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Darth Heretic

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Yoshiba continued his trek to find good food, but was not being all that sucessful. He was not aware of what he wanted, and where to get it. So he just turned around, and headed back to his room in an attempt to try and sleep again. As he ascended the stairs he felt a small fluxuation inthe force, he shrugged it off, and entred his room.


He laid his head down on the straw pellow of his, and attempted to drift into slumber. The picture of him buring was not as strong since he was able to clear his mind while walking around earlier.


He closed his mind off, and fell asleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tarrian entered the room and smiled... she thoroughly enjoyed taking DMD off guard, and enjoyed even more seeing this strong sith confused at her surprise presence.


She sat down and waited for him to sit with her... "We do have much to discuss... " The past few weeks seemed to have flown by... her apprentice had much work to do... and she was feeling particularly mean these days...

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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DMD listened to Tarrian talk about the onset on her "mean streak" and her cruel, yet justified treatment of her apprentice. Such was the way of the Sith. Sith do not teach love and compassion, though they often find themselves falling victim to such emotions. This was how he felt about about her.


.....and their baby.


Tarrian sat across from him the library, her feet resting on the ottoman DMD force pulled from the far side of the room for her. The chair across from her was where he sat, with the outside window overlooking the lake, at his back.


"I'm listening", he said interlocking his fingers, placing them beneath his chin.


Those who are prepared to die, are seldom defeated....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Procs looked at the shuttle he had practically rebuilt. He felt it was more than time for him to leave here. he had learned a few things such as mediation and how to push and pull something, even make them float. However he did not see himself with a future in the Sith. At least not at this time.


Procs boared his shuttle and smiled. He could have learned alot here. However it seemed his lot to not tap into the secrets to their power. Powering up the shuttle he gently rose it up into the sky and soon rocketed into hyperspace.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Landing his ship on the landing field he returned to his training placed and came out of his ship in his full battle gear. He walked with his sword unsheathed and headed straight towards his master's chambers.


On the way to the chambers he stopped to think How many times have I failed.. Never... How many times can I fail.. never. and yet I have failed for I could not catch him.


Walking to the door he stood respectfully outside the dor and waited for his master to acknowledge his prescense. While standing there he wondered if he would die again... the last time was painful... but mercifully brief.


((sorry I've been gone all summer. I'll try to relearn how to rp in about 2 posts))

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Yoshibas eyes slowly started to slide open, His body fetl as if it were revitealized, and refreshed. As his eyes focused, he non-chalantly looked around the room, gaxing at the blurry figures that made up his chamber. The feel of his former master returning had awoken him. The hatred for him began to fill his body again. Yoshiba sat up and peered out of the window, only to relize that it was still dark out side. He had not slept that long, but it was a refreshing sleep.


Yoshiba stood up, and began geeting dressed, as he pulled the robe over his body, He heard the sound of foot stepps comming up the stairs. With every Clunk of foot hitting ground, Yoshiba could feel force drift, and move around him. Before the being had made it up the stairs, Yoshiba knew who it was, the feeling was unmistakeable, Drake Ferral was not that far from his chambers as well.


A decision was in need of being made, should he attack Drake in his unprepared state, or should he hold off, in lue of not having a strong force connection...


Yoshiba concentrated on the foot stepps as they passed his floor and continued to rise. Thousands of thoughts were running through his mind, all leading to the death of Drake. Yoshiba finished pulling his robe on, and grabbed the two daggers he had on the floor. He picked up the broken Lightsaber, and placed it in his robe pocket.


He sat back down, and pushed his feelig deep inside him self, and held them there,


He would kill Drake Later...for now, he had to find his Master

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Evadne landed, and went into the fortress. as she looked around, she felt that sickening feeling she always felt around her master. 'He's definitely here...' she thought to herself.' But where?'

after a while she found him and Yoshiba's master, who she guessed was his girlfriend. 'At last!' she hoped she could resume her training, and if she could she wanted to do so quickly, but she could see very clearly that this would not be a good time to interrupt him and the other master. ' I guess I'll just wait...'

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yoshiba stood still for a second, he knew not where his master was, or if she was even on this planet. He could not feel her pressance.


He reached out with the force, and attempted to contact her with a feeling of hate. He was not aware of wheather he had contacted her or not though, so he just stayed where he was and waited for some sort of responce.

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After a few moments of waiting, Evadne got very bored and hungry. Her stomach started to growl, and as soon as it had, she took off sprinting. she did not want to have her master think she was spying on him and his girlfriend.


"I've got to find something to eat." she said, slowing down to a walk. "There's got to be something around here..." She started to look around.


She wandered around for some time. maybe 25 min. Eventually, though, she found her self by the stairs leading to the second floor, and the chambers. "Ah ha!" she whispered heading up the stairs, " I know I left some food in my room!"


She looked around her room, but her search was in vain. exiting the room, her stomach growled. Sighing, she leaned on a wall and slowly slid down. "No one eats here..."

