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OOC: Likely my last post for a few days... I don't know how long. So pardon me, Hurricane Jeane is going to be beating down FL's door soon enough.



John's mind strayed further and further, as his body continued to walk on thin ice... a light crack where he stood, his mind so apart from reality that he bothered not to pay attention, before he awoke to it... the snow opened up and swallowed him.


As his body fell through into the darkness, the snow broke his fall, but he was unconscious... lost in the Force.


The void of light, only a thin slice where the crack in the ice allowed some light to enter, and it just touched his forehead, breathing life into it... and perhaps because of it, John was not yet dead.

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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"Scorp began to speak.


"I sense a disturbance in the force a sort of calling nerby, Yet it blares danger signals but I recognize the force signature. there fore I was wondering If perhaps I could check it out it minimise risk If only I go but then you are my master with more experiance so it might be better that you come, buut then you might give us away see my problem. So then what should I do it less than a half mile away from here I could run there in under 7 minutes."



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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Chewing on his lip, Mathis quickly weighs his choices before addressing Scorp.


"The risk you would take by venturing out alone is not minimal. You will be playing with your life. Besides, the Sith already knows that we are here somewhere."


Shifting his gaze to Ish, then to Scorp, and then finally back on Ish, he imparts his decision.


"This mountain is honeycombed with caves. I'll go investigate this, and I want the two of you to hide in here. Practice, talk, whatever, just don't use the Force to show your location to the Sith. If I'm not back soon, I want you to use my ship and get off of this planet."


Clapping them both on the shoulder, he gives them a small admonition.


"May the Force be with you."


Opening himself to the Force, Mathis is gone from the eyes of his apprentices, speeding out of the cave and down the mountain.

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Landing his ship in a open field below a set of mountains where there was allready a cluster of ships, Ryoo hoped out, and the first thing he did was send out a force wave, looking for his padawan. Once he found her, he started heading to her. Ryoo had to be sure not to break a promise again, or his padawan might go rouge on him. But, the closer Ryoo got, the more confused he got. He could sense his padawan, but something was different... something was wrong.


At this point, Ryoo broke out at a run, using the force to aid him. He got there in a few minutes, but the time seemed like hours to Ryoo. Bursting into the cave, Ryoo ended up next to the sith.


"You do not belong here. Nor do you have a chance of leaving here. You have done something that you shouldn't have done. You hurt my padawan, and now, you must get through the both of us to leave."


With that, Ryoo tossed Darsha one of the saber's that had been left for him.


Just for a bit...


Was all that Ryoo said in his force message to Darsha.


"Darsha, you trials begin now. Fight this sith, but do it as to protect yourself, your master, and the rest of the jedi. Don't do it for hate, or lust, or power. If at any time, I feel that the fight might be taking a turn in the wrong direction, I'll be here to end it quickly. And to you, sith scum, I hope you weren't planning on making it back to where ever you came from, becasue, you arn't leaving this planet."


Ryoo then leaned back on the wall, about 20 feet from the two. Close enough to help if needed, but far enough to let Darsha do her own thing.



For those of you who knew me, it was great, for those who didn't, welcome.



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Darsha was relieved that her master was near. She kept a hand on the lightsaber but did not ignite it. Looking down at her leg, she encourages the white blood cells to increase their effectiveness.


She then looked squarely into the Sith's eyes. "I believe this situation can be resolved so that we both can benefit. Why did you choose your path?"



Darsha Assant turned dark at 2734 posts.

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Scorp didn't feel like he had done the right thing. If it had been in any other time in his life he would have rushed reckless. SO why did he stop this time.


"Wow dying really has an effect on people"


Scorp sat down and instead of mediataing he did something he loved to do he began to think like crazy about million different throughts ran through his head and he couldn't even use the force to see what was going on. "Soon"



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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Ish sat silently looking at Scorp as thoughts lingered in his mind. There was nothing he could do as their master left the cave.


He did not wish for Mathis--whom he'd known for only weeks to get hurt. Without a sound, he bid Mathis the best in his thoughts, and hoping he'd return shortly. The urge tugged at him to go out and help the Jedi, but he was going to do as ordered.


Making his mind devoid of thoughts that heralded possibility of eminating the force. He wished to engage whomever was outside of the caves. A lingering thought however still raced through his head that the individual outside may be a Sith.


