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Sauron shook his head in disguist, "My poor dear apperentice. You fail to realize the power of the darkside. With out proper training, it will control it with out you even realizing it. To a being with a weak mind in the darkside, freewill is nothing but an illusion...."


OOC Note: This is my character who I have developed for months, and no one but me has the right to control him. Piss me off and die

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  • 2 weeks later...

*A ship enters the system and lands far away from any civilization. Kirlocca walks out of his ship first, to make sure that no one was around them, then he and his padawan walked out of his ship and walked a small distance away.*


"Sayn, Your next lesson is this."


*Kirlocca then disappears out of no where, leaving no trace.*


Sayn, you must find me using the force. It was the first lesson I learned under my master!

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Letting go of Rimaan, Sauron motioned with his hand to a nearby sand dune, "Your training now leads you over that dune a few miles west of here. It will be at that location you will construct your lightsaber, and choose which Form you wish to train in...."


OOC Note: This is my character who I have developed for months, and no one but me has the right to control him. Piss me off and die

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Sorry to keep you waiting Kirlocca....I've had a hard time getting to a computer. Hopefully, I post more, my training will wrap up, and you can have fun RPing again.




Sayn took a deep breath...this was going to be hard.


The Jedi Padawan closed her eyes and felt around using the force. At first she probed only a small area, but as the force flowed more freely through her, that area got bigger and bigger.


The Gungan's body was tense with extreme concentration.


Never opening her eyes, she started to walk around, looking for traces of her hidden Master.


Alas-Sayn thought she felt something. No, she knew it! Small and almost unnoticeable, but it was there.


Sayn headed off in the direction of the Western Dune Sea....soon she would find her Master.

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It's okay, I wanted a small break from RPing, and you gave it to me!



*Kirlocca just sad down in the sand...it was course, it was begining to get in his fur.*


Strange, I always thought sand was a nice thing to see, but now that i'm here.....ah, Sayn found my presence!


*Kirlocca stood up as hse came up to him.*


"Good job. You did better than I thought you would!"


*Kirlocca pointed back towards the ship.*


"One last thing for you to learn here, Jump to the ship."


*Kirlocca took one jump and used the force to throw him self almost 1/4 of the way there. He then began to walk.*


It might take her long...


*Kirlocca walked all the way to his ship and sat down and waited for Sayn through meditation...something threw him out of it, another jedi had come back...one he would have to explain his actions to...*

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The EnLaf exited Hyperspace just above her pilot's destination... Tatooine.


"A little bump there. I should get that looked at while I'm here. If I had time of course."


Shal Kirla manipulated the controls to enter the atmosphere to meet the courier. After flying over a pair of people in the sand, probably Jedi by the looks of them. He noticed something in the distance and immediately slowed his ship to a near stop to inch closer to identify what ever it was.


"There you are!"


Setting down a little hastily he activated the ships defense turrets (just in case) and set them to stand by and went to the weapons locker. After grabbing all his weapons short of the Thermal Detonators he made for the port Airlock. Placing the Hakfali EKX-10 Cyrorifle against the wall Shal opened the airlock and deployed the ramp.


Desert, no place for a Falleen. To dry.


After his astute observation he noticed two men standing in front of speeder bikes. The smaller man on his right being the one he wanted while the large one who was holding a rifle he couldn't recognize at this distance, but was quite large both the rifle and the man, was most likely a body guard.


"Ah Mr. Transim I presume?"


Shall was being as polite as poossible considering his rush as he began to exit his ship putting his hood up and folding his arms into the sleeves of his cloak as he often did.


"You presume correctly Shal Kirla. Do you have the money I'm owed?"


"Do you have my package? Then I'll see if I can locate that 10,000 credits I owe you. Not before."


"My associate might not find that agreeable."


Transim nodded to his bodyguard. He was just going through the motions of any exchange similar to this one. However, Shal Kirla was in a slight hurry.


"Very well."


He said this while removing his right hand from his left sleeve to reach inside his cloak to the front of his belt removing his ST-90 slowly since his cloak still shielded his weapon. Then, when he almost ran out of cloak he whipped it out fast enough that the guard didn't know what was happening when two shots hit him square in the chest. Replacing his ST-90 Shal removed his Ipraxium IR-5 Silver Sniper and aimed it at Transim.


"What the hell do you think you're doing!”

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*Kirlocca looked up to see a ship pass over him. He wasn't suer why a ship would come this way over Tatooine, but decided to ignore it anyways. When he looked back towards the dune sea, he saw his padawan make one final Jump to him.*


"Good job. You are learning fast. Let's go to our next learning ground..."


*They both got on Kirlocca's ship and took of the planet...*

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  • 4 weeks later...

A single X-wing, worn by age and scarred by battle, emerges out of hyperspace above the desert world of Tatooine. The X-wing quickly descends to the planet's surface, and heads for a region beyond the Dune Sea.


The X-wing lands next to a small hut that sits atop a quiet hill. This was, of course, the former home of the legendary Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. Hale Akturus smiles as he enters the hut. The Corellian Jedi Knight's eyes adjust to the dim light, and he looks around. A trapdoor leads to a cellar containing water storage and power generator utilities. It was perfect for what Hale Akturus had in mind ”“ retirement.


Hale Akturus, now a hermit like old Ben Kenobi had been, moves outside to watch the suns set.

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  • 1 month later...

On the backwater planet of Tatooine, in the middle of the Dune Sea, a rumbling could be heard. In this great wasteland, the only ones who felt it, were a few panicked Jawas, driving their sand-crawlers away as fast as the behemoth machines would move.


