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Adenna Alluyen

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Everything posted by Adenna Alluyen

  1. The doctor, a man who seemed oddly flustered for someone dealing with a woman who barely came up to his shoulders, weighted far less than he, and was perhaps a decade or so younger, managed to answer her question in a hesitant manner befit of a Padawan new to the Force. She herself had been like him once--completely unsure of her skills and hesitant to the point of meekness at the presence of others. This was a man who had achieved far greater things than she ever did and helped far more people than she had, yet he was not sure of himself in this situation. She didn't need to focus in on him to sense his hesitance. It was a trait not befit a Jedi, but he had time to work it out of his system. Before she could respond, another interrupted them. This one, a girl, really, was the opposite of the doctor, and that amused the part of Adenna that still felt such things. As damaged as her mind was, she could still recognize that there was a history between these two. Either that, or this newcomer was extremely brazen to the point of recklessness. Another trait not befitting a Jedi. This one was even younger than the doctor, so she had plenty more time. She looked at the brazen one just as she had the doctor: without expression. She knew that she really ought to exhibit more outward emotion, but that was a low priority for her at this stage of her recovery. She was pleased enough to just be able to feel emotions, much less exhibit them for others. If anything, she was more bemused and mildly annoyed by the girl's outburst. Ignoring the girl for now, Adenna turned her gaze back upon the doctor. "You hold on to vestiges of your old life, of your old achievements. I can understand that, for being a doctor is not a mere trifle. You helped people aplenty before coming here, but now you can help them in a different way. Being a Jedi is more than simply gaining special powers, it is about using the very essence of life to protect others and improve their lives. Perhaps it is your destiny to become a great healer, but I cannot say." Adenna fixed her blue eyes on the girl for a moment before returning to the doctor. "I am Jedi Alluyen. It is your capacity as a doctor that I might have use for. I have recently suffered physical and psychological damage from my battles with the Sith. You were right to trust your perception of the Force, for I am far from whole. My purpose for coming to Lehon was to find someone versed in the ways of the Force to do what neither I nor my nanites could accomplish in healing. I was directed to you, but it appears you are but a Padawan, barely versed in the art of healing through the Force. That is a shame, truly, for it seems that I know more about healing via the Force than you do. Nonetheless, you have more knowledge of the practical side of medicine than I, so, if you are willing, I will make a trade. Assist me with your experience and medical knowledge and I shall show you how to use the Force to heal others." She finished as a strong and most familiar presence entered her perception. Master Kirlocca had landed and wasted no time in delivering orders, just as a leader should. When his droid began to translate his language, she listened with rapt attention. He was, after all, her superior and a leader of the Jedi, so he was owed her undivided attention as was proper. When he mentioned something about Haruun Kal, she was mildly intrigued. She offered a bow and responded, "I am honored to be assigned a mission for the Jedi, but I must confess that I am not at my fullest. I came here to heal and recover after my encounters with Jidai Geki. If you feel that I am ready or if you are willing to assist me in recovering, I would be more than willing to partake this mission."
  2. Adenna's search led her to the hangar bay where multiple people were waiting around. One of them seemed to notice her and introduced himself. She looked at the man both with her eyes and through the Force to get a gauge of who he was because already, he was a curious specimen of humanity. She knew enough now of what was socially acceptable not to probe deeply, but she wanted to get a taste of this man who seemed so forward and direct in addressing others. According to the memories she had recovered, as a Padawan, she was nowhere near as forward around Knights. That this man not only could sense that he had detected her through the Force, but that he was suspicious and curious all wrapped up together. "Curious," she said neutrally, "you use an outside title from your previous life, yet I can sense the Force within you. Even more curious, you ask a completely random stranger if she is looking for you while you are in the midst of a small group of others. Either you are merely hoping that I am single and would be interested in your company or you gleaned something from the Force." She arched a single brow and fixed him with a stare. "Which would it be?"
