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"As a matter of fact...there is somewhere I wanna go." Rajah said as she wondered whether to believe Slicer or not. "Bespin. If it's not too far outta the way."


She then paced a few times around the ship, wondering what Slicer could have done to turn himself into an instant millionaire. Unable to fend off her curiosity no longer, Rajah moved to Slicer's side. "Okay...what did you do? I have to know. Abduction? Ransome? Mass murder? Assasination? What?" She stepped suddenly back then motioned as if to push the invisible embodiment of her curiosity away. "No. No. No. Don't tell me. I don't want to know. That would make me an accessory to the crime after the fact...or something of the such. I suppose if it's been covered by the holonet...I'll find out sooner or later anyway. So..no...dont' tell me. No."


She glanced around the ship. "So...you're really a millionaire are ya?" She ran her fingers across the wall nearest to her. "You know...if that's true...and you being as irresistable and as kind as you are...perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing a wee bit of the wealth with the sweet and lovely lady who looked after your ship while you were gone?" She smiled sweetly. "Just a thought."

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As Darla headed into space she wondered where she was going to go and what the hell she was going o do when she got there. It really had been way too long since she'd been with her friends, the people she cared about. Yes she did have friends among the Sith, but it was Skye and her family that had welcomed her as one of their own. For the first time since she was a small childshe had truely felt like she belonged somewhere. If Skye no longer lived on Yavin IV, Darla would have a lot of trouble finding her. The Galaxy was a big lonely place and she had already spent more than her fair share of time wondering through its emptiness searching for lost ones.


At the end of the day Skye had her family to think about. Darla had vowed to be there and help her, be her aide, help to protect her children...and she had forsaken all of that for an evil man...an evil, terrible, monster of a man...a scourge upon the galaxy...Who made her...laugh, smile...


What was I thinking?! Run away, save Fynn...Decide Im in love with Kakuto Ryu The Dark Lord Of The Sith?! Just throw yourself into the face of mortal danger for the sake of an evil man who's never gonna appreciate or acknowledge the lengths you've gone to for him! What a great idea!


The thought hit her like a sledge hammer to the sckull and suddenly she didnt feel anything like the brave warrior she always tried to be. For all her heroics, for all the lives she saved, Darla still couldnt seem to save herself. Like a masochist she put out her heart out as a welcome matt to be walked all over. If she'd just spoken up, just kissed him...then what? She'd be queen of the Sith? Bride of the Dark Lord? That wasnt the life she wanted.


Alone in the vast blackness of space Darla began to cry. Tears poured freely. With no-one to see her she felt safe to really let go, to let all of the horrible crap inside her mind out.


By the time she reached Yavin IV the tears would be gone...But she knew that the ache inside her would last much longer.

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Slicer rasied an eyebrow. "You know for a lady who really hasn't done much execpt sit around you do make damands. Ok how about this a cool million and a trip to bespin. All so that you don't forget me. Eh."


Slicer went to the cockpit and brought them out of hyperspace. He then changed it so that the ship had a new course.


"So is this the business you told me about way back at the last call?"

Slicer.jpgMy sig is my profile...


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The smile mostly dropped from Rajah's face as she watched Slicer leave to set a new course. A million? she thought. He isn't serious. Is he? Can't be. Can he?


When he returned, she answered his last question first. "No. This isn't the business I spoke of in the Last Call. But it is long over due business that needs to be dealt with."


She then offered Slicer a half grin. "And what do you mean has hardly done anything? I sacrificed the best hours of my life defending this ship. I mean, how do you know I didn't risk my life fending off a steady stream of ship thieves? Hmm?" She strolled a few steps away. "Of course that never happened. But if it had...I would've fought tooth and nail protecting your baby for you." Rajah said as she patted the wall lovingly. "But I understand...whatever you did to secure your financial future makes my personal sacrifice seem like nothing."


