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  1. Duo


    The Gravebreaker cut a path through space on its way back to Coruscant. All the while, bestial growls and roars accompanied by varying levels of agonizing screams filled the air as Duo broke in Pepito and welcomed himself back to the realm of the living.
  2. Duo


    Duo caught the clothes with one hand and the belt with his pistols in the other. He made short work of tossing some of the clothing behind him, deciding that it just wasn't suiting for his ”˜style.' He ended up wearing the black pants with accompanying boots and sleeveless top. His hair was still free flowing, down past his ass. He felt a bit irked that they had neglected to bring him a hair tie of some sorts, at the very least. He looked up, his violet eyes shifting to and fro for a second before he spun on his foot and grabbed the boy that had been brought to him by the shoulder. The kid had been trying to sneak away, though where he had planned to escape too on this planet Duo had no clue. That was okay though, he liked the dumb ones sometimes. They were easier to manipulate in the bedroom. He spoke, his voice coming out as more of a threatening growl then the lighthearted tone he had been using. ”œI don't like it when my property tries to leave me.”
  3. Duo


    Duo twisted his body, his long chestnut tresses seemingly not affected by the blood soaking the rest of him, and popped his neck. He looked to Ronin again with a grin on his face. He had mostly ignored the other two, still, though it was nice to at least have their names. Black and Drunk guy. ”œBlack Sun? I haven't worked for them since I obliterated Black Dawn's Flagship and ended their campaign all at once. I ”˜spose since you are in charge though, I can work for you”¦and you'll have to bring me up to speed on what's been goin' on lately.”
  4. Duo


    Skulls shifted and rolled down from the pile as the blood soaked and naked form of Duo emerged. There was a gleam in his eyes as his brain processed the area around him. His senses weren't as sharp as they had been, they would have to be trained back up to standard but for the moment that was hardly what concerned the short, lean boy. His cobalt eyes centered in on a lone boy, obviously out of place, and soaked in the blood of eight fallen boys that were considerably similar to the one left alive. He shifted his gaze to Ronin, grinning and showing off the fact that he felt there was no shame in public nudity. The other two figures he didn't know, nor did he care about. One looked to be drunk as a skunk; the other was clad in armor and hardly appealing. He stepped forward, his legs wobbling for a moment and causing him to pause. After he was certain he'd be able to walk steadily he made his way to the scarlet painted boy. ”œRonin! You got me a gift and he's so cute, too!”
  5. Duo


    Duo grunted in frustration when his target escaped his grasp. The use of such things as jetpacks had always annoyed him, feeling that it was nothing more then a means of escape from a fight and escape held no glory for him. He was a Warrior; he fought and he won”¦or he would die on the battlefield. There was no in between, there was no grey area. Of course, to the greater portion of the Galaxy they believed otherwise and that was why they were not fit to serve the Blood God. His pointed ears twitched as he looked towards the smoke screen that was obscuring his foe. It was considerably more difficult to pick out the exact location of the Mandalorian when he was in the air as he was, so he would have to find another way to detect the man. Just as he was about to move away from the area the smoke was above, a red blast hit the ground next to him and pulled his attention to the scorch mark. ”œOh, hell”¦son of”¦”
  6. Duo


    Duo's gaze followed the tiny object as it soared high into the air and began falling down towards him. He dropped his pistol and pulled out his axe, preparing to hit a home run and send the object flying away only to realize at the last second it would explode before hitting him. His arms shot up and he turned around so his back plate was exposed. The force of the explosion shoved him into the ground as shrapnel ripped into the armor weave under the thick plates. He could feel the shards tear into his flesh; he cursed under his breath as he knew they would be hard as hell to get out. He heard a trio of reports from a weapon and felt three bullets whiz over his head. He rolled up, gritting his teeth as he felt his body groan in protest and shift to be more resilient in the face of the pain. The armor was suddenly tighter on his body as his muscles bulged and his body grew six inches taller. He pulled his secondary pistol and fired a shot at the man's shin, watching as it forced his leg backwards and tripped him up. Not a second after the bullet was out of his guns chamber did he feel three dink off his armor. The pseudo Mandalorian Iron wasn't as resistant as the real stuff, but it was able to keep the bullets from piercing his flesh. Soon he would have to disregard the armor as not only was it becoming a hindrance, but he had never been fond of those who had to rely on such things. Duo was on his feet with both axes out, charging the man again. He brought the right one around and in a display of strength he smashed the flat section into the right side of Cerulean's head. ((2))
  7. Duo


