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Max woke several hours later. He got dressed and walked around. He noticed Misty and Warren doing a sim. He remembered the first days, when they had all met. He had just escaped Kessel, and these were the first people he met. They were all some sort of outcasts. They were just a group of former slaves, miners, and other "lowlifes". Thats what made them so special, he thought. They had proved they were worth something afterall. Watching a vid of the sim, he paid particular attention to Misty. They all agreed she was the beautiful one... obviously since she was the only female. But something about her... it was something that was hard to resist. You couldn't help but like her. Watching them got his adrenaline pumping. He felt like doing something stupid. He went back to the drawer under his bunk, and pulled out- a hoverboard. A twisted smile shows on his face as he drops the board to the floor of the ship. Time to have a little fun...

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Misty looked up from her sim console to see Max looking in at them. Acknowledging him with a wink, she set back to her programming. Five minutes later, she set down the console and grinned.


"M'kay, Warren, just watch. I think we're going to get the Nexu first."


He looked up sharply. "Nexu? What's a Nexu?"


A sly smile spread over her face. "You'll see what I mean in a minute."


One slender finger reached over and pressed the final button. A large creature, about seven feet long, three feet wide, and four feet tall materialized in their vision. It's back was covered with fur and the mouth was more than wide enough to fit a human in between it's sharp rows of teeth. Warren stared at her incredulously.


"And exactly why did you pitch us against a foe that is impossibly easy to beat?"


Misty shrugged. "I like a challenge." So saying, she brought her hands up before her, threw a stray strand of hair over her shoulder with a sharp toss of her head, and glared forward, waiting for the animal's charge.

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Rane Scando stood, alcohol running down his face, with the drunken woman pressing her lips against his. He had let his guard down, he was never expecting this. After a few long moments, the bounty hunter pushes her away. His eyes flashed angrily for a second, then softened as he wiped some glass out of his dark hair.


”œThat was a mistake, you are not yourself. Don't try anything that you will regret. Listen to me, I cannot help you! I am bound to the Hutts! You just have to accept this for now. Come back to Tatooine willingly, even if your allegiance to them is but a façade. Eventually your beloved ”“ that smuggler ”“ will escape from the clutches of Ordeena.”

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Bekka sat there and listened to Rane, then her eyes glanced over at the restraints in his hands. She started to shake her head. There was no way she was going to wear those. She kept her arms at her sides as her hands reached for the blaster that Ob had given her back at the palace. She would rather be dead then have those on her. Where was she gonna go anyway.


Pulling the blaster out, she pointed it directly in his face. "You are not putting those on me. I have no where to run, and besides that, I have not given you any reason for those."


She stood up, keeping the blaster trained on him and started for the door. She go on her own but not in restraints. He watched her as she got to the door and opened it, standing there for a second to get her balance. "You, Rane, I had a life once. My only mistake was wanting to learn how to fly. That is the reason I'm in this now."


She left the cockpit, and started down the passageway, and he continued to watch her as she leaned on the wall heavily. He got up to follow her, not sure she would be able to make it back to the cabin on her own. As he turned the corner at the end of the passage, he all but tripped on her. Sitting there against the wall, was Bekka. Her eyes were closed as he bent down to scoop her up and carry her back to the cabin.

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Warren sees the Nexus right leg muscle pulse right before it leapt at them. It slashed out with its left claw. They dodge it and Misty punches it in the stomach. Warren kicks it in the face as it lands.

When a man's heart is full of deceit it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow falls over his soul. From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse, a wrong that must be righted.

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Rane Scando scooped the woman off the floor and put her on the cot inside the freighter's cabin. As she slept, the bounty hunter took the blaster out of her hands. He placed it on the small table at her side. The freighter, Phantom Raptor, continued to soar through hyperspace.

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Capt. Noswal brought the Phoenix out of Hyperspace on the far edge of the system that held the Smuggler's Moon. During the 2 day trip there he and Commander McGallister had planned out how best to approach the planet. They would deploy the 4 A-Wing Fighters with 1 above, 1 below the Phoenix, 1 each Port & Starboard and all slightly to the Aft of the larger ship. "Classic Diamond attack pattern," agreed the Wing Commander, "our biggest guns, but also the object we're trying to protect most, the Phoenix will be in the middle. We shouldn't run into any trouble... at least none we can't take care of!!"


They put their plan into motion. The Phoenixwaited til all were inplace then started out slowly at first gaining more speed as they went further into the system. All systems were scanning the surrounding space, but there was no traffic out there at all.


