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Ary the Grey

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Jhoren had finally decided to go back to the farm. He could always go into town later. Besides, it was dangerous to be out in the middle of the Dantooine plains like this. This was the time of year when Kath Hounds started searching for mates”¦ and extra food for their babies. The last thing he wanted to do was come across one, especially now. He was defenseless against one, little alone a pack of them.


Blast! He had jinxed himself. The sudden noise of a male Kath Hound was unmistakeable. He didn't dare look behind him, for he knew that where there was one of them, there were probably more behind it. Luckily, he was still on his speeder bike, and would be able to outrun them if they decided to pursue him.


With a sudden kick against the pedal of the bike, it shot forward. Howling and growling erupted from behind him, and as he finally turned his head to catch a glimpse of what was going on, he saw not one, but five Kath Hounds following him, all of whom were male. He supposed that they had been hunting smaller animals when they came across him. If they caught up with him, he was done for. His remains would be scattered across the green, lush plains of Dantooine, and his speeder bike would be battered and damaged. Luckily, he was already far ahead of them. He was safe.


Until he turned his head back around, he had figured that he was safe. However, dead ahead of him, were several crouching Kath Hounds, all of which started running towards him and his speeder bike. He knew that he was probably surrounded; the animals were savage beasts, but exceptionally smart. Only a couple of weeks prior, there had been reports of several other ambushes and attacks on the humans and aliens who lived on the planet, despite the fact that everybody knew not to venture out into the wilderness. He was foolish enough to end up off-course, and now, he was surrounded on all sides by Kath Hounds. He couldn't simply run them over or avoid them.


Instead of trying to escape, he shut the speeder bike down, hoping that something ”“ or someone ”“ would come along, and scatter the Hounds so he could get back to his grandfather's farm.


((OOC: Sorry for the sloppy post... it's almost 11 PM here, and I'm very tired. Next post goes to Kirana.))

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It had been some time since Kirana had been drawn anywhere. She'd been away from civilization for some time now, not that you could call Dantooine all that populated, though it was more so than where she had been prior. And there had been a Jedi Temple here. Rumor had it, that it had been rebuilt. The Lost Soul entered the atmosphere and began it's descent over the wide grassy plains. A smile crossed Kirana's face as she felt a familiar presence she hadn't felt for a while.


As she overflew the landscape she took note of the amount of Kath Hounds that were over the wide expanse... and that some of them were homing in on a poor unfortunate on a speeder bike. She shook her head, wondering why someone would be alone out there. This person didn't seem to be defending themselves, she could see no signs of a blaster or any other kind of weapon for that matter. She flew by, letting loose a volley of fire from her lower laser to scatter the nearest pack before she let the droid take over piloting the ship. There wasn't room to set her ship down close enough to the bike without the kath hounds getting between, though Kira had another idea.


Giving only a moment to instruct her droid to fly low to get her close to where he was, Kira left the cockpit and made her way through her ship, grabbing her blaster and strapping it around her waist as she went. Her sabers were always in place. It didn't take her long to reach the embarksion ramp, lowering it as the droid brought the ship down to skim over the terrain as it returned to where the unfortunate person was. The Kath Hounds were getting a little too close for comfort again, the shots not scaring them off for long. The speeder bike rider was in trouble.


With the Force flowing through her, Kirana leaped from the bottom of the ramp, her azul blade flashing to life with a *snap-hiss*, the Jedi Master landing lightly between the kid and the first of the hounds as her ship roared over head. Her droid had instructions to 'chase' off the hounds that were joining in. Pausing only long enough to pull out and throw the blaster to the kid with a "catch this", Kira flew into action, her blade making contact with the first of the hounds.


With her second hand free, it closed around her second hilt, the silver blade flashing to life in an instant. Both blades now in skillful motion as she fell into the dance of form IV against the Hounds.


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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The sound of a ship flying by overhead made Jhoren's eyes leave the Kath Hound that was closing in on him. Before he knew what was happening, the ship's ramp lowered, and a young woman dressed in a dark tunic and robe, wielding a lightsaber. She leapt from it, and landed on the ground in front of him silently. Clearly, now was not the time for questions. There were at least a dozen Hounds closing in on him, though a couple of them slowly started to back away at the sight of the Jedi. Before he knew what was happening, she tossed a blaster to him, which he caught clumsily, nearly dropping it. He'd used blaster pistols and rifles alike in the past; after all, he and his grandfather lived in an area of Dantooine where Kath Hounds bred more often than anywhere else.