  3. As the shuttle descended through the atmosphere, Adenna prepared herself for what was ahead of her. It had been months since the allied Jedi and CoreSec forces had taken and destroyed the Sith Temple on Coruscant, and she had not been the same since. Repeated injuries and setbacks had left her but a shell of what she had been. She lost her Padawan, Sandy, to the monster Ar-Pharazon. She had lost her right hand to another monster, Jidai Geki. Geki had also taken from her her personality and memories after a failed attempt on her part to restore his sanity. She had tried to recover on Coruscant, but there were some things that required a Jedi touch to heal. For the most part, her mind had recovered from the destruction it received while in Geki's psyche. She had regained most of her memories and managed to piece together a personality that was, if not here old one, at least somewhat close to it. She hadn't fully recovered and was still a little odd at times, but working with the CoreSec doctors and Jazce had helped. Ultimately, she had decided that the only way to truly get the help she needed was to return to the Jedi, so here she was. After contacting the Order, an employee of the Jedi had been assigned to pick her up from Coruscant and take her here. He was even now in the cockpit of the small ship while Adenna herself remained belted in the passenger seat in the lobby. She took a deep breath and opened herself to the warmth of fellow Jedi. Even though there were Jedi here, the planet itself felt odd, not unlike Tython, but somehow darker and more disturbed. Her brows furrowed in concentration as she tried to discover its source, but by the time they landed, she had not discovered the origin of the sensation. The pilot informed her of their landing and lowered the ramp. There were a few others milling around the hangar, but none stood out to her. Clutching the pack that held her few possessions, she stepped out of the ship and headed into the temple itself. She found someone who seemed to be in charge and asked them if they knew any who were gifted in the art of healing and doctoring. They mentioned a name, but only hesitantly. Since it was the only lead she had, Adenna went in search of a Padawan named Makaryk.
  4. The edges of Adenna's mouth fell slightly. "As you can see, I have no gear except my lightsaber. A Jedi needs first and foremost the Force, not constructs of crude matter. They can be of benefit, true, but a Jedi should rely first upon the Force. You will be taught to connect with the Force in time, but for now, I will look out for you. At this moment, you need nothing except your identification. Despite being Jedi and having a good relationship with CoreSec, it is always good to follow their security guidelines wherever possible. The battle that needs to be waged will not be one of blasters and lightsabers, but of the mind and the Force." She looked at Master Starlisk. "If you desire to wait for Knight Cadan, then perhaps I can take that time to get to know Padawan Maier a little better. If you desire to depart immediately, then we are at your disposal."
  5. Adenna nodded in response. "Then I accept you as my Padawan. I regret that time is limited, but you will have to learn much in the field. At this moment, the Sith have been defeated, but not destroyed and there are many other evils to be dealt with." She gestured to Jazce and said, "This is CoreSec Commissioner Leife. We are still working on containing a problematic Sith, the same one that has mutilated me. Accompany us and observe carefully. If things go as desired, you may witness a rare sight indeed--the salvation of a man plagued with insanity and driven to terrible evil." She felt the presence of someone vaguely familiar, but she didn't have the time to discover who. There were many Force wielders on this station, learning who she had previous contact with would take more time than she had at this moment.
  6. Adenna looked over the woman whom Master Starlisk had appointed to her. They both appeared to be of the same age, but there was something about the other woman that was lacking. This Gracelyn didn't seem to have much surrounding her Force aura. They were of the same age, but the other woman was lacking experience and the burden of warfare. Adenna doubted she had ever experienced combat or killed someone before. Without delving deeply into the woman's mind, there was no way for Adenna to know anything further about her. In a cool voice, she said, "I am Adenna Alluyen, and I will give you fair warning. I do not know why you joined the Jedi, but I can assure you that it will not be a pleasant experience. Being a Jedi means you must work and work hard. You will be called upon to offer and possibly lose your mind, body, and spirit in cause of protecting the weak and bringing justice to all. Her lips smiled, but her eyes were without emotion. She tapped her temple with her left hand and said, "I have already sacrificed my mind for the cause of the Jedi. Due to a rather ill fortuned encounter with a powerful Sith master, I find myself lacking many memories and much of what you would call social graces. In a way, it is a relief, though there is much that I yearn to retrieve. I find that superfluous words are without point and will be bluntly honest with you. Do not be offended if I am not as warm and gentle as might be otherwise expected." She lifted her right arm, the one missing a hand, and brought it to the woman's attention. "I have lost my hand fighting the same Sith master in a battle I had no chance of winning. I fought so that the innocent children being held by that Sith master might be saved and it cost me a great deal. The monster took both my hand and my tongue." A moment of introspection crossed Adenna's face in a rare display of emotion. Her eyes drifted off into the distance as she continued, "I have sacrificed my spirit, as well. I have fought and killed and willingly gave up my innocence. I have lost other things as well. You are not my first Padawan. My first, Sandy, was captured by slavers in a great battle and tortured mercilessly for many weeks before escaping. She was later killed by a Sith in a place that was supposedly safe." She looked straight into Gracelyn's eyes and said in the same cold voice she had started in. "I cannot guarantee that you will not be harmed while learning under me, nor can I promise you will survive it. You may be called upon to sacrifice some or all of your life for the cause of justice. The Galaxy is a dangerous place and it there is much suffering. As a Jedi, it is our place to stand between that danger and those innocents who are suffering. People will try to kill you simply because you are a Jedi. I will teach you to defend yourself, but you will always be in danger from people trying to kill you as well as temptation from the dark side. "Knowing what may be asked of you, do you still wish to become my Padawan and learn how to become a Jedi?"
