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"A duel like before?"


Mischief shone very obviously in Alora's eyes at Draken's request. They did have a short while to go until they reached their destination, it might just be fun to have the duel on the way. It would fill in travelling time anyhow.


"There can't be an ending like before though... not when we have to have energy enough for the activities at the wedding ceremony. I can't be standing up at the alter with Sirvani half asleep you know..."


She winked at him, indicating for him to lead the way to his training room.


Darth Alraune

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"This is true, however you know I can fall asleep during the ceremony." He smiled at her and winked. "Though I believe that is a benefit to not being in the ceremony. You know our duel last time didn't have results that were too bad and besides Zad can't join in."


He led her to the back of the ship and opened a door. He walked inot the darkness and waved his hand once. The lights slowly turned on, showing a dark painted room which held many weapons on several different racks along the wall.


"This is where i have begun my training now."

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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"Whichever you perfer, Im partial to the fencing sabre myself, that or the lightsabre. My sabre has be set down to training power, after all neither one of us needs to show up at the wedding missing a limb or organ. Choose whatever weapon you perfer."


He looked over the weapons and removed a long sword from one of the racks and balanced the blade on his hand. It had perfect balance and was light weight. He spun it into the air and caught it before it could even come close to touching the ground. He spun it around in quick move.

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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Darex sighed. "Alright, that'll be fine."


He wasn't frustrated with them, not at all. He was merely frustrated at himself for getting them into this situation in the first place, and frustrated that he would have to venture so close to breaking his word. He remembered a saying he had learned a long time ago from the Jedi Archives on Naboo. It had stated that not telling the whole truth--or in this case, acting on it--was as bad as a full-fledged lie.


He caught Darla's worried look. "Don't worry. Just get us to a planet that meets the requirements, and I'll handle our guest. I'll keep watch, make sure nothing happens. In the meantime, you ladies should get some rest."


He paused. "You were both through much more trying experiences there...I'm sure you need it. I doubt the medical droids would be very pleased to see the lack of rest you've been able to get. Besides, there's no point in you staying awake as we go through hyperspace."


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Darla relaxed a little. Darex was a good man. If he said he'd take care of it then he would.


"I'll check for a near by system with a planet we could use then programe a few jumps into the navi-comp. If anything goes wrong, let me know straight away." Darla gave Darex and gentle smile. "I know it's a little different to the last few ships we've had but the cabins are much more spacious. It's probably a good idea if we both get some rest."


Darla gently placed a hand on Nivana's shoulder.


"We'll be heading back to Skye as soon as this is over and we can forget all about Trowa Barton and his monsters." Just before she heading towards the cockpit Darla told Nivana quietly. "Lock your door and keep your lightsaber close to your bed."


It didn't take long for Darla to discover a small planetoid with breathable atmostphere. There seemed to be little or no life. That was good. Whatever lived there must have been very primitive, some sort of bacteria or insects. It would be perfect. She didn't want any sentients getting eaten or infected by those beasts.


She programmed three sort hyperspace jumps, the quickest route to their destination. Darla didn't really feel all that safe onboard the Starpsprite knowing that Trowa had tampered with it. But there was very little she could do about that at the moment.


"Darex the jumps are programmed. I'll be in my cabin getting some rest." Darla announced over the comm as she walked through the ship.


Once in her room it didn't take long for her to fall asleep. Like she had instructed Nivana, she locked her door and kept her lightsaber by her side.

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As soon as the ladies had turned in, Darex headed to the cockpit. He checked up on where they were headed. Darla had chosen well. The planet was uninhabited and close to the galaxial core, but it would just sustain life. He shook his head. It was just a matter of time before the planet would be discovered...in fact, he would be surprised if it wasn't already, but deemed inappropriate for whoever's needs.


As he had no intention of taking Darla's advice and getting some rest, he decided to go into the back and check out some of the modifications Barton had installed on the ship. A corner of his mind remained on their guest, opened to the Force so that he'd be alerted to any change or threat. He highly doubted he'd need to act, though. The hive mother had seemed honest, and able to make up her own mind. He didn't think she was under Barton's control, and even if this was an elaborate plot to kill them, it would have been much easier to kill them on Roon.


Darex was no expert mechanic, but years of flying had given him a general knowledge. All of the systems checked out perfectly, and Darex ran several high-level diagnostics of the ship.


Finally, some time late in the night (which was, of course, a loosely-applied term while in space), Darex found a clear space in the hold and sank to the floor, Indian-style. He let himself drift loose in the Force, following it's waves and currents, a tiny corner of his mind alert, but the rest of it shut down. He knew he would be refreshed when morning came, and this way he could stand watch and get some rest.


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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An Imperial shuttle dropped out of hyperspace and descended upon some wayward moon, remote and out of the way of everything. Piloting the shuttle was Jedi Master Talon, and his trusty companion Zee was already waiting for him at the rendezvous point. It took only several moments for the Jedi to switch vehicles, as Talon carried nothing with him. In a measure of security, the Jedi abandoned everything in the shuttle: the security card, the blaster, even his clothing. Zee had a fresh pair of clothes waiting for him; Talon slipped them on as the ship disappeared into hyperspace, this time heading towards their final destination.