The woman had killed off one of the beasts before it reached him, though the fight was far from over. Immediately after she attacked it, one other Hound started running towards where they were. She hadn't seen it yet, since she was facing the other way.


With a quick jerk of his arm, he brought the blaster pistol up, and trained the sights on the head of the animal. He waited until it was about fifteen yards away, until he squeezed the trigger twice. Two red-hot bolts of energy left the barrel of the weapon and, to Jhoren's satisfaction, hit their target. The Hound was dead before it could make any sort of noise. It fell to the ground, unmoving.


Three more Hounds started running towards them at full speed. Their mouths were open, revealing their jagged, sharp teeth. They were cautious, and eyed the blaster Jhoren held. He raised the weapon towards them, his back still to the woman. He glanced back only once to see how she was holding up.


”œHow many are there that you can see?”

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Hartel could feel the boy was terrorized by whatever he felt within the force. His first priority, as practically the boy's guardian now, was to help him cope with whatever it was that had caused him this tremor of fear and sadness. Hartel did not know why though, from what he could tell using his limited senses on the past he saw that there was a triumphant Jedi here who took down the Sith who was there when Hartel arrived. He looked to the boy and wondered for a moment just how powerful he was. Or was there an emotional link in his past to this place since before the temple was built.


"Focus on right now, focus on the good, feel that powerful acceptance rolling through your body and soul. It makes you feel happy and at peace does it not?"

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Unknown to the boy, Kirana was aware of the location of all the Kath Hounds, tracking them through the Force. She also realised that this boy was Force sensitive. At his question of how many were left, Kira answered him even as she dashed closer to another hound, "Ten left." She spared a brief moment to look back at him, offering a word of encouragement, "Trust your instincts."


Sinking further into the Force, her movements sped up, her blades, both azul and silver now a blur of light as first one then the other cut through the Hounds. She Force pushed another backwards, making it crash into one of it's pack mates, in turn letting both become easier targets for Jhoren to hit with the blaster.


As the last of the Hounds was disposed of, Kira shut down her blades, clipping them back onto her belt clips as she walked back towards the boy. Stopping in front of him she pushed back a stray silver strand of hair to behind her ear. "I'm Jedi Master Kirana Sunrider." The young woman introduced herself, then asked, "What brought you out here alone on the plains? You would have been in alot of trouble had I not come across you."


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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His instincts? Right now, they were outnumbered ten to two. How could he possibly rely on his instincts at a time like this? He watched her as she caused one of the Kath Hounds to crash into the one directly behind it, both of which he shot and killed with only two shots from the blaster pistol. He turned around, watching her as she took down the last remaining couple of beasts with several swings of her lightsaber, which was now a blur of bright blue light.


Finally, after the last of the Hounds were dead, she introduced herself to him as Jedi Master Kirana Sunrider. Now, he noticed the tattoos on her face, able to figure out for himself that she was a Mirialan. What surprised him was her fairly long, silver hair, which was complemented by her bright blue eyes. He nearly mistook her for a Sith, had it not been for the color of her lightsaber; she wore a black tunic under her black robe, along with matching pants and combat boots. She looked fairly young, possibly in her early twenties.


”œThank you for doing all of that. I'm Jhoren Zeur,”

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"A little off with your directions..." Kira gave a light-hearted laugh, "The Force works in mysterious ways. It looks like you were supposed to be here at this time." She tilted her head to the side, observing him. As he held out the blaster, she took it, slipping it back into it's holster on her hip.


"Yes, I am a Jedi Master. There's a Jedi Temple here on Dantooine that I was on my way to when I saw you." She gave him a piercing look before adding, "Do you know much about the Jedi?"


While they were conversing, she used the comm. chip to silently tell her droid to land near them. As the Lost Soul circled around to land she pointed to his bike. "Bring it over to my ship. We'll put it in the hold and I'll give you a lift back to your farm if you like."


