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Darth Heretic

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Yuusuke crawled forward, his ankle injured from the fall. He watched as the ship went up in flames with his armor, and all his weapons, save his sidearm. The thing Yuusuke couldn't believe most was that the droid had actually saved him.


As much as it burns me, I own Rane for that. He's convinced me his motives are pure.


Yuusuke got to a kneeling position, attempting to peer into the darkness. He spotted Rane kneeling over Reagan. Limping over, Yuusuke stood close by while Rane examined the smuggler.



"How many people begged for their lives before you killed them anyway? You will not be spared."

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A flash erupting from space marked the arrival of the Rector. On the bridge Tares guided the heavy ship down towards the surface where the flaming wreckage of the Salvation still lay burning in the night.


With grace the massive ship sat down nearby. Soon it waited for the other's to board....

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Reagan still had not regained conscienciousness, and the others look up as the Rector landed lowering the ramp. Rane sent his droid to the ship and told him to help YH to get there as well. Looking down at Reagan, she gently lifed her up off the ground and carried her up the ramp..."Open your eyes McGreggor."


She remained unconsciense as he laid her down on one of the benches in the lounge.

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Interior sensors confirmed that everyone was aboard. On the bridge Tares sat at the helm hovering the ship over the trees. With the press of a button, the ship's large sensor jammers activated making tracking the vessel virtually impossible.


With the thrust of the twin engines, the Rector was off into orbit. Minutes later the ship entered hyperspace....

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Faust made his way back to the city where the chase first began with his stake out of Reagan and company. Taking the time for some relaxation via wine, women, and a bit of song, Faust set about to attend to some unfinished business in the city docks.


He knew via his eight remaining spy remotes on the planet that Tares took off in his Jedi Fighter, summoned back so he could retrieve his current vessel. The remaining one must have belonged to the padawan he killed. Remembering something, Faust knew where he had to go after he was done here and before chasing after his heads. Taking his time to discretely and carefully disable the ship's security, Faust cracked into its computer, obtaining the flight and transmission records of the ship. From Ryloth, to Bespin, to Kamino, Ilum, Naboo, and finally back to Hoth, Faust knew where the Jedi came from and how to trace their moments. Perhaps later with more leisure time he could destroy their temple, but this current hunt interested him more.


As an after throught, Faust took some explosives and rigged the ship to explode should its pilot return for it. He did not expect it, but surprises such as these always amused him. He even smirked at the thought of the ship getting impounded for being overdocked, wondering what the poor bastard sent to move it would do.


With his ship repaired in full, refueled, and himself fully patched up, recharged, and ready to rock, Faust set out again to explore the site around the remains of the Salvation.


Eight remotes remained. One was elsewhere, transmitting Faust a feed and making him aware of what was happening there, and the tenth destroyed only a matter of minutes ago in what turned out to be a useful kamekaze attack on his foe's jamming and sensor systems, enabling him to finally locate Tares' ship in hyperspace. Faust exits his own ship and approaches a familiar pile of ash, stopping to scoop up a silvery object amid the remains.


"Dust to dust, ashes to ashes," he states in a dead voice, activating the crimson lightsaber. Smiling, he tests the blade out, finding it useful, but inferior to his vibroblade. Still, it might be useful and a worthy trophy of his conquest over life on this windswept rock. That done, he returns to his ship, heading out into space.


They had a twelve hour start on him. Though Faust's hyperdrive was built by KVC himself and remained among one of the fastest ships in the galaxy in normal and hyper space, it was not the Silk Road and could not have easily overtaken the Rector with absolute certainty. Taking it easy, Faust set out along a parallel hyperspace course to avoid any traps laid down by his targets should they find his last remote, slowly gaining on his prey. When they came out of hyperspace, he would make a plan of attack.


In the mean time he took it easy, leaning back in his ship as the stars shot into infinite lines and the Bhelliom took off into hyperspace, setting out a stunning requiem mass by a Coruscant composer from the first century of the republic.

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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High above orbit, X7's ship gently floats along towards the planet of Ryloth.


Onboard, X7 sits gazing over the scans of the planet:


The ion trails of two Jedi fighters continue to flow through space, down into the atmosphere and finally ending at a dock. Near one of the fighters, a lone service man slowly climbs up onto the hull and opens the canopy.


In a spectacular display of fireworks the fighter exploded on the pad consuming the poor service man. The work of sabatoge. Making a note of the work, X7 continued to scan along the planet.