  7. Adenna looked at Master Starlisk and nodded. "If the master wishes it, I shall be ready. I hope that this one will be older than Sandy. This galaxy is too dangerous to be bringing children along and I have many dangerous things that I must do. Please take me to her." As they were walking, Jazce asked if she was alright. She honestly didn't know how to respond for a few seconds because she didn't remember what it was like to be alright or not alright. She was what she was. If she liked how she was, she kept it. If she didn't, she changed it. She had to come up with an answer, so she said, "I do not know if I am alright or not. I have memories of happiness and of sorrow and am experiencing neither of those right now. I believe that as time goes on and as the nanites in my brain continue to heal the damage done to it, I will become more like the Adenna you knew. Right now, I am simply existing and absorbing all that I can of who I once was. I believe having a Padawan will help fill a spot missing in my life, and if Master Starlisk believes the same, then I will welcome it. Until then, I need interact with people both familiar and new while I reclaim what was lost to me."
  8. Adenna was not pleased by the Council's decision, but she could not argue for they were the supreme authority for the Jedi. She felt that she should receive some sort of punishment or penance for failing to protect her charge. She followed the other two out of the chamber and walked through the corridors of the station. There were plenty of other Jedi on the station, that much she could sense. Knights were scattered around the station, most with Padawans of their own. There were initiates aplenty, spending their time learning the basics of the Jedi ways and waiting for someone to take them into the larger world to face horrors and dangers and threats most had never even had nightmares of before. Most of them were young, innocent, and naive just as she had been. They were brave, optimistic, and hopelessly eager to please and would need someone to ground them in the harsh reality of this Galaxy. She had failed one Padawan, a poor young girl who should have never been taken away from the shelter of Tython at that age. When the time came, Adenna wouldn't make the same mistake again.
  9. "Your dedication to redeeming Geki is admirable, but his madness could easily become contagious given such close contact with his mind." When she heard that, something within her mind shifted and new memories came to her. Too late, a droll voice said. Before her injury, she would have frowned, but now, she kept her face as hard as stone even though the errant thought displeased her. Memories flooded in as rooms within her mind opened and she began to understand more fully the madness that was Geki. Nobody could come so close to such madness and not be tainted themselves. She began to wonder if her mind being so heavily destroyed was a bad thing after all because it was entirely possible that had it not been flayed into shreds, it might have been contaminated beyond repair. She may have fallen to the madness herself and become like Geki. With her mind as damaged as it was, perhaps now she had a chance to deal with the taint bit by bit rather than all at once and would be able to overcome it. This would take time to ponder and decipher, but it was time she had. The master asked if there was anything else and there was. Casting aside her previous concerns, she was forced to address another issue. "There is," she replied. "While I was working on Geki, it seems that my Padawan, Sandy, allowed her curiosity to get the better of her and strayed too close to one of the Sith prisoners. That prisoner had some sort of weapon in his fingers and managed to kill her. I know I should have watched her better and accept full responsibility for her death. I felt the Council needed to know of it so that they may assign me my proper punishment for such failure."