Ish knew it was his time and place as an apprentice to wait until his masters return. Even with fledgling force abilities, he could feel more jedi presences than just his master. Giving a quick glance to Scorp on the other side of the cave, he fell into a calm trance, legs crossed, hands resting on knees, and head hung low.


There would be no stopping him from being a Jedi Knight and serving the force.

Edited by Guest


Aussie-American Connection Since June 04

Most Sacred order of the Nocturnal


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OOC: I guess, I'll have a few more. Maybe two, including this one.



John's eyes fluttered open, but the world was not clear, was not sharp... he saw white eminate in all directions, and he felt the ice that latched onto his body from his fall. When he attempted to move, a pain shot forth from where he lay, his legs remained unresponsive.


Whether he was dreaming or alive was still debatable, Ilum has a way of showing a Jedi his ultimate fear... and by some standards it could be equated that, to a Sith, his best hopes.


Little more was said, a rumbling in the cave system as if a creature's sense pricked up before its latest meal... John was still lost in his dream-world, the Force of this place engulfing his mind. He had not felt weak since his defeat at the hands of Jedi Master Blckclone and never had he felt so strong... but with his strength and his weakness, never had he felt so arrogant, so foolish.


Perhaps that was the true power of the cave, to show and emphasize one's doubts... there was little else John could wrap his mind around, not even Sirvani. Love, he claimed could save him, yet it was Love right now that seemingly did not exist, not in the frosted mountain chains of Ilum.


John's own awareness had been reduced to his quasi-unconscious state... the footsteps of Jedi, usually resounded so in his mind, as with each graceful step, the Jedi side-stepped the Darkness that had been his life-source. Yet, he heard none, felt none.


Had Jedi learned the art of Stealth? Had they adapted to becoming the Hunters instead of the Hunted?


The Force did not answer, she merely smiled at him with her two faces, neither the Dark Mistress nor the Light-side Wife had much to comment...


The rumbling in the distance finally caught his ears as the vibrations in the snow as it crunched caught the nerve endings of his body... yet, his eyes were still closed or at least he could not see. His cold hands went to touch his eyes and felt a thick fluid, rubbing themselves together, the liquid prevented them from moving quickly... he knew what it was, Blood. He understood why he could not see... I am blind.


He attempted to move but could not, with the Force choosing this as a trial for their Champion, only watched... having stripped him of his human senses, a cold whisper reached his mind through the wisps of the Force, John... what will you do now?


Whether he was becoming paranoid, schizophrenic or just experiencing traumatic duress, the rumbling creature approached and he made it out... through the Force. Taller than a man, massive, and a beacon of neutrality in the Force. The entire field placed itself in a blinding whiteness, all the while, a single entity stood out as a dark grey and his ears caught snarling and growling... his skin and nostrils felt the breath of a fresh kill.


Gripping for his lightsaber, he did not find it. Without weapons, there is only the Force.


The enemy did not hesitate, and John merely smirked with indifference, he had learned to lose concern in the Universe when it seemingly lost concern with him... but little did he know, this was a test, a test of the Force.


"I have fought blind and defenseless before... but there is something you can only dream of."


A booming voice replied, No... Sith. You misunderstand the true scope of this.


The sounds only in his mind... but eerily familiar. "Blckclone? But that is impossible? No..."


You are right... not Blckclone. For he was limited by mortality.


John took a step back, for the first time, he was afraid... Never had he been so easily outmatched at the beginning, he recoiled. Each step he took he only felt the overbearing whiteness claw into his back, as snow and ice dug into it.


The coldness he had not bothered with dug into him... his arms instinctively gripping at his sides trying to keep warm.


He felt a strange vibration in the air followed by a *snap-hiss,* a LIGHTSABER!


The alarm continued to fire off in his mind, he was lost and there was no real escape. The sunlight still came down through a small hole in the deep cave's icy roof and he felt a flicker of hope, of a chance to escape, as a barely noticeable change in the color scheme of whiteness, but he doubted that he could make it, he did not feel like the Force was with him.


The enemy continued to approach, a maliciousness about him, as he struck down at John's neck, stopping an inch before fading away.


John breathed a sigh of relief and through the Force a melodious voice came in, and John's expression of confusion was answered...


You see... even you are afraid of defeat. We all hold fear... You could have fought back, but now you are lost. Find your way in the cave and perhaps the Force will reveal all you seek...


John's eyes opened now... but did he see? No. "Where am I?"


