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Darth Heretic

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Lord Ar-Pharazon was angry.


"You foolish Jedi," he screamed as he grabbed her in horrible and disgusting ways. He round housed her in the face a total of fourty-one more times.


"Trith," he yelled as he groaped her as well.


"Load this Prisoner aboard the shuttle and let's get the hell out of here."


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2002.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

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Trith responded and slapped Stun-binders on the Jedi. She then took her by the hair and gave her a sharp kick in the thigh, breaking the bone. Trith dragged the battered Jedi onto the starship and tasered her twice. Jedi or not, she wouldnt be causing any trouble for a long time. She pulled the lightsaber from her belt and tossed it to Geki, After all, this Jedi wouldn't be needing it.

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This battle amuses me, but it does not interest my skills. Perhaps we should hunt elwhere, it appears the Jedi are scattering away. Only one seems to be trying to push through.


BC stood saber still igniting waiting.


I know everything about them AP, if we hurry we can kill Jedi elsewhere.


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2001.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

The League of Shadows

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Ish could feel his fellow jedi through the force. One in particular screamed out to him in pain, though he was stilling showing a sense of calm. Aryian Darkfire.


As he ushered more and more groups of civilians to saftey, occasionally cutting down the stray SEED detachment or soldier, the thought of his fellow jedi in suffereing weighed on him. With the final group in his area safely away from danger for the time being, Ish rushed off towards the bunker to help the pour soul.


As the jedi neared the bunker the devistation was much more intense. He honed in on the jedi's location using the force. The bunker seemed impenetrable accept for the top where a large cruiser with rebel markings had crashed.


The jedi enveloped himself with the force and managed to summersault up onto the top of the massive complex.


Aussie-American Connection Since June 04

Most Sacred order of the Nocturnal


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As Ish hit the top of the complex he felt a large force push throw him back hard. He saw nothing and heard nothing, but he felt ALOT. He hit the ground so hard dust was still settling moments later and his outline was in the ground. It was then he first heard, the hiss of a red lightsaber and the approaching of a tall robed figure.


For too long I held it in, not an longer.


BC called upon five metal stakes as the flew towards Ish, they did not puncture him. Only his robes and clothes were affected as they were forced deep into the ground immobilizing him.


You were not wise to come here. You do not know the powers that I have gained by embracing my dark instincts.


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2001.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

The League of Shadows

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The jedi struggled to free himself from his bindings, but to little avail. Deep inside his emotions were in turmoil at the site of the once revered jedi master. Ish did well to burry his emotions deep down, only showing a united front of the light side.


"How wrong you are Gantoris. You are now on the path to losing any power you once commanded. I see the force is your ally no more."


The jedi's face became a rock of determination as he began to struggle harder to free himself from his robes.


Aussie-American Connection Since June 04

Most Sacred order of the Nocturnal


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"This will teach you to interfere with my plans with your pitiful peace keeping displays."


Ar-Pharazon jumped down from a ledge mere feet from Ish, leaving the Jedi between BLKCLONE and himself.


"Several Jedi have died today, and Darsha will soon follow suit. I am at the current understanding that you may not survive today either."


With a flick of finger, Ish's robe went up in flames.


"The Jedi have failed. You have suffered casualties while I still live. Governor Geki is alive, and your Jedi Master had a change of heart towards your worthless cause. Back down, and I will allow you safe passage off of this planet, unless you want to fulfill a destiny leading to death."


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2002.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

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Raul followed his master, Landing in a crouch about fifteen feet from the three. He paid careful attention to his master and how he would deal with this Jedi. LAP would see that he was a very studious student. He found it incredibly amusing that the Jedi would struggle so hard to hide his feelings, to refuse their willing help, just because of obscene words that old masters had pounded into him.

Proud member of the vast Right-Wing conspiracy

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As the robes went up in flames all around Ish he writhed as his body received burns. However the force was sustaining and calmed him well. He was still very much coherant.


As the flames burnt the fabric it became much weaker allowing the jedi to free himself from the constraints of the ground. With all speed he leapt to his feet and called his lightsaber to him.He held it in his hand, but did not ignite it in a show of force. Ever vigilant, he kept his mind focused on the ignition buttons that he alone knew were built inside the hilt.


"The jedi will return as always, even if we lose the day, the war is not over."


He looked over to the Dark lord and spoke without fear. "You are so brave Ar-Pharazon to kick someone when they are down."


Aussie-American Connection Since June 04

Most Sacred order of the Nocturnal


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"Bravery? What is bravery without intellegence. You have marched your peacekeepers into a situation that was very much chaotic, and what have you recieved?"


Ar-Pharazon maintained his hand on his light saber as well, but more carefully, something else that he had hidden in his hand.


