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Darth Heretic

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Slowly and surely, the Iron Fist reentered it's normal position over the Imperial Base after it had finished it's mission on the other side of the planet. Quickly under orders from it's commander Eight Seven, the 24th Special Operations Brigade reported in that they had completed their mission to command. Eight Seven was not on the bridge but rather in the officers quarters freshening up and preparing for a new assignment. He had hoped that if he had followed orders correctly and did everything that was requested of him, he just may get to see more action.


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Raven grinned. A turkey was not what she expected to be called. But it did fit the occasion. She turned to Robert. "As we have now wiped the sith presence off of this world, we must prepare for an eventual counter attack. I give you discretion over a battalion of men. The 48th Infantry and support division, though we were both trained as space marines, I am sure you would be up to the task."




The commander nodded at Jason. "Welcome home Nova Trooper, we would like to offer you a commission in the military again if you can pass a few tests. Would that interest you?"


He gestured to the other man and they began to walk down the metal corridors so common in Imperial Bases. Their boots making the distinctive clunk that had been heard in so many holodramas that depicted the rise of the rebellion.


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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As the Iron Fist docked with the station, Eight Seven and Captain Theondel walked off the Star Destroyer and headed for Command. The familiar sound of their boots on the floor seemed comforting to Eight Seven as they walked. However; Theondel's constant whining and complaining over the quick mission was not. He was rather upset with the way the entire thing went down and was letting the Imperial Commando hear it from the bridge of the Iron Fist, all the way back to the Command Deck on the Imperial station. As they walked, a petty officer approached and walked along side them, and not wasting time- began talking without waiting for Theondel to stop.


"Compliments are given to your command on completing the task, although not from the garrison commander, as she was relieved of duty this morning at oh-seven hundred. Quarters have been assigned to you along with a request sheet if you wish to have it filled out before your briefing is done."


Eight Seven kept walking as Theondel got quiet and listened in a bit more intently then what the Imperial Commando was comfortable with.


"You may fill out a request for access to the records- I have need for them."


He stopped as he approached the door, pinged himself in so that command would know he was here and waved off the petty officer. Captain Theondel now got quiet fully and had a grin on his face from ear to ear. Clearly the man thought he had a case to Court Marshal Eight Seven even after the mission was all over.


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Jason continued to walk with the commander over the durasteel walkway towards the main complex with the sound of the troopers heavy combat boots following behind them in perfect cadence.

“Thank you sir and if I was not interested in returning to help the cause I would have never come back, so obviously since I'm here I'll gladly take your tests for the chance to rebuild our glorious Empire.”

While they were walking, Jason could feel a slight tension surrounding the base. Though he was curious of its origins, he decided to keep it to himself for the time being.


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The commander nodded strongly, stroking his chin with his hand as they passed through a scratched blast door into a vast and busy corridor. They brushed by orderlies running to and fro with ammunition satchels and boxes of anti-personel grenades. “I apologise for the seeming disorder of the base at this stage but we are mobilising for a prolonged engagement at the fringes of Imperial Space against the returned Sith Order. We will not fall to their influence as easily as the last time. Now here-” The man gestured towards the training area where five other recruits stood by. “-Is your possible squad, lead them through an exercise.”


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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"As we have now wiped the sith presence off of this world, we must prepare for an eventual counter attack. I give you discretion over a battalion of men. The 48th Infantry and support division, though we were both trained as space marines, I am sure you would be up to the task." Raven said... ordered.


So it was, he was now again in charge of a couple hundred men. The lines that ran across his face tightened. In the immediate vicinity too, not like the network they had spawned over the past few years. Back in the saddle again...


"Yes, Your Grace." Business voice again. A quick hand signal- and the crew was navigating closer to the planet. "I'll start submitting the proper forms to look over who is in the four-eight. And what we have on hand- intel and weapons."


Inside Robert's mind, two little issues raised up- Who did he answer to? Didn't he deserve more than what she had given him? He shook the second thought- he didn't deserve anything. Rubbing behind his ear- his neural link activated. Lisa spoke inside his mind and fed him reports and statistics. The neural link wasn't practical to use all the time, or at least this model. It got uncomfortable in a manner Robert couldn't quite place it- but over all it was helpful.

"Before we hit atmosphere- do you wish to board your craft?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eight-Seven and Theondel walked in and stood in the middle of a circle like room. Half the room held chairs upon a semi circle table that stood about four feet off the ground from the floor. Only three of the chairs were occupied at the moment. Upon getting into center position, Eight-Seven and Theondel both stood and placed their arms behind their back and awaited to be addressed. A man who looked to be in his fifties was at the center and seemed rather upset with something that was not present at the moment. A woman and a much younger man was on either side of him. After a a minutes and seven seconds the older man spoke.


"A display of force for sure, and very unnecessary. You wasted a ton of ammunition and resources the level a temple that had no occupants. In my time you would have been placed on probation and grounded for a solid month..."


A smile came to Theondel's face, but it was quickly drained of color.


