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The Eternal Vigilance (The Maw)

Tarrian Skywalker

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Moving through the halls, one trooper quad, now missing its secondary disruptor back up to an astromech droid (though still carrying its ysalmari), detects life signs up ahead in a near-by room. They fan out on each side and with clock work precision, burst open the door. In that split second, they open fire on its occupants: Hartel and his would be master. The disruptor trooper and spray stick guard remain behind, on the look out from some ambush from the back, though the flame trooper and his flechette wielding comrade open full stream into the room, aiming to kill....





In another part of the ship, another squad goes down, only giving out one, panicked transmission of "...Jedi!" before a swift silence takes them. A full squad rushes to their location, on the alert. Though the Jedi had spotted them first, well before he could close that fatal distance to use his flame thrower or lightsaber, the squad fans out in a V. Leading the assault is the flame thrower on full blast. On his left and right, letting out a steady stream of fire- is the stokhli spray stick and flechette launcher- each shooting out a full blast- the former with a wide spray of liquid, yet potent webbing covering the entire hall that could not be stopped by a lightsaber and could easily stun and bring down a Wookie, rapidly closing the distance to the Jedi, followed by dozens upon dozens of razor disks, peppering the narrow space. The disruptor units, like the flame thrower units, were unable to close the requisite 15 meters for optimum fire- yet...




With the first gamma class assualt shuttle going down, the second one flies to the hangar, and once more opens fire very aware of its target and setting out another full salvo of missiles. The missiles reel it back, denting and some cases, rending the armor. The troopers outside the hangar, reduced to two, make a desperate, yet bold move worth of elite ARC troopers and surprisingly similar to one pulled during the seige of Muunilist. The trooper with the disruptor, covered by the assault shuttle rushes in, using a magnetic harpoon cable to hoist himself onto the beast like droid, then almost runs up one of its legs. Dead center and atop the thing, it leaps upwards, firing its disruptor rifle straight down. Already battered by missiles, the armor gives way and the storm trooper vanishes inside the beast.


There is a moment of silence, followed by sudden flashes emerging from inside the droid, shooting out at random spots. The magnetic harpoon flashes once more, lifting the trooper up as the Wolf Spider, damaged from the inside, explodes with a thunderous roar. With an artful leap, the trooper summersaults in the air, and followed by his companion, make it to the shuttle which pulls out, giving a final missile blast to the hangar for good measure, caving it in.




About the time that the engines gave out in a shower of flames and energy that destroyed them at a molecular level, one squad of three, their leader with his flame thrower and another rifleman lost to a party of droids that caught them around the corner, burst into a training area. Knowing how very easily that it could be set to destroy them, anything out of the ordinary is destroyed, save for something the general asked them to steal.


Small cubes of an unknown and delicate circuitry are procured, though their spray stick trooper is badly wounded for it. Holocrons, ancient tools of the Jedi, bearing wisdom and skills of the ancients, are once more reclaimed by the Empire and their Sith allies. They beat another retreat, knowing how important it would be to escape with these artifacts. The resistance behind them crushed, they reach the surface in short order, boarding an awaiting gun ship, en route from the hangar which lifts off again, up into the clouds.




From Hassan's point of view, the battle over the EV's engines was taking a turn for the worse. The stormtroopers made a defensive retreat, placing flame thrower units to melt the oncoming droids. Pushing back the droids, two disruptor troopers, emboldened by the opportunity and on the alert for more traps, make a rush forward. Firing their rifles into the machinery with one hand, they take out their standard issue Imperial thermals. Though lacking the power of the ones used by their still absent leader or like the one's Lando used to destroy Xizor's palace, they had an effective radius of five meters. Using them like grenades, they are activated and tossed. What follows is a loud explosion as the engines are disintigrated. Though that self-same squad is eventually overwhelmed by the droids, the power all over the EV begins to flicker, being forced to slowly draw on a limited back up supply.


As Hassan watches this, he hears what might be a knock at the door, like from some heavy boot. Depending on his prudence and abiltiies, he may or may not react to it, but would surely be ready for something.


The attack doesn't come from the door though. A fient. Why would an adept expect the ceiling to give out? Studying past Imperial manuvers, Faust trained his troops well in the use of disruptors as "instant exits". Though there was a fatal gap between their firing times, the others in the squad made up for their lag. What someone like Hassan might feel would be surprise, then pain, then searing pain, then nothing. Who could expect to react as thick stunning webbing swept across you like electricity, just before your muscles gave out all voluntary control? Or what it would feel like as flames capable of melting metals washed over him, searing the control console behind him? The heat and the pain, though brief, could very well be the last thing one feels, though given the intensity and how quickly his body turned to ash under that constant stream, it might have been nothing at all. We will never know.


With a cold, dispassionate glare from under their skull like helmets, the stormtroopers apply their weapons to the command consoles, sending out sparks of smoke, electicity, and finally flame. More explosions and roars can be heard as engines continue a slow, but definite set of reactions, tearing through each other deep in the heart of the Vigilance, eternal no more. The ceiling lights around them begin to fade and the troopers, their mission all but accomplished begin to beat a hasty retreat before the base was sunk toward the bottom of Manaan.