"You have recieved casualties and strategic failure. How many lives have you saved? Geki and I are still alive and your friends are dead and dying. Brave, perhaps, but more accurately, you are foolish."


Ar-Pharazon held his hand and sent at Ish a strong barrage of blue lightning, a Sith favorite among an arsenal of force attacks.


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2002.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

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The jedi managed to deflect the first few bolts by igniting his lightsaber....but was unable to deflect the barrage sent by Ar-Pharazon afterwards.


The stench of burnt flesh was instantly apparent. Ish hit the ground with a thud...his lightsaber turning off as he lost concentration. Lying on the ground as a few stray electric bolts still criss-crossed his body, the jedi looked back up at the hulking sith lord.


"I have saved many innocent civilians already. The other jedi are of second concern. They are able to take care of themselves. They knew what they were getting in to as do I."


The jedi in defiance of the dark lords will stood up, his body smoking mildly from the force electricity. His every body part now ached from the electricity shot through his bones as he slowly made it from his knees up to his full standing position.


Again he put his mind in a calm state of concentration....The force flowed through him. "Do not attempt to insult the intelligence of the jedi. The wookie that stands next to you has not been long removed from us!"


Aussie-American Connection Since June 04

Most Sacred order of the Nocturnal


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"Excellent. I'm glad you think you've served a purpose. I'm afraid that's all you're going to serve. Now, young Jedi, you can join your friends."


With that, Ar-Pharazon activated the device in his hand, a remote link to Geki's starship, sitting several dozen yards back. Immediately it's turrets opened fire on the Jedi Ish, firing hundreds of rounds a second through his already burned body. Within 7 to 8 seconds, his body had passed some 950 rounds, designed to pierce starships. Within a 20 or so yard radious a combination of red goo and shreds of skin, organs and bone lay in a disgusting display. It was as if a water balloon filled with thick, redish and auburn paint had just fallen from the sky. Only this wasn't a water balloon, it was the mutilated corpse of a fallen hero. Evil had won.


There the Sith stood, watching the guns blazing and the Jedi die. It was a fitting end for one so weak, merely a Jedi, a peacekeeper killed amongst chaos he had failed to prevent.


"Good bye..."


Ar-Pharazon stood and faced BLCKCLONE.


"How many more do you think are on their way?"


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2002.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

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Isolder felt AP's threat, and it spurred him onward. He was in sight of their base now. The warrior summoned the winged reaper to carry his jump much farther than normal. Isolder flew straight into the side of the building, a move that should have left him crashing into the solid surface. But as he flew, he focused on his Blademaster powers. The wall became insubstantional, and Isolder phased through.


Inside the compound he was greeted with the backs of several SEED agents heads. They had expected any attack to come through the door, not the wall behind them. Isolder cut them down before they had a chance. Feeling the dark presence of Ar-Pharazon, he moved forward, phasing through walls to cut the his time down. All the traps layed out were easy to bypass. Most of the SEED agents never encountered him, or didn't see his blade fast enough. Soon Isolder had located Ar-Pharazon, BC, and their cronies. He didn't phase through the wall this time. He burst through, shattering it with his blade. The Blademaster storm crackled with his anger. Lightning lit up the sky as he spoke,


"Just one more Ar-Pharazon. And that's all it will take, it's over now. I can feel the hate in your soul Ar-Pharazon. Let my blade release you of your sins."




"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good. Nightmare to you!"

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Though un-seeable the smile on BC's face was there. The bone mask and manipulated features of the once handsome wookiee were all that was apparent now.


I sense more, not many however... Have you been able to contact the Empire?



The wall collapsed quickly behind LAP and BC. Turning to Isolder BC re-ignited his saber.


It was un-wise of you to destroy that wall, you cannot survive here and you will not survive.

Edited by Guest


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2001.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

The League of Shadows

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((I hope you don't intend on going anywhere. We DO have an Interdictor in system,and your attempt to break the comm jamming has failed.))


Armiena finally ran through all possible scenarios. She was positive on how the demolition charges were being detonated.


They were being operated on a sequence, with each charge triggering another's detonation sequence via radionics signals before it exploded. Because all comm signals were being jammed, only radionics signals could possibly get through. A vicious cycle.


Fortunately, it was a cycle that was incredibly easy to break, if one had the right tools. Her droid had just finished scanning all of the local radionics frequencies for activity, and an unusual amount of activity was detected on an extraordinarily low frequency, and at a steady pattern, mirroring that of the intervals between explosions. D9 reported his findings to his master.


"Dine... you're positive that nobody would be using that frequency if they were up to any good?" R5-D9 responded wryly, indicating that nobody would be using radionics, period, unless they were up to no good.


"Right. Set the Princess' radionics antenna to broadcast..." she inserted a datacard into the ship's control panel. "The information on this datacard. Maximum strength possible."