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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Malin continues balancing on his hands, awaiting his Padawan's effort at using the Force to read the minds of others and defend his own. Though concentrating, Malin's awareness is still spread out when he catches a familiar presence he hasn't felt in what seemed like ages.


A moment of surprise catches the Jedi Master off guard as he puts a name to that presence. Elated, he almost calls out his thoughts.




In that instant he loses his balance and crashes head over heels off the wing, landing with a loud thump on the ground in a sitting position. Standing up shakily from his now sore muscles and backside, he shoots a glance over his shoulder at his padawan.


"Do not let yourself be distracted, and continue your efforts,"" he advises sagely, retaining his outward composure. "And let it be a lesson that even with all the knowledge, patience, and wisdom of a Jedi master, you are still human. You do or do not with the Force, but even failure will happen. Do not despair or be afraid of it happening. Have confidence, faith, and..." he adds, rubbing his sore muscles. "always concentrate."



What drew out such power from your machine was truly the drive of your soul... It was your 'Id'. The sign of the purpose you've been seeking... The mark of a natural born assassin!

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Kira nodded her head as he spoke. It was the usual thing that was heard all over the galaxy. It was a dream of many children that they would become a Jedi, though not everyone had the talents to become one. She heard an underlying note beneath his words when he spoke of his Grandfather, the Jedi Master seeing in his public mind that the man was old and dying. That could be one of his reasons for wanting to leave. He wasn't born on a farm, it wasn't his life.


"You should never give up on your dreams Jhoren." Kirana helped him push the bike up into the hold, grabbing the straps to tie it in place during transit. She flicked the switch that raised the ramp and signaled for him to follow her through the ship to the cockpit. It had been some time since she'd had someone else onboard the Lost Soul, Dashell being that person. She missed the Trianii's company. Reaching the cockpit, Kira turned back towards Jhoren.


"I would like to speak with your Grandfather if I could."


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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Jhoren knew that he should never give up on his dreams or aspirations, though he knew that he had no chance of becoming a Jedi. He had been told time and time again that he was destined to be a farmer. His parents were farmers; his grandfather and his wife were farmers, and so on and so forth. He didn't know much about his family before his grandfather's generation. The man never really liked to talk about his earlier years, before Jhoren was born. Despite his secretive demeanor when it came to his past, Adriav Zeur was a very loving, kind man. He had raised Jhoren ever since his parents died, which had happened a few months after his birth. The only bit of information that Adriav would give Jhoren about his parents was that they were very important people, who loved him greatly.


How important could a couple of farmers be, though? Sure, they grew crops to sell at local markets, but the way his grandfather had said it, he made it sound as if his parents were far more important than anybody else in the galaxy. After a while, Jhoren began to realize that Adriav wasn't telling him everything. There were many secrets that he hadn't shared with his grandchild, that much was obvious. Whenever Jhoren would ask him about a specific topic relating to his parents ”“ or him ”“ Adriav would try to change the subject, or lie through his teeth. It frustrated him, and even saddened him a bit, to know that his grandfather, the man who had raised him as if he were his own, was lying to him about his past.


”œI know,”

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I joined Master Kyrell shortly after, listening to his movements both through the force and by my natural senses, allowig myself to feel his every gesture. I too, flipped over onto my two hands, searching myself for the connection and gazing upon his own as i attempted to mimic him. Though it came easy, i still had difficulties with my balance and trust, often falling to my knees with a loud thud against the dursteel plating of the wing. But despite my failures, i kept picking myself up and trying it again.


"So one can essentially use the force to increase his natural senses and reactions at will, then?" I spoke, the slight blood rush to my head slowly coming to a halt as the force took over my form completely. "Much like you taught me when seeing throught the Force."


But i was caught completely off guard when Master Kyrell's voice entered my mind, just as the voices of Khoonda had earlier. My head throbbed at first, but easily subsided as my natural mentality faught against the intrusion. I fell hard, the wind within my lungs being rushed outward from the fall. And even though my mind stood strong and nearly unwavering, Master Kyrell's connection came stronger. Maybe it was because of the connection that was growing between the two of us, or perhaps even the fact that i chose to listen. Whatever the reason, his words came through crystal clear.


