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Rafa V

Tarrian Skywalker

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The Jedi Master smiled wearily.


"You know me way too well, Dhan-Jaroe. I hope it doesn't come to that, but it yet may."


She glanced back to the datapad. "We don't have much time. What can we do?"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."



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Ara nodded firmly, toying with the handle of her crystal sword as she spoke.


"They'll most likely want me or nothing at all, I have a feeling. If we do leave now, we need to leave someone here in charge. Who?"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."



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Ara took a long breath and nodded again. She stepped up to Nom, interrupting his lesson.


"Nom, Dhan-Jaroe and I have...business to attend to. You can check the holonet if you want to know what I mean." She shifted, almost nervously. "You're the ranking Jedi, so you're going to have to keep things in order while Dhan-Jaroe and I are gone." She bowed. "Do your job well."


Swiftly walking away, she joined Zero on her ship and buckled in. Looking at her once-semi-adversary, she smiled weakly.


"Let's go."


With that, Kenobi took off into hyperspace, heading for Coruscant.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."



Proud member of the vast Right-Wing conspiracy


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At first, Silla felt only the physical sensations of the rock in her hand--its weight, the shape that didn't quite fit in her palm, the smoothness of the stone against her skin. It seemed utterly still and without life. How could an inanimate object, a piece of earth, be connected with the Force?


She reached deeper, and slowly became aware of a flickering pattern of energy within the stone. Focusing her mind on it, she realized that Darsha was right. Each distinct element in the stone seemed to be a point of energy, separate from the others and yet bound to them as an intricately woven whole.


Feeling along this pattern with her mind, much as her fingers would have explored one of the woven tapestries in her family's home, she discovered that it was not stagnant, but it seemed to flow through the stone. Touching it was like dipping her hand in a stream to feel the current...except a current moved in only one direction. This seemed to go everywhere at once, both within the rock she held and beyond it.


Beyond, out into the world around her, and into her own hand. Startled, she realized that not only was she touching this pattern, she was part of it. Delighted with her apparent success, she continued her explorations, allowing this current she felt to carry her where it would.


There was another spark, much larger than the points she had sensed within the stone, and very different. It felt alert, inquisitive, perhaps nervous. Silla realized that it was a desert hare which had popped its head out of a burrow nearby, but how she knew that, she wasn't sure. Curious, she followed along with it for a while, until she felt a shadow pass over it from above.


Abruptly, she sensed danger, felt the animal's fear--and then--nothing. Its spark went out, and another, that of the predatory bird which would soon feed on it, felt stronger.


Silla recoiled, shuddering.

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Nom raised an eyebrow as he watch the two Jedi masters head for their ships. What could be going on that would require almost every Jedi in the order?


"Stay here and keep working on levitation, I'll be back shortly."


Overwelmed by curiosity, Nom made his way to a secluded area where he could access the holonet undesturbed.


Nom's eyes widened as the message from the holonet ran its course. Another padawan was captured. This bounty on Jedi was really starting to take its tole. Nom couldn't help but think that the Sith were the least of their worries...


The Jedi Knight went back to check on the progress of his padawan.


"They can handle it", he told himself softly as he approached Bron. There was no misaking the hit of uncertainy in his voice.



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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The force flowing through him, Bron levitated two small stones, utilising telekenetic power, they revolved around each other. He could feel something distinct when Nom returned. Somehow, he just knew that his Master had come back... Without words, Bron instilled his thoughts into his Master's.


"Apprentices are prime subjects for the hunters to capture. Less training, less difficult to capture. Not to mention they can guilt trip us into doing things we shouldn't. These things could use some change, though I confess, at this time, I can not see how."


The stones never flinched from their moderately fast revolving action.

There is no emotion; There is peace.

There is no ignorance; There is knowledge.

There is no passion; There is serenity.

There is no death; There is the Force.


Everything the Jedi live and strive for is included herein.


Proud member of the vast Right-Wing conspiracy

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The droid gave a worrisome noise at her sudden, visibly inexplicable shudder.


"It's ok, Speck," Silla said absently, her thoughts turning to the padawan that she had heard Darsha being sent to help rescue. The hawk had been as much a part of the pattern she had just felt through the Force as the rabbitt, and so must whoever was holding the padawan. Would his life be snuffed out as well? If so, it seemed the Force would flow on, unconcerned...

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OOC: We are perfectly capable of reading the holonet, if you aren't a jedi, please don't post here. Thank you.


IC: Dhan-Jaroe's ship exited hyperspace and the ship landed down.


He approached his apprentice.


"Hello Zane, i sense you wish to continue your training."


OOC: Bron, take it a little easy, even if you are an alias, it is a tad impossible to levitate rocks and send a paragrapgh through the force at the same time (which is impossible in it's own right).