"Your smirk is also unnecessary Theondel. I am not I'm command here anymore. Replaced by those above me. They have granted Eight-Seven the rank of Commander and will be giving him a ship to command. As for this meeting, it's adjourned and I have to pack my bags because I don't agree with these new commanders of the Imperial Remnant."


With that, the three stood up and left the room rather quickly. Theondel lingered for only three seconds more before he also got up and left leaving Eight-Seven in the room alone, until the same petty officer walked in and handed him over a key to his new room and the access codes he had requested. Not wanting or feeling like he should celebrate, he walked off into his own room and would begin to search for names of the donors for The Rebirth Project.


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Realizing that the locking mechanisms that attached ships together for space travel were much too flimsy to be used for atmospheric entry, Raven nodded and thanking the crew, she boarded her ship. As the crafts began the separation manoeuvre, Raven sat at the control panel, watching the planet atmosphere approach. She was a bit tired, being a senator had nothing on being a Head of State. Glancing at her datapad, Raven was dismayed to see several dozen new messages from various Moffs and provincial governors. This was far harder than worrying that her boots wouldn’t be shined enough for the inspecting commanding officer. Thinking back, that had been Robert. Raven smiled at that. Robert was very important to her, in a myriad of ways, they had been through hell together. All at the commands of Emperors influenced by the Sith. Raven glanced down to her bionic arm, covered now by sleeve and black glove, a wound once inflicted over a decade ago by a mistress of the Sith. She closed her fist tightly over the control yoke, hearing with concentration the whining of servo-motors.


How many billions of lives had been lost by the foolish ambitions of the Sith? A billion alone on the capital world of the Galactic Alliance, enough to make any civilian cower in fear by the very whisper of Trinities, Faust, or other Sith lords. Raven set the shuttle down on the gleaming platform and emerged to the honour guard whom she crisply saluted before walking with them into the interior of the capital garrison. As she walked, Raven knew that the Jedi would contact her to help her against the threat of the Sith Lords. They had to, did they not care for the galaxy? Her pulse quickened as she walked into her main office and saw no new messages. Were they all dead? She sat slowly into the still-too-large seat and began writing out a message to the Caridian Base commander, thanking him and his men for serving so honourably in the destruction of the Sith facilityat Königreich des Teufels.


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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  • 2 weeks later...

An encrypted comm arrived for Raven Zinthos.


"Ms Zinthos. My name is Dahar Raikanda, I am the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. In future correspondences I would beseech you to speak only to me, or to my hand Lord Paragrin. We are the only two in the current re-structuring of the Order that will be of any administrative or tactical relevance to you. The concept of a Jedi "council" still exists but please note that with changing times roles are changing as well.


I believe you and I may be on the same page regarding the Sith. I would like to discuss more in person. It would be prudent to meet in a safe and private place. You may reach me at my personal comm." The Grandmaster transmitted his personal comm address along with the message.


"I would appreciate it if you kept this correspondence, as well as any in the future, private. Should anyone approach you claiming to be part of the council please respectfully decline to meet with them. Only myself and Lord Paragrin will be able to assist you with more than just an oath..."

Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away...

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Raven sat at her dark stone desk, as regal and as unlovingly carved from granite as the Empire itself had once been. She slowly worked over a stack of data cards nearly a foot high. She glossed over requisition orders and complaints from various moffs and regional governors, most seemed to enjoy the new Empire, but as always it was a dangerous game. Raven knew why she had been put in power over the new imperial remnant. Lacking a self-made powerful leader such as the old emperor Deton, the Moff council had instead searched about for someone that could inspire loyalty from the average citizen, and someone who was young and able to be controlled. The Moffs played a dangerous game. They had installed her, and according to the constitution of the Remnant, she had the ultimate power, so she began the democratic process that had been promised for so long.



With a stroke of a ceremonial pen, The worlds in the Remnant would experience their first Democratic Experience. A general election for the Moff Council. She would no doubt reap the consequences of that action in multiple assassination attempts. She shrugged her thin shoulders and moved on to the next datacard. There was an annoying beep from her comm display and a brief recorded message played out.



"Ms Zinthos. My name is Dahar Raikanda, I am the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. In future correspondences I would beseech you to speak only to me, or to my hand Lord Paragrin. We are the only two in the current re-structuring of the Order that will be of any administrative or tactical relevance to you. The concept of a Jedi "council" still exists but please note that with changing times roles are changing as well. I believe you and I may be on the same page regarding the Sith. I would like to discuss more in person. It would be prudent to meet in a safe and private place. You may reach me at my personal comm. I would appreciate it if you kept this correspondence, as well as any in the future, private. Should anyone approach you claiming to be part of the council please respectfully decline to meet with them. Only myself and Lord Paragrin will be able to assist you with more than just an oath..."



What in the seven hells? She shook her head and ran his name through the imperial database. It came back relatively blank, it indicated that he was a Jedi knight, but it had not been updated with any additional names like Lord Paragin or the like. She shrugged, attached the recorded comm to a data packet and after recording a brief communication sent it off into the unknown.