If Armiena was going to stop the devastation of a city, she was at least going to have some fun doing it. The datacard she inserted contained a massive, non-stop collection of Verpine music--arguably the most unpleasant "music" a human could be forced to listen to. Verpine music consisted of a jarring cacophony of insectile shrieks, and nauseating screams that were just barely in the audible range for humans--most unfortunately for that race. Anyone listening in on her transmission would likely tear off their headphones in an attempt to end their agony.


"Broadcast... now."


Nothing happened--at least, nothing that attracted the eye of those with morbid tastes, like the sithspawn that had rigged this city to blow. And that.... was a very good thing. No explosions punctuated the screams of Twi'leki civilians. Apparently Armiena's plan worked--her transmission overpowered the weak transmitters that the explosives were using, rendering them completely useless. The cycle of destruction had ended.


Next order of business: alert the local authorities as to what had just happened, so they could handle the situation themselves. It wouldn't be difficult... all they needed to do was set another radionics antenna to broadcast on the same frequency that she was using.


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13 starfighters appeared over Rylothian space, Keiran Valoria in command. Keiran reached out with the force and found, to his suprise, that there was no space battle in progress.

"That's odd..."


Keiran reached out to the surface and felt several powerful force signatures. Suddenly, Keiran felt one force signature blow out of existance.

"That felt like Ish..."

Keiran dove towards the planet, X-Wings in tow. Keiran cruised above the planet, shields fully active, watching the landscape past below him, he felt himself getting closer and closer to a trio of force users that felt like LAP, BC and Isolder.


When Keiran neared the trio, he saw an idle ship, sitting nearby, finish a volley of laser fire at the ground. After the smoke cleared, Keiran could tell Ish must have been the one under the aim of those guns.


Keiran switched over to proton torpedoes and sent a pair directly at the vulnerable ship. It exploded with a satisfying bang, Keiran couldn't tell whether anybody was onboard, but he had upheld Ish's honor. Keiran ordered the X-Wings to patrol the skies around the clearing as Keiran brought his ship to a landing near the trio. He leapt out of the ship and placed it on lockdown, so only he could fly it away.


Keiran looked at BC and LAP, sensing something very wrong with his old wookie friend. Keiran then looked at his new aquaintance, Isolder.


"What the hell is going on here"

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What was left of the goo from the Jedi's body slumped to the ground as it smoldered.


The force however did not relinquish its hold on the spirit of the jedi protector. He would return.


Aussie-American Connection Since June 04

Most Sacred order of the Nocturnal


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"Don't you fools realize that you'll never be able to defeat me?"


Ar-Pharazon noted the presence of the Prince and Keiran.


"Observe, the powers of the Dark Side and take note."


A number of Keiren's fighter pilots suddenly had breathing problems. It was almost as if some evil force were preventing their bodies from functioning properly. Actually, that's exactly what it was. Within seconds, the necks of good natured pilots were snapped and their bodies went limp.


Ar-Pharazon, waving his hands through the air like an musican conductiong a symphony, directed the ships. With a force hold, the grand Ar-Pharazon flung several of the ships into the Interdictor craft high above the planet. Adding insult to injury, a mighty hand of spectral craft reached to the ship from the surface and began pulling doors open on the ship. Members of Armiena's crew were being sucked into space, dying about as their corpses littered space near the ship among the shrapnel of pilot bodies and broken ship.


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2002.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

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Most of the Rebel Fleet exited hyperspace over Ryloth, each ship popping out at regular intervals of .3 seconds each. There were several Mon Calamari MC-90 Starcruisers with their escorts, as well as hundreds of fighters waiting to be launched, prepped in their hangars.


Vice-Admiral and Jedi Knight Onderin Starlisk, in charge of the group, was about to order a more battle-ready formation when he noticed that something was wrong. There was no battle. "Where the heck is the fleet?" Onderin said aloud.


The starcruisers scanners didn't pick up much many than a few ships, either. "Keiran?" he sent a comm to his old Master's ship. "What's going on?"


Just then he felt the death of a Jedi Knight. Although it wasn't apparent, there was conflict here. He ordered the launch of a squadron of A-wings to act as recon and check things out.



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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What kind of monster is he? The darkside emanates from him.


Isolder swept his blade to stop AP from killing those above . . . only to have it clash against BC's saber.


"What are you doing? You are a Jedi, you welcomed me into the Order, even though I was not one of you. Do not make me destroy you. You will be judged more harshly than AP. His evil has consumed him, you are evil by choice."


"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good. Nightmare to you!"

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A chain reaction of explosions was channeled in Armiena's interdictor, murdering the crew members second by second and nulling the effect of the ship. Ar-Pharazon started shattering the windows, killing hundreds.


