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Adenna Alluyen

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Everything posted by Adenna Alluyen

  1. ((Cannot see the image.)) Adenna was struck by a sort of double vision for a few moments and didn't know what was going on. It felt someone was invading her mind and trying to alter it, so her trained defenses sprang into action to block it. It took her a moment to figure out that it was something Fynn was doing. It had worked partially only because she wasn't expecting any sort of mental intrusion and he had given no warning. She frowned at that last part, but decided that he wasn't trying to hurt her and opened her mind to his influence. She found herself strangely on a grassy world with the other two also there. It was a fascinating use of the Force's ability to manipulate minds, something she definitely needed to learn before they parted ways. She could generate her own mental environments while meditating, but they were nowhere near this complex and she couldn't send them to others. It was almost like a dream or vision. Things weren't quite real, but they were real enough to understand what they were. It was fascinating to her and she spent a few seconds exploring this environment both through her own Force probes and by using her mind to move around. She wasn't entirely convinced about the sameness of this environment and reality, but she would take his word until she could explore it more. "This is interesting," she said to all three. Her voice seemed funny, almost euphoric and dreamy. "I may have encountered such an illusion as this when sparring Kirlocca, but it was only audio and visual sensations. When moving around, I was actually moving in reality, not just sitting in a chair." She heard Fynn tell her to train Sandy, but Adenna was not sure about training in this environment. Using the Force required a clear mind and when it was under mental influences like this, things might get distorted. That could manifest itself in something as simple as Sandy growing dependent on this specific environment to use the Force in, or it could be as bad as it permanently warping her view and usage of the Force. She and Dahar had practiced the Force while meditating together and she had experienced illusions before, but she personally found that she had to be grounded in the Force on her own first. "I am not sure about using this environment, Fynn," she said. "The Force is something that needs to be practiced first in reality without any illusions. Were she experienced, it might be possible since she would be able to tell the differences, but she is not. I feel that it would be best to teach her in reality. Still, this is a nice place to visit while we are couped up in your fighter."
  2. From Tython, en route to Coruscant After they had lifted off from Tython, Adenna absorbed the news of Naboo in silence. It was to be expected that someone would cause problems, but what disturbed her was that there were rumors that Jedi were behind it. She didn't believe that for one instant, but there were many who already hated the Jedi that would. "Yes, it is a tragedy. I fear that there are too many in this Galaxy that do not like peace and will struggle against it," she said. "Grandmaster Kitt will know it soon enough if he doesn't already. It is not our assignment to deal with it, we have other travesties that need our attention. A few hundred are dead there, but there are millions or billions of slaves. We need to do what we can to free as many as possible, even if we can't get them all." She looked over at Sandy. In such a small ship, they were pressed close together with little room to move. She abandoned her hopes of catching a nap on her own and hoped they would sleep sometime before reaching Coruscant so they wouldn't be exhausted. "I hope you have read what you gathered from the Library. Read what it is like to be a slave, soak in the misery and terror of those who are constantly under threat of death simply for displeasing their slavemasters. Recognize the evil that is slavery, but be careful. "Do not hate the slavers or even slavery itself. Hatred will get you nowhere and will make you like them. Instead, focus your feelings around sympathy for the slaves themselves. Wrap the hope of freeing them around yourself to guard against the darkness that is slavery. When we start freeing slaves, soak in their joy at being free and use it to fortify yourself. I hope to spare you the fighting, but even so you will see things that are not pleasant."