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Landing the Atropos at the Jedi base, Malin let Jasyn out.


"Report in," he instructs. "I have business to take care of elsewhere. May the force be with you."


With that the hatch of the ship closes and Malin speeds off again, dissapearing into space.



What drew out such power from your machine was truly the drive of your soul... It was your 'Id'. The sign of the purpose you've been seeking... The mark of a natural born assassin!

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Zane had been waiting patiently for Kenobi to return, or as patiently as he ever did anything. When the experienced Jedi did return, he seemed ready to actually sit down and TEACH his beloved apprentice something.


"You bet, boss!"


Sig courtesy of Kayla Mhin, Ex-Jnetter


"I find your lack of pants disturbing"


you're the only one for me, Zane


Zane, ...you blow my...mind
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"A high concentration of midi-chlorians run through your blood, it is necessary to manipulate the force. So, with such a high MC count, you should be able to use the force to stop objects from falling down, small objects such as rocks, correct?"



"Stop the rock."


Dhan-Jaroe grabbed a rock and used the force to enhance a throw towards Zane's stomach.

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Zane figured his tests would have to do with avoiding being injured, and he was ready. A rock would be simple to avoid, compared to a blaster bolt.


Zane focused his mind as he did when he healed himself before. Instead of wrapping his thoughts around his body, he wrapped them around the blunt missle. The rock slowed down from it's unnaturally quick travel from his master's hand to his stomach, but not all the way; with a quick thought, he made it swerve out of line, and it landed nearby, a foot or so to the side.


"Huh. That worked pretty well, actually; didn't know I could do that." Zane was proud of himself for not trying to dodge it, not relying on physical reflexes. He imagined it wouldn't be the last rock he had coming at him, so he remained ready.


Sig courtesy of Kayla Mhin, Ex-Jnetter


"I find your lack of pants disturbing"


you're the only one for me, Zane


Zane, ...you blow my...mind
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DJK tossed Zane a blindfold and told him to put it on.


"You don't have to stop them with the force, you can move out of the way."


Several tiny pebbles and rocks rose from the ground and remained suspended in the air for a few seconds, allowing nervousness and suspension to overcome the young apprentice. Than, Zane would here whistling air and rushes of air across the sides of his face, along with painful stings all over his body."

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Jasyn thanked the Jedi Master and went to report in like he was told. He was glad to be free and back with the Jedi but he couldn't help feeling a little angry at himself for allowing himself to be captured. Not only that, but his beloved vibro-axe was probably still back on Ilum, half buried in snow. That, and he was no longer in posession of his master's lightsaber.


With a mumbled curse, he kicked at the dirt and went to find Master Kaipi.


For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.


Jesus is the way...

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Nom approached his padawan and immidiatly took note of the stones now floating in the air, and the lightsaber lying motionless.


"It seems you have great skill with the Force already instilled within you. But you seem to be a deviant one."


"I told you to levitate my lightsaber, but instead you chose to levitate the rocks. Why?"



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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Ara tapped the young padawan Jasyn on the shoulder. Her black robe's hood was up, obcsuring her face.


"I'm glad you're back safe. I would have traded myself to save you, if it had been needed. I thought you might be looking for me, but all things considered, I knew you'd have a hard time."


She pulled down her hood, and revealed a person that looked very different from the usual Master Kaipi. Her facial structure was the same, as she couldn't change it, but her long blond hair was in dozens of small braids, with gems at the end of each lock. She had on heavy makeup and dark green contacts in as well. Without her glasses and with all the cosmetic changes, she wasn't even recognizeable to most of the other Jedi who knew her.


Laughing at the padawan's expression, she went on. "Strange, I know. I never got to use it, so perhaps another time." She pulled a cloth out of her pocket and began wiping off the makeup. "I know you're probably shaken by what happened--"


A loud beeping interrupted her speech. With a roll of her eyes, she pulled out her chirping datapad and read through an article on the Holonet. She winced and stuffed the datapad back in her pocket.


"Follow me, for now. I need to speak with Dhan-Jaroe about something." She gestured for the padawan to follow her, wiping off the rest of the makeup as she walked. Once she reached Kenobi, the only part of her disguise that remained was her braided hair.


"Dhan-Jaroe, we have a problem. Keiran wants a representative to meet him on Tattooine. In the Hutt Palace. And ONLY one."

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."



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Zane equipped the blindfold. Insert comment about "How am I supposed to defend myself if I can't see anything?" here...


Just like sabacc, don't know what's coming until you draw.


All of the little cuts and stings were a distraction but he knew that would be coming. He didn't sense a pattern to the stones' strikes, but he did start to sense when and where they were coming. Once he "saw" them, he used the trick for slowing them down, starting with the ones around his head. They started to fall from their miniscule tempest around him, but a thought entered his head.