  10. "If it were simply a matter of physical healing, I would have succeeded the first time," Adenna replied. "Someone with a strong will is what is needed, though I will not turn down assistance. If the two of you wish to come, that will only increase the chances of success and provide better security."
  11. Adenna shook her head at the other individual. Memories of that man were harder to come by and she didn't have time to reach into her mind and sort them all out. "He did not. He only said that I would need a master who had at least some experience in this. I did not feel it was necessary as I now know what he is capable of and have learned how to negate many of his advantages, but he was my superior and thus I followed orders."
  12. In the seconds while they were walking in, Adenna had to consciously pull up memories of the two who were seated before them. She knew she had met them at some point in the past, but as with almost everything, those memories needed to be rebuilt. By the time she needed to respond, she had put together at least a somewhat decent collection of memories of who he was and how he knew her. In a businesslike tone, she replied to his simple question. "I was sent here by Master Kirlocca to get the help of at least one Jedi in my second attempt to purge the insanity from the captured Jidai Geki. The commissioner saw my need for transport and desired to join me, though he may have his own business here that he has not yet shared with me."
  13. After a short time, someone came to Adenna and Jazce and escorted them to a waiting area for what was left of the Jedi Council. Adenna sent a small message alerting them that she was here under orders of Master Kirlocca. After a moment's hesitation, she added that she was accompanied by one of CoreSec's commissioners, just in case they would wish to speak with him on official business regarding further relations between the Jedi and CoreSec.
  14. Adenna had never quite felt at home on fighters and shuttles. Jazce's ship wasn't that much larger than shuttles, but it didn't have the same claustrophobic feeling when they toured it. She supposed that as long as there weren't too many people on board, it would be pleasant enough to travel across the Galaxy in. The soldier who owned the ship seemed to have pride in it and cared for the ship in his own way. She wasn't sure how to take that as she couldn't remember those emotions or much of anything else at this point. She knew what they were, but she just didn't yet remember how to experience them herself. Her memories contained descriptions of pride, anger, endearment, fear, and many other feelings, but she didn't remember what it was like to personally feel them. Her brain was still healing and with it, her mind. She hoped that it would be just a matter of time, but she wasn't completely sure. A deep, dark part of her feared that she would never truly recover to what she once was. She kept that part to herself. She wasn't an expert on emotions, but it didn't take the Jedi senses she still possessed to see that Jazce's interest in her was more than just as an officer to a Jedi ally. Whether he considered her a friend or saw some other value in her was a mystery at this point. She didn't have enough experience or information to know and that was perplexing. Before her ill fated attempt to redeem Geki, she would have known, but now, she couldn't yet grasp those complexities. Along the way to the Jedi station ship, Adenna tried to think of who she could possibly locate that would be willing to help her. During her time first on Gala then later on Tython, she had met some of the other Jedi. Despite that, they tended to come and go and tended to their own business. Her memories of that time were still very hazy, but she could see now that she had been a shy young woman out of her element and too timid to risk finding friends. Now that she had left the protection of the Jedi enclaves, she had negotiated with politicians and leaders, organized two successful campaigns against evil, killed in battle, experienced loss and death, and nearly been killed twice. She had also had her mind flayed into shreds and tossed casually back in her head in one big jumble. She was not the same woman that had left Tython on her way to fight the evil that was the Sith. What part of her that cared about such things wondered how she would be received. She had left Gala in somewhat of a rebellious streak. Without the permission of the Council or any Jedi Master, she had led a dozen Jedi Knights to Coruscant and convinced CoreSec to join her in launching a preemptive strike against the Sith Temple here in retaliation for the evils they had committed and their attack on Gala. It had been a tremendous success with only minimal casualties, but she had been one of them. Since then, she had spent almost all of her time recovering from wounds and had not seen how the Jedi Order itself reacted. She knew little of how the Order would handle a woman such as her, but if Master Kirlocca's reaction was any indicator, they wouldn't take it well. There was little she could do to change their opinions, so she wouldn't bother. Perhaps one good thing about her current situation was that it forced her to evaluate everything on its own merits without preconditioned feelings or context. What was, was. She would follow orders and do what was expected of her by her superiors because that was what Jedi did. The only opinions of her that she would care about were the ones coming from people whom she choose to care about. Right now, the only person whose opinion mattered was the man piloting the ship. He had stayed by her and helped her when none else did, whatever his reasons. Because of that, she would do the same. As they docked, she prepared herself. Lacking proper Jedi robes, she was forced to wear just common black fatigues of the type that were probably mass produced on some factory somewhere and shipped in bulk to CoreSec. She didn't mind because they covered what was needed to allow her to fit into society and didn't restrict movement. She still had her lightsaber and the money that Master Kirlocca gave her, but that was it. It would be enough. She could sense the calm serenity that her mind was able to determine was associated with Jedi, but beneath it was something else. There was discontent, disruption, and disagreement here. There was something else, as well, something far darker. She had experienced darkness in an extremely close and personal way and was not eager to experience it again. That didn't mean she would shy from it, just that she would not be quick to go toward it. She gave her name to a common crewmember that was helping tend to the ship and let her know that she was here under orders from Master Kirlocca, then waited with Jazce. She didn't know this place and assumed that some Padawan or another would be along to collect them and direct them somewhere where they could be seen by someone of appropriate rank when that individual was ready.
