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Rafa V

Tarrian Skywalker

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"I didn't say I objected to her Knighthood, but it's getting dangerous that the Council is losing power and authority. The Council must deem who is ready to be trained. There are padawans now being trained without the authorization of the Jedi Order. I used Kirana as an example."

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"The Council has desolved and has been in a shambles for quite a while now. It would have been impossible to keep tabs on everything that went on. Shoot, look at me, I've been trying to get trained for a long time now, but haven't been able to. But now the council is reformed, and the structure of the order restored, things will fall back into place before long, I'd guess."

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"Why, crisis of faith or somethin'?"


Kayla smiled, "No, nothing like that. I just tend to ask questions like that, somehow I've always had the tendency of doubting my beliefs..." She sighed and glanced over at Zane. "I can't imagine myself being anything other than a Jedi. Just sometimes I need to be reminded of that."


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Zane chuckled. "Yeah I know how that is. Least you can say that too, you really want it and you still do through the adversity.


"How'd you get sucked into all this, iffen you don't mind me asking? You look young enough to have been born into the job."


Sig courtesy of Kayla Mhin, Ex-Jnetter


"I find your lack of pants disturbing"


you're the only one for me, Zane


Zane, ...you blow my...mind
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Kayla winced, quickly glancing at Zane out of the corner of her eye, "It's kind of a long, and very..." She frowned, thinking about what she would say before speaking.


"When I was very young my parents were killed--though I didn't find out until just recently--I had always thought they had abandoned me."


She kicked at a stone in her path and then continued, "Then my guardian was murdered and I spent a year searching for his killer but never found him. Eventually I ran into a Jedi who apparantly saw some potential in me and recommended that I seek out the Jedi and ally myself with them."


She glanced over at Zane, "What about you?"


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Zane streched his arms up behind his head. "I'm basically looking to do something more meaningful with my life than be a pro gambler and smuggler. Don't get me wrong, I love that life, but I'm growing up an' stuff. Besides, I've got someone I love who I owe a better life to.


"When I played cards, I always got this sense for longshot bets that would pay off. I KNEW when I was gonna get a lucky card or how much to bet, that sort of thing. It felt like something I heard on the Circuit, called the Force. I didn't think much about it until about a year ago when I started going after the goal of becoming a Jedi. It just clicked, y'know, it just felt like the right thing to do.


"It's been a weird ride so far but if I can do some good it's worth it."


Sig courtesy of Kayla Mhin, Ex-Jnetter


"I find your lack of pants disturbing"


you're the only one for me, Zane


Zane, ...you blow my...mind
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Scorp had expected the rebuke but not to that degree. While at first he did feel a bit of anger for being judged so harshly over what he thought he quickly let go of the anger. After all it would do him no good. Scorp quickly flashed through the list of council memebers in his mind. While he did not see the Jedi he had spoken to on the list he might have forgotten a name or two. No matter he would simply try out the new system. After al he culd kind of feel that his lack of complete faith in the new system had been the reason for such a harsh punishment he couldn't help but feel a system needed time to be effective.


"Well then I guess I should first meditate

ediate on these events. Thank the Force that my oponion was at least heard and dwell a bit on my next step."


Scorp then began to wonder about Kayla. If he was truly demoted would that mean he would lose her as a padawan. Scorp pushed all these thoughts aside and calmed himself. It would be unbefiting of him to begin to worry about something not set in stone.


Scorp then thought about the other jedi's punshiment. WHile he still did not think the other jedi had the authority to do such an act had had rasied a bit of doubt inside of him. If such a punshiment was indeed inflicted on him. Despite the fact that it would bring shame but would it prove that his father was right and the Jedi weren't for him?


Scorp quickly oushed these thoughts away as well. Doubt did nothing to a jedi but harm him. Scorp took a seat on the ground there was much emotion stirring he needed to quiet some of it down before he faced the council. There should be no reason for him to feel this much emotional attachment to his rank. Sure he had earned it in his eyes but should he place that much importance on it. He could still serve the Jedi even if he was demoted. He would simply not be a knight nor apprentice. But he would still be a Jedi.


He would just have to trust in the force and hope it all worked out in the end. He then closed his eyes and began to meditate.


Edited for Spelling))



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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Kayla glanced up as another ship arrived, no doubt bringing another Jedi or two to their new home. "Hopefully this will be our home for many years to come." She mused, more to herself than Zane.


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Silla turned, startled by Darsha's voice. They hadn't said much on the trip to...wherever they now were. Darsha had seemed preoccupied, and Silla herself had been lost in thought. Once the immediate danger was passed, she had time to realize that she had most likely lost The Pegasus Mist--her last tie to her former life--forever. The thought saddened her, yet it seemed somehow fitting.


"Geonosis?" she asked.