Location courtesy of Hale Akturus.

Character Sheet

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A highly jedi encoded COM was sent to master Kirlocca and Aryain.




My name is Damon and I hope this reaches you in time. Within this COM are the recordings of all talks and events that have taken place since the arrival of Piccolo and the talks between him and grandmaster Hou-Jo. He has lost his correct state of mind and is not able to lead properly no longer. Please early to Haruun-Kal where I am already so we can try to make this as peaceful as we can.



Its a blast from the not so distant past.

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The trip to the Link had to be the slowest transport Dahz had ever been on. He felt as if a snail could get out and push faster than the trip was taking.


As a low cost passenger, he had few options and fewer diverstions that were quickly exhausted during the journey.


The inactivity made him anxious and angry throughout the long journey.

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Alora shrugged off her robe, letting it fall to the floor just inside the doorway. Under that she had a tight fitting second skin outfit. Her saber hung from her belt, the only adornment she wore. She unclipped her saber, thumbing it down to it's lowest setting, not wanting to marr either of their looks for the wedding.


The golden haired beauty began to circle around him, giving him time to either change weapon or settle into the use of the one in his hand.


Darth Alraune

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Sitting up in her bed Darla rubbed her eyes. Her sleep had been peaceful. It seemed that hardly any time had passed but she felt rested and happy.


I give you a gift...


The same raspy female voice that Darla had heard in the catacombs filled her mind.


The hive mother.


Darla clutched at her abdomen as something began to move beneath her flesh. She pulled up her shirt to get a look. Her skin was stretching out of shape as something pushed from with-in her.




Pain shot through her as her skin stretched more. There was nothing that she could do except look on in horror. Suddenly her skin reached it's breaking point and tore open in a shower of blood. She screamed over and over filled with shock horror and agony.


Hundreds of tiny spiders scurried from her open wound until all Darla could see was a sea of black bodies.


Darla sat bolt upright in her bed. She was breathing heavily and her sheets were soaked with sweat.


It was just a dream. she told herself over and over until she had calmed down a little.


A constant beeping from the ships' comm told her that they were about to exit their final jump through hyperspace. She had set the proximity alarms to go off in her cabin so that she'd be awake in time. Everything was alright. It had just been a nightmare.


Reaching out with the force Darla felt that everything was calm and still. As far as she could tell there was no danger. She cleaned herself up and then sent a message through the shipwide comm before making her way to the cockpit.


"Darex, Nivana, we're nearly there. I'll be in the cockpit, meet me there."

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Five Black Dawn Star Destroyers and a Black Dawn Harvester hurtled through hyperspace. Jacen, Kal, and the other Black Dawn operatives waited for their arrival at Huuran Kal. They all checked their weapons, and joked back and forth about the coming battle.


Very soon after, the 60 countdown timer began.








Jacen prayed a silent prayer.












Kal put one extra thermal detonator on his belt.


















Jacen's hand became slippery as he gripped the transmiter blacking equipment.
























Kal stared emotionless at the hyperspace lines flew by.






















Jacen checked his blaster packs one more time.




























Jacen and Kal stared at each other, then smiled. They were ready.






















((Continued in Huuran Kal))


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Nivana took the other's advice immediately. She retired to a room, locked herself in and flopped onto the bed. She kept her hand wrapped around her lightsaber as she drifted into instant and dreamless slumber.


It hadn't seemed that long before Darla's voice had stirred Niv from sleep. She actually felt a whole lot better, even smiled as she stretched. Moments later she made her way through the ship, clipping her weapon to her belt.


Niv eased into the cockpit and took a seat across from Darla. She grinned almost cheerily at her. "I actually feel great. So glad to be alive."


She nestled back into the chair and eagerly asked, "So how soon before we drop off our passenger?"

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The ship Midgets Paradise drops out of hyperspace somewhere in the middle of a hyperspace route between Coruscant and Nar Shadaa. Bosutai leans up from his control console waiting for his brothers to get back from their respcetive missions. At 4' exactly he is no terroring sight, in fact he looks downright adorable with cute little golden eyes perpetually saying "I'm adorable."


"When the hell are they gonna get here" Bosutai mused.


Getting out of his chair he walked, or rather waddled, to the door of the cockpit and climbed out into a breathtaking forest that took up eighty percent of the ship. He climbed to one of his favorite perches and waited for his younger brothers to get back.


((sup peeps you all know me even if you don't I won't hold that against you.))

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Darla smiled as Nivana entered. Her apprentice looked well rested.


"Very soon I hope." She answered. " The idea of having one of those things on here makes my skin crawl... You saw them, you know what they can do..."


There was a moment of silence before Darla continued.


"Personally I think that blasting that thing and it's eggs out of the airlock we'd be doing the rest of the galaxy a favour. But Darex made a promise and I dont want to make him brake it if I can. I meant what I said about killing it if it tries anything though."


It was clearly visible how uneasy Darla felt.


"Hopefully it won't come to that." Darla added in an attempt to ligthen the mood.