His findings soon came in the form of an other pile of wreckage. Although there was little left of the once working ship, his sensors revealed the wreck to be the remains of the Salvation, Someone has been here X7 thought.


A quick hack into the planet's detailed logs of all incoming and outgoing ships quickly revealed that the Salvation has landed a few days ago. An other notable ship was that of the bounty hunter Faust.


X7 soon took to work, programing the sensors to read the transponder codes of both the bounty hunter vessel, and an other vessel his prey were seen leaving on. As he finished, the sensors began to register the two blimps light years away.


Finished, X7 set his ship into hyperspace....

You believe you are superior; that the ability to think is your strength. Yet despite your ability you still fail to realize the weaknesses that haunt you. In the end you will come to realize that you are still:


Only human....

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  • 2 months later...

Kaylynn stepped out of the dwelling and look into the sky. Something was changing. She felt him as he had returned. She had missed her father greatly, and now it was time to see him.


She walked to the ship and gave instructions to leave. After getting clearance, Kaylynn headed for home.

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  • 5 weeks later...

A young Twi'lek walked to the hanger. He had just his normal white robes on, he had a brown dufflebag slung over his shoulder as he made his way towards the Too Close. He looked over the old Torrent Starfighter, patting the side of it as he threw his duffle bag into the spare part container.


He smiled to himself as he climbed into the cockpit and turned on the repulsor engines. He was going to the Sith temple in the Byss system. He saw his own reflection in the glass of the canopy, and thought to himself, "Lookin' Good!" He brought the ship up and out of the planets atmosphere, then plotted in his hypserspace route.

"Give me the storm of thought and action rather than the dead calm of ignorance and faith. Banish me from Eden when you will, but first let me eat from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge."- Robert Ingersoll

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  • 6 months later...

It was on this day that the planet of Ryloth would fall into the control of two very evil men. Good was falling to the wayside and evil was taking charge. If there was ever a map that detailed the status of planets, there would inevitable be a small tag adjacent to Ryloth labeling it ”œEvil”


[Associate of the Illinois Mafia since November 2002.]

Member of the Four Horsemen

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*Geki nods, and gestures to his men. They act swiftly and fluidly, executing the old, the sick, and the children. Once this is done their relatives, the healthy ones deemed useful, are forced at gunpoint to build gulags out of their loved ones' corpses.


As Geki and Ar-Pharazon survey the scene, laughing like sado-masochists at a rubber convention, the Twi'Leki toil under the unforgiving sun, erecting the limp corpses as ordered. Soon several camps have been built, and the slaves are ushered through the quivering yet sturdy gates to begin their lives anew as servants of SEED and Lord Ar-Pharazon.*


'I've always said that the body is a temple... or at the very least, a concentration camp!'


*Geki looks around expectantly, one eyebrow raised, but nobody laughs at his terrible joke, and he sulks petulantly, shooting a random passerby for no good reason.*


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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A heavy Imperial transport emerges out of hyperspace.


The transport, painted red with the blood of the innocent, immediately descends to the surface of Ryloth.


As the transport's huge ramp extends, the waling of small children can be heard. Moments later, hundreds of children, both human and alien, emerge - all are bruised and bloodied, and most are bound in chains covered in small spikes and coated in acid. A man emerges after a moment - a man holding a very large cattle prod. Royce Colos, a slaver now working for the Empire. Colos ushers the hundreds of children down the ramp and away from the transport.


As emissaries from Lord Ar-Pharazon's camp appear, one of the children, a pretty little girl from Naboo, collapses. Slightly embarrassed, Colos kicks the girl in the head. Not satisfied, Colos kicks the girl again a moment later - this time, the slaver's heavy boot smashes through the girl's back. Unable to pull his boot free, Colos kicks another child in the back, this time a small Rodian lad, and gets his other boot stuck.


Using the two dying children essentially as new boots, Colos carries on.