Within several hours they were aproaching the giant gas planet that the Moon rotated around. One last scan of all available quadrants showed that they were alone in this region of space.


"Ok boys.... we're goin in and we're goin' in FULL Throttle!!" Captain Noswal signaled to the rest of the small Armada to head around towards the Moon.

  • starwars-a_long_time_ago.jpg

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Eas-San skims through space as he heads towards Tatooine. His mind is flooded with thoughts of his master and of his journey ahead of him as he passes by the star systems.


He begins to daze off, losing his track of thought. What will the future bring to him? It seems so unclear...

Angelfire sucks cock

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*The Hand Of Bishop moved at full speed through hyperspace. Inside Bishop left the cockpit and moved backwards through the ship. Myth had stabalized Jaina, the now armless Jedi who, for the moment, remained unconcious.*


"When you are finished with her and know where you would like to be dropped off, inform me as such."


*He took a few more steps and was into Tarrian's and his room. He set out some medical supplies and went to work on her hamstrings. The pain in his shoulder was long forgotton as he worked his skills. No where near as fine as a medical droids or a surgeons, but more than functional for the situation.*


"How are you feeling?"

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Tarrian looked at Bishop as he came in and started tending to her legs, and smirked at his question.


"I'm doing better then I probably should be considering...I remember him from the academy, but he was not there long. I'll be fine, just need a bit of mending. How is Kaylynn? She feels rather smug about something. What did she do?"


She looked at the door way to see Kaylynn standing there holding the sleeping cat in her arms. Tarrian noticed the bandages on him and could feel the pain from him. Kaylynn just shrugged her shoulders and said as she came into the room to sit with her parents, He was bad and was punished.


Tarrian just looked at Bishop and raised her eyebrows.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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Warren wonders wherethat came from, but he will listen to it. He pops his claws and hits it under the gut. He decides to let Misty finish it. He walks over to Tobias and says. "What can I do for you?"

When a man's heart is full of deceit it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow falls over his soul. From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse, a wrong that must be righted.

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"Good girl, next time you might try making it fatal."


*Kaylynn didn't seem to like his down talking of the cat still, but she accepted that he still didn't like the feline. Bishop continued the conversation about Blckclone with Tarrian.*


"Blckclone, wasn't it? As I recall, he was the guy that attacked the academy, yes? He must have been a Sith then... or struggling with the Darkside or something like that. At the time he didn't have the detachment of a true Sith though. Perhaps he had only begun upon the path and then become lost again on the Jedi ways. It would be good to learn more about his dabbling there. Perhaps we can use it against him should we encounter the wookie again."


*He had finished with her legs. It would be good enough for her to walk until they had finished healing. He vowed to keep an eye on those injuries, unlike many of his own which he had let heal without much tending. Even the recent battle with Omega at the Maw had left him with bits of metal flechettes buried in him that had eventually healed over. It would play hell on any metal detector he might pass through in the future.*

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Freelancer zooms down the halls of the ship on his board. He starts doing some tricks. He loved doing this as a kid. He got into one of the circular halls and started going up and down the side, doing different airial tricks at the tops. As he moved on, he ollied onto a table and slid across. He twisted around and landed on the floor again. He continued on through the halls, with not one person to tell him to stop...

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Tarrian nodded her head to Kaylynn and look at Bishop and smiled. "Thanks for the mending. They'll heal on their own. They'll be fine now. I'm sure that we will meet him again."


Tarrian looked over at Kaylynn and her little cat and noticed Bishop glaring at it. "Kaylynn why don't you take you little cat to your room and let me see to your father's shoulder." Kaylynn nodded to her mother and walked out of the room.


She looked over to Bishop and told him to give her the medical kit and to sit down so she could tend to his shoulder.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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"Yes Dr. Mom."


*Bishop winced as Tarrian gave him a light squeeze on the shoulder to shut him up before she went to work on the injury.*


"I don't know where that Imperial woman wants us to take her. Probably the Imperial Command Center. After that, we can go whereever. Perhaps visit your brother at Midsengard? I've also some things to do with the girl in the other room there. She'll be fun to break."

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*Moving from the room, Kaylynn kept her little pet held securly in her arms. Reaching her room she pushed through the door and set Afri down on his bed. Behind her the door slammed shut violently, though she had not physically touched it.*




*She moved over to the closet to change into a set of pajamas. Glancing out she tossed Afri a serious look.*


"No peaking while I change."