    Duo watched the two Mandalorians retreat from combat. It was disgraceful how two figures that were so bent on honor and combat would run away from a fight. There wasn't a match up in the Galaxy that could ever be considered ”˜impossible' to over come, but obviously they didn't feel that way. They brought shame onto their heritage. Duo's exposed ears twitched ever so slightly. He cocked his head to the left side and focused on the area he heard the noise from. It was light, barely there and most species wouldn't have even picked it up. A smile crept onto his face as his leg muscles tensed up. His hand dropped to his side, holstering his weapon a second before twisting around. The blast could be heard throughout the entire arena, but it merely caught his ”˜jetback' and ripped the fake structure off of his back to reveal his long braid of hair. It appeared that the final Mandalorian was ready to begin their fight. Duo rolled his shoulders, ignoring the slight pain in his back from the shot. Cerulean was partially prone with a rifle set up and targeting him. In a flash of movement Duo's left hand pistol was out of its holster, firing a single shot from the hip. A spark marked the rifle as it slammed into the top of the barrel, forcing the weapon up and backwards. Moving forward and preparing himself for retaliation, Duo began firing shots at the spots on the Mandalorian armor that were absent of the iron that would stop his bullets.
  8. Duo


    Duo's blood splattered face shifted from the body on the ground that was still oozing blood to the only Mandalorian on the field making any real use of his skills. He could that he had found the one that would prove to be a challenge, but there were still two more that hadn't yet made a move. Foolish Inaction was just another path to death, surely they knew that. Of course, since it appeared that they didn't Duo decided to take it upon himself to teach them such. They would die or they would submit, the latter wasn't exactly what he enjoyed more of the two-but it meant he could go for the Real challenge much sooner then he would be able to otherwise. He twirled his blood coated axes, some of it still wet and some dried, and clipped them to his belt while drawing his pistol. He leveled his weapon and fired in one smooth motion; targeting Mirdala . The slug traversed the distance between the two in little less then a second and slammed into her helmet merely a fraction of an inch above her T-visor; it was obvious that he had targeted that particular area to make it clear that her inaction could have been her death in that moment.
  9. Duo


    Duo smiled as the Mandalorian began to walk towards him. He watched the man, noting how he held his right side due to an injury in his previous fight. He had hoped that the man would put up more of a challenge, what with being a Mandalorian and all but apparently the figure had no intentions of even lifting a weapon to him. The smirk that had been on Duo's face turned into a look of disgust. And he calls himself a Warrior? Disgraceful Mandalorians, all of them. Duo looked into the eyes of the man, suddenly realizing that he wasn't human; merely humanoid. His eyes told of his species and how Duo's ability had stripped him of his sight. A real hunter would have his other senses honed to the point of not needing sight. Many animals didn't even need that sense to track their prey and bring it down. He expected more from the man, but he wasn't one to turn down blood shed. Ripping his helmet from his head and tossing it aside, Duo strode forward with his axes in hand. His voice flowed with all the grace of a senator, all the innocence of a young boy, yet his demeanor told of his true intentions. ”œHis name is Duo Maxwell.”
  10. Duo


