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Tarrian Skywalker

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*Geki smiles and gives the orders for his ships to initiate a blockade of the planet until everything was to his satisfaction. Tech crews board the Imperial SSD and Interdictor and murder the old crews, taking no chances. Navicomps and subsystems are rewired and placed under Geki's direct command.


Geki takes a heavily armoured shuttle to the planet's surface and lands. He is greeted by Havoc's former apprentice, Cineon Yahn.*


'Take me to him.'


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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"Of course, Govenor."


Cineon's message posing as the Emperor had just went aired. He marveled in his own brilliance. He turned around to let Geki see Havoc's face as his own. He quickly took back his own, so that Geki would not be surprised and attack him by mistake. "Follow me."


Cineon sharply turned and went down the aisle to the throne room in which the Dark Lord sat upon his throne. "Havoc," he said without the word Master, as he had only done to keep Havoc from becoming enraged, "we have guests."


Wow, you're a sick bastard. I thought I was bad, making minions eat their own brains and all
MasterJediJesus: Now you're just being a [richard]

When I get angry, people start dying.

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*Geki steps forward and glares at Havoc. Without turning, he addresses Cineon.*


'It's no longer Governor. You may call me "Emperor".'


*Geki ignites his lightsabre.*


'Activate a holonet field.'


[Havoc's execution to be posted in Holonet...]


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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Cineon nodded, "We do not want word to reach the Sith that there is no Dark Lord of the Sith. Since you do not wish to claim it, I am within my right as the Dark Lord of the Sith's apprentice to assume the role. Emperor, you may now call me the Dark Lord of the Sith. I always knew that I was a perfectionist. In fact, the only scratch on my record is my defeat at the hands of Leonardo Stovachi. He has my weapon and my ship. He must be punished for his insolence. Also, you and I both know that I can not sustain the title of Dark Lord for very long. As soon as word gets out that an apprentice is the Dark Lord, Sith will come to defeat me. You and I, Emperor, now have the power to say who will become the next Dark Lord. Any suggestions?"


Wow, you're a sick bastard. I thought I was bad, making minions eat their own brains and all
MasterJediJesus: Now you're just being a [richard]

When I get angry, people start dying.

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'Worry not, young one. The true Dark Lord is on his way here, now. He takes the title and the throne with my blessing. As for Stovachi...'


*Geki idly taps his fingers on Havoc's decapitated head-*


'I murdered his infant son once. A weakling. You shall have your revenge, since you served me so well.'


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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Kakuto Ryu's ship broke out of hyperspace above the planet Foy. It quickly descended through the planet's dense atmosphere, heading directly to the imperial installation. Kakuto's ship touched down on a landing pad without argument from the base, and an officer soon came out to greet him.


"Welcome to Foy, master..."


Before the officer could finish his thought Kakuto lifted him by the throat via a gesture the to the force and levitated him over the edge of platform.


"You are not worthy to speak to me."


Kakuto dropped the man down the side of the building, watching as he plummeted down, bouncing off of the slope of the building before landing in a lava pit and disintegrating. Without a second thought Kakuto headed into the building, knowing full well where to go. It was as simple as following the all too familiar force signatures of the darksiders in the building. Kakuto emerged in the throne room where Geki and Yhan stood, pondering who would take the throne in Havoc's stead.


"Somebody need a replacement?"


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Cineon turned to face Kakuto and smiled "Your timing is impeccable. I'm sure you must have kept an eye on the Holonet and have learned that Emperor Akturus had been executed. Luckily for you, you appear to know that he was also the Dark Lord of the Sith. I may have a strong lust for power, Master Ryu... but I am far from stupid. Although I have gained prestige by being the Dark Lord, as not even a Sith Lord, this title makes me carry a huge target, and the entire surface is the bull's eye. Of course, I have a duty to the Sith to not hand the title over to someone who is undeserving. I know about your stature and power, though."


Cineon bowed down before Kakuto, "I will follow you as you lead the Sith to salvation. I relinquish the title of Dark Lord of the Sith to you, Master."