  3. A flash of alarm crossed Adenna's face at the thought of a 14 year old girl blasting away at random things in a starfighter's blaster turret. She couldn't understand the fascination with weapons and fighting. Yes, Sandy was Force sensitive, but she was very young and very inexperienced. It wasn't that she wanted to limit her Padawan, it was that she was too young to understand the results of fighting. Life would probably throw her into more peril than any being had any business being involved in, so she should enjoy the peace while she was could. Still, she didn't want to be too much of a prude. She was too young herself to become the spoilsport. "Perhaps after she can show me that she has more control over her emotions and anger than she displayed yesterday," she said. At least it wasn't an outright denial, but neither was it a guarantee. She was a little dismayed at the ship. She had hoped for something large enough to move around in so she could get some sleep. Still, it was better than nothing especially considering she didn't own a ship and couldn't fly one if she did. Beggars couldn't be choosers and the Jedi life was not one of luxury. "Alright Sandy, let us get our baggage stowed so we can be on our way. Every day we wait, more slaves are sold and die in bondage."
  4. Adenna smiled at her Padawan's comments. She did know a lot about getting little sleep, she rarely got any when she was learning to be a Jedi Knight. "Expect your studies and tasks to keep you awake on a regular basis, I know mine did. Very soon, I will teach you how to draw on the Force's natural energy to help sustain yourself. It will help you deal with far less than normal sleep or even to go without it for a short period of time. Beware though, you can't last forever by drawing on the Force, sooner or later you need natural sleep." She picked up her bags, shouldered them, and began leading Sandy to the front doors They would have to make the journey to the city of Ashla since no ships were allowed in the Temple itself, so it would be some time before they arrived. "We need to get going. Fynn should be ready for us in town and it is best to travel before the day heats up. It will be a decently long trip to Coruscant with all the narrow hyperspace lanes. I most certainly hope you did your homework because I will expect you to study the information during that time. Before we get to Coruscant, I plan on testing you to see how much you know about the slavery rings." Before leaving, they stopped by the dining hall and got some food that could be easily eaten on the go. As they set out into the lush forest, Adenna looked over at Sandy and said, "I hope you have been keeping in shape. When I became a Padawan, I wasn't and it took some time and a lot of pain to get into shape. Long walks like this will help, but we will have to work on other things."
  5. As soon as Sandy left, Adenna went to work. Her body wanted to sleep, but she had too much to do. Instead of sleeping she would go to find the caretaker of the Younglings and get some more information on her new Padawan. Before she left, there was the matter of the training lightsaber that Fynn had surreptitiously handed her in the gardens. She hadn't had much time to investigate it then, but now that she was alone, she did ponder it. Adenna had never been very good at interpreting items through the Force. She had always been far better at deciphering the Force presence of living beings more than nonliving material. Even with that weakness, she could sense that there was more to this lightsaber than the materials it was made of. It was far from a normal training lightsaber. It wasn't quite like her connection with her own lightsaber, but there was life in this weapon that drew her. She didn't want to give Sandy a weapon just yet, even a non-lethal one. To do so would give her ideas of battle and glory, something Adenna didn't want to instill in one so young. The girl already appeared too eager for adventure without knowing the hardships that were out there. Adenna herself didn't now all the difficulties that would befall her in her path, but she believed she had learned enough to be ready for them as best as possible. Somehow, she would have to impart that caution and readiness to her new charge without destroying her hopefulness and will to serve. She decided to put the lightsaber in a sealed pouch to be taken on the journey. It was best to have it in case some happenstance came up and they needed it. If she thought Sandy was progressing enough, she may allow her to practice against a remote even if she couldn't keep the saber. Adenna left her room and headed first to the headmistress of the Younglings. A brief conversation confirmed that yes, she had indeed taken Sandy Sarna as a Padawan and that they would be journeying tomorrow. It had also secured the basic profile of her Padawan including various notes on discipline, abilities, attitude, past, and family. It was an interesting read and Adenna was surprised at how many similarities there were between them. There was plenty that was different, but they both came from poor backgrounds and a moderately difficult childhood devoid of grandeur, military background, or criminal ties like some Jedi had. The next step was to head to the Library and conduct some last minute research. She accessed the profiles of various Jedi and pulled up Fynn Relmis' records. Those were quite a surprise to Adenna, but it did confirm that he was very much her senior when it came to life experiences and knowledge of the Galaxy and combat. It would be interesting to see how things progressed