Concentrating on his own aura, mimicing his connection, i attempted to return the favor. His mental block was strong, nearly unbreakable at first. My head ached even more as my attempts failed at establishing what it was he seemed to wish for me to do. But still i continued. Resisting the notions of pain, i allowed the force within me grow, the connection between my Master and I flourish. Searching for the key within, i delved deeper. This is where i got my first glimpse of my Master's mind, of his past. His minor distraction allowed the access i needed. I had heard his simple cry.


Through the force, i spoke but one thought, the echoing of confusion and wonderment present upon it's tone as it reached Master Kyrell's mind. "Kirana?"

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Kira had heard the surprise through the force from her good friend, also the loss of concentration. She smiled, then turned her attention back to Jhoren. She let him insert the co-ordinates into the navi-computer, checking it then lifting off, the ship turning to head in the direction of his farm.


"That must be hard on you."


It didn't take long to arrive at the farm, Kira setting the Lost Soul down in a clearing not far from the house. She went through the post flight checks before getting up from the pilots chair.


"Lead the way"


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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Kirana pushed back the hood of her cloak, letting it fall to her shoulders to reveal a head of silver white hair and vivid blue eyes, tattoos across her fair face. As the old man's voice trailed off, the Jedi Master looked closely at him. It didn't take the Force to know that he knew what she was or the fact he didn't seem happy about it.


"No matter how hard one tries, the truth will always surface."


Her words were softly spoken as she read between the lines of unspoken words. He knew his grandson was Force Sensitive and he had not told him for some reason. He was one to keep secrets she could see.


Kirana had been in the public eye almost all of her career, firstly when she was in the Alliance, as her position of Chief-of-State, and as a Jedi. It was highly likely the old man would have recognized her face from the Holonet broadcasts or any of the events she had been to. Her keen eyes kept alert for any sign of recognition other than the fact she was a Jedi.


"Your Grandson ran into some trouble with Kath Hounds. He's handy with a blaster. He's got good instincts."


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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Adriav eyed Kirana closely, trying to figure out why she was here, in his home. He thought that he was done with the Jedi ever since the day of Jhoren's birth. How had he come across another one? And why now?


”œ "Your Grandson ran into some trouble with Kath Hounds. He's handy with a blaster. He's got good instincts."


He closed his eyes.


”œIndeed he does,”

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"You don't approve of the Jedi as a way of life." It was a statement not a question. "Surely you knew of your Grandson's dreams. Is that why you attempted to squash his dreams?" She could feel that the old man had the Force flowing through him, possibly what was keeping him alive.


Kirana turned her head to look at Jhoren, then back towards his Grandfather, wondering if he would ever give Jhoren a choice other than farming. It was fairly clear that he didn't relish the thought of staying on the farm. "Shouldn't it be his decision what he does with his life. Did you ever give him a choice?" Her eyes fell back to Jhoren. "If given the opportunity, would you still wish to become a Jedi?"


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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Kira remained calm and serene as she stood there, not letting anger tarnish her. Instead, she held a compassionate expression on her face as she looked from one to the other, radiating a gentle empathy. "If that is what Jhoren wishes to do there is nothing, and no one that would stop him from doing so."


Her gaze shifted to the boy, feeling his anger, his confusion, his emotions full of conflict. With her voice soft she answered, "Yes, you are Force-Sensitive." Just as gentle in her tone, Kirana added, "I'm sure your Grandfather had his reasons from keeping this for you. The galaxy can be a very dangerous place. I would suggest hearing his reasons for why he kept this from you." Her eyes met with the old man's. "Do not hate him for what he has kept from you. A Jedi shows compassion. Anger and hate will lead to the dark side. If you search deep within yourself, you know you love your Grandfather. This shock shouldn't change that love." Her vivid blue eyes traveled from one to the other.


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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Images flash in Kenshi's mind... in a quick blur... a mutiny aboard rebel starships... a showdown on Vjun with Malin on death's door.... a quiet walk around the Jedi Temples on Coruscant before it fell... Kirana is there, a Silverhaired Mirialan...