No answer, as if all he had experienced was only in his mind, the lightsaber touched his skin and felt cold, reassured he sat up... the words of the Force still hung in the air.

Edited by Guest

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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Sirvani turned and walked out into the blinding whiteness. She felt a sort of destiny, despite the barren and unforgiving wasteland. She got the feeling that she wouldn't leave the planet the same as when she arrived.


Stretching out with the Force to enhance her senses, she felt a battle starting to brew in one of the caves. There were two Jedi, she could tell, and a Sith that seemed vaguely familiar. She couldn't quite place his Force-presence, but she decided to help him out.


Making her way to the cave, she saw the Jedi Master standing in the corner, and the Sith and the Jedi Apprentice in the center, lightsabers ignighted.


Drawing her own, she engaged Stealth, keeping herself invisible to the two Jedi. Softly, she nudged on the Sith's mind, letting him know she was here to help. She recognized him now. It was Xentar Kentam. He was the first sith hopeful she had met when she first entered the academy, and had dueled with him. And beat him, she remembered. Let's hope his skills have improved since then, or he won't last long against these Jedi.


Emily:"Were you a carrot?"

John: "No, I was more like celery."

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Ryoo's appearance was little more than an inconvenience. No, Xentar decided, a convenience. Now he would kill two Jedi, not just one. It was going to be dangerous, for a Master and his apprentice could fight together with great efficiency. But he was a Sith Lord.


Then, just as Xentar formed a plan of action, he felt a familiar signature in the Force. He caught a glance of a Twi'lek crouched behind the Jedi Knight. He recognized her Force sigbature, but not her body or face.


He allowed a quick feint of a cornered look to throw the Jedi off, he he leapt out for the apprentice, Darsha Assant. He moved with lightning quick speed, attacking three times in the air. The padawan had a lot of trouble blocking the three attacks, but he was amazed that she had.


Xentar hoped the Twi'lek could hold Ryoo off long enough for him to finish, but he was capable of killing her.

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OOC: Boys and Girls, play nice.



John's hands traced their path across the cold cave system... his hands numb from the cold, his lips parched dry and broken, even deep within a chilling wind cut into the back of his neck.


Ice shards shattered with the impact of his boot, he walked forwards, hands gripping at the walls, trying to paint the blinding white scene in his mind... it was not long before he stubbed his toe with a giant rock of ice.


After a series of curses, his lost his hands grabbing at his toe and slipped on the ice... unfortunately, the slip only led to a slide down the sloping cavern, his mind reeled as his hands tried to grasp at the powder. Each flake slipping through his fingers, finally crashing into a mound of slush, John let out a breath and felt a sharp pain as he attempted to breath.


His hands quickly covering his body, attempting to find any sign of damage... nothing.


Drawing the Vodka flask, he took a sip, feeling the warmth as it caressed his lips and ran down his throat, warming the fibers of his being. His blind eyes searching out the caves, the Force spreading through the honeycomb... He heard things, noises off in the distance... Preferring to hide, he ducked behind a wall, or what he hoped was a wall. The Force did not tell him what it was... only Life, movement, existence.


The footsteps drew closer, boots crunching snow as the anomaly drew closer... and still feeling alone, apart, he knew he had been discovered. A laughter, a dark chuckling,


"You are no Jedi... but are you a Sith? You snivel and crawl and are weak, how dare you claim to be a Sith?"


The voice of the creature was familiar, far from the melody of the Force, but not that of BC or anyone he knew, except one, his own.


"Perhaps, once we might have been the same, but look at you... Hiding away? Crawling in fear... Weakness is unbecoming. STAND UP AND FIGHT!"


With reservation, John's mind riddled with doubts and fears, his blind eyes staring at the anomaly, glowing a Crimson red, the color of blood as it pooled outside an open wound.


His eyes, now bloody sockets, stared into the void of space that represented his enemy, he drew the obsidian lightsaber... The man, clad in Black, with boots of Leather and Robes of a Sith, a crown of Obsidian atop his head and a necklace with a red pendant. A bead of crimson dripping from his lips, to which a pink tongue immediately cleaned,


"Yes, John... blood is quite delicious. Do you remember now? I was you, but you are no longer me. Once, you were a Dark soul, corrupted and twisted. Now you seek a higher purpose... What for? Why walk the Path of Redemption... what does it do for you? Have you been saved? Appeased?"


John's sockets darted from the hilt of the blade, silent, to the face of the man, which he now saw clearly through the Force. A mystical Crimson amidst a field of fading blue and perpetual white.