Wow, you're a sick bastard. I thought I was bad, making minions eat their own brains and all
MasterJediJesus: Now you're just being a [richard]

When I get angry, people start dying.

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Afeven came out of hyperspace, sending his old, rusty ship commands. It went, with much speed, towards the ground. At the last minute, he slammed the repulsorlifts, announcing his arrival with a bang.




Once the ship had cooled, Afeven stepped out onto the hard surface, as if he were testing it. It must have passed, for Afeven continued to walk. He didn't know where exactly, he was just following his instinct.


He went into a building, the steel walls holding the whole foundation up. He looked around for something, anything, that would give him a clue as to what was going on.


And then he saw him.


The Dark Lord of the Sith looked even more impressive when in person. Afeven bowed instinctivly, unknowing of why the Dark Lord had called his presence.

That which does not kill us...


... makes us stronger

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Kakuto Ryu grinned maniacally as the men began to bow down around him.


"Dark Lord again eh? Outstanding."


Kakuto growled and balled his fist in front of him. It was an excellent day to be Kakuto Ryu.


"Stand up you fools. Now is not the time for bowing. We must get down to business. Things need to be done. We need to finish your training Yahn, as you are evidently very close to graduation. Tell me what you have yet to learn and I will teach you. You are of no use to the Sith if you stuck as an apprentice for the entirety of your career."


Kakuto Ryu turned to his apprentice who had come in with an obnoxious thump.


"You will sit in on the lessons. Now, let's get down to business. What do you want to learn?"


Kakuto Ryu looked at Geki briefly.


"And have you not something to say as well?"


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Cineon held his hand out and pulled Havoc's lightsaber to his hand, having lost his own in combat. "Lightsaber training. Lightsaber combat to be specific, that is the only thing I lack. I am capable of using the Force, moving objects... chocking others to death. I am very able in espionage and spying. I infiltrated a Rebel base once and single handedly brought it down and destroyed the commanding officers. Lightsaber combat."


Wow, you're a sick bastard. I thought I was bad, making minions eat their own brains and all
MasterJediJesus: Now you're just being a [richard]

When I get angry, people start dying.

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Kakuto grinned at the apprentice's response. The new Dark Lord Drew his lightsaber off of his belt and ignited it, lowering the blade to his side.


"Excellent. I love Lightsaber Combat. These are some of my favorite lessons."


Kakuto turned and pointed at his apprentice.


"You watch and learn. I fully expect you to not waste my time by sitting on your ass and doing nothing."


Kakuto turned back to the apprentice with a scowl.


"First I want you to show my what you know, and I'll correct you on your form. If you fail to learn from your mistakes will be punished with the loss of a finger on each hand. Now attack me."


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*Rhekath's ship silently slipped into the system and landed.


He exited his Ship and made his way to the action. Seeing the Ex-Dark lord and the current dark lord about to fence, He stood back and watched closely, so that he might Memorize every move and flick of the blades. He just as well take advantage of the schooling. Though he was now a Sith lord, He would not lose anything by attempting to learn a few techniques.*

Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.

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Once on the surface of the planet, Alora had been following her Master and Emperor but had stopped short of entering the buildings. More flashes had come to her and she felt herself being drawn to one of the ships out on the landing field. Aproaching it she found herself drawn to touch the sensor pad on the security panel. It sprang open and she curiously looked at it, tilting her head to the side while she regarded it.


"Security measures initialising..."


"Huh? What?" involuntarily she spoke to the mechanical voice that sounded from the speaker.


"Voice print recognised. Welcome Mistress Alora."