Malin takes a deep breath, and gives a short, terse nod. "A Jedi Master who has been particularly kind to me over the years and one I am rather fond of and have strong feelings for." His response is short and simple and his tone surprisingly neutral. "The Jedi were at one time an ascetic order. They believed attachments were poisonous and clouded one's judgment." His voice takes on a dry and wry tone, very low key. "They might have been right. I'm sure you've heard of the Jedi Knight known as Anakin Skywalker, better known as Darth Vader? Passion without solid, reasonable love can be destructive. You need to feel it here," Malin adds, tapping his chest, "but also here as well," he concludes with a tap on his forehead. "If you love something, someone, it could also be a source of strength. A dedication to justice, someone you'd protect at all costs, a world or galaxy you'd defend to the end, these are all good things. Just do not let passion or possessiveness cloud your judgment. That was Vader's mistake. You're young, and you'll encounter something worth that dedication in your travels. Sometimes they are worth sacrificing for, and may need to accept sacrifices from them as well. Love wisely and love well."


He stops, realizing he traveled of course from his intended path of training. Still, it didn't hurt his padawan to hear it. It could save him from heartbreak later on, and possibly from a terrible fall into Darkness.


"Yes, one can increase natural senses, including your hearing, smell, taste, and... feeling..." he speaks the last a bit haltingly, again Kirana popping into his mind. "It all comes from mental discipline and awareness with the Force, allowing it to suppliment what we have." Malin taps his head again. "I'm sure you managed to get a few of my memories there, which is a start. The stronger feelings one has for someone, something, the more likely they are to the surface in one's mind as you probably saw. One can read those thoughts with ease then. You need to be guarded, Padawan, and in control at all times."


Malin continues his lecture, just standing upright.


"As I said, the mind is the centeral node of the being, and the being can be influenced by the Force. You can increase your own senses, so try it again. Do what you can to test all four of your working senses. When you master these, and the art of guarding your mind, you can gain a better understanding of what others sense and know. Practice with your senses padawan, and as you do, try to move as I do. It will help you concentrate and focus during later lessons."


Malin reaches out and mentally links with Kenshi again, and as he moves, the Jedi master's stance becomes familiar to one versed in lightsaber combat, his motions a rudimentary form of Form I. He would take it slow, and instill the basics of movement before even working with a practice lightsaber, letting his padawan get a further feel and comfort for his own body before revealing it was for lightsaber combat. The stances become footwork, and the hands soon follow, resulting in motions of the entire body.


Follow my moves, Padawan, and focus on your senses as you let the Force run through you. What do you hear? What can you smell? How does the air you take in through your mouth taste? And how does your body feel as you move? Natural? Strong? Fluid?



What drew out such power from your machine was truly the drive of your soul... It was your 'Id'. The sign of the purpose you've been seeking... The mark of a natural born assassin!

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-----------Recorded Message from Xae-Lin Ardel------------

---Code to Lord Hartel---


"Su cuy, Cyare. I miss you terribly and can't help but wonder where you have gotten whisked away to. I know that it must be important seeing as how you promised an explanation as to your disappearance and return.


Since we left the shipyards, I have taken on two students upon the request of the Grandmaster and Master Darkfire. I only hope that our paths will cross again soon. Please contact me if I can be of any assistance.


I love you.





---End Transmission---


Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

PM Mirdala if you'd like a timely response.

Leave anonymous IC feedback here.

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"Can't. Get the vision... out of head." His words were coming to him easier now. Perhaps he knew how to speak and had forgotten. "Two men. One had horns. They killed. Everyone. Killed fathers. In front... of their family. Their wifes. The fields were soaked... in blood. Red light came from shiny tubes. Like this," he held up the cylinder he held in his hand, with the exposed purple gem peering to the sky. The right looking man spoke to the horned man. Called him by name."


He found that talking about it made him a bit calmer, even if it was not tranquility.


"Barohm Zar."

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Although Kira wasn't an expert at healing, she did know the basic's... and she did know a couple of Master Healers, though she thought maybe it was too late to call them in for the old man. Maybe if he had kept in touch with the Jedi he could have had treatment from the best. She could feel the old man slipping with each cough and even though he was directing his anger at her, she sent a tendril of the Force towards him to soothe his chest and ease his cough. It was basic healing that her former master had taught her, though he wasn't a healer by any means either. She had picked up a lot of 'tricks' for basic healing on the battlefield.