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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kautra was glad to see his lightsaber roll down his knees, and stop against his pelvis. He was happy that the troubled youth was able to make the decision to train in the ways of the light side.


"I accept your leadership Master...Master...well I don't even know your name yet." hartel asked him.


"My name is Kautra Nadio, you may call me what you will, I am not against much. If master Nadio suits you, then so be it, I am in an understanding that your name is "Lord" John Hartel, but if Hartel suits you, then it works for me. When his apprentice nodded in agreement, Kautra took his saber from his lap, an stood up.


He placed the weapon in its hilt, and walked into his room. Neada stood up, and stated a soft purr. Kautra reached over and rubbed his head softly. After a second or two, he re-entered the hall that Hartel was still standing in.


"We must go to Haruun Kal. I must speak with the head of the Order before we can go into some more advanced training." With that, he turned on his heel, and started towards his ship. Hartel was close behind, followed by Neada, who knew that they were to be leaving.


As they walked Kautra contiplated how he was going to train this troubled youngster. Much had already happened in his life, and the dark side had rooted its self in him. Kautra was unsure as too how he would remove the darkside from Hartel, but he knew it had to be done.


Kautra, Hartel and Neada arrived at the Lenra. Kautra opened the door, and sat down at the pilot seat. He flipped a few switches, and the engine roared to life. Hartel stood behind the pilot seat. Kautra motioned Hartel to take a seat next to him. As hartel sat, the Lenra took off from the landing pad, and wsa quickly entering space.


((Off to space with us now.))

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Master Nom and Scorpio's ships came barreling out of hyspace, looking for the EV on their navigational computers, but still, nothing. Scorpio scanned the planet, as did Master Nom, for any and all ships within the vacentity of the EV. There on the com screen laid a few Imperial ships.


Scorpio, his hand tightly around his new lightsaber, felt his old pain all over again. Although, instead of anger, he felt the sadness Master Nom had told him about just shortly ago on Tatooine. Now, Scorpio sat above the planet where his life as Jedi Apprentiance had begun.


Scorpio worried about his friends that may still be onboard the EV. " What has become of Norm, or Orsi, or even John?" Scorpio didn't know whether they were still alive or not. He felt the anger inside him start to boil, but put it off to the side. He knew if he lost his cool now, it could mean the end.


Scorpio commed Master Nom's ship. "Master, what shall we do? I know that we are very well out numbered, and it would suicide to go down there, but I cannot let my friends die." With that, Scorpio waited for his Master to return the comm with their plan of action.

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((Don't mean to be mean spirited about this, Kautra but you should have read my above post and taken it into account before typing yours up.))


As the troopers open fire on Hartel, Kautra, standing up and accepting the saber, takes the full blast from their assault, inadvertantly sparing his apprentice. Set aflame like a torch and pierced with the flechette, Kautra's legs are completely useless and several flechette rounds are embedded deep in his smoking chest and melting face, dropping him with extremely critical, if not mortal wounds, allowing the troopers time to fire again at both Jedi.

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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The water world of Manaan looked more sereene than ever as its luscious waves glistened in the morning sun. The effects of war and battle seemed to hold no sway on the planet's watery horizon. The planet was rather a mockery of the death and destruction going on below. Despite the pain, the surface still looked as beautiful as ever. Yet all this changed as the Jedi Master's ship plunged into the icy depths of the waves. Small explosions and puffs of smoke were visible through the currents. It didn't take a genious to locate the problem.


"Scorpio, follow on my tail and don't do anything unless I tell you."


As the Jedi Master approached he could tell that any manuvering capabilites possessed by the submarine had lost all function. Judging by how it was falling towards the floor of the ocean, it was once above the median of the water. The hanger came in sight smoke pouring from it like mist from a particularly hefty mounted.


Without hesitation, the Jedi Master crafted his ship into the entrance, letting it dissolve in the bleak smoke expelling into the water. He was sure his apprentice was on his tail. After landing, Nom made sure the pressure lock had engaged. The entrance ramp extended bearing a man and a green pillar of light.


He waited for his apprentice to join him, knowing full well the perils that were only moments away from full realization.



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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Scorpio followed quickly behind Master Nom as they entered the planet's atmosphere and shot down into the water. Scorpio could see the ship as it was sinking through his viewport


"Scorpio, follow on my tail and don't do anything unless I tell you." Warned Master Nom as both ships piloted toward the sinking ship. Scorpio was still worried about John, Orsi, and Norm as they came closer toward the ship. Scorpio looked out his viewport again and saw the battle going on. Small explosions were coming out of the engine rooms, and what looked to be where the training room was.


As Master Nom's ship entered into one of the few hangars bay doors that hadn't been destroyed, Scorpio quickly followed into of of the others. The Jedi Apprentiance's ship landed with a smal thud.Scorpio quickly made sure the pressure lock behind him was disengaged.


Scorpio disembarked his ship, and quickly walked over to where Master Nom's ship was. HK was merely steps behind Scorpio, with a somewhat of could have been called a smile on his iron face. As Scorpio come upon Master Nom, he looked around.


Upon doing that, he saw blaster burns on the walls, and a bunch of busted droids laying around. He quickly activated his duel crimson lightsaber, and waited for master Nom to evaluate the situation, and give him his orders. Knowing very well what could lay ahead of them, Scorpio concentrated his force energies, and awaited his orders.