Wait...What if I... He stopped catching each one individually, and thought a second on their spiraling patterns. He felt one zing by his cheek, and another by his hand, then he felt the next stone slow as it passed his other hand. Other stones around him slowed as well, some even to a stop.


He let go of his hold on the stones, and he became "aware" of the same powerful female Jedi that had been talking to Kenobi before, the one who had dragged his master off before. "Hey there miss," he said to her. "What problems are you having again?" He left the blindfold and his concentration on.


Sig courtesy of Kayla Mhin, Ex-Jnetter


"I find your lack of pants disturbing"


you're the only one for me, Zane


Zane, ...you blow my...mind
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As Ish's ships advanced out of hyperspace over the planet he began to clearly feel the force signatures from other jedi. Like a warm tingle creeping up his spine, as his ship veered closer to the planet he could more strongly feel the lightside.


He landed as close to the jedi enclave as his force sense would allow. Indeed he was quite close to the rest of the jedi. His first encounter came with what he knew to be the head of the order--however times were stressful and change was abound...he could not be sure--


Ish approached the jedi master slowly as she seemed to be instructing some of the younger padawans. The jedi indeed let it be known through the force that he'd arrived on the planet, not to just Ara but to any and all jedi.


"Master Kaipi, may I have a word with you?


His intentions were true, but recent events on the holonet made Ish feel the time of his inability to do anything about it was up.


Aussie-American Connection Since June 04

Most Sacred order of the Nocturnal


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Scorp easily brought his ship in for a landing. Once upon the ground however his mind pulled a blank. He had nothing planned. Nor anything to really do. He supposed he could look into a little more the riots on coursant. Or he could work on a solution to repair the Jedi name. Non of these things did he want to do at the moment.


Turning to Kayla.


"Hmmm lets work a little more on your lightsaber training."



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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Silla heard Darsha's voice and stood up, brushing herself off.


"I'm...not sure..." she said uncertainly, and began to tell the Jedi how she had indeed felt an awareness of the pattern of life around her and the flowing of the Force. "I thought I was doing well when I recognized a hare, but then I felt it be taken by a hawk and killed. I didn't think it would be like this."

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*Rather than responding, Bron closed his eyes. The lightsaber quivered a moment and then with a snap ignited and rose into the air. It twirled and sliced through each of the rocks with crackle. The two rocks were now four, and they in turn began to orbit the lightsaber. With another twitch the lightsaber hissed around and clove the four stones into eight. Bron's brow began to perspire, because of his unpracticed state, this was a very difficult feat. The eight rocks slowed their rotation, to allow more concentration on the higher numbers. The saber moved rather slowly now, cleaving only four of eight rocks again. They were now stationary, hovering unsteadily in the air. The sixteen rocks lowered and rested on the ground. The lightsaber deactivated and also came to rest on the ground.*



"I chose the rocks as a proof-of-concept, I did not wish to risk casualties--the lightsaber in this case--if another option presented itself. "

There is no emotion; There is peace.

There is no ignorance; There is knowledge.

There is no passion; There is serenity.

There is no death; There is the Force.


Everything the Jedi live and strive for is included herein.


Proud member of the vast Right-Wing conspiracy

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A puzzeled look found its way onto Nom's face. Bron's excuse seemed a little shaky. All he had to do was levitate a piece of metal into the air. As long as he didn't touch the activation stud, it would be just as harmful as a rock. The Jedi Knight however, did not press his padawan into further explaination. It was his job to train him, not to argue with him.


"You already seemed to have mastered the art of levitation. You learn quickly, always a good thing," Nom said as he called his lightsaber to him and clipped it onto his belt.


"Your next objective is to use the Force to search for any organics you might be looking for over large distance. You must hone in on a particular Force signature, and follow it. The Force will lead you like the fresh smell of giza pie."


"Use the Force to find me within the desert. Count to ten and then begin your search."


Nom left the Jedi enclave and used the Force to propel himself a mile into a random direction. He had to be careful as to not go too far. He hadn't tought Bron Force speed yet.


Making himself confortable amid the rocky surface of Rafa V, Nom waited for his Padawan's arrival.



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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Ish spoke in a calm solemn voice, "I have a simple request Ara...That I be given a mission. It seems we indeed have been much too inactive. I have no apprentice, there for would be leaving no one without training. Nothing is too big or too small master."


The jedi paused and brought his head up from it's slightly bowed position. "What would you have me do?"


Aussie-American Connection Since June 04

Most Sacred order of the Nocturnal


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"There are riots going on in Coruscant, based on the accusation made by Faust that all Jedi--particularly myself and Kenobi--are terrorists." Ara bit her lower lip. "If there was someway you and maybe some other Jedi of your choosing could stop those riots and let them know the truth, that would be great. It's one of a few missions we need to do to get back in the public's good graces."

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."



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