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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After the 115 landed, Robert and his crew had gone out on routine patrols- albeit a little awkward for Space Marines, but it was to get them in coordination in a tactical sense. Brushing up on their ground maneuvers- hand signals- coordination with other units, both infantry, and the mechanized variety- the dust was betting swept away. He knew that a commander could not be on the ground- he had to lead them, position, support, and ensure his people's survival. While things were still settling after the recent turn around- he scheduled some whole outfit exercises. Enough to pass the time in a constructive manner. Also a little bit was for the sake of getting people into squads along with rolling around some pros versus cons about how they all interacted. With each other- orders- and coordination.


Selecting a few certain people to promote to squad leaders would prove vital to his organization. From there he modeled his attack force as if it were a piece of clay. Along with getting resources for the crew of the ship- getting a bigger crew for the ship- droids- weapons- blaster packs- Stokhli sticks- various cages and other unconventional equipment.


But then he had his orders- they made sure to bring some engineers- so that the structures needed to house the Ysalamiri they would need soon. After he had prepped all that he thought he needed to- along with Lisa's recommendations- he scheduled one corvette and two escorts- Gozanti class cruiser- equipped with one VT-49, and three Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters. Something for escort and interception. That was all that he could gather together. He submitted his reports- and his departure with launch control. It was good he took the time to get everyone acquainted to one another. Further specialized training would have to come from the little convoy they all were about to call home.


He submitted another report to Raven- saying goodbye, and if she needed them to come back- she knew where they would be. Just a few preperations left, and they would be on their way off the planet and out to catch their quarry.

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Kirlocca sat in the Open Road and looked at the planet of Carida outside of the viewport. From his own angle, he could see the old vintage Star Destroyers in the background looming, doing drills and other sorts of things. Other ships were still active for sure, as were the people. The Jedi aster could feel something stirring n the surface below. It sat in peoples minds like a dark cloud looming over a field that it was going to down pour onto. The Wookiee couldn't tell if it was them that was the loud, or something he could not perceive within his own mind. Letting out a very loud vocal sigh, he turned towards Aira and her apprentice Aelyn.


<< Send word to Raven Zinthos... We have arrived. >>


Kirlocca returned his gaze back to the viewport he was watching from and continued to do so, allowing the Force to flow through him, speaking and guiding him with wisdom for this next adventure he was about to take. For in his own mind, each mission was a new trial, and every trial had a lesson to be learned.

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From space, Carida was a verdant world orbited by a pair of sparkling moons. There was a good deal of traffic in the system, which was to be expected for such a hub. Carida had been the heart of the Empire for a long time, and I never expected to actually be here. It was a beautiful sight, not only to my eyes, but to my heart as well. Being here represented hope: hope for a bright future.


I slipped into the copilot’s seat and accessed the comm. “This is Jedi Knight Aira Cadan, here with Jedi Padawan Aelyn Talis and Jedi Master Kirlocca. We are here to meet with Imperial Head of State Zinthos, per her invitation. Requesting docking clearance and direction.”


I was actually quite eager to see Raven again. It had been several years; the last we had seen each other had been at the Kat Nargal Memorial Resort when the peace accords had been signed. Much had changed since then—for both of us—and it would be good to see her and catch up. More than personally, though, I was eager to see what she had in mind for her new Empire, and what she was hoping their relationship with the Jedi Order would be.


We took up a high orbit while we waited for a response, flying casual, as it were.


Captain of the Galactic Alliance & Jedi Knight

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Head of state Raven Zinthos, one time stormtrooper, and signer of the Galactic Alliance Peace Accords felt a wide grin spread across her thin face as the imperial commander of the Caridian home guard made his report. “Yes commander, give her permission to land at the executive landing bay 3, assemble the home guard in ceremonial dress, we will meet the Jedi delegates there.”


Imperial space command gave the coordinates to the Jedi Delegates and sent up a honour escort of ten TIE defenders of the elite Rancor squadron, their solar panel arrays painted a camo pattern of grey and brown. Meanwhile down on the surface, Raven waited nervously for her friend to arrive, hands clasped behind her back, in front of the honour guard of a dozen stormtroopers. Not in the traditional white armour that held so many memories of destruction and enslavement across the galaxy, they were dressed in armour that was grey and earth toned. While still stylish, it represented a vast change in imperial thinking.


When the Jedi’s ship came to a landing Raven let her grin stretch across her face again and extended her bionic arm, with its black gloved hand to the Jedi Knight, intending to pull her into an embrace. She next extended her hand in greeting to the Wookiee Jedi Master.

“I am very glad to have you my friends, it does my heart well to see you here on an Imperial world.


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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Aelyn had known from the stories and the holos that Raven Zinthos was young, but it was still something else to meet her in person. Just a few years older than Aelyn herself, the woman had still risen to the position of Head of State of the Imperial Remnant, an incredible achievement but perhaps a fitting one given what she had done to bring to a close a war that had raged relentlessly for decades.