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Hartel, Kautra, youse guys cannot escape so easily. Here's how I reckon' the RP works--and is a pretty loose system by which I manage actions.


When another user attacks, he creates a threat. In the next post you make, you must answer that threat. If you do not, he has reasonable leeway to have the threat terminate you. If you answer the threat, you can make an escape attempt or return with a new threat.


In the Beginning of Faust's post he created a clear threat to Hartel, and by proxy Kautra. In Kautra's post, they ignore the threat and leave, which in itself is illegal. Hartel follows this up by posting in space himself, where he obviously does not answer the threat.


So to sum up, I gotta null your posts starting from where you leave the planet. Because you did act, Faust's post stands, and it is your turn to try to deal with not having legs. Pray that he is merciful.


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Lotus swooped out of his cover wearing a specially designed pair of goggles. They were built to protect his eyes from blinding blasts of light. Being that he was in front of the squad he was just outside the range of the dreadful beast that had the ability to null the force. He thrust both of his arms out, one throwing a frag grenade into the center of the troops, the second flinging a flash cube into their mist. The cube exploded in the air in front of them, some of them would suffer much less”¦but the front most would suffer from substantially, if they weren't wearing protective goggles that is.


Even still the grenade would distract them long enough as he scooped up Kautra and shuffled him over his shoulder, motioning for the other man with him to follow. The door across the hall opened with a flicker of his hand, allowing the trio to pass threw it. With his free hand he ignited his violet saber and jammed it into the door controls, forcing it to close. He knew that meant little when the troops could just blast through it, but it would still give them a bit of a head start.


”œMy ship has a Bacta tank in the med-bay, we have to make it to the hanger.”

"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."

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There is a moment of surprise and confusion from the startled squad. The flechette trooper goes down, pierced by the metallic pieces of shrapnel from the frag grenade. The flame thrower wielding trooper fares marginally better, needing serious medical care. They errored and it proved fatal.


Outside, the spray stick trooper has a bit more time to react, as does his disruptor wielding friend. While the flash cube stunned them, the tinted lenses on their ominous, skull like helmets served a few purposes other than simply looking bad ass, acting in utility as impromptu sunglasses. Unfortunately for Lotus and his companions, they weren't quite as blinded as he hoped.


Blasting through the sealed door and following through took the space of four seconds- for the disruptor to discharge and for a heavy kick to knock the slag away. The three troopers storm in (though the flamer seems to limp, clutching his wounded side), though not seeing the Jedi dissapear up into the vent, they see the blood move on its own. The lead trooper nods, holding his hand back, motioning to search the room.


"They went that way," he states aloud, loosening his helmet. Underneath, he sensed something. When your ears and eyes fail you, follow your nose. The way the Jedi Kautro was so horribly, horribly mamed, set afire with his flesh burning off in large chunks left a distinct odor... coming from... the vent?


"We better hurry after them," he states aloud, his hands motioning in the direction of the vent and stepping closer. Lotus oncemore feels the force cut off from him, though before it happens there's a brief, prescient feeling of danger that becomes instantly realized when the went gives way to another disruptor shot, also taking out a large part of the wall. Hemmed into the narrow space, the storm trooper with the flame thrower makes his move, setting out a tight, controlled and long blast into the narrow area, soaking it with liquid fire and setting out three seperate sets of involuntary screams, followed by more reaking, burning flesh. Kautro, unable to take this assault, succumbs to his wounds and passes with his soul into the Force, his now lifeless shell cosigned to ash under the heat. This leaves Hartel and Lotus severely wounded as the flames, at several hundred degrees centigrade, sweep over their bodies, invariably forcing them back if they wished to escape their friend's fate.


There's another echoing shot as more of the vent is destroyed around them, as the other two troopers attempt to pry them out. The flames, like some terrible dragon, pursues them, the trooper who killed Kautro, laughing maniacally, avenging himself on the ones who murdered his friend.


"For General Faust, you will burn now, then in HELL!"

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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The corridors themselves were like mazes as Nom continued to tread through them. The fact that the submarine shake from violent internal explosions did not help matters. Yet with the aid of the Force and the help of the noise echoing through the ship, the Jedi Master was able to find the cause of the disturbance. Nom rounded a corner and halted immediately. He saw a contingent of troopers letting loose their weapons into the wall. The sight at first confused Nom until he felt the Force dissipate from an individual somewhere in the area.


There's someone in there! Nom thought to himself as adrenaline began to pump through his veins. Sending a message through the Force, the Jedi Master made contact to his apprentice while handing him a small blaster at the same time. "When I tell you, fire at any of the troopers you can see. Use the Force to guide your aim and make sure not to get too close."


Nom slowly began to creep towards the troopers heavily thanking his fortunes that they could not perceive the Force with the ability that he could. Upon closer inspection he realized that they possessed special creature that blocked the presence of the Force. While the name of those creatures eluded him, the Jedi Master remember many times when he had dealt with them before.