with him. She wasn't sure how long he would be willing to follow any lead from her part on this due to her inexperience. Yes, the Grandmaster had given her this mission, but she was the first to admit that she was probably out of her league and would need guidance. Adenna vowed to not press the issue and to follow whatever advice the older Jedi would offer unless it went against the Jedi way. Finally, she had to stop by the supply depot and get some equipment. Stun blasters, extra ammo packs, datapads, as much currency as she could withdraw (which wasn't much), official documents verifying she was indeed part of the Jedi Order on assignment, medical packs, a few extra bacta orbs, and emergency dehydrated food packs. Adenna wasn't sure how much of that they would use, but on her first long term mission out, she definitely wanted to be prepared for as much as possible. At last, with the gear stowed in her quarters, Adenna grabbed a quick bite to eat and took it back to her quarters. After eating the meal, she composed a quick message for Dahar telling him where she was going and that she had accepted an apprentice of her own. She still felt a lot of kinship with her old teacher and wanted to let him know what was going on in his former pupil. With that done, she went to bed and fell asleep at 1930 hours. * * * The next morning Adenna still felt that she needed more sleep. The long night of rest helped, but her body had been relying on the Force to keep her awake for too long. She felt a little better after showering and eating an energy bar from her stores, but definitely hoped to get some sleep on the trip. As it got closer to 0800, she double checked all her baggage while waiting on her Padawan to arrive. She wouldn't go looking for the girl, she needed to learn to arrive on time on her own.
  6. Adenna motioned for Sandy to follow her and began walking towards where her quarters were. "Yes, you will need to pack your things. Depending on how much you have, you might bring all. We aren't moving permanently, just going on an assignment. We will return one day, so you can leave things you won't need." She looked directly at the girl and said sternly, "Your weapons will not be needed. While I suspect there will be fighting on this mission, you will not take part in it. One must learn how to properly control themselves, the Force, and their weapons before being allowed to wield one themselves. I would no sooner give you a blaster than I would put you in the cockpit of a starfighter. When you are older and can prove to me that you are mature enough, I will teach you not just how to use weapons, but how to deal with the psychological effects of using them." They talked some, mostly idle conversation about what type of things would be good to bring and what to expect. Even Adenna wasn't sure what to expect, so she was ambiguous on that. When they got to her quarters, Adenna let the two of them in and said, "These are my quarters. Nothing fancy, but a Jedi does not need frivolous things. As a Padawan, you warrant quarters of your own instead of living in the dorms, but since we are short on time, you will have to wait until we return before we can set them up. "Pack your things, say your goodbyes, and prepare yourself. I want you to go to the Library and download everything you can on slavery in the Outer Rim with special focus on how the slaver organizations are structured. There might not be much, but whatever is there, I want you to have it. If you have any time after that, you can spend it as you wish. Enjoy your last day of freedom because from now on, you will be studying, practicing, working, and meditating. Meet me here at 0800 tomorrow ready to leave."
  7. "I am not your master and will never be," Adenna said with a shudder and a little more fire than she intended. She softened her voice before continuing, "Either call me Jedi Alluyen or Teacher when in public and you can call me Adenna in private as long as nobody else hears. Do not ever call me or anyone else your master again or you will be meditating while balancing on one hand until your legs fall off." As Fynn spoke about his ship, Adenna was alarmed to realize that he believed their departure was imminent. There was no way for her to simply leave in minutes, even before taking Sandy as a Padawan. "Jedi Relmis," she said automatically reverting to his formal title in front of a Padawan so as not to undermine his authority, "you can take your time. I have had a rather exhausting two days and had no sleep between, plus I now have a new Padawan to get sorted. Not only that, but we need to gather supplies and pack up. I know you are the more experienced Jedi, but I believe it will be best if we wait until tomorrow morning to depart. It will give Sandy time to say goodbyes and me time to gather the information and supplies I will need." Yes, sleep would be nice, but she could sleep on the flight. Though being on a ship with an extremely excited teen would make that difficult. Adenna could foresee many long calming meditations for her Padawan in the near future. One main reason why she needed time was to gather all the information she could about Sandy. She couldn't outright say as much in front of the girl, but she needed to know as much about her as possible. Plus, she had to gather as much information about slavery, slavers, and particularly the new government as she could for study on their trip. That and there were several titles she wanted to download to continue her own Force learning. There was just plain too much to do to hop into a ship and fly around the Galaxy on minutes notice.