((Edited for spelling))

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"Now that I think about it..." Zane looked around to the new ship as well. "...I really don't know where 'here' is. I mean, last thing I really recall was being on Ithor, telling Kenobi he needed a vacation. Now I'm here, and the Jedi are scraping together again.


"What exactly is this planet, anyway?"


Zane felt like he had missed a day or so out of his personal history. It was disconcerting to say the least.


Sig courtesy of Kayla Mhin, Ex-Jnetter


"I find your lack of pants disturbing"


you're the only one for me, Zane


Zane, ...you blow my...mind
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"I think I heard Scorp mention the name..." She tried to remember if he had or hadn't on the trip from Acrid to here, "Ah, Rafa V." She remembered with a smile. "Never heard of it before now, actually." It must not have been included in any of Rhobert's routes accross the galaxy.


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Buzzing the surface of Rafa V in his personal ship, Malin sends a short range comm down for the Jedi.


Just through I'd check out the new base. I'm going to Coruscant to see if I can help rescue that padawan from Black Sun and would encourage the rest of you to help me. Also there is that riot there that could use resolving with our assistance to prove we are not the bad guys.


Flicking off the comm, Malin wheels the Atropos around and jumps into hyperspace.



What drew out such power from your machine was truly the drive of your soul... It was your 'Id'. The sign of the purpose you've been seeking... The mark of a natural born assassin!

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Hou-Jo had heard Malin's comm and agreed with what he had said. "Darsha, Scorp, and Vrean; I want you all to go to Coruscant with Master Kyrell and I. I want us to leave immediately."


He looked to Ara "I trust you and Master Kenobi can take care of things while I am gone."


Hou-Jo got into his ship and after the repulsorlifts kicked in, he brought the ship out and left Rafa V.


OOC: Edited due to alias conflicts in my orders.

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Scorp broke his mediatation upon hering the comm. Then listening to HJP he simply stood up a nodded. HE grabbed his padawan away from the person she had been talking to. And bored his ship along with her.


"Sorry to take you away so quickly but it seems something has come up."


Scorp then tossed her a blaster for her to hang next to her training saber.


"Just in case."


He then took quickly took of for Coursant.



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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Zane was used to people scrambling away on "some damn fool crusade" by now, so he waved off Kayla and found Kenobi and the female Jedi that even he could tell was quite powerful.


"Hey boss," he greeted Dhan-Jaroe. "And hello to you too miss," he added towards Ara. "I take it we're supposed to be holding down the fort here while they all charge out into the universe?"


Sig courtesy of Kayla Mhin, Ex-Jnetter


"I find your lack of pants disturbing"


you're the only one for me, Zane


Zane, ...you blow my...mind
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Delita landed, YET AGAIN, on another planet. he was glad to see no one running to another planet... yet... he saw his former master and strolled over to him, his padawan behind...


"greetings master, good to see you safely reached here, i'm sure your padawan will be arriving soon, this is mine, his name is Valoran, a relative of a good friend, so of course i'm going to train him heh..."


it was good to stand on land for more than a few minutes, he isn't quite fond of spending days and days in a ship...



accept the challenges so you can feel the exhiliration of victory
-General George S. Patton
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Nom extended his hand and shook Valoran's. "You are in good hands my friend."


"And speaking of training, that is something I must get to. Ok Bron, its finally time to teach you how to use the Force."


With that, Nom and his padawan headed into a more secluded section of the new Jedi enclave.


"Tell me, what has your old master tought you so far, so I know where to start."



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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Ara smiled at Zane.


"We get our ducks in a row, so to speak. We've got to fix the rest of the Order and get things sorted out here, strengthen ourselves and work out the kinks in the current system."


Looking at Dhan-Jaroe, she nodded. "Sounds good to me. He was recently enstated into the Jedi, only as the rank of knight, but I believe his Blademaster training takes precedence."

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."



Proud member of the vast Right-Wing conspiracy


Look! ART!!!

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OOC: Since I'm Piccolo conflict of interest


IC: Isolder heard the call from Hou-Jo. Walking to the Final Flash he fired up the engines. The ship's computer flashed to life, only to shut down immediately.


What the heck is going on now?


Isolder exited the ship. He pulled out the step ladder he used to board the vessel, and hopped outside the cockpit. Stepping down a few steps, Isolder opened up one of the bottom panels. He almost fell off as several small furry animals dashed outside. The creatures had chewed through the wires. Isolder called his R2 unit out of the X-wing.


"See if you can fuse these back together, and check the rest of the ship."


The repairs would take a few hours. It looked like Isolder was grounded until then.


Sorry Hou-Jo.


Isolder hoped there wasn't anything serious going on.


"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good. Nightmare to you!"

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"Sounds good to me," Zane said to Ara. "Long as I can keep my feet on the ground for more than a minute before being tossed into the back of a ship again...wait, which reminds me..." Zane looked behind him.


