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Ary the Grey

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I couldn't help but noticed Sydney's smile; it was intoxicating. I smiled back at her before realizing that this was the last time anyone would ever see my face. Not too many people had seen my smile, so that wasn't a real big deal.


I grabbed my weapons and plastered them on my body in their respective spots. I felt at home, protected by that which housed me.


Once more, I turned towards the female aboard my ship.


"If there's anything you need, let me know," I said bluntly, unused to saying friendly words.


"I have been hired to destroy some of Darkwatch's ships, along with another man. We are to meet on planet Myrkr. You are more than welcome to join in the action, but please note that I will not be happy in the event that you are injured."


I gestured towards the cast away armor.


"You may wear that if you like. As for weapons, I see that you are already strapped. Is there anything else I can do for you?"


I continued to move around the ship in random patterns, still getting used to the armor.

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She didn't need anything. She'd lived her whole life by not asking for anything. That lead to many mistakes in her life.


Trusted those near her and then they betrayed her. She knew the only person she could trust once again was Terren.


She looked to the armor he provided for her. "I don't think I will need that. I can protect myself. " She said in her usual defensive tone.


She stared at the armor though and then looked to Terren. The two lived different lives although they both did the same thing. He wore the protective armor and helmet.


She wore............... her instinct and attitude. Thats what protected her. She was affectionately known as the outcast because she didnt wear the armor.


She didn't care what others thought of her. Only one person did she care about how they thought of her but that was another time.

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The Gravebreaker cut a path through space on its way back to Coruscant. All the while, bestial growls and roars accompanied by varying levels of agonizing screams filled the air as Duo broke in Pepito and welcomed himself back to the realm of the living.

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Sydney just sat there staring out into space... Literally.. How many countless times did she float through space not knowing where she was going?


Then how many times had she gotten herself into situations in which she almost caused herself and so many others the worst possible thing in life.


She only hoped she could regain her life starting now. She had arrived at the cantina to start over. Not a very good place of starting but she was meeting him there.


He could help her. If only he knew her dark secret. If only..

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Alora looked back at him, grinning then arching a delicate eyebrow. "Special... next destination... if all goes well that is?"


She gazed from him back out through the front view screen. Stars streaked by in the form of white lines. Looking at the console she added,


"Not long until we revert to real space. What do you know of Selvaris?"


Darth Alraune

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In the span of time it took to get from Merkava to Manaan, Julio meditated. A majority of the trip was devoted to putting the portions of his broken elbow back in place. No matter how delicate he worked, every movement caused an explosion of pain through his right arm. When the bones were back in position, he injected bacta in and around the wound to speed up the healing. He carefully put his arm in a sling from the remaining medical supplies and returned to the cockpit.

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With Aimee as co-pilot Darla laid out co-ordinates for several hyperspace jumps that would eventually lead them to their destination.


Darla took a nap in her new quarters safe in the knowledge that Aimee woul be able to pilot the ship without her. She fell into a dreamless sleep and awoke feeling as if she'd only just closed her eyes.


"Darla we have arrived." Aimee anounced standing in the doorway.


Rubbing the sleep from her Darla followed the droid to the cockpit.


((Continued in Gala thread))

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The Unlucky 7 rocketed away from Mannan, going into a series of blind hyperspace jumps to throw off any would-be pursuers. During each reentry into normal space An-Dur went through a series of system checks, and overall ship integrity checks. While at the latest reentry point the young Zabrak waited. He chose to meditate in order to clear his mind. Closing his eyes and focusing on his breathing in order to become centered for his next task; speaking to millions about employment. Sora rose from his chair and sat on the cold floor of the cockpit, the cool durasteel floor chilling his back side. He crossed his legs and sat up to his full height, straightening his back to make sure he wouldn't screw up. And slowly he began to breathe, at first taking shallow quick breaths while his mind ran all over the place, running throughout the long and disturbing hallways of his mind. Then, as time passed, his breathing slowed and along with it, the childish running of his brain as well. Eventually bringing him to the point of perfect meditation, when there were no other sounds, no other disturbances around him, only the gentle thumping of his beating heart and the lulling of his breath. In this state he began to focus his mind on his speech, the words he would say, the tone he would use, how he would dress, all the little things that others might miss, became intensely scrutinized by him. He would not ruin this, after all; you only had on chance at first impressions.


As he sat upon the cold steel floor, with a feeling of calmness and serenity washing over him and thinking upon his words a distant beeping rang out and pierced his concentration. The sounds were emanating from his console, which meant that his integrity scans were completed. An-Dur's eyes flashed open, his hazel pupils gleaming with purpose and composure. The young man calmly uncrossed his legs and rose to his full height, patted down any wrinkles on his blue outfit and walked the short distance to his chair. Where he sat down and began to read over the log. After about five minutes or so of reading, An-Dur found nothing wrong with his ship and smiled.