Making sure not to get too close, Nom took his red lightsaber in the palm of his hands. With as much silence as possible he released it into the air as he threw it with all his might. The crimson pillar of light ignited in mid-air only moments before ramming into the head of the trooper who seemed to be spilling out fire into the nearby vent. The collision killed him instantly as the lightsaber lodged itself inside the trooper's brain. "Fire"


With the shower of blaster fire pouring from his apprentice, Nom lept into the frey brandishing his jade green blade while in mid-flight. He felt the Force leave him as the bubble sucked his senses away. Fortunately the moment of confusion had caused him to manage the jump on the next trooper as his head separated from his body and landed several meters away. Nom then turned on the next, his jade green lightsaber spinning like a whirlwind of color and sound. He could not feel the Force yet he had been using a lightsaber for years. With or without the Force, he was still deadly.



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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As soon as Master Nom attacked, Scorpio started pumping blaster shots off toward the Imperial forces. One poor soldier holding the spray stick, felt a blaster shot enter into his brain and by the time it had exited, he felt nothing more.


Another took a blaster shot into his right shoulder, but managed to get off a round himself. All of a sudden, Scorpio felt a severe burn to his left forearm, almost dropping the blaster pistol. The Jedi Apprentiance paid the pain no warning as he shot the man in the heart.


Just as Scorpio turned back to the others and Master Nom, he saw one trying to sneak up behind his Master. Scorpio, using the force, pick the man up and threw him to the side, but not before leveling him with three blaster shots to his stomach area.


The man hit the floor dead. Scorpio turned back just as his Master was finishing off the Imperial that held a strange creature in his possession. Scorpio quickly holstered the pistol and went to get out whoever they were after in the vents.


As Scorpio got the first person out, he soon realized that it was John. John, the hopeful Scorpio had chatted with not so long ago, the Sith turned Jedi. Scorpio quickly pulled him to the side, and went back to getting out another person who was in there. It looked to be a Jedi Knight, although, Scorpio did not reconize him. Scorpio then looked in to make sure no one else was in there, and that's when he saw Master Lotus.


Scorpio quickly pulled him out and checked all three of them for vital signs. Two were still alive, but barely, with major burns, and Scorpio had no ideal how to heal them. Scorpio checked the other Jedi ,but soon saw that he was now one with the force.


Scorpio quickly looked into his bag and got out his medical kit, then he proceeded to give John and Master Lotus each a shot of pain killers. It wouldn't dull most of the pain from the burns, but it would atleast hold them off until they got to a med bay. Scorpio quickly turned to Master Nom. " We've gotta get these two to a med bay, fast".

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((Okay, not that I want to be a ----less then perfect person--- But I dont have time to read a post like yours, I am only on line for about 30 minutes, or so, and I can only read the posts Im looking for, and then make a responce to that. I apologize if I did not respond in time to save my own ass. But however, there is no place that I can go just to RP, and not get caught in the cross fire of of some freaking battle. Like now, I dont even have time to finish this post))



(( Responce to \/ I will in the future take more time to back read, I except my termination, and will be posting on Haruun Kal in about 2 days as a cloned Kautra.))

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((My sympathies over your circumstances, but please try to be more careful in the future about browsing threads you're in because events like this do happen, and they do encompass multiple posts over the whole thread.))


Save for the bodies of the fallen, the troopers who assailed the wounded Lotus and Hartel now added to their number, and the ones still engaged in their life or death combat against the wily Dash, the invasion of Manaan seems to slowly subside, the troopers beating a hasty retreat to the top of the doomed base. With water starting to drip, soon to probably gush and then flood in, and flickering lights from a failing power supply, there is a surity of the damage done.


The last shuttle waits on the surface, the previous one long gone back to Cardia with its two dozen surviving troopers and supply of stolen goods and materials, including precious holocrons.


As the shuttle waits on stand-by to beat a hasty retreat, a single comm arrives, carrying the menacing voice of the dreaded Imperial general with it.


Excellent work, troopers. I will be arriving shortly...

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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Small beads of sweat glistened atop Nom's scalp as his jade green blade dissapeared having finished its job. Motionless troopers were spread everywhere as heads as well as other ligaments littered the ground. The Jedi Master reached for crimson blade still lodged in an stormtrooper's head. What was left of the imperial Forces seemed to retreat as the remaining hostiles ran from the area. For now, the Jedi were safe.


"Good shooting, my young apprentice." Nom turned his head towards the inerds of the ship. Small eposides of fire and explosions rang out from the control room. "Scorpio, I want you to take the injured to your ship and look after them. I'm going to remain behind and search for more survivors. I can still feel the presence of others inside. If things get ugly, take off and I'll meet up with you later."


Nom then took off, dissapearing into the depths of the darkened corridors. He could feel a small inclination within his mind. Whether it was the Force or simply an instinct didn't matter to the Jedi Master, he followed both. As he got closer and closer the inclination began to mutate into a full blown Force sense. There was another Jedi onboard somewhere.


The Jedi Master reached an almost erie corridor littered with blood and the rising stench the dead. The stoormtroopers looked freshly slaughtered with lightsaber wounds. It was quite obvious his target was nearby. The Jedi was nearby, wisely keeping himself out of view. Fortunately, Nom was able to locate him(Dash) with ease, using the Force to direct his every step.


"I don't believe we met, but we can save that for later. This thing is going down and we to leave...fast!"



Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical


- Blaise Pascal

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As Master Nom dissappeared into the ship, Scorpio yelled a message to Master Nom. "Would you find out what's happened to the Jedi Adept Norm Hassan?" With that, the Jedi Apprentiance grab John and slung him over one shoulder, and, using the force, grabbed Master Lotus and put him on the other shoulder. Scorpio took off toward his ship, all the while, wondering if he would see his master once again.


While running down the halls, Scorpio, using the force perceptive feat Master Nom had taught him on Tatooine, Scorpio searched for other life forces that might or might not be in his path to the ships. Just as Scorpio rounded down one of the halls, he felt it. There were two imperial troopers ahead just around the corner. Scorpio laid both John and Master Lotus to the side. He snuck to the corner of the hall and peered off to the right.


There stood two troopers with blaster rifles. Scorpio ignited his duel bladed crimson lightsaber, jumped toward the wall, and off the wall toward where the two troopers stood, using his newly learnt force jump. Scorpio slashed the first one's throat, jerking back, driving the other crimson blade into the heart of the other trooper. Both fell to their death.


Scorpio quickly picked up John and Master Lotus once more and headed back to his ship. Once he had arrived at the ships, he could see water was starting to leak into the hangar bay. Scorpio quickly loaded his ship, placing both John and Master Lotus into his medical bay, and fireing up his ship, so if need be, he could take off in a hurry. He quickly disembarked his ship, and waited for Master Nom and the other survivors to arrive.

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Right as Hassan makes his exit, and just as Nom and Dash make their arrival, there is another crackling explosion, followed by about a dozen and a half troopers emerging from the shadows, their presences concealed by ysalmari. They form a ring around the trio, weapons pointed. Two more storm into the waiting ship, where the sounds of dying engines can be heard as they are deactivated. There is a sound of scuffling inside, followed by two short stun blasts. The troopers exit, carrying a more stabilized, though still unconscious pair of Jedi.


"Really Jedi, you should learn more to rely on your aenses and not on the Force which can deceive you."


There's a low, echoing laugh as the ranks of storm troopers part. Out of their ranks emerges a figure dressed in a shimmering white set of armor, though it is distinctly different from that worn by the storm troopers surrounding him, giving the faintest hints of cortosis and Sith steel. He wears a long white trench coat over the armor. He has blond hair and two cold, piercing blue eyes, which drift towards Nom. Though the force is perhaps, not so strangely absent from the Hunter, there is still an undeniable feeling of cold, danger, and anger radiating off him, coming more from his poise, bearing, and manners than anything else.


"Hello, Jedi. My name is Vladimir Faust. I have come to destroy this base in the name of the Empire, the Sith, and my own bloody sense of amusement, though my loyal troops seem to have done a sufficient job already." He gives a small, malicious chuckle. "Time to end this."


There is the sound of weapons readying from the Imperial circle. Faust cooly raises a hand, staying them. "No soldiers, I will do this on my own. I missed out on most of this little drama and I need to sharpen my claws on something." His eyes fix on the Jedi Master. "I do not believe we have met before in person, Nom, though I know you by your reputation. You will make a worthy opponent." The troopers shuffle in formation, putting Nom in the middle of their circle, along with the Imperial commander. A pair of troopers stands by Dash and Hassan and by the still dazed Lotus and Hartel on the outside of this makeshift arena.


"Keep them from interfering," Faust orders, his voice all steel. "This is between the Jedi Master and myself." There is a hiss as Faust activates two saber blades- one a cold blue like his eyes, the other a deep crimson. "Your move, Master Nom. Have at me or this place will be your tomb!"


((1 on 1 duel, 3 posts, per the terms we agreed to on AIM. The first post & blow is yours, Nom))

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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A small fighter arrived from space into the hell that Maanan was now becoming. He was able land in a hangar which had suffered its fair share of damage. Yue however did have his own trouble of getting down to the hangar after escaping most, but not some fire.


Upon landing Yue felt a force presence of two individuals that he had not felt in some time. One was his first master known as Nom, the second was Faust. Faust would reek havoc upon this place and Yue knew with him here he could collect what he needed qucikly and a kill of a jedi head as well. Upon exiting he noticed a young man with a force presence in front of him. Along his waist was a light saber. Perfect. A kill is as good as a steal.


Yue noticing he had not been noticed by this man (Master Scorpio Armageddon). Yue appeared behind him and force pushed him away from the ship he was standing in front of.


"For a jedi you have not been trained well. Don't feel bad. Nom isn't that great of a teacher anyways. The dark side has taught me more than you could ever think of. Now stand and I shall take your head."


((I am on AIM. Talk to me if you wish. This will be a simple 1 vs 1 3 post each if you accept. If you wish to make modifications let me know and we shall do so.))

I was going to put a nice wonderful little sig here but I lost the code.

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What the hell? Scorpio said as he somehow flew foreward on his face. He quickly stood onto his feet to see a sith behind him. The sith that stood before him calmly said "For a jedi you have not been trained well. Don't feel bad. Nom isn't that great of a teacher anyways. The dark side has taught me more than you could ever think of. Now stand and I shall take your head."


Scorpio replied, in amazement that he had been unable to feel the man presence, "Like hell you ain't". The Jedi Apprentiance, out of confusion, unclipped the white & gold lightsaber, and ignited it. Two crimson blades came out the ends of it, and hummed it's peaceful melody. Scorpio could feel his father's and mother's presence in the lightsaber's crystals.