*Afri promptly covered his eyes so as to make sure there was no chance what-so-ever that she might think he was watching. A few moments later he felt himself suddenly lifted. Opening his eyes he watched the floor pass beneath him as he floated into Kaylynn's outstreched hands. She leaned him against her shoulder and stroked his fur as she moved to a viewport and looked out at the walls of hyperspace. She spent a moment there before walking back to bed. The covers pulled themselves back for her and she laid down. Lifting the cat above her head the covers repositinoed themselves and she set Afri down next to her.*


"Now be good and go back to sleep Afri."


*The lights dimmed and within minutes Kaylynn was fast asleep.*

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Tarrian squeezed Bishop's shoulder and he sat down and let her tend his wound. "Well, we will drop the imperial at the Imperial Headquarters first, then let us head to Neo Midsengard. Will be nice to see Thorn. And, the girl, yes, she has been in your dreams lately."


Tarrian turned to look at Bishop, and kissed him gently on the lips. "Don't get over zealous with the girl Bishop. She will need medical treatment as well. I'm sure that she can get that at Neo."


She kissed him again and the two walked to the cockpit.

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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She has grown alot since the last time I saw her

Was the words that were projected into her head.


A blue mist formed around a shadowed wall, from the mist Celedon steps forward....


[The Order: Serving Il Cane Del Diavolo since May 15, 2002]

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Afri layed besides Kaylynn and did as she said. He closed his little eyes and dosed off. He had various dreams of when he was back with the Jedi, but they were fading fast. His new life was here, with Kaylynn. Afri woke up a bit latter feeling very warm and a very ill. He sneezed a few times. He slowly got off of the bed and walked over the the bathroom. He couldn't move fast because he was getting very ill. He sneezed all the way down the hall. When he got the the bathroom and got up onto the toilet, and threw up. He threw up a few times more.

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Jaina awoke to screaming pain. She was disoriented and had no idea as to where she had been taken. Opening her eyes, she was greeted by the anxious gaze of Myth.


"Jay, you all right?"


This sudden burst of friendly worry, however light, sent Jaina's wounded spirits soaring as high as the recent turn of events could let them. She reached behind her to push herself into a sitting position, and - nothing happened. Looking down to the right first, then the left, she saw again what reality had not-too-kindly brought to her: she was unarmed. Literally. She glanced up and meekly groaned,


"As well as can be expected for having both of my arms ripped off and my life as I knew it stolen from me, I guess."


A haunting feeling entered her senses as her gaze turned towards the door.


"Where am I?"


Myth regained her arrogant Imperial composure. "In space, aboard the Hand of Bishop. You're not going to remain a Jedi for long, if they can help it."


Jaina nodded sullenly, and a fresh burst of pain ran up and down her nerves.


"I was afraid of that."


...why are the pretty ones always the most hazardous to your health?

May the Forth therve you well...

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*Bishop started at the mist before his senses finally recognized the feeling of what was once Sauron. He cocked his head slightly at the being then turned to Tarrian to see her own reaction. The Jedi in the back had woken up. He would leave her there for a bit to soak in her own misery with whom appeared to be an old friend.*


"Dare I ask what happened to you, Darth Sauron, that you appear before us now as you do?"

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Tarrian looked at Celedon and nodded to him. "Yes, she has grown. Her growth is quite rapid. She grows stronger in the force as well." She reached out with the force towards Celedon, and felt a familiar and her mind went back to the evening and dancing with Crimson Morpheus. It was almost the same dark presense she felt in her own daughter.


She opened her eyes, and looked at him. "So, you have become a darkjedi?"

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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"Yes, we faced Blckclone. And Almania has seen alot of traffic. But in the end, it is now under the control of the imperials and two Jedi dead, Blckclone was injured as well as another Jedi here on the ship." Looking over at Bishop she smiled. "Bishop intends to turn her."

"When in doubt, Get the Hell out!!!"

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Celedon closed his eyes and searched through the force. Sensing the presence of two light beings, he looked at Tarrian and then at Bishop, "I see, what has this jedi done?"


[The Order: Serving Il Cane Del Diavolo since May 15, 2002]

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During their ride to the Hutts, Ryan goes into the back and sees a training remote. He turns it on and activates the lightsaber. When it first fires a shot, his first instinct is to dodge it but he hold back and gets stung. The second shot it fires he moves to block it but he misses it by a mile. It fires another shot and he moves to block it but he narowly misses it. He then feels the next shot coming and is able to block it. But he gets cocky and the next two series of bolts hit him. He deactivates the lightsaber after hearing Kile laugh. "You try."

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