What she hadn't expected was Raven's informal manner, greeting Aira as a close friend, ably thwarting the air of ceremony that was effected by her honor guard -- which, while not attired in a way to reminisce of the old Empire, carried themselves in such a manner that clearly indicated they were no less well-trained or dignified than the Emperor's own Royal Guardsmen. Aelyn actually found the contrast rather delightful, and allowed Raven's manner to put her somewhat at ease, even while she dipped into the Force to get a better impression of the people and planet around her.


She had to say, an Imperial world felt very different from the other two she'd visited since first touching the Force. There was a certain dignity and tradition about the place, but not the same as that of the Jedi Temple. The Empire wasn't nearly as old, but they took great pride in what they had been able to accomplish in such a relatively short timeframe from the galactic standpoint. There were definitely also undertones of ambition, especially in this area. But to her senses Raven herself seemed genuinely glad to see them, if a bit nervous. There was definitely some complexity to her. She had worked hard and shouldered much responsibility, and she had an orderly mind, a maturity beyond her years as necessitated by the importance of her post. But it was no great concession to her to display her happiness openly that they had come.


Aelyn tried to play the part of the Jedi apprentice as well as she knew how, but honestly she was making it up as she went. She gave a gentle bow as Raven's eyes passed over her. "I'm pleased to meet you," she said with a smile.

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I smiled to myself as the TIE escort brought us in for a landing. An honor guard of troopers in armor stood assembled. I noted the new look with approval. Raven seemed to already be making some excellent changes.


I was the first one down the ramp after we landed, and I approached Raven with a brilliant smile etched across my dark face. I took her hand, and then we embraced. She hadn't changed much. A few years older, and a larger burden of responsibility on her shoulders, but I could sense the same dedication and desire to make things better that I had sensed in her the moment we had met back on the Death Star. She greeted Master Kirlocca, then expressed her pleasure at having us on Carida. "The pleasure is ours, Head of State," I replied, still smiling. "Thank you so much for your invitation. This is my apprentice, Aelyn Talis."


Aelyn exchanged pleasantries. I could sense her awe, but it wasn't overwhelming her, and that was good. After she had finished speaking, I glanced around the room. "It looks like you've already begun making some changes," I commented to Raven. "I am very interested--we all are very interested in hearing what part you envision the Jedi playing in the future of the Empire."


Regardless of how these talks turned out, it was good to see Raven again. Her and I were kindred spirits, and I would always consider her a dear friend.


Captain of the Galactic Alliance & Jedi Knight

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Kirlocca was impressed by everything the Imperial Remnant was showing for them on their arrival. The Jedi Master made a bow to the Head of State Zinthos and let for Aira to take the majority of the lead on the talks, as it was obvious that the two had formed a bond through their peace negations at the Battle of the Death Star III. At the slight break, Kirlocca allowed for his own words to be expressed.


<< I am thankful for al that you have done in your display to honor us. Although I am curious as to how many offs you pissed off in the process to leave the Galactic Alliance, as well as seconding what Aira Cadan said. The Jedi Order is very interested in what your vision is at this moment. >>


Kirlocca kept his robe wrapped up in the very old fashion Jedi style, hiding his lightsaber and keeping his hands folded within the sleeves. Although, his hood was down, showing off his warrior braids, along with a tie up up front that would look like a beard from his fur. He made sure to present himself in the most honorable way he could for them as well.

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Raven gladly shook the apprentices hand that was only a few years her younger. She took a moment to reflect on how different her own life would have been if she had been born on a republic world instead of one subjugated by the old empire. Wht a different galaxy it would have been. Without Raven to lead the surrender of Imperial Forces, the fight would have likely gone to the Republic’s favour. Though not all post war strategists had concurred, there was little doubt in Raven’s mind, that with the fall of emperor Deton, imperial forces would have scattered. Much like they did even after the surrender, Moffs grabbing what little bits of the fleets that remained in an effort to stave off the inevitable Republic Invasion of Imperial Space.


“Now you may be wondering the actual reason I have called the Jedi to meet with me. I cannot thank k you enough for assisting in this. As you all well know, the Empire for many decades was run by one ambitious man after the next, most of the times heavily influenced by or with the assistance of the Sith Lords. They brought hundreds of billions of casualties to a populace that wanted little more that safety and security. It is my objective to see that that never happens again."


She turned to her old friend Aira

“Have you ever wondered why in the battle over the Death Star you faced me? I couldn't have been more than fourteen at the time, I was a failed sith apprentice pressed into imperial service for my various talents.”

She confessed as her eyes fell from the Jedi to linger over her own bionic arm. She flexed it slightly. Looking dismayed.