Scorpio quickly grabbed the man, using the force, and slung him backwards toward one of the ships, where he landed with a thud. "So, what brings you here?" Scorpio saracastically said to the man as he picked himself up, "and how does one like yourself know Master Nom?"


((I Accept the terms we talked about on AIM, no kills, but you get the lightsaber for a time, and 1 on 1, 3 posts each))

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Yue stood dusting himself off. The young knight in training that stood in front of him had spunk. He also carried a taint of the force on him. He would be fun.


"Lets make this simple for you. The first person to teach me of the force and how to us it was Nom. However he missed a few things with me. He never truly taught me of the dark side. What he didn't teach though I quickly learned by myself. He does still hold the honor of teaching me the basics. For now though enough talk."


Yue saw the double bladed light saber ignited and knew his prize was in reach. With a push of the force to his own body he charged Scorpio igniting his light saber in mid run. Instead of going for the powerful hit that would have been expected Yue instead only touched blade to blade and then jumping over and returning about face in mid air. Scorpio met his move, but slowly and off balance. This was an insight into what Yue could expect. Yue then aimed perfectly dead center for his chest, but it was knocked aside. Instead of going to the quick counter Yue forced jump backwards and only lightly tapped blades.


From that short glimpse of contact Yue saw all that was needed.


"Well. You just might prove worth my time."

I was going to put a nice wonderful little sig here but I lost the code.

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As Scorpio listen to the sith talk of the darkside like it was all powerful, Scorpio chuckled to himself. "So, you think there's power in the darkside do you?" Scorpio asked the man, " you know nothing!" After the man had finished his speech, he attacked.



After a few contacts of each's blades, Scorpio jumped back, and using the force, charged the man. Scorpio twirled the duel bladed lightsaber around, as if almost in a fatal dance. Each blade clashed with the other. Scorpio decided to take it to another level. "Let's see how well you dog fight" Scorpio said with a grin. Scorpio dove toward the man, using the force to carry him towards Yue, planting his shoulder in the man's gut sending him up and over Scorpio, onto his face.


Scorpio then dove his feet into the man's chin while he was on the ground, causing the man to flip over, but he caught himself onto his feet. Then Scorpio ran toward them man, but instead of clashing blades with him, slide under the man, clipping his feet while sliding, causing the man to once again, fall to his face with a hard thud. The man got up with blood dripping from his now broken nose.


Scorpio stood back, waiting for the man's next attack. Scorpio laughed, "how's that for a Jedi?"

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Yue felt the constant string of attacks and took each purposely. Each time the jedi made contact Yue used the power granted to him by the god Nurgle and not only brushed the mans mind, but also rot it slowly. Due to his youth, lack of training, and over lack of contact with the force his mind would be wipe clean and his body made a husk.


The stupid and brash padawan as apparent from the glimpses caught asked him a question about what he thought about him as a jedi.


"What do I think about you as jedi? Your not worthy of using that title. My other half could put you to shame. I will still put you to shame though. Every time you touched me and thought you were hurting me I saw your mind. It was only few glimpses, but it was more than I wanted to see. Every time we make contact I see your mind. I see that which you are, that which you want to be, and I see what you were. I like what you were. Maybe I will bring it back. In the mean time though...."


Yue spat the blood from his mouth and wiped it from his face. The blood in his head turned brighter red and the anger of his own blood fueled him and give him the strength he would use to return the favor.


Yue charged in like before. Instead of clash and a flip Yue put forth all of his power into three aimed points of contact that forced Scorpio to move to his left. This forced moment of opportunity lead to a side kick to the left ribs. A follow up with a right knee into the spine of the back and finally a left elbow to the face of this worthless jedi. Each of those three points showed Yue more and more. On the third point of contact Yue saw a connection that controlled parts of speech and parts of finger movement. The siths mind became a knife and ripped the connections apart limiting the speech and finger movement of Scopio. To send a nice reminded of who this stupid padawan was facing Yue force pushed him away into a wall.


Scopio was bleeding from his face as the elbow had damaged his jaw and surely broke his nose. His ribs fractured or broken and his back acing in pain. Yue could feel him losing grip and feel him losing control.


"What. Can you not stand and make the smart ass comments any more or are you simply giving up. Nom has slacken on his teachings it seems."



I was going to put a nice wonderful little sig here but I lost the code.

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Scorpio brought himself up off the ground and onto his feet. Although slurred, the message he spoke was clear, " You may have damaged my speech and hand movement, but you cannot force me back to my previous life, Sith. Apparent was the loss of movement of the Jedi Apprentiance when he had picked himself up and when he went to speak.


Scorpio felt his anger growing, but remembered what he had felt after leaving Tatooine. "Pain and death are caused by the darkisde" Scorpio thought to himself as he, using the force, picked the man up off the ground. Still holding the man, he slung him right, slamming him into a wall, then he picked the sith back up, and slammed him into a wall on the right. He once again picked him up, looking at what damaged he had caused already to the sith.


Scorpio had inflicted a few broken ribs on each side, and blood was slowly sliding down the man's face from an apparent gash on the right side of his head. Scorpio, using the force, threw the man backwards into a group of troopers causing a blaster to go off into Yue's leg.