"Not always one's choice. The truth can be twisted and used for other purposes, tainting one with the darkness in the process." One thing Kirana knew only too well after her tangle with the Sith Master and Chaos God, Nurgle. He had tainted her with his own brand of darkness and wiped her mind of all her memories to do with the Alliance without her even being aware of being marked. It had been her first padawan, Locke, that had discovered it - and that had been what had broken their bond. She had recalled all her memories regarding her Jedi training which was a part of Nurgle's plan and devious ways. Only for Malin did she regain her memories and rid herself of that dark stain that she had been tainted with though she had not even seen Locke since that time. That prophecy he threatened both she and Malin had never come true and she didn't intend for it to either.


Kira turned her head in Jhoren's direction as he spoke, meeting his eyes, then shifting to observe both Grandfather and Grandson. There was a lot of secrets between them, spanning over years and a lot of pain now. As she had said before, the truth always had a way of coming out.


Adept as she was regarding the mind, Kirana couldn't help but hear the old man's thoughts. It was as if he was shouting them, his anger quite palpable. His memories played forth for her as if on a holo screen. Outwardly she was calm. Inwardly she winced, knowing first hand what it is like to be in war... and what it was like to lose someone that close. While she and Locke were not married, they had shared a life-bond. That had been severed because of that Chaos God. If he thought he had been cast out, that she couldn't make sense of. That and she was sure the Jedi Council - even one back then - would have carried out some kind of investigation.


With a soft and compassionate voice, Kirana spoke gently to the old man. "War is a terrible thing. Yes, I have been there too. I led the Alliance, been the figurehead of the Republic. I have felt the pain of friends torn from me, killed by the Sith and by the Empire. I have led soldiers to their deaths, been in the front lines with them, never 'leading from behind'. I wasn't always within the ranks of the Jedi - I started out in the Alliance, made my way up through the ranks. I became a Jedi during that time. My position of Chief of State was made more dangerous for me because I was a Jedi but never once have I regretted becoming one, even when it made me more of a target to the Sith. I have had my memories torn from my mind by a Sith and fought hard to get them back."


Kirana paused a moment before going on, "You have lost someone close. So have I. You think the old Jedi Council would have done nothing to investigate. They investigated many cases though they did not always release their findings, especially if it was because of particular individuals that they had other cases against. I don't know why you think you were cast out because your wife wasn't Force-Sensitive." Here she let empathy sink into her words, "Force sensitives don't always come from other Force sensitives. They can just appear within a family line where there had been no Force sensitives before. I cannot begin to imagine why you felt you were cast from the Order. Even one such as Jollee Bindo was not cast from the Order. It was his own self imposed exile and he too had a wife who I believe was not a Force Sensitive. He returned to the Order."


Kirana had read and studied the histories. She looked from one to the other. "I didn't purposely read your memories. The mind is my area of expertise and your thoughts with your anger are very loud." She apologized for the breach of privacy, then went on, "If Jhoren agrees to become my Padawan Learner, he won't be cut off from you. The Order was changed long ago by Luke Skywalker regarding children being taken from their families. I wouldn't stop either of you from contacting the other. Family is important."


She could have gone on with the histories, adding that while Luke had married another sensitive - Mara Jade, Princess Leia had married Han Solo who wasn't a Force Sensitive.


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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Feeling this woman read his thoughts would have upset him, if she hadn't apologized immediately afterwards. He wanted to say something ”“ anything. He could not. Even by using the Force to sustain whatever life energies were still left within him, he could feel himself slipping away from their conversation. From himself. Listening to her words somehow soothed the ache in his chest. He knew about the many changes that had taken place in the Jedi Order, ever since Luke Skywalker's time; how families were no longer separated from one another, and those who were in love were allowed to wed. Skywalker had changed the face of the Jedi, and in Adriav's opinion, it was for the better. Unfortunately, however, the rules were different when he was a member of the Order. Marriage meant exile, and every single youngling was taken away from their family, without ever hearing from them again. He, himself, couldn't remember his own father or mother very well.