“I left that life and beliefs a long time ago, I received this as punishment. But the Sith teachings and beliefs are still within the Empire and that is the first reason I wanted you here master Jedi. As a hedge of protection against them when they decide to inevitably strike to take control of this remnant. For though we are much diminished in strength, in the hands of the Sith, the Remnant could still blot out a trillion more lives before they would be stopped. As we have seen with only a few Sith and Black Sun forces have done on Coruscant. As such I offer the Jedi and its order the protection of the Empire to strengthen and grow in exchange for advice and presence. No bounty hunters will be allowed to hunt for your apprentices here. I know that that many Jedi want nothing to do with helping the Remnant or even helping any type of government. Which is why I offer the Empire's protection even if you decide to not assist me."


She began to walk towards the executive offices with the jedi following behind.


"The Remnant has already begun the process of eradication of the Sith order on imperial worlds by destroying the sith temple here on Carida. You may inspect that site at your leisure…Though I doubt very much that anyone but your Exorcists wish to go there. Even the stormtroopers that purged the place with fire have been hospitalized with strange diseases. ”


She closed the door to the office behind them as they entered. Gesturing them towards the seats arrayed before them around a black obsidian table, with the symbol of the Imperial Remnant in white upon its surface.


“As for how many moffs I pissed off, well master Jedi, I pissed off quite a bit. You see while I am a popular figure for the imperial citizenry, I was thought to be an easily manipulated puppet to put forth the moffs agenda. Well luckily for me, with this position comes ultimate authority. And I instituted Democratic reforms to the moffs councils. Though there no doubt still exists a faction that wishes to depose me, they have been neutered for now. Though I doubt very much they would enjoy the thought of me meeting with the Jedi Council, or even members of a non human race. Though to answer your second part of the question, THe Remnant would have broken away at some point with or without me.”


A protocol droid poured drinks and Raven glanced at the faces of the Jedi present.

“Which brings me to a question. Am I negotiating in good terms with the Jedi as a whole or a faction?”


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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Kirlocca was silent and listened in to every detail, allowing for him to subtly use the Force to sense out Zinthos a bit more then he normally would. These sort of things were not something he was used too. He was normally the one fighting, not forging alliances or entertaining dignitaries. But then again, it didn't sound like Raven was that far off from where he was at. As the four walked into the room, the overall display was impressive, which was something that the Jedi Master always admired about the Empire. Their ships, their precision, their order and style was always a perfection sight to see. Kirlocca was careful in picking a spot to sit down at the table, as he didn't want to offend anyone present, including Aira and Aelyn. As they all took their seats, Kirlocca would have liked to address so many questions, but the one that Raven Zinthos brought up was a rathe important one, seeing as Dahar had recently sent her a message that was very murky in the way Jedi do things that it wold be only natural to question things. He also knew that Raven wanted to keep the message she sent to Aira private, so he would leave what Dahar said out of his own response.


<< I can say without question that this is in good terms with the Jedi Order as a whole. I speak for the Council, as does Aira, as does Aeyln. Any Jedi you see can and will represent the Jedi Order as a whole. Jedi do not have a plural name because we are one. The Code and principles that have become so widely known are what makes us Jedi. Our name bears a weight and it is expected for each Jedi to represent the Jedi weight equally. Now, that does not forgive some of the injustices that some within our Order may commit, or even actions that they take. But I can assure you, the majority of the Jedi Order is on the same page and stand by our code. If you are ever in doubt, remember what I have said and that can be your guide to know of where they stand with the Order. >>


Kirlocca now leaned back in his chair and refused to to make eye contact with anyone other then Raven Zinthos. He had to make the statement true and straight forward. If Dahar did have some Lord running around doing work behind the soon to be Council's back, it would spell a shortened term, or at the very least a very long conversation with himself and Dahar. But for the moment, he knew that the Jedi would stick by the code and principles, regardless of who was their Grandmaster. And that was what he wanted to make sure that Raven knew. The Jedi Order as a whole, would remain together as a whole.

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I listened to Raven with open ears, and what she had to say composed a very interesting symphony. For a moment, I could see it: Jedi Knights working in harmony with the government, having an official position, much like they had in the days of the Old Republic. The order and stability that the new Empire provided would actually be built on genuine peace and safety, not fear. The Jedi could advise and offer their wisdom, could settle and mediate disputes. And they'd have military backup to deal with Sith terrorism, something the GA had never been good at, and the New Republic had been only mildly successful at.


I was thinking through all the potential, and what the best steps to take would be if we chose to go this direction. The first Jedi representatives to live in the Empire would have to be human, that much was certain. Reform wouldn't come overnight. In the beginning, it'd be a long political fight against the moffs as Raven reformed their council. Raven herself would have to be protected from political scheming and assassination. I could sense her genuine desire to see this vision become a reality.


Kirlocca answered her question with a show of solidarity, and I was glad he did. Raven obviously had already dealt with some of the suspicious activity coming from the Grandmaster, and probably would again, but it was important for her to know that we were dedicated to fixing any cracks that had shown up.