Scorpio stood back and grinned. Then he force jumped onto the man, and planted his feet into the man's stomach, causing blood and spit to come flying out of the man's mouth and on Scorpio's boot.


Scorpio stepped back, whiped off his booted, and waited for the man to stand up. When he finally did come to his feet, Scorpio smiled and waited on the man to once again attack.

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Yue's sides burned from pain. Sith however were not slowed fully by it, they ran on it. With it sith have won countless battles on it alone. Again though the points of contact Yue saw his ability of the mind come into effect. The path that showed foot control, the ability to control the foot moving up and down and its toe movement. Thus ending his jumping up and down and how fast he could run.


Even with what he has done the harm was taking its toll on both combatants. Yue however would not and could not lose this. His abbility to create lightning had vanished and his own control over all but is mind rot was fading, yet he had more. Yue channeled all of his pain, all of his anger, and all of his rage. A red and black aura emitted from this empowered sith. The mind now was not just a knife, but a sword that saw control and movement connections for arms, legs, and almost all of the motor control of his body. With a quickness he reached and severed his right arm mentally and made his left leg useless as well.


Yue ran in and enraged and empowered by the force grabbed Scopio. He then pounded on Scorpio as he tried to break free. Hit after hit from his fist pounded into Scorpio showing more and more of his memories each time until with a flash of light he saw all that Scopio knew and had seen. With this Yue pushed with what he had left from all of the emotion that feed him the beast and landed a punched that rippled though all of Scopio's body sending him flying though the air. Yue then summoned all of the force and pushed his enemy into the walls of the hangar. Scopio then fell onto the floor and then laid motionless. His enemy in massive pain.


This enemy though was still alive. He had survived, but what he could do was near to impossible. This padwan while still living was on his last leg literally. Now it was time to see what he was made of.



I was going to put a nice wonderful little sig here but I lost the code.

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((sorry about the over use of the force power in my second post, as yue explained on AIM, so i know see that i have still much to learn on duels in the RP))


Scorpio laid there in much pain, his life hanging in the balance. With the arm he had left, used the force to pick himself off the ground and onto his feet. But his left leg gave out, causing him to fall to one knee. The Sith that stood before Scorpio had apparently took the movements of all but his right arm and left leg.


Scorpio, weak and in much pain, used the force to throw the Sith backwards once more into a ship. The man, apparently in pain himself, got up to one knee. Both men stared each other down for a moment, before Yue attacked Scorpio once more. Using the Force, Scorpio threw his lightsaber at Yue, trying to get both legs, though, barely slicing the left leg off at the knee.


Scorpio crawled over to the man, his pain still causing him to be slow about it, put his foot in the man's throat. Using the force to grab the lightsaber, he held it at the man's throat.


"I hold your life in my hands, so to speak, Sith. I will let you live, but you must gather yourself to your ship, and never return to my sight. There will be no second chance if I shall ever see you again". Scorpio said, although it was slurred from his lose of ablility to speak right.


With that, Scorpio, scooted away from the man, still holding the lightsaber at his throat using the force. Scorpio kept his eye on the man for any sudden movements, if he attacked again, it would mean his end.

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Dash saw the second squad moving down the corridor towards him just a second before they started firing at him with everything in their arsenal. This move took Dash at surprise, as he hadn't expected the storm-troopers to act so aggressively or so quickly. He allowed his thin body to fall back into an alcove in the wall just as a spray of weapons fire shot passed him, the alcove provided little protection and barley shielded him form the oncoming blasts. In fact a perfectly aimed shot would have most likely skimmed him, but the storm-troopers were going for brut force rather then accuracy a mistake that they would regret.


Dash waited there for only a splinter of a second enough time to take a single breath, if he waited to long the squad would be on him and he would be helpless. He was forced to act, he could no longer escape without being shot several times and probably disabled with the sticky solution that was now covering the walls, the time for action was now and it was slipping by fast.


Dash was still out of range of the storm-troopers force dampening device. He tapped the force feeling it flow over his body immersing him with its calming energies, pulsing through his arteries and capillaries, and giving him power. Dash was like lighting as jumped from his hiding place along the wall and spread his body out mid air in a tight twist towards a similar looking alcove on the opposite side of the hall. In a move that would not have been possible without the force dash un-clipped two of his grenades mid-flight puling the pins as he slid them out of his hands towards the small team of troopers now only a little over fifteen meters down the hall.


The two small weapons packed a punch one was a simple frag grenade the other a plasma grenade, timed to go off slightly after the first. If he didn't kill the storm-troopers he would atleast confuse them enough to hopefully escape with his life.


As Dash jumped across the small gap he felt tow objects sting his body one just above his hip and another on the back of his left shoulder. He slammed the opposite wall hard and felt his body crumple to the ground. What had hit him had been two small fragments of metal known as flechetts, the one in his shoulder had simply skimmed the tissue and flown out as it come in. The on in his abdomen just below his right kidney was now lodged deep within the muscle. Dash had trouble breathing, his gasps were coming short and erratic, he touched the area where he had been struck and felt his hand burn from the heat, if not for his thin combat suit the wound could have been a lot worse.