    He uses an axe. How appropriate for shedding blood. The scent of blood reached his flared nostrils almost instantly, being one of the sweetest scents to ever grace his nasal cavity. Faust had said there was to be no fatalities, yet these so called precise, highly trained soldiers and bounty hunters couldn't even make it one minute before one of them had been decapitated. Duo chuckled beneath his helmet, watching as another of the competitors lit three more on fire. So much violence, all just to see who's the best? Duo licked his lips, his gloved hands thumbing the hammer on the deagle at his left hip. He didn't move the hammer back as if to fire the weapon; rather he just toyed with it as he watched the action unfolding before his violet jewels. He had no way of knowing if any of these Mandalorian's was relying on the force at all, but if they were he would put a stop to it. A bubble that lacked the force expanded from his body and enveloped all the combatants. They would notice a subtle difference in the way they felt, but if any of them had to rely on the force or could touch it-they would realize they had just been stripped of it. The pseudo Mandalorian drew one of his deagles and leveled it at the figure that had just decapitated another across the battlefield. The sheer strength of the gun could easily dent in Mandalorian armor, but even his weapon wouldn't be able to pierce it. He just wanted to get the man's attention while weakening the effectiveness of his armor. He fired three shots, watching as they slammed into the back of the man's armor and dented it inwards. ”œBlood for the blood God”¦”
  11. Duo


    At the last moment an armor clad figure sporting an assault rifle stepped into the area, just out of the field of vision of the other combatants. Everything about his stance would tell the others that he knew what he was doing. Of course they wouldn't even have a hint of his alternate motives as his violet eyes gazed upon the various figures; a smile plastered on his face. Knowing that people of this type were renown for their armor he had decided to bring his unique axes to keep the armor from truly stopping him. Of course, he also had his specially designed slug throwers with a few new bullets loaded up.
  12. Duo


    Duo looked down at the two Jedi that were moving in on what they most likely considered to be the field of battle. With the two droids they had in tow, he was glad to have gotten there first and moved inside the complex. He was laying flat on his stomach, elevated at least twenty feet above them with about fifteen feet of level ground from his position to theirs. He leveled his weapons and fired a single shot at each droid. His powerful weapons could cut through most droids, but these seemed to be of a higher caliber so he was doubtful about how effective his guns would be against them. Duo ducked back, out of sight as his special ability came into play, leaving a huge bubble that was completely without the force. If he had to go four on one, he figured he could at least try to level the playing field a bit more. He pulled a high quality thermal from his belt, activating it and tossed it over the edge towards their position.
  13. Duo


    A lone star fighter touched down on a landing pad at one of the shielded facilities on the planet. The pilot was wrapped in a cloak which concealed his long braid of hair and weapons. He walked past the worker droids and took a seat at in the empty conference room, propping his boots up and waiting to see if anyone else was ballsy enough to show up.
  14. Duo rose from his seat, tossing down a few credits for the drink he had and then moved for the door. He could feel the eyes of several men on him, most likely they had once worked for the Black Sun or had heard of what he had done to them. He knew for sure that the man that had only just left was one of the higher ranking operatives, though he obviously hadn't noticed Duo. He wasn't sure if he should be glad or offended he hadn't been noticed, but in the end brushed the thoughts aside as he took his leave and made his way off the planet.
  15. A darkly clad figure takes his first steps into the dimly lit interior or the bar, pausing long enough for his eyes to adjust from the blazing sun's light. His figure is toned, yet slim. He had two weapons, lesser used slug throwers, on his hips and his hair stopped just past his lower back-it was completely braided. His eyes scanned the patrons, noting the new bar tender since his last visit as well as several others. He had vanished off the face of the Galaxy after driving one of Black Sun's capital ships into their flag ship thus ending what could have been one of the greatest, or worst, campaigns against force users in recent history. He had never been fond of the force users, as they had a tendency to develop god-complexes and believe everything revolved around them. They weren't fit to lick the scum off of his boots. He took a seat in one of the booths against the wall, leaning back into the corner of it and relaxing in the bar. He needed work since his funds had been slowly dwindling and it was here that he planned to find work.
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