"Welcome this," Ar-Pharazon yelled, as he impaled Vegeta' shoulder with the antenna of the broken ship nearby!


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2002.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

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Isolder's armor turned the weak metal aside. An antenna was far too weak to pierce the armor forged by those of the Hapes Consortium. Isolder pushed BC aside, and launched his shoulder into AP. The armored metal struck the Sith's jaw, sending him back.


"You won't defeat me so easily Ar-Pharazon. I am no Jedi."


He summoned his power, turning his body into a dark shadow beneath the white robe. His eyes turned completely white.


"The Ancestral Spirits call for you to pay for your sins. Accept your fate."


His caelestrum sliced toward AP . . .


"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good. Nightmare to you!"

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Haha, don't you see. If you knew me my whole life you would know the evil was always there! Your judgments and threats mean nothing to me, I too am a blademaster, you forget that.


From his side came the blademaster praetorian hook crafted by Valeran himself. Using the force and with his saber still ignited BC impaled the hook into Isolder's side and pulled him about smashing him into the ground repeatedly. The crashing continued Isolder felt dead inside as his body continued to hit the ground. Blood pooled as BC released the hooks mouth and force threw Isolder into a small spike left where the now dead Ish's robes lay.


You cannot defeat us! Not one of you can challenge us, can you not see this?


BC made the signal and waited for Geki. Stepping back to back with AP waiting.


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2001.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

The League of Shadows

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((OOC: Armiena's ship, the Stellar Princess, is an MC-18 Light Freighter--a Mon Cal freighter. The Interdictor belongs to the Rebellion. Considering that you didn't give me a chance to retaliate, I'm not dead--that was a OHK.))


"You know, Dine?" The droid snorted in mechanical pain. R5-D9 took a nasty tumble during the Force assault. Armiena wasn't in much better condition, though. Her left arm broke on her when she braced herself against the control boards with it.


"This day has really been horrible." That was the ultimate understatement. At least they managed to stop the demolition of Ryloth's capital city. The hiss of escaping air filled the Princess' interior. Systems were going critical all over the ship--everything from the shields to life-support.


At least the lifepod was still working.


The Interdictor.... Armiena was lucky that she wasn't a splatter against the ship's hull. Apparently she had instinctively used telekenesis to soften their impact.


"Come on, there's nothing left for us on this ship..." She groaned. Alarms were shrieking all over the ship, indicating that a reactor overload was starting.


Goodbye, girl. You will be sorely missed. Armiena ran for the cargo hold, where the escape pod was waiting. Despite the droid's protests, she Levitated R5-D9 with her the entire time; she couldn't wait for the droid to trundle down her dying freighter's corridors.


A structural groan ran throughout the freighter... the end was near. Armiena forced her droid into the escape pod, and followed, closing the hatch behind her. She forced the cargo hold's doors open... and the rush of air escaping was enough to propel the escape pod out. Behind her descent, the Stellar Princess exploded in a brilliant cataclysm, her reactor finally detonating fiercely.


A few minutes later, the escape pod crashlanded on Ryloth, effectively in the middle of nowhere. The jarring landing succeeded in dislocating her fractured arm.


Wounded, no supplies, desert world, and the middle of nowhere.... Just great. She gritted her teeth as she began tearing pieces of her robe off to use as a makeshift sling. Almost screaming in pain, she twisted her broken arm into place again, and tied the strips of cloth that she tore from her robe into the form of a crude sling, and wrapped her broken arm in it.


Let them think you're dead, Armiena. Hide yourself. She shrank her Force-presence, melting into Ryloth's environment.


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Isolder was not finished yet, not by a long shot. The pain flew through him, almost so great that he could not focus on the only thing that could save him. But as he flew into the ground repeatedly, he called upon his ancient training. His pain, and wounds were intense, but so was the Force that was now flowing through him. And as BC threw him into the spike it was the last ingredient he needed. Isolder's eyes glazed over as he lay bleeding. He looked into the other side. He spoke two barely audible words,


"Phantom Counter."


The pain and wounds left him, absorbed by the three spirits he had summoned. They flew into BC transferring the pain and agony into him. BC's skin was torn away in places, his body bruised viciously, bones broken as the spirits completed their work. The phantom counter transferred the attack of an opponent back to the one who had unleashed it. BC lay now, barely moving in a pool of blood. Isolder was on his feet again, caelestrum in hand.


"Perhaps now you realize the true power of a Blademaster Ar-Pharazon. Even if it destroys me, you cannot leave this place alive now."


"I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good. Nightmare to you!"

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From the skies above LOTU piloted his droneship towards the surface where his old master AP was. The ship landed quickly and he made his descent towards the others. His saber was already ignited as he ran down the dock towards where the disgusting Jedi and his friends were.


"I have arrived old master."

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