She turned back and leaned against the wall. "And, a million or no million, I'm pretty sure I couldn't forget you if I tried. I kind of consider you a savior. If not for you I most likely would have been dead by now. Or at the very least...sitting in a cell block somewhere."

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"Alas it is the curse of the damned to have a wish to be remembered." Slicer replied in an offbeat way. "However I thank you for your gratitude toward me. Suddenly an alarmed beeped on his ship and they dropped out of hyperspace.


"Looks like we are here. Guess I'll take us down and we can part ways then."

Slicer.jpgMy sig is my profile...


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All with perfect timing, the entire Alliance fleet exited hyperspace a short jump away from Coruscant. The MC90a's formed up around the flagship, a Star Defender named the Defiant. It was an efficient and practiced maneuver, precisely what was to be expected from one of the most powerful military forces in the galaxy.


Just after that, Onderin Starlisk, the Admiral, arrived in his Lambda-class shuttle. He quickly got aboard his flagship and made his way to the bridge, where he took his chair. "Things are going to get messy," he said to his captain. "Stormtroopers are swamping Coruscant. There are reportedly over twenty thousand of them."


He sent a comm to the entire fleet. "This is Admiral Starlisk," he addressed them. "The Empire is attempting to seize Coruscant on the ground. We're going to go in and shut them down in minimal time."



There is nothing good in war. There is good in why we fight them.

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Raziel moved into the cargo hold with Horus. He pulled out his own lightsaber hilt, moving it around in his hand. It had become an extension of himself as a lightsaber of any other Jedi should. He began to move boxes aside to allow the two of them maximum movement.


"In these troubled times form two is quite important, Horus." He paused, motioning for Horus to ignite his new weapon. "A lightsaber is not a mere weapon. It is a tool, only to be used in dire situations when you have exhausted all other ways of ending a conflict." Raziel twisted the eloquent weapon around in his hand, the hum of his saber slicing through the air as if it was warm butter. "Never should you be the first to draw your lightsaber in a fight, no one is beyond hope and the force is your greatest alley in defusing a potentially dangerous satiation."


Raziel struck out towards Horus, not moving as quickly as he could but keeping the padawan on his toes. The two moved around in a circle, each of them holding their saber in a different style, but using the same form...or at least trying to. Raziel wasn't the best with form two, but he could still teach the basics.


"What does it mean to be a Jedi?"


Raziel struck again, allowing his padawan time to answer his question after. He advanced, striking with a series of will aimed and perfectly controlled blows.

"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."

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Deflecting a number of attacks, Horus considered his master's question.

"It is to be a champion of peace, to know the force, and to protect those that couldn't protect themselves." He turned about, swinging the saber in the opposite direction he was spinning, which he followed up with a stab to Raziel's midsection.


Pizza is a reflection of all things good...like kittens; and meatballs.


Refrain from the Time Warp

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The Jolian Tru flew through hyperspace on a journey to Tatooine. Shawn sat in the pilots seat frustrated over his inability to do much of anything at Coruscant other than mow down some storm troopers.


He pulled out some tools as he worked on his astro droid R4-C4. Carbon scaring and rust abound were slowly and precisely removed.


"I bet you're loving this aren't you. I haven't ever cleaned you before have I? I shouldn't have neglected my only companion on half my journeys."


Shawn hoped his newfound appreciation for R4 made up for his neglect. As an engineer he thought of the artificially intelligent robots as tools; but being out in the world he realized otherwise. Armiena among others treated their droids like family, he decided it was high time he did the same for his old assistant.


"Well, there you go. A little polish and you should look good as new."


A round of beeps and whistles assured him that R4 was happy to be rid of the excess weight. Without losing a beat the astro droid popped open many of its hatches and extended its wore out and rusted tools. Shawn laughed and went back to work.


Today he had been defeated and his friend had been captured; not to mention Coruscant was once again in shambles. He thought of his parents, which he hoped would be fine. Through all this at least he was occupying himself with the only friend he had with him. Hopefully in a few hours they would arrive on Tatooine, and hopefully his connections from years past could get him some good deals on parts.