  8. Despite the girl's words, Adenna sensed some resistance or holding out. She wasn't sure exactly what it was, but she would employ the trick of feigning more knowledge than what she had. "No. I mean what I say and can sense things in the Force you wouldn't imagine." As she said it, she wondered how many times her teacher Dahar had done the same thing to her. "Being a Padawan means obedience to your Teacher and following instructions even when they don't make sense. It is also a lot of hard work an will not be easy. Expect to do a lot of meditation and boring drills." With all of her heart, she hoped that this wasn't going to be a mistake. If it was, then she would have to learn through it and hope she didn't end up destroying this girl's life. She was determined to train this girl properly and would not shy about getting help from those more experienced than she. For the moment, that seemed to mean Fynn, but the Force only knew who else that would be.
  9. Adenna hadn't thought of the Sith. While it made sense that they would not follow the peace treaties, she wouldn't think they would attack on a world so public as Coruscant. That just went to show how little she knew of the universe. It was a good thing Fynn had decided to join. She remained silent contemplating that when she heard that the girl had no master. It wasn't all to surprising, after all she hadn't had a master until she was nineteen and she was almost twenty-one now. "Don't fret about that, Sandy. There are many Padawans who enter the service at much older ages than you." A thought came to her. It wasn't of the Force, for blaming sudden and mostly illogical twists in the plot for the sake of convenience in storytelling on the Force was just too trite, but it was a new thought. It hadn't occurred to her until now that she was no longer a Padawan and could take her own. It wasn't extremely common for a fresh Knight to take a Padawan, but there was something nagging at the back of her mind that suggested she do so now. It wasn't the Force, that would be too much of a cop out. "Perhaps you should be picked. You remind me of my sister two years ago. I helped her through some tough times, perhaps I can help you. If you aren't claimed as a Padawan, I can do so now. If I do take you as a Padawan, you can't be throwing rocks at little boy's heads, though. Not unless I tell you to."
  10. "While I am flattered you think someone as young as myself to be a master, I am far from it, Miss Sarna," said Adenna. "I am but a mere Knight and not even an experienced one at that. Still, you need to sit and eat the fruit Trushaun gave you while you calm down. Nobody is angry with you, but Jedi Relmis and I do have some things to talk about. Calm yourself down and get control of your emotions like you were taught while we do that and I will talk to you when we are finished." She turned to Fynn and answered his earlier offer. "We will need a ship, definitely, so I thank you for offering yours. A pilot would be good as I have yet to learn how to fly spacecraft. There are a lot of things I still need to learn, but I am not helpless. My first recommendation is to head to Coruscant and see if we cannot get some support from the new CoreSec agency we heard rumors about before coming here. They should be up and running so perhaps we can get some help from them. If not, two Jedi versus a lot of slavers isn't going to turn out well for us."
  11. Adenna was looking down with infinite patience at the girl. She was used to dealing with hectic young teens from her own younger brother and sister as well as cousins. "Calm down," she said sternly, but not harshly. "If you are ever to be a Jedi, you must be calm. That man over there is Grandmaster Kitt, while he has patience and is very kind, you need to control yourself. You are not going to be thrown out of the Temple, but you must accept whatever punishment you earned with the dignity befitting a Jedi." Using a repeat of the calming techniques she had earlier employed on Fynn, Adenna reached out to begin straightening the chaotic flow of the Force coming from this girl. Since she was barely trained and not in control of her emotions, it was much easier than with a trained Jedi like Fynn. "Now, calmly, tell me your name."