What did the Jedi stand for these days? They were, supposedly, the saviors of the galaxy. He thought back to his times at the Order”¦ why did he stay with them? He could have easily just left and lived on the opposite side of the galaxy. But what would that have accomplished? He had been treated well there, he knew. The man who had taken him in, a Twi'lek by the name of Naeon Alahan, was a kind, appreciative, and wise Jedi Master. Everything Adriav knew”¦ everything he had ever learned about the Force was because of that man. He gave him the rank of Jedi Master when Adriav turned forty, which was the same age he was when had lost his leg. Naeon had died two years later during a supposedly ”˜zero risk' peace treaty between two warring planets.


He realized now”¦ that the Jedi had given him one thing that he wanted most, above all other things.


A home.


He was raised by not only Naeon, but by everybody else at that Order. Everybody there raised each other, in a way. Everybody there looked out for one another. Nobody was ever looked down upon for their appearance, or obscure viewpoints that they may have had. Each and every one of them was a Jedi; no more, and no less. They had all fought side-by-side with one another at one time. They were like a family. They were a family. They kept a watchful eye one another each other, willing to give their own lives for that person. For the good of the Jedi Order. For the good of the galaxy.


Revisiting his past through his own train of thought, Adriav realized that he felt a noticeable soothing sort of calmness running through his veins. He knew that Kirana was using the Force to calm his coughing fits, for which he was grateful. However, neither her, nor any other Jedi Master could prevent Adriav Zeur from his own, self-fought fate.




Using every ounce of his power, he managed to speak again, but knew that with each word he spoke, his life force was draining all the while. He didn't have much time left, that much he was aware of. How much time, though, he could not be sure. Minutes? Hours? He had no way of knowing for sure.


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Hartel watched in wonder as the boy managed to spout off the event as if he was seeing it in person, right there next to a scene that could have passed long ago, even decades ago. John was not familiar with the name he was spouting, nor the event he mentioned, yet he could feel it was right, correct, and at place. Perhaps his Mandalorian blood clouded his abilities with the force in the aspects of reaching out to the past and present. Mace was special to Hartel, something new and perhaps a prodigy in the force itself.


"You have a special gift Mace," said Hartel encouragingly, "Your power with the force is a power many wish for, and many desire. Do not abuse this strength you have, do not use it for personal gain, these paths will only lead you down a dark never ending path of pain that will dominate you forever."


Hartel paused as he thought of the event before his time in the Jedi Order. The Mandalorian thought he needed more power to protect his people, and he joined the Sith to do it. However, he soon realized the price for their so called strength, and he could not give up his soul for power.


"That path, will not save anyone you hoped to help when you trek it. It will destroy you on the inside, until all you feel, all you ever felt, for life, for love, are never again associated with your name."


Hartel looked to Mace, a little sternly.


"You must promise me, you will never go down that path, that you will dedicate yourself to justice, and protecting the galaxy as a Jedi should."


Just then, Hartel's comlink buzzed and he listened to the messgae left by his one true love. Hartel listened and could not help but reply.


He looked back to Mace after he sent the message off.


"Is that a Promise?"

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"It will destroy you on the inside, until all you feel, all you ever felt, for life, for love, are never again associated with your name."


He didn't know why, but these words were heavy on his heart. It was similar to his vision. Something unknown to him, but he knew. Somehow he knew. Something he knew. Something bigger than himself.


"Is that a Promise?"


He smiled. "Jedi? I'm to become... Jedi?"

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Kirana stood respectfully silent as the old man spoke his dying words to his grandson. She felt the change in him, his acceptance and his forgiveness, the release of his anger. The old man let peace into his heart. As he spoke to her, Kirana inclined her head in a nod,


"I promise to take care of him."


With the old man on his death bed, Kira used the Force to help ease his passing, making him more comfortable as he slipped away to become one with the Force. Stepping closer, she placed a tattooed hand upon Jhoren's shoulder, squeezing gently.


"He is at peace now, within the Force. I suggest gathering your farmhands so we can conduct a burial for your Grandfather. You will also need to sort out who will run the farm in your absence."


She was not unsympathetic to the young man, though these things did need to be done.


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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