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Slicer rose off the planet and placed in the new coordinates. then the computer made a beep completing his desgins for his suit of armor. He Brought up a list of possible places to send his desgin. Considering money to not really be a problem he found a sutible one and fowarded it as such with specific instructions as well as half he money and asked them to send him the bill and the suit. Then leaning back in his chair he began to read over the sword information his computer had found for him earlier.

Slicer.jpgMy sig is my profile...


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Regrouping to a particular assault vector in an abandoned region of space... the entire Imperial Fleet, the Moaning Hapan (SSD), Phillep, Phillepess, Phillepess II, Foy, Screaming Hapan, Anastasia, Malevolence (Imperial IIs), Charybdis III (Interdictor II), and the Allied Betrayal (MC90a), all blink into hyperspace their intended destination... Coruscant.



--Holo to the Rebel Alliance--

*Raiden's ass appeared on the monitors again, only this time with a smiley face drawn on it.*

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Raziel deflected the attacked aimed at his midsection with practiced ease. He thought over Horus's response for a bit. He was going to move in for another attack and ask Horus to expand upon his ideas, but he never got the chance. His violet blade cut out and the hilt clattered to the floor as a massive wave of sorrow shot through Raziel...he could feel death, pain, betrayal...all of it reverberated throughout the force as if it had happened right next to him.


When he was finally able to regain his composure he grabbed his cold hilt and ran towards the cockpit of his ship. His comm was blinking with a message from the temple. His face went a shade paler, if that was even possible for a Twi'lek. The news received was horrible, the only thing good was that they were just about ready to drop out of hyperspace...


Raziel looked up to Horus, a grave look on his face. His tone was solemn. "The empire is trying to take over Coruscant, Faust...a mad man whom has killed millions has come back from the dead it seems...and...the lives of many have been lost, as well as many have been kidnapped." He paused, to catch his breathe. "We are saving those we can...Horus, you are on the path to becoming a Jedi knight...this will test you on what you have learned thus far. May the force be with you, may the force be with all of us...always..."

"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."

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By the force. The scenes of destruction were horrible. As he watched, the camera was hit by a stray blaster bolt. The initial shock he had felt in the force was taking time to wear off, sending shivers up and down his spine. Unsure of what to do, he went to the back of the cockpit and meditated, hoping to calm himself.


Pizza is a reflection of all things good...like kittens; and meatballs.


Refrain from the Time Warp

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The Myddrin lunged through space, toward the general direction of Coruscant. Inside, Sahv Yorr and Cal Regium were lounging in an antechamber, discussing things of largely little importance.


"... and so then I decided, it's time to get the smoking bantha outa there!"

A small laugh eventually died down, and then Sahv quieted.


"He is on leave at the moment, though I'm not sure where. He was having some... issues before he left, and I just hope they get solved. Indeed, haven't seen Locke in a while."


Sahv noticed the thin sword on the table nearby, and went to examine it.


"So... what's the story with this?" He asked Cal. "In fact, now that I hold it, I sense... the presence of something old and mysterious. I suppose every sword has its history, but this one seems to have a stronger whisper than others I've seen."

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There is an exhuberant air in the Bhelliom as it streaks through the ether of hyperspace. Coruscant was now far behind and hopefully soon in the Empire's hands. They could return later, but Faust had other matters to attend to.


Faust sits at the controls. Not having had time to change properly, he's still wearing "Anna's" dress, though he's overlaid it with his usual white trench coat. The make up has been washed off his face, and the prosethic body layers the surgeons who restored him to health put in to "round out" Anna's figure have been removed as well. His wild, pale blond hair longer than normal has been for the time being, tied back into a pony tail to keep it out of his eyes.