  12. As soon as she got a better look at the girl, Adenna recognized her as one of the many Younglings that had journeyed with her as part of the main group of Jedi that came to this temple from Gala a couple of months ago. She didn't know her name, but she had seen the girl around the temple. The girl was clearly upset over something, but she didn't know what. Adenna's first reaction was to give a quick assurance to the girl and sending her on her way so she could return her focus to the Grandmaster and Fynn. She opened her mouth to do just that when she paused. This girl was upset, that much was certain and it reminded her of someone cornered and at their last straw. Growing up, Adenna had seen so many people like that who were stuck in a hopeless life or on the slave block and it always tore at her heart. As a Padawan, she didn't have much ability or time to help others beyond quick assurances. Now, as a Jedi Knight, it was her duty to help wherever she could to make things better. Yes, she would prefer to jump into her mission and consolidate the precious little time she had directly with the Grandmaster, but she couldn't ignore someone who was hurting. If they didn't understand, then perhaps she was in the wrong Order. With a glance back at the other two men, she turned back and looked at the girl once more. "Well, don't just sit there. You can't meditate when you are buried in a bush or when you are so angry. I am Adenna, what is the problem that has you boiling emotions like the cook's soup in the Dining Hall?"
  13. Adenna was surprised that Grandmaster Kitt changed his mind. When they talked earlier, he seemed unwilling to get involved. Now, he was sending her to do what she had wanted to do in the first place and she almost didn't know how to respond. "I would be very glad to seek out and stop the slavers," she said quickly. "I know it will be hard, but I know exactly where to start where I already have a group of contacts and inroads. I won't go alone, though, Fynn, I would be honored if you would join me. As much as you may now dislike it, I will need you combat skills when the time comes because I do not believe many slavers will willingly abandon their ways. Plus, Grandmaster Kitt, I plan on seeing if I can get support from the new government because it won't do any good to go in and drive off the slavers if they can come right back when we leave. We will need government support to effect a lasting change." She stopped and began running through the list of things she had to do, but was interrupted when a young teenage girl suddenly dove off the path into some bushes. Slightly concerned that the girl had hurt herself, she approached and asked, "Are you okay?"
  14. Adenna kept her hopes in check when the Grandmaster suggested a mission. There was a very specific mission she hoped to undergo, but on their last conversation, he didn't seem too enthusiastic about it. Plus, she didn't know if he had individual missions in mind for the two””or maybe three””of them or if they were to travel together. She wasn't exactly thrilled about going on a mission this very moment, but it was not her place to just be happy, only to serve. She didn't know what she would be assigned to do, but she would accomplish it with all of her ability. "What mission does the Grandmaster have?" she asked.
  15. Adenna's glance switched between Fynn and Trushaun twice before she shook her head in sadness. She didn't know how much of lightsaber sparring Trushaun knew, but at this point, it didn't much matter. She was tired from her trials and did not see a reason to fight even in a sparring match. "Fynn, I will freely offer the story of my past without you needing to win it in through combat, even mock combat. I do not know you well at all and right now can only sense strands and pieces of your turmoil. You have said that you learned how to destroy and fight but not to create. Has the war so harmed you that you view life only as a series of conflicts? "If you do not want my help, I will not try to force it upon you. I would never force that type of help on someone, least of all a fellow Jedi. I offer my services to you freely, should you take them. If you wish to learn about me, I will be glad to tell you." She looked at Trushaun who had been quietly listening to them while enjoying her fruit. It would be good to let her know about what she had learned. "I grew up on Thalassia, a small and insignificant planet in the Outer Rim controlled by a group of slavers. Most of my youth and early adulthood was spent in terror of being rounded up by slavers or abused by the spacers and those who bought slaves. By accident, we discovered that I was Force sensitive after I had some blood work done, but my family was too poor to send me to the Jedi for some years. "I finally left Thalassia a little over a year ago and found myself on Gala. I was allowed in and given the ability to learn about the Jedi ways. I found a man, Dahar, who was willing to teach me and took me as his Padawan. That is also where I met you, Trushaun," she said with a glance at the bird alien. "Things happened and the Grandmaster summoned all who were willing to war. Even though I was in no way prepared for combat, I volunteered and was sent with Master Kirlocca to infiltrate and disable the Death Star. "We were unsuccessful in our attempt and suffered heavy casualties. I was wounded, blasted in the side and arm and nearly died. Master Kirlocca managed to get myself and the wounded Grandmaster off of the station, but we left the rest of our commando team behind, all killed. I was sent to Gala to heal before the Helix Station was destroyed, but that took time and left marks of its own." Adenna parted her outer robes and briefly lifted her shirt to show the blaster scar on her side. "My own feelings of inadequacy and failure were difficult to overcome, but I did with the help of Master Kirlocca and Dahar. "I came here with the rest of the Jedi when we moved from Gala and completed my training. I survived my Trials and was made a Jedi Knight by Master Kirlocca himself. There is still much that I need to learn, but I will learn it in time."