  15. ((As my Travis account does not have RP access, I posted this with my Adenna one.)) Aryian Darkfire vs Jazce Leife Well, after a grueling, close matched round of "Best of 7," that was tied 3-3, the final coin toss went to----- Okay, I am kidding, no coins were involved in this ruling. This was an interesting read by two people with military backgrounds, both IC'ly and OOC'ly. Fun stuff, but enough fluff from me, to the ruling. I saw the fight as staring off strongly in Scubby's favor after an imaginative opening play by Aryian that was quickly and very logically countered by Scubby. Using illusions is a fun and potentially devastating move, but they usually are best when coupled with some sort of attack. That Aryian choose to retreat meant that he lost the initiative for the first round and had to play catchup on round two. Conversely, Scubby quickly figured out the weakness of such illusions. He then set up a moderately effective distraction of his own and went on the offensive immediately with ranged weaponry that were not easily countered by lightsabers (my understanding from reading is that, while charrics can't be deflected and sent elsewhere, they could be blocked by lightsabers). Ranged is good when fighting Force users. In the second round, things went a little more evenly. Aryian took a minor hit but went on the offensive. He utilized a cover attack (the thrown speeder) to help distract his opponent and allow him to reposition himself into an advantageous position for the third round. Scubby in this, began to falter. Even in his own words, "he'd lost the initiative." His use of a flashbang to blunt Aryian's charge was an interesting move, but it also left him slightly weakened due to the loss of his AI. The final round is where it came down to the deciding factor. In this round, Aryian choose to take only a minor hit from the flashbang. While that in and of itself is not at all bad, I do think he underplayed the cumulative effect of both the flashbang and the loss of the Force combined into one. Nonetheless, he did get into lightsaber (or rather, lighttonfas) range and that is where a Jedi is most deadly. Scubby, for his part, was pretty gung ho about going melee against a double lightsaber wielding guy with naught but a single vibroblade. I definitely give him points for having big kahunas. The attempt to use the blaster rifle as a distraction didn't quite work. In the first post, it appears that his target is the pile of rubble that Aryian was hiding behind. It was effective in the second round, but that was before Aryian charged at him and brought the action away from the pile. Therefore, any shots the rifle would have had would be well away from them and, since Aryian was already deafened by the flashbang, not even the sound of blaster fire would phase him. Plus, by Scubby's own words, his armor "wasn't resistant to lightsabers." Scubby wrote multiple times getting hit with lightsaber marks, but if his armor wasn't really resistant to lightsabers, it would do tremendous damage. When fighting against Force users as a non-Force user, from what I have seen in canon and on this site, the best options are either wide area effect weapons (such as sonics, flamethrowers, or flechettes) or explosives (such as rockets or grenade launchers). The worst option is letting your lightsaber wielding opponent get in close because, Force or not, those glowing sticks are hard to stop without some serious anti-lightsaber armor. Both sides fought with honor and respect for each other, and that is something that makes reading this far more enjoyable to me. Neither tossed out snide IC remarks about the other character and neither dismissed the actions of their opponent. I wasn't privy to any PM conversations between them, but it appears from their posts here that they handled themselves like gentlemen and made this a fun duel to read. Ultimately, I must hand the victory over to Aryian, though with the frenzy of Jazce's attack, he is not going to emerge unscathed. He would suffer at least one or two nasty cuts from the vibroblade and I still think that blaster rifle hit in Round Two would inflict some damage on him. Victory goes to Aryian Darkfire.