"Ah... good, you still respond to a challenge. I have forgotten your ferocity, your pride. Your flaw. Know it shall be your undoing."


John leapt first, the black blade arcing down onto an energy beam of Hatred and Despisal... the sizzling of electricity piercing his ears as much as the Demon's tongue. With a mere smirk of supremacy, the Master was flung back as the parry was transformed into an offensive maneuver.


Falling, the blind Force user rose to his feet and with blade extended behind him, ran at the new Dark form striking at his leg, parried with ease and with a mere flick of the wrist, John was hurled back again.


"John... you forget. Every move you make, I can make. Every thought you have, I know. You are a fighting in a world of Immortality, of Spirit... of ever-lasting Hope and all-consuming Despair. A world of eternal opposites and perpetual Chaos."


With a single refusal, No.


John's lightsaber flew across the midsection, beneath the parry, striking across into the abdomen, cerrating flesh into a cauterized gap. Following the initial attack with a flash kick, dislocating a shoulder and ending with the crimson lightsaber falling to the floor and being hurled into the mouth of the Darkness.


The ethereal corspe, impaled through his mouth, an expression of surprised stared back at the Blind Force user and he disengaged his Lightsaber, before continuing in his surroundings.


Was that your challenge? he asked the silent whim of the Force.

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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Scorp thoughts began to corwd his breathing space he never had this problem before. HE worried before yes and he has felt regret but he was being overwhelmed. HE had shut himself off to the force inorder to not draw any attention. His master had said do not use the force too much so he wouldn't use it at all. This brough his thinking into clear focus. HE was worried about Darsha and he was worried about his Master. Scorp took his fear inside of him self and sorted it hen he calmly let it go. BUt hten he began to feel restless. Standing up he began to pace a bit be fore stoping he had no need for this. So he sat down again and though about he fact that truly he should be the one out there after all now his master life was at risk when it was meant for him anyway. Scorp opened himself up to the force and fell into a trance.


Scorp began probing inside of himself he needed to find the cause of all of these excess where did it come from. Scorp's search led him to his heart. So his heart what was causing this Scorp began to clm his trouble heart in order to releve him self of so much worry and anguish. Scorp began to feel much better. So he decied to go deeper and lost himself inside of himself. there Scorp was content in trying to find himself for it releved him of his worried.



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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It wasn't Sirvani that gave herself away, but instead, her sith comrad Xentar left her wide open. He saw her, and sensed her, but didn't hide that fact. It was open for the whole world to feel. And, Ryoo felt it.


With that feeling, Ryoo turned, back to back with his padawan, and ignited his saber. Sensing her, Ryoo bellowed,


"Sith. You, like your friend, have made a wrong decision. My padawan will take care of your friend, but, you are mine. It ends here."





((Sirvani, let's do an offical duel if you are up to the challenge. Each can post 3 fighting posts. No one kill's. After each of us do our three, a mod will rule on the fight, and, the winner will act acordingly. If that is ok with you, your first of three posts will be your next post. Also, put this in it Post one of three duel posts thanks))



For those of you who knew me, it was great, for those who didn't, welcome.



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Darsha aimed a blow at the sith's legs, and he easily twisted and landed to he right. Twirling around, she barely managed to parry his blow. Still, his powerful blow made her stagger. Allowing her body to ease into the misstep, she allowed the movement to cover her left hand dropping to her small throwing knives, and she flicked the knife towards him. He managed to jump out of the way, but not before the blade nicked his side.


That was enough. She knew all of her daggers were poisoned, well, not really, but dipped in something that would weaken her enemy in some way, but not cause death. She wasn't sure which of them she had trown, but she would soon find out.


(Well, Xentar, I have six daggers. One in sleeping potion, one in a viagra like thing, (but it makes you not think of anything else besides what viagra makes you think of for an hour,) one in a seizure potion, one in paralyzing potion, one in blinding potion( makes you blind for an hour) and one in a concussion potion. Take your pick. )



Darsha Assant turned dark at 2734 posts.

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OOC: Sounds fine to me, Ryoo.


Post #1 of three duel posts:




Sirvani was furious that Xentar had revealed her presence, however, she focused on the moment. Letting her image re-appear, she ignighted her silvery blade and slashed at Ryoo's side. He blocked it easily, and she flicked her wrist, bringing the blade down towards his shoulder, landing a glancing blow that melted through his armor and fried the top layer of his skin.