The ramp was lowered and security field deactivated. Alora stepped onboard... This ship... there's something... it's mine. Damn I wish I could remember details She wandered through, ending up in the bedroom, finding the bed neatly made and everything neatly in it's place. Looking in the wardrobe she discovered several sets of clothing, all black apart from one set of deep crimson robes with matching veil also finding a set of Sith robes. She also found a man's set of clothing there... Huh? Who's is that? She shook her head, dismissing them. She took out the deep crimson robes, changing into them as she wasn't all that comfortable in the clothing that the guard had provided her with after her cloning. She felt much better wearing what was obviously hers to begin with. She moved over to the dresser and looked into the mirror to attach the veil properly across her face. Her gaze dropped to the dresser top. Lying there was a remote caller device which she pocketed, then reattached her saber to her waistband.


Sensing something momentous happening without, she left her ship, locking it up as she did so and entered the building following the presence that was her Master. He was in a thrown room, standing with others. Close by him was the head of the previous Emperor... She found herself feeling an unnatural glee at the sight of the creature that had ordered her killed... he would trouble her no more. She silently moved to her Master's side, gracefully lowering to one knee and bowing her head, her crimson robes flowing around her like a rich pool of blood as she directed her words to both her Master and to the new Dark Lord of the Sith.


"Mi'Lord, my Emperor... I live only to serve..."


Darth Alraune

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*Kakuto looked around. Suddenly there were two more Sith around him. It seemed like becoming Dark Lord made 'em come out of the woodwork. Kakuto didn't know whether or not to yell at the girl for bowing to him or yell at the guy for not. It was a paradox, to say the least. He dismissed them both raising his lightsaber.*


"C'mon, lets get down to business. My time is valuable. You all may speak even as I work with this apprentice. Do not feel frightened that I will become angry about when you addressing me, only what you are addressing me about."


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*Trith raised an eyebrow in skepticism at Alora's groveling. She couldn't help but wonder if it was all an act. Even to one of Geki's stature, it seemed a little out of proportion. One thing was certain, Alora was definately apt at it. Trith studied her intensely. Not caring that the other woman noticed, she continued her appraisal. She was nearly the same age, height, and build as Trith, which wasnt entirely uncommon, it was a large galaxy. Her eyes sparked with bridled hatred. That would get her far. She suspected that there was more than mere hatred there, it was distant, and Trith couldn't quite catch what it was. She wondered if the other even knew about it herself, It added a mystical feel to her. Trith was impressed, she would probably never say as much, but she felt Alora would suffice as an ally.


As Trith turned her attention back to the events of the throne room, she noticed Havoc's head under Geki's hand. It had all happened so easily. While she was pleased everything had gone so smooth, she couldn't help but wish for a little blood.*

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*Rhekath nodded once and spoke.*


"Master, I have just advanced to the rank of Lord. I recieved word that the Sith were uninting and because I am Sith, I made myself known. What wouild you have me do?"

Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.

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A cloning table sat silently in the cloning chamber of Foy. A driod slowly rolled up to the table and inserted a portion of blood.


The cloning table slowly began to hum. Then the hum grew louder and louder until it filled the halls that were near the cloning chamber. Inside the table, growth of a young man began to grow. It started as a baby and then grew faster and faster. Until the organism became Renin. But some thing was different about him. He was no longer the young boy he was before he died. He now was a young man, stronger and smarter.


The liquid in the table tube drained out. When all of it was finally flushed, Renin opened his eyes with a flash. The tube opened by the young man using the force. He lifted his torso quickly and turned his head toward the door way and had again a blank expression on his face.


He then looked forward and watched two medical troopers run up with towels to dry him off. A smile cracked from Renin's mouth as the two men gripped their necks and began to choke. They both fell to the ground and breathed their last breath.


Renin grabbed the side of the tube and pulled him self up. He rose and stood tall. The young sith walked over to a coat hanger and grabbed some sith clothes. He placed them on and grabbed his cloak that no longer fitted him.


Dropping it on the floor he walked over to another cloak and placed it on his shoulders.


The young man smirked and walked out of the chamber and through the halls. Reaching the room where the new lord was (Kakuto). He waited at the door way until he was called to step forward.