He holds Reagan in his lap, squeezing her tightly in his arms, and gives her a deep passionate kiss. To be able to do it in the open and freely was uplifting. After all that time, running around in disguise, he could once more resume his identity and his affections without raising scrutiny or suspicion.


"We did it my love," he repeats again, chuckling vilely, caressing Reagan's face. "Not only did we destroy our enemies, but we made them fear us, we destroyed their ideals. Our humiliation and our suffering is avenged beyond any previous absolution..." Faust laughs again in his chilling fashion, though not without humanity this time. For Reagan, he could muster it. His eyes sparkle. "I think I shall like to see Jarrett soon. Not that I'd have even dreamed of giving our boy over to the Jedi, you realize," he adds that gloating, sound still in his voice, "but the offer was apparently one they couldn't refuse. As for Lycus," he adds, giving a toothy grin. "Given the leisure, I shall have that talk with him I promised. His meddling was most... annoying..."


Faust smirks, his eyes closed, listening to the music playing in his craft. At Reagan's request, straight up opera was no longer on the menu, but a synthesis in a kind of fast paced rock opera more to her taste, or so he hoped. "You played your part wonderfully dear," Faust continues, his voice more serious, softer. Once more his blue eyes open, showing the softness that he put forth as Anastasia. "I believe we can start your training soon enough. You have force potential in you, and a great will to use it." Faust's right hand lays itself on Reagan's stomach. "You will need to be careful though dear. It would appear we've been blessed yet again... and already there is a strong potential in this one. Anger will do you credit, and our "guest" will aid you in drawing it out.


"But be careful," he states, his voice full of stern caution. "The dark side is powerful, but it is intoxicating. Losing control to it nearly cost me my life, my body, and my chances of seeing you again. You will need to gain mastery of yourself first." Faust's eyes blink shut again. The pain he endured to keep his shattered body intact was almost beyond human limits. Hooked up to that vile machine, waiting for new organs to be grown, enduring each drawn in breath... The struggle to just preserve was herculian. Still, it gave him the chance to try his hand at a new means of vengence, to restore the damage done to him in the shield collapse, and the extra parts left over from rebuilding his body made a lovely effigy at the memorial. Indeed it was a death and rebirth in the most classic sense. He was a changed man. If he had not been so confident and sure of his abilities in the Dark, his loss would never have come to pass. Wiser now, but no less dangerous, he vowed in his heart to make his hunting grounds, the galaxy, trembled with his passing.


A smile draws on his face again, watching their prisoner. Bound tightly and kept in a special stun field compartment in the small craft that was used for bounties, was the still sedated Jedi leader. She would not wake up until well after their destination was reached. Then she would wish she was never born. Deprived of the force due to the size of the craft and still helpless, Faust's smile widens, turning to Reagan. "Consider her a gift my love. After we reach our destination in the Imperial territories, she is all yours."

In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

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The 'Canus One' hung in high orbit safe from the growing battle on the surface. As the shuttles approached the 'Canus One' the captain of vessel hailed them.


"Mr. Lycus the ship is ready, all employees accounted for...except Ka-Rith." the captain said in a matter a fact tone. "Shes' in Philleps hands now...I'll petition to get her back as soon as possible. For know we will head to Corellia, have my suite warmed up."


"Yes sir..."


The shuttles and docked to release thier passangers. The shuttles then headed back to Coruscant to ferry several soldiers to guard the Centaur building in case anyone got any ideas. The two E-Wing fighters had pilots that were also formal imperial aces. They would escort Lycus, the galaxy was once again a dangerous one. If the republic fell, there would be an enormous vaccum of power. One that would lead to civil war without end.


As Lycus entered his personal suite on the Canus One, the name Vladimir danced in his mind. He had been very advesarial with him. Lycus new Vlad was not a man that forgot things easily. This made him uneasy. Still Lycus had done well, he had facilitated the imperial attack force, and also lent resources the the Imperial Undergorund. He now stood to be a powerful force in the new order...if there was one.