Quickly spinning to avoid his next blow, she leaped over his head, striking at his back. Ryoo met her blade and spun to face her. The blades held the lock, each fighter grunting against the pressure of the other.


Calling the Force to her, Sirvani fed her agression into it, and it expanded exponentially. It took over her reflexes, and she focused on the air, picking out the chemicals that would react as John had taught her. A ball of flame appeared in front of the Jedi Ryoo, and threw itself at him, burning him badly.


"This day will end one way or another. There will either be a victory for the Jedi, or a victory for the Sith," she said, her voice not betraying her struggle. She leaned in closer. "And I intend not to lose."


Emily:"Were you a carrot?"

John: "No, I was more like celery."

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OOC: You must understand, this is my job.


IC: Xentar felt the dagger cut across his stomach. He was furious that he had allowed himself to be hit by the blade, and its effects were starting to take a hold of him.


In the next few seconds, his sight faded and went out. He was blind. But he did not need his eyes. He could never trust his vision in the first place, only the Force.


He used the pain to give him power. Power that flowed through him in waves of energy. He used his hate for the girl to give him even more. He was a Sith Lord--the Force would guide his movements.


His lightsaber swung out rather blindly, making his opponent think that he truly was blinded wholly. But then he let loose from his finger tips a wave of Force energy that entered his opponent's body, paralyzing her for a split second.


In that second Xentar struck out with his glowing red blade. The lightsaber passed through Darsha's stomach and the Sith Lord moved it upwards into her heart. She died instantly, helpless against the Sith's power that she had helped cause.


Xentar felt the power of triumph move through him. He had overcome blindness to kill this girl that had casued it. But he was still in danger. He dragged the girl's body away from the fight to wait out his blindness. Sirvani would fight the Master, and he did not care whether she won or lost.

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OOC: I'm back sooner than I expected. Power was restored to my area pretty quickly and all, so, I'm back. Mathis, whenever you're ready, just let me know... and Ryoo, you chose to duel her.



John never expected a reply and did not receive one... all he received was more ice, more snow and more cold. Ilum... in its infinite glory.


His blind eyes continued to scan the cave structure, a blinding white as he continued to walk in the snowy dampness of the former Temple structure. He could discern a difference between Caves and Jedi architecture, his hands touched stone and a shape of a statue began to form in his mind. A body, not tall... short, a walking stick... ears that pointed in opposite direction. Yoda...


The relic, like the Temple, was in disrepair, while Jedi frequented the place... little attention was ever paid to the current status of the Temple itself, homage to Leaders of Old was not a custom of Jedi, at least not as far as John himself knew.


He paused before his eyes caught glimpse of the next narrow corridor, a shine of the Force emerged from the cave structure that bled into the Temple, crystals...


His fingers touched them, each holding little but wishes of peace and tranquility to his shattered soul, a thin smile forming across his face as his old theory drew closer.


Kneeling on the floor of the Temple, he let the Force flow through him, and he once again spoke to the Mistresses of the Force... instead of two faces, he saw one. Half of her was a white blonde hair, as it swayed in the wind; an unscathed face of blissful peace with a warm smile. While the other half had a raven black hair that coiled atop a scarred face of broken flesh and seeping blood, a smile of utter corruption.


John's blind eyes looked upon her and understood, for the first time, the true whisper of Enlightenment entered his mind. Yet his mouth resisted, "You cannot be one in the same... there is a Dark Side and a Light Side, a path of Redemption and a path of Revenge, a path of Peace and a path of Suffering."


We are not? But we are... those ideas, are of your world. We are one. We are all-encompassing... Beyond those ideas, those limits. We are one and we are pure.


"Pure? One?"


Yes... we are one. We are both, Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, Peace and Pain. There is no difference... one relies upon the other. And you are...


"And I am? I am what?"


You are Chosen. You are True. You are One of Many.


"I am a Sith, I was chosen... I am strong, I am powerful."


You are? Doubt you have. Pain you suffer. Fears you hold. Power you all have.


"Who has? The Sith? The Jedi? Why do you speak in riddles?"


You are blind. Now you see. We speak to you. You learn.


"Learn what? Can you make sense?"


Peace and Pain, Redemption and Revenge, Good and Evil, Light and Darkness... are one. We are one.


"But that can't be... there are two sides to the Force, both cannot be right. One must be wrong."


