifted from the ground closing its hatch as it went.


It was a small transport filled primarily with droids all synchronized with the small Sith fleet now leaving Trulais. Torin found a quite corner to occupy and meditate, allowing the droids to follow his Sith Masters.

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