"Ms. Tagore...assemble all the data you have on the current conflict, I want regular updates." Lycus said as he dismissed her.


The Canus One did a barrel roll and left orbit. The large vessel then vanished into hyperspace with a large flash.


"A New Age of Corporate controlled prosperity is upon us...say goodbye to chaos and dischord."

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After binding the Jedi Master, Reagan joined Faust and smiled as he pulled her into his lap... she returned his kiss with a fierce passion of her own... It had been so long since she could kiss him like this... her body ached for his touch, and she was on fire... the likelihood that people were watching all those months kept them at bay even in their own homes... Even at this moment, security was going through the estate and both penthouses to remove any listening and viewing devices that they had agreed would not be touched to allow those to watch them...


Until this moment, Reagan was the only living person besides Jarrett's guardians that knew his whereabouts... and she reached into her dress and pulled out a data chip... loving placing her hand into Faust's... "Your son, my love... " Faust took the chip knowing that it was the coordinates for the planet Reagan had hidden Jarrett and the Lianahan's on... "I know you would never truly hand Jarrett to the Jedi... "


She listened to the music Faust was playing and smiled... his selection had change slightly, and she liked it... she thought back to her first time on this ship and the arguments they had over his opera... she had realized at that moment that she felt something for Faust... never did she imagine then how deeply she would love him...


Pulling herself out of the memory, she looked into Faust's eyes... the once soft emerald green now replaced with the cold Jade sparkled as she gazed on his beautiful face... wrapping her arms around him she kissed him deeply... "I love you Faust... Lets go and see our son... I miss him... "


She pulled back from Faust at his mention of her having force potential and was about to say something to him when he rested his hand lovingly on her stomach... she heard his words, and her breath caught in her throat a moment... the moment seemed like an eternity and she knew he was correct... it made sense now... the pains, the illness, the dizziness... she reached up and lightly touched his face... "Vladimir, ... I am so blessed already to have you back, and Jarrett, to be able to give you another child... is a completion to our family."


She listened to him speak of the force and heeded his words... "I want you to teach me... train me to use this force." She didn't know how she had this force... but she trusted Faust explicitly... she knew that Faust would explain everything to her when the time was right... she followed his gaze to the Jedi Master that was bound and tied in the back compartment, and instantly her rage built at remembering what she had done to their family... Faust must have felt the change in her, and he turned to her smiling... "Consider her a gift my love. After we reach our destination in the Imperial territories, she is all yours."


His words brought a smile to her own face...

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The Templar was still amid hyperspace as Fynn planned out his moves. The jedi hopefully still had control of the temple. If he was right the alliance counterattack was just about to begin. It wouldn't take long for the Alliance ground forces to strike back. If the jedi could get control of the ground situation...


The blinking warning on the headsup display indicated Coruscant was coming up...and fast.


Instead of the usual commerical chatter, military unit communication was a blaze. Both sides were preparing themselves for a major confrontation. A clash that was going to reignite a war that had been cold for a decade.

"Some things... are worse then death, being forgotten for example..."

Member Since '05 - The Old Ones | Character Sheet

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"So... what's the story with this?" He asked Cal. "In fact, now that I hold it, I sense... the presence of something old and mysterious. I suppose every sword has its history, but this one seems to have a stronger whisper than others I've seen."


Cal got up from his chair and made his way over to the table to look down on the dark blade he had found in his ship.


"As I said before, I found it in a secret comparment back in the cargo hold of this ship. It has some strange writings up on the blade, and I think it is the source of my dreams, seeing as they started when I found the sword. The dreams have told me something about the sword though. In them I often see a woman using this sword to cut down innocent people, women and children, and then I hear a voice but I can't make out what the voice is saying. The combination of all of this has caused my distress."