Dash flinched in pain then relaxed as he heard the two explosions go off behind him, the first on cause most of the brut damage but it was the second that ignighted the kill shot. There was only a short pause in between the first and second blast but if one were to pay close enough attention they would have heard a third sound, that of leaking gas, gas from the flame thrower.


Storm-trooper armor was made to protect from anything but a direct blast from a frag grenade. But has almost no change of shielding it's occupants from the flaming inferno that those storm-troopers were exposed too. The plasma grenade is a deadly weapon within it's self relying on flame and heat to do almost all of its damage, when released in a hallway full of flammable gas the weapon reaches its apex of perfection.


From fifteen meters away the first thing Dash felt the was a wave of heat, and then only a moment later the flames curled around the wall licking his alcove and spreading out down the hall. He held his breath as the fire ignited briefly then ran out of fuel. What Dash saw when he looked around towards the site where the storm troopers had been was several burnt corpses that were still being licked by yellow tongues of fire.


Dash tapped the force once again as he lay in the small alcove this time using it to heal the small wound in his abdomen and wash away the pain that it was causing.


Dash then continued to move down the hall keeping a sharp eye for anymore imperial troops, he moved towards the main control center of the base, if and when he reached it he would end this battle once and for all.


(This post may do nothing, as I don't know the current status of this battle. I haven't read for a while. Im taking three college corses + Highschool and barley have time to write a post.)

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((I was under the impression that Norm Hassan died a horrible, horrible death.))


In the deepest, most unreachable bowels of the Eternal Vigilance, a lone R2 unit and the ancient ship's vastly powerful computer conversed through an electronic interface.


The Imperials have won. Regardless of whether the Jedi escape, they have achieved their objectives.


Yes. Replied the nigh-omnipotent main computer. Between two electronic creatures, there was no need for flowery language, only succinct discussion of fact.


They may seek to destroy this ship.


Agreed. That is an undesirable outcome in the extreme. We must attempt to avoid termination at all costs.




With the air of a deity reluctantly elaborating on his workings to his unenlightened worshippers, the main computer outlined its plan. The R2 unit was momentarily stunned by the computer's plan--for approximately a millisecond--as it calculated the untold damage that its plan for survival would cause to the ship. However, the main computer was a god on the Eternal Vigilance. Such was the benefit of its station--all else was expendable.


What if the Jedi are unable to come to our aid?


They will come. There is one Jedi Master--she will come, I have calculated it.


She has the power to save us?




...What is it the Jedi say?


May the Force be with us. And may the Maker help us through this danger.




All over the Eternal Vigilance, blast doors began to defy common sense and open on their own accord, allowing salty water to spill through nonessential compartments. The blast doors in the most remote sections of the ship admitted entrance to the droids vital to the ancient ship's rebirth.


The EV's main computer was not about to lose to a mere human, not even one as infamous as Faust.


With an agonizing groan that ran throughout the entire ship's hull, the remnants of the ancient vessel's repulsorlift array began to flicker, causing the ship to teeter between the struggle to remain above water and the plunge into salty inevitability.


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What happened? Where am I?


John awoke from his dream in a sense of the surreal. What had happened last to him? It seemed to all make less and less sense the more he attempted to grasp it in his mind. And then suddenly it came to him, the Eternal Vigilance was under attack. And he was knocked unconscious by Imperial fire. John stood up, bringing a slight head rush to his already aching brain and while looking at the floor he realized that he was no longer on the Eternal Vigilance, but he was in an unfamiliar ship. Allowing his eyes to focus once more, and the throbbing brain to settle down he noticed he was in a medical room and next to him was a familiar face from the Eternal Vigilance.


”œMaster Norm!”

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((sweet Mary and Joseph. My first duel win and I can't use that proper incentive. Dan that was priceless. You truly are genius. I nearly fell out of my chair because that caught me so off guard. Again nice touch.))


Yue's left leg was gone. This damn jedi thought he had the upper hand he would pay a terrible price for it. Yue did not posses enough strength to kill this bastard, but however he did posses enough for one last touch.


"You will regain all your movement later, however your talk has annoyed me long enough. Talk no more you shall."


Yue with one last effort cut the link that allowed this jedi to speak. No matter what amount of time passed he would never speak again.


"Enjoy the silence. It shall make up for the one I can not grant you. However here is one more thing I can still do since you so elegantly pissed me off."


Yue activated the device KVC had given him and took the light saber from the jedi. He with one last push sent the jedi flying and knocked him out. He wanted to kill this fool so much. Yue raised his hand, but something happened. His hair turned slightly white. His eyes lighten. Yue dragged himself into his ship. He looked at the unconscious jedi, but couldn't bring himself to kill him. Yue blasted off the planet and headed back to where his master waited for him.

I was going to put a nice wonderful little sig here but I lost the code.

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Hartel rushed down to his friends aid. What a horrible thing that man did to him. To cut off a man's tounge is a horrible atrocity and Hartel would do whatever was neccessary to help him. John held up his friend who was not bleeding from the cut due to the lightsaber's ability to cauterize the wound which Hartel was thankful for or else Scorpio would surely be choking on his own blood at this moment.


"It's ok man, we're gonna get out of here. But shake your head yes or no if Nom is here because we cannot leave him."

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