"Regarding your stormtroopers who purged the Sith temple," I spoke up, "I'd be happy to take a look at them. I have no particular gift for healing, but perhaps I can at least give your healers some advice on how to help them."


I leaned forward in my chair and placed my arms on the table. "I think your vision sounds like a lot of work to get to--but what struggle worth fighting is ever easy?" I hadn't missed her statement that the Jedi would find safe haven in the Empire regardless of what agreement we came to here, and I appreciated it. "I assume your goal would be an official Jedi presence? An order of Imperial Jedi Knights, as it were?"


Captain of the Galactic Alliance & Jedi Knight

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Although Aelyn was hopeful concerning Raven's vision for the Empire, she remained a little bit skeptical. She knew a thing or two about politics just by being around her dad, and she knew that sweeping reforms of this kind were met with resistance. Raven was ripping power away from men who were used to having it, and in the process she'd taken a position of "ultimate authority". As long as she stayed true to her stated ideals, maybe the Empire would follow her lead, but it was an enormous task, and if at any point she were removed from her position and replaced by someone ambitious that held different motives, the old Empire could suddenly come back and so could the war. In Aelyn's opinion, the best way to prevent that from ever happening was to keep the Empire as a member of the Galactic Alliance and accept the intergovernmental organization's oversight.


She desperately hoped that Raven was right in that her primary opposition was impotent. If she was also right that the Empire would have seceded from the GA whether it did so under her authority or another's, it was maybe possible that this was actually the path that had the lowest chance of leading to war. The time of peace had just been so short so far.


She paid close attention to Kirlocca's answer to Raven's very on-the-nose question about the Jedi. He did it without speaking ill about the Grand Master, which Aelyn found to be very fair given that there was a lot of internal talk to be done within the Order before they could pass any judgment on Dahar Raikanda. What Aelyn would take away from this was that the Code defined the Jedi, not the other way around. The Wookiee was charging all Jedi with a responsibility to act according to the Code and the will of the Force, and as long as they did, they represented the Order as a whole. Aelyn found the idea a little bit intimidating, but if the Force really guided a Jedi like Aira had said, she didn't really have anything to fear.


For now Aelyn continued to hold her tongue. Although Master Kirlocca had given her authority to speak on behalf of the Order, she didn't feel like she knew the Order well enough yet to properly represent their interests. So far what the media had presented to her all her life didn't really mesh with the actual Jedi she'd met in the last few days. No, she would be content to pay attention for the time being. Aira had already asked exactly the question that had formed in her own mind -- just what was Raven's real vision for the Jedi, if they were to go beyond living private lives within the Empire's territory?

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Raven nodded to the Wookiee Jedi Master, “I have seen injustices performed by people of all backgrounds, and I know Jedi are no different, I am glad the Jedi Order stands strong, if unseen in the Galaxy at large for several years.” She looked him back in the eyes and smiled warmly. “My goal is a Jedi presence in the Imperial Remnant, if they wish to be a part of the government would gladly accept them as either advisers, or edit the Moff council to contain a Jedi presence. As representative of whatever Jedi Enclave they would wish to set up here. I would ask your help in protecting the integrity of the Imperial Remnant from the Sith. A score of Imperial Knights would do more to aide in the protection of the Remnant than a starfleet.”


Raven picked up her datapad and passed it over to Aira. It contained a detailed listing of a plague affecting several dozen Imperial Stormtroopers. It appeared as a hemorrhagic fever, progressing rapidly through the body, ending in death within a week or two. According to the notes it had been jumping from trooper to trooper without contact. The only common factor being contact with the Sith Archive on Königreich des Teufels.


“I appreciate any assistance in the matter.” She passed another set of datacards to Kirolocca. “Upon watching a number of IHN reports, some imperial citizens have also approached the Imperial offices about sending their children into the Jedi Order. In the old days they would have been sent to the Sith as I was, but of course we no longer provide that service to the Sith Order.”


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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Kirlocca felt a whole lot more at easy upon hearing Raven Zinthos give her words on the matter. A presence with the option of other things would indeed be a great fit for the Jedi to expand into what role they would need to. But at the same time, having to pull away from the Galactic Alliance, which would still be seen as the main capital that hasn't done anything wrong, except be listless in action, would be a hard choice for the Jedi to make. But he was almost certain that an enclave alongside the Imperial worlds would to harm anything either. Looking over to Aria, he nudged her with the Force, letting her know that he would let her take a slight lead and charge here, as he was okay with the outcome.


<< Taking those in would be a good cause, and I think that keeping an olive branch always extended could go a long way. Forging Imperial Knights, and leaving the Galactic Alliance would be something that most certainly needs a majority vote by the Council. But... Enclaves are always good for establishing good rapport and won't be seen as anything outside of Jedi norms. I will make sure that everything you say is brought before the Council for a decision to be made quickly. I can say this with confidence though, I do foresee a good relationship between the Jedi Order and this new Imperial remnant forging very strongly. >>


Kirlocca pulled out his commlink and made no attempts to hide what he was doing. He sent a fast video recording to Dahar, which was his next step to make logically. He needed to make sure that Dahar was not power hungry and already trying to lock himself in. The Grandmaster always needs the Council, as the Council always will need a Grandmaster. The video sent was short and quick, informing Dahar to meet him on Ossus. Kirlocca did however leave zero room for a refusal. He felt confident doing so inferno of the current company, as he now knew he could trust everyone with him.