That damn ship of mine, how does it CONSTANTLY get itself lost?! I'm really surprised someone hasn't destroyed it yet. Unless it did during this blacked out part of my memory...


"I do have a question though, for you miss, and go ahead and tell me if this is out of line: why are the Jedi having so many problems with keeping order amongst...well, the Order? I mean, the last time before being here that I remember a bunch of Jedi together, there was some relatively heated ideological arguing going on. I'm just curious, like what is it that everyone is arguing about? What sparked it, or has it always gone on?"


Sig courtesy of Kayla Mhin, Ex-Jnetter


"I find your lack of pants disturbing"


you're the only one for me, Zane


Zane, ...you blow my...mind
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"Nothing much, basic meditation and we argued theories back and forth. It was rather pointless, I am sorry to say."

There is no emotion; There is peace.

There is no ignorance; There is knowledge.

There is no passion; There is serenity.

There is no death; There is the Force.


Everything the Jedi live and strive for is included herein.


Proud member of the vast Right-Wing conspiracy

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(I hate time differences. Er... anyway... is my acceptance of Silla and Yuusou Ekimora official and/or allowed? Yuusou's got some internet problems... he's not posted for a month. )


Darsha heard the summons of Hou-jo. She turned to Silla. "I'm sorry, but I don't think you are ready to go for a mission... meanwhile stay here and try to feel nature with the Force. Like... the compressed elements in rocks, and the little spurts of life of each small creature. It may help you to know the web the Force weaves among all things. Tell me about what you have felt when I return."


With that, Darsha jumped back into the ship and headed for Coruscant.



Darsha Assant turned dark at 2734 posts.

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"What? But I can..." began Silla. Darsha hurried back to the Nameless and the ship blasted off.


"...help." Silla finished her statement with a sigh. Her droid rolled up beside her, bleeping that they should have stayed on Coruscant in the first place.


"Very funny," she replied, lifting her face slightly into a stirring, warm breeze. Even the wind felt hot here. The air was dusty, and sand crunched under her boots as she walked. "C'mon. You heard what Darsha said."


She wandered a short distance away from the voices around her, feeling forward with her staff as she walked. Finally, she felt the cool of shade on her skin. Reaching out with her hand, she brushed against the rough edge of a rock outcropping of some kind.


"This seems like as good a spot as any," she told the droid. Then, she spread her cloak on the sand and lowered herself onto it, leaning her back against the large rock. She felt around with her fingers in the grainy sand and found a smooth stone shaped like a slightly irregular oval.


"Ok. Compressed elements in rocks," she murmured, trying to concentrate.


Unbidden, the gruff voice of her grandfather sounded in her mind.


The Force--posh! I'll trust in my blaster, thank you much!


Silla drew a slow breath and tried again...

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Delita faced his back towards his padawan,


"while we're here... let's have a short spar, just to see if you can fight..."


he turned around and raised his fist at his padawan,


"let's see what you can do without your weapons out...



accept the challenges so you can feel the exhiliration of victory
-General George S. Patton
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"Haha, Ben'a was one who liked to debate, figures he payed more attention to that than training you."


Nom continued to speak as he unclipped his lightsaber from his belt. And set it on the ground between the two.


"One of the most common incarnations of the Force, would be levitation. It is something that can be of great use to you in tight situations, or if the remote to the holonet receiver is just out of reach."


The Jedi Knight paused for laughter even though he knew none was coming.


"Perhaps the very first time you call on the Force to aid you is the most difficult. You must clear your mind of everything, drawing deep inside you. The particular feeling is different to each Jedi and impossible to explain. But you will know when it comes. You must use this sensation as almost an invisible arm that will stretch as far as you will it.


Nom's eyes moved from his padawan to the lightsaber now resting on a bed of grass.


"I want you to use the Force and levitate my lightsaber ten meters into the air," He paused and a small smirk inched its way onto his face. "And try not to break it."



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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Ara looked down and saw her datapad beeping at her. Frowning, she picked it up and looked at the screen.


Two messages on Holonet...regarding me?


Her gray eyes widened. A captured padawan...and requesting her presence?


This isn't right. Asking for me...for someone else's padawan? Ara's mind floated back to the bounty that was probably still on her head. It's got to be a trap...I have to go.


Turning to Dhan-Jaroe, she said, "There's been an incident. Something with a kidnapped padawan. They want me to show up and negotiate." Ara sighed. "It's got to be a trap, but I can't let him get killed. Can you think of anything to get me there safely and back safely--with the padawan in tow?"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."



Proud member of the vast Right-Wing conspiracy


Look! ART!!!

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Dhan-Jaroe tossed his lightsaber in the air, and than snatched it back in his other hand.


"Agressive negotiations. If they know how willing you are to get him back, they will ask for a trade: Yourself for the padawan. Although I'd advice you to not do something like that, I have a feeling that you would if it came to it."

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