  16. "My teacher was Dahar Raikanda, but I was also trained and mentored by Master Kirlocca who conducted my trials," Adenna replied. This man was obviously torn and broken from the war. His words said as much but what part of his essence she could sense without being overly intrusive shouted it. "All who fought in the war suffered, if not physically, mentally," she said in a soft voice. "I saw but a small taste of it and it left me scarred in body, mind, and soul. I choose not to let it overshadow the good in the Galaxy, so it does not keep me down. Balance is crucial for Jedi because we are taught to respect all life, yet there are times when we must take life to save others." She shifted slightly to take her wood hilted lightsaber off her belt and showed it to him. "I struggled with that very concept when I was a Padawan. I stumbled blindly into a war without the proper training or experience and it nearly killed me. When I returned and later received word of the ensuing cease fire, I was overjoyed, but knew that I had to learn how to fight so that I would not fall in the future. I threw myself into combat training and learning how to use a lightsaber. I even took lessons from Master Kirlocca himself when he had time. "When it came down to creating my own lightsaber, I was unprepared for the struggle that took me. I knew that sometime, I would have to kill, yet I didn't want to kill others. A lightsaber is a very handy tool that can be used offensively to kill and defensively to block blaster shots. Either way, the standard lightsaber is lethal. I decided that if I had to have a lightsaber, I would make it so that I could use it in a non-lethal fashion. During its construction, I made an extra part that would allow me to instantly switch from a regular lethal blade to a non-lethal training blade that would only disrupt nerves. "That is where I found my balance. I have a weapon that can be used to stun and yet defends myself just like any other lightsaber. When I absolutely must, I have a weapon that can kill or cut through almost anything. "You don't have to find your balance in the same way I have, but you need to seek it. Balance the killing and fighting aspect of our responsibilities as Jedi with the responsibilities that we have towards the preservation of life." She gestured for Fynn to sit next to her on the bench, hoping he wouldn't decline again. "I am not sure if I can help you, but I will try if you wish it."
  17. Adenna was most impressed by both displays of Force skill and vowed one day to see about learning those abilities at least on a basic level. "Well, as it seems we are demonstrating our control over the Force, I shall have to follow suit." She stretched out to both with her mind as her eyes glazed over. In Trushaun, she sensed amusement, wonder, and satisfaction with only a few hints of problems. In Fynn, it was a different story. Even without the Force, she could tell he was ill at ease. With the Force, she couldn't read exactly why, but she knew he was troubled. She saw the angry lines of discontent, sorrow, and pain radiating from his body, but also a lot of uncertainty. Those things were not what a Jedi should be feeling. She took a few moments to align some of those broken and bent lines extruding a sense of relaxation, peace, and harmony with all that was good into both of the other Jedi. She sent more energy towards Fynn as he needed it more. Her eyes came back into focus and she exhaled a breath she didn't know she held in. "My skills are more subtle, yet can be useful in their own ways. Some day, I would like to be able to do what both of you did, but for now, we should rest in this beautiful garden and enjoy the fruits Trushaun gave us. Peace is hard to find anywhere, so we should relish it when we can and embrace the light side."