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That seems reasonable, Aelyn thought as she listened to the Head of State's proposal. The Imperial leader seemed entirely reasonable, as a matter of fact, and seemed to genuinely be trying to do the best thing for everyone. It would be a good thing for the galaxy and Imperial citizens if she held the position for a long time -- long enough that her careful reformation of the political structure could completely run its course and the old, power-hungry men that had been pardoned of their crimes at the end of the war would grow old and retire from their game of pulling strings and manipulating the young.


Kirlocca seemed to agree. While he spoke and then placed a comm call, Aelyn's attention drifted over once again to the honor guard that had come in with Raven and she tested touching one of them in the Force, her eyes coming to fall on his helmet as she wondered what sort of person he was. He was listening to the conversation with interest as well, but some of his focus was on standing still at attention. He didn't love standing at attention, but he took pride in doing it well and being uniform with the rest of his team. As she examined his Force signature, she felt his attention shift just a bit -- he'd noticed that she was looking at him. She held her gaze on his helmet's eyepieces, wondering how he would react. He seemed to think it was a little bit peculiar, and he was not used to having anyone's attention. His job was to be in the background while all eyes were on Zinthos.


She could almost see his thoughts, when she focused hard enough. Without moving, he glanced her over as though trying to get an impression of her. He found her rather attractive, but he wasn't really sure what to expect from Jedi. He'd fought in the war, after all, and the Jedi had been his enemies. Still, this one didn't seem so bad, certainly not a warrior cutting through his unit. He toyed with the idea of what it would be like to --


Aelyn blushed slightly and broke eye contact. Men, she thought. For the soldier's part, he didn't fail to notice her reaction and he actually twitched, a bit startled, not sure if she could actually read his mind or if it had been a mere coincidence. Either way he was a bit embarrassed and forced his focus back to standing at attention. Meanwhile Aelyn felt a slight ripple of annoyance pass through the guards on either side of him, having noticed his slight movement and thinking it reflected poorly on them as a unit.


By now Kirlocca had finished his call and Aelyn turned her attention back to him and Raven as her cheeks returned to their normal color. Maybe it was best not to read minds too casually.

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Raven felt herself tense as one of the stormtrooper guards shifted unprofessionally. She almost thought it was the beginning of an assassination attempt, but seeing the jedi apprentice blush and look away from the trooper, Raven could feel a grin spread across her face. Jedi mind reading was not exactly the most appropriate thing to do at a high level diplomatic meeting, but she was young. Hopefully she hadn't seen anything too carnal in the man's mind. Raven distantly remembered the girl’s father from the time of the Peace Accords so many years ago, and marked her down as a potential very strong jedi knight, assuming she could learn when it was appropriate to use the force. Raven looked up at Corporal Andrews who was standing still as stone and she coughed lightly. Raven would need to re-enact POSLWJK protocols before they truly went to war with the Sith, as she could not afford to have her bodyguard so easily infiltrated.


She nodded to the Wookie Master as he finished his communication, he was quite the character she thought. A well known hero of the republic, and one time grand master. She could do no better for a friend and ally. “Would anyone like anything to eat? And Corporal Andrews, you can ask for miss Talis’ Comm info after the meeting is done, not before however.


Raven realized that she knew almost nothing about what Wookiees eat, she assumed some kind of meat, which the empire had plenty of. She did not intend to insult the Jedi Master with anything that he could not eat, so she tapped quickly on her datapad for the eating restrictions of Wookiees.


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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"I'm sorry," Aelyn spoke up. "He didn't do anything wrong. I was intruding, and it was out of line." Frankly she'd been hoping no one else had noticed the silent exchange, but she certainly didn't want this man disciplined merely because of something he'd thought, even if it had been inappropriate. No one could claim that all of their thoughts were wholesome -- the thing that mattered was whether and how they acted upon them. Even when there were Jedi around, probably.


She offered a gracious smile, eager to transition the topic away from her misstep. "I hope we can overlook this. I would be happy to stay for a meal, if the Masters are interested," she said, looking at Aira. She suspected that Kirlocca might follow the comm he sent with action and get offworld, but Aira and Aelyn could stay even if he did. She had to admit, she didn't really know what meal it was. But they'd left Tython after breakfast and the walk to the Open Road had been long though the following hyperspace jump short, so at least by her schedule it was dinner. The Tython day had roughly corresponded to the daylight in Hanna City, where she'd been for the several nights prior, so thankfully her body wasn't entirely out of whack.


It all seemed such a whirlwind. It was true that she was just taking her first steps in exploring the Force, but had it only been a couple days since she'd run into Aira as though by chance on Chandrila?