His actions caused his mind to race suddenly. He realized how much he was smiling despite what Geki had done to him, despite the half crescent scar that was barely noticeable upon his cheeks. He wondered why. In times past, he would have been consumed with the need to find, hunt and kill any who harmed him or his past. Why was this different? Why was he able to overcome such a wrong? And why was he so happy? Then another thought floated to the surface; his friends were the source of this. His friends gave him light, solace and hope for himself. Hope for a better An-Dur and in the future. A brighter tomorrow of sorts. Causing yet another smile to crop up upon his face, slowly the Zabrak broke into a fit of hysterical laughter alone on his ship. "*Hardy laughter* Man, I get friends and go soft--*Hardy laughter* I should get more! *Hardy laughter* Hell, I should meditate more often! I've forgotten how good I feel afterwards! *Joyous laughter*" He laughed and spoke to himself on his bridge, his r-unit droid rolling all throughout his ship, oblivious to it all, the gunner droids emotionless and stoically at their post equally oblivious. Bob long gone, destroyed by Geki on Coruscant.


The Unlucky 7 suddenly lurched forward, entering hyperspace, after about half a standard day doing checks, it felt good to be on the move again. Just as before the ship made random and sometimes blind jumps in order to throw off pursuers, not that he had any, but a little paranoia was healthy at times.


Its destination; Myrkr and the future.

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When Aryian and I finally parted long enough to see beyond each other's lips, I guided my husband on the obligatory tour of the Ghost Breath. Admittedly, there wasn't much to see””the only truly interesting trait of the ship that I could show him was the tiny hangar that I'd built from the expanded cargo hold, which housed his snubfighter at the moment. It was a clever modification and one that had required countless hours to perform the extensive rewiring in the vicinity of the former cargo hold.


While the rest of my ship was taut and thoroughly uncluttered, primed for action at a moment's notice, my personal quarters were the opposite: peppered with memorabilia that I'd collected over my time with the ship. It was the usual shrapnel of a busy life: holos of a few worlds that I'd visited in my life, breathtaking views or wondrous examples of architecture; a few holos and worthless bits that were connected to inside jokes with my friends. A scarred, pitted plate of steel was permanently welded to one wall; the banner of House Draygo graced its surface, and though faded by long exposure to the elements, the ebony star still shone true.


I was very surprised to find that a bottle of champagne and a handwritten note was left on my desk. Glancing at the note, I turned my attention to the glass bottle”¦ and dropped my jaw when I saw the age and vintage of the alcohol. It was Alderaanian, from well before the planet's destruction if the tax labels were at all accurate. I would have never spent so much money on a single bottle of wine.


Turning my attention to the note, I sat down on the edge of my desk and read the note aloud to my husband, who looked over with one arm over my shoulders.


”œDaughter, son,


Congratulations on your wedding. It goes without saying that I'm very happy for both of you, and hope that you only have memories to celebrate in the future. Unfortunately, the time has come for me to depart, at least for a while. I need to be by myself for a while, retrace the paths I've taken in life, think about what I'm doing, think about what I'm going to do next. I don't know where I'll be going, how long it will take, or even if the journey will be productive at all.


Who knows? I might have a life-changing epiphany, or I might merely be fortunate enough to meet with a few old friends that I haven't seen in years. It might be a complete waste of time and funeral. Whatever happens, I'll be back when you need me.


I love both of you. Yes, that includes Aryian. I still don't like him, but you don't have to like someone in order to love them.


PS: don't thank me for finding this vintage. The money I spent for it came out of your account.


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That night the universe seemed to be in alignment. For once, Aryian felt safe and secure. He knew no matter what, nobody could harm them, not a shadow of a man who held a vendetta against his wife, not even the Dark Lord himself could separate the two now. His wife now lay next to him, silently sleeping as he looked up, staring at the metal ceiling, simply letting his mind wander. It was...nice.


As quietly as he could, he got up without bothering her, walking to the cockpit and pulling the ship out of hyperspace, using the Force to dampen the sound so she wouldn't be disturbed. And for the first time in a long time, Aryian sat in the cockpit, staring at the stars. He didn't know how much time passed as he watched, but one thought echoed prominently in his mind, the promise of a new life. One away from the burdens of the Force and the Jedi Order...for the first time in his life, Aryian silently wished he and his wife weren't Jedi. Maybe then people wouldn't hunt them or seek to kill them as easily. Sure, there was always war, but he had the feeling it would be mere background noise to the loud opera that played in the cosmos.


Eventually, he re-engaged the hyperdrive and returned back to her - their - quarters, quietly slipping back in under the sheets and putting his arms around his wife, holding her gently close to him as he dozed off into sweet unconsciousness.

Immediately reachable by  charlesjhall@gmail.com


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The Lost Soul slipped out of the hyperspace lanes after another random jump, it's silver haired pilot entering another set of co-ordinates before slipping back into another hyperspace lane. Her usual procedure was several random jumps before reaching her final location.


The Force can do terrible things to a mind it can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity. - Carth Onasi

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[Heavily Encrypted Comm --]




Word has been affirmed of your destination. A man of interest wishes to rendezvous on the planet Kamino in the imperial precinct #103. It is also important to note that certain haste must be exercised if you so choose to adhere to this message. This reserved data cannot be traced to its source, so it is advised that you do not waste the time. Good day.