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Behind her veil Alora secretly smiled a wicked smile, she had only added the address to the new Dark Lord out of respect for his position. She didn't know him at all. The sith witch stayed in her respectful position, waiting on her Master, the Emperor, to acknowledge her. She was aware of the other woman, Trith, observing her quite obviously as well, probably trying to work out what her 'game' was. Alora would be submissive to her Master's, but not to anyone else. She also noticed the bloodlust in the other woman's eyes... maybe they had something in common after all... but then again, how would she know. Until Emperor Geki had told her, she hadn't even remembered her own name. Darn this memory loss... I wish I could remember! Wish I knew who belongs to those clothes in my ship?


With her head lowered, but looking about the room through the veil Alora took in the sights of the room. Her mind working to remember... remember anything... particularly who the owner of those clothes was. She must have had someone in her life... either that or she had been favouring someone with her... company. Try as she might she really couldn't remember. She observed all of those in the thrown room, not recalling any of them... not one did she remember... not one sparked any hint of memory.


Darth Alraune

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*Geki nods briefly to Kakuto Ryu, as one equal to another.*


'Lord Ryu. You are welcome to the Sith throne, but know that I claim the prize of the Empire. Of course, you know that I will not bend my knee to you; by the same token, I do not expect you to bow before me. We will work as equals until the Rebellion and their Jedi lackeys are crushed between our collective heel; once I lay claim to my throne at Coruscant, we will part ways, still friends and allies, and you will do with the Sith as you see fit.'


*Geki glances at Alora, pleased with her submissive fall to darkness.*


'Rise, my apprentice.'


*Geki looks at Trith, his longstanding aide and most faithful servant. She had served him to the best of her ability, and Geki rewarded only cruelty above loyalty. Trith had both in prodigious amounts.*


'Governor Vadrierand, you have served me loyally for as long as you have been a member of SEED. Your prize is SEED itself. Congratulations, Governor.'


*Above Foy, the massive fleet prepares for war.*


'Somebody get me Captain Phillep. Until this war is over or the former Imperial fleet swears allegiance to me, the SEED fleet will operate as the ad hoc Imperial flotilla. The Super Star Destroyer will be my flagship; I christen it the Emperor's Fist.'


(Trith, the SEED fleet consists of one ISD, seven VSD's, and an Interdictor with full wings of TIE fighters, Interceptors, and Bombers. Apparently the SSD was illegal, but that doesn't matter now that we have the Imp SSD. )


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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Alora gracefully rose to her feet, the full crimson robes swirling about her ankles. She glanced at the Dark Lord, very briefly meeting his eyes before returning her gaze back to the Emperor,


"What would you have me do my Master?"


She held herself proud as she silently listened to her Master speak to the other woman... promoting her to Governor of SEED. She nodded respectfully to her and turned back to her Master, wondering what he had in mind for her to do...


Darth Alraune

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'It's time to test yourself in combat, my dear. There is a Jedi whelp named Leonardo Stovachi... his whereabouts are unknown. Find him, murder him, and bring his wife to me. Firstly, come to me...'


*Geki places his hands on Alora's temples and concentrates. They both gasp as a massive interplay of dark energies coruscates unseens between them. Geki has linked them through the Force; wheresoever she finds herself, he will be able to communicate with her and vice versa.*


'Now, go. Take an Infiltrator craft and find him.'


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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She observed carefully as her Master placed his hands on her temples but was not prepared for the shock of dark energies that passed between them. Her breath caught in her throat, her eyes closing and her knees weakened slightly with the thrill of feeling the darkness descending on them. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind came a brief flash of memory... she had been linked with another but it wasn't the same kind of link... it wasn't that of a Master and Apprentice but something else... something that still remained elusive to her...


Recovering from bonding, Alora opened her eyes, meeting those of her Master again. Her voice but a whisper as she answered his command.


"Yes my Master, I live to serve you."


She lowered herself respectfully before she again rose, leaving the thrown room in search of the Infiltrator. Approaching the craft she familiarised herself with the controls then lifted off. She would seek out this Jedi and follow her Master's instructions... she would use all her talents against him... where there was a will, there was a way and she would find the best way to follow her Master's instructions...