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A comm came in for Kirlocca with Dahar in the foreground, speaking, and Aryian Darkfire sitting in the background with what appeared to be a giant piece of beef jerky in his hands.


"Master Kirlocca, I am on Taris right now visiting my old home. Master Aryian Darkfire is here with me. We will leave immediately for Ossus. See you soon, my friend, may the Force be with you also."

Jedi Masters never die, they just fade away...

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Kirlocca was relived to hear Dahar's comm message come in, as it meant he was not lost as others may have come to believe. His training done with him through the Master Trials and Wru'torr training had built something within Dahar that Kirlocca knew would respond. It meant something to the Jedi Master, something that was small and maybe irrelevant to others, but it was enough to keep his own faith alive. An understanding was now with the Wookiee, one that he could move forward with. Turning towards Raven, he was suddenly even more aware of her offer and the generosity of what she wanted. It was something worth kindling, a hope of sorts. And hope was always worth providing kindling to.


His attention had now turned fully, caught on to what Aeyln had just done. He would have frowned at her given the normal circumstances, but he could sense within the young state of exploring the Force. She was still new to it, and he was sure Raven Zinthos would have found it amusing at the very least. Giving a slight cough, he leaned in towards Aelyn, but allowed for his own voice to be something that could be picked up.


<< Be mindful of your thoughts and actions. Remember what I just told Head of State Zinthos, a Jedi carries the weight of the whole Order. However, you are still young and need to explore, but explore when time allows it, not when it's convenient for you alone. >>


Kirlocca pushed through the Force a sense of warmth to her, so that she would know that it was not him scolding, but rather him giving her a gentle warning. Everything was well and okay, but had it been another Head of State they were meeting with... that sort of thing could have gone very poorly for the Jedi. But still, no harm was done, and her own apology was enough it seemed to remedy the situation. So now he turned towards Raven Zinthos.


<< I cannot stay to eat, but I do want to thank you for your time. Aira and Aelyn can handle the rest of things from here, and I am sure that it would do some good for the two of you to catch up. I look forward to bringing you a full response and a more official one from the Jedi Order within a week or two. May the Force be with you. >>


Kirlocca bowed politely to her and sent a page for 4-1D to bring his straighter to him. He then turned towards Aira and gave her a big smile.


<< I trust your judgement fully. I will be on Ossus if you have a need for anything before then. But with that being said... could I borrow the recording you played for me on Chandrilla? >>


Kirlocca almost held his breath thinking that Aira would hold it too close and not want to share it, but she gave a simple nod of her head and passed it along very fluidly. He smiled back at her and gave her one final nod before he turned around and bowed himself out again.


<< Thank you again for your time Head of State Zinthos. You shall hear back from me within the week. >>


Kirlocca then made his way out of the facility and headed for Ossus where he would meet Dahar, and from the sounds of it, Aryian.


((Posted actions with permission.))

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A message comes in to Imperial High Command from Coruscant.


"Head of State Zinthos, I am the newly activated Commissioner Mazzari Alventeri, head of the CoreWorlds Security. Recently, our headquarters on Coruscant was destroyed by an armed force of Black Sun agents. Not only that, but several major acts of terrorism have occurred within the city in the last few weeks. We cannot contain this threat alone and the Galactic Alliance is unlikely to do anything. You recently spoke out against the Sith and its chaos, so I wonder if you would also put their long time allies, Black Sun, on your list of enemies to justice and order. If you are interested in an alliance against both of those evils, please contact me and we can establish a meeting time and place. Even if you are unwilling to actively assist us, I would hope that you would be willing to set up an intelligence exchange on both the Sith and Black Sun that would allow us to know the latest evils they are up to and possibly shut them down before they strike. I eagerly await your response and hope this is the start of a mutually beneficial alliance."


"I'm sure you meant to file your paperwork, but unfortunately it is far too late for that now."


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Raven said her goodbys to the Wookiee Jedi master as he went off to meet with the leader of their order. She considered him as he left. Once a famous anti Sith hunter, now he was doing diplomatic tasks. A strangelife the Jedi Led. He was kindly for a non human. Which, she knew would come in handy as the Remnant and Jedi order continued their relationship. He was nice, and though he towered over her, Raven felt safe in his presence. She looked forward to seeing him again. Her purple eyes watched him go and she turned to the remaining Jedi. The dinner was served and her and Aira reflected on their old friendship, the battle of the death star, and how they had gotten to where they were now. She turned to the apprentice.


“How did you join the order? Did your father enroll you? Or were you enrolled in your infancy?”


Raven took a delicate bite of nerf steak, and nearly jumped at the chirp of her comm unit. Quickly checking it she found a message from the CoreSec commissioner. She looked at the remaining Jedi. Whom she played the message for, “What do you know of CoreSec? Are they to be trusted?” She trusted the Jedi’s advice more than her own advisors, as they did not have aspirations of glory.


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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