The sand parted, and like a hungry Sarlaac a pit emerged in the midst of the desert. Slowly a building arose from the ground. Not just any building, this was a temple.


It wasn't entirely true that the Jawas were the only ones who had witnessed this spectacular event. A T-16 skyhopper was parked a few yards from the temple. A man hopped out holding a remote. The man was Marc Spector, the Moon Knight. He entered his home. The home he had caused to rise with the hydraulic machinery hidden beneath the sands.


Marc found what he was looking for. The mask and armor of Moon Knight stood in the center of the main chamber. Marc wasn't sure, and frankly didn't care whether this was somehow the original armor he had lost upon his death, or new armor that had been brought here by whoever built this place. As Marc returned the mask to his face, all he knew was he was Moon Knight once more, and his enemies would soon be in a world of pain.


The rumbling resumed as the building fell beneath the sands once more, and a single Skipray Blastboat was seen flying towards the horizon, and the Space beyond.

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Myth landed her ship in the spaceport. Slowly everyone descended from the ship and met up in front of the port.


The sun was scorching and the dry weather seemed to take the moisture from their very skin.



"Feels like home." Myth said with a sigh.


But I'm out of cheesecake.

Taking over JNet, 1 thread at a time.

JNet Royalty

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*The Dai-Kami landed on the hot, baking surface of Tatooine. Geki disembarked, his appearance and demeanour changed considerably. A long hooded black greatcloak covered his body now. He looked around, bothered little by the sweltering heat.*


This was where we began. This was where Geki first stepped into the Galaxy...


*A crunch of sand beneath a sandalled foot was heard behind him. Geki did not turn.*


Hey, what do you want? This is private property, mister. We don't want any trouble round here. Please leave.


*Geki turned and looked at the moisture farmer with something approaching cheerfulness. He smiled genially.*


I am sorry to put you and your family to trouble, but I'll be staying for a while. I have to make something, you see.


*The farmer shook his head vehemently and scowled.*


No. You can't stay here. Now, go on... you.. er.. you...


*Geki had lowered his hood to reveal his scarred face, and was grinning at the farmer.*


Now, come on. We nned not be hostile to each other. I would hate for us not to get along.


*Geki's hand shot out and gripped the farmer by the throat. The farmer gave out a strangled sob, and his hands flew to his throat, weakly scrabbling at the iron grip. Geki lifted the farmer effortlessly and walked towards the small, sandstone hut nearby. The door closed behind him, effectively muffling out the screams which came from the hut for a good long time. Day passed, and was followed as always by night. When the suns began to rise again, the door opened. Geki walked out, a newly constructed lightsabre in his hand. He had built it using a rather unique template, the blade's ability to make a clean cut sacrificed for the ability to cause the most amount of pain to its victim. A low whimpering could be heard from the hut. Geki appeared not to notice. He hefted the lightsabre thoughtfully.*


Yes, it works quite well. Thankyou gentles, your input has been most useful. Bye, now.


*Geki returned to the Dai-Kami and lifted off.*


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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"Bartender!" Indy calls. "We're ready to order!"


"What do ya'll want?" he replied.


"I think I just want something to quench my thrist," Indy said. "Do you have any local specialties? This is my first time on Tatooine."


"How about some blue milk? It's non-alcoholic, but is a specialty around these parts," the bartender suggested.


"Sounds good to me," Indy shrugged. "How about you guys?"


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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Myth looks around at other patrons to see what their choice of drink was. All over the place she could see cups of some blue liquid.



"I'll have the blue milk as well. And some crackers." Myth said as an after thought.


But I'm out of cheesecake.

Taking over JNet, 1 thread at a time.

JNet Royalty

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"Crackers?" Indy asks, two of her hands folded in her lap and the other two motioning in Myth's direction. "Why crackers? Bartender! Give my friend some soup to go with her crackers." She rolls her eyes.


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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"Oh and bartender!" Myth called. "We would also like some pancakes... with cream and cherries and strawberries."


Turning back with a satisfied smile to her friends, Myth shrugged.


"Just in case we need to call on the Death Strikers."


But I'm out of cheesecake.

Taking over JNet, 1 thread at a time.

JNet Royalty

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I swear I invited so many people to this, and only the three of us remain. How are we supposed to have fun with just us three girls????


hmm, actually, that might not be so bad. Psycho death strikers


mwahahahahahahahaha *cough* damn dry air.


*The bartender brings a large tray over bearing three drinks and a large plate of pancakes*


Ah, right on time.


But I'm out of cheesecake.

Taking over JNet, 1 thread at a time.

JNet Royalty

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Indy takes a sip of her blue milk. "Hey, this is good stuff!" she says, a little surprised.


She takes some pancakes and starts to eat.


"So, Myth. How is your life? What's been going on since I last saw you?"


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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"It's been going pretty well." Myth replied after swallowing a mouthful of pancake. "Helping out a friend here and there. Learning more about the galaxy and it's inhabitants. Delivering bombs disguised as ships... you know, the usual deal. What about you??? what have you been up to lately???"


But I'm out of cheesecake.

Taking over JNet, 1 thread at a time.

JNet Royalty

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"Into the old ship/bomb buisness again, are we? Well, I've mostly been taking passengers recently. The Fire's Passion isn't normally a transport ship, but the buisness brings in the credits." She takes a bite of her pancakes before continuing.


"Actually, my most recent trip was really interesting. I had two Jedi who needed transport to Ilum. I had to do it for free, of course, but I got dragged into an adventure. I'll tell you more about it if we have the time."


She pauses to drink some blue milk.


"So have you run any especially interesting trips recently?"


There goes Ami's reputation of being a peaceful, nice person.
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