Darth Alraune

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*As Alora left, Geki turned to Lord Ryu and the other Sith present.*


'I do not intend to stagnate here, letting the Republic and the Jedi build up strength. I have a powerful fleet; I intend to use it. Since our intelligence regarding the location of the Jedi base is weeks old, we will go back to basics; Jedi love Force crystals. Where they are to be found, so are the Jedi, scurrying around like rats. We head for Ilum. I'm sure we can find some volunteers to give us the location of the new Jedi base.'


*Geki rises and takes a shuttle to his SSD above the planet. The Imperial fleet takes to hyperspace in its entirety; Foy is unimportant now that Havoc has been unseated. Those that elected to join Geki are with him on the SSD; those that did not are left behind on the surface, with access to shuttles should they wish to leave.*


[Whoever wants to join Geki in hunting the Jedi should post at Ilum. Anyone who doesn't is assumed to have been left here.]


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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Trith was quite beside herself, Nay, astonished at her unexpected promoton.


"Many thanks Emporer Geki. I expect there will remain a loose alliance between our upstanding factions. SEED will accent your fleet, for the time being. The Jedi will be crushed."


Trith took a shuttle to her flagship, Havoc's folly and proceeded to order her crew to Ilum.

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Jacobi Suluric arrives as the last of the Imperial and SEED fleet launch to Ilum. The two fleets together were massive, this fight was going to get big, and he wanted in with the action.


Suluric follows the fleets to their coordinates.

For the glory of battle

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Cineon activated Havoc's lightsaber and twirled it once to begin his momentum. He stepped in and pushed Kakuto's saber up into the air. He stepped back and lunged back in with shot for Kakuto's kneecap, but it was blocked. He sidestepped him and went into a carwheel. He stopped once his feet were in the air, standing on one hand. He pushed Kakuto's saber down against the ground, smoke and sparks rising from the ground as Cineon pushed against the ground and pushed himself up over Kakuto's head.


He stepped back, knowing his footing was important. He walked in and made a shot for his ankles.


Wow, you're a sick bastard. I thought I was bad, making minions eat their own brains and all
MasterJediJesus: Now you're just being a [richard]

When I get angry, people start dying.

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*KR lowered his saber at an angle to block the attack, then flicked his wrist to knock the attacking saber backward from where it had come, then forced his hand out in front of him palm first, slamming the Apprentice's face and knocking him backward. KR lowered his saber and held his hand out in front of him to indicate that the Apprentice was to hold until he had finished speaking.*


"Yahn- move faster, and link your strikes longer. If an attack is deflected keep going. In order to defend one must leave another place open, and that is where you must strike. Often attacks will boil down to wearing your opponent down until he makes a mistake. Persistence is key. Also don't be afraid to integrate physical combat into your fight. When your opponent's lightsaber is busy defending against yours you can often work in a quick strike, as I have just done to you."


*Kakuto began to address the other members of Sith that now crept out from all directions.*


"Rhekath- you go to Ilum and Aid Geki's imperial movements.

Renin Santur- Come, speak, I sense you want to say something."


*Kakuto lowered his hand and raised his saber, indicating that they were to continue.*


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Cineon stepped back in and pushed his saber against Kakuto's. He whipped it through the air and immediately brought it down in between their knees. He spun around to build momentum for his next strike and caused their sabers to collide again. He slashed through Kakuto's verticle base twice, but got nothing. He jumped up into the air in a corkscrew, landing behind Kakuto within a second, meeting a parry behind his back. He then made an advance on Kakuto, hitting his lightsaber blade without relent.


He backfliped away from him. "Quick strikes, huh?" His face morphed to that of Havoc. He quickly faced a few troopers, "Kill the traitor who tried to take my kingdom."


The several Stormtroopers opened fire at Kakuto...


Wow, you're a sick bastard. I thought I was bad, making minions eat their own brains and all
MasterJediJesus: Now you're just being a [richard]

When I get angry, people start dying.

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