Just thinking about his visions sent Cal back into a state anxiety, and he was forced to sit down in the chair next to the table. Sweat began to drip down his face and his shoulders tensed. He tried to breath deeply and relax his nerves. Gradually his heart slowed and he fell back into more of a relaxed posture.


"This is why I have called you Sahv. Ever since I found this sword I have been very nervous. It is very comforting to know that you are here and are going to help me find some answers to my problem."

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As the Nights Fury surfed through hyperspace on it's first leg of it's journey, Alora stood, moving back to check on her passenger. Armiena was still unconscious but should soon wake. Alora would be prepared. Her ship was nothing but luxury and she would put the amenities into play.


She slipped into her bed chambers, stepping into her own bathing room and showered quickly, slipping on a robe when she had cleansed herself of the grime from the crumbled memorial and the lower section of Coruscant. She was still furious at the Imperials for there interferance. She swallowed her anger, letting it drift from her. She would need to be calm for her passenger.


Alora headed back into the guests bathing room, gathering up a few items before kneeling on the rug beside Armiena. Fragrant candles were lit around the room. She looked at the woman's face, tracing the faint scars with a delicate finger. The Sith Master smiled, and lifted up a washcloth, dipping it into some fragrant water and began to wash the dirt and grime from the woman in front of her. Very subtly she began to release pheromones. Just a hint of them that would seem only like a whiff of perfume.


Darth Alraune

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Imperial Storm Troopers were marching in unison aboard the vessels, coming to a full stop, aboard the Moaning Hapan when the Imperial shuttle craft housing the Admiral himself approached... surrounded by the two dozen super-troopers. If the Sith were ready to launch a strike team, these men would escort them... the majority were on par with a Padawan and skilled in the art of hunting Jedi. They were by far the best.


Already Dark Troopers of all forms were being mobilized into Imperial Troop Transports, while their fighter escorts were all being prepared. Here they would rendezvous with the Sith assault teams...


Meanwhile, the Fleet prepared itself for war... and all final tactics were discussed and clarified. The Admiral himself, took his position aboard the Bridge and planned the assault vectors for the Jedi Temple's Dropships...



--Holo to the Rebel Alliance--

*Raiden's ass appeared on the monitors again, only this time with a smiley face drawn on it.*

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Scorp maxed out his new engines since insurance had really done a good job on returing him his ship. Flying through hyperspace he quickly came up to coursant. Swiveling in his chair before he broke into orbit he began to talk to his padawan.


"Prepare your self for battle Achzet this will not be easy. Center yourself while you have the chance."


Then the ship emerged from hyperspace. IN moments he was bring his ship down.



Well, you could always just post something like "OMG GREAT FIC WOW!"
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Under the gentle care of her... host, Armiena whimpered slightly in despite her unconsciousness. The Jedi Knight stirred slightly, and her lips formed barely audible words.


"Dine... it's a trap." She shuddered as images of battle swept across her mind: diving for futile cover against a literal flood of blaster fire, her lightsabers slashing with impunity through rock, stormtrooper armor, and crimson rain, her friend Avararda Dinn being incinerated by the onslaught of fire... Again, she shuddered and the changes in her Force-presence indicated that she was slowly finding her way back to consciousness.


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"I see..." Sahv replied to Cal's statement.


Yorr let the young man rest. He was obviously distressed.


"It is common for young force users to have visions... dreams... even nightmares. I know a place where we can go to solve the mystery of this weapon. There is a library where the Force is so strong that it is manifested in ghosts of old Jedi from ages past. When the time is right, we will go."


Sahv examined a computer board. "Ah. We are nearly to Wayland..."

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"Ghosts uh?" Cal asked not expecting a reply, "Well, seeing as we have almost arrived I better head to the cockpit."


Cal sat down in the pilot's seat and prepared to take contol of the ship. The cockpit was small, large enough only for one man. Cal enjoyed having things to do, busy hands meant that his mind didn't have time to wander off and worry about things of the future.


The Myddrin hurtled through space getting closer and closer to their destination.

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