  18. It didn't take long for someone to interrupt her. There were so many Jedi around, the only way to get truly alone was to leave the Temple itself. Adenna wasn't annoyed, in fact, she had almost wanted someone to talk to or she would have stayed in her quarters. She saw the bird alien that she had helped on Gala all those months ago when she was herself fresh to the Jedi way. She put down the datapads she was studying and smiled while summoning a name from her memory. It was difficult as the time was filled with so many new things and names and ideas, but it did come to her. "Trushaun," she said warmly. "It is good to see you again. I see you have learned Basic so we don't have to fumble around looking for a translator again." A middle aged man approached and introduced himself as Fynn. "No, Fynn, you are not disturbing anyone. We are all Jedi and there are no strangers here, just gentlebeings we have yet to meet."
  19. Dining Hall It seemed that the Grandmaster was set on waiting. With nothing else to talk about and most people going their separate ways as Jedi came and went, Adenna finished her lunch and excused herself. The Temple was busy today as more and more arrivals began streaming in. Now that she was a Knight, she tried to see if things were different. To her surprise, they really weren't. The Force worked just as it always had, others saw her the same, and there was no new mystical presence or aura that she felt with the new rank. She didn't expect to suddenly become more wizened or powerful, but she was surprised that she didn't feel any different. Perhaps she was just needing to let things sink in and the responsibilities pile up before anything changed. She went to the library and began gathering some datachips on piloting. One of her goals now was to learn how to fly various ships and it was best she started learning where things were before she actually attempted to get into a cockpit. * * * Garden After she had gathered the information, she went out into the garden and sat down on a bench to relax. The peaceful atmosphere was invigorating after her work in the ruined temple. She was tired, but didn't want to sleep in the middle of the day. Instead, she relied a little on the Force and started studying the data that she had gotten from the library. ((Open for any interaction if people want to chat.))
  20. Dining Hall Adenna was disheartened when Kitt seemed to shoot down her hopes of doing something about slavery. She didn't despair because it was still possible something might be done, but he didn't appear to be very enthusiastic about it. Maybe he was just stressed and busy. She couldn't imagine the pressure that came with leading the Jedi Order. Maybe when things settled down, she could address the Council when they would have time to properly consider her request. Since she knew almost nothing about electronics, she simply remained silent and worked on her lunch. Xae seemed to know something so that was a good thing that might let them fix the issue quickly. She saw Master Kirlocca walk through, but he didn't stop and was out of range before Adenna could invite him over. He may have been busy since he didn't get anything to eat.
  21. It was turning into a party of sorts. First, the Grandmaster himself joined, then another older Jedi joined. Adenna assumed by how Aria addressed him, he was her teacher. That meant that she was a Padawan, something that Adenna did not guess earlier. Adenna took Aria's cue and addressed Kitt. For months now she had been working on some sort of speech for this moment, but she hadn't expected it so soon or under such seemingly informal a situation as eating lunch. She didn't exclude anyone when she spoke, but her main focus was on the highest ranking of them all because it was primarily him that she had to persuade. "Grandmaster Kitt, sir. I am Adenna Alluyen, recently knighted by Master Kirlocca. I know right now you want the Jedi to stay here, but when you decide to send us out into the Galaxy, I would request that you consider one large area of wrongdoing and downright evil that is often overlooked by others, especially in times of war. I come from Thalassia, a poor planet on the Outer Rim that is all but controlled by slavers. "Slavery is common place on Thalassia; I grew up in constant fear. The risk of being enslaved and poverty prevented me from seeking out the Jedi for almost a decade after I was diagnosed as being Force sensitive. I have had friends taken from their homes at night, beaten and raped, then shipped off to be slaves. Thalassia isn't the only planet that suffers slavery, there are dozens of major planets and thousands of colonies and territories that are under the brutality of slavery. The Hutts are the largest of the offenders, but they are far from alone. "I implore you, as the Grandmaster, to consider setting the Jedi Order against this scourge and putting pressure on the new government to do something about slavery. If they won't do anything, I beg you to send Jedi to oppose slavery and work to end its presence in this Galaxy. I can think of few more noble things than to free slaves and save those who are suffering and who would in the future suffer."