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*Trith, out collecting Lekku from the still living twi'leks lying about the battlefield, (to die a slow and horrible death), for the for lunch for the planet's newest recreational center's occupants, namely, the healthy Twi'Leks, noticed a procession of children, herded by a rather rough looking man. The man was not SEED. She let her hand dangle close by her blaster and approached, when she noticed the character's choice of footwear, she relaxed a little. When she saw LAP conversing with him, She strode over to join them*


*Suddenly she noticed she was still holding her blood slicked vibroblade and sheathed it, not bothering to dry it first. Her entire front was red as the blade, and many of the children, dispite the way they had been treated for who knows how long, began to cry. One little girl dry heaved at the thought of how many the woman be fore her had to have slain that day. The sound made her throat clench. though not because of physical thirst, but because she was imagining snapping each of their necks, and watching their innocent eyes as the spark of life left them...*

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Royce Colos looks from Lord Ar-Pharazon to Trithaithlos Vadrieriand, and then back to Lord Ar-Pharazon.


"Who is this guy to talk to me, uh? What's he want, a blaster in his face, uh?"


The slaver turns to Trithaithlos Vadrieriand.


"I'm one of the most wanted men alive, okay? I've killed more people that you've ever seen, uh. Who am I? Who are you, uh? I'll put a blaster bolt in your head, uh."


The slaver turns back to Lord Ar-Pharazon.


"These kids, they're refugees from Coruscant - they're from the part that got hit hard by the Rebel Alliance, uh. Between you an me, uh, some of the purple-skinned girls put out, uh."

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The Howling Runner emerged from hyperspace, touching down on the Twi'lek homeworld. Piccolo dropped down the short ladder to stand before the holding cell. In his hands, he held a thick metallic wire. The nerve gas Piccolo had used on Avarada was wearing off. The Jedi still could not move, but he could see and hear everything around him.


"This wire I'm going to tie you with is specially designed by yours truly. If you struggle, it will only cut into your skin deeper. Since I'll have it wrapped around your throat I don't suggest doing that. If you give me too much trouble I'll have to use the nerve gas again, I don't deliver damaged merchandise."


With that Piccolo wrapped the Jedi up pinning his arms to his sides, and his legs underneath him. Snapping the two ends of the cords together, the hunter stood. He threw Avarada over his shoulder and set out to locate Jidai Geki.

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*Geki smiles as he sees Piccolo approaching with his new toy.*


'Piccolo. A pleasure as always. Leave the Jedi just there. If you check your account, your payment should have already credited- 250,000, plus whatever you paid the rogue Jedi.'


*Geki looks at Avararda with a twisted smile.*


'Hello, little Jedi. Are you ready to bow your head and swear undying fealty to me? Do this, and you may yet live.'


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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Avararda looks up, hardly recovered. All he see's is a human form, and, through the Force, he felt it evil. Avararda stayed on his knees in a position of neither hostility or peace. "I have been captured, true. But I am a Jedi, and will not fight for my life. I give you myself only so you will not harm other Jedi. Do what you will," he said. Lowering his head, he waited for his punishment.

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'You think that your capture precludes the harm of any other Jedi? In that, Master Jedi, you will find that you are sadly mistaken.'


*Geki holds out a hand, and a lackey places a curved knife in it.*


'You are blind, Master Jedi- blind to the decadence of the Order you serve, and blind to our designs for the Galaxy. I could help you see, but instead I will merely exacerbate your condition.'


*Geki leans forward, takes the Jedi's face in one hand, and brings the tip of the knife forward, towards his eyes...


Two minutes and a lot of screaming later, the Governor of SEED has performed his grisly task. He pushes the Jedi's head back, and he falls to the floor, his cheeks wreathed with gore. Geki tosses the Jedi's blood-soaked eyes to the dusty floor, where they lie as obscenely as a corpse at a wedding.*


'Pathetic. For all your entreaties for peace and harmony, you are still vulnerable to men like me, men who would maim and cut you.'


*Geki looks at Trith and Lord Ar-Pharazon.*


'Would you inflict your own lessons upon the Jedi? Or shall we send him back to his Order, blind and defenceless?'


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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*Trith nods to Geki, Then proceeds to the Jedi, She graspt him firmly around the neck, and with a sharp jerk, hauled the Jedi to his feet by his juggular.*


"I'm afraid it is very disrespectful to stand in the presence of these two fine gentlemen, Kneel back down."


*As she finished the statement, she kicked the Jedi in the knee. A crack echoed as the knee bent backwards, shattering it completly. As he fell, she backhanded him across the face, sending him face first into the muddy ground, made muddy by the blood of the innocent. She grasped him by the hair and hauled him to his knees and crouched beside him.*


"You should join us of your own free will, we could use one with such resolve, although, it is not really required. We have... methods... of convincing, that would make any phisical torture we could inflict seem like a vacation to the backcountry of Naboo. Ask LAP for details"


*With that she stood and drove a neural scrambler into the base of his skull, sending his body into violent convulsions, too painful for him to even utter a scream. After she removed it, his body twitched uncontrollably, and from under his bonds, blood ran freely.*

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Two heavily armed and armored Imperial transports emerge out of hyperspace.