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The alarms sounded as Cru's ship started its landing cycle. Sitting deep in meditation Cru opened his eyes and made way towards the bridge. There his protocol droid and astromech droid working in unison landed the ship in a field a few miles outside of the city. As the engines cycled down he could feel the calling inside of him burning stronger then ever before. He did not know where he was and did not care. Something was calling him to this place and he would answer it at any cost. Waiting for the ramp to close he secured his comlink in his belt pouch. Lifting his cloak over his head Cru made way towards the city”¦towards his calling.


J.Net Book Club Recruiter, since 6/9/05

Mael wrote:

Snowtropper pretty much just earned his red wings in this thread.
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Tarrian woke from her daze and called to her apprentice... letting him know that she was reading to continue his training... someone had arrived, and his presense intrigued her... he seemed to be heading to the city and she sent him a feeling to redirect him here to the sith temple...


"this one seems fun... " She looked around from DMD, and didn't find him at the moment...

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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Yoshiba recived a feling that he knew all too well. His master had connected with him once again, and called him to her. A dark smile drew across his face, for the feeling was some what divergent, meaning she was momentarily distracted with another. Possibly the feeling that had come over him was the reason.


Yoshiba continued walking down the hall he was currently standing in, and followed it untill he had reached the stairs. He quickly ascended them, brushing past Drake. As his shoulder brushed against Drakes, time froze where it stood. In that briefe second they were in contact, many emotions were passed along to Drake. The intence feeling of hate was very prominant in the slue of feelings. And words shot from one another that were not spoken. Yoshiba had sent the feeling of death to Drake, Hopeing it would radiate from his own body.


When the contact was broken, Yoshiba continued up the stairs past Drake, and reached the top. Where he looked both ways, untill deciding one where the feeling was comming from. He took a left turn, and walked briskly down the hall. The feeling grew stronger, as he came closer to the room of which his master was currently residing.


He stopped in front, and let of a unique force impression, that would only belong to him. Signifying that he had made it to her, and that he was waiting for her outside of her quarters.

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Feeling a sense to go toward what appeared to be a temple Cru knew that his destiny was directly ahead of him.


Finding the entrance Cru entered the temple and followed the corridors until he came upon a woman standing before him. It became apparent to him that this was the woman who he had seen in his visions. He knew that this was who he had been seeking. Out of respect for this powerful woman he patiently waited for her to speak.


J.Net Book Club Recruiter, since 6/9/05

Mael wrote:

Snowtropper pretty much just earned his red wings in this thread.
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  • 4 weeks later...

" I can't believe I had to walk a mile to get some food!" Evadne yelled into the air. It really wasn't any big deal, but it had been some time since she had eaten or slept well. She picked up a rock and threw it, using her anger to power her arm to make it go farther than usual.


plopping on the grass she punched the ground. 'I can't believe I was such a fool!' she mentally kicked herself for blasting off the planet like that. gritting her teeth, she decided she needed to feel some physical pain. She just needed to feel something. grabbing the nearest sharp object she could find, she scrapped it across her arm violently, until she had created an average size cut. throwing the now blood covered object to the ground, she began to walk back to the city-fortress.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tarrian stode in the room waiting for the little one. Glaring at him as he approached she silently called to her apprentice summoning him to her... to the new little one she spoke ... "Come in... what are you waiting for? An engraved invitation?"


There was one other she knew would be here shortly...

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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Being motioned into the room Cru was compelled and complied with the womans bidding. He entered the room. He could feel the power that she possessed and out of instinct he kneeled down before her and asked "what is your bidding my master?"


J.Net Book Club Recruiter, since 6/9/05

Mael wrote:

Snowtropper pretty much just earned his red wings in this thread.
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After finding and walking in to the tempel . Sedaj sees a Dark headed woman with another person nither dose he know so he desides on watching them both and see what Comes of the sitution .

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As Evadne made her way back to her room, she saw that Tarrian lady. 'Ha! Maybe this means my master is done talking with her!' She froze, though, when she thought of the punishment that awaited her.


She had no idea what it would be, but it would, without a doubt, be very, very, unpleasant. To say the least. 'Well I'm not afraid, and if I have to deal with that to continue my training, then...' she COULD NOT lose again, especially to Ferral. So she started to go looking for her master.

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Yoshiba heard the distinct voice of his master call to him through the metal doors of her quarters. It beconed him in, and along with the person beside him they both entered. She was quick to turn her attention to the one who followed, as he knelt before her, Yoshiba stood to the way side, allowing his master to finish her business, before they would continue theirs.

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after watching the two people for about 3 mins sedaj walks over to the woman with the dark hair and kneeling he says what is yoru bidding my master with such grate power i would be proud to be your apprentice till witch time you see fit for me to strike out on my own

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Looking into the dark haired womans eyes Cru replied to her question "You are the woman in my visions, my dreams. I have been called to you so I can be trained. I give myself to you to be molded as you see fit master."


Cru knew that he was getting himself into something that he could not walk away from. He knew that asking the dark haired woman would change his life forever, but he trusted the Force and the visions it had given him. His life was but a blur, but the Force had always been with him waiting patiently to be tapped.


Ever since his first memory he knew that he was different and the path he would walk would be different. He had been patient, he had listened, and he waited for the right time to set things in motion leading to this moment. He was hers to mold, to sharpen, to perfect.