  16. ((NPC's used with WJ's permission.)) "Calm down," Adenna said with a soft laugh. "This is an excellent place to train. It is where I did most of my training. Get you something to eat and go back to bed, Sandy. In the morning, I will see about taking a nice, peaceful tour of a few safe places where we can both learn more about the Galaxy itself. We need to know as much as possible about what is really going on in the Galaxy if we are to know where best to start focusing our efforts." Sandy got some food and retreated back to her room with a minimum of resistance. Adenna and Glathos talked for just a short while, then both went back to their own rooms. The next day, the news hit them: Gala was in danger. The Sith were there massing an army and things were rapidly spiraling out of control. They hadn't yet struck, but it seemed that Kirlocca had decided not to wait for them and sent fighters to preempt the inevitable attack. As she watched it, Adenna could not stand that the Sith were once again rampaging around the Galaxy and nobody was really doing anything about it. She had never understood why Jedi would simply walk away from bringing the Sith to justice. They had clearly violated the terms of the treaties they signed and had no intention of doing anything but continuing to kill and maim. As she spoke up, few seemed to agree with her and some of them even began to worry that she was growing too angry and steeped with the dark side. In the end, Adenna was left frustrated and tired of dealing with pacifists who would rather watch the entire Galaxy burn than risk doing anything that might involve killing no matter how much those being killed deserved it. Despite that, not all were opposed to her ideas. A thirteen Knights, including Glathlos, agreed that it was high time to do something. Sandy didn't seem to have any problems as she eagerly wanted to leave Tython. It took a little doing, but they were able to get a squadron of fighters and a troop transport. Glathos would pilot the transport while the other Knights would fly in the fighters. Adenna and Sandy, neither of whom could pilot, would ride on the transport with some extra supplies. It was not long before they were in hyperspace. On their first course correction at Haruun Kal, Adenna sent off a few messages to people whom she hoped would be open to talking to her. She was tired of the Sith stomping around unchecked and would do something about it.
  17. "You aren't the only one with scars for her failures," said Adenna with her hand unconsciously going to her side where the blasters had ripped through her flesh on the doomed Death Star. "The Masters can say what they want and they are wise, but they aren't omnipotent. In this matter, you are the one who ultimately decides whether you are ready or not." Glathos said softly, "Your determination not to be a mere victim does you credit, but don't ignore what has happened to you or you could leave an opening for the dark side to slither in." Adenna nodded in agreement, "It is not good to allow for past trauma to keep you down and incapacitated. I am glad you don't seem to be letting it do that, but you must be careful. It is also not good to ignore trauma in your life or to gloss over it. Acknowledge what happened, realize it was a terrible thing, and then make it a part of you that builds you stronger. "All of our experiences make us who we are. You can't sequester off a part of your life, even bad ones, and leave it there because one day, it will come back. You must be completely at ease with what happened even while realizing it was evil done by evil beings. Whenever you doubt what you are doing as a Jedi, remember the evil things done to you and realize that part of being a Jedi is making sure that such things don't happen to others. "I grew up on Thalassia around the very type of beings that did those things to you. They were everywhere and we all lived in constant fear that they would come for one of us. We were helpless to stop it. When I became a Jedi, I finally had the ability to do something about that evil and I did. That is why I am so passionate about stopping evil wherever it exists. We are Jedi, and despite what the Sith may think, we are not weak. We are not victims. We are the ones who must stand for what is right and for justice in this Galaxy. We can't allow evil to flourish while we sit back and do nothing or worse, let it just walk away. "Keep that desire to be a Jedi within you. Remember what happened to you and vow to never let it happen to another. It isn't vengeance, it isn't bloodlust, it is justice."