All are the Force. All travel in same direction. All find Death. All live Life.


"You cannot be serious... That makes no sense."


Sense is of your world... seriousness is of your mind. We know the Force, we are the Force.


"No... no. NO! I don't believe you!"


Argue if you must, choice to believe is you. We are here, you decide.


The astral images dissipated before him and the Force was empty, a green crystal placed in his hands.

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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OOC: Ryoo challenged Sirvani to a deul. I'm sorry for any confusion, but yes, you are dead. You know what? I'm wearing Mandalorian armor under these robes. No dagger could get through it. Oh, well.


IC: Xentar reached a safe area and, using his lightsaber, cut Darsha's head from the rest of her already frozen body. Her wound had cauterized instantly, so no blood was leaking from it. A pity.


He put the girl's head in the first of three bags he had brought with him from his ship. Now he only needed to kill two more Jedi.


Waiting out the hour of blindness, Xentar felt through the Force to try and locate more Jedi. There was one...no there were two in a cave not too far from here. There was another out in the snow, and a Sith also pretty far away.


He called his speeder bike back to him and prepared to go after the two in the cave, since their Force signatures were less developed--they were undoubtedly apprentices like the one he had just killed.

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Ish meditated silently, the billowing of the small stream entering his consciousness every now and then, but only an aide instead of a distraction.


He could feel Scorps force signature as it fluxuated to and from what appeared to be an apprehensive nervous state.


The cave gave off a small glow from the entrance as the snow reflected what light there was outside.


No more could he sense his masters presence which disturbed him slightly. He had no doubt or fear, he hoped his master would return soon however and in good condition.

Edited by Guest


Aussie-American Connection Since June 04

Most Sacred order of the Nocturnal


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OOC: Xentar, you don't need to kill so many. I know, I'm also Khorne.



John's hands grasped at the small green crystal before him and he stared into the crystalline structure. It was plain and simple, the likes of which, Jedi Padawan and Knights would use in their Lightsabers... But John was different.


He did not believe in what was sculpted by nature initially... His hands glowed red and in the middle, the small crystal was engulfed in the flames of the Force.


The small shard heaved in a state of violent telekinesis between hands in the small bubble of the Force and his blind face was expressionless. He was perplexed by the Force and her Revelations... Chosen. We are One. We are the Force.


His mind reeled with possibilities and as it did so, the small crystal in his grasp did too... a small inner malformation eroded the core, Deep within, Corruption festers.


His smile was dark and malacious, but he argued in his mind, No... there is more, there is both Light and Dark. Deep within Maturity fosters Hope.


The small spark of Light placed itself, as a heart within the shard.


Veins of varying frustrations spread across the orb's surface as within a coil of the darkness surrounded a small spark of hope.


This is how I walk the path of Vengeance and how tread along the glimmer of Redemption.


After the crystal suffered enough under his fractured mind, the flames extinguished themselves and the crystal fell onto his lap... The hilt would be the next step in his quest.


His blind eyes turned to the Force, feeling the Jedi now and the Sith... Sirvani, my love. I hope you fare well... the Future is full of new surprises.

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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Scorp doubled over in pain. It was like he had been hit with a starship then fell of a cliff hit the ground and erupted into flames. Scorp vision began to blur and he felt sick. Something had gone wrong very very wrong. Scorp struggled to pick himself up to a standing state and braced him self with one of his arms against the wall.

Scorp shut himself from the force what he was feeling was too pain ful for the moment. Scorp began to stagger about in like a drunken rage before he sat down. "it's ...not... fair." he whispered "WHYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!" HE screamed. Then he opened himself back into the force he grabbed ahold of his sadness and sorted it out then let it go with great mental struggle. Then ideas of revenge began to cloud his mind. He began to shoo them away to leave him in his grief but they would not go. Enraged he mental slapped himself and revenge was driven frm his mind to be replaced with justice. HE would bring justice upon this person but which form of justice a life for a life or a life time imprisonment. HE didn't know but he knew one thing that this guy was gonna come for Ish and himself next. Scorp began to meditate in order to relax his body and clear his mind in the case of going into battle. Scorp went for his blaster but then remembered that his lightsaber was indeed the better choice besides he could use it pretty well. Scorp began to grow calm all other things driven from his mind.

Edited by Guest



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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OOC: Yeeesh Xentar, after 8 and 6 months of Scorp and I waiting to be trained you have to hunt us down. Can't ya give us a break?!