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"Earlier, I was hoping it would try something so we could kill it." Nivana admitted. She shifted uneasily in her chair. "I'm still not liking the creature but no longer feel the urge to kill it. Perhaps after we drop it off it'll just die out on it's own in it's new environment. If we're lucky."


She tried to sound hopeful but deep inside she knew that luck had nothing to do with it. And she knew that the creature was of a resilient species... whatever species it was.


Thinking of that mutant made Niv's thoughts wander back to that odd creature that introduced himself as Zek. There was something slightly arachnid about that man too. She hadn't noticed it right off but now she sensed that he indeed was more like one of his monsterous creations than like a man.


She shoved the thoughts away. She wanted to leave such thoughts in the past. Niv looked to Darla. "Where exactly are we headed after this bit of business is taken care of?" She asked to change the subject.

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"Well I've contacted Skye and she's sent me her co-ordinates. She's on Hoth and hopefully she'll still be there when we arrive. I'd like to get this sorted and get there ASAP. Skye looking after Darex's apprentice Seraphim and it's been quite a while, I'm sure he wants to get on with his training. We left this man named Ra that we rescued at the beginning of our journey with her too, I'm not sure if he's still there or not. I'll be good to catch up with Skye. I'm not even sure how long ago we left her."


Darla had eased up a lot now that the conversation had steered away from the arachnid monsters.


"After that we're free to do whatever we want. We can complete your Jedi training if you'd like. Or perhaps something different if you don't want to be a Jedi any longer. There are a lot of possibilities and I'll teach you whatever I can. There's a whole galaxy out there waiting for us."


Her voice had become hopeful and a smile crossed her face as she looked at Nivana.

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Draken smiled as Alora prepared for the sparring match. He wiped a clean cloth along the blade of the sabre before he sheathed it and hung it on the wall beside the other two sabres. He smiled at Alora once more and removed his cloak. He hung it carfully on the wall and let his sabre fall into his hand. He looked down at it to make sure that the setting was down on the lowest possible setting.


He stepped into the circle across from her and touched his finger to the ignition switch. A dark red bar extended from the hilt of the sabre and it brought a satisfied look to his face. He bowed to her and saluted her as per his honor and style.

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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As Draken ignited his hilt, so did she, her crimson blade extending to it's full length, hissing and crackling with it's energy. She saluted him in return, inclining her head towards him after her saber returned to it's ready position. She began to circle, her blade between them as she gathered the darkness towards her, a smirk appearing on her face.


"You ready dear?"


She raised an eyebrow as she stretched out a light tendril of the Force towards him...


Darth Alraune

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Draken smirked and danced aside, parrying the force tendril aside with a light Force current. He feinted toward her, his blade rising toward her. At the last moment he spun to the left side, his blade brushing past her blade. He stopped it just short of her though. He leapt back and attacked again, his attacks coming at a slow pace, easy for her to turn aside and block.


He didn't really want to jump right into combat without a good warmup and that was percisely the point of his weak attacks. He smiled at the darkness that she was gathering behind her. He smiled and used the force to plunge the room into darkness, it would be intriging to she what she did in return.

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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Darex slowly brought himself to the present. He had sensed Darla's lingering unease from her nightmare, although he did not know what she had dreamed of, and gotten up when she had. But he had quickly hopped into the fresher for a quick shower. Putting on a fresh tunic and shaking his hair to dry it quicker, he headed to the cockpit.


He heard voices inside, and not wanting to intrude, stood outside for a moment. He softly cleared his throat, and offered the ladies a smile. "Indeed, the galaxy is expansive," he added to Darla's last comment.


He reached over and checked the display. "So, let's deliver our guest to his new home, shall we?"


Grand Master of the Jedi Order

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Alora used the beginnings of their duel for warming up as well, flexing her body as she moved gracefully around him, making full use of how the bodysuit she wore accentuated her body.


How he dealt with her force tendril tested how he would react, Alora grinning again as she continued to circle, suddenly moving in with a flurry of her blade, her mind focusing on another of her tricks as she loosened his pants without him realising what she was doing. She was well practiced at it by now, knowing how to make the subtle moves through the Force without giving herself away.


Darth Alraune

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Draken arched his eyebrow and closed down his lightsabre, leaving only her lightsabre blade ignited. He moved silently around the room. He smiled as he felt the current of the Force loosen his pants. He reignited his sabre and smiled at her. "Nice touch Alora. " That really wouldnt hinder him in any really form.


He danced back into the attack, matching her attack stroke for stroke. He added a bit more finesse to his defense, turning her attacks aside with greater style and grace then what he had when he was an apprentice. He switched from defense to attack mode after ten minutes or so of her attacks. His opening attack was highly complicated and composed of two identical feints in the same direction. It lead into a attack that started out high then dipped low before slipping through her guard and cutting lightly down the neckline of her bodysuit.


"I believe I get the first contact, Alora."

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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The Server stopped in space, above the plane of the Galaxy. It was a magnificent place to hide, in which it would do so before it could calculate a safe way to contact Aryian Darkfire or begin construction of a new droid world...

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