J.Net Book Club Recruiter, since 6/9/05

Mael wrote:

Snowtropper pretty much just earned his red wings in this thread.
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Drake Noticed Evadne's presence and moved to intercept her. How dare she come back, she had thought she had won when she killed the force apparition. She who has had none of the trials needed to even begin to understand the powers of the sith.


"Halt you foul impersonater of a sith!"


Yelling this at Evadne while he brought his sword to bear. He cock his arm back ready to hurl his shuriken at her at full strength.


"Why have you come back? you knew our master would punish you when you got back but you still came back? WHY!"


Resheathing his sword he turned to go, saying a parting phrase over his shoulder. "You should not even try to win against me. I have powers far beyond your comprehension I hae fought and killed more people than you probably have met."


((Hey Evadne wanna duel???))

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Jareth, cloaked and masked, walked without purpose for many miles before ending up at the feet of his former master. Looking up from her feet he almost did not recognize her after such a long time.


Raising gloved hands up to remove his mask, he let his hair fall down behind his high collared cloak and met her eye.


"My my....it has been some time. The darkness has been kind to you my former master."


He could feel her power, and knew it had not faltered an inch since their last meeting. It was a familiar and comforting chaos.

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Tarrian looked that the little one she was grabbing by the face and released him with a shove backwards... "Life as you knew it is over... " her voice was dark and cold... yet at the same time it never came over a whisper...


She looked over at yoshiba... "you little one... must try again... " She stood up and turn her cold eyes on him... "if you fail me again, I will take your life from you. Go now and bring back the beast."


She looked at the new little one that had arrived... (I am talking to you Sedaj) Grabbing him by the force she threw him to the wall.. "You are an arrogant little one... but you will soon learn your place. You are to go with Yoshiba... and bring back a beast... do not bring with you anything except your own abilities... "


Looking that DMD's apprentices... (( sorry guys I don't know when he will be back on to post... so you are stuck with me... )) "The two of you... you argue to much... I have decided to finish your training... this is your final test... " She smiled coldly at the two of them... "A duel... to the death... the one that lives... gets lorded... " ((okay here is the deal... three post duel... mod ruled... by me... the winner will get to post the killing blow... all posts must be descriptive and each needs to take on damage.))


Standing there a moment, she felt a presence she had not felt in a long time... she watched as her former apprentice came in... she knelt down and looked Jareth in the eyes... a rare moment of warmth shown in her eyes... "My young Jareth... it has been a very long time... You looked well... I have thought of you often... I foresee you beginning training again." She lightly touched his hand.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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Jareth choked back the urge to spit as he heard Tarrian give orders to the young sith. He remembered all too clearly this part of his own training.


"Still up to your old tricks I see mistress." Her hand felt cold against his and his fingers gripped hers gently as he lowered his head respectfully.


There was a time when nothing short of a full face-to-the-ground bow would have been sufficient in the presence of this one of the eldest sith, but he had earned the right to stand tall next to her long ago. Still, pleasantries were to be observed, be they abbreviated or not.


"I have felt the pull of the darkside for many months now. It is as if the force has been biding it's time waiting to call upon me in true once more. The time has come for me to come out of exile and bend it's will to meet mine once more."

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after sedaj picked him self off the floor and brushed him self off he looked at tarrian and said he can go by him self i work alone .



after that sedaj entered the jungel and no more then about a half a klm in he fount him self faceing a rutonic a very ugly beast very meam . the beast was 7 foot tall with a tail about 4 foot long . a mid size boddy with 4 teeth out of the mouth in front . Sedaj leveled his blaster rifle set to maximum kill and maximum burst . Sedaj fired 4 times all 4 times hiting him in the chest . the beast screamed in pain and sedaj smiled likeing that he cased it pain . in anger the beast picked up a branch and with a big swing hit sedaj knocking him back about 50 yards. sedaj landed on his feet and fired at the beast agin hiting him three more times once in the leg and twice in the left arm . the beast turnd and thrue the branch at him . sedaj doged the branch that missed him by just a 1/2 of an inch sinceing somthing he jumped to his left and fired agin once agin hiting the beast in the leg with three shots the besat cryed and fell to one knee

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Tarrian looked oddly at Jareth... "Why would I change my training... it was good enough to make you the Dark Lord... "


She looked at her little one still on the floor... "What is your name little one... ?" (Cru I am talking to you... ) "Follow us" she told the little one. "So Tell me Jareth, what have you done besides sit in exile? There is something... a little one coming to you soon... you will not want to train her... but you will... she will be young, but you can help to mold her."

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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the beast was now angry and sedaj could since it . the beast lifted up and ran at sedaj . Sedaj leap left rolled and came up fireing hiting the beast in the back 6 more times. the beast then spun and let a spue of acid go at sedaj . sedaj jumped left agin roled and then realized his robe had some of the acid on it . he took off his robe and held it in his left hand . the beast charged and sedaj jumped to the right and let the rob drop over the beast blinding it for a breef moment . sedaj agin opend fire but this time it did not fire . the battery was draind so he pulled his side blaster and fired agin this time 3 bolts hiting it squar between the eyes

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