  18. Adenna smiled and said, "You didn't interrupt anything. Glathos and I were just talking, nothing important. I am glad you found me, though. What is it that you were wanting? You should be exhausted after all the work you have been through."
  19. Adenna was enjoying a late night snack with Glathos in the cafeteria. He had proven to be a charming man who enjoyed talking about almost anything. He had a wide variety of interests as long as it stayed away from his native Bothan politics. It was such a pleasure to be able to interact with another adult who wasn't always trying to hide things and didn't cause her to have to constantly look over her shoulder to make sure there wasn't a knife waiting to be stabbed in her back. Glathos was quite forthright in his answers and made no attempt to conceal his failures and weaknesses. Though working with Sandy was enjoyable in and of itself, Adenna often felt the need to share some time with other adults who could just talk. She was normally shy and didn't trust people easily, a habit that was second nature on Thalassia, but the Bothan was understanding. She had to admit, had he not been assigned to pick them up from Ryloth, she would probably have never gotten to know him. But he had been and she had. She was almost done with her drink when she sensed that Sandy was seeking her. "It seems that my Padawan wants me," she said quietly. She opened herself up to the bond of familiarity between them and hoped that Sandy would remember her lessons enough to be able to find her. Glathos smiled showing his fangs, "Being a master--sorry, teacher, is a full time job." "I know," replied Adenna with a smile. "She is doing well, but I sometimes worry that she hasn't fully recovered from her captivity." "She is very young to have experienced suffering like that. I would be surprised if she had fully recovered by now." Adenna sighed, "I know. I don't mind it at all. I took the responsibility of training and guiding her of my own accord, even if it means there will be difficulties." "Do you wish that you hadn't taken her on as your Padawan?" Glathos asked. "No, not at all," said Adenna. She had thought about that very thing often. "I am glad to do it because sometimes, her childish antics are a good balance to keep me from becoming too old. Her youthful exuberance help keep me from losing what little is left of my own youth." "Don't be so quick to grow old, Adenna," he cautioned. "Jedi often are forced to be too serious and mature too quickly." "I know that all too well," Adenna said as she flashed him a smile. "I have let her know where I was, we will see if she can find me. It will be a good little test for her."
  20. The news of the Grandmaster's demise bode ill for the Jedi as far as Adenna was concerned. With a man of such judgment as this one leading the Jedi, she didn't see much hope for them. At least it appeared that Kirlocca was also in command and from personal experience she knew him to be a warrior willing to actually take a stand against evil instead of watching it walk away. She wanted to just leave, but even if she didn't respect the man, she felt obligated to respect the title he held. "Grandmaster Kitt sent me to deal with the slavers plaguing my home planet of Thalassia. I enlisted the aid of CoreSec and managed to successfully overthrow the slaver ring that controlled the planet. CoreSec is still on site helping the new government rebuild." She left out the entire chase for Sandy and her encounter with Vos. She would tell the story if it came up, but she wouldn't volunteer the information, at least not to one of the ones responsible for the disgrace on Corellia. "If that is all, Grandmaster, I should go and attend to my Padawan."
  21. Adenna was surprised to see Sandy run off, but assumed that the girl was eager to get settled in so she could start collecting parts for her lightsaber. She had a question to offer to Darex before she left the group and entered the Temple. "Master Trevelian, do you know where Grandmaster Kitt is? I need to report to him of my goings on since he sent me out into the Galaxy."