[Message End //]


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Making several small hyperspace jumps, The Sundered Heart reverted back to normal space for several moments, long enough for Draken to send an encrypted comm to Dominque. Once the Comm was sent, Draken input the direction for the final jump. Seconds later the Sundered heart made the final hyperspace jump heading for Vernza Torrah.

E nomini patri, et Fili e spiritu sancti.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Piccolo spoke to Crosa and Delta over his encoded comm.


"Alright, here's the deal. We're going to hit a shipment of droids heading for Coruscant. We'll emerge from space as far away from the planet as we can, and hit the ship as far away as we can. Stealth will be a necessity. I'll disable the ship, and we'll board together. I don't care how many you kill, but the ship needs to be intact. Good luck gentleman. I'll see you there."


With that Piccolo's ship headed for Coruscant.

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We hang in the blackness of space.


There is...










But somewhere in the midst of it all there is a painful pinprick of light from every huge, burning star, englufing dark, burning, eating, driving forward...










Tiana jerked out of it. She was in space. With Raven. Not in hyperspace, not yet.


She commed Raven. "Did you have anywhere you wanted to go, Raven?"


Anywhere but here.


Anywhere but above the jewel of blue.


Anywhere but the dark, draining of space...


...Anywhere but the burning light...


She shuddered. There was nowhere safe for a neutral. There was a tingling urge in the back of her mind to go to one planet, one old and almost familiar feeling--but it wasn't safe to bring someone dark, someone to be a Sith Lord--not without grounding them firmly in the dark first.


A Sith's planet. That would be best.


Just when I thought it was over, I watched Tiana kick Almira in the head, effectively putting her out of her misery. I did not expect that.
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Raven bolted out of her meditation, And quickly responded.


”œWell”¦how about someplace without any known alliance activity, like Hoth, Byss, Mykr, Tatooine, or even Slevaris; though with the Alliance in hiding we don't know were they are, heck we can do anything you want master.”


Pretender to the Galactic Throne

Leader of the Rebel Alliance

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"Hoth," she murmured, but not into her comm. It was almost a confirmation. But a planet made of light, a Jedi's planet... who knew if the Alliance had rebuilt there or not... she remembered...


...Fleeing the war, watching things burn and people be cut down...


Would the Alliance have returned to that planet? That place so far away from the sun, but so full of light...?


And with Raven without a lightsaber, would it be safe to bring her there?


...The light...




Another breath. Tiana reached out and imput coordinates for Hoth without even thinking about it.


"Myrkr we wouldn't want to do... Tatooine is too Hutt-infested for my taste... Hoth, though... the others I've never been to, but Hoth..." Tiana's hands hovered over the controls of her X-wing.


I know Hoth, she thought.


"Are you afraid of the dark?" she asked calmly. "Hoth isn't dark. Hoth is bright. Hoth will blind you, and not in shadows. It's the planet that will eat away at your soul because there is no escape from all that light... you won't be afraid of the dark! You'll be afraid of the light! So, are you afraid?"


Tiana sighed to herself.


"Hmm, soul-baring torment, frigid cold. Possible chance of the Alliance. Sounds like fun. Let's go!"


((Just so you know, there is an Alliance base on Hoth and we'll probably both be killed by NPCs. But hey, let's have fun. Tiana has a personal thing for Hoth. And doesn't know for sure that there's an Alliance base there anyway...))


Just when I thought it was over, I watched Tiana kick Almira in the head, effectively putting her out of her misery. I did not expect that.
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The Slade exited hyperspace at the rendezvous that Piccolo had set. Looking at her sensors Terra could see nothing but empty space.


Always left behind.


Terra activated her advanced scanners and picked up on a large group of ion trails leading off towards Coruscant.


I hope that is where they went. I've always hated Coruscant. Too many Tenloss people there.


Hoping she had followed the right trail, Terra entered triple zero into her navicomputer and the Slade entered hyperspace towards Coruscant.


To the Death...

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"You will be," Tiana muttered to herself, imputting the final coordinates for Hoth. The two jumped to lightspeed--and to a planet made of light.


((We're gonna die. ))


Just when I thought it was over, I watched Tiana kick Almira in the head, effectively putting her out of her misery. I did not expect that.
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Zara and Idejjen make it through space in a link starship towards Roon...


Idejjen holes himself up in the bacta tank until such time as his wounds heal... while lost in his own thoughts he tries to let go of the regrets from his previous loss... he needs to focus on this next objective... and he needs to be able to help Zara at a moments notice...


on to Roon...

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Karnage entered and just as quickly exited hyperspace. A long streak of light appeared and then shorted very rapidly to take the form of the aggressor assault craft that the togruta piloted. He quickly checked his seatbelt for the ride down to the galactice gunshop and began his descent.


My Ship

My sig is my Character sheet

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Terra stretched in her cockpit as she fooled with a deck of cards, trying out new ways to cheat in several different card games.


All of a sudden, a small message popped up on her holonet screen. Terra read over it a few times, smiled, then dropped out of hyperspace in the middle of open space.


She set the Slade with a new hyperspace rout, with several side jumps for disguising her rout, and set her course for Almas, where a new life awaited her.


To the Death...

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