IC:Ish felt the grief within Scorp as he cried out.


Someone or something close to him must have died. Dispair such as Scorps could truely only come from something as serious as death.


A few enraged cries that were uncharacteristic of Jedi were yelped out by Scorp as he staggered around the cave near Ish. As Scorp sat down Ish rose swiftly without using his hands. Steady might propelled him up with grace to a standing position.


Walking over towards Scorp as he assumed a sitting posture Ish said nothing. The sadness eminating from Scorp was a dangerous play for a Jedi.


No words Ish could say would probably be able to consol Scorp of whatever he had lost.


All Ish could think to do was to comfort Scorp silently and let him meditate. Placing his hand on Scorps shoulder he grasped it firmly and kept it there. He would be there for his fellow apprentice whos inner turmoil radiated strongly from him. Ish remained standing and positioned himself directly behind Scorp. Letting out a sigh he patted Scorps left shoulder with his hand while the other remained clasped to his fellow padawans shoulder.


Aussie-American Connection Since June 04

Most Sacred order of the Nocturnal


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OOC:don't worry ish I am neither dooku nor qui gon My char is normaly a pretty stoic guy. and Which one of us has 8 months and which one got six.?? and darsha all we need is some of you dna a arm will do... MUAHAHAHAHAHA no really we wouldn't need much most people go with a hair but that kind of in the guy's bag. ))




Scorp felt a reassuring hand on his shoulder.




Scorp resolved the tormoil with in him. He was no longer hampered by his feeling they were under control again. Scorp made his mind go blank a awhile he kept force usage to a pretty small dosage. He was waiting.


Scorp let the force flow through him not like a piece of plastic in a stream but more like a huge fishing net with holes big enough to let whales pass through unhampered. Scorp's body relaxed he sort of fell into the flow of the force. It neither cuddle him nor cut him it. Scorp Suddenly jumped into the air and walked deeper into the cave something had called him something that was dark yet belonged to him. HE would get it himself. He wouldn't fall to it's influences either. Scorp wandered deeper and deeper till he emerged into a huge cavern. Some sort of beast was in front of a small cavern he could fell the calling coming from behind the beast. He approched it slowly it lunged at him. Scorp jumped over the beas and dashed into the caveren when he emerge he was carrying some sort of anicent sword. IT was A sword whose blade is long and straight and sparklies with a silver glow that becomes brighter as the hilt is touched. It is quite warm to the touch and becomes white hot once the hilt was touched. the beast had left when he emerged carrying the dark sword. Scorp returned to Ish.


"Look what I have found it odd because in a way I feel like it belongs to me and that it will be important in some sort of trial. I Feel connected to it some how like through ownership yet I have never seen it. I found it in the cave back there."


Scorp then layed the sword in a corner and sat down away from it and began to meditate once more.



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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OOC: Aren't I so evil? I may not kill both of you if you prove to me that you are a good RPer.


IC: Xentar Kentam approached a small cave in which the two padawans were waiting. The bike swooped off to the side and Xentar landed in the snow outside the cave.


The padawans could not see him, and he waited to attack at their weakest moment, not yet...but soon.

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Ish and Scorp might not be able to see Xentar, but Mathis could. He had doubled back and went up into the hills, masking his presence from the everyone else. Watching Xentar jump off of his bike, Mathis casts around for a makeshift weapon. Picking up a rock the size of a baseball, he hefts it up. Tossing it into the air, he catches it and hurls it at the unaware Xentar's head.

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OOC: Lol, that is pretty funny...



John had made his way from the cave at his rather rapid pace, the Force serving in place of his eyes, he felt Xentar... and a pair of Jedi Padawans, the third presence having vanished.


Their Master...


"Xentar, sometimes... these battles grow a bit beyond us. I'd be more wary if I were you."


The blind Sith Master approached just as the rock hit Xentar squarely in the face, tracing the small stone's trajectory back to the hand that threw it... John ignited the obsidian lightsaber.


"Come now, surely a trained Jedi Knight can use more than rocks..."


The black beam resounded off his frost-bitten face and the cold, frozen blood that still dripped down the sockets where his eyes had once resided, like tear drops.


John dropped the over cloak, if he fell into the Force, not even the Ilum cold could bother him...

Heathen Master of the Lords of Hate

KR: I'm like the freakin' Martha Stewart of Chaos.


He was also a Marxist, which is dumb.
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