Aboard the lead transport, Commander Goliath, a twisted old man with a particular dislike for such menial tasks as overseeing the policing of a world that he had never been to, or if fact even heard of. After an exaggerated sigh, Goliath gives the ”œgo-ahead”

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OOC: After your first post on Ryloth, it will take 5 posts for anyone to reach an enemy PC. This was agreed upon by myself and Geki. You must make 5 posts before finding Geki, Ar-Pharazon, or Trith.


IC: Outside of the range of Ryloth's sensors, a capital ship exited hyperspace. Hou-Jo looked at the Rebel crew, "Any sign of SEED?"


:"Yes sir, we are reading SEED troopers as well as Imperial troopers.":


"The Empire is here as well? That's nice to know. The Emperor is going to make things difficult for us, I see. How many?"


:"3,000 SEED shock troopers and 200 imperial troopers.":


"Damn, that's bad. Jedi Adepts, get on your boarding craft. Deploy the fighters."


Half of the fighters aboard the cruiser empty out of the ship, but still stay far enough away from the planet.


"Move the ship in range. I want the planet bombed as soon as possible to take out those SEED troopers."


:"Yes sir.":


The ship was in range of the planet, and within SEED's ability to detect.


"Jam all outgoing transmissions and activate the gravity well."

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The Mediator ship exits hyperspace from behind the Interdictor, which activated the gravity well once they were out. Dhan-Jaroe's strike team got into there ships, and the Mediator sent down bombers to bombard the imperial troops there. They were still clustered, and the majority of them would go very fast. The Mediator also aids in blocking transmissions.

"Hold on Avararda... we're coming..."

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'Governor! We're reading multiple inbound craft... Jedi!'


'Hmm. Interesting.'


*Geki draws his cortosis vibrosword and a single carbine pistol.*


'Lord Ar-Pharazon, it appears that we are about to have our... mettle... tested?'


*Geki looks around, but the pun is so far off the mark that nobody even groans. Geki begins to get annoyed.*


'Right! Let's gut us some Jedi! Trith, if this pathetic specimen moves, snap his neck.'


http://www.themire.co.uk-- being a veracious and lurid account of the goings-on in the savage Mire and the sootblown alleys of Portstown's Rookery!

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The Yahda exited hyperspace outside of the planet Ryloth. Ever watchful of a particular Jedi that was apart of this attack, Xen-Que's Ty'kaa nature to protect was about to come into play once again. His ship flew up to the Mediator in which Dhan-Jaroe was in. Xen-Que was going to guide this team down and help them. It was to risky for Xen-Que to aid the other team. He made contact with him.


"Master Kenobi, this is Blademaster Xen-Que. Do you require assistance?"

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"All Jedi Adepts, go down to the planet now. Bombers, escort them down and bomb as many as you can."


The Jedi adepts fly down to the planet Ryloth aboard their boarding craft followed closely behind the adepts. They soon pass them and head down to the planet.


A number of SEED members were playing cards as others near them kept watch. There were two of them left, and one put down a winning hand. He began to gloat. The other however, only smiled. He tapped his holo-card and put down a better hand. "I guess I win," he jested. There was a roaring, but not fans roaring for the victor, but the roar of a ship. The bomber came down and bombarded the card players and those who stood watch near them. There entire camp was bombed into nothingness. This camp was barely on the outskirts of the establishment. The adepts landed here, activating their lightsabers, awaiting for the other Jedi to land, they watched as the planet would slowly stir to life as the Jedi moved the first pawn. The bombers proceeded to attack other camps.

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"Xen-Que? Hell yeah we could use your assistance!" Dhan-Jaroe chuckled. You come with me and help take out Geki, meet you at the planet side.


The bombers made a pass by the imperial troops and unloaded a few bombs, killing nearly half of their forces.


"Alright, everyone, lock and load!" Dhan-Jaroe's strike team exited the Mediator in there own ships and entered Ryloth's atmosphere.


"Alright, everybody, our first priority is to aid the bombers in getting rid of those foot troops."


One of the crew of the Mediator was in Dhan-Jaroe's ship, operating the Ion cannons.

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