  22. When the Jedi told the three of them his name, Adenna thought it sounded familiar. She was trying to remember where she had heard the name before when he mentioned something about Ariana being strong in the Force. That was quite the surprise to Adenna. She hadn't sensed anything out of the normal beyond the girl's natural oddities due to her race. She knew that Miraluka could see with a basic usage of the Force, but that didn't mean they were all Force sensitive. Looking back on things, it definitely fit. Since leaving Tython, Adenna had run across an abnormally high number of Force sensitives. It figured that Ariana would be one of them. The Force, or perhaps some higher power, seemed to constantly be bringing various Force sensitives together. It wasn't that she was unhappy with the revelation, quite the contrary. She was more than happy that Ariana would have a place to call her own, even if it meant taking on risks and a lot of hard work in training. Perhaps one day, the girl would grow into a woman that would actively fight the evil permeating the Galaxy. Force knew that there were plenty of evils out there to fight. Adenna suddenly remembered where she had heard Trevelian's name before. It had been him who had so foolishly allowed the Sith to leave the Corellian hospital when they could have brought them to justice then and there. To stare such evil in the eyes and let them walk away was something Adenna didn't think any Jedi could do, yet he had. That move had cost hundreds of lives and made the Jedi look weak and stupid. To see the same man who had all but caused the deaths of hundreds of innocents with his poor choice walking around happily with his children when the victims of his mistake were not able to was. . . . disappointing. Adenna knew of the cloning tanks and clearly this man had used one to escape death. He had a benefit that none of his victims did and it seemed wrong to her. This man wasn't out fighting evil on the front lines to atone for his mistake, he was relaxing with his children. She had felt sick when hearing of the reports before the Thalassian mission and had covered some of the aftermath while on Ryloth. What happened was horrible, and it was all the more so because those that caused it were able to walk away without even being challenged. For once, Jedi were on the scene of a major crime and could have shown the Galaxy that they weren't merely going to stand back and allow evil to flourish. Instead of being a beacon of light in the Galaxy, the Jedi were shown to be complete, impotent, ignorant fools. All of her happiness at Ariana's positive future faded to nothing. In its place, she felt indignation. She held back what she wanted to say to this man out of propriety and clamped down on what she was feeling so Sandy wouldn't pick up on it. As far as she was concerned, this man should be held responsible for the murders of all the people on Coruscant and every future murder committed by the Sith that he allowed to go free. Instead of saying anything, she just stood there with outward passiveness and waited for the man to take Ariana away. The sooner he left, the better. She would need to talk to Grandmaster Kitt about this because she didn't think she could stay in the same area as this man without eventually succumbing to dark emotions and temptations. He would know what to do and might be able to help her rationalize her feelings toward him and the Corellian incident.
  23. They didn't even manage to get into the Temple itself before they were greeted by a fellow Jedi. Adenna's attention was immediately drawn to a pair of rather young looking infants in his arms. She couldn't help but admire their innocence and general cuteness. As he welcomed them to the Temple, Adenna brought her focus back onto the man and returned the bow. "I am Jedi Adenna Alluyen. With me is my Padawan, Sandy, and Ariana, a young woman in need who crossed my path a few weeks ago. We have returned here after some harrowing experiences to recover, regenerate, and to complete training. I was hoping that Ariana would be able to find some sort of work here among the staff so that she wouldn't be left out on the streets."
  24. Adenna was glad that Ariana seemed pleased, though she seemed distracted. She didn't blame the girl as it was easy to be overwhelmed by the general sense of peace even for those who couldn't touch the Force. She was happy to bring her to a place that was safe after so many years of abuse and neglect. The Temple seemed less full than it had when she left. There were not nearly the number of Jedi that were here before. They must have been released into the Galaxy on various missions at last. That could only be a good thing because there was so much evil in the Galaxy that needed to be taken care of. Sandy was playing around enjoying the forest, but they had work to do. "Come on, Sandy," she called out, "we need to get settled into our rooms and help Ariana find a job she likes so we can go and start looking for supplies to build your lightsaber."
  25. It was good to see Sandy in such good spirits. She was acting more like the girl she used to be. "In time, in time," she replied with a chuckle. It was very good to be here. She only hoped that Sandy kept this good mood up in the weeks to come. She seemed to be recovering well on the surface, but every once in a while, Adenna caught a flash of a deeper hurt and even some darkness. She had not yet tried to go into detail with the girl on exactly what happened. That was a conversation she was not looking forward to having. Ariana was quiet and had been. Adenna was growing concerned about the girl. Part of her felt bad for not focusing so much on her own needs and instead letting her energies be spent on Sandy and the various patients in the hospital. The girl must be feeling well out of place among strangers with powers she didn't have. Adenna only hoped that she could find a good place among the staff at the Temple and that the other Jedi would treat her kindly. Regardless, as long as Ariana wanted to stay, Adenna would keep in contact and make sure she was doing okay.
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