  22. Adenna was disturbed to hear of a Jedi actually joining the Sith, but she felt saddened for the other woman to have to personally experience the loss of someone to those evil monsters. She adopted a sympathetic expression as Xae explained. She wanted to give her condolences but it appeared as though they would not be welcomed. "Yes, I am from Thalassia," answered Adenna. "It is a very poor planet in the Outer Rim that most have never heard of. A group called, coincidentally, the Thalassian Slavers, holds sway there. They control the government either directly or through fear, bribes, or violence and operate in the nearby sectors. They specialize in hitting convoys and small colonies where the prey is easy to pick off. Then, they will sell them either on Thalassia or to groups like the Hutts. "My parents and I scraped by for years to get me off planet. We were so poor that even after a doctor discovered my Force sensitivity, we couldn't get me off planet. It would have been very, very dangerous for us to even try to contact the Jedi Order because if the slavers had found out, they would have taken me and my family. Thank the Force the doctor was sympathetic and kept his mouth closed or I would have never managed to get off the planet and to Gala."
  23. Adenna took the chair offered and sat down with her food. "My plans? Well, I will have to wait for the Council to decide on that and give me my assignment. My last mission didn't go so well and landed me in the bacta tank, but that was a good while ago and I had almost no combat training. Now, things are different." She took a bite and swallowed before continuing, "I hope to return to Thalassia and see about shutting down the slave trade there. The Jedi have been occupied with other issues for years now, but the war is over and I hope the Jedi will put some pressure on the new government to do something about slavery. I need allies within the Jedi Order who are willing to support the anti-slavery movement to help persuade the Council to send some official help. I plan on talking to some of the Masters to see if I cannot do that, but right now I need to eat."
  24. Adenna frowned at the order to enjoy the Temple. She had been sitting around doing nothing but training for a great deal of time and wanted to do something real. She had been all but useless on the Death Star, but that was mostly because she was only barely trained then. Now, she was far better trained and was capable of doing something good for the Order and the Galaxy. With a sigh that released the frustration, she turned to go back to her quarters. She needed to clean up and put on some fresh robes before eating some late lunch. Master Kirlocca was right, the Council would give her orders when they were ready and no newly minted Knight was going to change that. Besides, now that she was more or less free of responsibilities, she could spend her time preparing for other things. She got back to her quarters, took a shower, and got into her favorite blue robes. She put the holocron in a safe place with the intention of exploring it soon. An hour later, she had finished cleaning up and had visited Dahar for a little while. After leaving his quarters, she went to go and get a late lunch in the cafeteria. There, she got her food and noticed numerous people eating. Many were Younglings or Padawans, but there were a few that looked old enough to be Knights. She saw two other women [Aria and Xae] sitting and went to introduce herself. "My name is Adenna, do you mind if I join you?"
  25. As Adenna stood up, she felt a great sense of relief and accomplishment. She had come to Gala to become a Jedi and now she was. Now, instead of simply training, she could take action and begin the long, long road toward bringing justice to the enslaved and repressed. She took the holocron that was offered to her with a tiny bit of confusion. "What is on the holocron?" she asked. While it was her mission to bring it back, she didn't need to know. She only needed to know that she had to return it to Master Kirlocca. Now that he was handing it to her, she was curious as to what was on it. "What am I do to now? Do you have assignments for me or am I to pick my own assignments?"
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